Hello and
welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling
review series on the internet which can save Bliss’ “This is Your Life”
Segment. And it is WCW 1999 time, I do make fun of this company a lot, they had
peaked and were on a steady decline. The last pay per view was quite enjoyable
despite DDP winning the championship with little to no momentum, Slamboree is
tonight, I have not checked the card beforehand for shits and giggles, let’s
see what WCW throws my way this time.
Opening Promo
Who is the
franchise of WCW? Sting or Goldberg, they are doing this match on Slamboree and
not Starrcade? Ok, we also have Gorgeous George vs Charles Robinson, Buff
Bagwell vs Scott Steiner, Brian Knobbs vs Bam Bam Bigelow and DDP vs Kevin Nash
for the World Championship. Oh, Ric Flair will face Roddy Piper for control of
WCW, seems like the card has potential.
(WCW Tag Team Championship Match) The Four Horseman W/ Arn
Anderson vs Raven & Saturn vs Billy Kidman & Rey Mysterio ©
Benoit &
Malenko had a great match against Raven & Saturn at Spring Stampede, happy
to see them going at it again with the championships on the line. Apparently,
there is tension between the champions, they do not have one another’s back.
Three men in the ring at one time, this match has already lost points for me,
this is going to be a clusterfuck. Saturn & Kidman double team Benoit and
Malenko, Kidman dropkicks Malenko to the floor. Saturn clotheslines Kidman,
Saturn belly to belly suplexes Kidman to the floor. Malenko ambushes Saturn,
leaping calf kick by Malenko but Kidman makes the save.
Benoit and
Malenko combine for a German suplex to Kidman, Mysterio is in now with Benoit
and Raven. Hurricanrana by Mysterio on Benoit, Raven clubs Benoit and Mysterio.
Sling shot leg drop by Mysterio on Benoit, Benoit kicks Raven in the face.
Benoit and Kidman suplex Raven onto the top rope, Benoit chops down Kidman.
Kidman Sky Highs Benoit, Kidman climbs to the top rope and misses a splash.
Kidman tries a suplex but Benoit applies a Crippler Crossface. Raven breaks it
up, Raven & Saturn combine for a suplex and frog splash. Malenko saves his
partner Benoit, Mysterio moonsaults onto Malenko. Benoit drags Malenko out of
harm’s way, Raven and Mysterio are in the ring. Raven clears the ring, Saturn
planchas onto the champions.
Benoit nails
Raven with The Diving Headbutt, Saturn crawls in for the save. Benoit and
Malenko stomp Saturn, double back elbow to Raven. The champions are smacked
down by The Horseman, Saturn is pinballed by the two. Malenko keeps out
everyone from saving Saturn, double suplex by Benoit & Malenko. Double
flapjack to Mysterio, Benoit chops Kidman hard. Kidman clotheslines Benoit out
of the corner, Saturn ducks the clothesline for a superkick. Kidman is placed
on the top rope, Saturn clotheslines Kidman to the floor. Benoit clotheslines
Saturn to the floor, Benoit has Saturn in the ring. Northern lights suplex for
two, Saturn rolls-up Benoit for two. Benoit clotheslines Saturn for two, German
suplexes by Benoit.
Kidman saves
Saturn, Saturn rolls-up Malenko who tried for a Cloverleaf. Malenko flapjacks
Kidman, Saturn decks Benoit but falls to the floor after a clubbing blow by
Malenko. Malenko powerbombs Kidman and isolates Saturn so that Benoit can get
in the ring. Snap suplex by Benoit, Kidman makes the save. Dragon suplex by
Benoit on Kidman, Mysterio saves his partner. Malenko enters, Kidman dropkicks
Malenko. Tag to Benoit, Saturn Russian legsweeps Benoit. Raven gets the tag,
right hands for everyone.
on Benoit, snap suplexes by Raven. Saturn tags in, Kidman & Saturn double
clothesline Benoit. Mysterio is in, hurricanrana by Mysterio. Benoit clubs down
Mysterio and Saturn, Saturn suplexes Benoit. Kidman is on the top rope, diving
clothesline on Benoit. Diving hurricanrana by Mysterio on Saturn, Kidman
rolls-through a powerbomb for a two count. Mysterio bronco busters Raven,
Kidman and Mysterio combine for the elevated hurricanrana on Benoit, Saturn
makes the save. Saturn reverses the elevated hurricanrana for a powerbomb,
Kidman facebusters Saturn. Raven saves his partner, Kidman bulldogs Raven.
