Sunday, 23 December 2018

TNA Genesis 2006 Review

Image result for tna genesis 2006

Hello and welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the internet that delivers less than The Mcmahons when it comes to change! It is time for TNA’s Genesis 2006 and this is a monster of a show as Abyss looks to capture the NWA/TNA World Heavyweight Championship from Sting while Kurt Freakin’ Angle looks to make his mark on TNA by battling the undefeated Samoan Submission Machine Samoa Joe. The promo package for the show is so God damn epic, it sets the tone for this show! Will this be a hit? Let’s find out!

(Handicap Match) Serotonin vs The Voodoo Kin Mafia

The New Age Outlaws come out to battle TNA’s version of The Flock. Kaz and Matt look completely out of place while Johnny Devine looks like a beefy Shannon Moore. Large DX sucks chants, BG and Matt start. BG punches, superkick by Bentley. Serotonin stomp BG, Devine bites BG before tagging Bentley. Dropkick by Bentley for two, reverse chinlock from Bentley. BG rallies and nails a flying forearm, tag to Kip James. Kip slams everyone, atomic drops. Pedigree on Bentley, Bentley is thrown to the floor and well as Kaz. One and Only on Bentley and this match is over.

Not the best way to get your new faction over, funny looking at Road Dogg and Billy Gunn take the piss out of Michaels and Triple H while they are now all buddy buddy. Big boys throwing out their toys, but the match got the crowd excited so it seems to be fine.

Winners: The James Gang over Serotonin via One & Only!

Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal vs The Naturals W/ Shane Douglas

The Naturals sucks, they have always sucked and I will never ever care for them in the slightest. They tried to put these two over many times, their latest attempt is having The Naturals attack Team 3D. The Naturals jump Dutt & Lethal to begin the match, Dutt & Lethal battle back and dive onto The Naturals. Lethal and Stevens pair off, bulldog and dropkick by Lethal. Douglas saves Stevens, Lethal elbows Stevens. Headscissors out of the corner is countered by Stevens, blatant low blow.

Douglas comes in and chokes Lethal, eye rake by Douglas. Douglas stomps Lethal, tag to Stevens. Axe handles by Stevens, wishbone split by The Naturals. Stevens chokes Lethal on the middle rope following the wishbone, Douglas enters illegally without the tag. Douglas reaches out to Stevens for extra leverage. The referee catches Stevens, Lethal fights back but eats a huge knee for two. Tag to Stevens, big boot to the face. Lethal mounts another comeback, wheelbarrow suplex from Stevens for two. Stevens climbs to the top rope, diving axe handle for two.

Douglas tags in, axe handle does not connect as Lethal smashes Douglas in the ribs. Tag to Dutt, Stevens eats right hands. Leaping leg lariat and tilt-a-whirl headscissors, neckbreaker from Dutt for two. Stevens uppercuts Dutt, Dutt dodges and nails Douglas with a springboard seated senton. Stevens eats a backbreaker and flatliner combination, springboard moonsault from Dutt for two. Boot by Dutt, Shane Douglas gets involved. Stevens and Douglas nail an assisted dropkick powerbomb for the win.

Well, that finish look absolutely weak. The fans chant you fucked up at The Naturals and do I need to say much more? I truly do not care about those two boys, they just do not have the talent that their push warrants but I have to give credit on TNA for not giving up on those two. Lethal has connected with the TNA audience just like he did with ROH, it is for the best and Sonjay Dutt is a talented freak who is ignored when it comes to pushes, this is not fair.

Winners: The Naturals over Lethal & Dutt via Powerbomb!

(TNA X-Division Championship Match) Christopher Daniels © VS Chris Sabin

After vowing to move on from the X Division likes of Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels, we have Christopher Daniels as X-Division Champion. What? Yes, Daniels and Styles traded the belt with Sabin who was the newly-christened champion after dedicating himself to his craft to defeat Senshi. Fortunately, Sabin has finally found an edge as a cocky and arrogant heel. They lock-up, eye poke by Sabin who backs away from an irate Daniels. Side headlock by Daniels, Sabin escapes and slaps Daniels.

Sabin continues to frustrate Daniels, arm-wringer from Sabin. Daniels eats another eye poke, Sabin stomps all over Daniels. Hiptoss by Daniels for two,  the two trade counters before another hiptoss by Daniels. Sabin rolls out to the floor, Sabin shoots for a takedown, more flips before Daniels steps on the head of Sabin. Curb stomp by Daniels, split-legged moonsault for two. Sabin is bounced off the turnbuckle multiple times, headbutt by Daniels. Two for Daniels, Sabin elevates Daniels to the apron. Sabin dropkicks Daniels to the floor who smashes his back off the concrete.

Apron axe handle by Sabin, Sabin drops Daniels throat-first onto the guardrail. Two for Sabin, fist drop and dropkick to the back of the head by Sabin for two. Nerve hold from Sabin, Daniels fights out but Sabin maintains control. Knee across the back on the middle rope from Sabin, snapmare into a stretch from Sabin. Daniels is crotched in the tree of woe, hesitation dropkick by Sabin. Sabin grabs a chair, AJ Styles takes the chair from Sabin. Daniels dodges a hesitation dropkick and lands a crossbody to the floor. Jawbreaker in the ring, forearms by Daniels.

