Hello and
welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling
review series on the internet that makes less of an impact than Bobby Fish
debuting in a new company! It’s time for WCW’s Superbrawl 1995 headlined by
Hulk Hogan defending against Vader, a man who has been number one contender for
many months and was sidelined by The Three Faces of Fear vs Hogan angle.
However, we are going to see the two clash. Sting is teaming with Randy Savage
to take on the newly minted heel Big Bubba Rogers who has aligned himself with
Avalanche. We also have the continuation of Harlem Heat vs The Nasty Boys, Alex
Wright is taking on Paul Roma and Hacksaw Jim Duggan is taking on The Bunkhouse
Buck! Doesn’t seem like a great card at all, quite disappointing if I am honest.
I have little faith in this undercard but I guess we will see how things goes!
Paul Roma
vs Alex Wright
How the hell
was Roma in The Horsemen? Every time I look at him I think how could this guy
have been the man to fill that gap? Happy to see Wright continue to be featured,
this match starts with Roma jumping Wright while Wright is dancing. Roma has a
red and black singlet which covers his physique so not sure what he was
thinking as it’s all he really had going for him, Roma is going for a military
press and Roma lands an ugly one. Roma mocks Wright’s dance, good to see Wright
struggling to be a babyface due to his dancing. Right hands by Wright but Roma
uses the laces of his boot to take down Wright. Sunset flip counter by Wright
for two, arm-drags by Wright into an arm-bar. Roma reverses and pulls the hair
of Wright to maintain control. Arm-drag counter by Wright, we have babes at
ringside. Why do we have babes? Another arm-drag by Wright, Paul Orndorff is
coming down to ringside.
Wright looks
concerned, Roma looks to his partner feeling a bit more confident. Roma escapes
with big elbows, landing elbow drops and pulling down his singlet. Back-breaker
by Roma, make it three. Wright is tossed to the floor, Orndorff watches on not
interfering. Clubbing blows to the chest, Roma kicks Wright to the floor. Back
in the ring, Wright tries a backslide and small package but Roma survives.
Elbows and stomps to the head, Roma rakes the face of Wright. Reverse chin-lock
from Roma, Wright fires up and escapes. Right hands but Roma holds onto the
ropes and avoids a dropkick, Roma lands his massive elbow drop. Roma marks out
for himself, Roma misses a corner splash. Wright lands European uppercuts, ugly
looking hip-toss. Spinning heel kick. Wright lands a diving crossbody, Orndorff
pulls off Wright to save Roma. Roma is jaw-jacking with the referee, Roma lands
a scoop slam. Orndorff and Roma chat, Wright dropkicks Roma into Orndorff and rolls-up
Roma for the win.
That felt
long, not insulting but definitely on the long side, there was a reason Roma
was in tags because nobody wanted to pay to see Roma in singles matches while
Wright’s gimmick is probably not connecting the way WCW wanted but still Wright
is building momentum. Definitely a tough spot but this was far too long for me.
Alex Wright over Paul Roma via Roll-Up!
Buck W/ Meng & Colonel Robert Parker vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Yeah this is
where I expected Duggan to be on the card but makes me sad for this stable considering
how good Buck was in that match with Rhodes before they ran that shit into the
ground. Hopefully this is brief, Duggan punches the shit out of Buck to begin
the match. Right hands and forearms stagger Buck, Buck rakes the eyes. Irish
whip and a hip-toss by Duggan, Duggan clotheslines Buck to the floor. Duggan is
sent into the ring-post, Buck tastes a knee to the back of the head. Reverse
chin-lock by Duggan, atomic drop and heavy right hand by Duggan. Another chin-lock
by Duggan, Duggan bounces Buck off the buckle. Duggan is smashed in the throat
with a rope by Buck behind the referee’s back. Duggan is thrown to the floor,
smashing into the guardrail.
Duggan is
caught in a reverse chin-lock from Buck, this is rough. Duggan carries Buck to
the corner, gut shots by Duggan. Elbows to the ribs, Buck lands an elbow to
stagger Duggan. A brawl breaks out with Duggan winning that war, Duggan begins
to fire up and throws right hands before dragging Buck to the corner. Shoulder
thrusts in the corner, back body drop by Duggan for two. Buck takes over with
knees and back-rakes, Duggan is firing up though. Rights and lefts by Duggan,
reverse chin-lock by Duggan. Duggan and Meng have words, Duggan scoop slams
Buck and lands the Old Glory Knee-Drop for two.
