Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Journey Through The Attitude Era Vol 32: WWF Fully Loaded 2000 Review

Image result for wwf fully loaded 2000

Welcome one and all back to the Journey Through The Attitude Era with thrills, spills and everything in between, that’s right, the WWF at its finest in many people’s opinion so let’s take a look at another pay per view and analyse why the WWF would so damn entertaining during this time period. Very rarely in this series will I come across a pay per view I have not seen and this is one of those times. As I look across at my video collection for the year 2000, WWF’s Fully Loaded is one of the pay per views missing but thanks to the network, I get to review it. So my prior knowledge of this pay per view is from The Rock’s and Chris Jericho’s DVDs which cover this pay per view so I know that The Rock is defending his WWF Championship against Chris Benoit who has Shane Mcmahon in his corner while Chris Jericho is facing Triple H in a Last Man Standing Match. Kurt Angle will also be facing The Undertaker so this looks like this could be a fun pay per view, perhaps a hidden gem? Well, there is only one way to find out!

Opening Promo

The opening highlights the three main events for the evening while the phrase one roll of a dice is repeated throughout to coincide with the theme of gambling and casinos. JR and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the action that emanates from Dallas, Texas.

T&A/Trish Stratus vs Team Extreme

Intergender tag match as we see the beginnings of the rivalry of Lita vs Trish Stratus. Lita had been rescued by The Hardys from the clutches of Essa Rios. Tensions were high between Trish & Lita as they had assaulted one another, choked one another and Trish had thrown Lita through a table. Lita comes into this match holding her back. The Hardys battle T&A as Lita chases Trish. Matt and Albert kick us off, Matt hammers away on Albert, Matt tastes a turnbuckle but Matt dodges a back suplex from Albert and Matt rams Albert into the turnbuckle. Albert blocks a twist of fate from Matt, Albert kicks Matt in the ribs and kicks Matt to the canvas. Albert attempts multiple pins but it does not go right for the giant. Matt counters Albert with an arm drag, Albert knocks Matt to the floor with a back body drop.

 Test is in, hard Irish whip to Matt. Matt uses a boot to the face to momentarily stop Test, Matt is on the second rope and scores with the leg drop. Tag to Jeff, double team move by The Hardy Boys. Jeff attempted a headscissors but Test counters with a sidewalk slam. Jeff outsmarts Test and nails a plancha, Test is tossed into the ring. Double foot stomps by The Hardys, loud Lita chants. Small package by Matt on Test, Test kicks out and scores with The Big Boot. Tag to Trish as she slaps Matt right across the face, Matt slides out of the way and Trish accidently slaps Test. Trish misses an elbow on Matt and Lita is in the ring, Trish runs from Lita and Albert is in. The Hardys save Lita, poetry in motion on Albert, double suplex on Albert, suplex on Test and Trish from Team Extreme. All of Team Extreme take their shirts off, Albert catches Jeff and throws Jeff to the floor with a gorilla press slam, Test puts the boots to Jeff. Double underhook suplex by Albert, double flapjack by T&A.

 Test gets a two count off the flapjack, Test attempts a pumphandle slam, Jeff battles back with rights and lefts. Sunset flip out of the corner by Jeff, two count and Test nails Jeff with a full nelson slam. Test applies the sleeper, Jeff fought back and was thinking hurricanrana but Test was thinking powerbomb and Test scores with the powerbomb. Test misses an elbow form the top rope, Jeff kicks Test and Jeff tags Matt. Clothesline by Matt on Test, second rope bulldog by Matt on Test. Cheap shot on Albert by Matt, Matt pays for it as Test scores with a pumphandle slam. Jeff saves Matt with a Swanton Powerbomb, Albert breaks up Matt’s pin. Albert’s slam is thwarted by Matt’s DDT. Lita is in, tornado DDT on Test, Crossbody on Albert, hurricanrana on Test and Dallas is rocking for Lita. Albert cheap shots Lita and Test nails a gutwrench powerbomb on Lita, pin and Lita kicks out. Bulldog by Trish on Lita, two count for Trish. Lita counters an Irish Whip, Lita has Trish on the top rope, superplex by Lita on Trish! Unbelievable! Cover by Lita and Albert breaks it up again, The Hardys start brawling with T&A.

 Lita has Trish in the centre of the ring, Lita climbs high and Lita scores with the moonsualt and The Hardys win the match. Albert jumps Lita after the match and The Hardys are laid out. Trish whips Lita with a belt across her injured back, The Hardys save Lita but the damage has been done. What a great opener, Lita was so over as the punk rock chick that every guy wanted to date while Trish was just so natural as the bitch everyone wanted to see get dismantled. The Hardys were fantastic while T&A were great in this match too. When Lita was in the ring, the crowd came alive and when Lita nailed Trish with that moonsault, the crowd erupted. Unfortunate that Lita could not celebrate the win but Lita would be the next women’s champion due to how over she was so I guess she could not complain.

Winners: Team Extreme over T&A following Litasault!

Tazz vs Al Snow

The background to this match was that Tazz returned from injury and started attacking people randomly, the likes of Snow, Rikishi and Kane were beaten down by Tazz. Snow rushes down to the ring and takes it to Tazz, side Russian legsweep by Snow and Tazz powders to the floor. Tazz and Snow brawl with Tazz emerging the victor, hard rights by Tazz. Snow blocks the northern lights suplex, superkick by Snow. Unique spinebuster by Snow gets a two count. Snow rams Tazz into the turnbuckle, choke in the corner by Snow. Snow is caught in the corner by Tazz, Alabama Slam by Tazz. Snow counters an Irish whip, right hands and a scoop slam by Snow. 

Top rope ledgrop by Snow, Snow says it is moonsault time, Snow scores but Tazz kicks out at two. Snow grabs Head but Tazz chop blocks Snow, right hands by Tazz who simply beats down Snow. Drop toe hold by Tazz and vicious rights to the face of Snow. Snow grabs Tazz and lands some mean headbutts, huge kick to the chest. Tazz catches Snow’s foot, arm capture suplex. Snow blocks The Tazzmission once before Tazz locks it in and there is nowhere to go for Snow and Tazz emerges the winner. Was a fine match, nothing of note, seemed like a Raw match.

Winner: Tazz over Snow via Tazzmission!

(WWF European Championship Match) Eddie Guerrero © W/ Chyna vs Perry Saturn W/ Terri

Before this match, we see the beginning of the affair angle between Kurt Angle and Stephanie, Stephanie receives multiple bunches of flowers from what she expected to be her husband Triple H but it is not the case at all as it is revealed Kurt sent the flowers to Stephanie. Great heel work from Terri in the beginning as she hides behind Perry Saturn. Chyna floors Perry Saturn before Eddie and Saturn begin brawling on the entrance way, Chyna had chased off Terri. Eddie unloads on Perry Saturn because of Perry assaulting Chyna. Back suplex by Eddie, somersault plancha move by Eddie, spinning calf kick by Eddie. Saturn falls to the outside and Chyna nails Saturn with a clothesline. Eddie places Saturn on the top rope, hurricanrana by Latino Heat.

 Clothesline by Guerrero grounds Saturn, Eddie tosses Saturn to the floor where Chyna smashes Saturn into the steel steps. Crossbody by Eddie from the top rope to the floor, Eddie kisses Chyna’s hand and continues destroying Saturn. Uppercut by Eddie, Eddie got caught attempting another hurricanrana, powerbomb by Saturn. Saturn takes some rights from Eddie before using a thumb to the eye to stop Eddie. Saturn runs into a boot from Eddie, tornado DDT by Guerrero. Two count for the champion, Saturn reverses a headscissors into a flapjack, second flapjack by Saturn. Cover by Saturn and that’s a two for Saturn. Eddie scores with another hurricanrana, Eddie and Saturn trade counters with Saturn scoring with a pop up powerbomb.

 Saturn drags Eddie to the corner and Saturn misses the moonsault, brain buster by Latino Heat. Eddie climbs high, Saturn dodges and nails a flapjack. Scoop slam and Saturn says it is all over, Saturn is greeted on the top rope by Eddie, Eddie dropkicks Saturn to the floor. Chyna attempted to cheap shot Saturn but Saturn saw it coming, Saturn clotheslines Chyna through the announce table. Terri reappears and kicks Eddie in his groin and Saturn delivers the killing blow with an elbow from the top rope to Eddie’s Kidneys. Saturn is your new European Champion. Good match from these two but it is not surprising as they had locked up hundreds of times from their days in WCW. Good chemistry leads to a good match!

Winner: Perry Saturn over Eddie Guerrero due to Elbow Drop!

(WWF Tag Team Championship Match) Edge & Christian © VS The APA

Edge & Christian continue their reign as the most entertaining heels on the roster while The Acolytes seem to float in and around the WWF Tag Team Titles. Every couple of months or so, The Acolytes seem to earn a WWF Tag Team Championship match. Fiery promo by Bradshaw who is a native of Texas, great stuff as Bradshaw continues to fire up the crowd. Bradshaw goes after Edge as Faarooq nails both Edge & Christian with steel steps. Edge & Christian assault Bradshaw, Bradshaw snatches Christian out of the air and nails a fallaway slam from the second rope, big boot to Edge. Faarooq is in one quick scoop slam and Bradshaw is back in the match. Elbow brings Bradshaw a two count, Edge meets the turnbuckle.

