Hello and welcome to another edition
of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the
internet that is more lost in the shuffle than Mojo Rawley! Yee-haw, it’s WWF
Survivor Series 1994. Survivor Series is main-evented by Yokozuna vs Undertaker
in a Casket Match, Taker looks for revenge against the man who took him out for
months in the WWF. We have multiple elimination style Survivor Series matches
that dominate the card, I hope to God they are superior to last year’s pay per
view which featured two of my least favourite matches I ever had to cover on
this channel. We also have Bob Backlund vs Bret Hart for the WWF Championship
which is the most out of left field match that might ever exist. Anyways, can
WWF end 1994 on a high? Let’s find out!
The Teamster
(Diesel/Shawn Michaels/Owen Hart/Jim Neidhart/Jeff Jarrett) vs The Bad Guys
(Razor Ramon/123 Kid/British Bulldog/Headshrinkers)
Well this is fairly stacked, what a way to kick off this pay per view. Ramon continues his war with Diesel and Michaels while Bulldog looks to go after Neidhart & Owen. Kid and Jarrett continue their feud also, Samu is no longer a Headshrinker, we have Barbarian in there but I did not catch his new ring-name. Kid and Owen to start, that would be an awesome way to kick things off.
Owen backs away from Kid’s kick,
Neidhart decides to step up to Kid. Side headlock by Neidhart, shoulder block
for Kid. Drop-down and leapfrog, Kid lands a dropkick. Neidhart misses a
clothesline before nailing a shoulder block. Tag to Double J, beautiful right
hand from Jarrett. Jarrett leapfrogs Kid from the corner, massive right hand
but Jarrett struts too early. Spinning heel kick from Kid, Jarrett is on the
floor. Jarrett nails a shoulder block from the apron but the sunset flip
misses, Kid tags Seone. Seone slams Jarrett before Jarrett lands two head
punches before Seone knees the bejesus out of Jarrett. Whip to the buckle,
Jarrett kicks away Seone. Diving clothesline for two, Seone almost chops
Jarrett but Jarrett runs away and tags Owen.
Owen wants Bulldog, Bulldog means
business. Arm-locks as they trade counters, Owen flips out but misses the
dropkick. Owen is catapulted to the babyface team corner, gorilla press slam
from Bulldog. Irish whip, Owen is caught in a sunset flip for two. Owen is up
first though, enzuigiri and tag to Neidhart. Double clothesline, Neidhart tries
to rip out the hair of Bulldog. Another double team attempt but Bulldog
clotheslines the duo, Bulldog lands a stalling suplex on Neidhart. Tag to Fatu,
Diving Headbutt from Fatu. Fatu is grappling with his boot, Jarrett comes into
the ring. Powerslam from Fatu, tag to Ramon. Jarrett begs off, Michaels advises
Double J.
Lock-up, arm-drag from Double J. Strut
from Jarrett, Ramon is tripped by Jarrett who slaps the head of Ramon. Side
headlock from Double J, Ramon shoves off Jarrett and lands a massive right.
Clothesline to the floor on Jarrett and Diesel gets smashed in the face by
Ramon. Jarrett slaps Ramon before trying a crossbody, fallaway slam from Ramon.
In comes Kid, Kid is caught in an abdominal stretch. Michaels grabs the hand of
Jarrett for extra leverage, Kid reverses the hold before Jarrett hip-tosses Kid
to the floor. Kid counters a suplex into the ring, spinning heel kick catches
Jarrett. Tag to Fatu, in comes Owen. Spinning heel kick from Owen, two for
Owen. Fatu is rammed off the buckle, no effect. Fatu shoves off some of his
Rikishi moves, headbutt to the groin.
Owen blind tags in Diesel, Fatu superkicks
Owen but a clothesline puts down Fatu. Jacknife Powerbomb and we have our first
elimination with Fatu biting the dust. Kid comes in too, trying kicks and a
sunset flip before Diesel spikes Kid with a Jacknife Powerbomb. Seone comes
into the ring and guess what? Diesel spikes him with a Jacknife Powerbomb!