Running STO by Daniels, cross-armed powerbomb by Daniels for two. Uranage by Daniels, Sabin grabs the leg of Daniels to stop the BME. Sabin is on the apron, springboard DDT for two. Pop-up powerbomb by Sabin for two, Irish whip to the corner. Sabin nails a spinning sole butt, springboard ddt is countered for a Death Valley Driver by Daniels. BME connects and Daniels gets two. Angel’s Wings is blocked, dragon screw by Sabin. Yakuza Kick in the corner, Cradle Shock is reversed for a crucifix at two and a half. Low dropkick by Sabin, Argentine backbreaker is countered for a roll-up, Daniels wins. Jerry Lynn saves Daniels from an assault from Sabin.

The X Division Style always leads to a fun match, that is never a doubt when it comes to these wrestlers, their style is fun to watch and the crowd goes nuts especially during the glory years of TNA. However, this did not pay off for me when it came to story-telling in this match. Sabin has a fun character tweak with this entitled cocky douchebag but that leaves the match after the first sections where Sabin slaps Daniels. After that, is Sabin doing anything truly heelish? Grabbing a chair when he is the challenger in a title match? Was his plan to lose his championship match by DQ? You see why I have trouble with this story-telling?

Winner: Christopher Daniels over Chris Sabin via Roll-Up!

Ron Killings & Lance Hoyt vs Paparazzi Productions

Kevin Nash on commentary is gold, I will hear nothing less. So, Starr and Shelley have issues under Nash’s tutelage while Killings and Hoyt have nothing to do.  Shelley and Killings begin, Shelley steps on the hands of Killings. Killings nails a shoulder block, kick by Shelley. Lots of dancing, flatliner by Killings. Starr tags in, more dancing. Starr goes to work, stomps in the corner. Starr leapfrogs and dances, Killings nails a running powerslam. Hoyt nails a right hand, Starr is pinballed between the two.

Hoyt tags in, double hiptoss. Elbow drops for two, Shelley saves Starr. Knees by Hoyt, Starr eats a massive flapjack. Hoyt looks for his moonsault, Shelley illegally trips Hoyt, Starr nails a running dropkick to Hoyt who is in the tree of woe. Shelley tags in, Shelley and Starr take turns wrenching the knee of Hoyt who screams out in pain. Starr nails his corkscrew slingshot splash for two, more knees by Starr. Tag to Shelley, neckbreaker from Shelley. Shelley climbs to the top rope, Hoyt blocks the splash with a big boot. Hoyt clotheslines Shelley on one leg.

Tag to Killings, right hands to Starr & Shelley. Lie Detector, Starr & Shelley miscommunicate and Shelley wheel kicks Starr. Osaka street cutter by Truth for two, Starr saves Shelley. Double dropkick by Killings, Hoyt helps Killings nail  a dropkick to the groin. Killings misses a leg lariat, Starr elbows Killings to the floor. Hoyt eats a kick to the knee, heatseeker by Starr onto Killings. Shelley frogsplashes the knee, Starr shoots Shelley with the camera but Hoyt small packages Shelley for the win.

That was decent like the rest of the card, Nash is a treasure on commentary while Killings and Hoy deserve more to do on pay per view. Starr is a fun gimmick but Aries is so talented, it really is a waste to not let him rip people apart in the X Division but the feud between Shelley and Starr continues so I am looking forward to that.

Winners: Hoyt & Killings over Paparazzi Productions Via Small Package!

AJ Styles vs Christian Cage

This is a big match, Christian turned heel for no apparent reason earlier in the year which made no sense other than they needed to ensure Sting was the number one babyface in the company (More on that later folks!). So, Christian turned heel, fitting himself into a role he is all too familiar with as a cocky, arrogant ass who wants to be champion. Standing across from Christian is Mr. TNA AJ Styles, this will be fun plain and simple. Styles is in there with a huge star and Styles always rises to the occasion.

Huge lock-up to start, aggressive lock-up which sets the tone for this match. Christian takes the back, Styles switches to the back. Christian slams Styles to the mat, Christian maintains control before Styles goes to the ropes. Christian gives the clean break after a slap to the back, Styles slaps Christian in the face. Forearms and shoulder block by Styles, shoulder block by Christian. The crowd chants for both wrestlers as the two stare one another down, Styles chops and kicks Christian. Styles nails another shoulder block, Christian takes a breather with Styles saying “Is that all you have got?”

Side headlock by Styles, Christian elbows Styles in the face. Chops by Christian, Unprettier attempt is reversed for an electric chair drop, Christian rolls to the floor avoiding a Styles Clash. Christian wants a chair, Styles goes to the floor and throws Christian into the ring. Back in the ring, Christian elbows Styles. Flapjack by Styles, La magistral for two. Christian goes to the floor again, Styles nails a tope atomico to the floor. Styles continues to hold his ankle after the dive, Christian eats a baseball slide but avoids an Asai moonsault. Styles is rammed into the guardrail, Christian has assumed control of this match.

Christian nails Styles with a backbreaker for two, reverse chinlock from Christian. Christian is caught by a kip-up hurricanrana, Christian drills Styles with a clothesline for two. Styles misses a corner forearm after reversing Christian, Christian looks for the Unprettier. Styles survives with a massive backbreaker, Christian recovers and climbs to the top rope. Styles meets Christian on the top rope, top rope hurricanrana by Styles. Styles nails his signature dropkick, massive clothesline and knee drop. Two for Styles, Styles nails his middle rope inverted DDT for two.

