Hello and welcome to another edition
of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the
internet that has a future shrouded in more mystery than The Revival! It’s time
for WWE One Night Stand 2008, the one night of the year where the WWE goes
extreme. The feud continues between John Cena and JBL, Bradshaw will not let
his rivalry with The Leader Of The Cenation slide. Cena picked up the victory
by catching JBL by surprise at Judgement Day but they meet again tonight.
Meanwhile on Smackdown, Edge looks to capture the WWE World Heavyweight
Championship in his battle with The Undertaker. The championship had been
vacated due to Undertaker’s illegal Hell’s Gate manoeuvre and while Undertaker
was victorious by count-out in their last encounter, the championship could not
be won by count-out. Edge looks to settle the feud with a TLC match for the
championship, Edge’s signature match, can The Deadman overcome The Rated R
Superstar? We also have Batista looking to avenge his loss at Backlash to Shawn
Michaels, the man who retired his mentor Ric Flair and Triple H and Randy Orton
look to finish the final chapter in their feud over the WWE Championship.
Opening Promo
Flashes of
all the top WWE Superstars as on this night, things get extreme. First Blood
between JBL and John Cena, Triple H and Randy Orton in a Last Man Standing
match, Michaels vs Batista in a Stretcher Match and the TLC match between
Undertaker and Edge, all the focus on these massive four matches, clips of each
man using weapons fill out the promo, it was good but not great.
(Falls Count Anywhere Match) Jeff Hardy vs Umaga
Umaga and
Jeff Hardy have kind of fallen out of the WWE Championship picture since
Wrestlemania so this should be a return to form for both of these wrestlers and
Hardy is the perfect fit for the Extreme Rules concept and with the match being
Falls Count Anywhere, I can only imagine what Jeff Hardy will do in this match.
Reverse elbow from Umaga to begin, Irish whip to the corner. Hardy goes down
hard, stomps to the head. Umaga tries another Irish whip, Whisper In The Wind from
Hardy for two. Hardy climbs to the middle rope, Umaga catches the crossbody for
a spinning side slam, close two for Umaga. Irish whip from Umaga, Hardy holds
onto the ropes. Lowbridging the giant, Hardy nails a plancha for two.
Hardy gets
overzealous, Umaga whips Hardy hard into the barricade, They battle their way
into the crowd, chairs are dropped on Hardy’s back. Headbutts from Umaga, Hardy
picks up a traffic cone but Umaga shakes off the shot to the head. Superkick
from Umaga for two, Umaga pummels Hardy into one of the boxes by the stage,
Umaga misses his running hip attack. Hardy showers Umaga with a fire
extinguisher, Umaga and Hardy begin battling by a corridor. Umaga misses a
chair to the head, Hardy slides down the barrister of the stairs and clotheslines
Umaga for two.
Hardy lands
worse from the attack, they battle at the concessions area. Hardy meets a bin
head first, two for Umaga. Umaga punches and kicks Hardy to outside the arena,
Hardy meets another one of the loading boxes. Two for Umaga, Hardy’s face meets
the back of a truck. Hardy smashes Umaga into a truck door, two for Hardy. The
two battle over to a truck with a ladder on the back, Hardy begins climbing to
the top of the truck. Umaga grabs the leg of Hardy, Hardy kicks off Umaga.
Hardy climbs to the top, Swanton Bomb off the top of the truck, Hardy wins the
Nice little
opening match from Hardy and Umaga, the two have a lot of chemistry with one
another. Hardy is reaching peak popularity in the WWE by this point, you can
hear the fans screaming for him throughout the match. Umaga is an awesome big
man too, so agile and so believable in his role, the two batter one another
with some nice spots mixed in there, the superkick off the traffic cone shot
and the clothesline sliding down the banister. So, fun opening match, not much
in terms of actual wrestling but entertaining enough to put a smile on everyone’s
face in the arena.
Jeff Hardy over Umaga Via Swanton Bomb!