Kid have been Eliminated by Diesel!
Bulldog looks to fight back for Team
Ramon, Diesel throws Bulldog to the floor. Bulldog is assaulted by Neidhart and
Owen, it turns out British Bulldog has been eliminated too. Surprising for
sure, it happens so non-chalantly.
British Bulldog
has been Counted-Out!
Ramon is all alone, Ramon lands a
middle rope bulldog after a schoolboy but it gets a close two. Diesel takes
down Ramon, forearm shots from Diesel. Snake Eyes connects, Ramon fights back
but a clothesline brings down The Bad Guy. Snake eyes does not work this time,
Diesel meets the buckle hard. Scoop slam by Ramon, Ramon calls for the finish.
Diesel back-drops his way out of the hold, Ramon runs right into a big boot.
Jacknife Powebomb on Ramon, Diesel tags in Michaels. Michaels wants Sweet Chin
Music, Michaels nails Diesel by mistake like Summerslam 94. Diesel wants a
piece of Michaels, Owen and Jarrett are tossed down. The Teamsters are all
counted-out and Ramon wins.
How did all five be counted-out when
only Michaels was the legal man? You are telling me the referee counted out
each man individually? Anyways, did this match do anything except further
Diesel vs Michaels? What a waste of Bulldog vs The other Harts, what a
pointless match when all was said and done. Nobody came out of this one looking
great except Diesel, more angle than match, Ramon was an afterthought as well
as Owen. Just a waste really, very disappointing.
Razor Ramon is
Your Sole Survivor!
The Royal Family
(Jerry Lawler/Cheesy/Queasy/Sleazy vs Clowns R Us (Doink/Dink/Pink/Wink)
Lawler and Doink to start, whip from
Doink. Lawler eats an enzuigiri as his little kings check on Lawler’s head,
another lock-up. Lawler tries the enzuigiri but misses and smashes his face off
the mat. Arm-bar from Doink as little people stomp all over Lawler who is
caught in the hold. Lawler gives out to his team, Lawler wants to repeat the
spot with the arm-bar. The little kings fall over one another trying the spot.
Doink lands a scoop slam, make it two. Make it three, Doink has his little
clowns try to pin Lawler. Lawler is irate, the comedy is wearing on me now.
Lawler tries the spot, it doesn’t work. Doink arm-bars Lawler who has the
burger king crown on his head after Dink places it there.
We have a chicken fight but Lawler
lands right on his face, the comedy is beyond poor at this point. If you are
still watching this match, I salute you for your commitment to this sport.
Double dropkicks by Dink and Pink, Lawler is disgusted at his team. Lawler has
something in his hand, shot with the foreign object to the face. Lawler sends
Doink into the buckle hard, the little kings attack Doink. The Little Kings
lift up their feet, Doink whips Lawler into the pairs of feet. All the little
people are chasing one another, Doink nails a reverse elbow on Lawler. Lawler
rolls through a crossbody from Doink, Lawler eliminates Doink.
Doink has been
Eliminated by Jerry Lawler!
Queasy and Dink are wrestling, they
bite one another. Lawler is in the ring, Lawler is bitten by Dink. Cheesy and
Wink, Wink grabs the beard. Tag to Dink, diving axe handle from Dink. Monkey
flip from Dink, tag to Wink. Whip to the buckle, Lawler stops the monkey flip
and helps hold down Wink for the elimination.
Wink has been
Eliminated by Cheesy!
Pink wants Sleazy, Lawler gives out to
Sleazy. In comes Queasy, big scoop slam from Queasy. Tag to Queasy who twists
the neck of Pink, Lawler drops Cheesy on Pink for the elimination.
Pink has been
Eliminated by Cheesy!
Only Dink remains, in comes Sleazy.