Styles climbs to the top rope, Christian dodges and nails a Spear for two. Unprettier is blocked again, Styles Clash is blocked. Pele Kick by Styles for two, Styles tries a springboard but eats a massive powerbomb. Christian has a chair, Daniels tries to steal the chair but Styles attempts a sunset flip, the leverage allows Christian to trap Styles in a cradle and Christian gets away with the win.

That did not hit the levels I thought it would reach, it was good but it did not reach that next level. Styles and Christian could tear the house down if they wished to but it just did not, they do this awkward angle between Styles and Daniels where it seems Styles could be the heel and that is the dumbest shit and out of character thing I have ever seen for Styles at this point in the career. However, could Styles be doing something we have not seen Styles do in quite some time?

Winner: Christian Cage over AJ Styles via Roll-Up!

(NWA/TNA Tag Team Championship Match) AMW W/ Gail Kim vs LAX © W/ Konnan

AMW were the premier tag team in TNA for many years but they ran out of teams to face until the likes of Styles & Daniels, LAX and Team 3D came to the division. With this fresh crop of tag team talent, AMW have become rejuvenated in my eyes and they are all set to make this an awesome match. Hopefully, they do because this pay per view has been very average thus far.

AMW jump LAX, brawling on the floor to begin this match. Storm and Homicide are in the ring, underhook suplex by Storm. Harris and Storm toss Homicide onto Hernandez, Konnan distracts Harris and there’s a big clothesline by Hernandez. Hernandez clubs Harris, tag to Homicide. Slingshot tope atomico by Homicide, tag to Hernandez. Shoulder block by Hernandez, reverse chinlock by Hernandez. Harris fights back but is speared back into the heel’s corner, tag to Homicide. Illegal choke from Hernandez, Homicide applies a reverse chinlock.

Harris catches a lucky break with a massive spinebuster, Storm comes in like a house of fire. Right hands and back drops, headscissors on Hernandez. Eye of The Storm is blocked, dropkick by Storm. Hernandez saves Homicide, Border Toss is stopped by Harris, Hernandez drags in Harris. Crossbody by Harris, Homicide nails a spinning DDT on Harris. Storm shoulder blocks Homicide, Death Sentence is stopped by Hernandez who throat tosses Harris off the top rope.

Storm is caught for a spinning powerbomb, Homicide nails a top rope splash with Harris saving Storm. Harris does not hit Catatonic, Gringo Killer is blocked. Hart Attack by AMW for two, Hernandez drags Harris to the floor. Homicide trips Storm, enzugiri to Homicide, enzuigiri to Hernandez. Harris nails a diving clothesline on Hernandez, Death Sentence connects! Konnan distracts the referee, Gail Kim pulls down Konnan. Homicide cracks Storm with a blow torch and LAX are still champions.

Good tag team match, AMW showed a lot of the fire that I fell in love with them for, LAX have been great heels since joining the TNA roster. Konnan has always been phenomenal on the microphone, so much heat and so much momentum so the right team won this match, I am just interested to see where they go next with LAX. Oh, nevermind they fuck it up in the next five minutes. Cornette comes out and says that LAX are stripped of the titles for being big dirty racists which means this team loses all the heat they have built up because the pay off is LAX losing the titles so why strip them? This company is so stupid sometimes it is incredible.

Winners: LAX over AMW via Blow Torch To The Head!

(NWA/TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match) Abyss W/ James Mitchell vs Sting ©

Finally, Sting defeated Jeff Jarrett at TNA’s biggest show Bound For Glory. Sting is in deep trouble though as The Monster Abyss is here for Sting’s championship. Sting comes down to the ring and clotheslines Abyss to the floor using his signature bat, plancha by Sting. We have some nice crowd brawling as Sting continues to batter Abyss, Abyss’ head is rammed off the guardrail by Sting. Sting misses a Stinger Splash, Abyss smashes Sting with a chair. Abyss grabs tables and places them by the ramp, Abyss has a barbed-wire table.

Abyss wants to powerbomb Sting through the table, Sting fights out and punches Abyss down the ramp. Knees by Abyss, eye rake against the guard rail. The two enter the ring for the first time, chinlock from Abyss. Stinger Splashes from Sting, Abyss is in big trouble. Two for Sting, Sting is on the top rope. Abyss climbs up too but is shoved off, Sting nails a massive splash for two. Abyss tries using the championship on Sting, Sting ducks and has the Scorpion Deathlock. Abyss reaches the ropes though, Sting looks at the championship.

Sting wants to use the championship, Sting shoves the referee down. Black Hole Slame! 1..2.. Sting kicks out of Abyss’ finisher. No chokeslam for Abyss, the referee is knocked down as Sting is shoved into the referee. Abyss wants thumbtacks, Sting has his Bat. Sting knocks away the tacks, bat to the ribs and a Scorpion Death Drop but James Mitchell pulls out the referee. Sting pulls out the tacks, Abyss chokeslams Sting onto the tacks. 1….2….Sting kicks out and Sting shakes it off like nothing. Sting drop toeholds Abyss into the tacks, Scorpion Deathlock, Mitchell distracts the referee.

Mitchell is caught by Sting, Scorpion Deathlock and Mitchell taps like a mad man. Sting waffles Abyss with a chair, Sting has some ropes. Sting wants to hang Abyss upside down, Sting has a chair and Sting beats Abyss like a pinata. Sting clotheslines the referee and throws Abyss through the barbed wire tables beside the ramp. So, Abyss wins the championship by DQ due to a rule that has never been acknowledged ever.