(Five-Way Singapore Cane Match) Big Show vs Chavo Guerrero vs
CM Punk vs John Morrison vs Tommy Dreamer
Each corner
of the ring has a Singapore Cane in its corner, the winner of this match will
challenge the ECW Champion Kane at Night Of Champions. Everyone jumps Big Show,
smart strategy. Show shakes it off though, headbutts and slams from The Giant.
Show misses and elbow drop, Punk and Morrison combine to take off Show’s head.
Dreamer DDT, Frog Splash from Chavo. Each man runs up for the kendo sticks,
Show is like a giant pinata. Everyone whips Show relentlessly, Show is
clotheslined to the floor. Punk and Chavo pair off by the announce tables,
Chavo hits the famous Basketball/Football Player Man, no clue was not paying
attention to what sport he played.
Chavo is
beneath the player who has the kendo stick, Chavo eats it to the head. Show
tosses Morriosn around the ring. Show picks up the steel steps, Morrison chop
blocks Show who cuts his head open off the steel steps. Punk powerslams Chavo
for two, Morrison smashes Punk with the kendo stick. Dreamer nails a pumphandle
suplex with a kendo stick on Morrison. Dreamer blocks a GTS, applies the Texas
Cloverleaf but Morrison saves Punk. We have a tower of doom spot with four men
down before Big Show awakens with his face covered in blood, Bam Neely and The
Miz are battered by The Big Show.
Kendo stick
shots for Morriosn who tried a plancha, Punk, Dreamer and Chavo are waffled
with the kendo stick. It’s a savage beating for everyone involved, Dreamer
tries to whack Show. Show blocks the kendo stick shot, Chokeslam from Show.
Show stands tall, Show picks up Dreamer. Dreamer is in the corner, Show has the
kendo stick. Dreamer is cracked in the skull, Show covers with his foot and we
have your challenger for Night Of Champions.
That was
fun, loved the psychology of the early parts of the match, Show’s cut was nasty
but boy, it was needed for the story they were telling. Show unleashes his
anger, Show gets angry and nobody is safe. It was all about Show in the last
five minutes and that is what you needed if you are building up a monster, I am
sure Show didn’t enjoy being cut open but it was a great visual. Looking
forward to Show vs Kane at Night Of Champions, cannot wait for that match.
Winner: Big
Show over Everyone Else Via Kendo Stick To The Head!
(First Blood Match) JBL vs John Cena
The feud
continues between Cena and JBL, a first blood match as these two despise one
another, I buy into hook, line and sinker. We begin with both men ripping off
the turnbuckles from their respective corners. Cena talks trash to JBL, JBL and
Cena begin trading blows. Low kicks from JBL, clubbing blows from the loudmouth
Texan. Cena avoids a big boot, shoulder block from Cena. JBL rolls to the
floor, mounted punches from Cena. JBL manages to reverse an Irish whip and send
Cena to the floor, elbow and hard right hand by JBL. JBL tries to send Cena
into the exposed turnbuckle, Cena blocks but JBL maintains control with a
reverse elbow. JBL scores with big right hands and boots to the head of Cena.
JBL grinds Cena’s face off the barricade, anything to rip open Cena’s face.
Cena battles back on the ramp, big right hands
from Cena. Eye rake by JBL, massive big boot from JBL. JBL grabs a chair from
ringside, Cena is placed against the ringpost, Cena ducks the chair shot and
sends JBL to the announce table. Microphone shot from JBL, Cena is down once
more. JBL batters Cena with the microphone, JBL continues to talk trash. JBL
misses the microphone shot, shoulder blocks from Cena. Spinning out side slam
from Cena, Five Knuckle Shuffle from Cena. FU is avoided, JBL lands on the
apron and a slingshot from JBL leaves both men down. Boots from JBL, Cena meets
the ringpost head first.
JBL grabs
the steel steps, Cena dodges the steps to the head. Cena’s head meets the
barricade, crowd comes alive for Cena. JBL tries a DDT on the steel steps, Cena
blocks and JBL knocks the air out of himself. Cena has the microphone, JBL is
smashed in the head with the microphone. No blood, JBL’s face is raked off the
steel steps, still no blood. In the ring, JBL avoids a Cena attack and sends
Cena into the exposed turnbuckle. Cena ducks a clothesline and bulldogs JBL
onto a chair, JBL reveals a chain that was hidden in his towel. Wham to the
ribs of Cena, JBL wraps the chain around his fist. Cena dodges the chain, FU to
JBL, planting him in the middle of the ring.