Malenko knocks down Kidman, here comes Saturn.
Arn Anderson Spinebusters Saturn, referee is
distracted. Kidman sets-up for a Shooting Star Press, a mysterious man crotches
Kidman, Raven nails Kidman with an Even Flow DDT while Malenko has Saturn in
The Texas Cloverleaf, the referee counts Raven’s pin and we have new tag team
champions, the man in the mask is revealed to be Kanyon.
Well, it was
a clusterfuck, a fun one at times but a mess at others. It was bizarre how at
sometimes the rules were enforced and there were tags while other times,
everyone was killing one another and entering the ring as they wished. The
rulebook was thrown out the window for this match, some fun spots mostly from
Kidman and Mysterio, there was also a weird moment where they were building to
a Mysterio and Raven hot-tag simultaneously but when the tags came, Benoit or
Malenko clobbered whoever entered the ring. So, it was really weird but
watchable if that makes any sense at all, constant action and things going on
that kept me entertained.
Raven & Saturn over Everyone Else via Even Flow DDT!
Konnan vs Stevie Ray W/ Vincent & Horace Hogan
Konnan does
his shtick, he is fighting the joke faction known as The NWO Black and White,
Stevie Ray knees Konnan in the corner. Stevie Ray stomps Konnan anymore, they
are talking more about some NWO dissension angle (Yeah, new stuff right?)
rather than the match. Bulldog by Konnan, Vincent distracts Konnan. Superkick
by Stevie Ray, Vincent and Horace put the boots to Konnan on the floor.
Snapmare into a fist drop by Stevie Ray, reverse chinlock by Stevie Ray. Konnan
battles back before eating an elbow, Stevie Ray poses before the mild crowd.
Suplex for two, scoop slam with Stevie Ray going to the top rope.
blocks Stevie Ray with a boot, rolling clothesline by Konnan. Botched leap
frog, K-Factor and Vincent is nailed by Konnan. Horace trips Konnan, leg drop
by Stevie Ray, Mysterio is here. Mysterio takes out the goons, Stevie Ray eats
a senton from Mysterio and Konnan rolls-up Stevie Ray for the win
So god damn
boring, Konnan is over despite his ringwork and how are The NWO Black &
White still a thing? They were beyond meaningless, another match that ended
with interference, poor Konnan could not beat Stevie Ray by himself. This was
slow and dull, the typical Konnan WCW performance for me.
Konnan over Stevie Ray via Roll-Up!
(Hardcore Match) Brian Knobbs vs Bam Bam Bigelow
We have a
hardcore division with Bigelow as the centrepiece, Bigelow brings a cart full
of weapons as it looks like I will be treated to the same match I have seen for
months now. Knobbs attacks Bigelow with the trash can, cooking tray to the
head. Knobbs roughs up Bigelow with the trash can, Bigelow kicks the can into
Knobbs’ head. Bigelow and Knobbs botch a Greetings From Asbury Park reversal,
Bigelow covers for two. Cooking tray to the head, Diving Headbutt by Bigelow
for two. Knobbs chair shots Bigelow, elbow drop using the trash can. Bigelow
lowbridges Knobbs, Knobbs regains control with more weapon shots.
smacks Knobbs with a pizza tray, Knobbs is smacked in the head with two trash
can lids. Cooking tray to the head, Knobbs smacks back Bigelow. Trash can to
the back by Knobbs, Bigelow is tossed into the cart. Knobbs runs full-force
into the cart as Bigelow dodges. Knobbs regains control with more trash can
shots, the crowd wants tables. Bigelow smacks Knobbs with a chair shot, Knobbs
is back in control for a second before Bigelow drags Knobbs to the top of the
entrance way. They are at a souvenir stand, more trash can shots. Knobbs has a
ladder, wham across the back of Bigelow. Bigelow is on a table, Knobbs climbs
to the stands and elbow drops off the stand. Bigelow rolls off the table but
Knobbs being a tool misses the table. Bigelow recovers to suplex Knobbs through
the table.
