Sunday, 31 May 2020

WWF Saturday Night's Main Event February 8th, 1992 Edition

Saturday Night's Main Event XXV | Pro Wrestling | Fandom

Hello and welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series that is more depressing than wrestling without a live crowd! It’s WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event, the second to last one that I will cover for quite some time, only one more after this but this edition will focus on the action before Wrestlemania VIII. We have Hogan and Sid Justice teaming up to do battle with Ric Flair and The Undertaker. Meanwhile, it’s rematch time as Savage takes on Jake The Snake Roberts. Colossal matches right there, cannot wait to see how it all turns out when it’s all said and done.

(WWF Intercontinental Championship Match) Rowdy Roddy Piper © vs The Mountie W/ Jimmy Hart

Speaking of rematches, not one I wanted to see on this night. Piper vs Mountie was a beautiful moment at Royal Rumble but the performance could have been any heel in there with Piper because Piper is the god damn man. Mountie steals the championship, Mountie throws Piper to the floor. Mountie celebrates before Piper clotheslines both down. Piper bangs their heads together on the floor, massive right hand from Piper on The Mountie. Piper tries re-entering the ring, Mountie takes control as Hart holds onto the leg of Piper. Mountie has Piper in the tree of woe, flying reverse elbow by the challenger for two. Piper is pushed into the referee who is down, Mountie lands a piledriver.

Jimmy Hart steals a cup of water to revive the referee, Mountie pours it on Piper. Cattle-prod does not work on Piper even though he is covered in water, Piper throws Jimmy Hart to the floor and stabs Mountie with the cattle prod to retain his championship.

The match was as good as the one at Royal Rumble and by that, I mean it was equally average in every way. Piper reveals under his shirt a shock-proof shirt so that’s why the cattle prod was not effective. Yeah, thankfully this match was short and now we have Piper vs Bret Hart to look forward to do at Wrestlemania.

Winner: Rowdy Roddy Piper over The Mountie via Cattle Prod!

The Undertaker & Ric Flair W/ Mr. Perfect vs Hulk Hogan & Sid Justice

We see footage from the rumble where the commentary and crowd has been overdubbed as Gorilla and the crowd are booing and admonishing Sid for eliminating Hulk Hogan. It is comical due to how clearly doctored the footage is now, the crowd had erupted for Sid crying out for something new. We also have the return of Brutus Beefcake after his sailing accident which almost ended his career and the possibility of winning the Intercontinental Championship.

Justice and Flair to start, Flair is backing away as soon as the bell rings. Justice has his eyes raked, whip reversed to the buckle as Flair eats a back body-drop and a hip-toss. Flair powders and regroups, Justice tags in The Hulkster. Eye rake and whip by Hogan, same back body-drop and hip-toss but Taker eats a hip-toss too. Taker is rammed into the knee of Justice, tag to Justice. Knees by Justice, Taker fires back. Taker cannot slam Justice, Justice slams Taker. Into the knee of Hogan, Justice tags Hogan. Scoop slam for Taker, scoop slam for Flair. Clotheslines to Flair and Taker, Hogan is running wild brother. Hogan grabs a headlock on Taker, tag to Justice.

Taker goes to the throat, in comes Flair. Double clothesline, Hogan saves Justice. Double atomic drop from Taker & Flair, Taker gets a two. Double gut-buster is thwarted by Hogan, Justice & Hogan boot Flair and clothesline Taker. Justice stares down Hogan though who is hogging the spotlight, Taker sneaks up on Justice. Throat thrusts from The Deadman, tag to Flair. Chops from Flair, closed fists to the head. Taker chokes Justice in the corner, Taker is tagged in and lands a massive diving axe handle. Massive chop from Taker, Flair and Taker continue to double team Justice. Justice grabs the two though, noggin-knocker from Justice. Tag to Hogan, Hogan lands right hands on Flair & Taker, Paul Bearer is smacked too.

Perfect distracts Hogan, Flair chop blocks and drops his weight on the leg. Figure Four from Flair, Justice is turning his back to Hogan. What is this about? Hogan turns the hold to apply pressure to Flair, Hogan is reaching for the tag while Justice has this smirk on his face. Taker comes in for a flying clothesline, Flair is now the legal man. Flair is on the top rope, Hogan tosses Flair off the top rope. Beefcake is willing on Hogan, Justice is in the corner laughing at Hogan. Beefcake is confused, Taker chokes Hogan in the corner. Tag to Flair, chops in the corner have no effect on Hogan. Hogan shakes it off, stalking Flair before Taker lands an illegal headbutt.

Whip to the corner, Hogan manages to clothesline Taker & Flair. Hogan is reaching out for Justice, Justice is staring down Hogan. Justice is looking down on Hogan, Justice drops down from the apron and walks out on Hogan. Beefcake cannot believe this, the two have words. Flair & Taker batter Hogan in the ring, Beefcake is caught in two minds at what is happening. Flair throws down the referee, Beefcake risks everything to help Hogan as Hogan is back up and batters the duo. Taker & Flair are out of here but what will happen between Hogan & Sid Justice?

So, hot crowd like always for a Hogan match. Always a good time, the angle though how do we feel about it? Well I liked that Sid was getting infuriated by Hogan unintentionally stealing the spotlight from the two. Sid Justice explains his actions after the match where Sid was infuriated that Hogan was named number one contender. Justice cuts an awesome promo, intimidating and believable. What’s also interesting is we are close to Wrestlemania and the plans are Flair vs Hogan which is not going to happen, interesting to see how it all develops.

Winners: Hulk Hogan & Sid Justice over Ric Flair & The Undertaker via DQ!

Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Sgt. Slaughter vs The Beverley Brothers.

Duggan and Blake kick us off, Duggan lands a clothesline on Blake. Side headlock from Duggan, Beau smacks Duggan from the apron with a weapon. I believe it was the scroll of The Genius, Beau lands on the back of Duggan. Whip off the ropes, Duggan kicks Beau who lowers his head off an Irish whip. Beau tags Blake, Duggan tags Slaughter. Right hands in the corner, whip to the buckle and back body-drop. Abdominal stretch from Slaughter, Beau interferes before Slaughter lands a back-breaker for two. All four men in the ring as it breaks down, the scroll is in the ring and Slaughter waffles Blake. Duggan lands his Three-Point Stance Clothesline for the win. Quick and solid!

Winners: Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Sgt. Slaughter over The Beverly Brothers via Clothesline!

Macho Man Randy Savage vs Jake The Snake Roberts

This should be a meaty encounter considering what these two did to one another last time, Roberts slapped Elizabeth to get his heat back after losing to an irate Savage. This match starts on the floor, Roberts meets the ring-post hard. Eye rake by Roberts, Savage is in pursuit. Savage pulls Roberts into the ring-post, Savage rips at the eyes of Roberts. Savage throws a chair in the ring, the referee throws the chair out. Savage chokes Roberts using his boot, the referee is having trouble restraining The Macho Man. Elbow to the throat from Savage, Roberts is bleeding from his nose. Knee to the back, thumb to the eye from The Snake.

Savage is tossed to the floor as Roberts looks as his bloody hands. Savage is sent into the buckle, Savage is tossed to the floor again. Roberts sends Savage into the ring-post, Savage lies in a heap at ringside. Roberts is reversed, sent into the corner. Elbow by Savage, Savage tries a top rope diving axe handle. Savage misses as Roberts lands a gut-punch, DDT in the middle of the ring. Roberts sits in the corner, preferring to watch Savage struggle to his feet. Roberts lands his short-arm clothesline, the prelude to his finishing manoeuvre. Savage back-drops Roberts to the floor, Savage climbs to the top rope. Diving axe handle into the guardrail, Roberts clutches his throat. Diving Elbow Drop from Savage and Roberts has been beaten by The Macho Man.

I love the intensity and hatred that both men bring to this feud. When you talk of two individuals that hate one another, this feud is perfect for capturing this feeling. Roberts’ actions in this feud were despicable and Roberts played that role to the perfection. The saddest part to it all is Roberts is going to leave the company following Wrestlemania which is such a shame due to the potential of Roberts feuding with all the top babyfaces of the WWF. Easily could have been a WWF Champion, I salute you Roberts for the entertainment you have provided over the years and during this reviews.

Winner: Randy Savage over Jake Roberts via Diving Elbow Drop!

That was the second last WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event of its original run and what a way to finish strong. This had two major angles going on and both delivered, we have Hogan vs Sid Justice all but confirmed and we have the ending of Savage vs Roberts. While I would have wished to seen Roberts vs Savage go for one more with a street fight like match to end the series, wishfully thinking that Roberts would have won this encounter, I am satisfied with how much intensity and hatred these men brought to one another over the course of this feud. Roberts is without a doubt the best heel in the company at the time and money was left on the table with Roberts departing shortly. Sid Justice is so intense and so intimidating, I cannot wait to watch him through the next number of years come to dominate the sport as the ruler of the world. Thanks for reading, hope you are staying safe and remember: there’s always another night!