Sleazy is knocked down, massive scoop slam and elbow drop. In comes Queazy,
Dink is taking down all the little people. Beautiful suplex and stomp from
Dink, Diving Crossbody but Lawler interferes in the match. Queazy pulls Sleazy
on top of Dink and this abomination is over.
So, Doink has had two of the worst
matches I have ever had the displeasure of sitting through for my review
series, I have never seen such trash in all my life. Lawler with one of the
best mouths in the company at the time and this is the crap Lawler’s given. An
awful main event with Piper at King of The Ring and some of the worst comedy I
have seen in wrestling. At least Lawler gives it everything, his facials are great
but no, never again allow Doink to have a Survivor Series match. Two years in a
row Doink has made me miserable.
Winners: Team
Lawler over Team Doink via Clean Sweep!
(WWF Championship
Match) Bob Backlund W/ Owen Hart vs Bret Hart W/ British Bulldog
The Hart family is being torn apart by
the war between the brothers Owen and Bret. While Backlund has snapped and
given himself a new edge, Backlund is an afterthought in the continued feud between
The Hitman and The Rocket. Adding in Neidhart and Bulldog adds so much to this
feud as it truly feels that the Hart Family is imploding before our very eyes.
What makes this more dramatic is the element of the towel, Backlund never
forgave his manager for throwing in the towel when Backlund was champion. Now,
a towel could hold the key to the championship for Bob Backlund. Did I mention
this was a Submission match? Sharpshooter vs Crossface Chickenwing
Backlund runs into a scoop slam and
hip-toss from Bret, arm-drag from The Hitman. Backlund is on the floor,
headbutt from Bret. Backlund is wrestling like it’s still 1980, scoop slam and
elbow from Bret. Backlund is trying to roll away, side headlock takedown from
Bret. Belly to back suplex counter from Backlund, Bret continues to maintain
control with elbows and a leg drop. Reverse chin-lock from the champion,
shoulder block and side headlock takedown from Bret. Backlund counters with a
drop toehold, looking for the chickenwing but Bret has it well scouted and
counters for a side headlock takedown. Backlund looks for the single leg,
Backlund is caught in an arm-bar before Bret transitions to another headlock.
Backlund counters, looking for the
chicken-wing but Bret counters with a belly to belly suplex. Sharpshooter is
countered as Backlund kicks off The Hitman, Bret clamps on a front chancery. Abdominal
stretch from Bret, Backlund manages to hip-toss Bret off. Scoop slam goes wrong
as Bret falls on Backlund, forearm from Bret. Headbutt from Bret, not a wise
choice with Bret feeling the effects. Bret tries a middle rope elbow drop,
Backlund manages to roll out of the way. Backlund pulls at the arm of Bret,
softening it up with uppercuts. Massive elbow to the arm, Backlund kicks the
rope into Bret’s arm. Hard Irish whip from Backlund, Bret’s arm is wrenched in
the ropes over and over.
Fujiwara arm-bar from Backlund, Bret
looks to escape the hold before Backlund lands a massive forearm. Bret suckers
in Backlund on the floor, right hand from Bret. Headbutt from Backlund, arm-bar
from Backlund. Bret tries a scoop slam but Backlund holds onto the hold,
stepping on the head of The Hitman. Fujiwara arm-bar from Backlund again, Bret
wriggles free landing a big neck-breaker. Knee to the head from Bret, Backlund
kicks back from his back. Forearm rocks Bret hard, Backlund has the Fujiwara
arm-bar once more. Inverted atomic drop from Bret, sharpshooter attempt from
Bret but Backlund holds onto the ropes and kicks out of the hold. Bret switches
plans to the figure four, Owen thinks about throwing in the towel. After an
eternity, Backlund reverses the hold, Owen screams at Davey Boy to throw in the
Backlund is caught in the hold once
more as Bret turns over, Backlund makes it to the ropes. Bret wrenches the leg,
elbows to the knee. Bret continues torturing Backlund with kicks to the knees,
sharpshooter again is stopped as Backlund makes it to the ropes. Backlund
manages to send Bret to the mat, piledriver from Backlund. Another chicken-wing
attempt but Bret is in the ropes, Owen is in Bret’s face screaming for him to
give up. Backlund headbutts Bret, neck-breaker from Backlund. Bret is sent into
the buckle hard, make it double. Backlund misses the corner shoulder tackle
though, meeting the ring-post hard. Backlund tries another piledriver but Bret
back-drops the challenger. Bret misses a right hand, Backlund applies the sleeper.
