Friday 25 February 2022

WCW Superbrawl 1991 Review!


Hello and welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the internet that continues to be as bland as a 2K22 Gameplay Video! It’s time for WCW Superbrawl 1 Review time! We have Ric Flair vs Tatsumi Fujinami, Bobby Eaton vs Arn Anderson, Sting and Luger challenging for the WCW Tag Team Championships against The Steiners, Butch Reed vs Ron Simmons and even El Gigante is going to wrestle! This should be a fun one for sure!


(Vacant WCW United States Tag Team Championship Match) The Fabulous Freebirds vs The Young Pistols

These have wrestled plenty, was shocked when I saw that The Freebirds had won the tag team championships but it was clearly a transitional phase as The Steiners have the gold now. So these are back to feuding, Armstrong east an arm-drag before taking down Big Daddy Dink and The Freebirds at ringside. Lock-up and side headlock from Armstrong, Dink trips Armstrong when the babyface runs the ropes. Brad Armstrong comes down to even the odds, Brad Armstrong and Big Daddy Dink has to leave ringside. Smothers is in and Garvin, the diving crossbody spot variation is here again as The Young Pistols wipe out The Freebirds. Baseball slide to Garvin, blind tag to Armstrong as Garvin gets caught with flying shoulder blocks for two.


Garvin resets, tag to Hayes. Hayes wants Smothers, side headlock from Smothers. Garvin low-bridges Smothers who collapses to the floor, stun-gun onto the guardrail. Garvin smashes Smothers with a knee when back in the ring, in comes Hayes who chops Smothers. Smothers sends Hayes to the buckle, right hands from Smothers but Hayes lands his quick-left. Tag to Garvin who eats a superkick to the face, Smothers tags in Armstrong. Back body-drop to Hayes, right hands to both Freebirds. Scoop slams all around, noggin-knocker and The Young Pistols are climbing high. Both miss their missile dropkicks, Smothers is canned to the floor. Armstrong is also tossed to the floor, diving clothesline from the top by Smothers.


Double clothesline to the floor, Armstrong is going high. Diving crossbody to the floor from Armstrong, Smothers is climbing high again. Assisted diving elbow to the face, Garvin is yanked into the ring. Armstrong lands the assisted dropkick but the referee is knocked down too. A masked man comes in and lands a diving clothesline, a clothesline and two big tornado DDTs and Hayes covers for the win!


Hot crowd makes this better than the usual match between these two, good stuff from Smothers and Armstrong, they are growing on me as a team. Probably would benefit from working with more good workers but the tag team scene is thin once more in WCW which is a shame. Good for the birds, they probably deserve those championships based on their performances putting over everyone in the last year.


Winners: The Fabulous Freebirds over The Young Pistols via DDT!


Ricky Morton vs Dangerous Danny Spivey

The fuck is this match? Spivey is back in WCW permanently? Have I not suffered enough, Spivey chops Morton over and over before Morton fires up, eye-rake by Spivey. More jumping punches from Morton, Spivey is too slow to keep up with Morton. Morton lowers his head on an Irish whip, DDT from Spivey. Spivey steps on the face of Morton and lands a clothesline for two, Powerbomb from Spivey. Spivey steps on the throat of Morton, Morton fights back though. Rights and kicks, Spivey catches Morton’s crossbody for a fallaway slam. Massive leg-drop from Spivey for two, Morton almost rolls up Spivey. Spivey dodges a dropkick, Morton dodges an elbow drop. Spivey lands another Powerbomb for the win. What was the point of this? Had they not already given up on Spivey?


Winner: Dan Spivey over Ricky Morton via Powerbomb!


Tommy Wildfire Rich vs Nikita Koloff

The hair is longer and the trunks are more plain for Rich, Rich looked his best when tagging with Morton but here we have Nikita Koloff who we have not seen in years before Koloff attacked Luger at WrestleWar which was tremendous. I was harsh on Koloff in the past due to losing his size and having him work twenty minute matches when his skills were limited. Rich lands a crossbody to start, Koloff is not happy. Koloff uses his power but Rich uses his quickness. Side headlock by Rich, Nikita backs Rich to the corner. Shoulder thrusts and Rich elbows Nikita in the opposite corner. Nikita dodges the second time around, Rich bounces his face off the ring-post. Scoop slam from Nikita, Nikita shoulder blocks Rich in the corner. Elbow drop from Nikita for two, Rich continues to survive.