Monday, 18 May 2020

WWF Royal Rumble 1992 Review

Royal Rumble (1992) - Wikipedia

Hello and welcome to Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the internet that will risk everything for a chance to be on TV! It’s WWF Royal Rumble 1992, a fond favourite of those who grew up during The Golden Era. Due to Hulk Hogan winning the WWF Championship at Tuesday In Texas in controversial fashion (throwing the ashes of the urn in Taker’s face), the WWF Championship will be up for grabs in The Royal Rumble Match itself! All the big names like Sid Justice, Ric Flair, The Undertaker and Hogan to name just a few will by vying for that WWF Championship. We also have Rowdy Roddy Piper challenging for the WWF Intercontinental Championship against newly crowned champion The Mountie who defeated Bret Hart at a house show where he had a fever. Also, LOD defend their WWF Tag Team Championships against The Natural Disasters. Royal Rumbles are always fun, this is one of the most fondly remembered but nostalgia aside, will it live up to expectations? Its this a one match show? Or is it great as a whole? Let’s find out!

The Orient Express vs The New Foundation

Kato and Tanaka along with Fuji to take on The New Foundation consisting of Owen Hart and Jim Neidhart. Interesting attire worn by The New Foundation but at least Owen has a gimmick on WWF TV. They got this pointing thing going on, it’s tremendous and they are undefeated. Kato and Owen to start, Kato is not happy with the fans cheering Owen. Arm-wringer from Owen, Kato reverses but Owen is too quick. Owen wrenches the arm, hammerlock counter from Kato. Owen tries an O Connor roll, Kato shakes it off but eats an arm-drag. Owen knees the arm, test of strength between the two. Kato kicks down Owen, Kato tries pinning Owen to the mat using his raw strength but Owen bridges up, hop up to the top rope followed by an arm-drag and hurricanrana for two.

Chop to the chest and tag to Neidhart, arm-wrench from The Anvil. Kato is brought to the corner, huge biel from Neidhart. Whip to the buckle, shove off from Neidhart. Tanaka is tagged in by Kato, lock-up. Slam attempt does not work, Neidhart shoves down Tanaka. Tanaka tries a shoulder block, similar result for Tanaka. Tag to Owen, middle rope elbow after a spinebuster from Neidhart for two. Back-breaker from Owen for two, headbutt from Owen. Tanaka goes for the eyes, right hands from Tanaka. Owen leapfrogs Tanaka, back body drop and enzuigiri from Owen. Tag to Neidhart, corner spear from Neidhart.

Kato attacks Neidhart which leads to a noggin-knocker and diving crossbody from a now legal Owen for two. Northern lights suplex from Owen for two, Owen tries to take Kato’s mask. Kato rolls out to the floor, Owen has a side headlock when Tanaka cheap shots Owen from the apron. Fuji nails Owen with the cane in the throat as Neidhart was with the referee, Kato follows up with a choke. Tanaka enters the ring, chops to the head and throat of The Rocket. Tag to Kato, flying reverse elbow for two. Neidhart is getting infuriated by Fuji at ringside, Tanaka chokes Owen behind the referee’s back. Kato rips at the face of The Rocket, tag to Tanaka.

Headbutt in the corner, Owen hits the buckle sternum-first just like Bret for a close two. Owen runs right into a crescent kick from Tanaka after reversing an Irish whip to the corner, tag to Kato. Sleeper from Kato, Owen uses elbows to escape and lands a crucifix for two. Kato jumps back into control with clubbing blows, tag to Tanaka. Crescent kick from Tanaka, headbutt to the groin. Tanaka poses and antagonizes Neidhart some more, reverse chin-lock from Tanaka. Owen escapes but runs into a flying cross chop from Tanaka, two for Tanaka. Whip to the buckle, Owen blocks with his boot and bulldogs Tanaka down.

Neidhart is tagged in but the referee was distracted by Kato, Owen hits the ring-post hard. Owen places a foot on the ropes to survive, hammerlock scoop slam. Knee to the arm and tag to Tanaka, falling headbutt and a hammerlock from Tanaka. Owen eats a shoulder block before Owen counters with a belly to belly suplex. Kato makes the save for Tanaka, tag to Kato. Kato knocks Neidhart off the apron, Orient Express nail a clothesline on Owen for two. Owen is trapped in Tanaka’s corner, more headbutts and right hands follow for The Rocket.

Another crescent kick from Tanaka, Kato has Owen as Tanaka leapfrogs Kato to deliver a Bonsai manoeuvre. Owen manages to escape with a huge dropkick to bother members of The Express. Tag to Neidhart who nails a slingshot shoulder block, scoop slams galore. Back body drop for Tanaka, Neidhart rushes Kato to the floor. Owen lands a tope suicida on Kato, Neidhart slams down Tanaka for The Rocket Launcher and this match is over.

Solid kick-off to the show, Neidhart and Owen are the new team in town who should be rightfully going over, felt this match went on for a while though. They really teased out that Neidhart hot-tag, perhaps to the match’s detriment as it seemed to continue on and on, Owen was solid as a babyface in peril, selling everything that was thrown at him by Fuji and The Express. Also loved Owen’s shine in the beginning, some great athletic manoeuvres that are so different to everyone else on the roster.

Winners: The New Foundation over The Orient Express via The Rocket Launcher!

(WWF Intercontinental Championship Match) The Mountie © W/ Jimmy Hart vs Rowdy Roddy Piper

Piper’s first attempt at gold, I would have loved to see Piper vs Dibiase considering their interactions with one another but poor Mountie has not a hope against The Hot Rod. So, this will be a beautiful moment provided Jimmy Hart does not weasel his way into this match. Why is this taking place? Bret Hart was defeated by The Mountie after defending his championship with a fever which led to his downfall. Piper checked on Bret which lead to Mountie assaulting Piper and thus, the match was signed.

The match starts with Piper attacking Mountie with his skirt, Piper reigns down with rights and lefts. Mountie bails, Piper is in hot pursuit. Mountie is on the defensive, Mountie hides behind Hart. Piper is blindsided by Mountie, choke against the ropes from Mountie. Leapfrog and drop down from Mountie, Piper was waiting with a right hand. Mountie is rammed off the buckles, Piper lands a huge running bulldog. Mountie is begging for mercy, eye poke from Hot Rod. Hart grabs the foot of Piper, Mountie assumes control with Piper missing a huge dropkick.

Two for Mountie, restraining hold from Mountie and Piper is rammed off the buckle repeatedly. Mountie bites the head of Piper, flying reverse elbow for two. Piper is on the apron, slingshot sunset flip for two. Mountie is back in control, Piper fires back with rights and lefts. Piper bites the head of Mountie, whip off the ropes. Huge right hand staggers Mountie, another whip. Back body drop, shot to the ribs that drops Mountie. Atomic drop and Mountie skins the cat, Hart is on the apron. Piper shoves Mountie into Hart, Sleeper from Piper. Mountie is fading and Hot Rod is your new Intercontinental Champion. Piper steals the cattle prod and sticks it in the body of The Mountie.

It’s a beautiful moment, Piper was so important to the WWF’s expansion and his popularity was tremendous so to see Piper finally win a championship was something we thought would never happen but it did, there is The Hot Rod as your champion. Mountie was fine, the gimmick was an odd one in terms of booking, Mountie had lost big matches prior to this but still captured the Intercontinental Championship only to lose it in quick fashion to Piper. What I am saying is Mountie was replaceable, any heel could have played this role on this night. A decent match but a wonderful moment, happy for Piper.

Winner: Rowdy Roddy Piper over The Mountie via Sleeper!

The Beverly Brothers W/ The Genius vs The Bushwhackers W/ Jamison

Well, I will imagine this will be somewhat entertaining at the least, lots of stalling to kick us off, good ole Bushwhackers. Luke kicks us off and gets battered by Beau, Blake attacks from the aprons. Luke dodges a clothesline and bites the ass of Beau, Beau and Blake are whipped into one another. Double clotheslines and Bushwhackers stand tall, Genius and Jamison are having words. After more stalling, Blake steamrolls Butch. Blake attacks are being shaken off, knee to the gut by Butch. Running bulldog by Butch, Beverly Brothers bang heads and are tripped over, clothesline to the floor once more.

More stalling, Beau and Blake are outsmarted by Luke, Blake powders to the floor. Butch pokes the eyes of Blake, Beau assaults Luke from behind. Double team axe handle to the back by Beau, elbow from Beau. Beau and Blake whip Luke to the corner, Blake maintaining control with a back-breaker, falling headbutt for two. Blake cheap shots Butch, Beau and Blake double team Luke with a leapfrog attack on the back. Knee drop from Beau, Luke kicks the head of Beau. Beau stops the tag though, dragging Luke to the middle of the ring. Luke tries crawling to Butch, Blake stops that nonsense.

Running clothesline from Blake, Blake marvels at his own work. Tag to Beau, Beau is almost rolled up as Luke gets a two. Beau tosses Luke to the floor, Butch checks on his partner as Genius confronts Jamison. Huge slap from Genius, Jamison cannot believe it. Beau whips Luke to the buckle, Beau is on the middle rope. Butch saves Luke, Blake lands a neck-breaker and a leg drop for two. Tag to Beau, kicks from Beau. Luke meets the buckle, Luke explodes out with a massive clothesline.

Butch is tagged in, rights and lefts. Running forearm and clothesline, Beau eats a clothesline too. Battering Ram for Beau, Blake is on wobbly legs. Clothesline, Beau saves Blake. Butch is tripped up by Beau, Blake lands an elbow drop. Luke makes the save, Beau lands a top rope diving axe handle for the win.

