Hello and
welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling
review series on the internet that is more irrelevant than James Ellsworth! Big
show for TNA, it’s TNA Turning Point 2005. Abyss vs Sabu in a barbed wire
match, Rhyno vs Jarrett for the championship, AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe for The X
Division Championship, AMW vs Team 3D in a tables match. There is no other word
for this show than fun, I am looking forward to this card. Let’s see what TNA
has in its locker!
Opening Promo
Running down
the card in a grand fashion, a lot of focus for Rhino vs Jarrett. How Rhino
ruined his career in WWE, it’s Rhino’s Turning Point. Rhino has an opportunity
to learn from his mistakes and capture the gold. Emotional stuff that hits you
where it counts, barbed-wire rope match is also advertised as is the likes of
Styles vs Joe, Raven trying to get to Larry Zbyzsko.
(Barb Wire Massacre Match) Abyss W/ James Mitchell vs Sabu
From every
type of hardcore match you have ever seen, Abyss and Sabu continue to raise the
bar in order to entertain the fans. Abyss was petrified of barbed wire, here he
is in a match surrounded by barbed wire. I am guessing Abyss got over it, Sabu
tries entering the ring. Abyss stomps Sabu, Sabu makes it in the ring after
Sabu appears with a baseball bat. Abyss attacks the back of Sabu, both men try
to shove the other towards the barbed wire. Sabu clocks Abyss with the chair,
two shots to the head. Sabu tries for a leg lariat, Abyss catches Sabu for a
powerbomb but Sabu punches Abyss and pins Abyss in a senton position. Abyss
kicks out by shoving Sabu into the barbed wire, that did not take long.
They have a
stand-off, Abyss floors Sabu with a right hand. Abyss snake eyes Sabu on the
barbed wire, that looks nasty. Sabu low blows Abyss and Sabu pulls out a fork?
Sabu stabs the shit out of Abyss, Abyss’ arms are all scarred up in this match.
Sabu motions for a leg lariat using the chair, Sabu gets caught in the barbed
wire as Abyss dodges. Abyss punches Sabu onto the barbed wire, Abyss tries a
clothesline and is dropped onto the wire as Sabu trips the monster. Chair shot
to the back and a two for Sabu, Abyss clubs Sabu down. Chokeslam on the chair
by Abyss, cover and Sabu kicks out at two! Abyss has a barbed wire chair, it is
placed on Sabu’s chest. Abyss tries for a senton but Sabu directs the chair
onto Abyss’ balls.
Chair to the
face, Abyss is smacked three times on the head with the chair. Tope con hilo
using the chair by Sabu, Sabu has a barbed wire board. Abyss attacks and
suplexes Sabu onto the barbed wire, Abyss looks for a powerbomb on the barbed
wire board. Sabu fights out of the hold, Abyss looks for a Chokeslam, Sabu
bites the hand but on the third attempt, Abyss flapjacks Sabu onto the barbed
wire board. Abyss has another barbed wire board, Abyss puts the board in the
corner. Abyss tries to splash Sabu, Abyss hits the table with his face. Sabu
sandwiches Abyss between the two boards, leg drop on the board and Sabu wins
the match.
That was
pure garbage wrestling at its finest. No rhyme or reason, just violence, so
much violence that FMW would be proud of this type of match. Hard to hate a
match that the crowd were eating up, difficult match to knock. It was a
spectacle, it kept you entertained and intrigued, it delivered everything that
it promised so fair play Sabu & Abyss.
Sabu over Abyss via Leg Drop on Barbed Wire Board!
4-Live Kru Promo
Konnan has
accepted Kip James into the group, they will be facing Team Canada tonight, if
only you could see how happy I am to see that match again…..FUCK
Alex Shelley & Roderick Strong vs Austin Aries & Matt
Bentley W/ Traci
Strong &
Aries continue to promote ROH in TNA. Bentley is over with the crowd, this
always makes me laugh as the guy is going to disappear soon from TNA. I have no
recollection of Bentley as TNA began to gain momentum, he is the first Ultimate
X match winner though. Aries and Shelley begin the match, hammerlock by
Shelley. Side headlock by Aries, shoulder block and a side headlock takedown.