Nikita is not happy, Rich uses uppercuts to fight back and bounces Nikita’s head off the buckle. Rich tries a diving crossbody from the corner but Nikita ducks down, Irish whip and Russian Sickle for the win. Nice squash for Koloff who may not be as big as his peak but certainly looks menacing compared to the last time we saw him in the ring.


Winner: Nikita Koloff over Tommy Rich via Russian Sickle!


Dustin Rhodes vs Terry Taylor W/ Alexandra York

Has Taylor dyed his hair? Shoulder block by Rhodes, Taylor powders. Lock-up and side headlock by Rhodes, hip-toss by Taylor but Rhodes shoves him off and arm-drags Taylor. Taylor pushes Rhodes to the ropes, Taylor sends Rhodes to the corner. Right hand but Rhodes fires back, hip-toss into a side headlock takedown. Taylor gets caught in a suplex before Rhodes misses a crossbody, Rhodes ends up on the ramp. Taylor stomps all over Rhodes, Taylor lands a suplex and a knee-drop for two. Rhodes fights back from his knees, Taylor pokes the eyes. Scoop slam by Taylor, Taylor climbs high. Rhodes counters with a boot to the face, Rhodes tees off with rights. Irish whip into a back body-drop, flying clotheslines from Rhodes. Inverted atomic drop with Taylor putting his foot on the ropes, Running Bulldog but Alexandra York is on the apron. Mr. Hughes is on the apron, Rhodes talks trash with York. Hughes grabs Rhodes, Taylor holds Rhodes but Rhodes dodge the punch from Hughes. Taylor goes down and Rhodes pins Taylor after a right-hand to Hughes.


Decent match, Taylor’s heel work can only go so far as the gimmick is quite bad and the in-ring work is not lighting the world on fire. Rhodes is doing well, some hard-hitting moves in there and The Natural may continue to rise the ranks in WCW!


Winner: Dustin Rhodes over Terry Taylor via Loaded Glove Right Hand!


Black Bart vs Big Josh

Have I travelled back in time? Black Bart has not been here since the days of the mid 80s no? Sweet Jesus Big Josh is really bringing Bears to the ring! Is that not some sort of torture nowadays? Big Josh is a big country boy who loves his bears, very redneck and country feel to this match. Big Josh lands two hip-tosses, a clothesline and a log-walk. Bart lands a throat thrust before Big Josh fights his way out with punches, wristlock from Big Josh. Black Bart tries escaping the wristlock but Big Josh has that hold in tight. Black Bart rakes the eyes and chops Big Josh, Black Bart rakes at the face of Big Josh. Slugfest all around, eye-rake again by Black Bart. Single arm DDTs from Big Josh, big chop into a double axe handle to the face and the whoopie cushion for the win. SHITE!


Winner: Big Josh over Black Bart via Big Butt Bump!


Oz vs Tim Parker

No more Master Blaster, this is the pinnacle of the sport. We go full into The Wizard of Oz movie with this ridiculously over the top intro for Oz. Tim Parker eats a shoulder block to begin, scoop slam into an Argentine back-breaker into a big slam. Game over, ridiculous gimmick that was never going to succeed but a seven foot guy who can somewhat work? WWF will treat you well boy!


Winner: Oz over Tim Parker via Spinning Toss!


(Taped-Fist Match) Barry Windham vs Flyin’ Brian Pillman

Would it not make sense to have Pillman vs Sid Vicious considering what happened at Wrestle War? Windham shoves down Pillman, Pillman is hot. Side headlock and shoulder block by Windham, scoop slam is avoided by Pillman. Side headlock and shoulder block by Pillman, hip-toss and flying shoulder tackle from Pillman. Big right hands by Pillman, Windham is backed into the corner. Windham asks for a break, kick to the ribs by Windham. Windham works the ribs with the taped fists, scoop slam by Windham. Windham climbs high, Pillman lands a dropkick which sends Windham to the floor. Diving fist to the top of the head from Pillman. Windham pulls Pillman into the ring-post, both men might be bleeding.