That was rough, lots of stalling and a crowd that felt deflated by experiencing this horrid ordeal. Best part is after the match where there are Battering Rams and Genius gets his ass handed to him for what he did to Jamison. Yeah, brutal at its worst and not overly offensive to the eyes at its best, get me out of here!

Winners: Beverly Brothers over Bushwhackers via Diving Axe Handle!

(WWF Tag Team Championship Match) LOD © vs The Natural Disasters W/ Jimmy Hart

Can you say big wrestlers throwing down? Because this is big men throwing down, I expect clotheslines that look like people should have been decapitated for sure. Big reaction for LOD upon entering the arena, I do love me some Earthquake too. Typhoon and Hawk to start, we have a stalemate. Neither man budging, Hawk grabs a headlock. Shoulder blocks do not move Typhoon, Hawk decides to go high, diving clothesline with Earthquake interrupting from the get-go, Earthquake establishing himself as a threat and in comes the man. Hawk does not back down, shoving contest with Hawk’s dropkick doing nothing to the big man. Hawk says bring it, Earthquake misses a dropkick with Hawk landing an elbow and outsmarting Earthquake.

Animal is seizing up Earthquake, the two exchange blows. Whip by Earthquake, both men nail clotheslines after Animal ducked two clothesline attempts from Earthquake. Animal almost slams Earthquake but Earthquake is too big, close two for Earthquake. Tag to Typhoon, corner splash from Typhoon. Another splash fails though as Animal blocks with the boot and lands a clothesline. Tag to Hawk, diving punch to the arm. Eye rake by Typhoon, another stand-off after clotheslines. Typhoon lands multiple back-breakers on Hawk, hard whip to the buckle from Typhoon. Elbow drop to the spine from Earthquake for two, Typhoon drops all his weight on the lower back of Hawk and applies a bearhug.

Hawk escapes, middle rope axe handle goes wrong for Hawk as Typhoon catches Hawk for a bearhug to the corner. Tag to Earthquake, Hawk is crushed in the corner. Massive stomp from Earthquake, Earthquake steps all over Hawk. Bearhug from Earthquake, Hawk escapes and lands a middle rope elbow to the head. Animal wants the tag, Hawk manages to get the tag. Whip off the ropes, Animal lands a massive flying shoulder block. Typhoon comes in, they want to sandwich Animal. Animal escapes the back drop attempt, double clothesline to The Natural Disasters. We have brawling on the floor, Typhoon is in the ring and we have winners by count-out.

Yeah, rather disappointing we had a count-out as the finish because I was digging where it was going, Hawk had been battered by the larger men but kept on coming back, Animal was in there and we could have had some great action but that’s another tag match on this show where it could have been better.

Winners: The Natural Disasters over LOD via Count-Out!

(WWF Championship Match) 30-Man Royal Rumble

For the first time ever, the WWF Championship will be defended in the Royal Rumble match itself due to the controversy surrounding recent championship matches that featured Hulk Hogan and The Undertaker. So, how does this work? Well two men enter with 28 other superstars entering at regularly timed intervals. The only way to be eliminated is throwing your opponent over the top rope with both their feet touching the floor, what a match this will be!

Entrants 1 to 5

I break this up into blocks of 5 for the superstars to make it easier to follow, I also include the eliminations and who eliminated said superstars. Number one is none other than The British Bulldog, number two is Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase. This should be good, Dibiase has been an iron man when it comes to these matches, they start off slugging in the corner. Dibiase elbows Bulldog, chops from Dibiase. Clothesline from Dibiase, suplex from Dibiase. Gut-wrench suplex from Dibiase, fist drop from Dibiase. Another suplex from Dibiase, Bulldog is tossed to the apron but hangs on, Dibiase turns his back and is clotheslined out of the ring.

Ted Dibiase Has Been Eliminated By The British Bulldog!

Number three is Ric Flair, Heenan is livid on commentary. Flair struts before locking up, Bulldog shoves down Flair. Eye poke by Flair, Bulldog reverses an Irish whip and press slams Flair to the mat. Kick by Flair, whip to the buckle. Bulldog comes out with a clothesline, eye poke again by Flair. Whip off the ropes, Bulldog ducks the chop and lands a clothesline. Number four is Nasty Boy Jerry Sags, Sags takes his time walking to the ring while Bulldog pummels Flair in the corner. Sags aids Flair, clubbing blows to Davey Boy. Bulldog is whipped to the buckle and manages to clothesline Sags and Flair. Sags is almost tossed out before celebrating not being thrown out, Bulldog dropkicks Sags to the floor.

Jerry Sags Has Been Eliminated By The British Bulldog!

Number five is Haku, Haku attacks Bulldog from behind. Flair chops Bulldog as Haku has The Bulldog restrained. Haku goes after Flair, the two chop one another. Haku shakes off the attacks of Flair, Flair slides out to the floor away from Haku. Haku stomps all over Bulldog, Haku lands a sick piledriver on Bulldog before Flair attacks the face of Haku. Knee drop from Flair, Bulldog sends Flair into the buckle.

Entrants 6 to 10

Number is six is The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels, Haku has been dumped out by Bulldog while waiting for Michaels to enter the ring.

Haku Has Been Eliminated By The British Bulldog!

Michaels jabs Flair, lands a massive back body-drop before nailing Flair with a Superkick. Superkick for Bulldog after he almost eliminates Michaels, Michaels survives Flair’s attacks with a rake to the eye. Bulldog crotches Michaels on the top rope, Michaels writhes around in pain. Flair stalks Bulldog, axe handle to the back. Number seven is El Matador Tito Santana, Santana lands huge rights on Flair. Flair is almost tossed out by Santana, Michaels saves Flair. Bulldog chokes Flair before a low-blow from The Nature Boy. Santana pairs off with Michaels, Flair almost dumps out Bulldog but Santana is there for the rescue. Flying Forearm on Flair from Santana!

Number eight is The Barbarian, Barbarian and Flair go after Bulldog but Bulldog manages to hang onto the ropes. Santana and Bulldog double team Barbarian, Santana almost back drops Michaels over the ropes but Michaels hangs on once again. Number nine is Kerry Von Erich, Flair has his eyes on Tornado. Tornado tees off on Flair, Flair is battered to the ground. Similar fate for Michaels, Bulldog catapults Michaels into the buckle. Flair inverted atomic drops Tornado, Michaels pokes the eyes of Bulldog to survive another elimination attempt. Number ten is The Repo Man, sneaking his way into the ring.

Entrants 11 to 15

Santana lands a crossbody on Barbarian, Repo Man sneaks his way over to Santana for an axe handle. Bulldog and Tornado pummel Michaels, everyone pairing off in corners now. Number eleven is Greg Valentine, Valentine elbows Repo Man. Flair chops up Valentine, Valentine chops back at Flair. Everyone is in corners, babyfaces and heels pounding on one another. Michaels is almost punched over by Tornado, Repo Man is low-blowed by Flair. Number twelve is Nikolai Volkoff, smiling for the fans.

Volkoff headbutts Repo Man over and over, the action dies down quickly with everyone pairing off in corners again. Valentine has the figure four on Flair, Repo Man manages to get an elimination as Volkoff goes tumbling over the top rope.

Nikolai Volkoff Has Been Eliminated By Repo Man!

Number thirteen is Bossman, Bossman reigns down on all the heels with rights and lefts, Michaels is almost uppercutted out of his boots. Repo Man sneaks up on Valentine and tosses him out before Bossman sneaks up on Repo Man and tosses him out of the ring. Flair manages to back drop over Bulldog and Tornado in quick succession while Santana & Michaels eliminate one another

Greg Valentine Has Been Eliminated By Repo Man!

Repo Man Has Been Eliminated By Big Bossman!

The British Bulldog & Texas Tornado Have Been Eliminated By Ric Flair!

Tito Santana & Shawn Michaels Have Eliminated One Another!

Number fourteen is Hercules, Hercules whips Bossman to the buckle hard. Barbarian has Flair, military press slam from Barbarian. Hercules dumps out Barbarian while Bossman dumps out Hercules, Bossman and Flair are the only two left in the ring as Bossman nails a huge clothesline.

Barbarian Has Been Eliminated By Hercules!

Hercules Has Been Eliminated By The Big Bossman!

Big Bossman Has Been Eliminated By Ric Flair!

Flair is happy that Bossman missed that crossbody and has been dumped out but Roddy Piper is number fifteen, Flair is battered by The Hot Rod. Back body-drop and knee-lift from Piper.

Entrants 16 to 20

Around the ring, Flair eats a clothesline. Piper lands an eye poke after dodging an inverted atomic drop, airplane spin from Piper. Sleeper from Piper, number sixteen is Jake The Snake Roberts. Roberts and Piper lock eyes, Roberts allows Piper to choke out Flair before Piper foolishly turns his back. Jabs from Roberts, Piper is rocked in the corner. Foot choke from Roberts, short-arm clothesline from Roberts to Flair. Roberts wants the DDT on Flair, Piper saves Flair inadvertently with a clothesline, Figure Four by Flair on Roberts. Piper is grabbed by Roberts, Flair lands a big right before all three men trade blows. Number seventeen is Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Duggan tees off on Flair.