Not sure how
you can make a hardcore match boring but these two managed to do it in this
match. Boring stuff, lots of weapon shots with no rhyme or reason. Of course,
they botched the finish with Knobbs overshooting the table, what an idiot. At
least, Bigelow is making good money for doing somehow worse matches than he was
in ECW.
Winner: Bam
Bam Bigelow over Brian Knobbs via Suplex!
(WCW Television Championship Match) Booker T © vs Rick
from injury, Rick Steiner emerges to challenge Booker T for his championship,
the storyline going into this match is Booker T might not be as nice as we
think as Stevie Ray has been helping Booker win matches without Booker’s
knowledge. Booker asks the referee to check Steiner, lock-up with Booker
gaining control in the corner. Shoving contest, Steiner armdrags and
clotheslines Booker. Booker powders, side headlock by Steiner. Shoulder block
and elbow by Steiner for two, huge thrustkick by Booker. Spinning heel kick by
Booker, Steiner is on the floor. Another lock-up, hammerlock by Booker, Steiner
cuts off Booker with an elbow. Steiner misses a corner splash, scoop slam and
back elbow by Booker for two/
chinlock by Booker, Steiner escapes and stunguns Booker before clotheslining
Booker to the floor. Booker tastes the guard rail, belly to belly throw by
Steiner for two. Reverse chinlock by Steiner, Steiner clubs Booker in the head
before reapplying the hold. Booker makes it to the ropes, more right hands by
Steiner. Foot choke by Steiner, Steiner is cut off with an elbow. Steiner
chokes Booker, Booker suplexes Steiner out of nowhere. Reverse chinlock by
Steiner, Booker fires back with a forearm.
Kick, Spinaroonie and spinebuster by Booker. Missile dropkick by Booker, Scott
Steiner is here at ringside. Booker is distracted, Rick Steiner clothesline for
two. Booker sends Rick into Scott, Harlem Sidekick for two. Booker is whipped
off the ropes, Scott grabs the foot and Rick Bulldogs Booker for the win.
That was
flat, Rick had a lot of ring-rust, he looked blown up after a few minutes and
was sloppy in parts. Booker and Rick did not have the match they needed to, it
was just all very boring. Another run-in with this time being the twist of Rick
& Scott Steiner working together, Rick Steiner is champion by the way, this
whole thing is glossed over in the grand scheme of things.
Rick Steiner over Booker T via Steiner Bulldog!
Charles Robinson W/ Ric Flair & Asya vs Gorgeous George
W/ Randy Savage & Miss Mona
The contract
of Randy Savage is in the hands of a referee and a valet, what a time to be
alive it was in WCW in 1999. Madusa looks like a pure slut while Molly Holly
AKA Mona looks great. Robinson is dressed like Flair, the impression is great
while George comes out as a cheerleader.
A lot of
stalling, arm twist by George. Robinson reverses, George reverses for a
hammerlock. Hammerlock by Robinson, George reverses for a full-nelson and
snapmare. Robinson and Flair bang heads, Flair and Savage face off in the ring.
Robinson has a chair, Mona takes the chair so Mona is slammed for her troubles.
George enters the ring and Robinson chokes George. George chops Robinson in the
corner, Robinson does the Flair flip and the turnbuckle yank spot beautifully.
Clothesline by George, Flair Flop from Robinson. Hair-pull by George, George
misses a knee in the corner. Asya messes up George’s leg before Madusa wallops
attacks the knee of George, George screams out in pain. George kicks off
Robinson, shin breaker by Robinson. Figure Four by Robinson, George reverses
the hold. Flair saves Robinson, Savage low blows Robinson and nails a scoop
slam. Elbow Drop by George for the win. It was fun in parts, that’s the kindest
thing I can say about this match.
Gorgeous George over Charles Robinson via Elbow Drop!
(WCW United States Championship Match) Scott Steiner © vs
Buff Bagwell
Steiner had
turned on Bagwell due to Bagwell costing Steiner his Television Championship.
Steiner and Bagwell would engage in a war of words for weeks before this match.
Bagwell, the former lackey has a chance at stardom. Bagwell attacks Steiner
right away, right hands everywhere. Swinging neckbreaker by Bagwell, Steiner
low blows Bagwell twice (No DQ?). Clothesline and elbow by Steiner, Bagwell is
smashed hard into the turnbuckle sternum first, Steiner poses, Bagwell is on
the floor. Steiner stiffs the shit out of Bagwell, right hands and stomps.
