Hello and welcome to another edition
of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the
internet that is more over than Drew McIntyre! So, it’s TNA Victory Road 2007!
Kurt Angle is delusional and a TNA World Heavyweight Champion & IWGP
Heavyweight Champion. Samoa Joe teams with Kurt Angle against The Dudley Boys
for all the gold, what an odd concept but I did state my concerns about where Team
3D would go next after an awful match with Rick Steiner and Animal. We have an
Ultimate X match which is always a fun way to kick us off, let’s get it on!
(Ultimate X
Number One Contender’s Match) Christopher Daniels vs Black Machismo Jay Lethal
vs Puma vs Homicide vs Sonday Dutt vs Petey Williams vs Shark Boy vs Eliz
Skipper vs Kaz vs Senshi
Welcome back to nothingness Daniels
and wait a minute, Lethal won the championship at Slammiversary what is this
bullshit? Daniels jumps Lethal, right hands and a back drop, this is a gauntlet
match and it is a battle royal too. This is ridiculous, Lethal batters Daniels
with elbows before Daniels regains control. Number 3 is Puma, I remember they
talked about Puma one time about how talented he was, I think that was a year
ago. Puma comes and dropkicks Lethal, Lethal blocks the suplex but Puma nails a
roundhouse kick. Lethal almost tosses out Puma but Puma hangs on for a spinning
heel kick. Number four is Homicide, back-drop and dropkick for Lethal.
Gringo Cutter for Lethal, Puma and
Homicide batter Lethal. Things are coming quick and fast, Dutt and Petey enter
the match. Petey teases the Canadian destroyer three times before spiking Puma
with it. That is all we ever wanted, Puma is tossed out by Petey but Homicide
throws out Petey. In comes Shark Boy, missile dropkick and facebusters/neck-breakers
for everyone. Shark Boy bites Daniels’ ass. We have a few elimination attempts before
here comes Eliz Skipper who has not appeared in forever. Skipper botches
immediately, that’s my boy but Skipper back-drops Shark Boy to the floor.
Skipper eliminates Dutt too, I am shocked to be honest.
Here comes Kaz, no more serotonin.
Dropkicks for everyone, legsweep for Daniels. Springboard leg drop, Kaz awaits
the final entrant. It is Senshi, now you can try to climb to win. Senshi is
after Kaz who is climbing the structure, Senshi kicks Kaz over and over. Senshi
applies a dragon sleeper on the structure, Senshi is climbing towards the X.
Skipper is in pursuit, Homicide drags down Senshi. Lethal drags down Skipper,
Kappu Kick from Senshi to Homicide. Daniels is attempting to win, Kaz grabs the
leg of Daniels. Down comes Daniels, Kaz is climbing the structure. 4 men climb
towards the X, Skipper and Homicide are the only two on the ground. Skipper and
Homicide bring down the 4 men.
Everyone takes turns nailing their
spots, kicks left right and centre before Daniels is standing tall after an STO
on Lethal. Daniels is on his way to the X, Lethal is right behind Daniels.
Knees to the back, Lethal falls to the mat. Daniels is left dangling by his
feet, Kaz nails a jumping cutter which is pure beauty. Senshi misses a cartwheel
kick on Homicide, everyone goes to the buckle. Tower of Doom spot, obligatory in
this type of match at this stage. Kaz and Skipper are on top of the structure,
Skipper and Kaz look at one another and trade blows. Both men are dangling beside
the X, both men fall anti-climatically to the floor. Daniels and Lethal are on
their feet, Lethal Combination on Daniels.
Skipper nails Sudden Death on Lethal,
Kaz nails Skipper with The Wave of The Future. Flux Capacitor on Homicide from
Kaz, Kaz coming off as a huge star in this match. Daniels tosses Kaz into the
structure, Lethal throws Daniels off the buckle. Lethal edges towards the X, Daniels
is on his way. Skipper and Senshi take out Lethal with a springboard enzuigiri,
Daniels has all the time in the world to unhook the X. Triple X are back!