Clothesline out of the corner, Piper and Roberts battle by the ropes. Piper and Flair are brawling, Duggan and Roberts are brawling too. Inverted atomic drop from Roberts, Roberts lands a big punch on Piper. Number eighteen is IRS, IRS slowly walks to the ring before attacking Flair. IRS gets smashed by Duggan before IRS turns the tide with a ram to the buckle. Roberts and Flair try eliminating Piper, Duggan makes the save. Piper almost tosses out Flair, Flair hangs on again. Number nineteen is Jimmy Superfly Snuka, Snuka headbutts Flair. The ring is starting to fill again, Duggan is looking to throw out Roberts. Number twenty is The Undertaker, shit just got real!

Entrants 21 to 25

Undertaker walks in and out goes Snuka instantly!

Jimmy Superfly Snuka Has Been Eliminated By The Undertaker!

Duggan goes after Undertaker, Taker tees off on Duggan. Piper and Roberts continue to brawl, eye poke from Piper. Flair, IRS and Duggan attempt taking out Taker, Taker chokes all of them. Number twenty-one is Randy Savage, Savage cannot see Roberts who rolled out to the floor, Taker is choking Savage. Savage and Roberts have one another, short-arm clothesline is dodged. Savage lands a clothesline, diving axe handle and knee to the back. Savage eliminated Roberts but jumps the top rope and eliminates himself.

Jake Roberts Has Been Eliminated By Randy Savage!

Piper is unloading on Flair, Duggan has IRS in another corner while Taker is choking at The Macho Man. Duggan tries slamming Taker, no good for Duggan. Piper is looking to catapult IRS over but it does not pay off. Savage is not eliminated though despite throwing himself over the top rope. Number twenty-two is The Berzerker, Savage is attacked by Flair and IRS. Number twenty-three is Virgil, Virgil goes after IRS. Berzerker and IRS batter Virgil while Flair continues to attempt to eliminate Duggan or Piper.

Taker chokes Flair in the corner, Berzerker and Virgil are battling in the middle of the ring. Taker almost dumps out Flair, Duggan and Berzerker are trading attacks. Flair hangs on again, Duggan is attempting to throw out Taker. Number twenty-four is Colonel Mustafa, General Adnan accompanies Mustafa. Piledriver by Berzerker on Virgil, Savage is going after Taker. Flair almost dumps out The Hot Rod, we get a cutaway sweeping shot of the crowd in the middle of the match which is a little odd but we return to Taker stalking Piper. Savage pairs off with Flair in the corner, number twenty-five is Rick The Model Martel.

Entrants 26 to 30

Martel and Flair are going to war, right hands by The Model. Duggan continues his battle with Taker, Taker shakes off the attacks though. Savage manages to throw over Mustafa off camera.

Colonel Mustafa Has Been Eliminated By Randy Savage!

Number twenty-six is Hulk Hogan, Hogan goes right for Taker and Flair. Eye rakes and right hands, Taker is behind Hogan though. IRS and Berzerker get wrapped up in the action as Hogan takes a pounding. Hogan clotheslines Taker out of the ring before back-dropping Berzerker over the top rope.

Undertaker & Berzerker Have Been Eliminated By Hulk Hogan!

Hogan chokes Martel with his t-shirt before Virgil attacks Duggan with a crossbody and both men are eliminated!

Hacksaw Jim Duggan & Virgil Have Eliminated One Another!

Skinner is number twenty-seven, IRS saves Flair from Hogan. Piper and Skinner are slugging it out, Hogan saves Piper from Skinner. Martel and Flair attempt throwing out Piper, Piper hangs on with everything he has got left. Flair eats a clothesline from Hogan, number twenty-eight is Sgt. Slaughter. Martel and Skinner look to work together against Piper but Martel double-crosses Skinner and dumps him out.

Skinner Has Been Eliminated By Rick Martel!

Everyone pairs off in corners, number twenty-nine is Sid Justice. Things have picked up, Sid is in and IRS gets smacked in the mouth. Sid goes after IRS, IRS hangs on for his life. IRS and Flair attack Hogan, lots of attempts at eliminations. Flair and Sid go to war, clothesline from Sid. Number thirty is The Warlord.

Out comes Warlord with Wippleman, Flair is hiding on the floor. Hogan and Flair do battle on the floor, suplex on the floor from Hogan. Martel nails Piper with a middle rope axe handle. Sid whips Slaughter into the ring-post and out of the ring for the elimination.

Sgt. Slaughter Has Been Eliminated By Sid Justice!

IRS tries dumping out Piper, Piper holds on and pulls down IRS through his tie!

IRS Has Been Eliminated By Roddy Piper!

Hogan and Sid Justice combine to attack Warlord, next thing you know Warlord is dumped out by the duo. Martel and Piper are near the ropes and Sid dumps them both out. Sid has Savage across the top rope, Flair comes flying across the ring with a knee and out goes Savage.

Warlord Has Been Eliminated By Hogan & Sid!

Roddy Piper & Rick Martel Have Been Eliminated By Sid Justice!

Randy Savage Has Been Eliminated By Ric Flair!

Down to three, Flair goes after Hogan. Hogan chops at Flair, whip to the buckle. Flair Flip and a right hand to the apron from Hogan, Sid grabs Hogan from behind and dumps out The Hulkster! Sid and Hogan have words at ringside, Hogan grabs Sid by the arm trying to eliminate him which allows Flair to dump out Sid.

It’s easy to see why this rumble is so interesting and memorable. The added value of becoming champion is tremendous, it adds weight to the match which was not there previously. It also had not really been concrete established that the winner of the Rumble would challenge for the championship at Wrestlemania, especially with Hogan winning the rumble on two previous occasions while being champion. So, to have the championship up for grabs makes this so important. The next great thing about this match is Bobby Heenan, Heenan cheering on Flair while berating anyone who goes after Flair is tremendous. The screaming of Yes at the end of the match is almost as iconic as the match itself. The star-studded roster comes firing on all cylinders with this one, you have Hogan, Flair, Savage, Sid, Roberts , Undertaker and Piper to name some of the superstars competing in this match. Flair’s performance is masterful, Savage going after Roberts and Sid and Hogan, the explosion of that duo. It might be the greatest Rumble for the line-up and the high-stakes prize of becoming WWF Champion, you have to see it if you have not before.

Winner: Ric Flair By Eliminating Sid Justice!

That was WWF’s Royal Rumble 1992, a pay per view which holds arguably the most memorable Royal Rumble match of all-time but the card of the entire pay per view does not live up to that main event. We start with New Foundation vs Orient Express, perhaps too long upon reflection but we have a nice fleshed out match with Owen and Neidhart gelling well with one another to have an exciting Rumble opening match. Piper vs Mountie was memorable for the feel-good moment of Piper capturing a championship in the WWF. An emotional moment for Piper and his fans but Mountie was interchangeable for any heel on the roster at the time, this was all about Piper. The next two tag matches were disappointing for sure, Bushwhackers vs Beverlys Brothers being an example of how to stall for lengthy period of times, it went on and on. The WWF tag team championship match fell flat for me because it felt important and I thought we would have something good but then, count-out finish and that’s it. The Rumble is tremendous fun, the best one to date and arguably, the best one of all-time. Thanks for reading and remember: there’s always another night!

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

WWF Tuesday In Texas 1991 Review

Added by @awrestlinghistorian Instagram post 12/3/1991 #HulkHogan ...

Hello and welcome to another riveting edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the internet that doesn’t slip into wrestlers’ DMs looking for feet pictures! It’s WWF Tuesday In Texas which is built around Hulk Hogan’s challenge to the newly crowned WWF Champion The Undertaker and Randy Savage taking on Jake Roberts after being bitten by a snake held by Roberts. Shorter than a regular pay per view but will the quality be just as good? Let’s find out!

(WWF Intercontinental Championship Match) Bret Hart © vs Skinner

Bret won the championship from Mr. Perfect at Summerslam 1991 in a fantastic match, Bret finds himself defending against the wild Skinner. Arm-drag from Bret, arm-wringer too. Shoulder blocks takes down Skinner, atomic drop from Bret. Inverted atomic drop and clothesline from The Hitman, Skinner is on the floor. They lock-up, Bret has the arm and lands multiple blows to the arm. Arm-bar, Skinner tries escaping but Bret has the hold clamped on. Continued wrenching on the arm from Bret, knee drops and leg drops from Bret. Skinner reaches the ropes, Skinner recovers clutching his arm. Skinner backs up into the ropes, side headlock from Skinner. Hammerlock counter from Bret, Skinner counters back.

Elbow and headbutt from Bret, stomp to the ribs from Bret. Right back to the arm, Skinner grabs the hair. Headbutt and eye rake, Bret is rammed shoulder-first into the ring-post. Bret tries to enter the ring, Skinner stomps all over Bret. Choke from Skinner on the floor, abdominal stretch from Skinner who uses the ropes for leverage. Shoulder-breaker for two, elbow to the face. Bret is bounced off the buckle, hard whip to the opposite buckle. Bret kicks away Skinner, Skinner falls to the mat. Middle rope elbow drop misses for Bret, Skinner picks up something to distract the referee before stabbing Bret with his alligator claw.

