Hello and welcome to another edition
of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the
internet that wanted Jay White in The Bullet Club! What a shocker we have for
you tonight as I review WWE’s Royal Rumble 2007, the first of the big four for
2007. The card includes Batista defending his world heavyweight championship
against Mr. Kennedy fresh off a feud with Undertaker, we also have John Cena
defending his WWE championship against Umaga and even the ECW Championship will
be defended as Bobby Lashley battles Test. You cannot forget the royal rumble
match with the winner going to Wrestlemania to challenge for his respective
brand’s pay per view. Royal Rumbles rarely disappoint but could 2007 be
different? Let’s find out!
Opening Promo
A subdued package if I am honest, they hype the rumble and
the main event matches but it just does not have that grandioso feel to it for
The Hardy Boyz vs MNM W/ Melina
Look at this, another match between these teams. We have seen
them touch at Survivor Series, December to Dismember, Armageddon and now the
Royal Rumble. Talk about getting the most out of a match, happy to see The
Hardys together and I am glad that Mercury was used to the best of his
abilities but something new would be nice.
Nitro and Matt begin the match, tag to Mercury as Nitro
jumped Matt. Munted punches by Mercury, Matt is meant to have a dislocated jaw
per storyline assault from MNM. Tag to Nitro, shots to the jaw. Matt fights
back, forearms to the face of Nitro. Nitro smacks the gut of Matt, tag to
Mercury. Mercury misses a right hand, clubbing blows by Matt. Tag to Jeff,
slingshot dropkick for two. Mercury backs Jeff to the corner, tag to Nitro.
Right hands by Nitro, inverted atomic drop and leg drop to the groin by Jeff
for two. Fist drop/splash combination by The Hardys, neckbreaker by Matt for
two. Nitro gains control, tag to Mercury.
Tag to Nitro, uppercuts and a middle rope choke. Boot from
the apron by Mercury, Nitro covers for two. Cravate lock by Nitro, knees to the
jaw by Nitro. Tag to Mercury, big slaps by Mercury. Reverse chinlock by
Mercury, Matt fights back before a hairpull from Mercury. Mercury misses a
middle rope splash, tag to Jeff. Jeff nails forearms and a sit-out suplex on
Nitro for two, whisper in the wind from Jeff. Mercury saves Nitro, Matt pummels
Mercury with a back suplex. Double suplex on Nitro, Omega splash by The Hardys
but Jeff is smacked in the ribs with knees by Nitro, Matt connects with the leg
drop but Jeff is the legal man. Tag to Mercury, stomp to the ribs. Two for
Mercury, Mercury brings Jeff to the corner. Right hands before a tag to Nitro,
running knee by Nitro.
Leg drop by Mercury for two, waistlock from Mercury. Jeff
tries a cradle for two, Mercury pounds away on Jeff. Double gutbuster by MNM,
Matt saves Jeff. Kicks by Nitro, rear naked choke by Nitro. Jeff escapes but
Nitro grabs a front chancery, Jeff back drops Nitro off but Mercury distracts
the referee and the referee misses the tag. MNM double team Jeff, face rake
using the ropes. Jeff nails Nitro with a reverse mule kick, tag to Matt. Back
drop to Nitro, elbow to Mercury. Corner clothesline and bulldog combination for
two on Nitro, middle rope elbow to the back of the head of Nitro for two. Jeff
stops Nitro from nailing snapshot, Poetry in Motion on Mercury. Nitro dodges
poetry in motion, roll-up on Matt for two. Side Effect on Nitro, Twist of Fate
on Nitro. Mercury tackles Matt to the floor but Jeff tags in and nails a
Swanton Bomb for the win.
Good opening match from these two, they have been facing off
for months so I am glad to see the rivalry finally come to an end although it
was rather one-sided with The Hardys beating the crap out of MNM on every
occasion. However, I did enjoy the series and it was the best match out of all
that they had, good start to the show.
The Hardy Boyz over MNM via Swanton Bomb!