Middle rope elbow and headlock takedown by Aries, Shelley eats a dropkick to
the face. Shelley bites Aries’ hand to escape a potential brainbuster,
neckbreaker by Shelley. Tag to Strong, armdrags and pendulum elbow drop by
Aries. Tag to Bentley, double suplex and fist drop to Strong.
by Strong, Shelley is legal. Big stomps by Shelley, Strong stomps on Bentley.
Choke using the ropes by Strong, Strong eats a big enzuigiri from Bentley, two
for Bentley. Tag to Aries, twisting slingshot splash by Aries for two. Shelley
attacks Aries from the apron, big backbreaker by Strong. Tag to Shelley,
springboard moonsault for two. Double team manoeuvre by Shelley & Strong,
front chancery from Strong. Shelley wipes out Bentley to prevent the tag, Aries
is on the top rope in Shelley’s corner. Shelley & Strong combine for a
missile dropkick into a backbreaker for two. Double team backfires, Aries
elbows his way out to tag Bentley. Clotheslines for Strong & Shelley,
complete shot for Shelley. Elbow drop by Bentley, Bentley measures for a
distracts Bentley, enzuigiri by Shelley. Bentley eats a gutbuster from Strong,
diving senton from Shelley but Aries breaks up the pin. Strong knocks Shelley
off the apron and onto the camera, Aries elbows Shelley which leads to Bentley
Superkicking Shelley for the win.
A lot of fun
in this match, everyone was over. Everyone had something to show off, it was
entertaining. Never a dull moment, crowd was eating it up. Aries looked like
the biggest star of the lot, I am surprised TNA were not able to make something
out of Aries before his second run in the company. That being said, everyone
shone in this match, I loved this match.
Matt Bentley & Austin Aries over Roderick Strong & Alex Shelley via
Monty Brown/Jeff Jarrett Promo
Monty Brown
warns Christian that The Alpha Male is going to run through Captain Charisma.
Jarrett tries to suck up to Brown, Brown tells Jarrett to shut his mouth. It
does not happen, Jarrett storms off.
Raven vs Kanyon
Raven was
screwed out of the championship by Zbyszko, Raven wants revenge. Zbyszko wants
to get rid of Raven by any means necessary, Zbyszko is bringing people from
Raven’s past in attempt to retire Raven. Last month is was Justin Credible,
this time it is Chris Kanyon. Kanyon charges the ring and neckbreakers Raven,
knees to the head by Kanyon. Leg drop on the apron by Kanyon, Kanyon misses a
guard rail splash. Russian legsweep by Raven against the guard rail, Raven
pushes Kanyon into the guard rail. Kanyon regains control with a shoulder block
and a hotshot from the apron.
Top rope leg
facebuster by Kanyon for two, Kanyon climbs high for a moonsault. Raven avoids
the moonsault, Raven clamps on the ankle lock. Kanyon wriggles free and pulls
down Raven by the hair. Left jabs and discuss clothesline by Raven, knee lift
that sends Kanyon to the floor. They are at the top of the stage, Raven
hiptosses Kanyon down the ramp. Raven has a chair, Kanyon avoids the drop
toehold. Kanyon looks for the leg drop facebuster, Raven counters for a
powerbomb on the chair. Even Flow DDT by Raven and Raven survives another
challenge. Raven slaps Zbyzsko, Zbyzsko fights back though.
It was
solid, I like the idea of Zbyszko bringing back a ghost from Raven’s past to
take his problem out, this good be something which ends up as a lot of fun if
they build to climax. Poor Kanyon, barely used by WWE. So much potential and he
would ultimately take his life which would be a very sad end to such a talented
individual’s life. May he rest in peace.
Raven over Chris Kanyon via Even Flow DDT!
4-Live Kru vs Team Canada W/ Scott D’Amore
Kip James
and Roode start, lock-up and armwringer into a side headlock from Kip James.
