Looks like
it is time for another edition of Seanomanic Wrestling Reviews, no fancy intro
folks. Sorry, the reason? Well it’s TNA and Jeff Jarrett is in the main event
so you know shit is going to be overbooked. I have a love/hate relationship
with TNA, some days I adore you and other times you drive me nuts. It’s
Sacrifice 2005 and the main event centres around Raven, Jeff Jarrett and Rhino.
Jarrett brought in Rhino at the last pay per view, Raven continues to be
champion and has listed the help of Sabu to battle Jarrett and Rhino. Other big
matches on tonight’s card include Samoa Joe vs AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels
vs Austin Aries and 3-Live Kru battling against Kip James & Monty Brown.
Opening Promo
I am more
impressed with the promo packages for the big matches on tonight’s card, each
individual promo hypes up the matches perfectly. Jerry Lynn vs Sean Waltman
could be a show-stealer. Anyways, the opening promo for the pay per view
focuses on Raven while two narrators talk over clouds and images of TNA
Simon Diamond/David Young/Elix Skipper vs Sonjay Dutt/Shark
Boy/Chris Sabin
David Young
and Skipper are under the tutelage of Simon Diamond while our babyfaces are
united by the fact that they like to do cool flippy things. Young and Shark Boy
start, side headlock by Shark Boy. Young and Shark Boy have a stand-off,
shoving contest and slaps by both men. Shark Boy chops Young in the corner,
elbow by Young but Shark Boy nails a neckbreaker for a two count. Ten punches
by Shark Boy but Young clotheslines Shark Boy out of his boots, Young misses a
leg drop. Shark Boy bites Young’s ass before Young drills Shark Boy with a
right hand.
chancery by Shark Boy, Skipper enters illegally and nails a clothesline.
Diamond is legal, rope hung suplex by Diamond. Tag to Skipper, choke by
Skipper. Knee to the face by Shark Boy, tag to Dutt. Springboard back elbow and
crossbody by Dutt for two, headscissors is countered into a backbreaker by
Skipper. Gutwrench suplexes by Skipper, stiff kick to the spine. Cheap shots to
Sabin by Skipper, Young puts the boots to Dutt. Dutt fires back until Young
nails a facebuster. Dutt nails a slingshot hurricanrana on Young. In comes
Sabin and Diamond, hurricanrana by Sabin for a two count.
sole butt by Sabin, Diamond elevates Sabin to the apron, springboard dropkick
by Sabin, team heel make the save. Sabin tags Dutt and team heel catch Dutt but
Shark Boy nails a dropkick on Dutt which sends team heel crashing. Skipper hits
an ugly hurricanrana on Dutt, spinebuster by Young on Dutt but Shark Boy makes
the save. Shark Boy sends Young to the floor, plancha onto Young. Sabin and
Skipper in the ring, Skipper dodges The Cradle Shock, a botched sunset flip
from Skipper and Sabin leads to a flat finish.
high-flying TNA pay per view opening match, Skipper continues to be the biggest
botching wrestler in the world, forget about Sabu or Sin Cara, Skipper is a big
contender for that position. It was fine but nothing of note, just something to
put a lot of the guys on the card.
Shark Boy/Sabin/Dutt over Diamonds in The Rough via terrible sunset flip!
TNA on Spike Announcement
interrupts to complain about a championship match, Zbyzko announces Jarrett
gets his title match if he pins Raven in the tag match tonight but if Raven
beats Jarrett, Jeff Jarrett cannot have a championship match for a year. Bit of
intrigue to the tag match, I do not mind the stipulation.
The Naturals Promo
These guys
suck but they are the champions. Jarrett tries to talk to The Naturals, Jarrett
ends up offending The Naturals and Jarrett is told to hit the bricks.
Alex Shelley vs Shocker
The rubber
match between TNA’s Shelley and Mexico’s Shocker, Shocker was treated as a big
deal upon arrival but after losing to Christopher Daniels, it has been all
downhill for The Mexican Star. Lock-up, Shocker and Shelley mat wrestle with
Shocker looking the better of the two. Second lock-up, Shelley works the leg to
the frustration of Shocker. Shocker sweeps the leg and wrenches the leg of
Shelley, transition into a single leg crab. Lock-up and Shocker takes down
Shelley, judo like throw. Shelley kicks off Shocker and we reset, elbow to the
knee by Shelley.
