Hello and welcome to another edition
of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the
internet with less direction than the AEW Women’s Division! TNA Against All
Odds 2007! After taking a mental break from TNA due to their booking, I have
decided to dip my feet back in those dangerous waters. Hold you applause, I
know you wish to congratulate me on my bravery but I do it all for you.
Christian Cage vs Kurt Angle for the NWA/TNA World Heavyweight Championship. The
promo is all about these two, it seems Scott Steiner has returned in the
meantime how lucky we are! No hype for any other match on the card, I assume
Rhino vs Styles will be taking place as well as Chris Sabin vs Jerry Lynn and
Sting confronting Abyss. What will happen? Who knows! Let’s get it on!
(Little Italy
Street Fight Match) Team 3D vs LAX W/ Konnan
The fuck is this match? Whatever, here
comes LAX jumping Team 3D. Tables and t-shirts go flying, Devon is being choked
while Homicide cracks Ray with a lead pipe. Weapons are all around the ring,
Devon is smashed with the chair. Homicide wipes out Ray with a beautiful middle
rope tope con hilo. Hernandez tries a suicide dive over the top rope, Devon
cracks Hernandez with a chair. Ray back drops Homicide into the ring-post.
Homicide ducks a chair shot and cracks Ray with the chair. Homicide tries a
crossbody dive but Ray catches Homicide and nails a massive fallaway slam.
Devon is battering Hernandez with a trash can lid.
Ray was getting a lap-dance, yes women
in cages gave him a lap-dance mid-match. Ray’s stupidity leads to LAX
dominating Team 3D. Hernandez stun-guns Devon with the help of Homicide for a
two. Hernandez and Ray are on the floor, both men are down with a clothesline.
Devon eats a trash can to the back of the head, Homicide has a pizza cutter.
Devon whips Homicide to the buckle, Devon misses a splash and Homicide cuts the
head of Devon. Ray has a cheese-grater, Homicide is cracked with the grater.
Homicide and Devon are busted open, blood everywhere brother. Wait a minute, 4
or 5 LAX amigos come in and attack Team 3D. Team 3D fight off the heels,
Homicide is slammed and we have the Wassup Headbutt. Ray calls for a table,
Team 3D are here to end this one in a hurry.
Devon pulls out a table, Hernandez
misses a clothesline. Scoop slam by Ray, here comes more Latino Nation members.
Devon takes out the members, Homicide nails a diving hurricanrana on Ray,
Hernandez nails Ray with a spinebuster through the table Devon brought into the
ring. Diving Elbow drop from Homicide for two, Devon tosses Hernandez to the
floor. Saving Grace on Homicide for a close two. Devon places Homicide on the
top rope, The Latino Nation prevent a superplex. Hernandez is up, massive
Border Toss on Devon and LAX steal the win in the Little Italy Street Fight.
While the match concept was cheesy as
hell and a lap-dance in a middle of a very heated feud is just bizarre, I did
enjoy this match. A very east on the eyes opening match with Hernandez showing
his impressive athleticism as usual and Homicide bringing the fire. Team 3D can
brawl and they know enough to have some good spots mixed in there to keep the crowd
hot during this match, good stuff for a cheesy hardcore match.
Winners: LAX over
Team 3D via Border Toss!
Senshi vs Austin
These two are facing off as Starr slapped
the face of Senshi at the end of Kevin Nash’s tournament, Senshi goes right
after Starr. Rights and lefts but Starr fires back with forearms. Whip to the buckle,
Senshi reverses and nails a hip-toss and a scoop slam. Flashing Elbow for two,
Senshi misses a splash but Starr wastes time admiring his dodge. Chop and
dropkick by Senshi for two, Starr begs for mercy and sends Senshi to the apron.
Eye rake and stun-gun from Starr, Heat-Seeking Missile from Starr. Slingshot
atomico and strut from Starr, massive flying elbow for two.
Senshi is placed on the turnbuckle,
back rakes from Starr. Three times from Starr, Starr chokes Senshi using the
middle rope. Starr uses his hamstring to choke Senshi, Senshi begins to fight
back on his knees but Starr grabs Senshi and elbows his head repeatedly.
Massive chop from Starr, scoop slam and pendulum elbow misses. Here comes the
kicks of Senshi but Starr nails a massive gut-wrench powerbomb out of nowhere
for two. To the corner, Starr slaps Senshi over and over. Elbow to the head,
Senshi ducks clotheslines from Starr and nails a massive forearm. Kicks by
Senshi, whip off the ropes. Spinning sole butt, delayed kick from Senshi.