Duggan applies
another REVERSE CHIN-LOCK, why is the babyface dominating the match? Why is he
leading this match? How am I suppose to cheer for Duggan when he’s kicking the
ass of Buck? Ten punches in the corner by Duggan, Buck fights back with Parker
getting knocked off the apron. Buck freaks out so Duggan lands The Three Point
Stance Clothesline for the win. Meng superkicks Duggan’s head off after the
match and a nerve hold is applied.
Sweet Jesus
this was rough, recently wondering what the fuck they were thinking making
Duggan go 12 minutes, it’s brutally long and if you weren’t already lukewarm on
WCW in 1995, their first two matches on PPV in 1995 have done nothing to squash
your fears, it is brutal.
Hacksaw Jim Duggan over Bunkhouse Buck via Three-Point Stance Clothesline!
Grudge Match) Dave Sullivan vs Kevin Sullivan W/ The Butcher
Oh my God,
WCW what are you doing to me? No longer in his Hogan gear, Dave is here to kick
some ass, scoop slams and right hands by Dave. Irish whip and an elbow to the
face, shoulder blocks by Dave before Butcher trips up Dave. On the floor,
Sullivan sends Dave into the ring-post. Butcher stomps Dave behind the referee’s
back. Sullivan continues to stomp and chop Dave, Dave begins to kick back at
Sullivan but Sullivan is just chopping away at Dave. On the apron, Dave fights
back. Two-handed toss by Dave, more chops by Sullivan. Leg across the back by
Sullivan, Dave blocks the second attempt. Dave is smashing Sullivan, Butcher is
on the apron. Dave is distracted, Sullivan sends Dave into Butcher and wins
with a roll-up.
What a great
grudge match right? Lots of hardcore spots and weapons etc right? Yeah
absolutely nothing, Dave is horrific in the ring and Sullivan is laughable at
times due to his size but their original match was horrific this was even worse
so yeah, brutal kick off to this PPV.
Kevin Sullivan over Dave Sullivan via Roll-Up with Handful of Tights!
World Tag Team Championship Match) Harlem Heat © W/ Sister Sherri vs The Nasty
This feud
kicked off as Harlem Heat returned to WCW from wherever they went, they were
missing for like a year on PPV and Clashes but anyways, they came back with a
vengeance and had a secret weapon: that being Sister Sherri who helped them
capture the championships.
Lots of
stalling before Booker and Knobbs kick us off, clean break before Booker works
the arm. Knobbs reverses, Booker goes to the ropes. Slap by Knobbs, eye-poke by
Booker. Knees to the ribs, Booker misses his Harlem side-kick and has his balls
smashed into the rope over and over. Sags lands a clothesline on the floor, shockingly
we have Nasty chants in this match. Sags works over Booker’s groin. Sags and Booker
wrestle for what seems like a millennium as nothing really goes on until Booker
dropkicks Sags to the floor, Stevie Ray and Sherri gets some heat on Sags.
Stevie Ray and Booker work over Sags who is getting his ass kicked here, Sherri
taunts Sags while Knobbs is irate on the apron. Slap from Sherri, Booker has
Sags in a reverse chin-lock before Booker nails a Harlem Sidekick. Stevie Ray
comes in and roughs up Sags, Booker and Stevie Ray take turns battering Sags
before Booker misses a middle-rope elbow. Powerslam by Sags, could we finally
have a tag? Knobbs gets the hot-tag, clotheslines and right hands all around. Scoop
slams too, Knobbs is fired up. Stevie is whipped to the buckle, corner clothesline.
Double DDT by Knobbs, an actual reaction from the fans. Splash on Stevie Ray,
Sags and Booker on the floor. Sherri cracks Stevie Ray with her shoe and Knobbs
rolls-up Stevie Ray for the win but the referee has to reverse the decision
because Sags threw Booker T over the top rope.
terrible, proper terrible. Could not wait for this match to end, it’s
unbelievably bad. Anything with Nasty Boys that is not a brawl is brutal, this
went 15 plus minutes, this was horrific. Easily on its way to becoming one of
the worst PPVs I have ever recovered.