In the
corner, Shelley dropkicks the knee of Shocker, Shelley tries for a splash but
Shocker dodges. Shocker tries a suicide dive, enzuigiri by Shelley. Shocker is
right back up though, snake eyes on the apron and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by
Shocker. Shelley hotshots Shocker on the apron, Shelley comes running in but
Shocker nails the legs of Shelley who tumbles to the floor, springboard plancha
to the floor by Shocker. Chops by Shocker, forearms by Shelley. Chops and a
rush from Shocker, Irish whip and a corner clothesline into a bulldog. Big boot
and a variation of an Indian deathlock. Shelley reaches the ropes to survive,
Shocker is in control with headbutts and chops.
reverses Shocker’s Irish whip with knees in the corner and a tornado DDT.
Shocker blocks a clotheslines for a beautiful submission, Shocker goes back to
the legs with another variation of The Inidan deathlock. German suplex by
Shocker, Shelley blocks the second and nails a dragon screw leg whip, Shelley
sets up for a figure four and Shocker cradles for a two count. Slingshot elbow
by Shocker, sunset flip but both men roll out for dropkicks in one another’s
faces. Shocker tries for a La Magistral and Shelley holds onto the ropes for
leverage and Shelley beats Shocker.
Nice change
of pace from the high-flying action of the first match, lots of submissions and
leg work from both men, thought it would play it to the finish but that did not
happen, would be a better match if the leg work was paid off but there you have
it, Shocker is a big star and TNA had the opportunity to put one of their stars
over and they did it so cannot complain about that move on TNA’s part. They
immediately cut away to the back so we do not get to put over how big a victory
it is for Shelley but it’s TNA, they did it half right and that’s a miracle.
Shelley over Shocker via Shenanigans!
Abyss W/ James Mitchell vs Lance Hoyt
Two big men
going at it, Hoyt is over with the TNA crowd and Abyss is yet to be ruined by
TNA so this good be a good match between these two, Mitchell is great, the
promos are entertaining and hard-hitting at the same time. Match was set up as
Abyss wanting to destroy people and Hoyt in way (Poor son of a bitch).
Hoyt charges
in at Abyss, right hands and ten punches in the corner by Hoyt. Shoulder block
by Abyss, Hoyt kips up, mocks Abyss and clotheslines Abyss to the floor.
Plancha by Hoyt, Hoyt shoves Abyss into the guard rail and steel steps. Right
hands by Hoyt but Abyss sends Hoyt into the guard rail. Abyss nails a corner
splash, giant chest slaps by Abyss. Hoyt fires back and chops Abyss, Abyss
misses a clothesline. Hoyt misses a big boot, Abyss signals for a chokeslam.
Hoyt elbows his way out but Abyss nails a giant clothesline, middle rope splash
by Abyss. Hoyt is rammed into the ringpost and make it double.
Hoyt blocks
the third ringpost attempt and Hoyt nails a leaping clothesline, shoulder
block, Abyss nails a knee to the ribs but Hoyt chokeslams Abyss. Hoyt climbs to
the top, moonsault by Hoyt. Abyss kicks out at two, Hoyt calls for a big move
but Abyss catches Hoyt for The Black Hole Slam, Hoyt kicks out of The Black
Hole Slam! Did not see that one coming, Abyss has a chair but Hoyt boots the
chair into Abyss’ face. Abyss kicks out at two after the boot, Hoyt hammers
Abyss in the corner and Hoyt has the chair. Hoyt places the chair on Abyss’
face, Hoyt is thinking Coast to Coast. Van Terminator by Hoyt and Abyss kicks
out of Hoyt’s Van Terminator! Hoyt kicks Abyss but walks into a Black Hole Slam
and Abyss picks up the win.
Hoyt did
look impressive, I will give the guy that. When you think of wrestlers who make
their opponents shine, Abyss is not a name that comes to mind. Abyss did not
make Hoyt look amazing, it was a lot of athleticism from Hoyt that made himself
in this match. I was not expecting Hoyt to survive a Black Hole Slam. Let’s see
where things go with Hoyt, ok match with Hoyt looking good despite not a lot of
help from Abyss.
Abyss over Hoyt via Black Hole Slam!