Bret runs towards the buckle and
Backlund smashes off the buckle, Bret and Backlund bang heads off a shoulder
tackle spot. Elbow from Bret, massive piledriver. Running bulldog from Bret,
Russian leg-sweep and a back-breaker from The Hitman. Bret’s Rope Elbow Drop, Sharpshooter
time in the middle of the ring. Owen and Bulldog chase around the ring, this
distracts the referee and allows Owen to bulldog Bret. Crowd hates that,
Bulldog tries a clothesline but Owen ducks and Bulldog hits the steel steps
hard. Bulldog is out-cold, Owen is concerned for Bulldog. Backlund applies The
Crossface Chicken-Wing! Middle of the ring, Bret is struggling to break free as
Backlund wrenches and tries to tie up The Hitman.
Owen looks on at the submission and
sees the towel on the ground, Owen continues to watch as Bret struggles to
break free. Finally, Bret is down in the middle of the ring, Bret continues to
struggle but the focus is on Owen as it’s a double feature from us. Bret will
not go down though, we cut to Stu and Helen who can barely watch their son
struggle in the submission. Backlund pulls Bret to the middle of the ring, Owen
cannot believe what he is seeing, a great act from The Rocket. Owen is begging
his mother to throw in the towel, the submission is still going for God’s sake.
Stu does not want Helen to throw in the towel, Owen begs and pleads for his mother
Helen to throw in the towel. Helen throws in the towel, Backlund is your WWF
Champion as Owen runs off celebrating the result.
9 minutes Backlund sat in that hold, why
in the name of God did they sit in that hold for 9 minutes? 9 Minutes of a 30
minute match were in a Crossface Chicken-Wing. This match is all Owen to me, Bret
and Backlund wrestle an old-school style wrestling match. During the right time
and right era/place, that can be an exciting style of match. I don’t think that
place or time was in 1994 in the WWF but the angle of Owen screwing over his
brother Bret is tremendous. Owen puts on the act of a lifetime to convince his
own mother to thrown in the towel to allow Bret to lose the championship. There
has to be another match between the two, there has to be Owen vs Bret II. The
angle is top-notch but this match is not for me.
Winner: Bob
Backlund over Bret Hart via Throwing in The Towel!
Million Dollar
Team (Tatanka/Bam Bam Bigelow/King Kong Bundy/The Heavenly Bodies) vs Guts
& Glory (Lex Luger/Smoking Gunns/Mabel/Adam Bomb)
Mabel are you serious? King Kong Bundy
are you serious? Happy to see Heavenly Bodies but where have Adam Bomb and Smoking
Gunns be during most of the year? Anyways, this should have some fire to it
with Luger and Tatanka doing battle due to Tatanka turning his back on Lex.
These two start it off, Luger is
chopped down and kicked by Tatanka. Luger is bounced off the buckle, chops have
no effect on Luger. Suplex from Tatanka, Luger no-sells it. Right hands from
Luger, gut punch and a bulldog. Clotheslines and Tatanka is knocked to the
floor, Heavenly Bodies are taken out by Luger. Bundy comes in, in comes Mabel.
Luger tags Mabel, Prichard is in there with Mabel. Mabel shoves down Prichard,
Prichard ducks clotheslines but the crossbody is countered for a scoop slam.
Prichard knees Mabel in the face after Mabel misses an elbow drop. Mabel will
not be whipped by Prichard, Mabel whips Prichard. Big back body-drop, Mabel is
on the middle rope and lands a middle rope crossbody for the elimination.