Yeah, so I shut my mind off for this
match and really enjoyed it! Lots of big spots and ridiculous bumps, Kaz looked
like a big star in this match. Three big spots for Kaz, hopefully Kaz will be
chasing the championship going forward. Daniels winning feels like a step back
for obvious reasons, the man was primed for a feud with Sting and was utterly
decimated in 6 minutes so Daniels back down here with an old faction reuniting,
does nothing for me to be honest. A fun match to open the show, fans are all
warmed up!
Winner: Christopher
Daniels via Retrieval of The X!
Damaja &
Basham W/ Lance Hoyt & Christy Hemme vs VKM W/ Roxxi
And now the life will be sucked out of
the building, this feud will not die. I almost admire their stubbornness to
keep going with this trash. Lance Hoyt was a VKM boy but turned on VKM to align
with Christy. Hemme is continuing to use Basham & Damaja despite their previous
losses to VKM. Roxxi The Voodoo Queen is here. Their answer to Christy Hemme,
Damaja and BG to start the match. Side headlock by BG, Damaja counters with a
boot to the face. Right hands and forearms by Damaja, BG ducks a right hand.
Jabs by BG and running splash to the back, shot to Basham. Boot for Damaja and
BG clocks Hoyt with a right hand.
Kip and Basham tag into the match, Basham
smashes Kip in the lower back before Kip sends Basham into the buckle. Reverse
off an Irish whip, inverted atomic drop by Basham but Kip answers with a
dropkick. Basham misses a dropkick, hip-toss by Kip. Side headlock by Kip, Hoyt
grabs Kip’s leg off an Irish whip. Kip goes after Hoyt, Hemme slaps Kip. Roxxi
is in the ring, the referee holds back Roxxi. Basham throws BG to the floor, BG
is now the legal man somehow as Hoyt sends BG into the guard-rail. Basham knee
drops BG and a tag to Damaja. Damaja chokes the life out of BG with a boot in
the corner, back to the corner. Tag to Basham, massive knee drop to the back of
the head.
Basham misses a diving headbutt, drop toehold
into the buckle for Basham. Damaja misses a boot and Kip gets the hot-tag.
Right hands, elbow to the face. Basham is sent to the floor, jack-hammer on
Damaja for two. Splash in the corner, Basham catches Kip with a leg lariat. Two
for Damaja, BG and Basham are trading blows on the floor. Hoyt is in the ring,
Hoyt boots the chair into the face of Kip. Damaja crawls for the cover and Kip
kicks out at two, Hoyt is on the apron. BG clocks Damaja with the chair, Kip
rolls into the cover for the win.
Not really sure how Roxxi counteracted
Hemme, Hemme was not in the match at all. Hoyt was interfering constantly, made
no sense but I suppose Roxxi has a job and a spot on TV. Good for her, we have
Roxxi slamming Hemme after the match. Well at least they used her eventually but
yeah, I never liked this feud and to stretch it out for almost 5 months now, I
respect their commitment to this angle but please let it die.
Winners: VKM over
Damaja & Basham via Chair Shot!
James Storm W/
Jackie Moore vs Rhino
Storm likes beer, Rhino is a
recovering alcoholic. Storm spat beer all over Rhino which pissed off Rhino to
no end, Rhino wants to murder Storm. The dumbest babyface on the planet goes
after Storm on the floor as Jackie Moore is sent to the back. Storm meets the
guard-rail and the ramp as Rhino hip-tosses The Cowboy. Lots of crowd brawling,
Rhino has a chair. The bell finally rings, Storm looks very lost. Whip to the
buckle from Storm but Rhino explodes out with a clothesline. Rhino elbows Storm
away from him and climbs the buckle, Storm shoves Rhino to the floor with Rhino
taking an ugly bump on the ground. Storm is in control now, Storm mocks the
fans for cheering Rhino. Knee to the spine from The Cowboy, reverse chin-lock
from Storm.