 Bradshaw has Edge for a powerbomb, Edge fights out of the powerbomb but it is for only so long as Bradshaw breaks down Edge and we see the powerbomb. Bradshaw thinks about another powerbomb, Chistian illegally enters the ring and dropkicks Bradshaw. Succession of quick tags by the tag team champions, Bradshaw is isolated. Swinging neckbreaker by Edge, double beatdown by Edge & Christian. Chokes in the corner by Edge, Bradshaw is placed on the top rope, Bradshaw counters the double suplex attempt, shoulderblock by Bradshaw on Edge. Faarooq is in and cleans house, Clothesline From Hell by Bradshaw on Christian.

 Edge and Bradshaw are brawling on the floor. Dominator by Faarooq on Christian, Edge says screw this and grabs the tag team championships. Edge whacks Faarooq right in front of the referee and we have a disqualification finish. Disappointing end to the match, match was not all that to begin with so I am not too bothered by all of it.

Winners: APA over Edge & Christian via DQ!

(WWF Intercontinental Championship Match) Rikishi vs Val Venis ©

Tazz had used a television camera to help Val Venis capture the Intercontinental Championship. Val and Rikishi had issues prior to that match as Rikishi had defeated Val Venis in The King Of The Ring tournament while Val had brawled with Rikishi on Smackdown, busting Rikishi wide open in the process. Val hesitant to step foot in the ring with Rikishi, Val immediately tries running away, Rikishi hammers away on Val, Val tastes the cage. Rikishi begins climbing the cage, Val meets Rikishi on the cage. Rikishi knocks Val off the cage, Val attempts escaping through the door but Rikishi has Val grounded. Back suplex by Rikishi, Val chop blocks Rikishi. 

Val sends Rikishi into the cage twice, kicks in the corner by Val. Val chokes the life out of Rikishi. Rikishi reverses Val with a clothesline, Rikishi was thinking Stinkface but Val low blows the challenger. Huge clothesline by Val on Rikishi, two count for the champion off the clothesline. Val and Rikishi are climbing the cage wall, Val slams Rikishi’s head off the cage, Rikishi falls to the mat and Val delivers an elbow from the top rope to the heart of Rikishi. Two count once more for the champion, Val begins climbing the cage. Rikishi stops Val by grabbing the champion’s hair, Val is moments away from winning. Rikishi drags Val back into the ring. Both men clash heads and fall groin first onto the ropes. Val is bleeding above his left eye, looks like Val was opened the hard way.

 Rikishi is edging himself towards the cage door, Val grabs Rikishi and unloads on Rikishi, lots of rights find the mark. Rikishi reverses Val, Samoan drop, and Rikishi Banzai Drops Val. Val places his foot on the rope so Val stays alive, Rikishi is almost out of the cage door but Trish slams the door on Rikishi’s head. Rikishi is laid out, Val is climbing the top rope, Money Shot by Val and Rikishi kicks out! Lita is out at ringside and she slams down Trish. Lita strips Trish and whips her with that leather strap. Trish is at the mercy of Lita as they go to the back of the arena. Rikishi and Val are on the top rope, beating one another. Val tastes the steel and falls to the mat, Val crushes the referee in the process. Rikishi climbs to the top of the cage and says It is Snuka Time!

 Rikishi dives off the top of the cage onto Val. Unbelievable Move from the Big Man, one of the underrated bumps of The Attitude Era. Poor Val, that must have sucked to take. Just as Rikishi was going to win, Tazz lays out Rikishi with a camera. Val is slowly stirring, holding his ribs. Val drapes one arm over Rikishi and Val steals the win. The dive was the defining moment of the match, unbelievable by Rikishi. Tazz would screw Rikishi here but the next feud for Tazz was against Jerry Lawler while Rikishi would face The Right To Censor. So the interference in this match did not lead to a pay per view match so perhaps you could argue that it is wasted. Good match though with Rikishi taking an insane bump.

Winner: Val Venis over Rikishi thanks to Tazz!

Promo Time

Triple H believed that Kurt Angle had been sending Stephanie flowers but it was not to be as Chris Jericho had fooled The Game and lured him into a locker room for an assault by Y2J. Kurt Angle would assault The Undertaker with a wrench on Undertaker’s knee. This would be a continuation of their confrontation on Smackdown where Angle targeted Undertaker’s knee in a similar way. Meanwhile, Shane Mcmahon calls out The Rock for a match, Rock smells a set up plan. Benoit is in The Rock’s locker room destroying Rock’s clothing. Did we need to see that? I am not sure it added to the match.

(Kurt Angle vs The Undertaker)

Kurt Angle had messed up by costing The Undertaker and his brother Kane the tag team titles while also messing up Undertaker’s motorcycle. Kurt would try to make it up to The Undertaker but Kurt would continue to frustrate The American Badass. Ok so Kurt is petrified of Undertaker so Angle’s plan is to duck and dodge The Deadman. Undertaker interrupts Angle’s entrance and proceeds to beat down Angle around the outside of the ring. Big boot and elbow drop by Taker for a two count. Undertaker breaks his own count wanting to destroy Angle.

 Delayed vertical suplex by Undertaker, Taker breaks his own count once more. Mean right by Taker, Kurt blocks Taker with a boot to the face, sleeper by Angle. Taker backs Angle off, corner clothesline and a sidewalk slam. Cover and Angle kicks out at two, Angle is tossed to the floor. Kurt hammers Taker with the wrench to the knee, Taker tastes the barricade. Taker is like a wounded animal as Angle goes after the injured leg of Taker. Huge chop block, repeated elbows to the leg of The Deadman. Taker counters with a leg to the throat of Angle, trading of blows. Taker catches Angle could be a Chokeslam, Angle kicks out Taker’s leg. Angle stays alive for now, leg lock by Angle wrenching away at Undertaker’s vertical base. Taker rolls through with a counter, Taker’s leg gives out on him, Taker fights on his knees and floors Kurt. Chokeslam by Undertaker, Taker says it is not over yet, it is Last Ride time.

 Kurt is dragged to his feet and Kurt is planted. Undertaker wins the match. I will be honest, I expected more from this match, Kurt had just won The King Of The Ring and I can understand Kurt not winning the match but I thought Kurt would put up more of a fight. It was brief and Kurt was dominated by Taker once Taker nailed The Chokeslam. Kurt would main event next month’s Summerslam so was this the best way to go?

Winner: Undertaker over Kurt Angle following a Last Ride!

(Last Man Standing Match) Triple H W/ Stephanie vs Chris Jericho

Jericho had kissed Stephanie Mcmahon, this was one step too far for The Game. Since April of 2000, Jericho had been a thorn in Triple H’s side. Kissing Stephanie was too much for Triple H so this match was scheduled after Jericho had embarrassed The Game by costing him an opportunity against The Rock, allowing Rikishi to Stinkface The Game and finally, allowing The Brooklyn Brawler to pin Triple H on Smackdown. Triple H retaliated by beating down Y2J with a sledgehammer and his DX buddies. This was personal between these two and this should be an awesome match. Jericho’s ribs are taped up due to Triple H’s assault with a sledgehammer.

 Opening seconds are all Jericho, stomp to The Game and two big clotheslines leave Triple H on the apron looking for help. Springboard dropkick by Y2J, on the outside Jericho brawls with Triple H. Jericho nails a reverse elbow and punches Tripe H repeatedly. Facebuster by The Game, hard knock down clothesline by Helmsley. Jericho tastes the barricade courtesy of Helmsley. The Game throws Jericho back into the ring and kicks Y2J in his injured ribs. Knees to Jericho’s ribs, shoulder thrusts to Y2J’s ribs who have been exposed by The Game. Over and over again, Triple H messes up Jericho’s ribs. Triple H chokes Y2J with the bandages that were around Jericho’s ribs. Knee drop across the ribs by The Game, Jericho is tossed to the floor by Helmsley. Stephanie sneaks in a few slaps to the face of Jericho, suplex on the floor by The Game.

 Excellent rib work by Triple H thus far. Jericho fights back to a vertical base, abdominal stretch by Helmsley (Good psychology by Triple H going after the injured ribs of Jericho. Hopefully, the ribs play into the finish). Triple H uses the ropes for leverage, Mike Chioda stops Triple H and Chioda takes a shove by The Game. Spinning Heel Kick by Y2J, Lionsault is countered with knees by The Game. DDT by Triple H and the referee begins counting. We reach a count of 8 before Jericho climbs slowly to his feet, sleeper by Triple H with added pressure to the ribs. Triple H lets Jericho go as the referee counts, Jericho is up at 9 and says “Bring It Game”. JR puts over Jericho’s heart and bravery like any good commentator and story teller. DX chop by Jericho and Triple H says “Fuck This”. Massive Pedigree by The Game who relaxes on the top rope. Amazingly, Jericho stirs and makes it to his feet, The Game grabs a chair from ringside, chair shots to the ribs. Triple H motions for a pedigree on the chair. Jericho counters with a low blow, Jericho has the chair!