Tom Prichard has
been Eliminated by Mabel!
Del Ray comes in, attempting a
dropkick and clothesline but Mabel counters for a sidewalk slam. Del Ray tags
in Bundy, shoulder block with neither man going down. Mabel ducks a clothesline
and knocks down Bundy, Bigelow says let me have a go. Mabel blocks the rights
and hammers Bigelow, eye rake from Bigelow. Enzuigiri is avoided, Bigelow eats
a spinning heel kick. Mabel is on the top rope, Bigelow throws Mabel off the
top rope. Diving sunset flip from Bigelow does not work as Mabel sits on the
chest of Bigelow. Mabel and Bigelow tumble to the floor off a clothesline.
Bigelow makes it back into the ring, Mabel has been counted-out!
Mabel has been
Eliminated via Count-Out!
Billy lands a dropkick, Del Ray lands
a superkick. Adam Bomb and Bigelow are in the ring, drop toehold and right
hands from Bomb. Bigelow rakes the eyes, O’Connor roll does not work for Bomb. Bomb
lands on the floor from a crossbody attempt, slingshot clothesline from the
apron. Clotheslines on Bigelow, scoop slam from Bomb. Bomb was looking for a
big move but Bundy clotheslined Bomb from the apron. Bomb is squished as
Bigelow lands a bulldog and follows it up with a Diving Moonsault.
Adam Bomb has
been Eliminated by Bam Bam Bigelow!
Bigelow is almost rolled up as Luger
comes in, Del Ray tags in with a big superkick. Left jabs from Del Ray, knee to
the face. Forearms to the back of the head, eye rake from Del Ray. Irish whip,
Luger reverses and lands a Flying Forearm for the elimination.
Jimmy Del Ray has
been Eliminated by Lex Luger!
Tatanka and Bart are in, atomic drop
from Bart. Tag to Billy, double Russian leg-sweep from Billy. Tag to Bart, kick
to the ribs of Tatanka. Arm-wringer from Bart, tag to Billy. Scoop slam and
knee drop from Billy, tag to Bart. Bart lands big knees and shoulder thrusts in
the corner, tag to Billy. Massive dropkick from Billy, Bart tags in and lands a
monkey flip for two. Tatanka fires back, tag to Billy and we have a sidewalk
slam/leg drop combination for a close two. Tag to Bart, crucifix does not work
though as Tatanka lands End of The Trail for the elimination.
Bart Gunn has
been Eliminated by Tatanka!
Billy tags in Luger, Luger works the
arm. Tag to Billy, massive right to the arm. Billy lands a hip-toss for two,
tag to Luger. Scoop slam from Luger, elbow drop. Tag to Billy, snap-mare for
two. Tatanka survives an Irish whip and powerslams Billy, tag to Bundy. Bundy
comes in and misses an elbow drop, Billy tees off with right hands. Bundy
reverses the Irish whip, Avalanche and elbow drop for the elimination.
Billy Gunn has
been Eliminated by King Kong Bundy!
Luger is all alone, Tatanka grabs the
attention of Luger but Bundy smashes Luger from behind. Luger is assaulted by
Bigelow and Bundy, Bigelow misses a splash. Forearm to Bundy, clothesline on
Tatanka for two. Sunset flip from Luger, Bigelow is tagged into the match.
Luger eats a headbutt, suplex from Bigelow for two. Bundy elbows Luger in the
face, big knee drop for two. Bundy rams Luger into the boot of Tatanka. Big
chops from Tatanka, Bigelow comes in and lands a headbutt. Falling headbutt for
two, elbow drop after an Irish whip on Luger. Bundy lands a huge right hand,
Tatanka is now the legal man. Powerslam from Tatanka for two, elbow drop from
Tatanka. Make it three, Luger is dragged up to his feet. Luger small packages
Tatanka but it’s all in vain as Bundy squashes Luger seconds later for the win.