3-Live Kru vs Kip James & Monty Brown (BG James is The
Special Referee
Months and
months of build to this match, BG James was shocked to see his New Age Outlaw
partner Kip James in TNA. Kip wanted to align with BG but there was a problem,
Kip attacked BG’s stablemates Konnan and Ron Killings. Kip James aligned
himself with Monty Brown and BG James is the referee in this match and must
decide is he with The Kru or is he with Kip James? It’s decision time!
It starts on
the floor, Brown and James jump Killings & Konnan. Corner clothesline on
Konnan, James misses a splash on Killings, James is knocked to the floor,
Killings nails Brown with a leaping leg lariat. Konnan and Killings combine for
a leg drop onto the groin of James from the top rope, Brown & James try
leaving but The 3-Live Kru hammer Brown & James. Killings is dropped by a
tilt-a-whirl side slam by James. Brown nails a scoop slam on Killings, Shake,
Rattle & Roll knee drop by Brown. Tag to James, snapmare and kick to the
spine by James. Two count for James, big boot and posing by James. Tag to Brown
and Brown nails a floatover suplex, two count for The Alpha Male.
Chinlock by
Brown, Killings battles back to eat a knee from Brown. Killings dodges two
clotheslines and Brown collides head first with Killings. Tag to Konnan,
clotheslines to James. Rolling clothesline to James, Konnan drops Brown with a
K-Factor. Konnan hurls his shoe at James and hits BG by mistake, James misses a
Fameasser, Brown and Killings brawl to the floor. Konnan has a chair and James
attacks Konnan. James shoves BG so BG nails James and Konnan nails James with a
chair shot for the win. 3-Live Kru are still a unit, BG has given everyone an
Boring tag
match but at least we have a pay-off to the storyline that had been going on
for months, Killings sold until the hot tag, Konnan was in there briefly and
before you knew it, the match was over. No cut to a reaction from Kip James, no
face-off with BG James so I guess that is the end of that because they showed
us nothing more.
3-Live Kru over Brown & James via Chair Shot!
(TNA X-Division Championship Match) Christopher Daniels © vs
Austin Aries
Daniels had
run through most of the X Division so it is a nice change of pace to see Austin
Aries in the ring with Daniels, they must be before the Rob Feinstein scandal
where Feinstein was caught trying to solicit sex from a teenage boy (Guess
there is such a thing as bad publicity). Anyways, Aries comes in for this match
and Daniels smacks Aries to begin the match, Aries outwrestles Daniels on the
mat. Daniels shoves back Aries but Aries rolls around the ring like the
smoothest man alive and nails a back elbow to the face of Daniels, front
chancery by Austin Aries. Daniels rolls himself out of the hold, Aries
dropkicks out of Daniels’ hold and nails his heatseeker tope. Chops on the
floor by Aries, Aries is thrown into the ring and Aries nails a slingshot
corkscrew splash for two.
Irish whip
is reversed by Daniels, shoulder breaker by Daniels. Scoop slams by Daniels,
two count for Daniels. Forearms in the corner and a hard Irish whip by Daniels.
Daniels steps all over Aries, snapmare and a knee to the spine. Reverse
chinlock by Daniels, Aries slaps his way to his feet. Sunset flip by Aries for
a two, Daniels kicks out and nails a tilt-a-whirl side slam. Flurry of fists to
the face by Daniels, another scoop slam and a split legged moonsault for a two
count. Daniels calls for the Angel’s Wings, Aries rolls out of the hold,
Daniels slaps Aries over and over. Aries slides out of a suplex, slap to
Daniels and a drop toehold. Slugfest with elbows by Aries, huge lariat and
elbows by Aries. Swinging pendulum elbow by Aries, running corner dropkick for
a two count.
Daniels is
on queer street, sidewalk slam by Aries gets a two count. Daniels begs for
mercy to lure Aries in, jawbreaker and complete shot by Daniels. Daniels shoots
for The BME, Aries dodges and kicks Daniels in the face and Aries nails a 450
Splash, Daniels reaches the ropes for two. Elbow by Daniels, STO and Daniels
put his feet on the ropes, the referee stops counting. Aries rolls-up Daniels
for two, backslide for another near-fall. Daniels reverses The Brainbuster for
an Angel’s Wings. Daniels walks away with the win.
