Hello and welcome to another
heart-warming edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling
review series on the internet that has taken a Shibata headbutt and lived to
tell the tale! WWE’s Summerslam 2006, one of the big four, a lot of big matches
planned for this show. You have Edge vs Cena for the WWE Championship after
RVD’s drug bust, you have King Booker up against Batista for The World
Heavyweight Championship, The Mcmahons vs DX in a feud that been building since
before Wrestlemania and Hulk Hogan is in the ring with Randy Orton, The Legend
Killer. The card is stacked but will all this starpower lead to great matches
all night long? There is only one way to find out so let’s do this!
Great hype packages for all the big
matches, Batista looks like a monster while King Booker comes off as an
arrogant fool. DX vs The Mcmahons looks like a great match while Cena and Edge
are fantastic, the fire from Cena is tremendous. I am looking forward to this
show, it is hard to not be pumped up for a show that is so populated by big
matches. Surprised that Hogan allowed himself not to be prominently featured in
that package.
Mysterio vs Chavo Guerrero
What a meaty pay per view, this is an
emotionally charged match. Mysterio was the world champion with Chavo
supporting Mysterio, Chavo grew jealous of Mysterio being recognised as the man
carrying the spirit of Eddie Guerrero. Chavo would cost Mysterio dearly at The
Great American Bash when Chavo allowed Booker to defeat Mysterio for the world
championship. Mysterio comes out hot to attack Chavo, Chavo trips Mysterio and
uppercuts Mysterio. Stomps by Chavo, Mysterio battles back with a springboard
moonsault but Chavo catches Mysterio.
Mysterio reverses Chavo with an
armdrag, baseball slide by Mysterio. Chavo dodges a plancha and nails Mysterio
with his own plancha. Chavo stomps away on Mysterio, foot choke from Chavo.
Mysterio fights back, kicks to the knees of Chavo. Chavo counters a hurricanrana
for an alley oop into the turnbuckle, back suplex by Chavo. Chavo says that
Eddie is in Chavo’s corner, Chavo has Eddie’s blood in his veins. Chavo whips
Mysterio to the corner, Mysterio is elevated to the apron which leads to Chavo
bouncing Mysterio off the turnbuckle. Chavo wants a powerbomb, Mysterio
counters with both men slamming one another’s faces into the mat. Mysterio
dropkicks Chavo’s knee, springboard crossbody for two. Chavo clotheslines
Mysterio down, Irish whip which Mysterio reverses Chavo.
Huge kick by Mysterio for two,
Mysterio is on the top rope. Hurricanrana which leaves Chavo in the ropes, 619
by Mysterio. Chavo ducks the west coast pop, Mysterio hurricanranas Chavo to
the floor. Chavo regains control as Vicky comes down to the ring, Vicky slaps
Chavo in the mouth. Tope suicida by Mysterio, Chavo suplexes Mysterio into the
ring from the apron. Three Amigos by Chavo, Mysterio nails a hurricanrana.
Three Amigos by Mysterio, Mysterio climbs to the top rope. Vicky knocks Mysterio
down accidently, Chavo nails a Brainbuster. Frog Splash by Chavo and Chavo
picks up the win.
It was a fine match from a wrestling
standpoint, Chavo is perfect for Mysterio’s offense, Mysterio will always be
able to look good when Chavo is bumping around like crazy. In terms of
psychology, the match was a letdown. We had all the makings of a blood feud,
two men with the most emotional fight on the whole card, the only match that
may be more personal than this would be Flair vs Foley. You get the point though,
this should have been some violent war but we did not get that, we got more
Guerrero drama with more focus on Vicky than the two battling over the honour
of fighting for Eddie.
Winner: Chavo Guerrero over Rey
Mysterio via Frog Splash!
Booker Promo
Booker and Sharmell cut a promo
proclaiming that they shall defeat Batista inside of the ring tonight. Edge and
Lita interrupt as the two had an argument over who is the most powerful couple
in the WWE. Nice bit of filler boys.
World Championship Match) Big Show © vs Sabu (Extreme Rules Match)
RVD dropped the championship to Big
Show, Sabu was also busted with RVD in the car by the police which might
explain why there was not a lot going on for Sabu following this match.
Anyways, Show interfered in the ladder match to decide the number one contender
but Sabu still managed to rip down the contract which leads us to this match.
Sabu waffles Show with a chair to begin, Arabian Facebuster by Sabu. Show trips
Sabu who was attempting a triple jump moonsault. Show breaks Sabu’s chair, huge
chest slap by Show. Headbutt by Show, massive scoop slam. Sabu escapes a
bearhug by biting, Sabu tries a crossbody but Show catches Sabu and hurls Sabu
across the ring with a fallaway slam.
