Hello and welcome to another
bone-breaking edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling
review series on the internet that comes up on the losing end more than Curt
Hawkins! WWE’s Vengeance 2007, Night of Champions based around the concept of
every match being a title match. Batista’s last chance at becoming World
Heavyweight Champion as The Animal battles Edge while John Cena finds himself
in a five-way match for his WWE Championship. The card does not have me overly
excited but let us see where things head, this is Vengeance 2007.
(WWE World Tag Team Championship Match) Lance Cade &
Trevor Murdoch © vs The Hardy Boyz
Cade &
Murdoch had reformed their evil ways or so we thought before the two stole the
tag team championships from The Hardys, The Hardys look to win back the gold on
this night. Cade and Matt start, some nice wrestling before Matt crossbodies
Cade and lays down right hands. Tag to Jeff, Omega combination for two. Cade
grabs a headlock, blind tag from Murdoch. Big neckbreaker for two, Jeff
reverses a back drop with a kick. Corkscrew mule kick, tag to Matt. Middle rope
axe handle, Matt tags in Jeff. Poetry in Motion, corner dropkick from Jeff.
Matt clotheslines Cade to the floor as The Hardys rule the ring. Tag to Matt,
the champions decide to regroup after their beating.
challengers chase down the champions, Matt has Murdoch. Slap from Murdoch,
Murdoch runs from Matt. Tag to Cade, Matt misses the tag. Chop block by Cade,
Matt had his leg attacked on a match on Smackdown, it has been worked into this
match. Murdoch works the leg before tagging Cade, another massive chop block.
Matt’s leg is driven forcefully into the mat, tag to Murdoch. Matt tries
fighting back, Murdoch attacks the leg. Single leg Boston crab, Matt escapes
and tags Jeff. Slingshot dropkick, inverted atomic drop and low leg drop. Back
drop for Murdoch, Cade gets caught for a neckbreaker.
Two for
Jeff, Whisper in the Wind on Cade. Two for Jeff, sit-out front suplex. Jeff
looks for the swanton, Murdoch eats a boot to the head. Matt is with the
referee, Murdoch trips Jeff. Sit-out Spinebuster from Cade and the heels retain
their championship.
Decent tag
team match from these two, you cannot get a bad tag match from the Hardys,
their reunion in 2006 and 2007 makes it appear to be 1999 all over again as
there is not one young child or woman who does not love The Hardy Boyz. The two
teams have fought for at least three pay per views this year, I am ready for
something new but fearful for the future.
Cade & Murdoch over The Hardy Boyz via Sit-out Spinebuster!
(WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match) Chavo Guerrero © vs
Jimmy Wang Yang
Oh, this
championship is still around and the push that Chavo received from his feud
with Mysterio is but a distant memory. Roll-up from Yang for two, lock-up. Side
headlock takedown from Yang, Chavo lures in Yang and smashes Yang. Hard Irish
whip, uppercut floors Yang. Yang answers with a suplex and a kimura hold, whip
to the corner. Yang walks up Chavo but Chavo hurls Yang to the floor. Baseball
slide from Chavo, Chavo climbs to the top. Yang dropkicks Chavo off the top
rope, Yang climbs the top rope. Big crossbody attack by Yang, two for Yang in
the ring.
Chavo begs
for mercy, Irish whip to the corner. Chavo reverses Yang, hiptossing Yang into
the turnbuckle. Chavo chokes Yang using the bottom rope, high-angle back suplex
for two. Stretch from Chavo, Yang escapes and chops Chavo. Drop toehold and
splash by Chavo, more kicks to the spine. Hard Irish whip to the corner,
snapmare into a camel clutch like manoeuvre. Back suplex escape from Yang, Yang
nails a middle rope dropkick. Spinning heel kick in the corner, crossbody for
two. Chavo counters for two amigos, spinning heel kick from Yang. Two for Yang,
Chavo rolls out of the way of the moonsault. Gory Special from Chavo, Yang
rolls through for two and a half. Chavo pulls Yang into the corner and up to
the top rope, Yang knocks off Chavo. Chavo crotches Yang, Yang tumbles to the
mat, Frog Splash by Chavo and the champion retains.