Shoulder block from Kip James, hiptoss by Kip James. Suplex by Kip James for
two, Williams comes in for a military press slam. Tag to Konnan, shoe to the
body of Williams, right hand by BG James. Leg drop to the nuts by Killings, tag
to Young. Right hands by Killings, leg lariat by Killings. Tag to BG James,
double boot and dancing punches. Right jabs by BG James, Young dodges the last
punch but BG James nails a big boot and his knee drop. Young reverses an Irish
whip, A-1 clotheslines BG James. BG James is kicked to the floor, Team Canada
put the boots to BG James.
A-1 suplexes
BG for two, tag to Roode. Roode places BG James in the tree of woe, Williams is
in and stamps on BG James’ nuts. BG double clotheslines Williams & Roode,
tag to Kip James. Right hands for every Team Canada member, jackhammer on
Young. Match breaks down, Scott D’Amore has a chair. FameAsser by Kip James,
Konnan cracks Kip James with the chair, Roode pins Kip James after the chair
shot. Konnan lays out BG James too, Konnan hugs Killings, not laying out The
solid match with a storyline twist, the angle between Kip James and The 3-Live
Kru was not exactly setting the world on fire but to add this twist and have
The New Age Outlaws back together, it is probably a great move on TNA’s part. I
mean, let’s face it: Everyone wanted to see The Outlaws back together, they
could sell shirts and make money under a different name. Killings always
deserved better and Konnan is fun on the mic but boring in the ring.
Team Canada over 4-Live Kru via Chair to The Head!
Simo Diamond/David Young/Elix Skipper vs Sonjay Dutt/Chris
Sabin/Dale Torborg
about this match is irrelevant as Bobby The Brain Heenan is on commentary,
Heenan looks well but does not sound great. However, who cares? It is Bobby
Heenan, Sabin starts with Skipper. Top wristlock by Skipper, Sabin armdrags
Skipper down in a sloppy manner. Side headlock by Skipper, hammerlock by Sabin.
Skipper botches a snapmare and lands right on his head (The man continues his
streak of fucking up on pay per view). Huge sidekick by Skipper, Sabin
dropkicks Skipper to the floor. Young tags in, Sabin dropkicks Young before
tagging Dutt. Dutt leg lariats and springboard leg drops Young for two, Tag to
Torberg. Torberg knocks down everyone on the opposing team.
military presses Dutt onto the heels, the heels try leaving and the other sports
star backs them into the ring with his baseball bat. Diamon attacks Dutt who
was running the ropes, facebuster by Young. Tag to Diamond, right hands by
Diamond for two. Tag to Skipper, stiff kick to the spine of Dutt for two. Dutt
tries for a double rotation headscissors, Skipper drops Dutt right on his head
(Skipper is a genius). Tag to Young, Spinebuster by Young, Sabin makes the
save. Slingshot headscissors by Dutt, tag to Torberg. Torberg runs wild, back
drop to Diamond.
Chokeslam by
Torberg, Skipper & Young save their leader. Match breaks down, Asai DDT by
Dutt to Skipper. Young is in the tree of woe, corner dropkick by Sabin. Double
dive by Sabin & Dutt, Diamond low blows Torberg behind the referee’s back,
Diamond knocks down Torberg with a shinpad. AJ pulls out the referee, Heenan
distracts the referee which leads to a cookie tray shot to Diamond, followed by
a Cradle Shock and Phoenix Splash for the win.
Skipper is
the most unsafe worker in wrestling history, I am 99% sure about this now. The man
nearly killed himself and his opponent, there cannot be much worse than this
man. Torberg was fine, not much of a heat segment but it’s the X-Division, it
is not meant to be a whole lot of selling. Great seeing Heenan mobile and
moving, another man who has suffered a torrid time, I hope he is not in pain at
the current time.
Team Sabin over Team Diamond via Phoenix Splash!
Christian Cage Promo
pretends to be The Rock, it does not go well. It comes off as cheap imitation,
Christian was not the fiery babyface type. Christian tells Monty Brown he is going to be
served? This is 2005, not 1990!