Sabu throws a chair at Show, Sabu
climbs to the top rope and dropkicks the chair into Show’s face. One for Sabu,
Sabu has a table. Eye poke by Sabu, Sabu bulldogs Show into the mat. Sabu
drives Show through the table with a bulldog. Show is bleeding, Show wants a
splash and it connects. Show brings in a table and the steel steps, Sabu
manages to DDT Show through the table bridge that Show built. Sabu grabs
another table, Show catches Sabu and nails a Chokeslam through the table for the
That was bad, like quite bad. I
expected more somehow, I thought Sabu would have had more fun with chairs and
Show toying with Sabu throwing him around but that never really came. The
finishing sequence was quite shite too, the botch slowed everything down, Show
looks like a mighty idiot for watching Sabu fix the table and DDT him through
it. The Chokeslam was not much better, I mean why could Sabu have possible done
from that position? Really bad showing from ECW.
Winner: Big Show over Sabu via
Wins Diva Search
Layla is initiated by The Divas, they
shone her and take her into the shower while spanking her and getting her all
wet. This would be harassment would it not? Waste of time!
Hogan vs Randy Orton
Hulk wanted another comeback, Orton
needed a big match for his starpower to continue rising. Orton had wrestled
Taker and Angle over the past year, there is not much higher than facing Hogan.
Orton challenged Hogan and then assaulted like a punk because Orton is a punk.
Lock-up with Hogan shoving down Orton, more posing from The Hulkster. Side
headlock by Orton, shoulder block by Hogan. Another side headlock, Hogan
escapes from the lock. Orton has been thrown off his game, Orton uses the
referee to get an advantage on Hogan. Right hands and stomps, Hogan blocks
being rammed into the turnbuckle. Orton meets the turnbuckle, right hands by
Hogan. Ten punches and biting from Hogan, eye poke by Hogan.
Right hand and an axe bomber, eye rake
and choke by Hogan. More right hands by Hogan, back rake by Hogan. Mounted
punches by Hogan, Orton holds onto the ropes from an Irish whip and powders.
Orton attacks the legs of Hogan, leg work from Orton. Stomps to the leg, Hogan
writhes around in pain. Chop block by Orton, Orton misses a big dive which
leads to right hands from Hogan. Orton dodges the boot, dropkick by Orton. RKO
by Orton but Hogan has his foot on the ropes, Orton gets the visual pinfall but
the referee announces that the match will continue. Hogan Hulks up, right
hands, big boot and a Leg Drop for the win.
Yeah, this card for all its stacked
potential is not living up to the hype in the slightest. Hogan does all his
usual shtick with Orton looking like a chump in comparison, we get a minute or
two of leg work from Orton. Nowhere near the amount needed for a proper heat
segment, Orton gets a visual pin-fall but that doesn’t matter because nobody
would remember the match by the next day. Orton does not get his heat back at
the end of the match, Hogan has obliterated the challenge of Orton. The crowd
ate up the action, there is no denying that as the fans wanted to see Hogan do
his shtick but as a competitive match, this was an easy pay cheque for Orton.
Winner: Hulk Hogan over Randy Orton
via Leg Drop!
Quit Match) Ric Flair vs Mick Foley
The heel run of Mick Foley continues
and so does this feud, Flair and Foley had a real life altercation with
comments made by both man angering the other. The feud had the realism to it
and you have Foley who busts his balls to steal the show while Flair has never
had a match that has not been entertaining. Their match at Vengeance was not
the classic I had hoped for, the pacing was not exactly great while the action
left much to be desired. Hopefully, this match can rectify that problem and we
get the bloodbath that the match should be when all is said and done.
The match begins with right hands and
a knee to Flair’s face, Foley smacks a trash can into Flair’s head. Mr. Socko
from Foley, Foley has barbed wire on his hand. Testicular claw from Flair,
right hands by The Nature Boy. Low blow, Flair has Socko wrapped in barbed
wire. Chops to the face of Foley, Foley is sent tumbling over the steel steps.
Foley has a barbed wire board, Flair takes it to the face and Flair is bleeding
everywhere. Right hands by Foley, Foley’s chest has been busted open by Flair’s
chops with barbed wire.
Foley is sending barbed wire into
Flair’s face, Flair is walloped with the barbed wire board. Foley drops an
elbow using the board, Flair does not say I quit so Foley grabs thumbtacks.
Foley slams Flair into the thumbtacks, Foley has a barbed wire bat. Flair is
raked across the eyes, low blow by Flair. Flair batters Foley with the baseball
bat wrapped in barbed wire, huge right hands by Flair. Flair knocks Foley off
the apron with the baseball bat, Foley crashes to the floor with a thud. The
referee is calling for the medics, Melina is ringside to assist Foley. Flair
does not accept the doctor’s decision to end the match and goes after Foley.