 WHAM right to the head of Helmsley, Stephanie is in shock and Triple H has been opened up badly, there is blood everywhere. Right hand from Jericho, make it another. Triple H tries fighting back but Jericho floors Triple H with a mean right. More rights but Jericho nails the flying forearm. Missile dropkick by Jericho, Jericho has the chair in the middle of the ring, facebuster on the chair. Jericho stomps away on Triple H, Triple H sails over the top rope. Triple H changes the momentum as Jericho crashes into the steel steps. Triple H is thinking pedigree on the steel steps but Jericho lifts up Triple H for a back body drop. Triple H grabs a monitor and does Jericho, they had the same idea and both men are down! Both men stir and make the count at 9. Jericho locks in The Walls Of Jericho, Triple H taps in the ring showing Jericho had Triple H beat in the match. Triple H reaches the ropes but there are no rope breaks. Stephanie has seen enough and tries attacking Y2J. Walls Of Jericho by Y2J on Stephanie (Holy Shit Big Pop for that). Triple H has his sledgehammer, swing and a miss by Triple H. Catapult by Jericho, Jericho has the sledgehammer, right to the ribs of Triple H.

 Triple H is laying on the announce table, Jericho climbs the table, low blow by Triple H and Triple H backdrops Y2J through the announce table. Triple H wins the match but just barely as he collapses immediately after the ten count. Great storytelling from these two men in this match, Jericho had the taped up ribs, he was not 100% but Jericho came for a fight and Jericho took it to The Game. Jericho survived chair shots, excellent rib work by Triple H and even the almighty Pedigree.

 Jericho looked like a warrior by the end of this match and that is all you could really want from your babyfaces when they have to lose, looking awesome in the process. Triple H was great too, Triple H made Jericho look amazing, his psychology was great and the finish made both men look like tough sons of bitches. Excellent bring me more!

Winner: Triple H over Chris Jericho by making the count!

(WWF Championship Match) The Rock © vs Chris Benoit W/ Shane Mcmahon

Benoit had his first main event in the company after joining in January. I am happy for him and this was quite interesting as Benoit continually ambushed The Rock on a number of occasions because The Rock would beat Benoit in a fair fight. There is more to the story as Shane Mcmahon is in the corner of Benoit, Mick Foley saw that The Rock could not control his emotions around Benoit due to Benoit’s sneak attacks so if The Rock gets disqualified, Benoit will become champion. Benoit comes out wearing what is left of Rock’s clothes. Benoit steps on and spits on The Rock’s shirt.

 Now I might be wrong but I believe around this time Shane Mcmahon had formed The Conspiracy which consisted of Benoit, Shane, Kurt and The Big Show who earlier had been injured by Shane. Show would be sent back to OVW to lose weight so that angle was quietly and quickly dropped (Upon checking my sources, Shane’s Conspiracy Faction began after this pay per view, shame it was dropped). Shane begins the match in the ring luring The Rock in for Benoit to attack, Benoit attempts The Crossface. Rock tosses Benoit to the floor and chases Shane repeatedly. Benoit is floored by The Rock before being catapulted into Shane, Crossface attempt by Rock and Benoit powders to the floor.

 Rock and Benoit slug it out briefly with Benoit winning the war with a knee to the gut, hard Irish whip and a gutwrench by Benoit. Repeated kicks to the ribs by Benoit, hard chops by The Crippler. Another knee to the ribs by Benoit, two count for the challenger. Rock counters Benoit and drops Benoit across the rope, kick to the face by The People’s Champion. Huge back suplex by The Rock, both men down and the referee is counting. Shane tosses the WWF Championship into the ring, Shane distracts the referee and Benoit nails Rock with the belt. Two count off the belt shot! Rock eats a nasty snap suplex by Benoit, Rock catches Benoit with a powerslam for a two count. Rock is caught by the challenger, back suplex and a sharpshooter by Benoit. Rock reaches the ropes, Benoit drives The Rock’s leg into the mat. Benoit goes back to the sharpshooter but Rock has it scouted. Rock battles back before Benoit Irish whips Rock into the ropes, Shane pulls down the top rope and Rock crashes and burns.

 Rock reverses Benoit into the steel steps, Rock locks in the figure four on Benoit, Shane distracts the referee to allow Benoit to reach the ropes. Benoit knocks Rock to the outside, Shane clotheslines Rock behind the referee’s back. Make it another clothesline by Shane, Benoit stomps on Rock and we are in the crowd (I hate crowd brawling but you know that by now). Benoit suplexes Rock back into the ringside area, Rock is sent back first into a barricade. DDT by The Rock on Benoit, two count and Benoit comes back strong with a clothesline. Backbreaker by The Rabid Wolverine, cheap shots by Shane to The Rock. An exchange of fists from both men, Rock drills Benoit with an alley oop into the ropes (That is not what you see every day from The Rock). Scoop slam by Benoit, diving headbutt. Right hands by The Rock, Benoit rakes the eyes but Rock delivers the spinebuster and it could be People’s Elbow Time. Shane distracts the referee long enough for Benoit to kick it out at two and a half, this crowd is hot for this match now. Chops by Benoit in the corner, top rope superplex and a cover by Benoit.

 Kick out by The Champion, kicks in the corner by The Rabid Wolverine. Rock explodes out of the corner with a clothesline, Benoit nails a reverse elbow and grabs a chair. Benoit has a chair, Shane smacks Earl Hebnar with the chair. Rock unloads on Benoit and tries smacking Shane with a chair. Earl Hebnar is on his feet and sees The Rock lock Benoit in The Crippler Crossface. The bell rings but The Rock is not your winner, Benoit is declared The Champion as Earl thought The Rock had smashed him with a chair. Benoit escapes with the belt as The Rock is nailed between the eyes by Shane. Rock is busted wide open but hold on one second we are not done here at all. Commissioner Mick Foley reverses the decision as Foley knows Shane smashed Earl with the championship, the match is ordered to restart.

 The match is back on, Benoit grabs a waistlock, three German suplexes but The Rock hangs on. Benoit rams Rock into the turnbuckle, Rock collapses at Benoit’s face, Benoit pulls Rock to the centre of the ring and it is Crippler Crossface time. Rock is a bloody mess, you can see the agony on his face but The Rock will not quit, Rock is fading but one last shot of strength and The Rock reaches for those ropes. More stomps to The Rock, Rock nails The Rock Bottom out of nowhere and The Rock retains the championship. I feel Benoit and Rock put on a really good match here, Benoit is a machine we all know this and he has one gear when it comes to wrestling and that is go. I do not think I have ever seen a bad Benoit match and Benoit certainly delivers in this match.

 The original screwy finish I liked because The Rock was robbed, it was dramatic and would piss a lot of people off because everyone loved The Rock. So you could have gone somewhere with that story like having Rock win it back at Summerslam but The Rock just won the title and it would be silly to take it from him so soon once more so I understand why you would not choose to do this. However, resolving the controversial finish kills the intrigue for me, imagine this, you are watching your favourite tv show, the main character is shot/plunges off a cliff/stabbed/run over, that is your season finale and you want viewers to watch the next season.

 The best thing to do is leave it on a cliffhanger so people want to see what happens, if you show the hero falling off a cliff, presumably to his death but in the next scene show that he is perfectly alright, it kills the interest in the show. That’s what I feel about this match, a pay per view main event is like a season finale and if you go for a controversial finish and immediately rectify the mistake, you kind of kill of the whole point of the controversy in the first place. That being said, I thought the match as a whole and the ring work was really good stuff from both men with Rock trying to control his emotions while Shane and Benoit continuously attempted to provoke The Rock into losing control.

Winner: The Rock over Chris Benoit via Rock Bottom!

Overall, Fully Loaded was a really entertaining show with a lot of good moments and matches outshining the bad. The opener was red hot with Lita and Trish being as over as their respective male counterparts. The action was fast and furious with Lita scoring the win over Trish which made everyone happy. Nice underrated 6 person tag match while Rikishi and Val had a good heated cage match with Rikishi recreating The Snuka Splash albeit the bad finish. The three main events could be considered hit and miss, Angle and Undertaker was not what I had hoped for, I hoped for Kurt to look a little more of a threat to Undertaker but it was not the case as Kurt Angle was brushed aside the second Undertaker got his hands on him. I am all for chickenshit heels, I mean one of my all-time favourites is Yoshinari Ogawa (Otherwise known as Rat Boy, the ultimate chickenshit heel for All Japan and Pro Wrestling Noah) but I think Kurt should have looked more like a threat as he was fresh off winning King Of The Ring and was main eventing Summerslam the next month.

 Triple H vs Y2J was the strongest of the three with Jericho looking like a beast for all the abuse he took in that match and gaining the visible submission over Triple H. Finally, The Rock vs Benoit was hard hitting with a controversial finish that was resolved immediately which I was not a fan of but nonetheless, a very entertaining night of WWF action that maybe does not get the respect it deserves!

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Monday, 29 August 2016

Journey Through The Attitude Era Vol 31: WWF King Of The Ring 2000 Review

Image result for wwf king of the ring 2000

Welcome one and all back to the Journey Through The Attitude Era with thrills, spills and everything in between, that’s right, the WWF at its finest in many people’s opinion so let’s take a look at another pay per view and analyse why the WWF would so damn entertaining during this time period. Tonight’s stop is King Of The Ring 2000! Ah yes, The King Of The Ring one of the all-time great concepts that WWE got rid of because they are stupid idiots (Thanks Jericho for the catchphrase). It was possibly everyone’s favourite B pay per view before Money In The Bank. The concept was simple, an elimination tournament with the winner receiving a title match for the WWF Championship in the near future. The likes of Bret Hart and Stone Cold Steve Austin had benefited massively from winning while the likes of Mabel and Ken Shamrock not so much. Regardless, everyone loves tournaments so we have to look forward to but wait, it is not over yet as we have The WWF Championship on the line in a six man tag as we will see the climax to the awful Mcmahon-Helmsley Regime as Undertaker, Kane and The Rock team up to take on Triple H, Shane Mcmahon and Mr. Genetic Jackhammer Vince Mcmahon.
Opening Promo

Great promo detailing the importance of King Of The Ring with flashbacks and an introduction to our superstars. No clear winners here for me as Benoit, Jericho Rikishi and Kurt Angle are all over and have great chances of winning. The other half of the promo details how Vince is a mad man for making this match as the odds are certainly in the favour of the challengers as opposed to Triple H, The Boss’ son in law. JR and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the action emanating from Boston.