Pillman is tossed onto the ramp, Pillman is dropped onto the guardrail. Windham is fired up though, Windham is in control. Pillman ducks the lariat, spinning heel kick from Pillman. Chops from Pillman, sweat flies off Windham. Windham rakes the eyes and sends Pillman to the buckle, Windham drops Pillman onto the top rope. Pillman chops back at Windham, knee to the face from Windham.


Belly to back suplex from Windham, Windham looks out into the crowd before grabbing a side headlock, Pillman drops down and clocks heads with Windham when popping up, both men are staggered. Right hands by Windham, Pillman blocks and suplexes Windham. Pillman decides to climb high, Windham sees it coming and low blows Pillman after shoving away the referee. Superplex by Windham for the win, Windham gets more heat with right hands to the head of Pillman.


Good stuff considering how short the match was, they work the stipulation well with lots of blood and the shots to the head are certainly a focal point of the match. Finish protects Pillman too which is important for the growth of Pillman, low blow was a nice little spot and with Pillman regularly flying high, the finish does not seem contrived or forced.


Winner: Barry Windham over Brian Pillman via Superplex!


(Stretcher Match) El Gigante vs Sid Vicious

Finally, we will see Gigante wrestle on PPV and get involved, we had seen Gigante for almost a year at this point but Gigante was not involved physically in the six-man tag match at The Great American Bash. Sid to work a gimmick match with Gigant sounds horrific though, Gigante out-powers Vicious. Vicious wants a test of strength, Sid kicks low and Gigant sells accordingly by which I mean poorly. Horrid looking clothesline by Gigante, Vicious powders to rethink his strategy. Sid low blows Gigante and works the leg, shoulder thrusts from Vicious. Sid tried a corner clothesline but Gigante lands a boot and applies The Claw for the win. One Man Gang and Kevin Sullivan are here, Gigante fights off both of his attackers. Where was the stretcher in this stretcher match? Brutal!


Winner: El Gigante over Sid Vicious via Claw!


(Thunderdome Cage Match) Ron Simmons vs Butch Reed

Doom imploded as they lost the tag team championships to The Fabulous Freebirds, Teddy Long stayed with Butch Reed because Simmons was the man who was pinned in that match. Teddy Long hangs above the ring in a mini-cage, Simmons and Reed start throwing bombs before Simmons wins that war. Atomic drop and clothesline by Simmons, Reed smacks his head off the cage but Reed dodges as Simmons shoulder blocks the cage. Reed is whipped to the buckle and eats a belly to back suplex, Simmons sends Reed to the buckle but Reed blocks Simmons with a boot to the face. Diving elbow drop for two, Reed sends Simmons into the cage wall. Reed continues to beat down Simmons who is bleeding, closed fists to the head that rock Simmons’ world.


Reed tells Teddy Long not to worry about it, Reed climbs to the middle rope and lands a diving axe handle. Simmons begins to fight back with rights and lefts, Simmons whips Reed and tries a dropkick but that does not work as Reed holds onto the ropes. Fist drops from Reed for two, Simmons sends Reed into the cage and jabs Reed. Rights and lefts batter Reed who pulls Simmons into the cage wall, piledriver from Reed for two. Reed sends Simmons into the cage wall head-first like a lawn dart, left jabs and a massive right from Reed for two. Reverse chin-lock from Reed, Simmons fires up but Reed catches Simmons with a neck-breaker. Reed is on the top rope, Diving Shoulder Block for two.


Reed tries a splash but Simmons blocks with his knees, Simmons is fired up and rocks Reed twice with big right hands. Back body-drop from Simmons, high knee from Reed. We have a double clothesline spot, Teddy Long throws something into the ring. A foreign object, Simmons reaches for it but Reed kicks the head of Simmons. Reed has it now, a steel chain wrapped around his finger but Simmons ducks the punch and lands the Spinebuster for the win.