Harlem Heat over The Nasty Boys via DQ!
Bully vs Dustin Rhodes
So the
former Khrusher Kruschev, Smash and Repo Man is here as Blacktop Bully, Bully
has been sitting ringside for months antagonizing the babyfaces before stepping
over that guardrail and getting involved, Meng and Colonel Robert Parker cannot
stay at ringside. Rhodes has unfortunately slid down the card with this
horrific feud, Rhodes lands huge right hands on Bully. Bully comes back into
the match but Rhodes will not be denied in this one, working over the arm of
Bully. Scoop slam by Bully but Rhodes still has control over the arm. Rhodes
uses his laces on Bully, Bully lands a knee and goes into a reverse chin-lock
but Rhodes comes back with a hammerlock. Rhodes continues to work the arm,
Bully whips Rhodes to the opposite buckle. Springboard elbow by Rhodes, Rhodes
lands a roundhouse right on Bully.
Suplex by
Rhodes, sunset flip by Rhodes for two. Bully misses a clothesline and tumbles
to the floor, Rhodes slams Bully into the steel steps. Bully lands a clothesline
in the ring to regain control, Bully lands a belly to back suplex for two and
then grabs a reverse chin-lock. Rhodes tries a flying crossbody but cracks himself
over the steel steps, Bully sends Rhodes into the apron. Stomps to the head
from Bully, Bully turns to face the crowd. Rhodes trips up Bully and sends
Bully into the ring-post but Rhodes misses an elbow drop in the ring.
Bully looks
for a suplex, beautiful snap suplex. Bully goes to the middle rope, clothesline
counter from Rhodes. Back body drop and Rhodes pulls the shirt over Bully’s
head, inverted atomic drop by Rhodes. Bulldog by Rhodes, Parker places Bully’s
foot on the ropes, Parker is caught by Rhodes. Suplex into the ring? Parker is
planted and sells accordingly, Bully is up though and misses a clothesline.
Bully is on the apron, Rhodes wants a suplex into the ring. Parker trips Rhodes
and holds down his legs so Bully can win the match.
Another long
snooze fest here which is so sad to see considering I am such a huge fan of
Rhodes but this Parker feud has gone on far too long. Bully getting the win
means this shit is going to continue and it’s just beyond stale at this point,
they had The War Games match and the perfect blow-off but they just couldn’t
let it go.
Blacktop Bully over Dustin Rhodes via Shenanigans!
& Randy Savage vs Big Bubba Rogers & Avalanche
Are we to
believe any of these guys are threats to Savage or Sting? At every corner, The
Three Faces of Fear have failed and even with Big Bubba Rogers, they have an abysmal
win and loss record. Why is Keiji Mutoh here?
Sting and Avalanche
to start, Avalanche powers over Sting. Sting clotheslines and dropkicks
Avalanche, Big Bubba attacks Sting on the apron. Gut shot by Big Bubba, Big
Bubba lands a massive back-breaker. Big Bubba climbs high, Savage derails Big
Bubba who lands on his groin and Sting lands a superplex. Sting getting the
biggest reactions on the card right now, Big Bubba is bounced around by the babyfaces.
Savage is here now, Big Bubba jumps Savage. Right hand by Big Bubba, Savage
fights back from underneath. Sunset flip doesn’t work for Savage but Big Bubba
misses the splash. Savage slaps Avalanche, Avalanche comes in. Another slap,
Savage is tossed down like a scrub. Avalanche falls on Savage who tried a scoop
slam, Avalanche misses a splash and is stuck on the top rope. Gut kicks from
Savage and Sting, Sting kicks the knees of Avalanche, Scorpion Death-Lock time.
Savage and Big Bubba are brawling, we have a pier-six brawl.
Splashes all around, Avalanche explodes out of the corner and throws down
Sting, Avalanche misses a splash and Sting slams him but Sting is in the wrong
corner. Big Bubba decks Sting but Sting falls on the crotch of Avalanche,
hot-tag time? Savage is in the ring, diving axe handle to Avalanche.
