Wednesday, 30 November 2016

WWF Vengeance 2001 Review

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Welcome to all you meat-headed shit sacks to another coma inducing edition of the only wrestling review series that tells Vader what time it is: Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews. The holidays are a wonderful time, a time where I can bring you more of my smug vies of the professional wrestling. Today I shall be bringing you WWF’s Vengeance 2001, the event which marked the introduction of the undisputed champion as The WWF Championship and The WCW Championship would be up for grabs as four men fought for the opportunity to be the ultimate champion. It is also the first pay per view since the end of The Invasion storyline so things have be shaken up to say the least. We have the end of The Hardys as Jeff Battles Matt while a new, mean and ballsy Undertaker looks to decimate RVD in a match for the Hardcore Championship. All this and more at WWF’s Vengeance 2001 so sit back, chow down on some Chinese food and let’s get into this review!

Opening Promo

First, I must mention the elephant in the room, that being the absence of Triple H. Triple H had torn his quad in one of the best Raw main events as Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit defeated Austin and Triple H for the tag team titles. Triple H spent months rehabbing and if you look at the promotional posters for this pay per view or own The Triple H The Game video and dvd, you will realize that this was meant to be Triple’s H triumphant return. 

However, Triple H was not cleared to compete at the event and would later make his return in Madison Square Garden. The opening of the actual ppv is Freddie Blassie watching classic WWF matches with various champions while In the Hall of The Mountain King plays. Four superstars and one undisputed champion I am also treated to the sound of Sinner from Drowning Pool which brings back a few memories.

Vince Mcmahon Promo

It is Jerry Lawler’s return to commentary which is must appreciated despite the chemistry between Paul Heyman and JR. Vince had a traumatic month, Ric Flair was in the WWF and was co-owner with Vince while Vince’s Kiss My Ass club was closed by The Rock who shoved Vince’s face firmly into Rikishi’s ass. It was an uncomfortable time in the WWF with this Kiss My Ass storyline. 

Fairplay to Vince for willing to take such embarrassment and punishment but yeah, it was awkward with Vince playing on people’s emotions. Anyways, Vince is pissed off that everyone laughed at him for his misfortune. Ric Flair saunters his way to the ring and tells Vince to leave the ring as the show is beginning.

Scotty Too Hotty & Albert vs Christian & Test

The Hip-Hop Hippo and The Master of The Worm dance around Vince who leaves with a disgusted look on his face. An early incarnation of The Un-Americans greets our screens with a little continuation of a feud that began at last month’s Survivor Series as Test took Scotty out of the immunity battle royal. Scotty outwrestles Christian before the two big men begin brawling, splash by Albert with Christian saving Test.

 Albert shoves Christian to the floor and tags Scotty, Scotty tries ten punching Test but Christian hotshots Scotty. Test tags out, Christian works the ribs of Scotty, Christian annoys Albert which leads to a double team while referee Teddy Long is with Albert. Corner clothesline by Test, Albert saves Scotty. Tag to Christian, chops by Christian. 

Test rams Scotty’s head in the corner, Scotty nails Test with a back elbow and a superkick. Albert gets tag and starts hammering Test and Christian, corner splash on both Canadians. Giant Swing on Christian, cover and a two count. Double clothesline on Test and Christian, Test saves Christian from The Baldo Bomb.

Scotty was looking for The Worm but Christian nails a sliding reverse DDT, Christian goes for The Worm but in comes Albert. Test Big Boots Albert and Scotty saves Albert from being pinned. Scotty drills Test with the facebuster and now it is time for The Worm. 

Christian grabs Scotty for The Unprettier but Albert picks up Christian and demolishes Christian with a Baldo Bomb for the win. Solid tag team opening match with the babyfaces going over the heels. It surprises me how over Scotty was without Rikishi but he is in this match and is easily the most popular superstar.

Winners: Scotty Too Hotty & Albert over Test & Christian via Baldo Bomb!

(WWF Intercontinental Championship Match) Edge © vs William Regal

Edge unified The United States and Intercontinental Championship at Survivor Series continuing his rise beginning at King of The Ring that year. Regal is his usual awesome self, complete with great facials. Both me lock up aggressively, Edge knocks down Regal with a back elbow and a missile dropkick. 

Regal powders to recover, Edge is suckered in and Regal rams Edge into the barricade and ringpost. Regal uppercuts Edge hard but Edge fires back with a back body drop. Irish whip by Regal who nails a fist to the face, cover and a two count for Regal. Regal begins kneeing Edge in the face before flattening Edge with an uppercut.

 Edge looks for a sunset flip but Regal grabs the hair and knees Edge on the neck. Small package by Edge but Regal kicks out at two, knee to the face by Regal to regain control. Edge begins moutning his comeback, Edge O Matic garners a two count. Regal is on the top turnbuckle, Edge nails a frankensteiner. Two count for the champion, Edge elevates Regal to the floor but Edge misses a Spear from the apron as Regal dodges.

 Edge smashes into the steel steps, Regal walks away and grabs some brass knuckle from inside the apron.

Edge is knocked loopy from the steel steps, Regal pins Edge but Edge gets a foot on the ropes. Tigerbomb by Regal for a two count, Regal makes more great facials. Edge lands an enzuigiri out of nowhere, schoolboy by Edge for two, backslide by Edge for two. 

Regal kicks out and wallops Edge with a left hand, Tigerbomb number two by Regal and a third by Regal and yet, Edge kicks out once more. Regal snaps and reaches for The Brass Knuckles but out of nowhere, Edge Spears Regal and holds on to his championship.

 Good match from these two, I liked how Edge looked gutsy surviving the tigerbombs and Regal’s best shot. Regal being frustrated looked to the knuckles for the win and his hesitation led to Edge nailing The Spear and Edge survives this match.

Winner: Edge over Regal via Spear!

Ric Flair/Kurt Angle Promo/Matt & Lita Promo

Kurt Angle believes it is his night and Ric Flair agrees with Angle telling The Olympic Hero to go out there and do it. Angle walks away while Flair watches on bewildered by Angle’s antics. Matt and Lita talk about tonight’s match and Lita will not be taking sides in the battle of the brothers. Matt is not worried because Matt is an asshole.

Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy (Special Referee  Lita)

These two are brothers, they say glowing and lovely things about one another. Happiness turns to anger as Jeff cost The Hardys the tag team championships with his daring high-risk manoeuvres. Matt was angry that Jeff was selfish and tried to steal the spotlight. Jeff apologized but Matt told Jeff to stick it and now The Hardys are coming to blows. 

Lock up with Jeff taking the arm of Matt, Matt twists Jeff and steps all over Jeff. Arm drag by Jeff, arm drag by Matt but Jeff is back in control moments later. Matt grabs a handful of hair before clotheslining his brother Jeff. Scoop slam by Matt, fist drop for a two count. Knife edge chop by Matt, Jeff reverses Matt and chops Matt before Matt sticks his thumb in Jeff’s eye. 

Neckbreaker by Matt, sleeper by Matt. Jeff shoves off Matt and applies a sleeper before Matt scores with a back suplex. Matt goes up high but Jeff dodges The Leg Drop, jawbreaker by Jeff and a flying forearm. Foot to the face by Jeff and Jeff nails Matt with his own leg drop.

Jeff was looking for The Whisper in The Wind, Matt shoves off Jeff and stomps Jeff in the tree of woe. Schoolboy by Matt for two, Matt was looking for a sunset flip powerbomb onto the floor but Jeff counters with a hurricanrana. Jeff flips into the ring and appears to injure his leg, Matt stomps on the leg and chop blocks Jeff’s injured part.

 Matt crushes the leg of Jeff, Matt looks for a powerbomb but Jeff counters for a Russian legsweep. Unique pin by Jeff gets a two count while Matt regains control with a single leg Boston Crab. Jeff reaches the ropes, Matt was looking for a Figure Four but Jeff kicks Matt to the floor.

Baseball slide by Jeff, Jeff’s leg gives out on him and Matt looks for control but Jeff lands a mule kick. Jeff blocks Matt’s Twist of Fate and drops a leg on the groin of Matt. Back suplex by Jeff, Matt crotches Jeff before Jeff can nail a Swanton Bomb. Matt yanks Jeff on the top rope, Matt’s Twist of Fate is dodged, Jeff’s Twist of Fate is countered.

 Backslide by Matt, two count for Matt. Matt uses the ropes for leverage off a pin, Lita catches Matt. Matt nails Jeff with a clothesline, Jeff and Matt slug it out on the apron which leads to Matt looking for a super Twist of Fate. Jeff drops Matt and nails The Swanton, Lita counts the three but Matt’s foot is on the ropes. Lita does not see the foot and Jeff is the winner of the match. The WWF would forget about this angle a week later and The Hardys would be best friends by Royal Rumble.