Well, this was a load of shit. Abyss, The Monster who destroys everything wins the championship by being beaten to death. Sting, who we had sacrificed Joe winning the championship and Christian turning heel for Sting to win the championship loses his title on his first defence. Why? Why? Why? This was such a load of shit when it came down to everything, this ridiculous this pay per view is such garbage at this point.

Winner: Abyss over Sting via DQ!

Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe

Angele vs Samoa Joe, biggest match in TNA history up to this point. Two submission beasts, no offence to Sting or Christian but Kurt Angle is the biggest star in TNA. This was massive and on such a disappointing card, I pray that this is the best thing since sliced bread. Joe has been undefeated, nobody can touch Joe while Kurt Angle is Kurt Freakin Angle.

Lock-up, Angle backing up Joe. Angle takes down Joe, Joe grabs the ropes. Joe knees Angle, right hands by Joe. Stomps by Joe, kicks to the various body parts of Angle. Boots by Angle, belly to belly suplex and clothesline by Angle. Joe pulls Angle to ringside, Angle is smacked off the guard rail. Uppercuts by Angle in the ring, Angle misses a corner spear and crashes to the floor shoulder first. Suicide dive by Joe, Joe rams Angle into the guard rail. Joe admires his handy work inside of the ring.

Angle is bleeding everywhere, headbutt from Joe. Joe digs his fingers into the wound of Angle, Angle is bleeding profusely. Angle fights back, snap powerslam from Joe. Two for Joe, tilt-a-whirl backbreaker from Joe for two. Slap by Joe, Angle slaps back. Tornado DDT by Angle, two for Angle. Angle unloads with German suplexes, three suplexes by Angle for two. Joe counters an Angle Slam, high knee in the corner. Massive enzuigiri, Muscle Buster by Joe for two. Angle Slam out of nowhere for two, Kurt Angle pulls down the straps.

Ankle Lock from Angle, Joe attempts to escape multiple times. Joe counters the Ankle Lock for The Coquina Clutch, it was beautiful. Angle is in the middle of the ring, is there anywhere Angle can go? Angle fights his way out and locks in The Ankle Lock, middle of the ring and Angle wrenches back with the commentators screaming like morons! Joe counters, Joe hits the ringpost hard. Angle Slam, Ankle Lock with a grapevine in the middle of the ring. Joe cannot reach the ropes and Samoa Joe taps out in the middle of the ring.

Once again, I find myself at odds with the booking of TNA. This match felt massive, I will not take that away from TNA. This felt huge and the crowd lose their absolute minds in the last few minutes but at what cost? Samoa Joe was not homegrown but Joe was TNA through and through, what could have it done for Joe if The Samoan Submission Machine tapped out Kurt Angle? They also build to this incredible match and they ask if they want to see a rematch and Angle who was portrayed as the babyface in the match snubs Joe like you are not worth my time bitch, I popped for that because of course babyface Angle ended the night as a coward.

Winner: Kurt Angle over Samoa Joe Via Ankle Lock!

That was TNA’s Genesis 2006, an average pay per view that descended into chaos as the booking continued throughout the night. So, you have the usual X Division style matches and tag matches that have people on the card for the sake of filling the card, they were grand no real qualms with those matches. From there, we get to the championship matches and this is where the decline sets in. First, you have Sabin vs Daniels which is a fine match from a workrate standpoint but there is nothing to flesh out Sabin’s new character, it starts off good with slaps and running away from Daniels but after that, it is the same Sabin match I have watched since I began reviewing TNA pay per views, if you are going to go chickenshit heel, go all in on that chickenshit heel.

The tag championship match was fine from a workrate standpoint too and then what do they do? Kill all the heat that LAX have built up by announcing they will strip them of the titles on Impact? The fuck would you do that for? Where is the heat? Who came up with this idea? How does this further any storyline? If anything, I am sympathetic for LAX for being stripped of the titles! Things only get worse with the world championship, a rule that has never been brought up in years costs Sting the championship. Sting uses chairs, bats and thumbtacks but hitting the referee is what causes a DQ? If we believe the narrative that the referee did not want to disqualify Sting because Sting would lose his title, why wouldn’t the referee call off the match after Sting punched him? Couldn’t the match have been thrown out as a result rather than Sting being disqualified? I am reading far too deeply into this but that’s what happens when TNA annoys me to such a degree. Also, why in the name of God did Sting chase the championship only to lose it a month later? Thanks for reading and remember: There’s always another night!

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

WWF Survivor Series 1987 Review

Image result for WWF Survivor Series 1987

Hello and welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the internet that continues to make more foolish decisions and be as inconsistent as The WWE Creative Team! It’s The Survivor Series! The first-ever Survivor Series right in the thick of Thanksgiving, it will be a throwdown between the best of the best in the WWF as you get to see the likes of Hogan and Andre captain teams against one another all for the goal to be The Sole Survivor! As this is the first of its kind, I shall be kind in my reviews of these matches but it is time for some tag mayhem so let’s jump right into WWF Survivor Series!

(Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match) Team Honky Tonk Man (Honky Tonk Man/Harley Race/Danny Davis/Hercules Hernandez/Outlaw Ron Bass) vs Team Randy Savage (Randy Savage/Ricky Steamboat/Jake Roberts/Jim Duggan/Brutus Beefcake)

Holy mother of God, that’s a lot of Hall of Famers in one ring, Savage, Roberts and Steamboat on the one team, I do not like Honky’s chances. Beefcake and Hercules begin the match, lock-up with a stalemate. Beefcake struts, annoying Hercules. Knee by Hercules, snapmare and a sleeper. Beefcake walks into a sleeper, shoulder block by Hercules but Beefcake dodges for a Sleeper. Davis, Hercules and Bass eat hiptosses from Beefcake, Davis is dragged into the ring. Tag to Roberts, right hands on Davis.