Odd one for sure, not one competitive
Survivor Series Style match taking place on this card but this was the best
they managed of the three I suppose. Odd that the heel Tatanka was beaten down
for so long and that Bundy is the man to pin Luger. It’s like some kind of
alternate universe but no, this was the WWF heading into 1995. From a booking
standpoint, they do get a lot of heat on Tatanka for attacking Luger and laying
the foundations for whatever grudge match they should have heading into 1995
and we also get to see that Bigelow and Bundy will be a threat going forward.
The WWF might soon be under the control of The Million Dollar Corporation.
Overall, a serviceable match with odd booking mixed in, what has happened to
Luger? Luger nearly winning the championship seems like a lifetime ago!
Winners: King
Kong Bundy & Bam Bam Bigelow over Lex Luger via Splash!
(Casket Match) The
Undertaker W/ Paul Bearer vs Yokozuna W/ Mr. Fuji & Jim Cornette
Imagine defeating the greatest
challenge to your WWF Championship reign only for that man to return 8 months
later to finish what he started, The Undertaker never forgets ladies and
gentlemen. Yokozuna and the heels of the WWF destroyed Undertaker at Royal
Rumble 1994, allowing Yokozuna to retain his championship but The Deadman
returned taking out his impostor before setting his sights on the man who tried
to end his career.
Yokozuna tries running, Taker punches
and kicks his way through Yokozuna. Yokozuna lands a corner splash, no effect
on Taker. Yokozuna is afraid of the casket, Taker punches Yokozuna onto the
casket. Yokozuna’s head is bounced off the steel steps, Old School connects from
The Phenom. Yokozuna lands a Samoan drop to avoid a clothesline but Taker sits
up, clothesline from Yokozuna. Taker sits up once more, headbutt from Yokozuna.
Down goes Taker, Taker fights back from his knees. Taker is on the apron,
Yokozuna is caught with a stun-gun. Yokozuna is down, Taker misses an elbow
drop. Massive uranage from Yokozuna, Taker tries to rise before Yokozuna
flattens Taker with a leg drop.
Yokozuna rolls Taker towards the
casket, Taker survives being placed in the casket. Taker batters Yokozuna
inside of the casket, Fuji pulls the hair of Taker. Taker wallops Cornette,
scoop slam in the ring by Yokozuna. Taker sits up again, Taker is on the floor
and is rammed into the steel steps. Yokozuna sends Taker to the buckle, Taker
explodes out with a clothesline. Yokozuna tries an Irish whip but lowers the
head, Taker slams Yokozuna’s head into the mat. Top rope Diving Clothesline from
Taker, Taker has to slowly roll Yokozuna towards the casket.
Here comes King Kong Bundy, Chuck
Norris is standing guard by the casket. Bundy is being stopped by referees,
Bundy is not afraid of Chuck Norris. Norris stares down Bundy, here comes Bam
Bam Bigelow. Could Chuck Norris take down two at once? Here’s IRS who low blows
Taker and sends The Deadman into the buckles in the ring, IRS hammers Taker with
right hands and a massive sleeper. Taker is choked into the casket, Yokozuna is
coming to his senses. Yokozuna is about to close the lid before Taker’s hand
shoots up from the casket. Double J is in the face of Chuck Norris, Norris
kicks back Double J. Taker pummels Yokozuna, flying clothesline and DDT from
The Deadman. Boot from Taker which leaves Yokozuna in the casket, the Japanese
Flag broken and thrown into the casket and we are done.
I do love me some Undertaker but these
two main events that Undertaker have had have been less than great. While the
original interaction between Taker and Yokozuna at Survivor Series 1993 was
great and The Rumble match was interesting for how strong Taker was put over in
that match, this match did not deliver for me. It had dull points, Yokozuna and
a slow-moving Taker do not gel well together for me. I enjoy their work at
times but it just felt like we were constantly waiting for this match to finish
and Taker go over. Interesting to see IRS attack Taker, I guess they will
battle at Royal Rumble. I think if IRS has his briefcase you could have gotten
a more believable reaction from the fans than a sleeper. Oh and I am not
looking forward to IRS vs Taker if you are wondering, I am happy awaiting the
retirement of IRS. Anyways, this was ok I guess, I was sucked into it like
other Taker matches and it just was there like this pay per view. Glad to see
Taker get revenge on Yokozuna, continuity is always nice but not sure what
could have sent the fans home happier so I guess it did its job.