I liked this
match a lot, Aries looked great in this match. Daniels fired up Aries with the
slaps, totally underestimating his opponent. Of course, Aries shows Daniels
that Double A is a big deal. Aries sells, throw bombs and goes within inches of
beating Daniels. Great stuff from both men in this little match, that
transition from the brainbuster to the angel’s wings was so smooth and fluid, I
loved it. Great little match with a good story and finish.
Christopher Daniels over Austin Aries via Angel’s Wings!
Jerry Lynn vs Sean Waltman
One with a
lot of backstory, Waltman and Lynn lived together, they had matches together in
the early parts of both of their careers. Lynn used to feed Waltman and Lynn
was left behind as Waltman was snapped up by the WWF. Lynn never heard from
Waltman as Waltman big leagued Lynn. This feud was ignited as Lynn would not
allow Waltman to cheat in his match with AJ Styles. Big reception for
X-Division pioneer Jerry Lynn and rightfully so, the man might be the most
underrated wrestler of the past number of years. Never a bad match but always
the bridesmaid as opposed to the bride.
Lynn asks
for a handshake, Waltman does shake hands with his friend. Lock-up, Waltman
takes the back, standing switch by Lynn, same by Waltman. Waltman slaps Lynn
but Lynn returns the favour, Lynn points at Waltman and says “I know you”. Nice
little touch there, it’s the small things that add to matches. Waltman wrenches
the arm of Lynn, Lynn pops up and gets the better of Waltman once again. Test
of strength but Lynn tells Waltman to suck it, Lynn saw the kick coming from
Waltman. Another test of strength, Waltman sweeps Lynn and tells Lynn to suck
it. Another test of strength, Waltman eats a springboard arm drag but Waltman
nails a spinning heel kick to cut off Jerry Lynn.
Chops by
Waltman, Irish whip, leap-over by Waltman but Lynn nails a headscissors out of
the turnbuckle and Waltman is on the floor, crossbody by Jerry Lynn. Chops by
Lynn on the floor, Lynn breaks the count and goes back to chopping Waltman
before Waltman catches Lynn for a lawn dart into the ringpost, targeting the
repaired shoulder of Jerry Lynn. Baseball slide to the injured shoulder by
Waltman, Waltman attacks the arm as Lynn re-enters the ring. Waltman wrenches
at the arm, chops by Waltman. Lynn fires back on Waltman, leg roll-up by
Waltman. Shark Boy appears on the stage, no real reason storyline wise for
Shark Boy to be there. Reverse chinlock by Waltman and Lynn battles back to a
vertical base. Lynn fires up with elbows until Waltman nails a shoulder
heel kick by Waltman and Waltman misses the bronco buster, more X-Division
wrestler appear on the stage in support of Jerry Lynn’s return to the ring.
Headscissors takedown by Lynn, Waltman powders and Lynn is side stepped by
Waltman. Tope con hilo by Waltman, Lynn suplexes Waltman from the apron to the
floor. Missile dropkick by Lynn, elbows by Lynn and a back body drop.
Clothesline by Lynn, Lou Thesz Press by Lynn. Waltman is up, hurricanrana is
countered for a powerbomb by Lynn for a two count. Lynn drives for a Cradle
Piledriver, Lynn cannot lift Waltman with the bad shoulder, low blow and
X-Factor by Waltman, Waltman covers but Lynn has his foot on the ropes.
climbs to the top, crossbody but Lynn rolls through for a two count. Leaping
tornado DDT for another near-fall, Lynn has Waltman for a tombstone but Waltman
reverses and spikes Lynn for a near-fall. Waltman is pissed, Lynn counters what
appears to be an electric chair drop for a victory roll. The X-Division
wrestlers applaud as Lynn’s arm is raised in victory. Waltman walks over to
Lynn, bows in respect and shakes Lynn’s hand. Waltman raises the arm of Jerry
Lynn and they hug before Waltman drops Lynn with a single arm DDT on Lynn.
Waltman throws Lynn into the crowd and smashes the arm of Jerry Lynn with a
steel chair. The X-Division wrestlers come to Lynn’s aid but the damage was
story-telling in this match, Lynn had been seen as second best as Waltman was
in the WWF and WCW while Jerry Lynn could not get to the WWF, was fired from
WCW and remained in ECW. For years, Waltman was seen as the star and nobody
remembered the days when these two were starting off together and Lynn took
care of Waltman. The match begins and Waltman is frustrated time and time again
by a resilient Lynn who out wrestles and performs Waltman.