Roberts hurls Davis around the ring, tag to Savage. Davis meets the boot of Beefcake. In comes Steamboat with a massive chop, thrust kick to the face of Davis. Steamboat eats a boot to the face, in comes Harley Race. Shoulderbreaker by Race, Steamboat is whipped to the corner. Race eats a massive chop, knee by Race. Both men trade chops, Race tosses Steamboat to the ropes. Steamboat skins the cat, Race is thrown to the floor. Belly to belly suplex by Race for two, Steamboat tags Duggan.

Duggan hammers Race, clothesline to the floor as Race has no clue where he is, Race and Duggan begin brawling on the floor, they continue fighting and we no what I going to happen here as they brawl into the crowd, it looks like an early end to the night for Duggan and Race being eliminated from the match.

Race & Duggan Have Been Eliminated Via Count-Out!

Bass locks up with Roberts, Roberts dodges an elbow. In comes Savage, high knee to the back. Knee drop for two, scoop slam on Bass. Honky eats a right hand, Bass lariats Savage. Honky kicks Savage while Macho Man is down, Savage fights back and Honky tags Bass. Elbow by Bass, elbow to the ribs. Savage nails a high elbow, Bass fights back but no piledriver, Savage back drops Bass. Bass gets control, Beefcake blind tags into the match. Irish whip and Bass eats a massive High Knee From Beefcake.

Ron Bass Has Been Eliminated Via High Knee!

Hercules and Honky work over Beefcake and his arm, Honky tags in Hercules. Hercules works the arm, Beefcake uses his other arm to punch out. Hercules traps Beefcake in the heel corner, Honky works the left arm. Beefcake brawls back into the match, rake to the eyes by Honky. Atomic drop by Beefcake, rights and lefts by Beefcake. Down goes Honky, Honky meets the turnbuckle. Throat thrust, sidekick by Beefcake. Davis nails Beefcake from the apron with a knee, Shake Rattle & Roll for the elimination.

Beefcake Has Been Eliminated Via Shake Rattle & Roll!

Savage rushes Honky, in comes Hercules who stomps and pummels Savage. Tag to Davis, rights and lefts by Davis. In comes Honky, Savage bundles over Honky and tags Roberts. Honky goes low on Roberts, knee to the face of Roberts. Elbows by Honky, Roberts eats big right hands. Davis chokes Roberts from the apron, tag to Hercules. Rights and lefts by Hercules, two for Hercules. Davis is in the ring, kicks and eye pokes by Davis. Roberts rallies, right hands by Roberts. Short-arm clothesline, DDT by Roberts for the elimination.

Danny Davis Has Been Eliminated Via DDT!

Hercules nails a massive clothesline, elbows and knee drops. Honky comes in with a massive right, Honky antagonizes Savage. Savage is held back by the referees due to Savage and his mistake, knee to the face by Honky. Roberts is taking one big beating, snapmare and headbutt by Honky for two. Reverse chinlock by Honky, Roberts rallies and nails a knee lift. Tag to Hercules, Hercules smacks the back of Roberts. Roberts escapes a chinlock, in comes Steamboat. Big rights, chops all around. Diving chop attack from Steamboat, scoop slam and throat chop by Steamboat. Tag to Savage, Diving Elbow Drop by Savage and Hercules is gone!

Hercules Has Been Eliminated Via Elbow Drop!

Savage pummels Honky, in comes Steamboat. Steamboat nails right hands and chops, Honky eats a throat thrust. Tag to Roberts, the crowd erupts in DDT chants. Right hand to Honky’s face, Roberts stomps on Honky’s fingers. Right hands, tag to Savage who has a score to settle with Honky. Diving axe handle and elbows by Savage, scoop slam and Savage climbs high. Honky eats a diving axe handle, atomic drop and Honky spills to the floor before running up the entrance aisle. With that, this match comes to a close.

That was a fun opening match if I have ever seen one, the amount of star-power is ridiculous, it is almost not fair but I am not complaining, this was so much fun. The DDT is over big time, Roberts was the man in this match, I know the feud was Savage vs Honky but anytime Roberts came into that ring, the roof would come off the building, loved every minute of that match.

Winners: Team Savage over Team Honky Via Count-Out!

(Traditional Survivor Series Match)  Team Sherri (Sensational Sherri/Leilani Kai/Judy Martin/Donna Christianello/Dawn Marie) vs Team Moolah (Fabulous Moolah/Rockin Robin/Velvet McIntyre/Itsuji Yamazaki/Noriyo Tateno)

Holy shit! The Jumping Bomb Angels, that is simply awesome. Sherri is the shit too! Sherri starts with Velvet, Sherri smashes Velvet off a few of the turnbuckles. Clothesline by Sherri, Velvet nails a crossbody for two. Moolah and Sherri begin brawling, Moolah snapmares the crap out of Sherri. Christianello is brought into the ring, Velvet comes in and smashes Christianello. Elbow to the face, dropkick and a huge scoop slam on Christianello. Christianello gets knocked down hard, Velvet nails a rolling cradle for the elimination.

Donna Has Been Eliminated Via Cradle!