 The reaction was not great for this match, they worked well with one another but the fans were not ready for the split-up. Jeff was clearly the more popular wrestler but neither had defined characters outside of their tag team. WWE would split the two later during the draft and Matt would taste success as Version 1 Matt Hardy while Jeff would be fired for drug-related mishaps.

Winner: Jeff Hardy over Matt Hardy via Swanton Bomb!

The Rock/Trish Stratus Promo

Trish thanks Rock for saving Trish from The Kiss My Ass Club and shoving Vince’s face up Rikishi’s ass. Trish wishes Rock good luck with a kiss on the cheek and Rock promises to show Trish a good time after they both win their respective matches.

(WWF Tag Team Championship Match) Big Show & Kane vs The Dudley Boyz © W/ Stacy Keblier

Big Show & Kane would team up to challenge for the tag team championships five years before they would eventually form a real tag team with one another. D-Von goes right after Kane, Kane big boots D-Von and back body drops Bubba. Tag to Show, Show beats down on Bubba. Scoop slam and a two count for Show, Bubba looks to tag D-Von and D-Von seems a little hesitant. 

D-Von takes the tag and runs into a sidewalk slam and a pounding from Show’s ass in the corner (What the hell did I just write?). Kane and Show combine to corner clothesline and splash The Dudley Boyz. Kane dives onto The Dudleys with a huge clothesline.

Show exposes Stacy’s panties and spanks The Duchess of Dudleyville, Bubba and D-Von nail a modified neckbreaker on Kane. Kane pops up and Bubba chop blocks Kane, Show has the referee while D-Von nails his diving headbutt. D-Von and Bubba double team Kane, double flapjack on Kane and cheap shot to Show. Kane boots D-Von and clotheslines Bubba, tag to Show. 

Show clotheslines both Dudleys over and over, back body drop on D-Von. Corner splash on Bubba, Bubba chop blocks Show but Show continues slugging at everyone. Kane looks for a diving clothesline on D-Von but Kane hit Show by mistake. Show and Kane are not happy with one another, The Dudleys try jumping Show and Kane, it does not work. 

Show boots Bubba and Show nails Kane on the apron by accident. The Dudleys double flapjack Show into an exposed turnbuckle to steal the win. That was shite, nothing entertaining about this match. Show continues to be useless despite his size.

Winners: The Dudley Boyz over Show & Kane via Shenanigans!

(WWF Hardcore Championship Match) RVD © vs The Undertaker

Undertaker had turned a new  leaf, The American Badass was no longer long-haired. Undertaker was heel and was back to beating the hell out of everyone and owning what he referred to as “His Yard”. Van Dam is now face for the first time despite receiving cheers from his first appearance in the WWF.

 Undertaker wants respect and turned on the WWF by forcing JR to kiss Mcmahon’s ass. This change is what Undertaker needed as Undertaker in many fan’s eyes, had been boring and watered down. 

Say what you want about American Badass Taker but this respect run and his run on Smackdown as the foil to the likes of Show and Lesnar was enjoyable. Sadly, Undertaker still comes to the ring to Limp Bizkit as opposed to his You’re Gonna Pay instrumental theme. RVD uses his quickness to avoid big strikes from Taker, RVD kicks Undertaker all over and nails a diving senton for a two count.

Spinning heel kick by Van Dam, Undertaker crotches RVD on the top rope and boots the champion to the floor. Taker rams RVD into the steel steps, RVD counters Taker with a huge shove into the ringpost, RVD knocks Taker into the crowd. RVD looked for a springboard splash but Taker squashes RVD with a right hand. Taker chokes RVD with a Mexico flag from the fans, RVD uses a barricade to moonsault onto Taker.

 Taker turns the tide by ramming RVD into a guard rail. Taker pummels RVD up and down with fists, RVD uses a fire extinguisher to blind Taker. Big shots with the extinguisher by RVD. Trash can to the face by RVD who climbs into the rafters and dives onto Taker with a crossbody. Two count for the champion, RVD kicks Taker up the stage area.

RVD and Taker emerge from the entranceway, Taker rakes the eyes of the champion. Taker hurls RVD into the stage design and signals for the end of the match. Taker goes for The Last Ride but RVD holds onto the stage to survive, Taker nails a thunderous right hand to RVD. Taker has a chair but RVD kicks Taker in the ribs. Rolling Thunder on the ramp for a two count. RVD dropkicks the chair into the face of The Deadman.

 Cover and another two count for the champion. RVD misses The Van Damnator, Taker looks for a Tombstone on the chair. Undertaker Chokeslams RVD off the stage through two tables, Taker drops down and covers the champion for the win. Hardcore matches are a tough rate, some people love them and some people loathe them. I am in between, I try to be fair and impartial while seeing the views of both sides. This match was in the ring for about thirty seconds so much of the action was punches and kicks which is not very entertaining. However, RVD was diving off things and the finish was cool too.

Winner: Taker over RVD via Chokeslam off the stage!

(WWF Women’s Championship Match) Trish Stratus © vs Jacqueline

Trish had won the championship at Survivor Series as the title was reactivated, Trish would lead a new division of women’s wrestlers that would not be all about bra and panties matches. In Jazz, Trish had a great heel to work with but first, Trish needed to be established. Hence, Trish will be battling against Jacqueline who is tough as nails. Lock up, clean break. Shoulder block by Trish, O Connor roll by Jacqueline for a two count.

 Big back body drop by Jacqueline, Jacqueline lowers her head and Trish kicks Jacqueline in the face. Jacqueline suckers in Trish and nails a huge boot to the face, slaps to the face by Jacqueline. Series of scoop slams by Jacquelien, Trish nails a short-arm clothesline but Jacqueline sweeps the leg of Trish. Trish goes for a rolling prawn hold, two count and Jacqueline knocks down Trish hard. Back body drop by Jacqueline, Trish flips out of a back suplex. 

Chops to the chest by Trish, Trish attempts The Stratusfaction but Jacqueline shoves off Trish and nails a dropkick to the back of the head. Trish nails a shoulder block on Jacqueline, backslide by Trish and Trish picks up the win. Not too long and not embarrassing as both women put on an average match.

Winner: Trish Stratus over Jacqueline via Backslide!

Vince Embarrassed Promo

Vince was going to kiss The Rock’s ass but The Rock said he had a special ass for Vince Mcmahon. Rock teased JR and then teased Trish Stratus but in the end, it was none other than Rikishi. Rikishi made his return and promptly had Vince’s head stuck up his posterior. Vince was utterly humiliated by The Rock and Vince’s final words were he who laughs last, laughs loudest. Vince vows revenge but will Vince have the last laugh?

(WWF Championship Match) Stone Cold Steve Austin © vs Kurt Angle

Weird how things in wrestling change so quickly. Kurt Angle was the hero of Survivor Series and by the next night, Kurt was one of the biggest dickheads in wrestling once more while Austin was forgiven for nearly destroying the company. Anyways, with WCW gone, there was no need for so many championships, we need one champion. 

Ric Flair and Vince Mcmahon agreed that there would be three matches to decide the undisputed champion. First match is between Angle and Austin for the WWF Championship, second is The Rock and Chris Jericho for the WCW Championship. The winner of the two championship matches will face off for both championships and the winner of that match will be crowned the first ever undisputed champion.

Angle and Austin stare one another down, lock up with Angle pushing back Austin, clean break from Austin. Another lock up, Angle shoves Austin in the face. Austin knees Angle and goes right after Angle, stomps all over Angle. Chops by Austin, Angle powders to alleviate the pressure. Belly to belly takedown by Angle and Austin powders to the floor. Austin gives Angle the fingers, Austin takes the arm, shoulder block by Angle and a back elbow by Austin. 

Chops by Austin, Angle catches the foot for The Ankle Lock but Austin rolled out of the hold. Austin grabs the arm and wrenches away. Austin uses a thumb to take down Angle, rope choke by Austin. Angle tees off on Austin but Austin sidesteps Angle who falls to the floor. Austin rams Angle arm first into the ringpost, shades of Summerslam. Single arm DDT by Austin.

 Austin knocks some sense into Angle on the ropes, Angle rolls through a German suplex for an Ankle Lock. Beautiful transition by Kurt, Austin is in the middle of the ring but Austin crawls and makes it to the ropes. Austin elevates Angle to the floor, Angle goes smack off the announce table.

Hard chops by Austin, Angle lures Austin in and proceeds to smash Austin’s knee off the turnbuckle. Ringpost Figure Four by Angle, always a favourite spot for me. Angle has The Ankle Lock in the ring, Austin kicks off Angle with one leg. Belly to belly overhead suplex by Angle, rake to the eyes by Angle who swings at Austin and connects with a series of rights and stomps. 