Angered by
this, Waltman targets the injured arm but Lynn is coming back for more and
more, Waltman low blows Lynn and nails The X-Factor, covering his friend
nonchalantly like victory’s assured but no, Lynn puts his foot on the ropes and
Waltman is left wondering what is it going to take to put away Lynn. Waltman
loses concentration and in that second, Lynn strikes and steals the match away
from Waltman.
Lynn proves
that he is on Waltman’s level and Waltman shakes Lynn’s hand, tells him that he
loves him and stabs in the back like the dastardly dickhead that he is, wipes
out Lynn and tries to end Jerry Lynn’s career. I loved this match, I loved
everything about it. Great stuff from two veterans and I want to know where we
go to next with this feud.
Jerry Lynn over Waltman via Victory Roll!
Shane Douglas & Team Canada
Eric Young
tries to rally the troops for the match against The Naturals & AMW, Petey
Williams takes over with Bobby Roode, Team Canada is coming back to the top of
the tag team division.
The Naturals & AMW W/ Jimmy Hart vs Team Canada
So the story
of this match is rivals AMW & The Naturals are teaming together to take
down the common problem of Team Canada. Not a fan of The Naturals, love AMW and
Team Canada but neither team have anyone else to work with, seems like they are
just going through the motions until a new team comes around.
Young &
Douglas start, forearms by Douglas. A-1 misses a cheap shot, Young clobbers A-1
and Douglas wringers the arm of Young. Tag to Stevens, bulldog into Stevens’
knee. Jawbreaker by Young, tag to Williams. Williams dives from the top and
Stevens catches Williams with a right hand, tag to Storm. Storm drills Williams
with The Eye of The Storm, Roode chop blocks Storm and tags into the match.
Roode goes after the leg of Storm, knees to the leg. Tag to A-1, A-1 poses
before nailing a shin breaker. Tag to Williams, low dropkick to the knee but
Storm fires back with a huge clothesline. Storm pulls himself up to tag Harris,
Harris nails all of Team Canada with right hands and leaping clotheslines,
stalling vertical suplex on Young.
Two count
for Harris, tag to Stevens who levels Young. Young low blows Stevens as Roode
distracts the referee, tag to Roode and Team Canada put the boots to Stevens.
Roode stomps and chokes Stevens in the corner. Reverse chinlock by Roode,
Stevens fires up but Roode clotheslines Stevens. Tag to Williams and Williams
chops Stevens. Tag to Young, Stevens battles back on Young, right hands by
Stevens. Young is elevated to the apron and climbs to the top rope, Stevens is
up there with Young. Stevens enzuigiris Young to the floor (That bump looked
like it sucked massively). Douglas runs wild, backbreaker on Williams, high
knee on A-1. Natural Disaster on Young, Roode nails a lariat on Douglas,
tornado DDT by Williams on Stevens.
In comes
AMW, Catatonic on Williams and a Superkick by Storm on Roode for a two count.
We have lost control of this match, everyone is brawling on the floor until
Harris dives onto a pile of bodies. Roode and Stevens are in the ring, Roode
crotches Stevens on the top rope, Stevens is caught but here comes Harris for a
tower of doom spot with Harris powerbombing Roode and Roode suplexing Stevens.
Williams misses a hockey stick shot, Storm is on the apron and throws Williams
to the floor but Stevens hits Storm off the apron and Roode rolls-up Stevens
with a handful of tights.
That was
fine, I really need new life in this tag team division. Naturals have not been
delivering while I am sick of Team Canada vs AMW. Nothing sloppy about the
match, just a lot going on and it’s hard for anyone to be noticed among so many
Team Canada over AMW/The Naturals via roll-up!