Kai and Robin lock up, in comes Dawn Marie. Dawn kicks Robin hard, hair-pulls to the mat. Tag to Kai, Robin nails a crossbody for two. Dropkick by Robin, snapmare but Kai reverses, boot by Kai. Tag to Sherri, massive dropkick by Sherri. In comes Dawn, Polis hammer by Dawn. Big clothesline by Robin, crossbody and we have our second elimination.

Dawn Has Been Eliminated Via Crossbody!

Itsuki makes mince-meat of The Glamour Girls, high knees to Kai. Tateno nails an arm drag, Sherri eats a double underhook suplex for two. Tag to Robin, elbows by Robin. Elbow drop for two, Sherri tags Kai. Whip to the corner, Robin nails a monkey flip. Tag to Sherri, suplex by Sherri for the elimination.

Rockin Robin Has Been Eliminated!

Judy Martin comes in, eats a crossbody from Velvet. Kai eats a catapult, tag to Moolah. Judy and Moolah trade chops elbow by Judy for two. Judy and Itsuki square off, tag to Kai. They brawl in the corner, Kai yanked off the turnbuckle but Itsuki misses a dropkick. Kai Irish whips Itsuki with a flying chop for the end of that sequence, tag to Sherri. Tag to Judy, hiptoss before Tateno comes into the ring. Judy attacks Moolah, Moolah kicks off Judy. Clothesline and scoop slam by Moolah, snapmares. Judy combines with Kai for a double clothesline, Moolah is eliminated.

Fabulous Moolah Has Been Eliminated!

Judy eats shots from The Jumping Bomb Angels, tag to Velvet. Velvet applies a Boston crab on Judy, Sherri screams at Judy to keep fighting. Mexican surfboard from Velvet, Judy reaches the ropes. Big dropkick by Velvet, Sherri is dragged into the ring. Eye rake and mat slam to Velvet, Sherri rakes Velvet on the ropes. Leg drop by Sherri, piledriver by Sherri. Tag to Kai, shoulder block to Tateno. Kai nails a huge double underhook suplex, bell rings but it is still a two. Velvet comes back in, tag to Sherri. Sherri gets caught in a giant swing, Velvet is on Sherri’s shoulders and rolls up Sherri for the elimination.

Sensational Sherri Has Been Eliminated!

Tateno tries slamming Judy, Judy tags Kai. Kai tries a takedown, Itsuki has a bodyscissors. Catapult, tag to Velvet. Elbow by Velvet, big dropkick and a rolling cradle for two. Velvet tried a rolling cradle but Kai electric chair drops Velvet out of this match.

Velvet McIntyre Has Been Eliminated!

The Jumping Bomb Angels take apart The Glamour Girls, Judy nails a cheap shot from the apron. Itsuki is down, Kai is on the top rope. Diving Splash misses, Tateno climbs high. Crossbody and Kai has been eliminated from this match.

Leilani Kai Has Been Eliminated!

Tateno is at Judy’s mercy, airplane spin and a slam to the mat by Judy. Tateno survives, big slam by Tateno. Itsuki climbs high, knee across the throat. Double whip, double back drop. Dropkick to Jimmy Hart and Itsuki nails a diving neckbreaker for the win.

Fair play to giving them that amount of time in the ring, the crowd were silent for the majority of the match which really sucks, you had the occasional ooh or ahh when it came to The Jumping Bomb Angels but those two girls were lightyears ahead as were anything happening in Japan during that time. But yeah, this was unmercifully long but I am glad the female wrestlers had the chance to showcase what they could do on pay per view.

Team Moolah over Team Sherri Via Diving Neckbreaker!

(The Hart Foundation/The Islanders/Demolition/Bolsheviks/The Dream Team) vs (Strike Force/Young Stallions/Fabulous Rougeaus/Killer Bees/British Bulldogs

Fucking hell, look at all those tag teams! That is insane, what also is insane about this match is the amount of people in the ring and it looks like this match is going to go about forty minutes!

Volkoff and Martel start the match, Martel rolls up Volkoff with an O Connor roll for two. Rights by Martel, boot by Volkoff. Stomp to the gut, throat toss by Volkoff. Scoop slam and stomp, tag to Zhukov. Martel dodges, dropkicks and back drops. Tag to Santana, Zhukov eats a Flying Forearm! Elimination!

The Bolsheviks Have Been Eliminated!

Jacque and Bravo reset the match, Brunzell and Blair work over Bravo’s arm. Tag to Davey Boy, Smash and Davey Boy begin brawling. Smash takes a whooping from Santana and Dynamite, Smash tags in Haku. Big chops by both men, eye rake by Haku. Brunzell and Blair work the legs of Haku, Neidhart comes into the ring and Blair tags Roma. Roma works the leg of Neidhart, Neidhart slams Roma. Smash slams Roma, tag to Ax. Another slam to Roma, tag to Haku. Massive clothesline, tag to Tama who tags Ax as Roma takes one hell of a beating. Jacque tags in off Roma, Jacques misses a crossbody and The Rougeaus are gone.

The Fabulous Rougeaus Have Been Eliminated!

Powers unloads on Tama, Tama tags Neidhart. Powers gets caught and Haku axe handles Powers down to the mat. Roma comes in, Haku tags Ax. Ax boots Roma, tag to Valentine. Shoulder breaker on Roma for two, suplex slam for two. Tag to Bravo, gutwrench suplex followed by a leg drop for two. Roma tags Blair, Ax misses a corner splash. Tag to Dynamite, Smash boots Dynamite. Dynamite is tortured by the heels, Demolition have been disqualified.

Demolition Have Been Disqualified!