Rhino breaks free but Storm side-steps
The War Machine, Storm tees off on Rhino at ringside. In the ring, Storm gets
two. Another reverse chin-lock from Storm, flying clothesline from Rhino.
Corner shoulder block from Rhino, Storm cuts off Rhino with a boot and a neck-breaker
for two. Storm has a beer bottle, Storm listens to the referee. Slaps from
Storm, whip to the buckle. Rhino elevates Storm to the apron, enzuigiri from
Storm. Rhino crotches Storm on the top rope, superplex from Rhino. Short-arm
clothesline takes out the referee by mistake, Storm sees it is time to take
Storm measures for a superkick, Rhino
counters for a belly to belly suplex. Storm picks up the beer bottle, Rhino wants
the gore. Storm clocks Rhino in the face with the beer bottle, the bottle
shatters on impact. Storm covers and the referee recovers to count the
pin-fall. Rhino is a bloody mess as Storm is declared as the winner. Storm has
some sort of rope, Rhino does a great job selling disorientation. Jackie Moore
comes down with a keg of beer and forces Rhino to drink the beer.
While the match was nothing special,
Storm continues to be the biggest dickhead walking the planet. I have fallen
head over heels for James Storm and this angle has a lot of potential, this is
a very real problem for so many people and Storm is handling all this with the
grace of the biggest SOB walking the planet. I think the angle goes a little
too long, Storm cracks Rhino with the chair again but once Rhino is back on his
feet, this could be some great shit. Storm is growing leaps and bounds, awesome
Winner: James
Storm over Rhino via Beer Bottle!
Jerry Lynn &
Bob Backlund vs The Motorcity Machine Guns W/ Kevin Nash
Shelley and Sabin started teaming
around Lockdown before officially uniting under the tutelage of one Kevin Nash.
Backlund was feuding with Austin Starr, it was dropped abruptly but somehow we
got to Backlund beating Shelley and the duo beating up Backlund until Lynn came
to the aid of Backlund. The match starts with a lot of stalling, arm-drag from
Backlund eventually. Full-nelson from Sabin, Backlund manages to break free and
apply the hold to Sabin. Sabin tries to roll out but Backlund re-applies the
full-nelson. Sabin runs to the ropes, Sabin tags in Shelley. Backlund tags in
Lynn, some wrestling now.
Chop by Shelley, Lynn reverses an
Irish whip. Shelley flips out of the corner but misses a drop toehold. Lynn
counters with arm-drags into an arm-bar. Eye poke by Shelley, tag to Sabin.
Sabin walks into an arm-bar, Sabin escapes to tag in Shelley. Arm-drags and
dropkicks by Lynn, Shelley runs over to Sabin. Another tag to Sabin, Sabin has
Lynn as Shelley slaps Lynn. Shelley enzuigiris Sabin by mistake, flying elbow
on Shelley. DDT on Sabin, Shelley manages to gain control on Lynn. Chops from
Shelley, Lynn is tossed to the floor. Nash distracts the referee, Sabin cheap
shots Lynn. Lynn manages to leg drop Shelley, slingshot sunset flip for two.
Sabin breaks up the pin, abdominal
stretch from Sabin. Lynn escapes, tag to Backlund. The referee misses the tag because
of a belt, Shelley and Sabin nail big boots and Lynn is crotched in the tree of
woe. Hesitation dropkicks, Backlund cleans house anyways. Snap-mares and elbows
to Shelley & Sabin, Shelley eats an atomic drop. Nash is in the ring,
Backlund suplexes Sabin onto Lynn’s leg. Nash boots Lynn behind the referee’s
back, Shelley & Sabin nail superkicks and an enzuigiri for the win.
Weak finish for sure, match was passable.
Like The VKM feud, I commend their commitment to the angle but I really want no
more Backlund on my screen. Things that should be left behind as the company goes
forward, a load of shite for almost nine minutes.
MotorCity Machine Guns over Bob Backlund & Jerry Lynn via Enzuigiri!