Foley rolls through the tacks, barbed wire bat to the head by Flair. Melina
throws the towel in for Foley and the match comes to an end as Foley quits to
save Melina.
That was a great spectacle as these
two went to absolute war on one another. This was everything that Mysterio and
Chavo should have been, it was intense, it played on your emotions and you had
some tremendous action at the end of the day. Flair could brawl, Flair could do
hardcore if it was required, Foley was absolutely brutal in his attack of Flair
with barbed wire bats, boards and thumbtacks, it was good and you were waiting
for the rally from Flair. When it came, it was glorious, this card is living up
to the hype now. I loved the imagery of this match.
Winner: Ric Flair over Mick Foley via
I Quit!
Mcmahons & Estrada
Vince talks about Umaga interfering in
their match with DX, Estrada confirms that The Mcmahons can count on Umaga in
their match.
World Heavyweight Championship Match) King Booker © W/ Sharmell vs Batista
Booker has his crowning moment in the
WWE at The Great American Bash, Booker captured the championship that eluded
him on the Raw brand, the championship that seemed to be so close in 2003 at
Wrestlemania XIX. Booker holds the championship and it looks like it could be curtains
early as Booker’s first opponent is The Animal Batista. The same Batista who
never lost his championship, the same Batista who walked over Mr. Kennedy on
his way to this championship match. Lock-up, we have a clean break. Booker is
taken down with a shove by Batista, kicks and chops by Booker. Side headlock by
Booker, shoulder block does not move Batista. Batista blocks a spinning heel
kick for a powerslam, two for The Animal.
Batista throws Booker into the ring,
shuffle kick and chops by Booker. Spinebuster by Batista, Booker sees the powerbomb
coming and slides to the floor. Hotshot by Booker, stungun by Booker. Snapmare
into a reverse chinlock, knees by Booker. Batista stops Booker with a belly to
belly suplex, Booker cracks Batista with a sceptre. Booker covers and gets two,
rest hold by Booker. Batista wriggles free, Booker kicks Batista but lands groin
first when Batista ducks a Harlem sidekick. Batista crotches Booker on the top
rope, sidewalk slam for two.
Booker rolls to the floor, Sharmell is
going nuts at ringside. Sharmell is in Batista’s face, Booker takes control by
sending Batista into the steel steps, missile dropkick by Booker for two.
Book-End for two, Booker calls for the end. Scissors Kick misses, Batista nails
a jackhammer for two. Shoulder charges, corner clothesline. Booker ducks a
clothesline and nails a neckbreaker for two, Batista drills Booker with a
full-nelson slam. Batista wants a Batista Bomb, Sharmell attacks Batista and we
have a disqualification.
Well, that was not that fun either. It
was quite short which did not allow me to get into the story of the match, the
match could have had a better finish too. Sharmell attacks Batista for the
finish? That’s lame it should have been the sceptre shot to the head.
Disappointing first defence for Booker, thought things were looking up on the
Smackdown brand.
Winner: Batista over Booker via DQ!
Mcmahons vs D-Generation X
The feud that has been going since
Shawn Michaels pissed off Vince Mcmahon before the royal rumble. At that time,
Michaels was alone in his battle against The Mcmahons, the sides were evened up
when Triple H was saved by Michaels on Raw which led to the reunion of the two
and DX gracing our screen once more. DX destroyed The Spirit Squad which leaves
us with The Mcmahons fighting against DX. The Spirit Squad try to attack DX but
it ends painfully and in defeat for The Spirit Squad. The Mcmahons bring out
Smackdown superstars too with Regal, Finlay and Kennedy joining the fight.
Finlay leads the way attacking Michaels, Triple H manages to clear out everyone
Here comes Show, the Smackdown
superstars beat down Triple H while Show crushes Michaels. Show demolishes
Michaels with a leg drop across the chest, Show drills Triple H into the
ringpost. Show Chokeslams Triple H through the ECW announce table, Vince and
Shane watch on in joy. The Mcmahons call back the superstars, they thank the
superstars for their work. Vince scoop slams Michaels, tag to Shane. Left jabs
by Shane, clothesline by Vince. Shane chokes Michaels behind the referee’s
back, Shane elbows Michaels and attacks Triple H with kicks. Backbreaker by Shane,
tag to Vince. Double suplex and elbow drop, Shane nails Triple H with a baseball
Elbow drop/backbreaker combination,
Hart Attack by The Mcmahons. Doomsday Device by The Mcmahons for two, Michaels
is rallying with rights and chops. Vince rushes Michaels, Michaels nails a double
clothesline. HBK tags Triple H, right hands and a high knee to Shane.
Neckbreaker for Shane, Vince is pummelled in the corner. Knee facebuster by The
Game, spinebuster to Shane. Vince eats an elbow drop from Michaels, Umaga is
here! Michaels eats a kick, Samoan Spike to Triple H. Kane saves the day, Kane
hammer aways at Umaga as they brawl to the back.