Bret comes in, piledriver for two. European uppercuts, Dynamite eats boots from Bret. Bret hits the ringpost with his shoulder as Dynamite dodges, Bret boots Roma who came in off a tag from Dynamite. Tama and Roma are now legal, scoop slam, Tama misses a rope assisted splash. Martel back drops Tama, Tama begs off, Tama is in trouble. Dropkick and Boston Crab, Neidart tags into the match and we have a two after a big right hand by Neidhart. Boots by Martel, tag to Santana. Santana nails a Flying Forearm on Neidhart, Bret saves Neidhart and that elbow knocks out Santana as Neidhart eliminates Santana.

Strikeforce Have Been Eliminated!

Valentine and Powers brawl, Valentine tags Neidhart. Powers is hung up on the top rope, tag to Haku. Superkick by Haku, tag to Valentine. Powers blocks Valentine’s suplex, Valentine drags Powers to his corner. In comes Bret, backbreaker. Suplex by Bret for two, Neidhart and Valentine rough up an incoming Roma. Scoop slam by Valentine, Valentine nails a diving chop attack for two. Roma tags Powers who gets roughed up by Bret, Bret misses a dropkick. Tag to Dynamite, Bret meets the turnbuckle hard for two.

Back drop by Dynamite for two, tag to Roma. Elbow attack by Roma who misses an elbow drop, in comes Haku who has to fight Blair. Back drop by Blair, Davey Boy comes into the match. Headbutts by Davey Boy, tag to Powers. Powers misses a corner clothesline, tag to Neidhart. Tag to Bret, clubbing blows by Bret. Headbutt by Bret, tag to Davey Boy. Military press slam by Davey Boy for two, clubbing blows by Davey Boy. Haku is dragged into the ring, Running Powerslam by Davey Boy but Haku kicks out at two. Suplex and Diving Headbutt on Haku, Haku staggers to his feet. Superkick by Haku and The Bulldogs are gone.

The British Bulldogs Have Been Eliminated!

Powers and Bravo are in the ring, Bravo counters the monkey flip for an atomic drop. Boot by Bravo, tag to Valentine. Elbows, Powers is tossed onto the ropes. Tag to Bravo, Neidhart comes in and wears down Powers. Bravo nails a huge sidewalk slam, tag to Valentine. Powers kicks off Valentine, Roma sunset flips off the top rope to score the upset on The Dream Team.

The Dream Team Have Been Eliminated!

Brunzell and Neidhart are in the ring, Neidhart eats a high knee. Tag to Bret, Brunzell works the leg of Bret, tag to Blair. Tag to Roma, Bret nails Roma with a right hand. Tama is in, axe handle and Roma is slammed face first off the mat, big chop by Tama. Haku and Tama smack down Roma, Haku misses a leg drop. Roma tags Brunzell, leg drop and hiptoss for two. Bret is in again, Brunzell nails uppercuts, tag to Roma. Scoop slam, Roma nails a middle rope fist drop for two. Bret trips Roma, stomp to the groin. Back suplex by Bret for two, tag to Tama.

Tama bites Roma, tag to Haku. Double headbutt for two, Roma is whipped to the corner. Haku misses a corner splash, Roma lands a hiptoss. Haku maintains control with a dropkick, tag to Neidhart. Dropkick by Neidhart for two, running powerslam for two. Tag to Bret, Roma ducks a clothesline and in comes Brunzell. Brunzell lands a shoulder block, Bret grabs the leg of Brunzell. Brunzell has Bret for a slam, Haku dropkicks Bret onto Brunzell but Brunzell rolls over for the pin!

The Hart Foundation Have Been Eliminated!

Tama comes in, elbow to Brunzell. Tag to Haku, shoulder breaker by Haku. Back rake by Haku, shoulder claws by Haku. Tama chops Brunzell, Brunzell tries to fight back but an eye rake stops that. Shoulder claw by Tama, tag to Haku. Brunzell has a sunset flip for two, Haku clubs down Brunzell. Suplex by Haku for two, Brunzell nails a knee off an Irish whip. Here comes Powers, rights and lefts on Haku. Back drop, tag to Roma.

Powerslam by Roma, Tama makes the save. Roma is beaten down behind the ref’s back, elbow by Haku. Irish whip to the corner, Haku misses a corner splash. Roma tags Blair, Haku boots Blair. Eye rake by Haku, tag to Tama. Spinning elbow by Tama, Tama misses an elbow drop. Blair tags Brunzell, rights by Brunzell. Back drop, slam for Haku. Noggin knocker, dropkick on Tama. Haku saves the match, Blair sunset flips Tama wearing  a mask and the referee has no idea that The Killer Bees cheated to win!

Wait too long of a match, sucked the life out of me when it came to the match, it went on and on and on and on and on and on, it was God damn ridiculous! Surprising Young Stallions and Killer Bees would win, could mean bigger things for both teams but this was just far too long, took me a long time to get through any of it.

Winners: The Killer Bees & The Young Stallions Via Survival!

(Traditional Survivor Series Style Match) Team Andre (Andre The Giant/Rick Rude/King Kong Bundy/Butch Reed/One Man Gang) vs Team Hogan (Hulk Hogan/Bam Bam Bigelow/Don Muraco/Ken Patera/Paul Orndorff)

The biggest match in wrestling up to this point, the two men who were in that historic match captaining opposing sides in the Survivor Series, it does not get bigger than this with Hogan and Andre throwing down one more time. Muraco will start for Team Hogan, Rick Rude is in there for Team Andre. Rude and Muraco brawl, eye rake by Rude. Irish whip to the corner, Muraco tags Orndorff. Axe handle and right hands, gut shot and knee lift with Rude being knocked around the place. Hogan comes in, axe bomber by Hogan. Elbow drops, tag to Bigelow.