Rikishi vs Chris Benoit (King Of The Ring Quarter Final)

This was Too Cool’s highest point as Rikishi is intercontinental champion and Too Cool are the tag team champions. This match could go either way as Benoit is a great heel and Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit is a match I would not mind seeing for a third straight pay per view. Benoit had lost his championship to Rikishi so Benoit starts by unloading on the big man. Big mistake as Rikishi knocks Benoit around with punches and a samoan drop and a whip into the steel steps for good measure. Benoit german suplexes Rikishi (Holy Shit!).

 Benoit kicks away at Rikishi before applying a standing crossface wearing down Rikishi. Benoit throws some knife edge chops, Rikishi reverses Benoit but misses a big splash in the corner. Crossface by Benoit on Rikishi, Rikishi makes it to the ropes but Benoit snaps and grabs a chair. Benoit is out for revenge and smashes Rikishi in the face for the DQ. Rikishi advances but Benoit takes out the arm of the Intercontinental Champion. Short, too short for a rating but it tells a story which I like, Benoit was so frustrated over losing his championship that he lost his head and just saw red when he saw Rikishi so Benoit made the big man pay big time.

Winner: Rikishi over Benoit via DQ!

Eddie Guerrero W/ Chyna vs Val Venis W/ Trish Stratus (King Of The Ring Quarter Final)

We cut to the back showing us that Vince Mcmahon is anything but cool as Vince Mcmahon is under pressure from his wife and his partners. Vince insists that he is fine but we all know Mcmahon is sweating bullets. Val had assaulted Eddie on Smackdown with a nightstick. Val Venis had his terrible dance remix of his theme music but at least he has Trish with him. Val shoves Eddie before the bell, trying to intimidate Eddie. Val smashes Eddie with right hands and boots in the corner, foot choke by Val. Hard Irish whip and a low dropkick from Guerrero, spinning calf kick by Eddie. Val fires back on Eddie with chops, Eddie counters with a monkey flip to the floor, knife edge chops from Eddie. Val turns the tide by dropping Eddie on the barricade, Val throws Eddie into the ring but Eddie catches Val as Val climbs to the top rope.

 Superplex from Eddie, European Uppercut by Latino Heat, followed by a drop toe hold and a nice submission move by Eddie. Val fights out with a rake to the eyes, Eddie corners Val smashing Val into the turnbuckle with dropkicks. Backslide by Eddie, two count for Eddie. Flapjack by Val wipes out Eddie, another rake to the eyes and elbows from Val Venis. Backbreaker and submission by Venis, Eddie counters Val with a hurricanrana and a back suplex. Eddie is feeling froggy and climbs to the top, Eddie leaps over Val as Val dodges. Spinebuster by Val and Val tries for the Money Shot, Eddie blocks with his knees up, La Magistral cover by Eddie gives a two count. Val tries for a backslide, Eddie momentarily blocks until Val secures a Russian legsweep. Val tries using the ropes to beat Eddie but Guerrero battles back.

 Eddie crotches Val on the top rope, hurricanrana by Eddie. Trish climbs to the apron but Chyna drags down Trish, Val grabs the head of Chyna, Chyna smashes Val and Eddie goes for the school boy, two count for Latino Heat. Eddie gets caught by Val who steals the win with a Fisherman Suplex. Good match from these two with both their managers being over with the crow. Eddie was so awesome here even if he was in the ring for a brief amount of time.

Winner: Val Venis over Eddie Guerrero due to Fisherman Suplex!

Crash vs Bull Buchanan (King Of The Ring Quarter Final)

We are treated to Pat Patterson selecting his dress for tonight’s evening gown match (Excuse me while I have a nice cold shower). The Houdini of Hardcore had a cinderella story going into the King Of The Ring as he kept getting the wins over the bigger men. Bull, I believe had broken up with Big Bossman by the time of this match so poor Bull was directionless again in his WWF career. Crash keeps attacking Bull who promptly swats Crash away like an annoying fly, gorilla press slam and clothesline by Bull. Two backbreakers by Big Bull. Bull hurls Crash into the turnbuckle, hard Irish whip on Crash. Illegal choke in the corner by Bull, vertical suplex by Bull and a two count for Bull Buchanan. Double ax handle and right hands by Crash Holly, big boot by Bull. Crash fights back up but Bull stops everything with his big knee, Crash counters a slam into a small package. Two count for Crash before Bull says it is over, flapjack by Bull. Bull sets up for his Scissor Kick but it is Crash who gets the last laugh dodging the kick and getting pinned by The Houdini Of Hardcore. The Cinderella story continues as Crash steals another victory, I like the story so far!

Winner: Crash over Bull via roll- up!

Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle (King of The Ring Quarter Final)

Classic Vince and Linda segment as Linda messes with the head of Vince as Vince loses his cool as Linda questions Vince’s manhood. Vince says screw you Linda, I can get this done and we shall defeat The Rock, Undertaker and Kane. Linda outsmarts Vince as Vince guarantees there will be no interference for The Mcmahons, they will go it alone against their opponents. Kurt and Chris take turns cutting promos before Kurt decides to kill Y2J for his remarks, Jericho is caught in a belly to belly by Angle, two count for The Olympian. Jericho swats Angle with a forearm, knife edge chops and a missile dropkick for two.

 Bulldog by Jericho and a Lionsault, Angle puts his foot on the rope to stay alive in this match. Springboard dropkick by Y2J, right hand by Jericho followed up by knife edge chops. Angle turns the tide by hiptossing Jericho into the crowd. Jericho is Irish whipped into the steel steps, floatover suplex and pin. Two count for Angle, sleeped hold applied by Angle, Jericho battles back. Backbreaker and it is a two count for Jericho. Catapult by Angle, back suplex and a two count for The Olympian. Clothesline by Angle, two count and Angle is frustrated. Angle chokes Jericho in the corner with his boot, Jericho is caught with a German Suplex. Another two count for Kurt, right hand by Angle but Jericho lures Angle in, Jericho’s advantage does not last as Kurt nails Jericho with a boot.

 Angle taunts for too long though, dropkick by Jericho and Jericho nails a frankensteiner. Jericho hammers away, reverse elbow by Y2J. Spinning heel kick by Y2J, two count for Jericho. Jericho attempts the bulldog and Kurt knocks down Jericho. Angle attempts an Olympic Slam, Jericho counters into The Walls Of Jericho. Stephanie runs down to ringside while Jericho makes Angle tap. The referee is distracted and misses the tap, the referee is knocked out by Y2J accidently. Stephanie nails Angle accidently with the women’s championship, Jericho kisses Stephanie but Angle gets the last laugh as Angle scores with The Angle Slam. Good competitive match between these two young rising stars, Jericho remains strong as he got the visual tap on Angle.

Winner: Kurt Angle over Chris Jericho via Angle Slam!

(WWF Tag Team Championship 4 Way Elimination Match) Too Cool © vs Edge & Christian vs The Hardy Boyz vs T&A

Before this match, we see Mick Foley in WWF New York celebrating with the fans as Foley has his buzzcut which looks so strange and soon Mick will be back on our screens as The Commissioner. Edge & Christian make fun of some of Boston’s hometown heroes as they make fun of some sporting moment involving a Boston player in a World Series (Sorry for the poor explanation, I’m Irish). Scotty enters the ring wearing the championship upside down (A Rib or intentional ?). Jeff Hardy and Albert kick us off, Jeff avoids a gorilla press slam but eats a big back body drop. Albert decimates Hardy’s leg with a huge kick. Albert tries for a second gorilla press slam but fails again as Jeff Hardy lands on his feet and dropkicks Albert. Jeff outruns Albert and tags in Matt, tag team move by The Hardys floors Albert. 

Trish distracts Matt allowing Albert to get back in the match, tag to Test and Matt is flattened with a double flapjack. Test nails the big boot and throws haymakers at Matt, Matt counters a pumphandle slam. Matt was going for a Twist of Fate, Trish distracted Matt again but Lita takes out Trish. Test grabs Lita by the hair, Lita slaps Test and  Matt nails a twist of fate. Test recovers and pumphandle slams Matt taking the cover. Meanwhile, Jeff Swanton Bombs onto Test and Matt steals a pin while Jeff takes out Albert. T&A have been eliminated!

Scotty is in the ring with Jeff Hardy, side headlock by Scotty, Jeff fights out but Scotty nails a shoulder block, right hands by Scotty. Jeff catches Scotty in the corner with a boot, Scotty counters with a flapjack. Christian blind tags Scotty, Jeff tags Matt. Scoop slam by Matt on Christian, Matt drops the leg and tags in Jeff. Double team move coming up by The Hardys Poetry in Motion and double suplex by our multi-coloured hair duo. Christian assaults Jeff behind the referee’s back, Edge applies the sleeper.