Fans are letting Skinner have it for his cheating ways, right hand to the head. Middle rope choke from Skinner, Skinner steps on the throat of Bret, laughing maniacally at his work. Hard buckle whip with Bret hitting it sternum-first, stomps to the leg from Skinner. Skinner chokes Bret before slamming Bret’s head into the canvas, throat thrust from Skinner. Foot to the face, Skinner nails his falling reverse DDT with Bret managing to kick out, Skinner is in shock. Skinner climbs to the middle rope, Bret blocks the splash with a boot. Skinner is dazed, right hands by Bret. Whip off the ropes, elbow to the face.

Right hand staggers Skinner, Irish whip with a shot to the ribs. Russian leg-sweep for two, snap suplex from Bret for two. Back-breaker from The Hitman, Bret’s Rope Elbow Drop. Two for Bret again, O’Connor roll from Skinner for two. Bret pushes Skinner to the floor, the two trade right hands before Skinner rakes the eyes. Bret is on the apron, Skinner looks for a suplex but Bret counters. Skinner counters the O’Connor roll, Skinner climbs to the top rope but Bret yanks him down. Sharpshooter and Bret retains his championship!

Solid opening match between Bret and Skinner, love the way Skinner moves inside of that ring. The gimmick may be a bit outlandish but Skinner plays it to perfection, his mannerisms are perfect for his gimmick. Bret has been growing leaps and bounds, the Summerslam match with Perfect being a glimpse of the future of The Hitman. If Bret continues to wrestle like this, Bret’s run on top will be a joy to watch.

Winner: Bret Hart over Skinner via Sharpshooter!

Macho Man Randy Savage vs Jake The Snake Roberts

Roberts is sinister, darn right evil to the core. Roberts takes great pride and pleasure in seeing Elizabeth crying in fear at the sight of her husband Randy Savage being bitten by a snake. Savage promises to put down Roberts and ever since this began, I could not wait for these to go out it. The Wildman Savage looking to destroy Roberts, it starts on the ramp. Savage clotheslines Roberts from behind, eye rake and Roberts is bounced off the buckle. Savage tries to rip out the eyes of Roberts, whip to the buckle and elbow to the face. Diving axe handle from Savage, Roberts powders to the floor. Roberts tries leaving but Savage won’t allow that to happen.

Back in the ring, Roberts takes down Savage and tosses him to the floor, Savage is sent into the ring-post. Roberts goes after the forearm, the forearm where the snake was clamped onto of Savage. Savage is selling that forearm now, showing us that it may have been unwise for Savage to try and fight on this night, Savage may not be 100%. Savage rallies but Roberts lands an eye poke, inverted atomic drop from Roberts. Knees to the taped forearm from Roberts, Roberts tries to break the arm but Savage has enough fight in him to frustrate Roberts. Elbow from Savage, Roberts punches the forearm some more. Roberts lowers his head off an Irish whip, boot from Savage but it does not have that bite on it needed to take down Roberts. Elbow from Savage, whip to the buckle.

Roberts blocks with a knee, short-arm clothesline and you know what is on the mind of the sinister Roberts. Roberts says “that’s it”, DDT but Savage backs Roberts into the buckle, Roberts holds his ribs in pain. Diving Elbow Drop and Savage manages to pin Roberts!

Savage fought through the pain, what an exciting match. It felt like a sprint though, I thought the beating of Savage could have gone on longer and the two could have brawled all over the place. Savage overcoming Roberts I have no problem with, Roberts could do something evil to gain his heat back in an instant and we could have another battle between the two but I did enjoy the match for what it was, Roberts was cold as ice in his promo. I was hanging on every word and it rightly ticked off Savage which made the match have a perfect start with the two killing one another, it was good but man it could have been awesome.

After the match, Roberts lays out Savage with two DDTs and damn, I want more. Oh God, Roberts is not done at all and it appears Roberts may have a snake after all of this, Elizabeth is here and Roberts is in her face and Roberts DDTs Savage again. Any heat Roberts lost has been given back tenfold, this is almost deafening in the arena. Elizabeth is in tears once more, where are the referees? Roberts wants Elizabeth to beg to save Savage’s life, Roberts is slapping Savage around and berating Elizabeth. Emotions are high, Roberts has Elizabeth by the hair. Disgraceful as Roberts slaps Elizabeth to the mat. This was intense, give me round two you cowards!

Winner: Randy Savage over Jake The Snake Roberts via Diving Elbow Drop!

The Warlord W/ Harvey Wippleman vs The British Bulldog

These two cannot stay away from one another, they are like lovers at this point as they have been involved with one another for several pay per views in a row. Lock-up, Warlord pushes back Bulldog. Another shove, Warlord believes that he is the strongest in the WWF. Test of strength between the two, boot by Warlord. Clubbing blows, Irish whip with a drop down and Bulldog blocks the boot. Shove down, Bulldog drops a headbutt to the lower regions. Warlord comes up with a punch, Bulldog meets the buckle. Whip, Warlord misses the clothesline and Bulldog clotheslines Warlord to the floor. Bulldog tries a plancha but Warlord catches Bulldog and rams him into the ring-post. Bulldog is on the apron, Warlord meets the buckle and eats a missile dropkick.

Warlord is caught up in the ropes, Bulldog prepares an attack before Wippleman frees his superstar. Big back body drop from Warlord and a nice bearhug, Bulldog breaks free before eating a belly to belly suplex. Bulldog is clubbed down to the mat, massive fist to the spine. Two for Warlord, Irish whip with Bulldog countering with a boot, piledriver attempt but sunset flip counter from Bulldog for two. Warlord regains control with a clothesline, Warlord calls for his Full-Nelson.

Warlord stalks Bulldog, it’s clamped on in the middle of the ring. Warlord applies pressure and Bulldog begins fading. Bulldog slips down to a knee, Wippleman is celebrating prematurely. Bulldog refuses to lose, it looks as if Bulldog will escape but they struggle for an awfully long time, crowd is starting to turn on them. Warlord throws down Bulldog, Bulldog is rammed off the buckle twice. Whip to the opposite buckle, Bulldog blocks with a boot, diving middle rope clothesline. Stalling vertical suplex by Bulldog for two, corner clothesline and Warlord manages to use the ropes to fall onto Bulldog to avoid the powerslam, two for Warlord. Whip off the ropes, Warlord wants the clothesline but Bulldog steals the win with a crucifix.

In the nicest way possible, I will say this ended mercifully. Went a little long for my tastes, 90% of my reasoning here is on that Full-Nelson spot. Who decided it should go on that long? Why would Bulldog not break free like a heroic babyface? Why would they tease breaking free only to have it end like that? Why would it go on for so long? Questions for days and they are all negative, hopefully that is the end for the two of them because after that, I do not want to see anymore.

Winner: British Bulldog over The Warlord via Crucifix Pin!

Ted Dibiase & Repo Man w/ Sensational Sherri vs Virgil & El Matador Tito Santana

Every time I watch Tito, I believe the man should have had more time at the top in the WWF. Virgil and Dibiase have been feuding for almost a year at this point with much of the interest in that feud being stolen by the idea of Dibiase vs Piper, Piper was of course mentoring Virgil during that time. Santana and Repo Man start this match, hammerlock from Santana. Elbow from Repo, shoulder block from Santana. Arm-drag from Santana, jabs and a right from Santana. Virgil gets a shot in from the apron, arm-wringer from Santana. Repo whips Santana, they trade reversals before Repo is hip-tossed to the floor. Repo sneaks back into the ring, clothesline from Santana.

Repo tags in Dibiase, Virgil wants Dibiase bad. Knee and clubbing blows from Dibiase, Irish whip but Virgil counters with a sunset flip for two. Dibiase is atomic dropped to the floor, Santana scares Dibiase back into the ring. Virgil clotheslines Dibiase to the floor, whip to the buckle but Dibiase blocks with an elbow. In comes Repo, scoop slam and shots to the throat. Virgil is rammed into the boot of Dibiase, Dibiase chokes Virgil with the tag rope behind the referee’s back. Clothesline from Dibiase, Santana is stuck with the referee. Double team throw by Repo & Dibiase, snap-mare and punches to the throat by Repo.

Virgil blocks the right hands, knee by Repo to cut off that attack. Dibiase gut-wrench suplexes Virgil for a close two, Irish whip and Dibiase lowers his head. Counter neck-breaker from Virgil, tag to Santana. Right hands to Repo, elbow knocks him down. Dropkick, make it two. Santana lands The Flying Forearm, shot to Dibiase off the apron. Dibiase trips Santana from outside, Repo clotheslines Santana to the floor. Repo and Virgil have words, Santana is knocked into the steel steps. Knee to the ribs, Dibiase is tagged in and lands his middle rope axe handle.

Santana struggles for the tag, the referee is with Repo and misses the tag of Santana. More double-teaming, Repo is now legal. Double clothesline in the middle of the ring, Virgil gets the tag. Rights and clothesline to Dibiase, clothesline to Repo. Russian leg-sweep with Repo saving the match, all four men brawling in the ring now. Sherri has her high heel and nails Dibiase by mistake, Virgil is attacked in the back by Repo and Dibiase steals the win thanks to Repo’s attack.

Weak ending for sure, a kick to the back? You might as well have had Sherri nail Virgil with the high heel, it would have been more devastating than a knee to the spine. Match was fine apart from that finish, definitely the weakest match on the card but it was to serve as an appetizer to the main event which is next.