Robert Roode
& Ms. Brooks vs Eric Young & Gail Kim
This feud ended perfectly with Young
winning his freedom but here we are, having another match between the two. I
must be an idiot because we obviously need this match to continue the feud.
Young and Roode to start, Roode shouts at Young saying hit me you chicken.
Young spears Roode, right hands from Young. Roode whips Young to the buckle,
Flair flip and a shoulder block from Young. Sliding through the ropes, Young
nails a belly to belly suplex. Gail and Brooks are throwing down, Young kisses
Brooks. Gail dropkicks Brooks into Roode, synchronised roll-ups for two. Roode
nails a tope suicida, Gail nails a plancha and we will reset with the women in
the ring.
Brooks knees Gail, Roode is in the
ring. Roode tries scaring Gail, Gail elbows Roode. Tag to Young, back-drop from
Young for two. Young is whipped to the ropes, Brooks trips Young. Young is sent
crotch first into the ring-post, Roode stomps away at Young. Back suplex from
Roode for two, tag to Brooks who kicks Young and tags in Roode. Reverse chin-lock
from Roode, Young escapes before running into a uranage slam for two. Tag to
Brooks, stomps from Brooks. Back rake and slaps from Brooks, Young grabs Brooks
but Roode makes the save.
Roode is back in, scoop slam. Middle
rope knee drop time, it connects. Two for Roode, tag to Brooks. Brooks nails
Young with a splash, Brooks tries another splash but Young knocks her down.
Gail clotheslines Brooks down, hurricanrana for Roode. Sidewalk slam for two,
Roode grabs Gail. Slap from Gail, enzuigiri on Brooks. Gail tries a driving
hurricanrana but Roode applies a boston crab, Young saves Roode with a DDT.
Brooks knees Young to the floor, Gail is on the top rope. Brooks looks for a
superplex, Gail fights off Brooks. Brooks is shoved off, missile dropkick on
Brooks. Roode is in the ring, drop toehold onto Brooks. Roode elbows Brooks by
mistake, jaw-breaker by Gail on Roode. Double dropkick as Roode spills to the
floor, Gail pins Brooks after to win the match.
Yeah it was fine, Young is very
popular with the fans and they react well to Gail inside of the ring. Brooks
and Roode have great chemistry, I do think Roode needs a new feud to show a
serious side as while the feud has helped Young tremendously I do not know if I
can say the same for Roode. Also, did they not say men cannot attack women in
The VKM match but Young clobbering Brooks or Roode hitting Gail is no problem?
Double standards all over the place!
Winners: Eric
Young & Gail Kim over Robert Roode & Ms. Brooks via Elbow Drop!
Christian Cage vs
Chris Harris
Harris speared Christian off the
ladder in The King Of The Mountain match, costing Christian the championship. Based
off that you would think Christian is the babyface but no, Harris is the man
trying to break into the main event scene while Christian is a sore loser. They
lock-up, side headlock from Harris. Christian looks to break free, top wrist-lock.
Harris counters for a hammerlock, Harris counters for his own back into the
headlock. Shoulder block for two, make it another block for two. Christian
spits on Harris, Harris slaps Christian back. Chops from Harris, whip to the
buckle. Delayed vertical suplex from Harris, two for The Wildcat. Christian
exits the ring off an Irish whip, Harris does not let Christian breathe.
On the ramp, Harris back-drops
Christian. In the ring, Harris wants a powerslam but Christian lands on the
apron. Harris is sent crotch first into the ring-post, Christian is on the
middle rope. Flying reverse elbow for two, abdominal stretch from The Instant Classic.
Harris breaks free but a knee from Christian sends Harris to his knees,
Christian tosses Harris to the floor. Christian wants to use a chair on Harris,
referee saves Harris. Harris sends Christian into the steel steps, Christian
recovers as Harris misses a leaping clothesline in the ring. Slaps from
Christian, Harris gets pissed off and bulldogs Christian into the mat.