Boot by JBL,
Cena is tied up in the ropes. Cena has no defence, JBL looks to capitalise. JBL
has a whip, Cena has nowhere to go. JBL
gets too cocky, low blow by Cena. STFU using the chain and JBL begins to bleed
from the mouth due to the chain being wrapped around his neck.
I loved this
match, I loved the laser focus of JBL on opening up the head of John Cena. Every
attack that JBL inflicted on Cena was on the head, from exposing turnbuckles to
hiding chains to bust open Cena. Thought it was tremendous work from JBL on
that part, Cena was very good when it came to selling his ass off for JBL,
thought they could have stretched out the blood a bit, JBL was bleeding the
second the chain was wrapped around the neck, thought there could have been more
of a struggle perhaps a close-up of JBL having the chain around his neck and
then, spouting blood but that is a very minor nitpick.
John Cena over JBL via First Blood!
(I Quit Match) Melina vs Beth Phoenix
Melina and
Beth use to be on the same page before Beth began to bully Melina because
nobody compares to The Glamazon. Melina starts off with a knee to the ribs and
a guillotine choke. Beth breaks out and nails a powerslam, backbreaker from Beth
into a submission before Melina uses her flexibility to escape the hold. Melina
nails a bulldog off the top rope, Melina applies an Indian deathlock into a
Muta Lock. Beth crawls to the floor to break the hold, Melina tosses Beth into
the ring. Beth spears Melina to the corner, Melina gets stomped in the corner.
Beth pulls back on Melina’s hair using the ropes, Argentine Backbreaker from Beth.
refuses to give up as Beth stretches her jaw over and over. Melina begins to
battle back, Melina attempts a headscissors, Beth counters before Melina
wheelbarrows through, Beth hits the turnbuckle hard. Melina transitions to a
Fujiwara armbar out of a headscissors. Beth powers up but Melina rolls into a
crossbreker armbar. Beth powers up and slams Melina hard to the mat.
Wheelbarrow life into The Glam Slam, chickenwing from Beth. Melina is crying
out in pain but she will not say I quit, Beth wrenches back with Melina crying
out in pain, Beth transitions to a choke and Melina is forced to tap.
Like an awkward
tennis match, this is filled with a tonne of screaming that I would rather not
have to listen to that trash. However, Melina and Beth are two quality athletes,
Melina’s flexibility is one of her main strengths and I love they worked that
into the finish, that choke was God damn nasty but the bigger question is can I
buy into Melina as a babyface? We shall see as the months continue!
Beth Phoenix over Melina via Submission!
(Stretcher Match) Shawn Michaels vs Batista
feels lied to, Batista told HBK that if Michaels was lying, The Animal would
come for The Heartbreak Kid. That day has come, Batista is here and they will
meet in a stretcher match. The Animal promises one thing, to inflict pain on Shawn
charges Batista, knowing Batista is ready to explode, Batista does see Michaels
coming though, clothesline to the floor. Not good for HBK, Batista drops
Michaels onto the stretcher. Batista attempts an Irish whip into the steel
steps, Michaels reverses the Irish whip. Batista’s arm is the target, enzuigiri
against the steel steps. Michael uses the stretcher to shove over Batista, HBK
looks to ram The Animal once more. Michaels tries placing Batista on the
stretcher, Batista fights it off, Batista Bomb is countered for a guillotine
choke. Batista is choked out, Michaels begins wheeling the stretcher.
fights his way out of it, spinebuster onto the apron from HBK. Clothesline
turns HBK inside out, running powerslam from The Animal. Batista attempts a spear
but HBK sees it coming, flying forearm from HBK. Elbow Drop from HBK,
clothesline from Batista thwarts Sweet Chin Music. Batista Bomb is blocked once
more, Sweet Chin Music lands Batista on the stretcher at ringside. Batista
rolls off the stretcher much to Michaels’ frustration. Batista begins to fight,
Michaels rams The Animal repeatedly with the stretcher until Batista blocks the
stretcher. Michaels eats the stretcher with his jaw, Batista shoves the
stretcher hard into Michaels.