Winners: Ted Dibiase & Repo Man over El Matador & Virgil via Kick To The Spine!

(WWF World Championship Match) Hulk Hogan vs The Undertaker © W/ Paul Bearer

Rematch time, Hogan comes running into the ring and Taker puts the boots to Hogan along with Bearer. However, Hogan knocks their heads together. Hogan bites the head of Taker, ten punches in the corner. Taker seems unfazed, Jack Tunney is at ringside to stop controversy. Inverted atomic drop by Hogan, Taker sits up. Axe Bomber only staggers Taker, more boots and eye rakes. Taker blocks the slam, eye rake by Hogan. Scoop slam, Taker sits up. Bearer is knocked to the floor, Hogan clotheslines Taker to the floor. Taker lands on his feet, Bearer shows the urn, the source of The Deadman’s power.

Taker eats punches from Hogan, Taker pulls Hogan to the floor. Throat thrust from Taker, Taker chokes Hogan on the apron. More choking in the ring, Hogan is dropping to his knees. Taker is caught by Hogan, spinebuster into the buckle. Whip to the opposite buckle, Taker knees back Hogan. Old School from Taker with ease, shots to the head of Hogan and another choke from The Deadman. On the floor, Hogan is whipped into the ring-post. More choking from Taker, Hogan begins to shake off the attacks of Taker. Taker snaps his head off the ropes, we get back on course quickly with a massive boot. Flying clothesline from Taker, Taker stalks Hogan and covers for two.

Taker wants old school again, Hogan draws strength though and pulls Taker down to the mat. Bearer is freaking out at ringside, Ric Flair is coming down to ringside. Jack Tunney and Flair are having words while Hogan is Hulking Up! Right hands by Hogan, Hogan clotheslines Taker to the floor. Hogan spots Flair, Hogan has a chair and waffles Flair who falls into Tunney. Tunney is out! Forearm to the head from Hogan on Taker, eye rake from Taker. Boot and eye rake by Hogan, throat thrust by Taker. Flair is on the apron, Hogan sends Taker head first into the chair, Hogan clotheslines Flair down. Big boot on Taker, Bearer is on the apron. Bearer has his Urn, Bearer nails Taker by mistake. Hogan spills out the ashes of the urn and rolls up Taker for the win but Flair held up Tunney so Tunney could see Hogan cheating.

Not as memorable as their contest at Survivor Series, that was a tremendous moment but this match did not carry the same weight or drama. Perhaps the prolonged choking was what took me out of it but I feel it had less story-telling with Taker not stalking Hogan as much or Hogan seemingly being down and out throughout the match. What I do know is Hogan and Taker work well with one another and the two can still have a good match with their eyes closed, Hogan is back on top of the WWF but not without drama, what could happen next?

Winner: Hulk Hogan over The Undertaker via Roll-Up!

That was WWF’s Tuesday In Texas, a very good WWF pay per view. Much shorter pay per view with a focus on one or two big matches which was a refreshing change of pace. We start off with Skinner vs Bret Hart, solid WWF Intercontinental Championship where Skinner just kills it in the character work department, doing everything to be a big nasty disgusting piece of trash where even the most jaded fan would be cheering for Bret Hart to destroy this alligator claw collecting enthusiast. Speaking of disgusting trash, Jake The Snake Roberts is the most vile human being on the planet and it was a joy to watch. From the promo to his attacks on Savage and the final straw, slapping Elizabeth across the face. The match was short and I was originally disappointed but wow, that angle made up for it. Huge heat, huge outrage and I love it. The tag match and Warlord vs Bulldog are fine, they may have overstayed their welcome but it could have been much worse. The main event is good stuff for the drama that unfolds and the excitement but it just did not draw me in like Survivor Series. Overall, an action-filled smaller WWF pay per view that has few low points and at its best, has some awesome highs! Thanks for reading and remember: There’s always another night!

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

WWF Survivor Series 1991 Review

Survivor Series (1991) - Wikipedia

Hello and welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series with less friends in the business than Enzo Amore! It’s WWF Survivor Series 1991, with the big match being Hulk Hogan defending his WWF Championship against the seemingly unstoppable Undertaker. Of course we also have multi-man elimination tag matches galore as it is Survivor Series tradition. Survivor Series can be hit and miss, the multi-man matches have their formulas and they can play on your nerves but we have the championship match to break up the repetition so let’s see where things go!

Randy Savage Is Out Of The Survivor Series

Last week on WWF Superstars, Jake The Snake Roberts committed one of the most despicable acts in wrestling as his snake bit the forearm of one Macho Man Randy Savage. Savage was bleeding in a savage angle with results in WWF President Jack Tunney declaring that Savage and Roberts are out of The Survivor Series but they will face off at the next pay per view which is Tuesday in Texas!

Team Flair (Ted Dibiase/The Mountie/The Warlord/Ric Flair) W/ Sensational Sherri/Harvey Whippleman/Jimmy Hart/Mr.Perfect vs Team Piper (Bret Hart/Virgil/British Bulldog/Rowdy Roddy Piper)

What a match to kick us off, Ric Flair is here in the WWF. Flair had jumped ship from WCW due to Jim Herd being a twat and would parade his WCW World Heavyweight Championship in the WWF calling himself “The Real World’s Champion”. However, we do not only have Flair, we have Piper. Piper who I wanted to see kill Dibiase is here to kill Flair too. I love it, all men in this match are feuding.

Dibiase and Piper to start, this should be good. Like how Piper shows up for the big shows, such a popular wrestler. Flair attacks Piper, allowing Dibiase to take control before a clothesline from Piper. Dibiase is stuck on the top rope, Piper shakes the rope and destroys the manhood of Dibiase. Sherri is in the ring, she is on Piper’s back. Piper kisses Sherri and she is on the floor, rights and lefts on Dibiase. Arm-wringer from Piper, hammerlock takedown and a tag to Davey Boy. Knees to the spine before in comes Virgil who stomps the shit out of Dibiase. Tag to Bret, leg drop to the head while maintaining the hammerlock. Fist drop from Piper on the arm, hammerlock has been maintained throughout with now Davey Boy as the legal man. Some knees before a tag to Virgil, axe handle to the arm.

Tag to Bret, shot to the arm. Arm-drag, Dibiase is back to his feet and pushes Bret to the buckle. Knees and chops from Dibiase, Bret reverses an Irish whip but hits his sternum on the buckle. Dibiase tries for a spinning toe hold as the two trade pins but Bret is on top with a hammerlock. Dibiase eats a shoulder block before tagging out after a hip-toss. In comes Flair, Bret dodges an elbow and lands an inverted atomic drop on Flair. In comes Davey Boy, catapult to the corner. Flair flops down, Flair goes low with a chop. Whip off the ropes, military press slam from Davey Boy. Tag to Piper, Flair is backing up big time. Chops and strikes between Flair and Piper, Flair is losing the war. Flair ducks to the outside, Piper is in pursuit. Chop against the guardrail, Flair tags Warlord.

Warlord wants a test of strength, Piper tags in Davey Boy. Two big bastards bounce off one another before a dropkick from Davey Boy. Corner whip, Warlord blocks with his boot. Tag to Mountie, chops from Mountie. Flying reverse elbow, Davey Boy tags Bret. Mountie tags out, afraid of Bret. Dibiase and Bret lock-up, Bret lands rights in the corner. Beautiful back-breaker and Bret’s rope elbow drop for two. Dibiase and Bret bang heads after a drop-down from Dibiase, crowd comes alive for a tag as Davey Boy is in with Mountie. Clothesline, whip and elbow from Davey Boy. Another whip, military press slam. Flair is in the ring, the referee is with Piper as Davey Boy is punched by Flair.

Flair begs for mercy, chops in the corner. Dibiase and Flair eat a clothesline from Davey Boy, Warlord is smashed too. Running Powerslam on Mountie, the match breaks down with Flair nailing Davey Boy with a flying chop from the top rope, the night is over for Davey Boy. Piper comes flying in, attacking everyone in Team Flair’s corner before The Mountie trips and drags Piper out to the apron for some clubbing blows.

Davey Boy Has Been Eliminated By Ric Flair!

Snap-mare into a knee drop from Flair, Piper dodges the second knee drop. Figure-Four from Piper, Dibiase and Mountie intervene to help Flair. Dibiase is legal now, shin-breaker from Dibiase. Spinning toe-hold from Dibiase, Piper counters for a small package. Dibiase kicks out and tags Mountie, Boston crab from Mountie. Piper crawls and tags Virgil, Virgil breaks the hold. Whip to the buckle and clothesline, elbow from Virgil. Flair tags in off Mountie, Flair slaps and chops Virgil. Virgil jabs away at Flair, Flair goes low with a kick. Whip to the buckle, back body drop from Virgil. Flair begs off, tag to Dibiase.

Dibiase and Virgil, Dibiase meets the buckle multiple times. Whip reversal from Dibiase, beautiful powerslam from Dibiase. Tag to Warlord, Virgil is tossed to the floor. Flair chops and rams Virgil into the steel steps, Bret comes over to protect and help Virgil. Warlord rams Virgil into the buckle, clubbing blow to the back. Full-Nelson, everyone is in the ring but Bret lands a diving axe handle to the head of Warlord and Piper covers for the elimination, sweet revenge for Team Piper.

Warlord Has Been Eliminated By Roddy Piper!