Right hands from Harris, whip to the buckle is
reversed. Christian misses a splash, leaping lariat from Harris. Christian
sends Harris to the apron, Harris is on the top rope. Christian is shoved away,
diving crossbody from Harris for two. Christian lures in Harris, roll-up with
the ropes for two. Eye poke by Christian, Harris blocks the swinging reverse
DDT. Harris wants a superplex, Christian counters for a sit-out suplex from the
middle rope. Harris escapes the unprettier, Christian escapes the catatonic.
Harris catches Christian for an Unprettier, 1…2… Christian kicks out!
Christian rolls to the apron, dazed
and confused. Harris runs into a massive knee. Christian runs into a spear for
two, Catatonic is blocked again. Harris tries another spear, Christian leapfrogs
Harris who runs into the ring-post. Unprettier for two, Christian is mad at the
referee. Exposed turnbuckle is the plan for Captain Charisma, Harris catapults
Christian into the buckle. Full-nelson slam for two, Christian rolls to the
floor. Grabbing a chair, Christian clocks Harris for a close two. Dustin Rhodes
is here, roll-up from Harris for two. Christian calls for back-up, Dustin nails
Harris from behind as Christian small packages Harris for the win.
Great TNA, you missed the bloody
finish. Handcuff shot to the back of the head helped Christian win, we needed a
replay to see that moment. In the make it or break it match, Harris has been
screwed. We now have Dustin Rhodes back in TNA, a scary time for sure as Black Reign
must be on the way. Yeah, Christian did some things here to make Harris look
good, the kicking out of The Unprettier and Frog Splash for sure. We will se
where things go from here but I am not overly impressed at this time.
Winner: Christian
Cage over Chris Harris via Small Package!
Sting & Abyss
vs AJ Styles & Tomko
Abyss was destroyed by The Christian
Coalition, Abyss came back and defeated Tomko at Slammiversary. Sting also had
problems with Styles & Tomko so Sting and Abyss finally are a team after
months of Sting reaching out to Abyss. Styles ducks Abyss’ attacks and
continues to kick the monster, Styles out-smarts Abyss once more with another
swift kick to the head. Styles lands forearms and a crossbody but Abyss
no-sells it all. Eventually, a sidewalk slam from Abyss. Styles is tossed over
to Tomko, Tomko squares up to Abyss. The two trade blows before Sting tags in
off Abyss.
Tomko laughs it up before Sting stuns
the big man with two quick shots. Sting tees off, whip reversed by Tomko. Tomko
misses a corner splash, Styles misses too. Sting nails Stinger Splashes, tag to
Abyss. Corner clothesline for Tomko, running hip attack to Styles. Tomko blocks
the chokeslam, boot by Abyss. Styles makes the save and cheap shots Sting,
Abyss eats right hands from Styles. Hurricanrana does not work for Styles,
Tomko boots the shit out of Abyss. Abyss and Tomko are on the floor, Tomko pummels
Abyss in the ring before tagging in Styles. Styles kicks Abyss and mocks Sting
before Tomko comes into the ring. Double knockdown, Styles knocks down Sting to
prevent the tag.
Abyss back-drops Styles, Abyss tags
Sting. Sting clobbers Styles & Tomko, DDT to Styles. Bulldog for Tomko,
right hands for Styles. Sting clotheslines Tomko to the floor, Sting nails ten
punches in the corner on Styles. Styles breaks free, Abyss is on the middle
rope, Styles dropkicks Abyss to the floor who falls onto Tomko. Sting eats an
elbow from Styles, Styles wants a springboard. Sting shoves Styles onto
everyone on the floor, Sting climbs to the top rope and dives onto everyone.
Sting wants the sharpshooter but Styles shoves off Sting, Tomko nails Sting
with a right hand. Enzuigiri by Styles, two for Styles. Fallaway slam from Tomko
for two, cheap shot to Abyss.
Tag to Styles, reverse chin-lock from Styles.