(Super X Cup Final Match) AJ Styles vs Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe
came in from Ring of Honour and beat everyone put in front of him, AJ Styles
was the face of the division and advanced to the finals, these two meet and the
winner faces Christopher Daniels for his X-Division Championship at the next
pay per view. Do I have to say it? Ok, this match is going to be all kinds of
badassery! Jeremy Borash does his best Michael Buffer impression as he
introduces our two finalists.
shoots for the leg and Joe is too quick for Styles, we reset with Styles
hesitant to start a war with Joe. Joe kicks Styles’ leg twice with Styles
tripping Joe on the third attempt, shoulder thrusts by Styles and a scoop slam
into a knee drop by Styles, snapmare into a stiff kick. Forearms by Styles, Joe
blocks the discuss lariat with a huge fist and a boot that knocks Styles to the
floor. Suicide dive by Joe, Daniels is on commentary and Daniels says it all
with his face, what in god’s name is Joe? Joe picks up Styles, Styles is
whipped towards the guard rail, Styles leaps the rail and nails a springboard
elbow into the face of Joe.
attempts a suplex and Styles scores, two count for The Phenomenal One. Muta
Lock by Styles, elbows and a side headlock by Styles, Joe nails a shoulder
block but Styles nails the kip-up headscissors. Styles and Joe counter one
another, Styles tries clothesline Joe over the top rope, Styles charges for a
final clothesline but Joe nails a massive spinebuster. Knee in the corner and
facewash from Joe with trademark running knee. Joe sweeps the legs of Styles,
snapmare, kick, chop and senton by Joe. Cover and a two for Samoa Joe, reverse
chinlock by The Samoan Submission Machine. Joe shoulder blocks Styles after
Styles fires back, powerbomb for two by Joe. Joe transitions into a high angle
Boston crab, Styles begins moving so Joe transitions into the STF.
reaches the ropes to stay alive, Styles catches Joe with his beautiful dropkick
springboard reverse DDT by Styles for a two count. Styles in on the top rope,
Joe comes up there with Styles. Styles shoves off Joe, springboard senton by
Styles, another two count for The Phenomenal One. Pele kick by Styles, jacknife
cover by Styles for two, Styles rolls back for the clash, Joe kicks out with a
boot. Sunset flip into a rolling cradle by Joe for two, lariat by Joe. Two
count for Joe, Joe kicks Styles in the head, toying with Styles. Slugfest in
the middle of the ring, Styles tees off on Joe, Joe tees off on Styles. Joe
misses a slap and Styles nails an enzuigiri. The Impact Zone is rocking!
Joe shoves
Styles for The Muscle Buster, Styles slides out the back, dropkick into the
turnbuckle, torture rack by Styles but the referee gets club from a hanging
leg. Daniels is off commentary and in the ring. STO to Styles by Daniels, Joe
and Daniels lock eyes. Styles clotheslines Daniels to the floor but Joe slaps
Styles in the face and nails The Muscle Buster and into The Coquina Clutch.
Goodnight Sweet Prince….
A damn good
match between these two stars of TNA, Styles works a ground based match to keep
Joe on his toes and not allow Joe to dominate, one mistake from Styles and his
plans are in tatters, Joe dominates Styles with submissions and sheer
brutality. Styles battles and battles much to Joe’s frustration and the big
beast is rocked for the first time in his TNA run as Styles has Joe’s number.
Through luck, Joe knocks out the referee, Daniels gets involved and Styles take
his eyes off the ball which leads to Joe taking control and putting away the
valiant hero. A lot of good stuff in this match, Joe has a very believable
style with a demeanour and body language that just screams huge star while
Styles brings so much fire and excitement to his matches. Daniels interference
sets up the triple threat angle perfectly.
Samoa Joe over AJ Styles via Coquina Clutch!
Raven Promo
Raven cuts a
promo on a staircase with candles and Sabu sitting in the background, Raven
kills it as always, nothing more to say than that.
Raven & Sabu vs Jeff Jarrett & Rhino
If Raven
wins this match, Jarrett will not have a title shot for a year and if Jarrett
pins Raven, Jarrett will have his title shot. Rhino debuted in TNA at last
month’s pay per view, Rhino was fired from the WWE after an unprofessional
incident where Rhino and his soon to be ex-wife had a public confrontation at a
pay per view. Raven was outnumbered by Rhino and Jarrett until Sabu turned up
in TNA and Sabu is Raven’s partner for this high stakes match.
Raven and
Jarrett to start, slap by Jarrett and Raven pummels Jarrett. Jarrett powders
off an Irish whip, in comes Rhino and Rhino eats a Russian legsweep into the
guard rail. Tag to Sabu, right hands to Rhino, slugfest between the two. Low
dropkick and leg drop to the back of the head by Sabu, Rhino clubs Sabu.
Shoulder block by Rhino, Sabu fires back with a spinning heel kick, Sabu goes
for the camel clutch, Jarrett saves Rhino and Raven throws Jarrett over the
announce table. Raven has a pizza cutter and Raven slices at Jarrett’s head.