German suplex by Angle, make it two and Angle holds on for a third. Angle climbs high for his moonsault, Angle misses the moonsault. Austin clotheslines Angle, Lou Thesz Press. Spinebuster for a two count. Angle rakes the eyes, German suplex by Austin and make it five. Cover, two for Austin.

Angle low blows Austin without the referee’s knowledge. Angle Slam by Angle and a cover. Austin kicks out at two, Angle looks for a Stunner, Austin shoves off Angle and nails his own Stunner for the win.

 The match had the big fight feel, I like that they were feeling one another out in the beginning before getting down to business. Angle was great as usual, loved his transitions and leg work while Austin sold well and raised hell like Austin always does when it is time to perform.

Winner: Austin over Angle via Stunner!

(WCW Championship Match) The Rock © vs Chris Jericho

Rock’s return to the WWF had been partly spoiled by Chris Jericho and his insistence that Jericho was always superior to The Rock. Lock up, Rock with the side headlock, shoulder block by The Rock and an arm drag by the champion. Jericho takes the arm of Rock, shoulder block by Jericho but Rock fires back with right hands. Clothesline by Rock, Jericho comes back with a spinning heel kick. Springboard dropkick by Jericho, Rock and Jericho take turns ramming one another into the steel steps.

 Reverse diving elbow by Jericho for a two count, Jericho nails a back suplex and delivers his trademark Come on Baby pin. Leaping clothesline by The Rock but Rock cannot sustain control. Jericho drills Rock with a back suplex, clothesline by Y2J for a two count. Jericho slaps Rock before eating an overhead belly to belly and a Samoan drop. Two count for The People’s Champion.

 Jericho catches Rock with a sleeper, Rock battles back to his feet. Right hands by Rock but Jericho nails a back elbow. Jericho misses The Lionsault but scores with a modified facebuster. Lionsault scores this time for a two count. Snap suplex by Y2J, Jericho climbs to the top rope but Rock crotches the challenger. Jericho shakes off Rock, crossbody but Rock rolls through for a two count.

 Hard knockdown by Y2J, Y2J chops Rock’s chest before Irish whipping the champion into the corner, Jericho misses a stinger splash and falls to the outside. Jericho lures in Rock and catapults Rock into the ringpost. Jericho and Rock brawl over to the announce table, Jericho looked to Rock Bottom Rock but Rock counters for a DDT through the table.

 Rock has Jericho back in the ring, Rock measures for a Rock Bottom. Jericho blocks The Rock Bottom, Jericho nails The Breakdown on Rock. Senton by Y2J.

Jericho looks for a People’s Elbow on Rock, Rock catches Jericho for a sharpshooter but Jericho rolls through for his own sharpshooter. Rock reaches the ropes, Jericho is caught in a small package, two count for Rock. Rock Bottom on Jericho, Vince Mcmahon is on the apron. 

Rock drills Mcmahon, spinebuster and Vince prevents The People’s Elbow momentarily. Jericho low blows Rock and drills Rock with The Rock Bottom. Jericho defeats The Rock with his own move. Good match from these two greats, they had such natural chemistry and Jericho was a supreme dickhead in that match. Good heat on Jericho too for beating The Rock with his own move.

Winner: Chris Jericho over The Rock via Rock Bottom!

(Undisputed Championship Match) Chris Jericho vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

Before the match officially starts, Angle wipes out Austin with a chair shot and Jericho eats a Rock Bottom from The Rock. Jericho crawls to Austin for a pin, Austin kicks out. Jericho chops away on Austin and nails right hands and a flying forearm. Corner clothesline by Y2J, kicks to the ribs by Y2J. Austin fires back with a tackle, right hands by The Rattlesnake.

 Jericho bails to the apron and Austin clubs Jericho to the floor. Austin drops Jericho across the barricade while chopping Y2J. Austin removes the padding from the floor, looking to cripple Y2J. Jericho finds an opening and knocks down Austin. Jericho has Austin on the announce table, Jericho looks for a suplex to the floor. Austin blocks and looks for A Stunner but Jericho counters, Jericho looks for The Walls of Jericho but Austin uses his leg strength to fling Jericho to the floor. Austin suplexes Jericho on the exposed floor for good measure. 

Austin has Jericho in the ring, Irish whip by Austin and Austin charges, Jericho dodges and Austin goes shoulder first into the ringpost.

 Austin catapults Y2J into the turnbuckle, clothesline by Austin. Austin looks for the pin but Jericho rolls into a Fujiwara armbar, Jericho uses the ropes ofr leverage. Earl Hebnar catches Jericho and breaks the hold for Y2J. Snap suplex by Y2J, Austin catches Jericho coming off the top rope.

 Chops by Austin in the corner, sunset flip by Jericho into The Walls of Jericho. Jericho wipes out the referee with a flying forearm, Austin tees off on Jericho. Jericho low blows Austin and nails The Stunner.

Vince calls for a referee who is none other than Nick Patrick, Flair wallops Patrick and Vince wallops Flair. Austin low blows Jericho and sees Vince, Austin stomps the hell out of Vince. Lou Thesz Press by Austin, elbow drop. Jericho looks for a dropkick and Austin has The Walls of Jericho.

 Jericho is tapping when all of a sudden, Booker T nails Austin with a championship belt and Jericho covers Austin to become the first ever Undisputed Champion.

Ok, the match was not long and both men had competed earlier in the night so we were not seeing these two battle at their best. I did like what I saw and I look forward to seeing their match at No Way Out as to really judge whether these two could have an amazing match. As for the finish, I am a little confused. I do think Triple H’s late recovery hampered the company’s ideas going forward because I am struggling to see the final picture of this angle.

 First, you have Booker T who attacks Austin with the announcers screaming that Booker T does not work here when by next month’s pay per view, every member of The Alliance miraculously has a job. Secondly, Austin and Booker never had a pay per view match to blow off the feud, Austin would beat the piss out of Booker in a shopping mall and that’s all she wrote for that feud. Finally, with all the interference from Mcmahon to cost Rock and Austin against Jericho, you would believe that Jericho would be Mcmahon’s hand chosen champion but Vince fucks off to feud with Flair for a month and brings The NWO to wreak havoc leaving Jericho by himself. 

With illogical booking decisions like this, it is easy to see why some people view WWE in 2002 as a bit of a strange year until Vince sets his sights on Brock Lesnar. The direction is unclear, Jericho would go onto to have one of the worst runs as a heavyweight champion, I believe only Rey was beaten more times on TV than Jericho although Seth Rollins had a much longer reign so he may have them both beat.

Anyways, I, like a lot of people, were happy for Chris Jericho to have a run with the championship, Jericho had always played second fiddle to The Rock in Austin’s absence and when Austin returned, Jericho was pushed further down the line so with this heel character, Jericho was finally able to outshine Rock and Austin by beating them both in the one night. Vince’s prediction had come true, Vince would have the last laugh of the two men that he hated the most and it was time for a celebration.

Winner: Chris Jericho over Austin via Shenanigans!

That was WWF’s Vengeance of 2001. Despite Jericho’s big moment and the mega main events, Vengeance was not a great show by any means. The Dudley Boyz and Hardy Boyz matches were largely on the boring side, the women’s match was quick and Regal vs Edge was good but the fans were not reacting much to Regal which seems to be the major problem with Regal’s work. 

RVD vs Taker was entertaining yet, so much of it was just brawling by the stage, it was not much of a match. The high points of this card is the triple main event, they are all good matches and if you don’t think too hard when it comes to the main event, it is a good angle from the WWF.

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WCW Fall Brawl 1996 Review

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Why hello you Jezebels and Jackasses! Welcome to another snug-edition of the only wrestling review series that has taken a Burning Hammer and live to tell the tale: Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews with me, your charismatic and stupidly sexy host. Shall we continue with our journey through WCW? If the answer is no, then I must assume you are here by mistake or you just love to look at and make fun of small-time wrestling blogs (Shame on you, some people make a living of these things!). Anyways, I shall assume the answer is yes and boy are you in for a treat as I take a look back at WCW’s Fall Brawl of 1996. The NWO had taken over and now Team WCW had been created to battle The New World Order in a War Games Match. As I look through tonight’s card, there appears to be some interesting matches so I shall not waste anymore of your time, let’s get it on with WCW’s Fall Brawl 1996.

Opening Promo

Footage of The NWO running wild on WCW, The Giant is in the NWO and Lex Luger is doubting the allegiance of his friend Sting. Schiavone, Dusty Rhodes and Bobby Heenan welcome us to the action in their suits (Schiavone is sporting a red bowtie which looks tremendous). Heenan puts over The WarGames Match while Schiavone says it could be The NOW’s night as apparently, Sting had turned on WCW.