Vince crawls onto Triple H, 1….2…
Triple H kicks out! Vince punches out the referee, Shane places Triple H in the
corner for a Coast to Coast. Vince taunts, assured of victory in his mind.
Shane takes flight and eats a Sweet Chin Music from Michaels. Trash can to the
head of Vince, Sweet Chin Music into a Pedigree. DX win the match!
Entertaining to say the least, it did
not resemble a match for most of it but it was a hell of a lot of fun, DX took
one big ass kicking from hired guns, they survived the onslaught while Vince
and Shane gloated, Vince was is one of the greatest characters in wrestling for
the way he is so cartoony that it is amazing to watch his plan crumble before
his very eyes.
Winners: DX over The Mcmahons via
Championship Match) John Cena vs Edge © W/ Lita
With RVD dropping the championship to
Edge, we get to see a feud that was cut short for Wrestlemania season. Edge
attacked Cena’s father to add a bit of meat to this feud but the rivalry was
already there when it came to this feud. They were two of the rising stars in
WWE, they had been world champions but they needed this match to solidify their
position at the top of the card, the two men had to put on a great match. There
is an added stipulation that if Edge is disqualified, Edge will lose the WWE
Lock-up with clean break from Cena,
Cena hammers away with right hands on Edge. Belly to belly suplex by Cena for
two, Cena’s hot start comes to an end as Edge dodges a corner spear which leads
to Cena wiping out and smashing his shoulder onto the ringpost. Cena makes it
in at eight, Edge stomps the shit out of Cena. Elbow to the head by Edge,
forearms to the face. Standing dropkick by Edge, Cena is bumped off the apron
into the barricade. Cena fights back before a spinning heel kick from Edge, two
for Edge.
Cena scores with right hands and a
fisherman buster suplex. Edge sidesteps Cena who crashes to the floor, right
hands by Edge. Cena fights back, shoulder block misses for Cena. Clothesline by
Edge, two for Edge. Reverse chinlock, Cena escapes only to eat a massive big
boot. Edge is on the top rope, Cena batters Edge to crotch the champion. Cena
wants a superplex, Edge knocks Cena off the turnbuckle. Edge nails a diving
clothesline for two, Edge applies a camel clutch but Cena powers out. Throwback
by Cena, Lita throws a chair in the ring which leads to Edge throwing out the
chair. Clotheslines, shoulder blocks and a side suplex. Five Knuckle Shuffle by
Cena, FU is countered for an Edgecution.
Two for Edge, Edge is on the top rope.
Cena springs up for an FU but Edge escapes, Cena applies a victory roll for
two. Edge dives into the arms of Cena who rolls through with his power, Lita is
on the apron. Lita does not touch Cena, Edge runs into Lita. Roll-up by Cena
for two, double knockdown in the ring. Edge O Matic by Edge, two for Edge. Cena
avoids the spear for an STFU, Lita is in Edge’s face with the championship.
Edge makes it to the ropes, Lita places brass knuckles on Edge’s hand. FU on
Lita but Edge nails Cena in the back of the head and we have a winner.
I liked this match a lot, I like the
struggle for Lita and Edge to try and defeat Cena who was clearly the better
man when it came to it in the ring. So many times, Lita wanted the easy way out
for her man Edge but the stipulation put a stop to that until we had a moment
of genius from the women’s champion as she sacrificed herself in order to help
Edge use the brass knuckles without being caught for the victory. I loved it,
it was a simple story to follow and I am eager to see what Cena will do to get
his hands on Edge and make things a fair fight. Liked it a lot and this was one
of the better Cena matches since his rise to the top of the card.
Winner: Edge over John Cena via Brass
That was WWE’s Summerslam of 2006, an
absolutely stacked card that did not deliver in my eyes, I thought the first
hour of the show was weak. I was not impressed with the way Mysterio and Chavo
had their match, I thought it was good technically but this was a big heated
feud, it needed violence and an intensity to it, they pushed it as Chavo coming
out of retirement to battle Mysterio. Did not feel like a big deal while Show
vs Sabu was laughable towards the end, juts not a good showing for the brand of
extreme. Orton felt like an afterthought in his match with Hogan, it had such
little impression on me that I forgot about it momentarily when finishing up
the review.
The show did pick up in the latter
half, Flair vs Foley was brutal and a fitting end to their war, I did enjoy the
shenanigans of The Mcmahons in their match with DX. It was goofy and insane at
times but that is what you get with Shane and Vince, you get entertainment so
no real complaints there. Batista and Booker was a let down but the WWE
Championship match was a great piece of story-telling furthering the feud
between Edge and Cena. Thanks for reading and remember: There’s always another night!

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