(ECW World Championship Match) Bobby Lashley © vs Test
Oh why does the lord wish pain on my soul? After the awful
ECW pay per view, we have Test challenging Bobby Lashley. Lashley was the
champion after defeating Big Show in that chamber match that we shall not speak
of again, Lashley has his first challenger in Test.
Lock-up, Test has Lashley in the corner. Slap by Test,
takedown from Lashley. Test reaches for the ropes and we have the escape, Test
sends Lashley into the ropes. Test chokes Lashley using the middle rope, elbows
and foot choke from Test. Lashley catches Test for an exploder suplex, stalling
vertical suplex by Lashley. Test rolls to the floor, Lashley is caught open on
the apron. Test sends Lashley into the ringpost, armlock from Test. Lashley
escapes before Test goes back to the arm, Lashley back drops Test. Corner spear
by Lashley, Lashley botches a military press but covers well showing his arm is
hurt. Big Boot by Test for two, Test screams and harasses the referee. Lashley
escapes a tko attempt, clothesline by Lashley. Test rolls to the floor, says fuck
it and gets counted out.
What kind of logic is that? The heel challenger decides he
does not want the championship and loses by countout? What kind of bizarre
booking is that? What the hell were they trying to accomplish? Why would Test
ever have an opportunity at the championship again? Why did Lashley lay out
Test at the end? How does this help Lashley? This was pointless, a waste of ten
minutes but when you think of how they used ECW, it almost seems fitting. DUD!
Bobby Lashley over Test via Count-Out!
(WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match) Batista © vs Mr.
Batista became champion after finally beating King Booker
after a series of average matches, Kennedy had a victory over Batista via DQ.
Kennedy was a rising star on Smackdown, coming off a feud with The Undertaker
and the wheels were in motion for Taker vs Batista at Mania but this should
still be a good match considering the two personalities inside of the ring.
Lock-up, Batista throws down Kennedy multiple times. Batista
has Kennedy in the corner, Kennedy smacks around Batista after a clean break.
Elbows by Kennedy, boot by Batista. Suplex for two, Batista rams Kennedy into
the barricade. Kennedy comes back by sending Batista foot first into the steel
steps, Batista is hobbling. Shoulder thrusts by Batista in the corner, Kennedy
dropkicks the knee of Batista. Lots of leg work from Kennedy, Indian deathlock
from Kennedy. Kennedy uses the ropes for leverage, the referee catches Kennedy.
Knee trembler from Kennedy for two, Boston crab by Kennedy.
Batista kicks off Kennedy, small package for two. Running powerslam is blocked
by Kennedy, chop block by the challenger. Batista nails a desperate
spinebuster, right hands by Batista. Kennedy nails the knee, a kick to the face
wakes up Batista. Clotheslines, corner clothesline and a slam. Rolling firemen’s
carry, Batista calls for the end. Kennedy pushes Batista into the referee, low
blow and neckbreaker but there is no referee. Short DDT by Kennedy for two,
boot from the corner by Kennedy. Kennedy dives into a clothesline, Batista Bomb
on one leg and that’s all she wrote.
Solid championship match, Kennedy worked the leg throughout
the whole match and Batista sold the match very well. Another good match in the
books for Kennedy, you could see why the company was so high on the character
and the persona. Kennedy had a charisma, the fans wanted the championship reign
but based on this performance, they would not have to wait long before Kennedy’s
day. Well, until fate interfered and screwed all that up but this may be
Kennedy’s finest moment inside of a WWE ring.
Batista over Kennedy via Batista Bomb!
(WWE Championship Match) John Cena © vs Umaga (Last Man
Standing Match)
John Cena had beaten Umaga at New Year’s Revolution, it was a
shock to me as I expected that Umaga would become wreckless and get
disqualified which would lead to this match. I was wrong as Umaga was rolled-up
by Cena, Umaga is back for revenge and Cena is not 100%. Cena’s ribs are taped
up, Cena is walking gingerly while Umaga cannot wait for the bell to ring. We
saw very good selling in the last championship match, can Cena match Batista’s
Cena pummels Umaga before Umaga goes to the ribs, Cena is on
the defence now. Cena is hurled into the steel steps, headbutt by Umaga. More
rib punches, shoulder thrusts by Umaga. Clothesline by Umaga, Umaga brings
steel steps into the ring. Cena hotshots Umaga, Cena picks up the steel steps
and hurls them at Umaga’s head. The referee begins counting, Umaga is up at
six. Cena is on the attack, Umaga is in the ring. Spinning heel kick by Umaga,
bearhug by Umaga. Belly to belly suplex by Umaga, Umaga has steel steps in the
ring once more. Umaga has the steps in the corner, Cena is placed against the
steel steps. Umaga motions for the running hip attack, Cena dodges the attack.