Spear by
Batista, Batista Bomb from The Animal. Batista drags Michaels to the stretcher,
Chris Jericho is here at ringside. Jericho tries supporting Michaels, pumping
up The Heartbreak Kid. Jericho might have just saved Michaels in this match,
Batista is thinking of punishing Michaels more. Michaels pulls himself up to
fight Batista, Michaels tries a sweet chin music but it is not enough to even
hurt The Animal. Batista talks trash to Michaels before signalling for another
Batista Bomb, Batista drags Michaels to the stretcher. Jericho stops the stretcher,
Batista is astonished by Jericho’s interference. Batista grabs the steel steps,
looking to end HBK. Spinebuster on the steel steps, Michaels is finished and
the stretcher is pushed over the finish line.
Thought this
was great, this is what the feud between these two needed to be at this point.
Batista was hell bent on revenge, Michaels had lied to Batista about his
injury, Michaels had taken away Ric Flair from Batista. Batista needed the win
and needed to punish Michaels, Michaels sells the beating like only he can when
it comes to the WWE roster at this time, untouchable is Michaels. Loved the
Flair callback with Batista’s own twist, it was
a very strong emotional contest which might have stole the show.
Batista over Shawn Michaels!
(WWE Championship Last Man Standing Match) Triple H © vs
Randy Orton
stare-down from the second Triple H emerges from the curtain, Orton’s facials
are tremendous once more. Orton looks jumpy, hesitant to engage with the
champion. The Game shows no sign of nerves, Orton attacks first though. Triple
H is tossed to the floor, Orton is sent into the steel steps though. Triple H
continues to batter Orton around the ringside area, we return to the ring. Big right
hands from Triple H, stomps from The Game. Triple H rakes at the face of Orton,
Orton is thrown shoulder-first into the ringpost. Make it double, Triple H
attempts a clothesline but Orton nails a dropkick.
Triple H
sidesteps Orton who falls to the floor, right hands by The Game. Triple H looks
to do some damage with the announce table, mounted right hand punches from
Triple H. Pedigree and RKO are stopped on the table, Orton drapes Triple H over
the table and DDTs the champion to the floor. Triple H survives the ten count,
Orton decides its time to rip up the ringside mat. RKO is prevented, Orton hits
the ringpost shoulder first. Orton controls the match in the ring though,
clothesline to the back of the head. Stomps to the legs and a knee drop to the
face, Triple H gets smashed with the steel steps right in the face.
Orton brings
in some extension cord wire, Triple H battles back to avoid being choked but a
boot from Orton allows the joke to take place. Triple H collapses to the mat,
Triple H reaches his feet at eight. Orton attempts an RKO, Triple H throws
Orton to the floor, Orton mouths to the referee his collarbone is broken.
Triple H looks for his trusty sledgehammer, shot to the head of Orton.
Hard to talk
about this one considering the injury, it was short and very disappointing as
Orton was on a phenomenal run as a heel in WWE and the look on Triple H’s face
shows that he felt awful for what happened, they can call it a no remorse look
all they want, that is the look of someone who knows they fucked up a match.
Poor Orton, hope that The Legend Killer comes back soon, Raw will be very heel
light now.
Triple H over Randy Orton!
(WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match) Edge vs The
career could be over if The Deadman loses this match, this is what Edge wants Taker
to sacrifice in his bid to become champion. It’s a TLC match, the match Edge
made famous, can Taker overcome Edge? Edge charges Taker which leads to pummels
and right hands from The Deadman. Elbows in the corner and a big choke from Big
Evil, Edge is a punching bag in this match. Old School and a massive boot, Edge
manages to take control and begins stacking tables at ringside. Taker grabs a ladder
and rams it into the head of The Rated-R-Superstar. Edge sets up a ladder in
the ring, Taker yanks down Edge.