Dibiase tries to take control of Piper but Piper suplexes Dibiase, tag to Virgil. Clothesline and Million Dollar Dream by Virgil, Dibiase counters by ramming Virgil into the top turnbuckle. Tag to Flair, chops and a massive punch. Back drop from Flair, tag to Mountie. Beautiful dropkick from Mountie, Mountie holds Virgil while Dibiase chops from the apron. Tag to Dibiase, suplex from Dibiase and tag to Flair. Double clothesline, Flair uses the ropes for leverage. Virgil kicks out at two, tag to Dibiase. Clothesline from Dibiase, Virgil counters the back body drop for a neck-breaker. Virgil tags Piper, Flair and Piper are legal. Eye poke from Piper, ten punches in the corner. Flair misses the inverted atomic drop, eye poke from Piper. Piper rams Flair into the buckle over and over, Piper takes down Mountie and Dibiase.

Everyone is brawling, Piper yanks Flair off the top rope. Flair flips to the floor, the next thing we know the bell has rung. What is the decision? Flair is the sole survivor as everyone who broke the rules was in the ring, Piper nails Flair for this but Flair is your winner.

Enjoyed a lot of the action in this match but as I saw the stars in this one, I thought myself what kind of finish are they going to do to get out of this booking nightmare and I got my answer and it’s befitting of the squirmy and rat-like Flair to steal a win like this, I suppose Flair vs Piper is on the house-shows but I would have liked a more definitive finish. Anyways, Piper is a treasure when he returns to the ring, I do love Bret Dibiase and Flair also. So, disappointing finish for sure but loved a lot of the elements of this match.

Winner: Ric Flair Is Your Survivor Via DQs!

Team Mustafa (The Berzerker/Skinner/Hercules/Colonel Mustafa) W/ General Adnan/Mr. Fuji vs Team Slaughter (Texas Tornado/Tito Santana/Hacksaw Jim Duggan/Sgt. Slaughter)

Well, a lot of new faces on pay per view here with Berzerker and Skinner having their pay per view debuts as well as a gimmick change for Tito Santana and Sgt. Slaughter as an American Patriot. Santana and Skinner to start, they lock-up. Slap from Skinner, Santana shoves down and clothesline Skinner. Side headlock from Santana, Skinner pulls the hair looking to escape. Shoulder block from Santana, Flying Forearm knocks Skinner to the floor. Slaughter hurls Skinner back into the ring, Skinner wisely rolls out once more. Mustafa checks on Skinner, we eventually will reset. Side headlock again, Skinner misses a right hand and elbow. Santana misses the forearm though, Skinner tags in The Berzerker who climbs to the middle rope and misses an elbow drop.

Tornado is in, right hands to Berzerker before Berzerker rakes the eyes. Whip off the ropes, Tornado dodges the clothesline and dropkick and lands a big right hand. Tornado gets caught in Team Mustafa’s corner, Mustafa holds Tornado as Berzerker puts the boots to him. Hercules is in but Tornado tags in Duggan, lock-up. Side headlock by Hercules, Duggan and Hercules trade shots. Whip by Hercules, Berzerker grabs the hair of Duggan but Duggan batters Team Mustafa. Hercules lands the axe handle, Team Mustafa punch and kick Duggan in the corner. Tag to Berzerker, stomps and a whip. Duggan eats an elbow to the face, tag to Mustafa. Duggan meets that pointed boot, Mustafa poses for the world before applying a sleeper.

Duggan lands a shoulder block before a throat thrust takes down Duggan. Duggan shakes off the attacks of Mustafa, ten punches in the corner. Mustafa nails a boot to the face for two, Duggan blocks the suplex and lands his own on Mustafa. Duggan tags Slaughter, atomic drop from Slaughter. Clothesline and Mustafa is out of this match.

Colonel Mustafa Has Been Eliminated By Sgt. Slaughter!

Berzerker and Hercules rush Slaughter, Berzerker is in firm control with kicks to the ribs and a clothesline. Hard whip to the buckle, big boot floors Slaughter for two. Tag to Hercules, Slaughter is rammed off the ring-post. Two for Hercules, tag to Berzerker. Berzerker is dropped on the top rope, Slaughter has Berzerker straddling the ropes. Slaughter kicks the knee of Berzerker, tag to Duggan. Eye rake by Berzerker, whip but Berzerker lowers his head. Kick from Duggan, clothesline to the floor. Duggan back drops Berzerker over the top rope, punches to Hercules and Skinner before Berzerker re-enters the ring and headbutts Duggan low.

Tornado blind tags in, Berzerker eats a Discuss Punch but is still on his feet. Tornado is dragged to the corner, Skinner holds Tornado as Hercules batters Tornado. Irish whip, Tornado rolls over Hercules and tags Santana. Big gut shot from Santana, Flying Forearm on Hercules and Hercules is eliminated!

Hercules Has Been Eliminated By Tito Santana!

Berzerker is in with Santana, clothesline by Berzerker. Tag to Skinner, axe handles from Skinner. Scoop slam, Santana manages to tag Slaughter. Skinner is rolled up from behind and Slaughter manages to get the three.

Skinner Has Been Eliminated By Sgt. Slaughter!

4 on 1 yet Berzerker is still on the warpath. Slaughter manages to fain control with the help of Duggan, one Three-Point Stance Clothesline later and Team Duggan is victorious.

That went too long in my view, when I saw the teams I thought we were in trouble. Not even the love of the fans for Duggan would save this from going awkwardly long, clean sweep and perhaps it is the right call but yeah, my only thought watching it was I cannot wait for it to end.

Winners: Team Duggan over Team Mustafa via Three-Point-Stance Clothesline!

(WWF Heavyweight Championship Match) Hulk Hogan © vs The Undertaker W/ Paul Bearer

Undefeated and unstoppable, two words to describe The Man From The Dark Side. The Ultimate Warrior had no answer for the power of The Deadman, Hogan seemed lost against The Undertaker too. Undertaker has got the upper hand on everyone who has tried to take him down, could this be the end of Hulkamania. Paul Bearer is at ringside, the last time these two shared space with one another, Undertaker laid out Hogan with Piper and Savage powerless to stop The Phenom. Taker stares down Hogan, they lock-up. Taker shoves off Hogan, Taker misses a corner splash but it has no effect on Taker.

Lock-up, side headlock from Hogan. Taker grabs the hair, shoulder block from Undertaker. Hogan rolls to the floor, Hogan looks shaken up by these turn of events. Choke from Taker, Hogan is caught in the corner. Throat thrust, Taker rakes at the face of Hogan. Hogan is choked against the top rope, Paul Bearer taunting Hogan from ringside. Bearer chokes Hogan behind the referee’s back, another throat thrust from Taker. Scoop slam, Taker misses a giant elbow drop. Hogan rallies, right hands to The Deadman. Whip and axe bomber, Taker is still on his feet. Taker blocks the scoop slam, eye rakes from Hogan. Forearm to the head, Taker is still on his feet.

Taker is rammed off the buckle, clothesline to the floor but Taker lands on his feet. Hogan is dragged out to the floor, Hogan meets the steel steps. Taker chokes Hogan using the camera cable, more choking in the ring from Taker. Bearer joins in for more choking, Taker has a claw hold on Hogan. Hogan manages to break free of the hold, eye rake. Shoulder block, make it two. Taker answers with a massive flying clothesline, Hogan is down. Taker gazes at his prey, Taker slowly drags Hogan to his feet. Tombstone Piledriver but Hogan is on his feet, Taker cannot believe it. Right hands, Taker staggers but does not go down.

Taker is down to one knee, crowd erupts. Ric Flair is making his way to ringside, what is this about? Scoop slam by Hogan, Bearer grabs at the foot of Hogan. Flair is spotted by Hogan, Hogan lands a huge right on Flair. Whip, boot by Hogan. Bearer stops the leg drop, Taker lands a shot to the throat. Flair has a chair, Tombstone Piledriver on the chair. 1…2…3! We have a new champion, The Undertaker is the champion!

What really draws me into the work of Undertaker is the whole character and concept of Undertaker. An unstoppable force like Michael Myers in Halloween, nothing scarier than a man who simply will not die. Instead of flying around the ring, everything is deliberate and slow. The zombie-like walk, the shaking off of the attacks, the feeling of fear that Taker places in his opponents it is so thrilling and entertaining to see take place, Undertaker is in there with one of the best in Hulk Hogan but I could not take my eyes off of Undertaker in this one, fantastic stuff. Now, we have to see Hogan vs Flair because Flair has helped cost Hogan his championship.

Winner: The Undertaker over Hulk Hogan via Tombstone Piledriver!

Team Beverly Brothers (Beau/Blake/Jerry Sags/Brian Knobbs) W/ The Genius & Jimmy Hart vs Team Bushwhackers (Butch/Luke/Marty Jannetty/Shawn Michaels)

Beverly Brothers Beau and Blake are now while the other teams have been stables up the WWF for a while now. Knobbs and Butch to start, knee by Knobbs. Butch answers with right hands, rights and lefts before Knobbs lands big elbows to the face. Irish whip reversal and knee by Butch, massive knee lift. Tag to Luke, double clothesline. Nasty Boys bang heads, double clotheslines to both. In come The Beverly Brothers, they are whipped into one another before eating Battering Rams. Dropkicks from The Rockers to The Nasty Boys, Michaels and a Beverly Brother brawl before a back-breaker puts down Michaels. Tag to Knobbs, Michaels lands a high knee. Tag to Luke who eats a middle rope diving clothesline from Knobbs for the elimination.