Christian Cage vs Monty Brown
An unofficial
number one contender’s match, Christian wants Jarrett or Rhino. Brown was not
happy with another ex-WWE star coming in to steal his spotlight. Christian
pumps up this crowd, they lock-up with Brown shoving down Christian. A little
shoving back and forth, Christian slaps Brown. Knee by Brown, Christian is
tossed to the corner. Brown clubs down Christian, Christian ducks two elbows.
Chops by Christian, Brown looks for The Pounce but Christian powders. Christian
slides in the ring while Brown slides out, Christian mocks Brown. Christian
sends Brown into the guard rail, Brown gets caught off a double axe handle.
Christian escapes the military press, Brown is sent to the floor. Christian
nails a diving body press to the floor.
In the ring, Brown stunguns Christian. Brown
military presses Christian to the floor, Brown clubs Christian on the floor.
Brown motions to thrown Christian into the crowd before throwing Christian into
the ring. Brown stomps Christian in the ring for two, Christian fires up before
a flapjack from Brown. Reverse chinlock from Brown, forearms to the face.
Christian kicks out at two, right hands by Brown. Back elbow by Brown,
Christian blocks the exploder suplex but doesn’t block the belly to belly
suplex, two for Brown. Rights and lefts by Christian, Brown hard Irish whips
Christian, big knee in the corner by Brown.
rips off the turnbuckle padding, hard Irish whip by Brown into the opposite
corner. Brown pulls Christian against the ringpost, Christian sends Brown into
the ringpost after a failed lawn dart from The Alpha Male. Rights and lefts by
Christian, flying forearm by Christian. Discuss elbow and mounted punches by
Christian, tornado DDT by Christian for two. Christian tries a roll-up for two,
Christian is on the top rope. Brown looks for a belly to belly suplex,
Christian bites the head of Brown. Beautiful Frog Splash for two, Brown pushes
off Christian onto the referee. Brown delivers a huge Alpha Bomb for two, Brown
is irate at the referee. Brown and Christian avoid hitting the exposed
turnbuckle until Christian sends Brown into the exposed pad, Unprettier by
Christian and Christian wins this match.
I liked this
match a lot, Christian brought his A game to his pay per view debut. Not only
did Christian make himself look good, he did all he could to make The Alpha
Male look unstoppable. The action was good, Christian sold his ass off for
Brown, Brown looks good when he is in there with a veteran, it was the best
match they could get out of Brown.
Christian Cage over Monty Brown via Unprettier!
(Elimination Tornado Tag Table Match) AMW W/ Gail Kim vs Team
AMW had laid
out Team 3D, Team 3D had never been beaten so badly in all of their illustrious
career. Team 3D vowed revenge and what better way to get revenge than beating
AMW in the match that Team 3D made famous. Storm was coming into his own on the
microphone as this sarcastic smartass heel, this was the type of feud I was
crying out for when AMW were running out of opponents. Team 3D jump AMW on the
ramp to begin, Brother Ray has a table. Brother Devon is with Harris at
ringside, Storm and Brother Ray battle on the ramp. Brother Devon chokes Harris
in the ring, Storm sends Brother Ray into the guard rail. Delayed suplex by
Harris, double clothesline by Brother Devon. Harris and Brother Ray battle on
the floor, Brother Ray whips Harris into the guard rail. Diving Heabutt to the
nuts by Brother Devon.
Team 3D have
a table, they motion for a 3D. Harris takes out Brother Ray, Brother Devon
flapjacks Storm onto the canvas as Harris moves the table. A table is propped
in the corner, AMW try to whip Brother Devon through the table. Brother Ray saves
his partner by spearing him to the ground, Harris lays Brother Devon on the
table. Brother Ray crotches Harris on the top rope,
Brother Ray
suplexes Harris but Storm moves the table. Storm boots Brother Ray, Harris
clotheslines Brother Devon on the floor. Brother Ray elevates Storm onto Harris
and Brother Devon by ringside with a back drop. Open hand slaps by Brother Ray
to Storm, Storm is on the table. Brother Ray climbs to the top rope, Storm
crotches Brother Ray and delivers a hurricanrana but Brother Devon moves the
table. Superkick by Storm on Brother Devon, AMW try for a 3D. Brother Devon
DDTs Storm to survive, Team 3D look for The Death Sentence. Brother Devon leg
drops Storm through the table. Harris and Brother Devon fight up the ramp,
Brother Ray comes to help Brother Devon. Harris gets caught with a 3D through
the table and this match is over.