Sting fights back from the submission but Styles suckers in Sting for his
dropkick. Two for Styles, running powerslam from Tomko for two. Tomko tags in
Styles, Styles rakes the eyes to prevent a Sting comeback. Styles has Sting on
the top rope, Sting holds on to stop the super hurricanrana. Diving clothesline
from Sting, Abyss gets the hot-tag. Clotheslines, double chokeslam is blocked
but Abyss nails flapjacks and scoop slams. Chokeslam on Tomko connects, two for
Abyss. Styles lands a Pele Kick on Abyss, Tomko gets two.
Tomko brings Sting to the floor, Abyss
clubs Styles with a right hand. Shock Treatment from Abyss, Abyss wants a chokeslam.
Tomko nails a two-handed throat toss on Abyss for two. Sting kicks out Tomko’s
leg, Scorpion Death-Lock. Styles distracts the referee so Tomko taps but it is
not seen by the official. Springboard flying forearm on Sting by Styles, Sting
back-drops Styles to the floor after the forearm. Tomko misses a clothesline on
Sting and runs into The Black Hole Slam for the win.
Breezed by, fun tag team match for
sure. Styles as a cocky chicken-shit heel is underrated, Styles is so full of
himself with every movement, you get sucked in and want to see The Phenomenal
One punched squarely in the face. Tomko and Abyss have some good chemistry
together, Abyss gets up there for Tomko’s moves and vice-versa. A little odd to
have this tag match leading into the main event which is also a tag match but
whatever, it was good as has most of this pay per view so far.
Winners: Sting
& Abyss over Tomko & AJ Styles via Black Hole Slam!
(TNA World Heavyweight
Championship/X-Division Championship Match/TNA Tag Team Championship Match)
Kurt Angle © & Samoa Joe © vs Team 3D ©
Despite watching the video package, I
have no idea why Cornette put this match together, I have no idea how Samoa Joe
won the championship either. All I know is who ever wins this match, will win
the corresponding championship. I said before that TNA had run out of plans for
Team 3D when it seemed they only had The God Damn Steiners as competition for
the champions so this is a curveball for sure. I still feel Joe and Angle have
been mistreated over the last few months and any loss to Joe at this stage
could be very damaging considering they are going towards Samoa Joe vs Kurt
Devon and Joe start, lock-up.
Arm-wringer from Joe, Devon counters with his own. Joe transitions into a side
headlock, hammerlock. Devon counters and nails a forearm, Joe fires back with
his own. They trade blows, kicks from Joe. Devon blocks and tees off on Joe,
whip to the buckle. Elbow and enzuigiri from Joe, tag to Angle. Kick to the
ribs, uppercut from Angle. Right hands from Devon, Angle fights back before an
eye rake takes down Angle. Tag to Ray, arm-drags from Angle. Ray backs Angle
into the corner, Angle eats a boot to the head before Ray is caught for a
German suplex. Front chancery and in comes Joe, jabs from Joe.
Eye rake from Ray, tag to Devon.
Inverted atomic drop and massive single leg dropkick followed by a senton for
two. Joe tags in Angle, Angle brings the pain to Devon. Snap suplex for two,
tag to Joe. Snap-mare into chop/kick/knee drop combination for two, Joe tags in
Angle. Back suplex from Angle for two, tag to Joe. Double elbow and hip-toss as
Ray is taken out aswell from Joe & Angle. Joe pummels Devon with jabs, tag
to Angle who runs into a spinebuster. Devon is shoved off Angle by Ray, Ray wants to
be a champion. Ray tags in off Devon, kind of hard to cheer anyone but Joe in
this match.
Joe kicks Ray before falling into a
uranage slam, Devon stops Ray winning the match. Ray shoves down Devon, slaps
from Ray. Ray decides to walk out on Devon, Joe rocks Devon. Ray comes back and
low blows Joe, Devon takes down Angle. Angle is thrown to the floor as Team 3D
has fooled everyone, elbow drop from Devon for two. Devon drags Joe to his
corner, middle rope choke from Devon. Ray helps as the referee deals with
Angle, Devon chokes Joe some more. Stun-gun from Ray off the apron, tag to Ray.