Taker is
sent into a ladder on the top rope by Edge, Taker is staggered. Edge returns
the favour, Taker begins climbing but Edge meets him on top of the ladder, both
men end up falling off the ladder. Edge gets a ladder booted into his face,
Edge spills out to the floor. Taker grabs another chair, Edge takes the chair
across his back. Edge is flattened by The Deadman. Taker attempts his apron leg
drop but Edge uses a chair to block, chop block from Edge. Taker battles back,
looking for a Last Ride onto a ladder but Edge uses a low blow to maintain
control. Edge sets up Taker on a table by the announce table, splash through
the table by Edge.
Edge tries
reaching the championship, Taker pulls down Edge but Edge manages to nail a
Spear. Taker has his leg placed inside a ladder, Edge smashes Taker’s knee with
a chair, preventing Taker from being able to use both his feet to climb the
ladder. Edge grabs a twenty foot ladder, Taker is walloped with two chair shots
to the head. Edge eats a low blow, no conchairto. Edge rolls to the apron,
Chokeslam onto the bridge ladder. Taker is alone in the ring, in comes Hawkins
and Ryder. Taker is beaten down, the two setup a table in the ring.
Taker fights
off Hawkins and Ryder, Hawkins eats a Chokeslam through a table at ringside,
Ryder meets his demise with a Chokeslam from the apron through a table at
ringside. Edge Spears Taker off the apron to the floor, Edge begins climbing
the ladder. Taker stumbles on one feet, Last Ride through the two tables
stacked atop one another. La Familia is laying in ruins, here comes Chavo and
Bam Neely. Neely and Chavo miss a conchairto, Undertaker lays out everyone with
chair shots but Edge is stirring. Edge waits until Taker is at the top of the
ladder, Taker goes crashing through four tables at ringside, Edge is your new
world heavyweight champion, The Undertaker is fired from WWE!
This what a
lot of fun for a main event, everyone loves tables/ladders/chairs. Edge and La
Familia were a great unit, stacking the deck against Undertaker, Taker never
stopped selling the leg and stood up like that last gunslinger firing until it
was all too much, Edge barely escaped from The Deadman. Undertaker fought from
underneath bringing the pain to Edge, Edge used everything he could to try and
trade bombs with Taker, it was a good main event after the fiasco that was the
prior match. Also loved how they did everything within their power to convince
Taker would overcome the odds when all was over, everything was teased to
believe you into thinking The Deadman would rise up one more time and overcome
La Familia, another strength of the match was how Taker was beaten, no clean
win for Edge allowing the feud to continue and be stretched out due to Edge not
gaining that clean win over Taker, good stuff.
Edge over Undertaker Via Retrieval Of The Belt!
That was WWE’s
One Night Stand 2008, a very entertaining pay per view from WWE. Let’s address
the controversy first, sad for Orton being in that incredible run where his
character work was fantastic and have it snatched from him, very sad. The pay
per view opened with a very entertaining hardcore style match with Hardy and
Umaga, they may not have used weapons but they explored the arena and the
finish was more than satisfying. The ECW Championship was a lot of fun too with
Big Show getting a great rub, that visual of the pissed off Giant wreaking
havoc on everyone in his way was awesome, I am looking forward to the encounter
between the two monsters in ECW. Cena and JBL had great psychology, Big Match
John pulled it out while JBL worked over the head, taped his fists and snuck weapons
into the ring via his towel to beat up Cena and bust him open, it was so much
fun. Melina and Beth had a very physical I Quit match, Beth using Melina’s flexibility
to the fullest, some great looking moves in this match.
Moving onto
Michaels and Batista, a strong match in terms of story-telling. Loved the anger
of Batista coming through in his performance, Michaels was great at selling the
ass-whooping that The Animal handed him throughout the match. Orton and Triple
H was disappointing but nothing could be done there and then you had Taker vs
Edge, Edge throwing everything at Taker and surviving through the skin of his
teeth, Edge was not the better man, Edge did not deserve it and I would enjoy
nothing more than watching Undertaker seek his revenge on Edge, perfect heel
work from Edge. Thanks for reading and supporting, just remember: There’s
always another night!