It was fine,
the ending was super anti-climatic. I have no idea why they did not finish the
match with The Death Sentence, it would have been clever and poetic justice.
However, they kept going for one more minute only to get The 3D in? Pointless
but this was your fun hardcore match, lots of brawling with the crowd being
involved, right team went over as now we can lead to an actual title match.
Team 3D over AMW via 3D!
(TNA X-Division Championship Match) AJ Styles © vs Samoa Joe
TNA did
something silly to put heat on Samoa Joe, TNA had Joe attack Daniels which was
a foolish move in the grand scheme of things as Daniels was a fellow heel
alongside Joe but the fans liked Joe and despised Daniels. Anyways, Styles was
disgusted with Joe’s actions, standing up for his enemy Daniels. Joe is
unbeaten and over like rover while Styles has always been over with those in attendance
being TNA’s golden boy. These two were part of the only five-star match in TNA
history, you know this is going to be a good match. Styles comes out of the
block fired up, a whole new intensity from Styles. Rights and lefts followed by
a suplex, snapmare and a stiff kick to the spine. Knee to the face by Styles,
Styles stomps on Joe’s head.
lowers his head off an Irish whip, boot by Joe but Styles retaliates with a picture-perfect
dropkick. Forearms by Styles, stare-down before Joe slaps Styles hard. Huge
kicks from Joe, Styles is knocked to the apron, seeing stars. Styles is on the
floor, Joe headbutts Styles. Styles hotshots Joe, Joe avoids a plancha and
swings Styles into the guard rail. Styles is sent into the guard rail hard, Joe
measures Styles. Flying boot from Joe, Joe slaps Styles down for a huge knee
Chop by Joe,
huge running senton from Joe for two. Reverse chinlock from Joe, Styles escapes
but Joe whips Styles into the corner. Running high knee by Joe, face wash by
Joe but Styles blocks the foot. Joe slaps some sense into Styles, running boot
from Joe. Joe continues kicking and toying with Styles, Styles looks like he
has no idea who he is anymore. Joe puts Styles on the apron, Styles battles
back before a boot from Joe, Styles is on his knees. Enzuigiri by Styles,
springboard hurricanrana by Styles is blocked for a powerbomb into a Boston
crab. Styles reaches the ropes before Joe drags back for a high angle Boston
crab, Styles kicks his way out of the hold. Styles elevates Joe to the floor in
desperation, Fosbury Flop from Styles.
Forearm to the back of the head by Styles for two, Styles flips out of the
german suplex for a springboard reverse DDT for two. Styles runs off the ropes
into a powerslam from Joe, Joe keeps kicking Styles with Styles asking for more
from Joe. Joe happily obliges, Styles hits two nice kicks. Joe is dazed, Styles
motions for The Styles Clash, Styles powerbombs Joe for a close two. Huge
lariat from Joe for one, Styles is firing up after another tigerbomb. Coquina
Clutch from Joe, Styles wriggles free for a Pele Kick. Styles has Joe on the
top rope for a Muscle Buster, Joe escapes. Styles avoids a middle rope Muscle
Buster. Styles Clash for two, O Connor roll by Styles which Joe counters for a
Coquina Clutch, Styles passes out. After the match, Daniels saves Styles from a
potential injury at the hands of the new champion.
wrestling match, where do I begin? How about Joe’s character and wrestling
style, Joe comes in and carries himself like an absolute badass. Joe is stiff,
Styles is happy to take everything that Joes fires out and it is beautiful as
Styles looks off into the distant, no idea where he is and blood dripping from
his mouth. Joe is unstoppable, with each second that the match goes on, Styles
loses the will to continue as Joe batters the life out of the champion. Styles
was selling his ass off for show, tremendous from the champion and the fire is
there, Styles is a very underrated babyface. Styles killed it in this match,
Joe killed it in this match, both men stole the show.
Samoa Joe over AJ Styles via Coquina Clutch!