 Malfunction at the junction as Jeff and Edge double clothesline on another. Jeff is laid out by Christian distracting the referee. Lita takes advantage with a hurricanrana on Edge. Two count for The Hardys, the match breaks down with Matt getting the tag, Matt nails The Twist Of Fate on Christian but Matt cannot capitalize as Edge distracts both Hardys long enough to allow Christian to recover and score with the Unprettier on Matt. The Hardy Boyz are eliminated!

Sexay comes in and neckbreakers Edge, dancing missile dropkick by Grandmaster before tagging in Scotty. Scotty and Sexay nail Edge before punching out Christian, Scotty is nailed in the back by Christian. Spinning Heel Kick by Edge, Christian is in and badly dances in front of Sexay. Neckbreaker by Christian drops Scotty, Edge is in for a moment before Christian takes over with some stiff chops to Scotty. Scotty catches Christian with an elbow, Christian makes the tag while Scotty also makes the tag. Sexay comes in and slams both Edge & Christian, dropkick to Edge lands Edge tied up in the ropes. Sexay catapults Edge into Christian knocking Christian to the floor. Grandmaster Sexay owns both Edge & Christian as Sexay powerbombs Edge for a two count. Double noggin knocker as Sexay runs off the ropes.

 Double flapjack by Edge & Christian. Edge & Christian attempt The Worm but Scotty thwarts their plans and Scotty nails The Worm on Edge. Christian grabs a tag belt and tries nailing Sexay. Sexay sees the move coming and superkicks Christian out of the ring. Sexay nails the hip hop drop on Edge but Christian comes back with the tag championship and smacks Sexay over the head. We have new champions in Edge & Christian. Good match from the four teams with Edge & Christian being the star heels of the match. Unfortunate to see Too Cool’s reign cut short since they were so over and that this would be their peak but Edge & Christian are great heels and you could make a legitimate case for those two being champions.

Winners: Edge & Christian over Everyone Else due to Shenanigans!

Rikishi vs Val Venis W/ Trish Stratus (King Of The Ring Semi-Final)

No love lost between these two as Rikishi and Val had brawled all over Smackdown for the past number of weeks. Rikishi is favouring his right arm as Benoit had mangled Rikishi’s arm earlier in the night. Rikishi starts out strong, taking Val to the outside and dropping a leg drop on Val. Val kicks Rikishi in the head and scores with a single arm DDT. Arm wringer by Val and rights in the corner, kicks to the mid-section by Val before Val slams Rikshi’s arm into the ringpost.

 Rikishi and Val duke it out in the centre of the ring, second single arm DDT by Val. Val goes to the top rope, Rikishi blocks The Money Shot and Rikishi picks up the win with a belly to belly suplex. Trish tries choking out big Kish. Bad idea, Rikishi shakes Trish off and Rikishi plans dropping his big old ass on Trish’s chest but Val saves the day with a low blow. Val grabs the steel steps and smashes Rikishi in his injured shoulder. For the second time in the night, Rikishi’s arm has been weakened. Val continues the punishment with a chair shot on Rikishi’s arm.

Winner: Rikishi over Val via DQ!

Crash vs Kurt Angle (King Of The Ring Semi-Final)

Side headlock by Crash taking down Kurt Angle, lock up and Angle with the advantage, pinning hold by Angle, Crash nails a powerslam, forearm shots from Crash rock Angle. Arm trap suplex by Kurt, stomps to the mid-section of Crash. Choke with the foot by Angle, right hands by Angle. Corner clothesline and a floatover suplex for a two count.

 Sleeper hold by Angle, Crash takes the right hands from Angle and keeps coming back for more. Stomps by Crash, back drop by Crash, rough landing for Angle. Corner clothesline by Crash and Crash scores with a missile dropkick. Two and a half for Crash, Kurt flapjacks Crash and Angle Slam ends the match. Crash’s Cinderella story is over. Quick match, was fine.

Winner: Kurt Angle over Crash via Angle Slam!

(WWF Hardcore Championship Evening Gown Match) Gerald Brisco vs Pat Patterson ©

Surreal to see Donal Trump in the crowd at Madison Square Garden with Jerry Lawler making jokes about Trump running for President. (The King has great foreshadowing). Kane and Undertaker cuts promos about being the WWF Champion, both men want it bad and we shall see who comes out on top. Now to this diabolical piece of poo. Brisco had captured the WWF Championship from Crash Holly, Patterson helped his buddy Brisco before smashing a beer bottle over Brisco’s head. Patterson hid in the women’s locker room so Brisco dressed up as a woman to get the Hardcore Championship back. Thanks to Vince Mcmahon, we have the first ever Hardcore Evening Gown Match.

 Brisco, a great wrestler in his time while Patterson was the first ever Intercontinental Champion, this is ridiculous and more than likely a huge rib on Patterson who we all know as a gay man. According to Rikishi, there was supposed to be a bra and panties match between Trish Stratus and Lita on the card but this was booked instead and we are all better off because of it aren’t we? Brisco brings a 2x4 while Patterson brings some toilet paper and teddy bears as weapons. Patterson says we should all be friends before kneeing Brisco in the balls. Patterson grabs a banana and shoves it down Brisco’s throat (Do not even make that joke). Patterson winds up for a Stinkface but first, he pulls a maxi pad out to attack Brisco. Brisco blocks the Stinkface and Brisco battles back to a vertical base.

 Hard Irish whip by Brisco and a Bronco Buster, crowd is booing this “athletic contest”. It is funny looking back because we thought all Attitude Era stuff was passable due to everyone being over but the crowd shit on this hard. Crash saves the show by killing both old men and smashing Patterson with a trash can to capture the Hardcore Championship. DUD!

Winner: Crash Holly by stealing the pin!

(Tag Team Table & Dumpster Match) The Dudley Boyz vs DX W/ Tori

Bubba wants to plant Tori through a table, The Dudleys are out for the blood of X-Pac and Road Dogg. Brisco and other DX members had saved Tori in the past. Tori had driven Bubba and D-Von through tables with dives while DX strapped The Dudleys into a dumpster and sent them flying off of the Smackdown Stage. Thus, we have this match, I believe the rules are you most put the opposing team through tables (Both Members) and only then, can you place the opposing team in the dumpster and win this match. Road Dogg jumps Bubba from behind, Irish whip by Bubba, Road Dogg dodges but runs into a boot from Bubba. Clothesline from the second rope by Bubba, tag to D-Von.

 Spinning reverse elbow by D-Von, Road Dogg catches D-Von and makes the tag to X-Pac. X-Pac and D-Von trade blows until D-Von nails a clothesline. Road Dogg cheap shots D-Von from the apron allowing X-Pac to score with the spinning heel kick. X-Pac smashes D-Von into the corner, tag to Tori who kicks D-Von right in the ribs. In comes Road Dogg who brawls with D-Von, tag to X-Pac. D-Von turns the tide with a double clothesline, Bubba is in the ring, double clothesline by Bubba, Bubba Bomb on Road Dogg. Sidewalk slam on X-Pac, What’s up headbutt on Road Dogg. Make it two as X-Pac tastes the headbutt. Tori is in the ring and it is time for Tori to take the headbutt. D-Von and Bubba simulate (well you know.. I refuse to write it but you know).

 DX send The Dudleys into the dumpster, Bubba and D-Von are rammed repeatedly into the Dumpster. Bubba & D-Von are placed in the dumpster but the referee is distracted with Tori, X-Pac and Road Dogg grab the referee but The Dudlesy sneak out the back of the dumpster. The Dudleys have outsmarted DX and crack X-Pac and Road Dogg over the head with steel chairs. Bubba and D-Von do some rearranging and we have Bubba planting Road Dogg through the table with a vicious powerbomb. Road Dogg is out of this match, X-Pac is all alone but X-Pac continues fighting. X-Pac has his own table, D-Von eats a spinning heel kick while Bubba is falttened with a back suplex. X-Pac lays D-Von on the table, Bubba saves D-Von and D-Von suplexes X-Pac through the table. Tori is all alone with The Dudleys, Tori dives into the dumpster to save herself. Road Dogg and X-Pac are back on their feet and they smash The Dudleys over the head with chairs. The Dudley Boyz have fallen into the dumpster with Tori. DX win but X-Pac cannot find Tori, The Dudleys are back on their feet. X-Pac tries saving Tori. Bad Idea because it is 3D Time!

 Road Dogg tries to save Tori but it is 3D for Road Dogg too. Tori seems to have hurt her shoulder, it is dangling by her side but Tori’s nightmare is not over. Powerbomb through the table by Bubba Ray. That was a fun match wasn’t it ? Chair shots to the head make me cringe nowadays knowing the damage they do, a few table bumps are always entertaining and Bubba finally drove Tori through a table. Good fun which made the fans happy.

Winners: DX over The Dudley Boyz via Chair shots into the dumpster!

Kurt Angle vs Rikishi (King Of The Ring Final)

Rikishi’s arm is all bandaged up, Rikishi’s arm had been targeted by Benoit and Val Venis. Chair shots and steel steps have taken their toll on the big man but Rikishi vows Kurt Angle will lose this match. Angle goes right after Rikishi on the entrance ramp, Rikishi rocks Kurts’ world with some mean rights and a scoop slam. Clothesline in the corner by Rikishi, could be Stinkface time, Kurt low blows Rikshi saving himself from the dreaded move. Clothesline by Kurt, right hands in the corner by Kurt Angle. Rikish rolls out of the ring, Irish whip by Angle send Rikishi smashing into the steel steps. More right hands by Angle, Irish whip and corner clothesline by Kurt.