Diamond Dallas Page vs Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Chavo has the most 80s sounding hair metal song I have ever heard, it is so generic yet so appealing. Chavo dropkicks DDP to begin the match, DDP splats on the floor, tope con hilo by Chavo. Chavo Irish whips DDP into the guard rail, stomps are on the menu for DDP. Chavo whips DDP with a leather belt that Chavo must have grabbed from the timekeeper.

 Chavo lands a crossbody and a deep arm drag for a two count. DDP wriggles free of a hammerlock temporarily as Chavo holds on to the arm of DDP. DDP cannot break free of Chavo’s hold, DDP uses a knee to cut off Chavo. Tilt-a-whirl arm drag by Chavo, DDP is hanging in the ropes and Chavo charges in and it does not pay off as DDP avoids Chavo who crashes to the floor. Diving clothesline by DDP, DDP grabs a front chancery and tightens his grip to rough up Chavo Guerrero. DDP chokes Chavo with his boot and his knees, small package by Chavo who almost upsets DDP.

DDP spits on Chavo as Chavo tries pulling himself up, clubbing blow to the back by DDP. Back suplex slam by DDP who covers Chavo sarcastically. Chavo powers out and DDP slaps on a reverse chinlock. Chavo fires up but DDP says slow down amigo with a massive back elbow. Chavo finds an opening and trips up DDP, knee lift by Chavo. Springboard clothesline by Chavo, Chavo climbs to the top rope, missile dropkick and a two count for Chavo.

 Diving hurricanrana by Chavo for a two count, DDP catches Chavo with a massive elbow. Two count for DDP, DDP throws Chavo into the second ring. Sidewalk slam by DDP for a two count, Chavo nails a headscissors takedown. Roll-up by Chavo for two, Spiral Bomb out of an Irish whip by DDP and it’s two!

DDP motions for The Diamond Cutter, Chavo looks for a backslide but DDP stomps on Chavo’s foot and turns Chavo into The Diamond Cutter. DDP picks up the win with The Diamond Cutter. Good match, Chavo gave a gutsy performance while hanging with the bigger star DDP. DDP played the overconfident heel well, DDP underestimated Chavo before taking CHavo seriously and putting the youngster away with his veteran tactics and experience.

Winner: DDP over Chavo via Diamond Cutter!

NWO Recap “The Attack”

Mean Gene recaps the history of The New World Order thus far. Hall showed up and got in the face of Bischoff and Sting. Hall had a surprise and it was Nash, Nash bullied Bischoff and put Bischoff through a table. WCW were ready to fight Hall, Nash and their mystery partner who turned out to be none other than Mr. America himself, Hulk Hogan.

 The New World Order would attack everyone and spray paint their logo everywhere. The Four Horsemen promised to battle The NOW as Hogan won the WCW Championship and Nick Patrick joined the group as official referee. Ted Dibiase and The Giant also joined The NOW which strengthened the ranks of the organisation. However, there is a lot of focus on Sting turning his back on WCW.

(Submission Match) Scott Norton vs Ice Train W/ Teddy Long

I cannot believe this feud is continuing, at last month’s Hog Wild Ice Train was utterly squashed by Scott Norton and now they are having a rematch? Ice Train arm drags Norton to begin the match, hiptoss and clothesline by Ice Train. Huge splash by Train, powerslam by Train. Norton dodges a second splash and DDTs Train. Back suplex and a short-arm clothesline by Norton. Norton tees off on Train before Train counters with a powerslam.

 Camel clutch by Train, dodgy looking elbow drop by Train. Train clobbers Norton in the corner before Norton plants Train with a clothesline and applies a cross armbreaker. Neckbreaker by Norton, Norton is talking trash to Teddy Long and Train comes back with a scoop slam. Fujiwara armbar by Train, clothesline and a senton by Train. Norton dodges the splash, spinebuster and a Boston crab by Norton.

 Norton transitions into an armbar and then into Kensuke Sasaki’s armhold. Teddy Long gets involved and this distracts Norton and allows Train to lock in a full-nelson for the win. Awkward is the best word for this match, awkward action in the ring, awkward commentary as there was not a whole lot going on and awkward for the fans who stayed silent.

Winner: Ice Train over Scott Norton via Full-Nelson!

(Mexican Heavyweight Championship Match) Juventud Guerrera vs Konnan © W/ Jimmy Hart

Guerrera is so excited about this match that he falls over the steel steps on his way into the ring while Konnan has joined The Dungeon of Doom and developed some personality along the way. Konnan knees Guerrera and tees off on the high flyer, Guerrera eats a German suplex. Hotshot into the ropes by Konnan, Juventud decides to flip all over the ring and nail Konnan in the face with a spinning heel kick. Guerrera kicks and chops the bigger Konnan, tope suicida by Guerrera.

 Konnan is up, Konnan attempts to Irish whip Guerrera but Guerrera stops on the guard rail but Konnan catches Juvi and plants Guerrera with a powerbomb. Rolling clothesline by Konnan, snapmare and a dropkick. Cover and a two count, Konnan stretches Guerrera with a submission hold. 

Guerrera nails a springboard headscissors and a sole butt kick to Konnan. Plancha onto Konnan by Guerrera, springboard dropkick by Guerrera. Konnan cuts off Guerrera by elevating Guerrera into the second ring. Kneebar submission hold by Konnan, transition into an STF. Guerrera misses a moonsault and Konnan scores with a powerbomb.

Dropkick to the knee by Konnan, German suplex and make it two. Guerrera rolls to the floor, Guerrera manages to get back into the match as Konnan and Jimmy Hart talk strategy. Guerrera and Konnan are on the arpon, Guerrera was looking for a sunset flip powerbomb but Konna shook of Guerrera and dropkicks Guerrera. Guerrera crotches Konnan on the top turnbuckle, Guerrera was looking for a frankensteiner but Konna shoves off Guerrera again and nails a dropkick.

 Series of near-falls by both men with Konnan looking for a German suplex, Guerrera nails a springboard spinning heel kick. Cover and a two count for Guerrera, Konnan drops Guerrera with a wheelbarrow slam. Guerrera uses the ropes to survive that move from Konnan, Guerrera is back on his feet. Dropkick to Konnan and Guerrera nails a somersault leg drop to Konnan. Guerrera sets up for a 450 splash, Guerrera scores but Konnan kicks out at two. Twisting splash by Guerrera for a two count.

Konnan drills Guerrera with a spinebuster, Konnan plants Guerrera with a muscle buster. Konnan props Guerrera on the top rope, Niagra Driver by Konnan and Konnan picks up the victory. I thought the crowd were a little tough on Guerrera, they were not reacting to anything Guerrera did inside the ring. Despite this, the two have a solid match, Guerrera’s selling could have been better and there were one or two instances of miscommunication which led to the match slowing down and awkward stalling but it was still a decent match.

 Konnan’s new character is a lot more likable than his previous with the fans showing their appreciation by reacting big to a lot of the moves he performed. Also, there is no footage or conversation about the championship when the match is over, the championship is never seen on screen, I don’t know what the deal was with that but it was a little weird.

Winner: Konnan over Juventud Guerrera via Niagra Driver!

Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit

Ah Chris Jericho and his first WCW theme, what a theme it was and this would be America’s introduction to Chris Jericho on pay per view. Benoit vs Jericho was one of the matches which I saw as a child and truly believed that these two hated one another. Benoit and Jericho start the match by slapping one another, Irish whip and hair-pull by Benoit. Back body drop by Benoit, back suplex by Benoit. Lateral press and it is a two count for Benoit.

 Spinebuster by Benoit and a Liontamer by Benoit, Benoit looks for a powerbomb but Jericho rolls through for a sunset flip. Benoit powers out but Jericho catches Benoit with a spinning heel kick. Dragon screw by Jericho but Benoit pops up, Delphin Special by Jericho gets a two count. Benoit knees Jericho in the ribs before Jericho Irish whips Benoit into the turnbuckle and nails his springboard dropkick. Springboard splash by Jericho which looks very unsafe. Jericho clutches his ribs and knees in a concerning matter.

Of course, Jericho is not going to quit but Jericho does look hurt, missile dropkick by Jericho for a two count. Powerbomb by Jericho for another two count. Tiger suplex by Jericho but Benoit grabs the ropes to break the pin attempt. Both men throw bombs with Jericho winning the battle with a spinning wheel kick. Benoit back suplexes Jericho to the floor, Benoit shoves Jericho’s head into the ringpost. Knee to the ribs by Benoit, front suplex by Benoit which hangs Jericho across the top rope. 

Back elbow by Benoit only gets a two count. Chop war with Benoit raking the eyes to keep control, abdominal stretch by The Canadian Crippler. Benoit batters Jericho’s ribs while applying the hold, Jericho counters with an arm drag. Scoop slam by Benoit who climbs to the top, Diving Headbutt by Benoit.