The division
was on its dying legs by this point, there was little heat or interest in this
match from the crowd. The near-fall at the end was as close as the fans got to
being into the match. However, the two men involved worked hard , it is a shame
that the match mattered little to the fans.
Chavo Guerrero over Jimmy Wang Yang via Frog Splash!
(ECW World Heavyweight Championship Match) CM Punk vs Johnny
So, we know
that it was meant to be Benoit vs Punk which would have been very good but
Benoit missed the show which would lead to Nitro filling in for Benoit. Nitro
had dropped off the face of the earth as Jeff Hardy took his Intercontinental
Championship and The Hardys beat the piss out of MNM in every match they had,
the championship has been vacated by Bobby Lashley in the pursuit of the WWE
Punk and
Nitro begin wrestling, Nitro wins and taunts Punk. Punk kicks the legs of
Nitro, huge head kick with Nitro rolling to the floor. Nitro slaps Punk, Nitro
runs from Punk. Punk nails a slingshot splash on Nitro, whip to the corner.
Slap from Punk, Punk finds himself on the end of a huge kick from Nitro. Nasty
forearms from Nitro for two, cobra clutch style choke from Nitro. Kick to the
chest by Nitro, arm wrenches from Nitro. Backbreaker from Nitro and a single
arm DDT for two. Another rest hold from Nitro, Punk escapes and nails a huge enzuigiri.
Kicks and forearms from Punk, leaping leg lariat for two. Nitro blocks the knee
in the corner, roll-up with feet on the ropes for two.
lariat from Punk for two, GTS is blocked with elbows from Nitro. Nitro wants
the sunset flip, Punk counters his own pin for two. Muay Thai knees from Punk,
high running knee in the corner with a bulldog. Punk is feeling it now, Punk is
on the apron. Punk rolls through off a springboard, Punk is on the apron. Punk
tries a shoulder block, Nitro knees Punk in the head and nails a snapping
neckbreaker for the win.
Similar to
the last match, this match suffered from an intense lack of heat. Fans were not
happy without Benoit being in the match, Punk and Nitro did not have plenty of
time to put the match together either so this must be factored into any
criticisms of this match but it just fell flat at the end of the day, Vengeance
needs something big to get me back into this show.
Johnny Nitro over CM Punk via Neckbreaker!
(WWE Intercontinental Championship Match) Santino Marella ©
vs Umaga
Santino had
become champion thanks to the help of Bobby Lashley who decimated Umaga which
led to Marella winning the championship. Marella tries to roll up Umaga, Umaga
grabs Marella by the throat. Marella escapes, massive forearms from Marella,
Umaga drops his weight back on Marella. Marella blocks a headbutt with his
knees, superkick from Umaga. Shoulder claw from Umaga, Umaga throws Marella to
the corner. Umaga gets disqualified for beating the crap out of Marella. More
of an angle than a match, no rating for this.
Santino Marella over Umaga via DQ!
(WWE United States Championship Match) Ric Flair vs MVP ©
championship defence for MVP on pay per view after besting The Rabid Wolverine,
Flair is a good day at the office. The two lock-up, MVP clean breaks in the
corner. Trash talk from MVP, Flair has none of it. Chops and right hands from
Flair, MVP powders while Flair struts. Takedown from Flair, Flair wrenches the leg.
MVP escapes and boots Flair to the floor hard, MVP rolls out to take control of
the match. Two for MVP, clubbing forearms from MVP. Reverse chinlock from MVP,
Flair is bleeding. Flair is battered in the corner, chops from Flair. MVP whips
Flair to the corner, big back body drop.
chinlock from MVP, Flair escapes but eats a gorilla press slam from MVP. Knee
to the head for two, forearms by MVP. Jawbreaker from Flair, big right hand.