 Rikishi starts throwing lefts but Kurt takes back control with a rake to the eyes. Rikishi battles back with one arm, corner clothesline and a samoan drop. Rikishi really selling the arm injury, diamond cutter like move by Rikishi. Does not get the job done as Rikishi’s arm is in tremendous pain. Stinkface by Rikishi, Angle turns serious and Angle Slams Rikishi but Rikishi kicks out! JR puts it over big as nobody has ever kicked out of The Angle Slam. Angle attempts the sunset flip but Rikishi sits and squashes Kurt. Rikishi was thinking Banzai Drop but Kurt Angle recovered quickly and scores with a belly to belly suplex from the top rope. Impressive is all I can say as Kurt scores the victory with the belly to belly from the top rope. No ceremony for the champion or presentation but Angle makes up for it by crying and screaming Woo while blowing kisses to all the fans.

Winner: Kurt Angle over Rikishi via top rope belly to belly suplex!

(WWF Championship Match) The Rock/ Undertaker/Kane vs Shane Mcmahon/Vince Mcmahon/ Triple H © (6 Man Tag Match)

The Rock, Kane and The Undertaker all want the gold, they are teammates in this match but Vince Mcmahon believes that The Rock’s team will fall apart as each man wants to be The WWF Champion. Triple H has Shane and Vince on his team but Triple H does not have to be pinned to lose the WWF Championship. No Kid Rock on The Network, I am treated to American Badass music from 2002/2003. (Copyright is a bitch). Kurt Angle is watching this match with intent from the backstage area, The Mcmahons are full of dissension as they have a fight over who will start the match. Shane opts to begin and cheap shots Kane. Kane allows Shane to have one free shot, the free shot has no effect.

 Shane throws lefts at Kane which Kane absorbs and twists the hand of the boy wonder. Two-handed choke toss by Kane, Shane continues running from Kane. Undertaker catches Shane and tosses him into Kane. Thunderous clothesline by Kane, military press slam by The Big Red Machine. Vince saves Shane from The Chokeslam, both Mcmahons are clotheslined by Kane. Rock tags himself in, Rock tells Triple H to Juts Bring It. Triple H bides his time which allows Shane to cheap shot The Rock. Shoulder thrusts by Shane, Rock punches Shane repeatedly in the corner. Undertaker tags himself in as Rock tosses Shane to the floor. Elbows in the corner by Undertaker, Shane slumps in the corner. Chokeslam by Undertaker, Rock breaks up the pin. Triple H drags Shane to the corner and tags himself in. Undertaker overpowers Triple H, right hands and a back body drop, massive clothesline and big boot combination by The American Badass.

 Huge DDT by Undertaker, Kane saves Triple H. Undertaker & Kane have words before Rock tags himself into the match. Rock cheap shots Triple H and Vince before Rock is sent flying over the top rope where The Mcmahons put the boots to The People’s Champion. Undertaker brawls with Shane while Kane and Vince square off, The Game is left with The Rock by the announce table. Clothesline by Triple H floors Rock. Swinging neckbreaker by The Rock, Triple H dodges Rock and nails The Pedigree. Undertaker breaks up the pin off The Pedigree (Taker was late and it looked sloppy so Rock kicked out). Rock and Triple H are both beaten but Triple H shakes off the assault from The Rock and begins dismantling The Rock. Kicks by Shane O Mac and a reverse elbow, Shane lays in the left hands to the face of The Rock. Shane gets too cocky though as Rock beats down Shane before a Triple H cheap shot turns the tide.

 Vince is in, right hand to The Rock. Vince immediately tags out as The Game suplexes The Rock, vicious knee drop to the head of The People’s Champion. Triple H climbs to the top rope but it does not pay off, Rock battles back but Triple H nails a neckbreaker. Big right hand to the face of The Rock by Vince Mcmahon. Rock blocks Vince’s shot before Vince low blows Rock to regain the advantage, Triple H is in the ring. Rock and Triple H slug it out, Rock Samoan drops The Game, the match breaks down as Kane and Undertaker brawl with The Mcmahons. Triple H lands a facebuster on The Rock while Kane lays out Undertaker, Rock scores with a spinebuster on Triple H, Rock’s People’s Elbow is blocked by his partner Kane, Kane Chokeslams The Rock! Triple H and Kane act like best buddies as Kane sends Triple H to hell with a tombstone. Undertaker blocks Kane from winning the championship.

 Undertaker grabs a chair from ringside and smacks Kane. After that, Undertaker chokeslams Shane Mcmahon from the top rop through the announce table (Crazy spot). In the ring, Vince decides he wants all the glory as Vince attempts The People’s Elbow. Rock gets to his feet and plants Vince with A Rock Bottom before pinning Vince for the WWF Championship. Hard to rate this one, Shane and Vince really did not add to this match which is surprising for Shane because he usually does steal the show in his matches. That being said, Shane took a hell of a bump that often comes up in hardcore moments and Attitude Era compilations.

 However, Kane and Undertaker did not oppose that much of themselves in this match. The Rock worked the majority of the match, there is nothing wrong with that but it makes me wonder would it have been the worst idea in the world to have a fatal four way between Rock, Undertaker, Kane, and Triple H for the championship or one more final confrontation between The Rock and Triple H? We will never know but the match was entertaining to say the least with The Rock taking his rightful place at the top of the mountain.

Winner: The Rock over Everyone Else via Rock Bottom!

So that is another chapter written on a journey through The Attitude Era, thank you so much for the continued support and stay tuned for more as next time, I will be taking a look at WWF’s Fully Loaded 2000. King of The Ring had a lot of matches that were short so they could fit in all the tournament matches. It was hard to rate many of those matches including the final due to their length but the concept is what carries The King Of The Ring so on that basis, King Of The Ring was a very good show!

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Thursday, 25 August 2016

Journey Through The Attitude Era Vol 30: WWF Judgement Day 2000 Review

Image result for WWE Judgement day 200

Welcome one and all back to the Journey Through The Attitude Era with thrills, spills and everything in between, that’s right, the WWF at its finest in many people’s opinion so let’s take a look at another pay per view and analyse why the WWF would so damn entertaining during this time period. Tonight’s stop is WWF Judgement Day 2000, The Rock is the WWF Champion but Triple H and The Mcmahons are pulling out all the stops to prevent Rock from walking out champion. Triple H had goaded The Rock into a 60 Minute Iron Man Match with Shawn Michaels as the referee. Shawn Michaels screwed The Rock out of the WWF Championship the last time they were in a ring together, will lightning strike twice? Other matches include Benoit and Jericho’s war continuing in the WWF while Shane Mcmahon looks to put an end to the fun loving Big Show. So grab a coffee and let’s take a look at what was WWF’s Judgement Day 2000.

Opening Promo

The opening promo details the amount of things that could happen in an hour such as people dying, thinking about sex and your eyes blinking. Yeah so onto the good stuff, Triple H and The Rock vow to punish one another and destroy one another for one hour in their Iron Man Match. The night starts off with DX ordering Brisco, the hardcore champion to get everyone coffee. Vince runs through all the matches that DX and his son Shane will take part in on this night. The Headbangers jump Brisco and I have no recollection of any of this.

Too Cool & Rikishi vs Edge & Christian & Kurt Angle

The opening match is perfect, Kurt Angle was just great as a goofy heel who thought he was the man while Edge & Christian were finding their feet as a heel duo while Too Cool and Rikishi were simply the ultimate good time fun time team in the WWF. Also of note, this is where Kurt Angle and E&C would become friends, a friendship that would last until King Of The Ring of the next year. I like my continuity you see, these guys would team on and off throughout the year so it made sense for Kurt to help Edge and Christian retain their tag titles when he could and it would be the same when Edge & Christian would protect Kurt during his days as WWF Champion.

 Edge & Christian do their five second pose with Angle while Edge pulls the greatest hillbilly face I have ever seen. Edge, Christian and Kurt jump Too Cool and Rikishi but it backfires. Sexay and Edge kick us off, shoulder block by Sexay and an enzuigiri for good measure. Sexay signature dropkick and in comes Scotty for some dancing and a double hair pull. Thumb to the eye by Edge and Christian is in, Scotty outwrestles Christian, suplex by the master of The Worm. Moonwalk by Scotty who taunts too long as Christian starts whooping his ass in the corner, Scotty battles back due to the help of Grandmaster Sexay. Edge tries saving Christian but it goes wrong. The crowd want the big man Rikishi, Grandmaster Sexay dances in the ring and his pants fall down randomly.

 Scotty makes fun of Sexay saying his package is quite small. Christian takes down Sexay before Rikishi kills all in his way. Rikishi misses Kurt with his ass (greatest line I have ever written). Angle throws rights at Rikishi before the big man battles back, Scotty facebusters Christian looking for the worm but there will be no worm tonight as Angle clotheslines Scotty. Edge is in and starts knocking Scotty around the ring, Angle is in and chokes Scotty with the rope. Foot choke by The Olympic Hero. Scotty fights bravely before Angle flattens Scotty with a clothesline. Christian is in, he attempts a powerbomb, Scotty alley oops Christian. Rikishi has the hot tag, punches for all and a few headbutts. Rikishi rams his posterior into all three opponents and Angle falls in the corner. Rikishi backs that ass up with a Stinkface on Kurt Angle (Crowd pooped huge for that). Double DDT on Rikishi but there is no effect on the big man, Edge spears Rikishi and begins doing The Worm. Scotty says screw that, this is how it is done, Scotty nails The Worm on Edge.