Bagwell hotshots Steiner on the apron, Steiner shakes it off instantly and goes
back to clubbing Bagwell. Huge elbows by Steiner and a choke using the ropes.
underhook slam by Steiner for two, belly to belly suplex by Steiner. Steiner
grabs a chair from ringside, Bagwell ducks and clotheslines Steiner. Right
hands by Bagwell, dropkick by Bagwell and make it two. Inverted atomic drop,
Steiner pulls the referee into a clothesline. Rick Steiner is here, Rick
wallops Bagwell with a chair. Steiner Recliner and Bagwell is out, The Steiner
Brothers are back together.
disappointing than anything else, Bagwell seemed to have a bit of steam and was
not bad when on offense. Also, Big Poppa Pump did not need his brother by this
point, Scott was doing fine so why did we need The Steiners back together?
Scott Steiner over Buff Bagwell via Steiner Recliner!
Roddy Piper vs Ric Flair (For Control of WCW)
fighting the villainous NWO to becoming the big villain in WCW, Ric Flair had a
really weird time in the later years of WCW. Flair went crazy with power,
became world champion, dropped the title to DDP and continued to be a pain in
everyone’s ass. Piper had enough so we have a match between the two, we had the
match two years earlier when they could no co-exist against The NWO. I expect
this to be fun rather than a wrestling classic.
Charles Robinson is referee for the match as
Flair stacks the deck against Piper. Piper slaps Flair, back body drop and
chops by Piper. Flair powders, Anderson talks strategy with Flair. Piper spits
at Flair, lock-up and Flair chops Piper. Piper chops back, left jabs, hundreds
of punches by Piper and Flair flops to the ground. Piper and Flair chop one
another on the entrance way, Flair begs for mercy. Eye poke by Piper, Piper
bites the head of Flair. Right hands by Piper, double ear clap and another
Flair flop. Low blow by Flair, Robinson pretends to miss it. Flair tosses Piper
to the floor, Anderson pummels Piper. Asya enters the ring and low blows Piper
as Anderson distracts the referee.
Flair chops
Piper, Piper fires up with chops before Flair eye pokes Piper. Piper reverses
an Irish whip into the corner back body drop by Piper for two. Piper chops and
punches Flair, Flair flip to the floor. Side headlock in the ring by Piper,
Flair shoves off Piper and both man bang heads. Flair works the leg, Figure
Four by Flair. Piper reverses the hold and Piper is thrown to the floor,
Anderson is decked by Piper. Piper tries a sunset flip, Flair ass crack for all.
Piper has a backslide, referee is distracted. Small package by Piper, referee
looks the other way. Flair is yanked off the top rope, figure four by Piper.
Anderson enters the ring, Sleeper by Piper.
Flair is up,
Flair clobbers Piper. Sleeper on Flair, Asya is in the ring. Piper kisses Asya
before applying The Sleeper. Piper decks the referee as Flair smacks Piper with
brass knuckles, Robinson reawakens and counts the pin, Flair wins this match.
Bischoff is here, Bischoff is not going to allow Flair to screw Piper, Bischoff
is babyface.
Well, it was
fun and ridiculous. Piper might be the most over guy in the company based on
the reactions to this match. Two veterans doing very little but making it work
to its fullest effect. I was entertained by this match, I could not stop
Roddy Piper over Ric Flair thanks to Eric Bischoff!
Goldberg vs Sting
Who is the
biggest star in WCW? A simple story that seems to have come out of nowhere, Sting
came back after being absence since Halloween Havoc. Sting was pushed back to
the top of the card near the championship while Goldberg had feuds with NWO
members and Bam Bam Bigelow. I assume they are building to Goldberg regaining
the championship he never truly or fairly lost.
Goldberg Irish whips Sting, they botch a slam right away. Powerslam by
Goldberg, Sting is clotheslined to the floor. Lock-up, Sting dodges a boot and
dropkicks Goldberg. Goldberg regroups, lock-up, firemen’s carry slam into a
cross armbreaker by Goldberg. Sting reaches the ropes, test of strength with a
knee and facebuster by Sting. Dropkick to the knee by Sting, Sting works the
braced leg of Goldberg. Boston Crab by Sting, Goldberg pushes off Sting. Side
headlock takedown by Sting, snap suplex by Sting. Goldberg no-sells for a
double underhook slam.