Benoit is not happy with a two count, Jericho is tossed to the floor. Benoit shoves Jericho back first into the ring apron. In the ring, Jericho inside cradles Benoit for a two count, Benoit stomps all over Jericho to regain control. Backslide by Jericho for another two count, Benoit regains control once more. Snapmare and knee in the back by Benoit, hard chops in the corner by Benoit. Jericho holds onto the ropes to avoid a German suplex, standing switch and Jericho nails a Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Jericho tees off on Benoit with chops. 

Jericho tombstones Benoit, Jericho misses a Lionsault but drills Benoit with a clothesline. Frankensteiner by Jericho for a two count. Jericho is crotched on the top rope by Benoit, huge back suplex by Benoit and it is all over. Good match from these two, Jericho looked good in defeat as the commentators put over Jericho as a major future player. Benoit does not know what a bad match is and could be the perfect opponent to make someone look good. Good hard-hitting match from the two Canadians.

Winner: Chris Benoit over Chris Jericho via Back Superplex!

Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Super Calo

Lock up with Mysterio arm dragging Calo, another lock up with Calo using a side headlock to gain control. Calo wrenches the arm, Mysterio kips up and works the arm before Calo sends Mysterio flying with a hard Irish whip and a running powerslam. Second rope elbow drop by Calo, cover and a two count. Calo goes back to working the arm, Mysterio arm drags Calo and scores with a springboard hurricanrana while Calo powders and rethinks his life (Probably). Calo re-enters the ring and dropkicks Rey, Powerbomb by Calo gets a two count.

 Calo nails a shoulder block from the top rope, clothesline and Mysterio is the victim of a dropkick from Calo. Calo kicks and scoop slams Mysterio. Plancha by Calo who wipes out Mysterio.

Tilt-a-whirl sideslam by Calo, two count for Calo. Mysterio is tossed into ring two, Calo nails a headscissors from the top rope. Calo decides to go back to the arm of Mysterio, short-arm scissors by Calo. Dropkick by Calo and a huge clothesline. Mexican surfboard by Calo into a pin for a two count.

 Mysterio is limping on the floor, Mysterio fires back with a dropkick. High crossbody by Rey, tope con hilo by Mysterio. Mysterio looks for The West Coast Pop but Calo dropkicks Mysterio in mid-air. Calo goes back to the arm of Mysterio, Mysterio is flung into the top turnbuckle arm first. Calo hotshots Mysterio before tossing Mysterio arm first into the guard rail. Mysterio throws two forearms before nailing a frankensteiner from the apron. Baseball slide and a somersault senton by Mysterio. Springboard sunset flip by Mysterio for a two count, springboard moonsault by Mysterio for a two count. 

Calo reverses a victory roll into an electric chair drop. Calo eats another hurricanrana from Mysterio, spinning heel kick by Mysterio. Mysterio leaps from the rope of the second ring to the first ring into The West Coast Pop. Another good match with Mysterio looking strong as Mysterio is the champion. Calo did himself a lot of favours with his performance in this match, I enjoyed the psychology of Calo working the arm and the ring work was good.

Winner: Mysterio over Calo via West Coast Pop!

(WCW Tag Team Championship Match) Harlem Heat © W/ Sister Sherri/ Col Robert Parker vs The Nasty Boys

Stevie Ray and Jerry Sags are going to kick us off, big knee by Stevie Ray who pummels Jerry Sags in the corner. Stevie chokes Sags who counters with a back elbow and a clothesline. Sags goes to attack Sherri and we have a stand-off on the floor. Sags tags Knobbs who back elbows Stevie, Stevie fires back with a huge right to the face of Knobbs. Booker T is legal, kicks to the ribs of Knobbs, Knobbs battles back on Booker. Clothesline and a cover by Knobbs, two count for Knobbs. Tag to Sags, neckbreaker on Booker gets a two count. 

Quick tag to Knobbs, Knobbs boots Booker and nails another clothesline. Knobbs signals for the pit stop manoeuvre, Sherri saves Booker which allows Stevie to club Knobbs in the back. Knobbs is double teamed in the ring while the referee is with Sags. Stevie has Knobbs in a sleeper, Knobbs fights back but Stevie turns off the lights with a giant axe kick. Booker T applies his own reverse chinlock. Knobbs fights back but Booker T nails a flying forearm.

Cheap shot to Sags which allows the double team on Knobbs, tag to Booker T who drills Knobbs with a double axe handle. Booker misses a Harlem sidekick which could lead to a Knobbs tag. Hot tag to Sags, Sags pounds on Stevie and Booker with elbows, Stevie is tossed to the apron.

 Sherri is dragged into the ring, Sags rolls-up Booker for a two count. Sags delivers a piledriver on Booker, Stevia makes the save. Knobbs and Stevie brawl, Sags looks for an elbow drop, Col. Parker trips up Sags and Stevie wipes out Sags. Booker nails his Scissors Kick which lands Sags on the floor, Sherri roughs up Sags. Tag to Stevie who scores with a huge back elbow.

Stevie chokes Sags which leads to Knobbs interrupting the match, more double teaming by Harlem Heat. Sags nails a double facebuster, tag to Knobbs. Knobbs begins drilling everything that moves, back body drop on Booker and a splash by Knobbs. All four men are brawling, corner splash by Knobbs on Booker, double shoulder block to Stevie. Col. Parker distracts the referee and Sherri nails Knobbs with a cane with Booker T picking up the win for Harlem Heat. Alright match, Sherri and Parker were the most entertaining at ringside, Nasty Boys put on a decent performance which was much better than their brawl with Public Enemy.

Winners: Harlem Heat over The Nasty Boys via Shenanigans!

Randy Savage vs The Giant

The Giant joined the NWO and is in a match with none other than The Macho Man. What I said last time was Giant needed short matches in order to be protected and what do WCW do? Put The Giant in the ring with Randy Savage, I don’t know if even Savage can get a good match out of The Giant this early in his career. The Giant runs to the ring and Savage nails Giant with a right hand. 

Savage won’t let Giant in the ring, Giant grabs Savage and Savage tries a scoop slam and Giant falls on Savage. Giant presses Savage into the ring, clubbing blows by Giant. Giant chokes Savage with his boot and chops The Macho Man. Clothesline by Giant and more clubbing blows, huge backbreaker by Giant. Headbutt to the groin by The Giant. Boston crab by Giant, Savage fights and crawls his way into the ropes. Bearhug by The Giant, Savage rakes the eyes to break the hold. Savage attempted a double axe handle but Giant scores with a scoop slam. Giant misses a knee drop, Savage goes for the leg of Giant.

 Facebuster by Savage but Giant powers out. Savage scoops slams The Giant and lands his elbow drop. Hogan is by ringside, Savage follows Hogan and Nash drills Savage with a chair.

Referee Nick Patrick sees nothing as Patrick is the official NWO referee. Hogan rolls Savage into the ring and Giant picks up the win. Well, that was a basic match if I have ever seen one. Giant took one bump while Savage worked around Giant. The assault furthers the angle between Hogan and Savage but why book The Giant against Savage if you are not putting over The Giant? I don’t think WCW had a clue what to do with The Giant after Hogan beat him for the championship.

Winner: The Giant over Randy Savage via Shenanigans!

(War Games Match) Team NWO vs Team WCW

If you have not seen a War Games Match, let me explain: two rings which are covered by cages. Two men begin with a member of each team coming in at timed intervals, you can only win after all members of both teams enter the match. You can win by submission or giving up. 

The big story is who’s side would Sting be on? Well, Sting interrupts his team’s interview and says it was not Sting who attacked Luger. Luger says it was Sting and Sting says screw you Luger, I will be in the match on your team. Luger has not reply for this and we go to the ring with Michael Buffer making the introductions. Michael Buffer plays such a small part but I do love his introductions.

Scott Hall is the first entrant for Team NWO and Hall is accompanied by Ted Dibiase. Arn Anderson starts the match for his team. Anderson riles up the crowd without even touching Scott Hal, Anderson was the man. Hall hammers away on Anderson before Anderson tees off on Hall, Hall is smashed into the cage and Anderson stomps on Hall’s little fellas.

 Hall fires back with a corner clothesline, Anderson is raked across the cage and top rope. Anderson goes for the leg of Hall, strikes and submission holds are on the menu for Scott Hall who crawls away into the second ring. Hall catches Anderson with a right hand, Hall beats down Anderson with a series of right hands. Anderson goes low on Hall with a punch to the mid-section, sleeper hold by Anderson. Hall counters the sleeper with a back suplex. Spinebuster by Anderson, Anderson applies a single leg Boston Crab on Hall.

The next entrant is an NWO member and it is Big Sexy Kevin Nash. Anderson pummels Nash but Hall holds down Anderson which allows Nash to take control. Anderson is fired into the cage, snake eyes by Nash and a clothesline by Hall. Luger is the next man in the match, double clothesline on The Outsiders.