Winner: Undertaker
over Yokozuna via Placing In The Casket!
That was WWF’s Survivor Series 1994,
the worst of the pay per views of 1994. I do not know if I really enjoyed a single
match on this show. If I was hard-pressed, I could say that I enjoyed Owen’s
performance on the outside during The Bret match but apart from that, I am struggling.
We kicked off with an angle, an angle to put over Diesel as the man in the WWF.
Diesel destroys Ramon’s team and Michaels superkicks Diesel which leads to
Diesel wanting to kill Michaels. It’s fine for matches to be just vehicles for
angles sometimes, that I do not take issue with but when the card is so light
on matches, especially considering what came next, it really takes away from
the pay per view. So, Fatu doesn’t like shoes is another takeaway from this?
Ok, cool but seriously what a waste of Owen, Neidhart and Bulldog and Ramon.
Five men counted out at once? Come on, that’s garbage!
Things do not get better with Doink vs
Lawler, terrible comedy and Doink is first to go. Match is painfully boring,
painfully slow and is as bad as Piper vs Lawler from KOTR 1994 in the sense
that this might have worked like 10 years before this but now it’s just sad.
Bret vs Backlund was an old-school style match, it didn’t click for me.
Backlund seems hokey and out of place while that style of wrestling is not
really your WWF 1994 New Generation style at all. Also, nine minutes in a hold
is ridiculous, Owen steals the show in this one. Team Tatanka vs Team Luger is
the closest you get to a proper Survivor Series Style match and it’s alright,
Team Luger never seemed to have a chance and Mabel once again, clotheslines
himself to the floor and gets counted out proving to me that Mabel is the
dumbest man in the WWF. Anyways, Bundy goes over which was a surprise and it
seems that the feud for Luger vs Tatanka has to go somewhere because they are investing
so much into it but I have to ask: Do I really care? Not really based off this
Finally, Taker vs Yokozuna in a Casket
Match. I don’t think it was exciting, I don’t think there was a lot of drama to
this match. Taker slowly took down Yokozuna, we have a setup for a feud with
The Million Dollar Corporation. Taker can have fun chasing down the members of
that group so we are sorted angle-wise but this match was just dull to me.
Easily the weakest of 1994, I really hope people are exaggerating how bad 1995
is but then again, I don’t think they are so join me for WWF in 1995 next.
Thanks for reading and remember: there’s always another night!
Here's what could've been done with the Bad Guys/Teamsters match:
ReplyDeleteThe main objectives were obviously to break up HBK and Diesel, turn Diesel face, and position Diesel as the next main event guy.
So, instead of wasting everyone's time with a 20-minute match without a third act and a totally nonsensical ending, how about you have Diesel run through Razor's whole team (like he did), tag HBK in (like he did), hold Razor for the superkick (like he did), have HBK miss and hit Diesel (like he did), and then have Razor roll HBK up for the pin. Then, Diesel (now the legal man) realizes what happened and angrily chases HBK back to the dressing room, thus getting counted out and making it a 3-on-1 match.
Razor gallantly battles Owen, Jarrett, and Anvil, eventually eliminating Anvil, before Owen and Jarrett's heel tactics become too much and Jarrett covers Razor for the win (thus setting Jarrett up as the #1 IC Title contender, which they were gonna do anyway). Would that have been so hard?
Then you'd have an epic, dramatic elimination match that elevates Diesel and Jarrett, sets up the HBK/Diesel feud, and paints Razor as a courageous fighter who never gives up despite the long odds.
But no, let's just throw out another potentially awesome Survivor Series match.