I have been very quickly reminded why I did not enjoy Butch Reed as a singles in this match, far too long here without it being interesting. Simmons shows good fire but Reed does nothing for him in this match. Should have been big stiff shots back and forth, power moves all around but here it does nothing for me. Hopefully, that is the end of the feud as it would make me happy and see where Simmons goes from here.


Winner: Ron Simmons over Butch Reed via Spinebuster!


(WCW Tag Team Championship Match) Lex Luger & Sting vs The Steiner Brothers ©

4 Babyfaces to battle to be the best tag team in the land of WCW, Steiners needed some fresh faces with the loss of Doom as a tag team and The Freebirds not exactly championship material. I expect this to be stiff and awesome at the same time, going to be spectacular if every sense of the word.


Rick Steiner and Luger to start, clean break. To the corner we go, Rick has Luger in that corner. Clean break from Rick Steiner, arm-drag from Luger. Rick Steiner takes down Luger who scrambles to the ropes. Side headlock into a takedown from Luger, Rick Steiner takes down Luger before Luger scrambles to the ropes once more. Clean break on a lock-up, side headlock from Luger. Luger shoulder blocks Rick Steiner down, powerslam for two. Luger misses a corner clothesline, german suplex and Steinerline from Rick Steiner. Two for Rick Steiner, whip to the buckle and a back body drop from Rick Steiner. Luger is whipped to the buckle again, clothesline from Luger.


Military press slam by Luger, tag to The Stinger. Rick Steiner is clotheslined to the floor, Scott Steiner watches on as Sting planchas to the floor. Face-buster from Sting, Rick Steiner is right back on his feet. Sting sends Rick Steiner to the buckle, Stinger Splash misses and in comes Scott Steiner. Tiger-Driver from Scott Steiner, tilt-a-whirl slam from Scott Steiner. Sting sends Scott to the ropes, stun-gun from Sting. Tag to Luger, suplex from Luger. Tag to Sting, inverted atomic drop by Scott Steiner, belly to belly suplex from the middle rope for two. We go to the other buckle, Sting ducks and Scott Steiner lands on the broadcast table. Luger suplexes Scott Steiner back into the ring for two,  Scott Steiner avoids a scoop slam and slams Luger. Luger answers with a powerslam, RACK TIME BABY!


Russian leg-sweep from Scott Steiner to counter The Rack, Luger does not see the tag to Rick Steiner. Diving Bulldog on Luger for a close two, Sting lands a missile dropkick on Rick Steiner. Rick Steiner clubs down Sting, Rick and Luger bang heads in the middle of the ring. Sting and Scott Steiner slug it out, belly to back suplex from Sting. Sting ducks his head on an Irish whip, Scott wants a tombstone but Sting reverses and plants the shit out of Scott Steiner for a close two. Luger tackles Rick Steiner and the referee to the floor, they brawl at ringside as Sting lands a Stinger Splash on Scott Steiner. Nikita Koloff is here damn it, Koloff comes in with The Russian Sickle plus a chain and Sting shoves Luger out of the way and is wiped out by The Russian Sickle for the win.


This was intense for sure, they brought the pain in this one. Incredible back and forth action in this one, both teams were on fire and it was paced perfectly with everyone in the match having the opportunity to shine, Scott Steiner continues to be one of the most explosive wrestlers of all-time, I love Scott Steiner so much when he is just going nuts. Sting and Luger as well as Rick all hold their own and the crowd is just loving this match, the finish is perfection because it’s the best thing they could have done, I would have waited some kind of draw but here we have Nikita Koloff continuing to interject himself in the business of Lex Luger. Now, Sting wants to kill Nikita Koloff so will we have a tag team match soon? Will Sting go after Koloff if Koloff wins the championship from Luger? Possibilities galore!


Winners: The Steiner Brothers over Sting & Lex Luger via Russian Sickle!