Umaga is clocked with the steel steps, Cena tries a crossbody but Umaga
counters for a massive side slam.
Umaga hip drops Cena, Cena blocks the third drop with his
knees, throwback onto the steel steps. Spinning side slam onto the steel steps,
Five Knuckle Shuffle by Cena. Cena tries an FU but Umaga is too heavy, Cena’s
back cannot carry the weight and Cena cracks himself off the steel steps. Cena
is bleeding, right hands by Umaga. Foot choke by Umaga, right hands by Umaga.
Cena wants more, Cena is still standing. Right hands by Cena, Samoan drop by
Umaga. Cena blocks the Samoan spike but cannot block the headbutt, Cena is in
the tree of woe. Cena avoids a headbutt and nails an awesome Kobashi style leg
drop on Umaga.
Umaga is sent into the ringpost, Cena knocks down Estrada.
Cena has a TV monitor, Umaga is walloped with the monitor. Cena and Umaga brawl
on the floor, Umaga smacks Cena off the steel steps. Cena is laid on the announce
table, Umaga takes a run and leaps at Cena. Cena dodges at the last second,
Umaga stands at nine. Estrada unhooks the top turnbuckle, Estrada wants Umaga
to use the turnbuckle and its steel rod. Cena counters for an FU, right hand to
Estrada, Umaga is smacked with the steel rod and Cena applies an STFU using the
rope to choke out Umaga.
Great championship match, Cena showed so much fire in this
match. I would have liked to seen more rib work and more selling from Cena
himself but taking that out of the criticism, the match is a tonne of fun. Lots
of moving around, the next spot builds and is bigger and better than the next
with table bumps, fun with the steel steps and a hard fought battle on the part
of Cena. Umaga plays the monster so well inside of the ring, it was a very
fitting championship match for a big event like the royal rumble.
John Cena over Umaga via Not Answering The Count!
30 Man Royal Rumble Match
You know how it works by now, if you are still reading and
don’t know how a rumble works, you must be insane. Thirty men with one opportunity
to go to Wrestlemania and headline for the championship of their respective
brand. Rules are simple: two men enter with entrants coming into the ring at
timed intervals, eliminations occur over the top rope with both feet touching
the floor. I will split this into sections so it is easy for all of you to
Entrants 1 to 5
Flair is in at number one, Finlay at number two. Shoulder
block by Finlay, right hands by Finlay. Chops by Flair, back drop by Finlay.
Number three is Kenny Dykstra, Flair chops Kenny. The heels gang up on Flair,
double stomps in the corner. Number four is Matt Hardy, Side Effect on Kenny.
Number five is Edge, Edge sprints down and Spears Flair and Finlay. Matt
dodges, Twist of Fate on Edge. Flair rolls out and grabs a chair. Edge tosses
out Flair and Kenny in quick succession.
Have Been Eliminated!
Entrants 6 to 10
Number six is Dreamer, Dreamer low dropkicks Edge before
Finlay takes down Dreamer. Matt almost eliminates Edge, number seven is Sabu.
Sabu pulls out a table, Sabu DDTs Dreamer. Number eight is Gregory Helms, Helms
restarts his feud with Matt. Stomps by Helms, Sabu almost throws out Finlay but
Finlay hangs onto the bottom rope. Dreamer and Edge square off in the corner,
Sabu blocks being tossed by Finlay. Number nine is Shelton Benjamin, Benjamin
almost tosses Dreamer. Same deal with Matt, Finlay and Benjamin tease tossing
one another. Number ten is Kane, things are going to change very quickly. Boot
for Dreamer, right hands for anybody who is in Kane’s way. Powerslam for Helms,
Chokeslam for Edge. Dreamer is tossed to the floor, Kane Chokeslams Sabu
through the table for the elimination.