Clotheslines all around, we have another breakdown with Savage slamming Big
Bubba. Diving Elbow Drop connects on Big Bubba, Sting is climbing to the top
rope. Savage is with the referee, Sting lands a diving clothesline on Avalanche
for the win.
Wait Sting
was not the legal man? Like usually these breakdowns get complicated and it’s
hard to tell but Savage clearly just got the tag, how did the referee lose
track of that? Incompetent twat but anyways, this was easily the best match on
the card, actual action and interesting wrestling.
Team Sting over Team Big Bubba via Diving Crossbody!
World Heavyweight Championship Match) Hulk Hogan © W/ Jimmy Hart vs Vader
Oh it’s time
with Vader being out of the championship picture for at least a year at this
point as Ric Flair would defeat Vader in that cage match at Superbrawl but now
after being number one contender for many months, Vader gets his chance at
They lock-up,
we go to the corner. Clean break from Vader, right hands from Hogan but Vader
does not even move, Vader just takes off his mask. Lock-up, slaps to the face
from Hogan. Vader is just getting angry, corner clothesline and no effect.
Hogan grabs the arm, elbows to the wrist. Vader sends Hogan to the corner,
rights and lefts from Vader. The challenger is destroying Hogan, short-arm
clothesline rocks Hogan. Corner splash by Vader, Vader chases Hogan on the
floor. Vader is whipped into the crowd onto the lap of Flair, Vader is not
happy. Hogan batters Vader in the ring, chops over and over. Ten punches and a
clothesline knocks down Vader, big boot and clothesline sends Vader to the
Vader Hammer
floors Hogan, headbutt by the challenger. Rights and lefts and a short-arm
clothesline by Vader. Vader sets it up, Vader Bomb connects! 1…2… Hogan kicks
out! Vader chokes Hogan on the mat, Vader misses the Vadersault as Hogan
dodges. Hogan grabs a chair, chair to the face from The Hulkster. No DQ? Hogan
misses his clothesline, Vader chokeslams Hogan down. Elbow drop on Hogan, Hogan
kicks out and Hulks Up! Right hands by Hogan, big boot by Hogan. Atomic Leg
Drop and Vader kicks out at one, Vader knocks Hogan into the referee. Vader
Powerbombs Hogan, cover but there is no referee. Ric Flair sprints into the
ring and counts the three, referee is not able to count the three when needed.
Splash by Vader, Hogan kicks out at two and sprints up. Clothesline to the floor,
Flair chops Hogan and that doesn’t work. DQ.
Well when
Vader was smashing Hogan it was electric, there was a feeling in that building that
Vader would topple Hogan, both men do their best in this one and while the
finish is weak, it’s still a seriously fun match. Vader no-selling everything
is always great, Hogan rallying with the crowd is always good stuff so I don’t
hate it as much as I have seen others hate it. Leaves it open to a rematch so
that could be fun, I am optimistic surprisingly.
Hulk Hogan over Vader via DQ!
That was WCW’s
Superbrawl 1995 and oh boy, that was WCW showcasing some of its absolute worst
stuff on PPV. The first three matches are awful, horrific long matches that don’t
do anybody involved any favours. Alex Wright is not looking great after that
match, I never want to see Buck vs Duggan ever again after that match and The
Nasty Boys are one of the worst teams to ever exist when it comes to putting
together matches, they are horrible in that ring when it is not a brawl. Really
disappointed with this stretched out feud for Rhodes vs Colonel Parker, it
should have ended a long time before this but they continue to stretch it out,
it’s beyond frustrating for me to see the downfall of Rhodes but that will end
soon. Sting and Savage bring the crowd alive, they bring energy and a much
needed passion/intensity to the PPV and have a solid match with two big men who
can get the job done with the right opponents, the crowd stays with them for
the main event also but this was so rough to get through, so boring at times I
questioned do I really want to do this with my spare time but nonetheless, the
last two matches are entertaining and watchable but everything else is horrific,
avoid this like that cheap chipper on the way home after a rake of pints
because you know that shit ain’t no good for you! Thanks for reading and
remember: there’s always another night!