 Scotty drops a second Worm on Kurt Angle. Christian nails Rikishi with the ringbell, Grandmaster Sexay drops a legdrop on Edge and Rikishi pins Edge. Kurt Angle tried to break up the pin and it almost looked like it was a botched finish but I think it was planned. Great opening match, crowd popped huge for Too Cool and Rikishi. It would be their peak due to their championship success they would achieve over the next month and the bad booking that broke them up way too soon. Rikishi and Too Cool dance after the match as Judgement Day might have kicked off with the most fun and over opening match I have seen during this series.

Winners: Rikishi & Too Cool over Team ECK via Leg Drop!

(WWF European Championship Match) Eddie Guerrero © W/ Chyna vs Perry Saturn vs Dean Malenko

The Radicalz had broken up, going their separate ways, Dean and Perry had fought after their match at Insurrextion while Benoit was pursuing Jericho and the Intercontinental Championship. Eddie Guerrero was the heel that everyone cheered due to Mamacita Chyna. Eddie had found his niche in his Latino Heat persona while Malenko and Saturn were struggling to find their feet in the WWF. Malenko still uses The Radicalz music at this point. Thank God because I would not be able to last through his Double OO7 theme.

 Malenko and Saturn remain friendly in the beginning as they dismantle Eddie with a backbreaker elbow drop combo. Saturn breaks the team by clotheslining Dean, jumping calf kick by Dean, right hands by Dean before tasting a flapjack courtesy of Perry Saturn, Gorilla press slam by Saturn on Eddie. Hurricanrana by Eddie on Dean, Hurricanrana on Saturn by the champion. Dean sidewalk slams Eddie, Saturn breaks up the pin. Eddie blocks Saturn and tornado DDTs Saturn. Cover and Malenko breaks up the pin. Chyna looks on worried at ringside, Malenko catches Eddie and nails a Tiger Driver.

 Two count for Malenko, Malenko swats away Saturn, powerbomb is countered by Eddie who is countered by Malenko. Texas Cloverleaf, Saturn saves Eddie, Malenko clotheslines Saturn and it is all Malenko right now. Guerrero battles back who tries a suplex from the top, Saturn hangs up Guerrero and Malenko. Belly to Belly by Saturn, Guerrero has Malenko before Malenko counters into a gutbuster. Saturn kicks Malenko out fo the ring. Frog Splash by Saturn, Malenko breaks up the pin. Texas Cloverleaf by Saturn on Malenko, Eddie brainbusters Saturn and Malenko attempts the Rings of Saturn on Saturn.

 Eddie sends Saturn to the floor, back suplex by Malenko, splash by Malenko who sees Saturn coming to break up the action. Saturn suplexes Malenko and Eddie before Chyna nails Saturn with a bouquet of Flowers. Eddie sunset flips Malenko, Malenko holds on and Chyna tries hitting Malenko with the flowers. Malenko grabs the flowers before being tripped onto the flowers. Eddie rolls up Malenko and it is revealed that the flowers had a lead pipe in them. Decent match from these three great workers.

Winner: Eddie Guerrero over Everyone Else!

Shane Mcmahon vs Big Show

We cut to Gerald Brisco in the back, Brisco won the Hardcore Championship off a sleeping Crash Holly, Crash will be after Brisco all night. Shane Mcmahon had pushed the friendly Giant over the edge. Big Show was seen as a joke by Shane, Show was eliminated from The Wrestlemania main event first. Shane tried getting all sorts of advantages over Big Show including picking Show in Gauntlet matches and Chokeslamming The Giant. Shane dives over the top rope right into the arms of The Big Show.

 Back first goes Shane into the ringpost and the steel steps. Show steps on the arm of Shane and Shane is knocked into the crowd. Gorilla Press Slam by Show, Shane is tossed into the ring and kicked in the ass multiple times. Bossman runs down to the ring and starts whacking Show with his nightstick, Bossman is powerbombed into oblivion before T&A come down with chairs. They apy for their interference. Trish is in the ring and Show chokeslams her into T&A. Show tosses Shane into the entrance props, Show dismantles some of the stage, with the intent of maiming Shane. Shane dropkicks the Big Show while T&A rough up Show. Shane rams a metal case into the head of Big Show, Show is pissed and starts laying out everyone. T&A are down while Shane tries climbing away up the stage structure. Bossman’s protégé Bull Buchanan attacks Show with a nightstick while Shane drops an amp speaker on Show’s leg.

 Shane grabs a cinder block over the head of Big Show. Shane wins the match, that was fine, lots of interference to cover for Shane’s inabilities in the ring and the angle was good to write off Show from television as Show would go to OVW to lose some weight. Show would return as a part of The Conspiracy by Shane’s side with Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit before disappearing to lose more weight.

Winner: Shane Mcmahon over Big Show due to Cinderblock Shot!

(WWF Intercontinental Championship Submission Match) Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit ©

A submission match between these two? This is going to be simply awesome. We get a promo package highlighting the referee between these two men and how deadly both of their submissions are but only one can reign supreme. For some reason, Hardcore Holly laid out Benoit and crippled his knee so Benoit, the heel is taped up and injured going into this match against Jericho. Tie up in the corner, clean break, knees by Benoit, chops and right hands. Chops by Y2J, irish whip and a fujiwara armbar by Y2J. Benoit rolls through and attempts a tombstone piledriver but it turns into a shoulder breaker by Benoit.

 Benoit nails his signature headbutt. Head and arm choke by Benoit, Jericho regains his vertical base. Jericho attempts his Walls of Jericho, Benoit counters, forearm by Jericho. Springboard Dropkick by Y2J, Val Venis is watching on backstage as he will challenge the winner of this match. Benoit takes over on the outside, Jericho reverses Benoit and slams him knee first onto the steel steps. Jericho nails a backbreaker and charges Benoit in the corner. Benoit dodges and Jericho tastes the ringpost. Jericho eats the exposed turnbuckle as Benoit works on the arm. Chop war and Benoit short arm clotheslines Jericho.

 Rolling armbar by Benoit, Jericho reaches the ropes. Benoit knees Jericho in the face with his knee brace, Benoit knees the top turnbuckle and eats a flapjack from Jericho. Jericho tears off the knee brace and smacks Benoit with it. Jericho was looking for the figure four, Benoit fights out of it but Jericho dropkicks the knee. Lionsault by Y2J, Jericho locks in The Walls Of Jericho using the ropes. Benoit powers out, nasty boots to the face. Jericho goes back to the knee, Benoit rolls through, german suplex, make it two. Jericho attempts the Walls, Benoit uses the knee brace to clean Jericho’s clock. Crippler Crossface on Y2J, Jericho fades. Benoit drags Jericho into the centre of the ring away from the ropes, Jericho will not die. Benoit wraps his arms around the neck of Y2J, Benoit chokes out Y2J. Benoit refuses to break the hold but he is still the champion.

 Great match from these two as if they would not deliver, Benoit and Jericho showed hard hitting action, nice reversals and clean crisp bumps. Jericho is protected by not tapping. Instead he passes out and looks like a badass in the process.

Winner: Chris Benoit over Chris Jericho via Crippler Crossface!

(Tag Team Table Match) D-Generation X W/ Tori vs The Dudley Boyz

The misadventures of Gerald Brisco, our hardcore champion continue as he was attacked by The Headbangers, thought the referees were going to attack him and Brisco beats up two popcorn venders. Ah Bubba Ray and his love of putting women through tables, The Dudleys need to put Tori through the table. The Dudleys run to ringside, Road Dogg vs D-Von to kick us off. Road Dogg hammers away on D-Von, shoulder block and reverse elbow by D-Von. Road Dogg makes the tag to X-Pac who the crowd shits all over, the poor bastard.

 D-Von tags in Bubba who knocks the seven shades of shit out of X-Pac before X-Pac catches Bubba with a spinning heel kick. Bubba prevents X-Pac from grabbing a table and nails him with a flying clothesline. Cheap shot to Road Dogg and we have the What’s Up diving headbutt on both members of DX. Road Dogg and X-Pac try leaving but The Dudleys are not done beating down DX. Bubba floors X-Pac at ringside and D-Von battles away with Road Dogg. X-Pac cheap shots D-Von from the apron and the heels have the advantage, double stomps to D-Von. Bronco Buster by X-Pac before tagging in Road Dogg, double foot choke as the referee distracts Bubba.

 Road Dogg has a front facelock while D-Von tries to make the tag to Bubba. Road Dogg makes sure the referee misses the tag. X-Pac nails D-Von with a spinning heel kick, D-Von turns the tide with a double clothesline. Bubba is in, sidewalk slam to X-Pac, Bubba Bomb on D-Von and a final samoan drop on X-Pac. Dudleys grab the tables and they are set up in opposite corners. D-Von is sent into the steel steps by Road Dogg. Road Dogg pumphandle slams D-Von through a table on the outside, Bubba nails Road Dogg for taking out his partner. Bubba goes after X-Pac, X-Pac tries to hurricanrana Bubba through a table, it backfires as Bubba powerbombs X-Pac through the table.