Reverse chin-lock from Ray, Devon tags in and tees off on Joe. Joe fights back
before an eye poke takes The Samoan Submission Machine down.
Whip to the buckle from Devon, boot
block from Joe. Elbow from Joe, flying knee from Joe. Joe has a chance to tag,
Ray knocks down Angle. Ray clocks Joe, Devon kicks Joe in the ribs. Reverse
chin-lock from Devon, Joe escapes but Team 3D maintain control until Ray tags
in, Ray and Devon are clobbered by Joe. Angle gets the tag, clotheslines and
right hands. Back drop for Devon, back-drop for Ray. Belly to belly suplexes
for Team 3D, straps are down. Devon stops The Angle Slam, Wassup Headbutt does
not connect as Joe crotches Devon. Angle clotheslines Ray, super belly to belly
suplex for Devon.
Joe powerslams Ray for two, Angle
German suplexes Devon for two. Joe DVDs Ray for two, referee is counting every
pin despite only Angle and Ray being legal. Angle slams Devon, moonsault for
two as Ray makes the save. Team 3D call for tables but Angle & Joe apply
Ankle Locks, will they tap? Ray shoves off Angle, Angle clotheslines Joe by
mistake. 3D by Team 3D, Devon covers but Rick Steiner saves the match. Steiner
and Devon brawl, Scott Steiner clocks Ray with a lead pipe. Joe covers Ray,
Angle saves the match. Angle attacks Joe, Angle Slam but Joe chop blocks Angle.
Joe steals the pin to win the match for his team.
So, Angle is such an egomaniac that he
wants the two world heavyweight championships and the tag team titles? Angle
broke up Joe’s pin because he wanted both belts, not that Angle would actually
lose his world championship unless pinned by one of the members of Team 3D. Not
too sure what Angle really had to gain from this match unless secretly, Angle
wants to defend the tag titles against two men or has a secret partner but
whatever, another twist in The Joe vs Angle feud. It was ok, Team 3D were heels
before the last pay per view. They were heels insulting Steiner and Angle is a
heel too so that makes for one awkward tag team match when Joe is not in that
ring. As a main event, I thought it would be right at home on Impact. I do not
think anybody bought the idea that one of Team 3D could be the next world
champion so I do not see the logic of building to a match where that could be a
reason to coax people into buying the pay per view. It was ok, nothing more and
nothing less.
Winners: Samoa Joe
& Kurt Angle over Team 3D via Angle Slam!
That was TNA’s Victory Road 2007, a
middle of the road pay per view from TNA in my estimations. Let’s break this
down: Ultimate X was fun, I could just watch people fly around and do crazy
spots for all the fans. The battle royal concept was BS but I mean, it’s TNA so
what do you expect? Daniels wins and reunites Triple X, I wish I could care but
those men are going nowhere fast especially after what Sting did to Daniels but
this was a fun match for sure. VKM vs Damaja & Basham which I have seen and
didn’t care then and I do not care now. Admire their commitment to the angle
but please let it die, same with Shelley vs Backlund. I do not need to see it I
am over it and I was over it months ago. Storm vs Rhino was a great angle,
Storm is the biggest douchebag in wrestling and pouring beer on a recovering
alcoholic is quite the close to home angle but Storm played it masterfully.
The mixed tag team match was fine, the
feud needs to end as do many of the feuds I have talked about previously above.
It was solid but both men need something new to sink their teeth into, Cage vs
Harris was alright. Cage did things to make Harris look good but there is not
that fire or connection there with The Wildcat. It is not clicking and I am not
filled with great hope as Harris will be feuding with Dustin Rhodes going forward.
Sting and Abyss vs Tomko & Styles like the main event tag match was solid,
it had some good things but nothing amazing or to write home about. Both could
have easily been on Impact so my final thoughts are you are not missing
anything skipping this show. Angles were advanced but nothing significant, a
disappointment from the highs of the Slammiversary show. Thanks for reading and
remember: There’s always another night!