Sabu suplexes Rhino on the ramp, trash can to the head of Jarrett by Raven.
Jarrett is bleeding everywhere. Sabu nails Rhino with a chair to the head,
chair assisted hurricanrana by Sabu.
Top rope frankensteiner by Sabu, Rhino kicks
out at two. Sabu was looking for the triple jump moonsault but Rhino tripped
Sabu. Jarrett nails Sabu with a chair as
does Rhino, two count after the chair shots. Jarrett is legal and clubs all
over Sabu, top rope superplex by Jarrett. Rhino tags in, headbutts by Rhino.
Sabu and Rhino are on the top rope, Sabu knocks off Rhino. Somersault cannon
ball attack by Sabu, enzuigiri by Sabu. Tag to Raven, jabs to Jarrett and
Rhino, discuss clotheslines to both men. Knee lift to both Rhino and Jarrett,
clothesline and bulldog on Jarrett, Rhino makes the save. Raven nails Rhino with The Even Flow, Jarrett
pulls out the referee. Sabu attacks Jarrett, low blow in front of the referee.
Jarrett has
his guitar, Cassidy Riley steals the guitar but Raven nails The Stroke. Raven
kicks out at two, tag to Rhino. Rhino clubs and puts the boots to Raven. Rhino
bites the head of Raven over and over, right hands to the head of Raven. Bloody
Raven is here! Tag to Jarrett, Figure Four by Jarrett. Raven turns the pressure
onto Jarrett, Jarrett grabs a steel chair but Raven avoids the drop toehold
into the chair and nails Jarrett with the chair. Tag to Sabu, chair to the face
of Jarrett and Rhino. Splash takes out Jarrett and Rhino, springboard leg drop
by Sabu. Cover and Rhino kicks out at two and a half.
Sabu dives
onto Rhino on the floor, Jarrett and Raven are in the ring. Jarrett drop
toeholds Raven onto the chair, two count. Seconds later, Raven nails The Even
Flow DDT, Rhino makes the save. Gore by Rhino on Raven and Sabu makes the save,
Rhino Gores the referee and misses Sabu. Chair to the face by Sabu and an
Arabian facebuster by Sabu from the top rope. No referee, Sabu kicks Rhino onto
a table, Abyss is here. Abyss stops Sabu and military presses Sabu through the
table but here comes Jeff Hardy. Twist of Fate on Jarrett, Swanton Bomb on
Jarrett. Raven pins Jarrett, Rhino makes the save for like the third time.
Rhino now has a table, places it in the corner. Low blow by Raven, Jarrett is
going for The Stroke, Raven counters for an Even Flow but Rhino Gores Raven
through the table and wins the match.
That match
tried to fit a whole lot in and I am not sure how to react to it. It had a lot
of weapon shots filling the time which is the norm for Raven at this point in
his career, Sabu did all his tricks and flips while Jarrett and Rhino used
weapons to their advantages too. Not sure on a few things like why Jarrett
needed to get colour? I could see it making sense if Sabu was bleeding and left
for dead which would leave Raven alone against two men until Sabu comes back
and the hot tag is made for Sabu to run wild but that did not happen.
The match
descended into finisher after finisher with saves coming out of everywhere,
there was a referee bump for god only knows why, Abyss and Jeff Hardy came out
but they could have done so anyways as there was weapons legal and low blows
sprinkled throughout the match. I really have no idea on how to view this
match, it was not great but I do not know if it was bad. I’ll leave it in the
middle, it was ok with some crazy stuff going on in between.
Rhino & Jarrett over Raven & Sabu via Gore, Gore, Gore!
That was
TNA’s Sacrifice of 2005, a show that was mostly solid and featured a few
standout matches. The opener was the typical TNA opener and I was not blown
away by Shocker vs Shelley or Abyss vs Lance Hoyt but once Jerry Lynn vs Sean
Waltman began, the show picked up greatly and only slowed down after the
over-booked Jarrett main event which I loathe so much. Aries vs Daniels, Lynn
vs Waltman, Styles vs Joe were all great stand-alone matches that told a good
story but also showcased the talent on the roster and there were some big
performances on this night. Overall, one of the better shows I have watched
from TNA. That’s all folks so remember: There’s always another night!

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