Chops galore, reverse elbow from Flair. Back drop, ten punches in the corner.
Stungun from MVP to counter Flair, MVP misses the player’s boot. Chop block
from MVP, Figure Four from Flair. MVP makes it to the ropes, rights and lefts
from Flair. Eye poke from MVP behind the referee’s back, Playmaker from MVP and
MVP retains the championship.
solid performance from MVP, Flair is always entertaining from the ring and
guaranteed to make the most of the time that he has in the ring. The show just
seems to be in one gear though, hoping that things pick up with the main event
matches that are on their way but the pay per view is just moving along at a
decent pace.
Winner: MVP
over Ric Flair via Playmaker!
(WWE Tag Team Championship Match) Deuce & Domino © W/
Cherry vs Sgt Slaughter & Jimmy Snuka
Why, just
why? Snuka pummels Domino, tag to Slaughter. Slaughter kicks the crap out of Domino,
snapmare for two. Shoulder thrusts from Slaughter, back drop for two. Cobra
Clutch on Domino, Domino reaches the ropes. Reverse elbow from Slaughter,
short-arm clothesline. Another Cobra Clutch, Deuce attacks from the apron.
Domino takes control, tag to Deuce. Deuce tags in Domino, elbows and such for
two. Deuce comes in, Deuce misses his Snuka splash, tag to Snuka. Right chops
and headbutt, Domino gets nailed too. Flying forearm, two for Snuka. Backbreaker
from Snuka, crossbody but Deuce rolls through for the win. Awful and
unnecessary, no thanks! DUD!
Deuce & Domino over Snuka & Slaughter via Roll-Up!
(WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match) Edge © vs Batista
Last chance
for The Animal, Edge had slipped through the cracks against Batista on two
previous occasions but for how much longer could Edge run? Well, this is
Batista’s last chance, Batista has to beat Edge in this match. Batista goes
right after Edge, shoulder thrusts in the corner. Shoulder block for two,
keylock from The Animal. Edge escapes but eats a massive sidewalk slam for two,
Edge holds onto the ropes from an Irish whip. Batista is lowbridged, Edge tries
an apron splash but Batista catches the champion. Back first into the apron,
Batista wants to lawn dart Edge into the ringpost. Edge shoves Batista into the
ringpost, Batista eats blows to the back of the head. Batista is tossed
shoulder first into the ringpost, Edge keeps the challenger on the floor with a
baseball slide. Edge wears down the arm, hiptoss from Batista.
meets the ringpost once again, Batista fights back. Drop toehold from Edge and
into a hammerlock, Batista counters for a Samoan drop. Edge holds on, crucifix
hold from Edge. Batista fires back with forearms, Edge blocks the clothesline.
Edge hangs up the arm of Batista, gigantic lariat from The Animal. Spinning
sidewalk slam from Batista for two, Batista Bomb is countered for The Edgecution,
two for Edge. Roll-up from Batista for two, roll-up by Edge for two. Running
powerslam is countered for the Edge O Matic. Edge wants the spear, Batista
Spears Edge. Low blow to stop the Batista bomb from Edge, Edge cannot win by DQ
though as Theodore Long restarts the match.
Edge is not
a happy boy, Edge marches back to the ring. Edge batters Batista, Spear by Edge
for two. Batista kicks out! Edge grabs a chair, Edge throws down the chair.
Small package for two by Batista, Edge wriggles free from the Batista Bomb. Clothesline
to the floor, Edge pulls Batista into the steel steps. Batista blocks a spear
for a Batista Bomb on the floor. Batista pushes Edge into the ring but Batista
does not break the ten-count.
Sweet Jesus,
that finish sucks. The way it was set up, I thought it was time for The Animal
to be the champion but Batista looks like a chump again. Fair enough if both
men cannot answer the count, I could live with that but Batista pushes Edge
back in and does not make the count himself? You can powerbomb Edge after the
match all you want to get your heat back but you look so dumb when you think of
it, Batista could have broken the count and grabbed Edge again restarting the
count. The building came alive for the match but that finish sucks!