Bushwhacker Luke Has Been Eliminated By Brian Knobbs!

Sags and Michaels go out, top rope diving crossbody from Michaels for two. Tag to Jannetty, splash finds the mark. Arm-wringer from Jannetty, Sags pulls the hair. Sags pulls the hair again, in comes Blake. Jannetty nails a superkick on Blake, drop toehold from Jannetty before Blake places Jannetty on the top rope. Jannetty leapfrogs Blake but hits the referee by mistake, allowing Blake to take control. Gutwrench suplex from Blake, both men bang heads off an Irish whip. Blake tags Beau, Jannetty tags Butch. Clothesline to both Beverlys, the referee is with Sags as The Beverlys nail their Spike Slam for the elimination.

Bushwhacker Butch Has Been Eliminated by The Beverly Brothers!

Jannetty nails a monkey flip on Blake, hurricanrana for two. Front chancery from Jannetty, whip by Blake. Blake catches the boot of Jannetty, enzuigiri from Jannetty. Blake tags Beau, arm-wringer from Jannetty. Tag to Michaels, Beau rocks Michaels with right hands. Middle rope choke from Beau, Knobbs chokes Michaels behind the referee’s back. Blake lands on the back of Michaels off a tag, two for Blake. Blake hurls Michaels to the floor, Knobbs rams Michaels into the ring apron. Elbow from Blake, elbow drop to the spine. Whip to the buckle, back-breaker from Blake. Whip to the buckle, back-breaker is countered this time for a backslide pin and Blake is eliminated.

Blake Has Been Eliminated By Shawn Michaels!

Sags is in with Michaels, Michaels lands on the apron off an Irish whip. Sags is dropkicked to the floor, Michaels is on the apron. Diving clothesline, superkick to Knobbs. Michaels is on the top rope, right hand to the face from Sags. Tag to Beau, scoop slam and clothesline on the ropes. Beau takes a boot to the face ducking his head on an Irish whip, Michaels tags Jannetty. Elbow and snap-mare from Jannetty, Knobbs rakes the eyes. In comes Beau, clothesline misses for Beau. Sunset flip from Jannetty for two, Beau tags Knobbs. Hard Irish whip from Knobbs, powerslam for two.

Tag to Sags, stomps to the back from Sags. Pump-handle slam from Sags, Sags looks out to the crowd as if to say I am the man. Belly to back suplex from Sags, tag to Knobbs. Knobbs is on the middle rope, splash goes wrong as Jannetty blocks with his knees. Tag to Michaels, right hands. Clothesline, right hands to Sags and Beau, Nasty Boys sandwich Beau. Michaels nails Knobbs, Jannetty scoop slams Sags but Jannetty knocks over Michaels, Knobbs rolls-up Michaels for the elimination.

Shawn Michaels Has Been Eliminated By Brian Knobbs!

They look as if they are going to come to blows, it does not though as Jannetty fights on, 3 on 1. Sags tosses Jannetty to the floor, Beau is very happy with this development. Whip off the ropes, powerslam from Beau. Beau tags Knobbs, kick to the ribs. Arm-wringer, Jannetty escapes with a slide through the legs. Knobbs is brought to the floor, tasting the ring-post. Sags is kicked in the face, Jannetty dives onto both Nasty Boys. Beau is slammed to the mat by Jannetty, Nasty Boys miss a clothesline. Jannetty has a small package on Sags, Knobbs pushes over the hold and The Nastys steal the win.

Just realized I messed up Beau and Blake, I do not feel all that bad considering Gorilla did not have a clue either. Anyways, this served as a comedown from the previous match and boy, it surely did. Much like the Duggan match, this went too long for me. I believe it is much like the earlier Survivor Series matches that I watched, just far too long with the crowd not entertained with the matches. Most interesting thing about this match is the teased dissension between Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty, The Heartbreak Kid will be coming soon!

Winners: Team Nasty Boys over Team Rockers via Small-Package!

Team IRS (IRS/Earthquake/Typhoon) vs Team Big Bossman (Big Bossman/Animal/Hawk)

Bossman continues to be an immensely popular character in the WWF, coming up against two monsters should be good along with The Legion Of Doom. A lot of trash-talking and flexing going on to start this match, loud LOD chants. Bossman and IRS start us off, clean break in the corner before IRS goes low with a knee. Leapfrogs and counters before Bossman trips IRS, whip to the buckle and down goes IRS. Reversal from IRS, Bossman slips out and boots IRS. Uppercut downs IRS, in comes Earthquake who wants Animal. Bossman obliges, big staredown. Side headlock from Animal, shoulder block with neither man moving. Crossbody by Animal goes wrong as Earthquake nails a massive back-breaker. Splash misses though, flying shoulder block by Animal for two. In comes IRS, tag to Hawk.

Hammerlock from Hawk, IRS is in the ropes. Eye rake, tag to Typhoon. IRS is dropped into Typhoon, Hawk dropkicks them down. Whip to the buckle, Animal and Bossman clobber Typhoon. Typhoon tags in Earthquake, Earthquake picks up Hawk bringing him to the heel corner. In comes IRS, Hawk lands a belly to back suplex and fist drop. Bossman comes in, right hands to IRS. Bossman drops all his weight on the back of IRS, Bossman has IRS by his tie. LOD and Earthquake are having words, Typhoon slides IRS his briefcase and IRS knocks out Bossman for the elimination.

Big Bossman Has Been Eliminated By IRS!

Typhoon jumps on Animal, The Natural Disasters club the life out of Animal. Belly to belly suplex from Earthquake for two, clubbing blows in the corner. Diving axe handle from IRS, kicks to the ribs from IRS. More Natural Disasters double teaming in the corner, bearhug from Typhoon. Animal blocks a corner splash with a boot, clothesline by Animal. Tag to Hawk, rights and stomps. Whip off the ropes, flying shoulder tackle. IRS interferes, IRS attacks Hawk from behind but IRS nails Typhoon by mistake with the briefcase.

Typhoon Has Been Eliminated By Hawk!

Earthquake is furious, Typhoon is checked on by his partner. The Natural Disasters are leaving, Earthquake says screw it for IRS. IRS is not worth it, Hawk goes on the attack. Dropkick by Hawk, whip off the ropes and beautiful powerslam. To the buckle, Hawk misses a spear and hits the ring-post shoulder-first. Elbow by IRS, make it two. IRS tosses Hawk to the floor, IRS rams Hawk into the steel steps. They brawl on the floor, IRS gains control. Elbow from IRS, sleeper from IRS.

Animal rallies the crowd for Hawk, Hawk fights his way out with both men hitting one another with a clothesline. Suplex attempt, Hawk lands a suplex of his own. Hawk tags Animal, flying shoulder tackle. Powerslam, double clothesline. IRS rolls out, running away from LOD. Bossman blocks the path of IRS, IRS is suplexed into the ring. Hawk nails a Diving Clothesline and this one is over.

Again, it was alright you have a walk-out leaving IRS to get decimated by LOD. We did not even get a Doomsday Device but that is your main event, feels like a let down to end the show. The whole show has been like this though so I do not know what else to say, I will collect my thoughts below.

Winners: Team LOD over Team IRS via Diving Clothesline!

That was WWF Survivor Series 1991, a below average pay per view from the WWF. It seems that the company is on a downslide at the current time, the match card reflects the company at the time. It starts off hot with Team Piper vs Team Flair, there is a lot of feuds in this one and a lot of action you want to see and then, it ends in a count-out. Ok, some people were going to be protected and not do the job but to have Flair win by having 3 members of the opposing team counted out seemed weak to me. I thought they could have done more to build up Flair and also showcase Piper vs Flair or even Bret vs Flair. There were lots of interesting pieces to the match but I did not get to truly enjoy them or see them play out.

Team Slaughter vs Team Mustafa was a tough one to sit through, fans did not care. The action in the ring did not make me excited or interested, I could not wait for it to be over and I am not sure anyone looked good when the final bell sounded. Similarly, Team Rockers vs Team Nasty and Team Bossman vs Team IRS felt the same, nothing was advanced or meaningful bar Michaels possibly breaking up with Jannetty. You had acts that could not generate that interest from the fans to make these matches exciting, you just had some tags followed by some offence until an elimination occurred. All of the elimination matches were one-sided which took away from the drama for sure, thought they could have been booked better.

Finally, Hogan vs Undertaker was great. Undertaker as this unstoppable force was great to watch, slow and menacing was The Deadman who destroyed Hogan throughout and just seemed to have an answer for everything Hogan tried to do to him. Hogan put over The Deadman great, showing fear and doubting himself as well as selling Taker’s attacks as damaging and devastating although he did no-sell a Tombstone. Regardless, this match felt important and was the highlight of the show, you had Flair adding fuel to the fire with his match with Hogan because of the interference and Savage vs Roberts should be fantastic based on their promos alone. All in all, I thought this was disappointing for a pay per view, I would suggest seeking out Undertaker vs Hogan if you are interested, not much else stands out. Thanks for reading and remember: there’s always another night!