Irish whip
into the corner, Sting dodges the Spear. Flying clothesline by Sting, Stinger
Splash, make it two. The third attempt and Goldberg Spears the bejesus out of Sting.
Bret Hart is here with a chair, referee is thrown down. Chair to the head of
Goldberg, chair to the damaged leg of Goldberg. Bret Hart leaves while Sting
looks on holding his ribs. Here comes The Steiners and they beat down Sting and
You know,
the action may have not been amazing but the fans saw this as the big match
that WCW wanted them to see. You had the Hogan vs Warrior vibe and Rock vs
Austin vibe, the crowd liked both men and it could have been something great
had they had more time. Another interference leading to the finish, that’s a
lot of times that has happened on this show. The DQ finish robs the fans of a
decisive answer to who is the franchise, good idea to keep both wrestlers
strong but if I paid for a pay per view match between Goldberg and Sting, I
would want a decisive winner.
Goldberg over Sting via DQ!
(WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match) DDP © VS Kevin
We have been
treated to promo packages all night long, hyping up this match. DDP won the
championship, dropped it on Nitro only to regain it later in the night on Nitro
so yeah, DDP is being booked fantastically. DDP would injure Hogan with his
ringpost figure four, Nash is vowing revenge for Hogan. I have no idea who the
heel and who the babyface is in this match, you could make the argument for
both men to be on either side. Side headlock by DDP, Diamond Cutter attempt, it’s
stopped and Nash elbows DDP to the floor. Right hands by DDP, Nash knees DDP in
the ribs. DDP powders but gets bumped off the apron into the guard rail.
Nash drops
DDP on the guard rail, knees and elbows in the corner by Nash. Snake eyes is
avoided by DDP, DDP pummels Nash in the corner. Choke by DDP, DDP low blows
Nash with the referee missing the illegal manoeuvre. DDP pulls out wire cutters
to expose the turnbuckle, microphone to the head by DDP for two. Nash pulls DDP
into the exposed turnbuckle, DDP kicks out at two. Slugfest, DDP clotheslines
Nash to the floor. Diamond Cutter on the floor, DDP tries to pin Nash on the
floor? I guess DDP cannot remember the rules. DDP using the ropes for leverage,
Nash kicks out at two. Elbow to the balls by DDP, make it two. DDP smacks Nash’s
legs off the ringpost, setting up for the figure four. Nash pulls DDP face
first into the ringpost, DDP regains control in the ring.
continues to smack Nash, Nash fires up while the crowd look at somebody being
ejected. Corner clothesline by Nash, snake eyes on the exposed turnbuckle.
Jacknife Powerbomb, Savage is here. Another interference in a match, Savage was
babyface half an hour ago and now he is heel? Bischoff says the match will
continue, Savage whacks Nash with the championship before leaving. Russian
legsweep by DDP for two, clothesline by DDP for two. Sleeper by Nash, jawbreaker
by DDP for two. DDP grabs a chair from ringside, Nash dodges and DDP hits the
top rope and the chair rebounds into his face.
Nash has the
chair, DDP low blows Nash for another two-count. Nash boots the chair into DDP’s
face, Nash pulls down the straps. Jacknife Powerbomb by Nash, Nash covers and
DDP’s second reign is over, we have a new champion in Kevin Nash.
I am almost
at a loss for words, they put the championship on DDP twice only for him to
lose it in quick succession. Savage is a babyface against Flair but against
Nash is a heel, it is another match that ended in interference, that makes 6
matches that had interference on this card, that’s Russo levels of insanity and
he is not even in the company at this point! Nash is the champion, the
championship is being thrown around like a joint at a party, babyfaces and
heels are not clearly defined and this company is getting more stale and
ridiculous by the day.
Kevin Nash over DDP via Jacknife Powerbomb!
That was WCW’s
Slamboree of 1999, one of the most frustrating and confusing pay per views I
have ever covered. My brain feels like it has turned to mush watching this
show. You start out with a strong three-way tag team match that had silly point
but was ultimately, a fun match and then you nose-dive and never recover.
Botches, non-finishes, interference in all but two freaking matches on your
card. Entertainment coming from comedy matches is your saviour on this pay per
view because it is garbage. That might be the worst of them all, this is up
there with Souled Out 1997, this show was horrible!

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