 Clothesline to Hall and Nash, Luger is getting the crowd of their asses. Flying forearms by Luger on both Outsiders, Hall is rammed into the cage before Nash saves Hall. Anderson is back on his feet, Luger and Anderson have Hall and Nash on the ropes but Nash goes low on Luger and Hall overpowers Anderson. Anderson DDTs Nash but it is now three on two.

Hogan has entered the match, Anderson and Luger are taking a beaten from The NWO. Hogan drops elbows on Anderson while Hall and Nash isolate Luger. Hogan low blows Anderson while Nash smashes Luger with back elbows, Hall right hands Luger in the corner. Hogan drops Anderson with his signature leg drop. Ric Flair is in the match, Flair wants The NWO.

 Hogan comes after Flair, Hogan rakes the eyes but Flair smashes Hogan with rights and lefts. Flair pulls out brass knuckles and wallops Hogan and low blows Hall and Nash. Flair has the Figure Four on Hogan, Luger and Anderson choke out Hall and Nash. Team NWO have their fourth member and it is Sting! Sting comes in and goes to work on Luger and Anderson.

 Sting beats down on Luger, Hogan hurls Flair into the cage. Hogan nails his leg drop on Flair, Luger is being assaulted by Nash and Hall. Anderson eats a Stinger Splash and here comes WCW’s final entrant.

It’s Sting? There are two Stings and The NWO Sting must be an imposter! The real Sting starts whooping ass left right and centre with Stinger Splashes on everyone. Sting single handily takes down all members of Team NWO. Sting turns to Luger and asks “Is that good enough for you?” Sting leaves and it is four on three. Flair fights Hall and Nash as Anderson is in trouble. Fake Sting locks in a Scorpion Deathlock on Luger with Hogan crippling Luger with a headlock. The NWO have won the match and WCW’s hero Sting has walked out on WCW.

 Savage comes out and goes for Hogan, Hogan tries to escape Savage but here comes The Giant. Giant clubs Savage and Savage eats a Chokeslam. Miss Elizabeth is coming to the aid of The Macho Man. Elizabeth is pleading for mercy for Savage. Elizabeth covers Savage with her body to protect Savage and Hogan spraypaints Elizabeth.

 Hogan grabs the microphone and lays into Savage and Elizabeth. Giant delivers another Chokeslam. Savage is spray-painted and the message has been sent.

I think The War Games match of 1996 was a disappointment because of how the match played out, Sting had just entered being the final entrant and a minute later, the match was over and Sting had abandoned his team. I do think it was one of the weaker War Games matches.

 That being said, the match did set up two angles perfectly. Sting walking out on his team was a shock but understandable as nobody believed in Sting. Sting had a gripe and would leave WCW which would lead to the creation of The Sting Crow Character that Sting used up until his retirement.

 Also, Sting was able to take down the whole NWO in this match, a little foreshadowing of things to come as Sting was still being positioned as WCW’s main star. Secondly, the heat The NOW were garnering for the attacks on Savage and going as far to spraypaint Elizabeth and traumatize her as Savage was being mauled made for tremendous television.

 It should have been saved for Nitro because on that beating alone, I would have wanted to see Savage victimize Hogan in a match. In conclusion, not a big fan of this match as I thought it was a bit on the short side but the Sting angle and the Savage beat-down make this match feel a little more special.

Winners: Team NWO over Team WCW via submission!

That was Fall Brawl 1996 and I believe a disappointing show from WCW. I did enjoy most of the matches on the card but I cannot shake the feeling of this being like an episode of Monday Night Nitro.

 You had a lot of superstars having their first pay per view matches with the company which meant these superstars were not established and did not have a real relationship with the audience which hurt the matches in terms of heat and fan reaction. You also had another basic Giant match coupled with a submission match between Scott Norton and Ice Train who I never want to see face one another again. 

The tag team match was alright and the main event came off as more about the angles than the action. I would say the pay per view was not worth your time unless you are a loser like me who wants to know the complete history of The NWO and their run in WCW.

Image result for WCW Fall Brawl 1996 Gif

Monday, 28 November 2016

WWF Survivor Series 2001 Review

Image result for wwf survivor series 2001

Good evening you Sasquatch looking silly billies to another hard-hitting edition of the only wrestling review series that tears Kevin Nash’s quad for him: Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews! It has been too long since I have continued sifting my way through The Invasion storyline but fear not eagle-eyed readers as I am here to end it all with my review of Survivor Series 2001. The stage is set, five of The Alliance vs five of The WWF in a winner takes all match. If The Alliance wins, there is no more WWF while if The WWF wins, there is no more Alliance. It is the first time in a while that there is a big important tag match heading into Survivor Series so I am excited for this match despite the storyline. Other big matches on this card include, a unification match for the Intercontinental and United States Championship between Edge and Test, an immunity battle royal with the winner not being fired for a year and a tag team championship unification steel cage match between The Hardy Boyz and The Dudley Boyz. For those who want an end to The Invasion storyline, here is WWF’s Survivor Series 2001!

Opening Promo

Freddy Blassie narrates over footage of the WWF while we hear the familiar voice of Jim Morrison of The Doors singing The End which is usually reserved for Armageddon. Clips of Wrestlemania main events interspliced with Alliance Footage and WWF Footage. Gripping stuff which gets you pumped for the main event. JR and Paul Heyman welcome us to the pay per view which has a nice stage design and we are live from North Carolina.

(WWF European Championship Match) Christian © vs Al Snow

While Christian had failed to outshine his brother Edge, Christian is now your European Champion. Al Snow who was busy filming Tough Enough during The Alliance storyline finds himself in a title match for no reason. Christian cuts a promo making fun of the fans before Snow comes down to the ring ready to kick some ass. Snow takes down Christian with a side headlock, Christian eats a shoulder block from Snow. Despite the ring rust, Christian is being outwrestled.

 Christian goes low and chops Snow, pumphandle plex by Snow. Snow takes his eyes off the ball and Christian drags the challenger into the turnbuckle. The crowd chants for Head but there is no Head in sight. Hard Irish whip and a side Russian legsweep for a two count by the champion. Christian applies a sleeper, Snow battles back and both men trade bombs. Christian drops Snow with a double underhook suplex, fists to the face by Christian.

Christian chokes Snow in the corner before Snow begins battling back, Christian rakes the eyes. Snow starts jabbing Christian, Christian is headbutted into oblivion by Snow. Irish whip and a stiff clothesline to the back of the head by Snow. Christian eats a superkick, cover and a two count for the challenger.

 Snow drills Christian with as sit-out spinebuster for a two count, Christian scores with a reverse DDT. Christian talks trash and Snow rolls-up Christian for a two count, Snow climbs to the top rope and nails a crossbody but Christian rolls through for a two count. Snow looks for The Snowplow, Snow scores but Christian puts his foot on the ropes. Christain kicks the ropes into Snow’s face and Christian scores with The Unprettier and Christian wins the match. Decent opening match from these two, fans did not care a lot until towards the end of the match.

Winner: Christian over Al Snow via Unprettier!

Austin and Alliance Promo

Shane and Stephanie question Austin’s allegiance because Austin smiled at Vince on Smackdown which was a little strange for The Alliance. Austin says Austin is leading the charge and Austin is the leader of The Alliance. Vince and Linda are talking in a hallway and Michael Cole interviews Vince and Vince says do not worry the WWF will win tonight’s all or nothing match. Vince says there is a sixth man for the WWF while William Regal interrupts Vince Mcmahon and Regal says he will be happy to watch Vince fail as The Alliance win tonight’s match.

William Regal vs Tajiri W/ Torrie Wilson

Tajiri was loyal to the WWF and taken under the wing of William Regal before Regal turned on Tajiri and the WWF by helping Austin defeat Kurt Angle for the WWF Championship. Tajiri’s girlfriend had been assaulted on Smackdown by Regal with a tigerbomb and a Regal Stretch. Tajiri kicks Regal to begin the match, Regal nails a rolling firemen’s carry to take down Tajiri.

 High knee by Regal, dropkick to the knee by Tajiri and Tajiri continues trying to break down the leg of Regal. Regal gets caught in The Tarantula, handspring elbow for a two count. Regal ties up Tajiri in the ropes and stretches The Japanese Buzzsaw. Tajiri blocks a tigerbomb and drills Regal with a kick to the head, Regal dodges the Buzzsaw Kick.

 Tigerbomb by Regal and Regal picks up the win over Tajiri. Regal says it is not over and Regal drills Tajiri with another Tigerbomb. Regal is still not done as Regal drills Torrie with a Tigerbomb. Felt more like an angle than a match because it was so brief, it makes sense as Regal would be the next challenger to Edge’s Intercontinental Championship.

Winner: Regal over Tajiri via Tigerbomb!