Jumping headbutt by Bigelow, Rude is in deep trouble. Military press slam by Bigelow, tag to Pantera. Butch Reed is in with Patera, slam by Patera. Cover for two, tag to Muraco. Dropkick by Muraco, tag to Orndorff. Dropkick by Mr. Wonderful, make it two. Tag to Hogan, double clothesline on Reed and an Atomic Leg Drop on Reed, see you later!

Butch Reed Has Been Eliminated!

Andre and Patera are in the ring, Andre only wants Hogan so Andre tags Bundy. Bundy and Patera brawl, clubbing blows by Patera. Clothesline by Patera, tag to Orndorff. Bundy tags One Man Gang, Gang unloads on Orndorff. Right hands by Orndorff, Irish whip to the corner. Knee by Gang, tag to Rude. Irish whip, clothesline to Rude. Scoop slam and elbow for two, tag to Muraco. Clothesline by Muraco, apron punch by Hogan. Eye rake by Rude who tags Gang, Gang misses a corner splash.

Patera tees off on Gang, high crossbody for two. Irish whip to the corner, high knee by Patera, eye rake by Gang. Clubbing blows by Gang, Rude and Bundy attack Patera in the corner. Front chancery by Gang, Patera battles out. Clothesline by Gang who squishes Patera and we are all even in terms of numbers.

Ken Patera Has Been Eliminated!

Bigelow and Gang are in the ring, shoulder block and both men are down. Tag to Rude and Orndorff, Orndorff nails a suplex. Elbow, back drop on Rude. Bundy attacks Orndorff from behind, Rude hooks the tights of Orndorff and we have an elimination.

Paul Orndorff Has Been Eliminated!

Muraco and Bigelow slam Rude, Muraco nails a powerslam on Rude after a high knee from Hogan and it is all over for Rude, surprising that I thought Rude would have a far bigger role in this match, oh well!

Rick Rude Has Been Eliminated!

Bundy and Muraco duke it out, Bundy gains control and tags Gang. Big shots from Gang, Muraco tees off on Gang. Muraco tries a powerslam but it backfires, splash by Gang. Andre nails Muraco from the apron, Splash by Gang for the elimination!

Muraco Has Been Eliminated!

Bigelow gets sat on by Gang, Bundy nails a knee drop. Big clothesline by Bundy, knee drop with Hogan saving Bigelow. Tag to Gang, Bigelow battles back from his knees, eye rake by Gang. Tag to Bundy, knee to the ribs by Bundy. Choke by Bundy, tag to Gang. Elbow by Gang, tag to Bundy. Gang tags Andre, Bigelow tags Hogan. Hogan and Andre, right hands by Hogan. The two choke one another, chops by both men. Hogan batters Bundy and Gang, clotheslines to Andre. Bundy grabs Hogan to the floor, Hogan batters Bundy and Gang but gets counted-out in the process which leaves Bigelow by himself against Andre.

Hulk Hogan Has Been Eliminated!

Bigelow says bring it on, Andre tags Bundy. Clothesline by Bigelow, elbow on Bundy for two. Headbutt by Bigelow, falling headbutt on Bundy for two. Dropkick by Bigelow, leg trip and Bigelow elbows the leg. Irish whip to the corner, Avalanche does not connect, Slingshot Splash by Bigelow and Bundy is gone!

King Kong Bundy Has Been Eliminated!

Gang is in control, clubbing blows by Gang. Clothesline by Gang, two for Gang. Gang rakes the eyes, more clubbing blows by Gang. Bigelow fights back from his knees, headbutts by Bigelow. Andre boots Bigelow, Gang climbs to the top rope. Gang misses a splash and Bigelow pins Gang!

One Man Gang Has Been Eliminated!

Andre is in, big headbutts and clubbing blows. Irish whip, Bigelow blocks the boot. Bigelow misses a splash, shoulder thrusts by Andre. Butterfly Suplex by Andre, Bigelow fought valiantly but there was no fighting back Andre, Andre The Giant wins the match but here comes Hogan with his championship, Hogan beats up Andre and scares off Heenan.

This was exciting for a main event but I was burnt out from everything in between that I did not get the full satisfaction out of this match and it is a shame because you have a great showing for Bigelow and Hogan vs Andre is just disgustingly popular, it is not even fair but we have a good main event with a good finish that leads us to believe that it will be Hogan vs Andre II at Wrestlemania IV!

Winners: Team Andre over Team Hogan via Butterfly Suplex!

That was WWF’s Survivor Series 1987, the first-ever Survivor Series and it was quite the mixed bag to be honest with you folks! What makes this show good is the opener and the main event, the crowd is tremendous for Team Savage vs Team Honky, Jake Roberts is the most popular man in the arena, surpassing Hogan based on those DDT chants, the man was on fire. And Hogan is no slouch, the main event was a lot of fun but what drags this down is the middle, the women’s match while given plenty of time never kicked into second gear, The Jumping Bomb Angels were fun but the match kept going and going while the ten on ten tag match went forty minutes and it was ridiculous. How could anyone pay attention in such a match? My advice would be seek it out for historical purposes but other than that, it is not a great debut pay per view. Thanks for reading and remember: There’s always another night!