(WCW Television Championship Match) Arn Anderson © vs Bobby Eaton

When these two wrestled during The Midnight and Horsemen feud, it was tremendous stuff. How happy I am that Eaton has this opportunity to win a championship in WCW. Two great workers I cannot imagine this being anything but excellent, they lock-up and Anderson grabs side headlocks but Eaton continues to use a head-scissors to frustrate Anderson, massive right-hand from Eaton. Anderson sells the bejesus out of that hand, Anderson looks lost and staggers around the ring while holding the ropes, best way to ever put over that amazing right hand. Anderson is tasting his own blood and not happy, boot and face-rake across the rope from Anderson.


Lefts to the ribs and head, Eaton whips Anderson to the buckle. Anderson leapfrogs Eaton but runs into two boots and a vicious clothesline, Eaton is stepping it up brother. Eaton grabs an arm-bar after a two-count, Eaton is thrown off the top rope onto the ramp by Anderson. Anderson wants a piledriver on the ramp but Eaton reverses and back-drops Anderson onto the ramp before a back-drop into the ring. Eaton climbs high again, double axe handle from Eaton for two. Eaton steps into the arm-bar again, Anderson hides behind the referee and eye-pokes Eaton before wrapping his leg around the ring-post. Smart strategy from Anderson, taking away the speed and agility of Eaton. Anderson drops knees into the leg of Eaton, knee after knee into the leg of Eaton. Anderson uses the ropes for leverage on a leg-stretch, referee catches Anderson cheating.


Anderson lands a left to the leg, Eaton shoves Anderson into the buckle. Eaton limps over, bouncing the head of Anderson off each buckle in the corner. Anderson plays possum and cuts away the leg of Eaton, Anderson bounces the leg of Eaton off the ring apron. Right hand by Eaton, make it two. Three and they stagger Anderson, a fourth knocks down Anderson. Anderson scrambles to the leg and applies the pressure, Eaton is selling well. Anderson stomps the leg into the ground, Anderson has his suplex blocked and Eaton connects with half a suplex, Eaton cannot stand on his leg to deliver the manoeuvre correctly, Anderson goes back after the leg and drops his weight on the leg. Eaton kicks at Anderson with his good leg, massive right hand from Eaton. Anderson snap-mares Eaton, Eaton blocks the splash but runs into a Spinebuster from Anderson for two. Left-hands from Anderson, Anderson tries an axe handle that Eaton blocks with a right-hand.


Neck-breaker from Eaton, Eaton lands a scoop slam. Eaton decides to climb high, Windham was going to interfere but Pillman stomps Windham from doing the deed and Eaton climbs high, sets himself up there and Eaton lands the mother of all Alabama Jams for the win!


I loved this match, it was perfection from a psychology standpoint. Anderson sells every punch Eaton throws, Anderson from the opening bell shows the importance of that right hand from Eaton. Every time Eaton nails that right-hand, it is like death for Arn Anderson. Anderson works the leg, he knows the speed and agility of Eaton is his key and goes apart destroying the leg in some really nasty looking spots, they work a really good pace and it’s perfect because when Eaton goes up for that Alabama Jam, the crowd is ready to see Eaton capture that championship. They thought too that Windham would screw them out of a clean finish but no Pillman comes down and the crowd begins to believe that Eaton will do it and Eaton does and it sure is beautiful!


Winner: Beautiful Bobby Eaton over Arn Anderson via Alabama Jam!


(WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match) Ric Flair © vs Tatsumi Fujinami

Fujinami is the IWGP Heavyweight Champion, one of the golden boys along with Riki Choshu during the 80s and early 90s but soon it will be the decade of Hashimoto, Chono and Mutoh. However, at this time Fujinami is the man in NJPW and this match feels like an oddity considering where things were just a couple of months ago in WCW. It felt like we were going to run into a problem because Sting had failed as champion, Luger was not going to be the man and Pillman was not ready for such a spot.