(Unification Match) Edge © vs Test ©

Test had beaten Edge for the Intercontinental Championship while Edge had beaten Kurt Angle for The United States Championship. Test is backstage having oil rubbed all over him while Test chats up Stacy Keblier. They lock up with Test overpowers Edge, clean break from Test. Another lock up with Edge overpowering Test. Test shoves Edge and Edge tees off on Test, crossbody by Edge. 

Third lock up and Test takes a cheap shot at Edge, clothesline by Test. Test chokes Edge with his foot and drops Edge onto the barricade. Edge fires back with a dropkick and a hiptoss, baseball slide by Edge. Edge nails Test with a swinging neckbreaker back inside the ring, one count for Edge. Test takes control with a flapjack and a hard knockdown. Corner clothesline by Test who is bullying Edge all around the ring. Test applies a reverse chinlock.

Edge uses his knees to fight out of the hold, Test eats a missile dropkick, two count for Edge, Test nails a tilt-a-whirl slam to cut off Edge. Edge smashes Test with a right hand, Edge misses a crossbody though. Test props Edge on the top turnbuckle, Edge counters the suplex and attempts a sunset powerbomb. Test kicks off Edge and leaps into a dropkick from Edge. Both men throwing bombs, Edge knocks down Test with clotheslines and a spinning heel kick. Unique facebuster by Edge for a two count, Test looks for the pumphandle but Edge slips out for an Edge O Matic.

 Test Spears Edge for a two count! Test almost won with Edge’s own move. Test measures for The Big Boot, Edge dodges, Test dodges The Spear. Pumphandle Slam by Test for a two count, Test looks for a powerbomb, Edge counters with a hurricanrana and a Spear by Edge for a two count. Edge attempts The Edgecution but Test counters for a full-nelson but Edge rolls through into a victory roll for the win.

 In the beginning, I was not high on this match it did not seem to interest me but the last few minutes of near-falls and close calls were exciting and just what the match needed. Edge’s stock continues to rise in the WWF, it is cool watching a superstar grow before your very eyes.

Winner: Edge over Test via victory roll!

(Tag Team Championship Unification Steel Cage Match) The Hardy Boyz vs The Dudley Boyz W/ Stacy Keblier

The two premier tag teams of each faction clash in this cage match. The story leading into this match is there is tension simmering between Matt, Jeff and Lita. The Hardys Boyz better be on the same page to take down The Dudley Boyz. All four men face off in the ring and begin the match like a regular tag team match. Bubba and Matt to kick us off, Bubba charges in and eats right hands from Matt.

 Hard Irish whips by Matt and a clothesline before Matt nails D-Von. Tag to Jeff, double elbow and Omega combination. Bubba cuts off Jeff with a side slam for a two count, D-Von starts teeing off on Jeff. Jeff nails D-Von with a flying dropkick, tag to Matt. Matt Irish whips D-Von, backslide by Matt for a two count before D-Von scores with Saving Grace. 

Reverse elbow by D-Von, tag to Bubba who clubs Matt across the back. Elbow by Bubba, make it three. Bubba tags D-Von, D-Von tries ramming Matt into the cage but Matt blocks. Bubba and D-Von beat down on Matt until Matt counters a powerslam with a neckbreaker. Tag to Jeff, Jeff clubs both Dudleys and now all four men are fighting in the ring. Poetry in Motion on Bubba and D-Von. The Hardys begin escaping the cage.

The Dudleys are in hot pursuit and Bubba drills Jeff with a Bubba Bomb while D-Von smacks Matt with a neckbreaker. Bubba tries climbing out of the cage but Matt drags Bubba off the top rope. Matt and D-Von square off in the corner but Bubba saves D-Von as The Dudleys elevate Matt into the cage wall. Bubba tries to elevate Jeff but Jeff climbs the cage and almost escapes before The Dudleys nail a Doomsday Device on Jeff.

 The Dudleys stomp all over The Hardy Boyz, modified neckbreaker on Jeff for a two count. D-Von squishes Matt against the cage wall before Bubba does the same. Jeff is also thrown into the cage, D-Von unloads a flurry of fists on Jeff before The Dudleys look to squish Jeff with a double splash.

 Jeff avoids both splashes and Matt nails both Dudleys with a diving clothesline. Matt takes on both Dudleys with neckbreakers. DDT by Matt on Bubba for a two count, double back body drop on Bubba by The Hardys. Matt and Jeff combine to nail The Omega Splash on Bubba. Cover and D-Von makes the save for his team.

Matt begins climbing the cage and is almost free but D-Von is battling Matt, D-Von hangs Matt upside down on the cage and Bubba and D-Von combine to nail a diving headbutt on Jeff. Stacy grabs a table and uses her assets to charm referee Nick Patrick, Stacy steals the key for the cage door and puts the table in the ring. Matt and Jeff avoid a 3D through the table and Matt begins escaping the cage. Matt manages to escape the clutches of Bubba and drops to the floor.

 Jeff is all alone with two Dudleys and a table. Jeff manages to place D-Von on the table and climb his way towards escaping the cage. Jeff is moments from victory but Jeff sees D-Von on the table and Jeff cannot help himself. 

Jeff dives for a Swanton Bomb on D-Von but D-Von moves out of the way and Bubba crawls over to Jeff to steal the pin. A good match between these two teams they always seemed to create an entertaining match with one another. This match would also lead to the break-up of The Hardys as Jeff was always taking risk while Matt was the one with the brains.

Winners: The Dudley Boyz over Hardy Boyz via pin-fall!

Immunity Battle Royal

The winner of this match cannot be fired for a year regardless of the outcome of the main event so this is an important match in kayfabe. Test takes out Scotty Too Hotty prior to this match. The match is littered with mid-carders and jobbers. Notably, The Alliance has the likes of Lance Storm and DDP in this match. Stasiak is thrown out right away, and Tazz decides to enter himself into the match. Lots of brawling with no eliminations for some time until Bradshaw kills Hurricane with a Clothesline From Hell.

 Albert press out a clean shaven Perry Saturn, Test throws out Faarooq. Chuck Palumbo throws out DDP, The Impact Players superkick out Chuck Palumbo before Hugh Morrus and Chavo Guerrero run into the match. Funaki and Raven are gone, Billy Gunn takes care of Chavo and Hugh Morrus.

 Tazz dumps out Crash and Dreamer. Bradshaw kills Steven Richards, Tazz is thrown out by Billy Gunn. Test throws out Albert while Bradshaw hurls out Billy Kidman. We are down to four: Bradshaw, Lance Storm, Test and Billy Gunn. Test bundles over Storm and Bradshaw and Billy Gunn looks for The FameAsser but Test Big Boots Billy Gunn to the floor. Entertaining as battle royals go.

Winner: Test over Everyone Else via Survival!

(WWF Women’s Championship Match) Trish Stratus vs Lita vs Jacqueline vs Ivory vs Mighty Molly vs Jazz

The Women’s Championship had been inactive since Chyna left the company after Judgement Day in May of that year. I guess WWF decided it was time for women to compete for a title once again after having them fight over nothing for many months. The real surprise is Jazz, the former ECW wrestler who would wrestle men like Simon Diamond and The FBI.

 Jazz sprints to the ring and takes down Lita, big impact right there from Jazz. Jazz nails Lita with a double underhook suplex, headscissors takedown by Lita. Jacqueline and Molly are in the ring, test of strength with Jackie taking down Molly. Huge chops from Jacqueline, hiptoss and dropkick from Jacqueline. Dropkick to Ivory by Jacqueline, sunset flip and series of pins by the two ladies. Ivory catapults Jacqueline into the ropes and in comes Trish.

 Takedown and catapult into the ropes by Trish. Flapjack by Trish but Molly cheap shots Trish and Ivory cheap shots Lita. The Alliance women triple team Trish before the match breaks down completely. Poetry in Motion on Jazz and Jackie takes off Lita’s head on the second attempt.

Everyone takes turns hitting finishers with Molly Go Rounds, Poison Ivory, Twists of Fate and Chick Kicks. Lita double clotheslines Molly and Jazz, Jazz rakes Lita’s eyes and Trish back drops Lita to the floor and lowbridges Jazz. Trish nails Ivory with The Stratusfaction and Trish wins her first women’s championship. While Trish was a far-cry from the wrestler she would become, this was the beginning of a change for The Divas as Trish would head a division that would reach heights that not one person could have foreseen.

Winner: Trish over Everyone Else via pin-fall!

(Winner Takes All Match Survivor Series Match) Team WWF (The Rock, Chris Jericho, Big Show, Kane, and The Undertaker) vs Team Alliance (Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, RVD, Booker T, and Shane Mcmahon)

Here we go the big match with everything on the line, the winner of this match decides the fate of the wrestling world. There could be no more Raw or Smackdown, there could be Alliance Raw or even Monday Night Nitro. The promo package is everything you wish it could be as it hypes everything up by ten and it damn sure informs you that this is survival of the fittest and this is all or nothing. Not only that but you had Austin possibly defecting to the WWF, Kurt Angle turning on the WWF and the bitter infighting between The Rock and Chris Jericho. There are a lot of combustible elements to this match and that’s what makes the match so special.