Have Been Eliminated!
Entrants 11 to 15
Number eleven is CM Punk, Punk rushes Edge. Finlay and Punk
brawl, number twelve is King Booker. Booker tosses Helms within seconds.
Helms Has
Been Eliminated!
Punk and Booker try to eliminate one another, number thirteen
is Super Crazy. Number fourteen is Jeff Hardy, The Hardys double team those in
their way. The Hardys run into Kane, Poetry in Motion on Kane. Number fifteen
is The Sandman, things are going to get extreme. Kendo stick shots for anyone
in the way, Booker has enough of that jazz and tosses Sandman in seconds.
The Sandman
Has Been Eliminated!
Entrants 16 to 20
Entrant number sixteen is Randy Orton, right hands to Super
Crazy, Rated RKO toss Super Crazy. Rated RKO team up again and out go The Hardy
The Hardy
Boyz Have Been Eliminated!
Number seventeen is Chris Benoit, chops for everyone. German
suplexes for Finlay, Benjamin has Punk on the apron. Punk survives barely, more
German suplexes as Benoit kills everyone. Number eighteen is RVD, kicks galore
as RVD pummels everything in sight. King Booker is tossed out by Kane, Booker
is distraught. Booker re-enters and Scissor Kicks Kane before eliminating Kane.
Booker Have Been Eliminated!
Number eighteen is Viscera, RVD punches Finlay. Number twenty
is Nitro, Viscera smacks Punk in the corner. Rated RKO double team Nitro,
Benoit stomps Benjamin.
Entrants 21 to 25
Number twenty-one is Kevin Thorn, RVD dropkicks Nitro into
Viscera. Multiple clotheslines but Viscera will not go down. Number twenty-two
is Hardcore Holly, the ring is filling up with plenty of superstars. Everyone
ganging up on Viscera, number twenty-three is Shawn Michaels. Lou Thesz Press
on Finlay, clothesline and Finlay is eliminated. Sweet Chin Music which allows
everyone to toss Viscera over the top rope. Benjamin is elevated to the floor
by HBK.
Have Been Eliminated!
Number twenty-four is Chris Masters, Rated RKO attack
Michaels. Benoit sends Nitro tumbling to the floor, Masters works on Punk in
the corner.
Nitro Has
Been Eliminated!
Number twenty five is Chavo Guerrero, Benoit pulls out Kevin
Thorn with nobody watching.
Thorn Has
Been Eliminated!
Entrants 26 to 30
Twenty-six is MVP, MVP goes after Benoit. Masters and RVD do
battle, Masters tries a back suplex but RVD leaps out of the suplex and
dropkicks Masters out of the rumble.
Masters Has
Been Eliminated!
Orton and Punk are battling close to the ringpost, Punk survives
elimination. Carlito is number twenty-seven, Rated RKO pummel Carlito. Number
twenty-eight is The Great Khali, Khali beats up everyone with superior power.
Number twenty-nine is Miz, Holly is tossed to the floor as is Benoit and Miz
and RVD. Punk is tossed out too, Carlito is slapped out. Khali throws Chavo out
too, Khali poses dominantly.
Have Been Eliminated!
Khali Slam on Michaels, number thirty is The Undertaker.
Taker and Khali brawl, right hands by The Deadman. Brain chops by Khali, Taker
staggers but does not go down. More brawling, Khali eats haymakers from Taker.
Khali is against the ropes, Khali is clotheslined out of the match. Old School
on MVP, Taker tosses MVP.
Khali Have Been Eliminated!
Orton clatters Taker with a steel chair, Edge thought about
spearing Orton. Orton caught Edge, Orton is not happy. RKO on Michaels,
Michaels falls to the floor. Orton and Edge have words, Rated RKO pummel
Undertaker. Taker will not stay down though, more blows reign down on Taker.