Fujinami starts out with a shoulder block, drop toehold from Flair but Fujinami scrambles away, hammerlock from Fujinami. Flair does not give a clean break, forearm and big chops. Big chops from Fujinami, Irish whip and back body-drop, drop toehold into a bow & arrow from Fujinami. Flair kicks away Fujinami and they trade pin-falls briefly before Fujinami chops down Flair and applies a Boston crab. Fujinami continues to work the spine before Flair reaches around to grab a headlock, Flair lands a suplex. Fujinami continues to kick Flair, eye-poke from Flair. Irish whip but Fujinami lands a flying forearm for two, Fujinami forearms Flair to the floor. We have some action on the floor, Flair crotches Fujinami on the guardrail.


In the ring, Flair attacks the knee. Flair drops all the weight on the leg, shin-breaker into the Figure Four from Flair. Flair slaps Fujinami which is not a good idea, Fujinami begins to turn the hold. Flair has to break the hold, Fujinami and Flair slug it out but Fujinami is too strong. Sharpshooter from Fujinami, belly to back suplex for two. Belly to back suplex from Flair, knee-drop to the head of the challenger. Side headlock takedown from Fujinami, head-scissors from Flair as they continue to trade pin attempts. Flair stomps the head of Fujinami, Fujinami is thrown to the floor. Fujinami sends Flair into the guardrail and into the ring-post, Flair is bleeding. Was that necessary? Flair shoves back but Fujinami is knocking down Flair. Flair chops back, Fujinami chops back at Flair.


Flair Flip to the buckle, eye-poke from Flair. Chops to the head from Fujinami, chops from Flair. Fujinami lands big right hands on Flair, Fujinami tosses Flair across the ring. Flair wanted an Oklahoma roll but blows it, Flair is on the apron and flops to the floor. Fujinami yanks Flair off the top rope, Octopus hold from Fujinami. Fujinami staggers Flair with right hands but Flair turns the tide with chops, more exchanges between the two. Shoulder block and both men collapse with Flair on the ramp and Fujinami on the floor, small packae from Fujinami for two. Flair jabs at Fujinami, more chops into a side headlock. Fujinami has the O’Connor roll for two but the referee is down and Flair schoolboys Fujinami with a handful of tights for the win.


Tough match to rate because while I like the work of both men, this match has no reaction to it, this works in Japan but here where crowds have a clear babyface and heel, it just flops because the fans do not really want to cheer Flair but they are not invested in Fujinami as a babyface at all so when the finish goes down, it really is the first time you have a reaction from the fans which means for 18 to 20 minutes, the fans were not really sure what to do and that makes the match a lot harder to get into and more of a dull affair than it should be.


Winner: Ric Flair over Tatsumi Fujinami via Handful of Tights!


WCW’s Superbrawl 1991 was an interesting show, there is an awful lot of middle of the road action in this show, you have 5 or 6 squash matches to kick us off, no real substance to most of them. I am not interested in seeing more of Danny Spivey or Oz or Big Josh. I could have done without these matches as there is nothing of substance there, the show really kicks into gear with Windham vs Pillman, it’s short but the go for it with the blood and the usage of the stipulation, solid stuff from both men. Gigante vs Sid is a joke, not sure what Sid did to deserve that but then again, timeline wise Sid will not be around much longer so maybe they are jobbing out the big man while Simmons vs Reed is far too long to keep me invested, I am not a fan of post Mid-South Butch Reed without Ron Simmons, it does little for me.


We go from that though to the tag team championship match and what an absolute show-stealer this is from The Steiners, Luger and Sting. They destroy one another in glorious fashion in this match, everyone shines and we have a hot finish too with Koloff continuing to mess with Lex Luger, their eventual match should be a lot of fun. The good match streak continues as Eaton and Anderson work a great match with a lot of psychology that I just fall for and when Eaton wins a championship, I am a happy man thoroughly deserved for Beautiful Bobby. The main event is disappointing, I am not sure what they hoped for in terms of reaction but unless Muta was coming over in NJPW, I cannot imagine the fans reacting positively. Flair and Fujinami work hard but nothing interest happens there for me, finish is the only reaction from the fans. Check out the Steiners vs Luger & Sting, thanks for reading and remember: there’s always another night!

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