 Bubba and Road Dogg remain as they put the referee through the table. Hardcore Champion Gerald Brisco comes to ringside, the referee is down as The Dudleys 3D Road Dogg through the table. Tori is in the ring and that is the worst place you could be as Bubba says “Table Time”. Brisco low blows Bubba and X-Pac nails an X-Factor through the table from the second rope. There you have it as DX win as the referee is revived by Brisco, good match as the rivalry would continue, the heels cheat to win but the Dudleys get their heat back by driving Brisco through the table with a 3D.

Winner: DX over Dudley Boyz thanks to Gerald Brisco!

(WWF Championship Iron Man Match) The Rock © vs Triple H (Special Guest Referee is Shawn Michaels)

The Rock had won the championship at Backlash in a truly memorable moment as Stone Cold Steve Austin helped Rock defeat Triple H and The Mcmahons. Tonight, we will see who is the man as we have a 60 minute Iron Man Match for the WWF Championship. There is one factor to this match which tilts the odds in Triple H’s favour, that being Shawn Michaels as the referee. Shawn Michaels is the WWF Commissioner but he is a close friend of Triple H, they were partners in DX and Shawn Michaels cost The Rock the WWF Championship on Smackdown. Triple H had threatened to end their friendship if Shawn Michaels does not do what is right. Will Shawn Michaels call the match right down the middle? Can Rock battle off The Mcmahons? Can the match hold our interest for 60 minutes? I guess we will find out now!

The Mcmahons accompany Triple H to ringside while Shawn Michaels watches on from the ring, Triple H gets on the mic and states he wants to do this alone. Nice touch for the match as Triple H wants to do this on his own which is true to his character as a narcissist who believes he is better than The Rock in every way possible. The arena goes apeshit for The Rock which almost brings a tear to my eye after watching Ambrose vs Ziggler from Summerslam as the crowd simply died for their match. An hour of wrestling between the two best at the time.

We begin with a little trash talk, face to face and Rock pushes Triple H and we have a lock up. Both men battle for the advantage, Triple H and Rock reverse one another in the corner, shoving contest and we reset with some more trash talk. Side headlock from The Rock wearing down The Game, knee to the midsection and a hammerlock by Triple H. JR builds the suspense as he talks about the endurance and how mentally and physically draining an iron match is as we hear statistics about both superstars longest matches. Double shoulder block by Rock and a school boy from The People’s Champion. Helmsley bails and wastes a minute or two, Triple H slowly makes his way into the ring and we lock up once more, Triple H with the advantage, shoulder block by The Game, Rock hammers Helmsley with another right hand, knocking Triple H to the floor. More time wasting from Triple H as the clock ticks on, side headlock by Rock. Triple H tried for a leapfrog but Rock hammers the challenger. Triple H blocks Rock in the corner and delivers a thunderous clothesline. Triple H works over the arm of the champion. Right hands by Helmsley in the corner, arm wringer by The Game, Rock hits the mat hard as Triple H continues working over the arm. Rock fights out of the hold but Triple H takes Rock down with a single arm DDT. Armbar by The Game as we hit the Ten Minute Mark.

Rock backs The Game into the corner, Rock starts whooping Triple H’s ass, Rock Bottom by the Champion and Rock takes the first fall! Triple H rolls out of the ring, Rock takes Triple H to the barricade and ringside area. Triple H and Rock battle to the entrance way, Triple H tastes the barricade. Triple H reverses the champion, Rock is dropped on the barricade, Triple H misses a knee on the floor but regains the advantage. Rock knocks Helmsley off his feet as The Game tries to climb into the ring. Suplex from the apron to the ring by The Champion. Rock goes after Triple H’s leg, will this play into the match? More leg work from The People’s Champion. Figure four by The Rock in the centre of the ring, Triple H is screaming in pain, trying to use Shawn Michaels for an advantage. Triple H reverses the figure four after an hour of writhing around in pain, we have a double rope break. Into the crowd we go, Rock is back dropped to the ringside area. Another ten minutes have passed and Rock is still winning 1:0.

Triple H kicks Rock and drops knees on the champion while clutching his leg, good selling from Helmsley showing the effects of the figure four. Triple H tries multiple times to pin The Rock meeting failure each time. Rock is sent flying to the outside, Triple H breaks the count, Triple H pays for his eagerness to destroy The Rock as Rock sends Helmsley crashing into the steel steps. Rock continues the leg work on The Game. Grapevine hold on the challenger by the champion, Rock tried for the figure four too many times as Triple H counters with a pedigree and we are tied at 1:1. Triple H uses a blatant choke on the champion, right hand from The Game, inside cradle by Helmsley which looks pretty bad. JR covers for the move saying Rock was still reeling from The Pedigree. Regardless, it is 2:1 to Triple H. Right hands by The Rock but Triple H pulls Rock to the floor, Rock is out of it, Triple H cannot take advantage though as Rock staggers around avoiding Helmsley’s assault. Rock tastes the concrete floor courtesy of Helmsley after a nasty suplex. Triple H is up to 2:1 as half the allotted time has expired.

Triple H is caught with a back suplex by The Rock, back drop on the floor by The Rock. Rock stomps on Triple H in the ring, right hand floors The Game. Rake to the eyes by Triple H and a facebuster, piledriver on The Rock by Triple H and it is 3:1 to The Game. Triple H lays out The Rock with a nasty piledriver. Triple H stomps The Rock in the corner, Rock explodes out of the corner with a clothesline but Rock cannot capitalise. Triple H lays out Rock with a clothesline. Triple H climbs to the top rope, it is a huge mistake as Rock jerks Triple H to the canvas. Rock and Triple H trade blows before Rock goes for a la magistral on Helmsley, two count for The Rock. Triple H scores with his leaping knee but Rock kicks out at two. More trading of blows between the two, Irish whip is reversed by Triple H, Triple H locks in the sleeper. Triple H uses the ropes to gain some extra leverage on The People’s Champion, Shawn Michaels catches Triple H and Rock battles back on the challenger. Rock counters the sleeper into a belly to belly suplex as there are only twenty minutes left in this match. The score remains 3:1 to Triple H.

More right hands from The Rock, floatover DDT and it is 3:2 off the Maivia Hurricane DDT. We are back by ringside as Rock smacks Triple H around the announce table, Triple H grabs the steel chair and Shawn Michaels prevents the chair shot. Triple H tastes the steel steps once more, neckbreaker on the floor by The Rock. Triple H nails Rock with the chair to make 3:3 but Triple H had a plan as he knew off the chair shot, Triple H could gain back his lead. It is 4:3 to the challenger as Rock is a bloody mess thanks to the chair shot. Another sleeper attempt by Helmsley, Rock survives twice which is kind of disappointing as it would make sense for Rock to collapse after the abuse and we have already seen the spot twice. Incredibly, Rock goes for it one more time and Rock does not get back to his feet. 5:3 to Triple H but I am not sure if the third sleeper was needed if Rock was just going to pass out in the hold. Triple H and Shawn Micheals have a lover’s tiff before Rock lays the smackdown on the challenger. Triple H crashes to the floor. Triple H is perched on the top turnbuckle, Rock is kicked off by The Game but The Rock battles back and delivers a superplex. As we reach the last ten minutes, Triple H leads 5:3.

Triple H kicks out of the superplex at 2 and a half, elbow by The People’s Champion, more right hands before Triple H is clotheslined to the floor. Triple H is catapulted into the ringpost by The Rock, time is ticking and The Rock needs two falls to even up the score. The Rock is hurled into the steel steps, both men are extremely fatigued, Triple H attempts a Rock Bottom on the announce table but The Rock counters and nails a pedigree. Rock rolls into the ring and Triple H is counted out of the match, It is 5:4 to Triple H while Triple H is a bloody mess by ringside. The Mcmahons appear at the ramp to help Helmsley, Rock beats on Triple H in the corner but The Rock needs a pin or submission. DDT by The Rock, Shane is on the apron, right hand, Vince is on the apron, right hand and there is a spinebuster. People’s elbow and it is 5:5! Shawn Michaels nails Vince and Shane, DX are at ringside. Shawn Michaels is knocked to the floor by The Rock accidently but fear not as The Undertaker is back, Undertaker comes into the ring and knocks down all of DX. Chokeslam to Shane and right hand to Vince, X-Pac and Road Dogg are taken for a ride, Stephanie is at the mercy of Taker but Triple H saves Stephanie. Undertaker chokeslams Triple H and lands the tombstone. However, Shawn Michaels is back to his feet and saw the interference! Triple H wins the fall. Triple H is your victor winning 6:5 over The Rock.

Winner: Triple H over The Rock thanks to Undertaker's Interference!

Overall, a great match. Iron Man matches are always difficult, to hold a crowd’s attention for that amount of time, to have a hot enough crowd for it, to have two superstars to pull it off, there are so many variables and you really need them all if you want to pull it off. While this was no Dory Funk vs Jack Brisco or Steamboat vs Flair, this match was very entertaining. You have to hand it to the crowd, they stayed red hot throughout the match, there were no dull moments and I certainly did not feel like I was wasting my time watching this or that it was boring. My only complaint was the sleeper thing but that was just me being a dick. Great match with the added bonus of The Undertaker’s return. Man. Undertaker did not look good coming back here, The American Badass looked more like American Fatass but Undertaker ran through all of DX and The Mcmahons and made you want to tune into Raw the next night! This match along with the opener and Benoit vs Jericho Match gave this pay per view a very high value and Judgement Day was an excellent follow up to Backlash. Can the WWF keep the train going with King of The Ring? We shall see next time !

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