(NWA/TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match) Jeff Jarrett ©
vs Rhino
This might
ruin my night, Rhino cuts the promo of his life, talking about his marriage,
his divorce, his children and his career. Jarrett and main events do not work
for me, he is embarrassing. Never a main eventer in my eyes, mid-carder at
best. However, when you own the company, you can do what you want, Jarrett won
the championship thanks to AMW & Gail Kim. This is the rubber match between
the two, if you follow these reviews, you will know that despite Rhino being
put over strong on certain occasions, Rhino has been the odd man out in the
main events. Twice overshadowed in the main event, first by Team 3D and next by
Jarrett goes
for the test of strength, armwringer by Jarrett. Side headlock and shoulder
block by Rhino, clothesline for two. Dropkick by Jarrett for two, hiptoss and
short-arm scissors by Jarrett. Rhino powers up Jarrett for a stungun and a
military press slam, front suplex and a big boot by Rhino. Jarrett hits the
guard rail hard, crossbody by Rhino. They are in the crowd, Rhino hits a board
hard. Rhino reverses Jarrett into the board, Rhino poses as the sound quality
goes to poop. Jarrett is bleeding as Rhino hammers the champion with right
Rhino has a
chair, Jarrett is whacked in the arm. Rhino and Jarrett climb scaffolding which
leads to Rhino falling through a table below. Suplex on the ramp by Rhino,
Rhino has pulled out a table from the backstage area. Rhino sets up the table
on the entrance way, Rhino Gores Jarrett through the table. For whatever
reason, the referee starts enforcing rules to the match, Team Canada assault Rhino
and bring Jarrett to the ring. Rhino makes it into the ring, right hands by
Rhino. Flying clotheslines, right hands to Team Canada. Spear in the corner,
Williams and Young are sent to the floor. Spinebuster by Rhino for two,
Williams crotches Rhino on the top rope. Superplex by Jarrett for two, TKO by Rhino
for two.
Rhino Gores the referee by mistake, Rhino
blocks The Stroke. Belly to belly suplex, Bobby Roode is here. Here is A-1,
Gore to A-1. Roode hits Rhino with his Lariat, two for Jarrett. Guitar shot to
the head and Rhino kicks out of the guitar shot. Here comes Jackie Gayda,
Jackie slaps Jarrett. Gore by Rhino, Jarrett kicks out of The Gore. D-Amore
attacks Rhino, Stroke from the second rope onto the chairs, Jarrett wins the
match. And at the end of the night, here comes Sting or does he? All we see is
a pair of boots, a coat and a baseball bat.
What a load
of shite, Jarrett and his main events frustrate so bloody much. Ok, I was
curious to see how Rhino would last in a fifteen-minute match as wrestling for
such a long period is not his strongest suite. So, they throw out the rulebook
and allow them to use a tonne of weapons and crowd brawling, that was smart,
they knew Rhino and Jarrett without the toys would be shite. Then, they try to
enforce the rules, there is a count-out spot when they have been fighting on
the floor for about eight minutes and the constant interference leads to no
disqualifications yet Jarrett has to hide the chair and guitar shots despite
the referee seeing Team Canada jump
Rhino? Bullshit right there.
poor Jarrett does not understand the concept of a false-finish and killing a
match. You had Williams & Young, you had the guitar shot, you A-1 &
Roode, you had Jackie Gayda and then you had more Team Canada and a Stroke onto
chairs, that is way too much! How is anyone supposed to buy into Jarrett
winning with a Stroke when Rhino survived belts, finishers and guitar shots
beforehand. Bullshit like that does not help build drama, it is overkill plain
and simple.
Jeff Jarrett over Rhino via Stroke!
That was TNA’s Turning Point of 2005, a good
example of why I should do TNA more often on this review site. It was mostly
wonderful, so many good matches, a bit of everything with the hardcore match,
the x-division match, the story-telling of Styles vs Joe and big matches like
Christian vs Monty Brown. Time flew by with this pay per view and the only
criticism I have were small apart from the main event which I will say this
about: Less Jarrett, thank you very much. Thanks for reading and remember:
There’s always another night!
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