Match kicks off with Austin and The Rock, Austin chops Rock but Rock turns the tide with right hands. Lou Thesz Press by Austin and an elbow, cover and a two count. Rock nails his own Lout Thesz Press and elbow before Shane cheap shots Rock. Tag to Booker T, Booker chops The Rock before The Rock nails a leaping clothesline. Rock tags Jericho, Jericho chops Booker and scores with a flapjack. Tag to RVD, lock up with Y2J.

 RVD and Jericho trade counters before Jericho scores with a spinning heel kick, vertical suplex by Jericho. Chops by Jericho on Rob Van Dam, RVD nails a cartwheel splash on Y2J. Jericho counters a powerbomb into a Walls of Jericho before Shane makes the save. Angle and Kane are the next two in the match, Angle unloads on Kane before Kane tosses Angle into the corner. Huge shots to Angle by Kane. Corner clothesline by Kane, Angle nails a German suplex on Kane. Kane sits up and Angle goes back to work on The Big Red Machine.

Kane outpowers Angle, diving clothesline by Kane. Shane interrupts the match once again, tag to Undertaker. Angle elbows Taker and tags Booker T, big boot and leg drop by Taker on Booker T. Taker scores with Old School on Booker and wrenches the arm of Booker T. Short-arm scissors by Taker on Booker T, Undertaker clotheslines Booker and Shane interrupts the match.

 Austin is legal and Austin tees off on Undertaker, Austin misses a knee across the back and Undertaker takes control of Austin. Undertaker nails Old School for the second time in the match. Taker is man-handle in the corner while the referee is with the WWF team. Taker and Angle trade bombs before Angle scores with a neckbreaker. Angle looks for a German suplex but Taker counters with a DDT.

 Tag to Big Show, Show runs over Angle and chops Angle. Angle is tossed halfway across the ring, RVD eats a clothesline and a military press slam. Show takes down every Alliance member before Angle drops Show with an Angle Slam, Booker tags in and nails The Scissors Kick and The Spinaroonie. RVD tags in and nails The Five Star Frog Splash before Shane climbs to the top and nails his Leap of Faith elbow to eliminate Big Show.

Big Show has been eliminated!

Shane celebrates but Kane picks up poor Shane for a Chokeslam and Kane tags Undertaker who decides that Shane deserves a Tombstone. Y2J receives the tag and nails The Lionsault and it is all over for Shane. Good idea to get Shane out early and Show’s elimination is a reflection of Show’s career by this point.

Shane Mcmahon has been eliminated!

Booker T does some real damage on Jericho with a scoop slam and a knee drop before tagging RVD. RVD kicks Jericho and nails his signature shoulder thrusts before Jericho tries a sunset flip for a two count. Tag to Kane, Kane picks up RVD and starts hammering away on RVD. Series of clotheslines by Kane, Kane blocks a punch from RVD but RVD kicks out of the hold.

 Running powerslam by Kane on RVD, Booker is knocked down by Kane before RVD knocks down Kane. Five Star Frog Splash by RVD on Kane, RVD looks for the pin but Kane grabs RVD’s throat. The match breaks down as both teams brawl. Meanwhile, RVD eliminates Kane with his diving kick. Lame elimination for someone like Kane.

Kane has been eliminated!

Undertaker takes it upon himself to decimate The Alliance, clotheslines and big boots to every member of the team. Last Ride to Angle by Undertaker, Austin capitalizes with a Stunner and Angle drapes the arm over and Undertaker has been eliminated.

Undertaker has been eliminated!

It is four on two and The Alliance is firmly in control of this match. Booker nearly takes the head off The Rock with a leg lariat. Rock creates some space with a DDT. Rock scores with a Samoan drop for a two count before Austin breaks up the pin attempt. Rock rolls up Booker T out of nowhere when an Irish whip sends Booker T into Kurt Angle.

Booker T has been eliminated!

RVD enters the ring but Rock drills RVD with a powerbomb like manoeuvre for a two count, Jericho wants in on this match. Jericho jumps RVD, clotheslines and neckbreakers by Y2J. RVD is chopped hard in the corner, modified bulldog by Y2J. RVD avoids The Lionsault and scores with a spinning heel kick. Van Dam looks for a Split Legged Moonsault and Jericho gets the feet up and delivers a Breakdown to RVD for the elimination. No reaction for that move so I can see why it disappeared after a while.

RVD has been eliminated!

Angle applied a sleeper to Jericho but Jericho battled out of the hold, Angle trips up Jericho and goes back to work on Y2J. Tag to Austin, Austin drills Jericho with a superplex. Cover and a two count for Austin, big botch in the middle of the ring with Austin dumping Jericho right on his head after a miscommunication. Tag to Angle who chokes Y2J by using the ropes, Jericho applies an Ankle Lock but Angle rolls out and clobbers Jericho with a clothesline.

 Austin is legal and Austin scores with a suplex and a stomp to the face. Back elbow by Austin and a foot choke by the WWF Champion. Angle picks apart Jericho before tagging Austin, Austin stomps away at Jericho. Reverse chinlock by Austin, Jericho and Austin trade bombs before there is a huge double knockdown. Rock gets the hot tag, Rock tees off on Angle and nails an overhead belly to belly suplex. Dragon screw and sharpshooter by The Rock and Angle taps out from the pain.

Kurt Angle has been eliminated!

Austin and Jericho are battling in the middle of the ring, Austin fights out of The Walls of Jericho and looks to place Jericho in his own hold. Jericho counters the hold and catches Austin with a right hand. Austin blocks The Lionsault with his knees and almost eliminates Y2J. Jericho is on the top rope after pushing off Austin, missile dropkick by Y2J for a two count. Austin counters a school boy into his own pinning hold to eliminate Jericho.

Chris Jericho has been eliminated!

Rock has Austin down on the canvas before Jericho nails a Breakdown on The Rock, Austin crawls into the cover and it is a 1..2.. Rock kicks out at two and a half. Undertaker scares the bejesus out of Y2J who runs away from The Undertaker. Austin stomps all over The Rock before sending The Rock to the floor. Austin chops Rock on the floor by the announce table.

 Rock turns the tables by hurling Austin over The Spanish announce table and starts pummelling The Rattlesnake. Chops by The Rock on Austin but Austin scores with a spinebuster and Austin locks in a sharpshooter. Rock reaches the ropes and Austin grabs his belt from ringside. Rock dodges and nails a spinebuster and his own sharpshooter. 

Austin makes it to the ropes but Rock drags back Austin to the middle of the ring. Rock breaks the hold, Austin low blows Rock behind the referee’s back. Rock drills Austin with a Stunner out of nowhere. Rock crawls into the cover and Austin is saved by Nick Patrick.

Rock plans to Rock Bottom Nick Patrick but Austin nails Rock with a Rock Bottom, Rock kicks out and Austin takes out his frustration on Nick Patrick. Rock blocks The Stunner and throws Austin into referee Earl Hebnar, Austin blocks The Rock Bottom and scores with The Stunner. Kurt Angle runs to ringside and nails Austin with the WWF Championship and The Rock plants Austin with The Rock Bottom for the win. The Alliance is dead and the WWF survive the war.

Great intense Survivor Series Style match, there were a few questionable moments throughout like so many WWF superstars jumping to The Alliance, many Alliance members could not beat a WWF superstar without cheating. There were plotholes, pointless moments and a huge focus on The Mcmahons that overshadows a lot of the action but at the end of the day, that match was dramatic, it made Survivor Series mean something in terms of a big tag match for the first time in a few years and you have The Rock finally gaining redemption by beating Stone Cold after what Stone Cold had done to The Rock at Wrestlemania.

 I also like the story of Kurt being the mole due to his run as a babyface during the summer. It was executed well and it would be one of the last great Survivor Series elimination matches along with the Team Austin vs Team Bischoff match from 2003 and The Authority vs Team Cena at 2014.

Winner: The Rock over Everyone Else via Survival!

Survivor Series 2001 was a good show from the WWF, I am not sure a lot of the matches felt like they belonged on a card of one of the big four pay per views based on their quality but if you take into account the grand scheme of things, you had so much happen on this pay per view. You had unification matches, you had the restart of the women’s division in the WWF and you had a Survivor Series elimination match that grabbed a lot of people’s attention and ended a poorly executed angle and now everyone could move on from it and pretend it never happened which is what the WWF did because it was almost Wrestlemania season and a certain Cerebral Assassin was almost ready to make his return!

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