Edge over Batista via Count-Out!
(WWE Women’s Championship Match) Melina © vs Candice Michelle
These two
had a pudding bowl match last month, they are now battling for the
championship. Candice looks amazing, Melina starts strong choking and kicking
Candice. Two for Melina, headbutt by Melina. Running knees in the corner,
headscissors choke from Melina. Roll-up from Candice for two, Candice is
slammed into the mat. Bow & Arrow from Melina, Candice escapes for a two
count. Melina misses a splash as Candice lowbridges the champion, slingshot
from Candice. Powerslam from Candice, elbow drop for two. Whip to the corner,
running bulldog from Candice for two. Eye rake from Melina, Melina looks for a neckbreaker.
Candice kicks out at two, forearms by Melina, Candice nails a massive spinning
heel kick for the win.
Lots of
screaming and groaning, it is bizarre to me when the division was looking good
with Melina as the head bitch and this push for Candice comes out of nowhere,
truly a shock that nobody was expecting but I am an optimistic man so maybe
Candice is going to do things with the championship that had no been done since
the days of Trish and Lita.
Candice Michelle over Melina via Spinning Heel Kick!
(WWE Championship Match) John Cena © vs King Booker vs Mick Foley
vs Randy Orton vs Bobby Lashley
Why is Foley
here? Why did Lashley give up his ECW championship after fighting so hard to
get it back from The Mcmahons? Why are we wasting the heel push of Orton with
all the momentum he has built up? These are my questions, I do not understand
this match. We start off hot with Lashley diving onto everyone, Lashley grabs
King Booker. Lashley nails Booker with a massive backbreaker, Cena saves the match.
Cena and Lashley face-off, the two slug it out. Spinebuster by Lashley, Cena
rolls to the floor. Lashley starts ripping at the announce table, everyone
begins brawling on the floor. Foley takes apart King Booker until Foley meets
the steel steps.
Orton tries an RKO on the floor, Lashley
blocks but Cena FUs Lashley through the announce table. Booker goes after Cena,
massive knees and an Irish whip to the corner. Scissors Kick by Booker, Orton
saves the match. Shoulder blocks and spinning side slam by Cena, Cena tries for
a five knuckle shuffle but Orton nails an RKO, Foley saves the match. Running
knee to Orton, Double Arm DDT on Orton. Mr. Socko is here, Booker sidekicks
Foley. Double knockdown between Orton and Booker, Foley has a chair. Foley
cracks Lashley and Booker, Cena eats it too. Orton attacks Foley from behind,
Orton punt kicks Foley. Lashley Spears Orton, Booker sidekicks Lashley. Cena hotshots
Booker who falls to the floor, FU onto Foley by Cena and Cena wins the match.
Compared to
everything else on this show, this match was pure bliss and a breeze, I did
think it was a waste of some talent like the likes of Orton who was on the heel
run of his life and Lashley who needed to be groomed slowly but hats off to all
involved they delivered on a show that was mostly a waste of your time.
John Cena over Everyone Else via FU!
That was WWE’s
Vengeance 2007, definitely one of the weaker shows of the year from the WWE.
The rematches hurt this pay per view in my eyes, Cade & Murdoch vs The
Hardys was very old by this point and Edge vs Batista had been done to death
which made the matches hard to show anything new or interesting. The fresh
feuds going into the show were disappointing too, Punk vs Nitro on short notice
was a shame as neither man got to truly show what they could do while the
Smackdown tag team match was a joke, MVP vs Flair was all Flair and the women’s
match was in the slot of death which was deserved looking back, you have a fun
main event but it’s not enough to save this show, best to avoid this one if you
are looking back on the year. Thanks for the continued support, thanks for
reading and remember: There’s always another night!