Corner clotheslines by Taker who is mounting a comeback, chokeslam is blocked
via gut kick. Double clothesline by Taker, snake eyes on Edge. Massive boot,
Edge Spears Taker who wanted a chokeslam on Orton. Chair to the head of Taker,
Edge wants a conchairto. Michaels saves Taker by throwing out Orton and nailing
Edge with Sweet Chin Music. We are down to two, Michaels and Taker.
Rated RKO
Have Been Eliminated!
Taker sits up, Michaels kips-up. A stare-down for the ages,
right hands by HBK. Taker shoves off Michaels to survive, right hands by Taker
in the corner. Michaels hangs on by the skin of his teeth, chops by HBK.
Michaels does his flip in the corner, Taker headbutts Michaels. Taker misses a
boot, both men almost spill out, huge forearm by Michaels. Taker blocks with an
elbow, right hands by Taker. Neckbreaker by HBK, slugfest between the two. Boot
by Taker, Taker lifts Michaels to the apron. Michaels is resilient as ever, HBK
is on the top rope.
Taker wants to toss HBK to the floor, Michaels is not staying
down. Taker hits the mat with a thud, Michaels pulls his all into his elbow
drop. Michaels wants sweet chin music, Taker blocks that for a Chokeslam.
Undertaker eats a Sweet Chin Music as the tombstone is countered, Michaels
measures for one more kick. Michaels misses as Taker dumps Michaels to the
floor, Taker is going to Wrestlemania!
Winner: Undertaker
over Everyone Else via Survival!
I might be alone in this opinion but I really found this
rumble rather boring, there were no surprises which are some of the most fun
parts of these kind of matches but there were also no memorable moments
throughout the match. Rumbles allow for interactions that are not normally
possible due to brand restrictions but I felt that there was nothing here, it
was just everyone fighting and not doing a lot when it came to making the match
However, that finishing stretch with the battle between Taker
and Michaels was great, so much tension and so much drama. Just the two of them
battling out made the match so important, they tore the house down in the time
that they shared alone in that ring. Taker and Michaels were easily the stars
of the match, they came into the match late though which means I sat through a
whole lot of nothing just to get that nugget of gold at the end and as good as
the match was, I cannot say the rumble itself was overly entertaining or
That was WWE’s Royal Rumble 2007, a mostly good pay per view
from the WWE. It is very hard to make a Royal Rumble boring, it is the second
biggest show in the WWE calendar. They want to deliver, it is the road to
Wrestlemania. This show delivered, I only felt let down by bizarre booking in
the ECW championship match and the rather boring Royal Rumble. The opening tag
match was fast-paced with The Hardys doing what they do best, Jeff has been a sensation
and such a shot of electricity and fresh air since his return from TNA, The
Hardys are money and the fans still love them after all this time.
The Raw & Smackdown championship matches were really good
stuff, Kennedy is such an unlikable heel even with all his charisma, Kennedy works
the leg throughout the match, Batista sells and works for that finish and when
it comes, it is impactful as Batista drives Kennedy through the mat. Even
better when it comes to Cena vs Umaga, Umaga works the ribs and dominates while
Cena battles from underneath, Cena and Umaga have a super fun match with all
the steel steps shenanigans and announce table stuff before we have Cena
resorting to choking out the monster just to win, I think it would have been so
much more impactful had Cena not beaten Umaga by pin-fall at the prior pay per
view, you could have even got another month out of this by having Cena finally
pin Umaga but what’s done is done, no need to dwell on it.
My only gripes were that awful ECW title match and the rumble
itself. The rumble did not feel like the rumbles we have come to known, no real
titanic battles or points of interest. A lot of people you could have done
without, I know they wanted to represent ECW but beyond RVD and Punk, every ECW
roster member in the match was bounced around like a joke. They were just
filler, things felt big when HBK and Taker came in but that was well into the
twenties of the match. The match had been on a long time before that and the
ECW championship finish made no sense to me, no idea why the challenger would
walk away from a championship match. Bizarre and pointless, Lashley beat up
Test afterwards so why could Lashley not just pin Test? Thanks for reading and
remember: There’s always another night!