Cover for two, chops by Senshi machine
gun style. Whip reversed by Starr, Senshi nails a springboard enzuigiri for
two. Starr blocks a suplex, Senshi chops back. Senshi misses a running knee,
Starr tries for the brainbuster but Senshi nails a rolling kappu kick. Out of
the corner, Starr clamps on a crossface chicken-wing. Senshi escapes, John Wu
dropkick. Warrior’s Way is avoided by Starr, Starr sends Senshi into the
turnbuckle. Crossface Chicken-Wing into an O Connor roll using the tights,
Senshi rolls through and bridges over Starr to win. Starr throws a tantrum but
this match is over.
That was alright, these are two
awesome talents but the angle is flat and the match feels like a match that is
second on the card. No counters for counters, no working of body parts. Starr rips
at Senshi’s face for some good heat ut it never kicks into second gear, it is
just a match and something I will have no memory of ten minutes from now.
Winner: Senshi
over Austin Starr via Bridging Pin!
(Tuxedo Match)
Big Fat Oily Guy vs Christy Hemme
You win by stripping your opponent,
poor Christy was fighting for respect while Kip James was telling Hemme to suck
his dick essentially. Somehow, Hemme is the heel and anyways, this is a match.
Hemme strips off the shirt of Oily Guy,
Hemme tries a splash on Oily Guy but Oily Guy gets her pants. Knee by Hemme
and Hemme misses a splash. Oily Guy slams Hemme but misses a splash, another
knee by Hemme. Sunset flip fails and Oily Guy drops himself on Hemme. Hemme low
blows Oily Guy and strips Oily Guy. Hemme is on the microphone, Hemme berates
management and TNA. Here comes the music of VKM, prime dickhead Kip James is
here to laugh at Hemme in her underwear. Kip James decides to strip Hemme,
humiliating Hemme in the process. Yeah, this is rough looking back on, it is
always going to be and it is crazy to think this is on the same show as Gail Kim
looking to actually begin a women’s division.
Winner: Christy
Hemme over Big Fat Oily Guy via Stripping!
Lance Hoyt W/
David Eckstein vs Dale Torborg W/ A.J. Pierzynski
Is this just a gimmick pay per view?
Baseball match? Anyways, Torborg aka The Kiss Demon is wrestling Lance Hoyt,
Hoyt has cooled off massively barely being featured near anything meaningful in
terms of angles. Big tall dudes and terrible fashion, Hoyt sees the cheap shot
of Torborg coming. Right hands, dropkicks and a flapjack. Clothesline to the
floor, AJ distracts Hoyt. Hoyt ignores AJ until AJ low blows Hoyt. Eckstein is
with the referee, AJ gets in more shots on Hoyt. Torborg pummels Hoyt, whip and
a clothesline. Whip and corner clothesline, massive suplex from Torborg. Hoyt
battles back before missing a corner splash, Hoyt is whipped to the corner and
climbs the buckle, massive diving clothesline on Torborg. Flying forearm, big
boot from Hoyt. AJ is on the apron, chair to the back of Hoyt behind the
referee’s back. Torborg gets the win but the referee reverses the decision
based on Eckstein’s testimony. Torborg is hit with the chair by Eckstein,
shitty F-5 from Hoyt for the win.
Mercifully, it was short but by God
was it shit. Best part of the match was that AJ guy, complete tool played his
role to perfection. Torborg and Hoyt suck inside of that ring.
Winner: Lance
Hoyt over Torborg via Terrible F-5!
(Motor City Chain
Match) AJ Styles vs Rhino
Awkward babyface Rhino takes on newly
minted heel AJ Styles, Styles is fitting into the role like a glove but this
feud has done anything but excite me. Rhino has been made look like a goon at
every turn, Styles always out-smarting The War Machine. To make this chain
match even more convoluted, we have weapons hanging from a pole on two
ring-posts. A chain and a nightstick, Rhino tries to rope in Styles. Styles and
Rhino have a game of chase, Rhino catches Styles and batters Styles into guard-rail
and ring-post. Rhino throws Styles into the ring, Styles baseball slides Rhino.
Styles pulls Rhino into the ring-apron.
Styles takes control, sending Rhino
into the guard-rail and raining down with closed fists. Rhino and Styles fight
over the chain, Styles is pulled into the ring-post. Whip to the buckle, Rhino
ducks and wraps the chains around Styles’ nether regions. Leg drop by Rhino,
Styles is whipped to the buckle. Kick off for Rhino, Styles wants an axe handle
but Rhino nails a belly to belly suplex. Gore? No Styles dropkicks Rhino down!
Styles chokes Rhino with the chain, Rhino breaks free but eats a rope assisted
clothesline. Styles reaches for the key, Rhino pulls down Styles. Styles tees
off with kicks on Rhino, Rhino is floored by the kicks.
Styles sets up and connects with his
Flying Forearm. Cover for two, Styles climbs for the key but Rhino pulls down
Styles once again with Styles landing hard on his knees. Rhino staggers to his
feet, whip by Styles which Rhino answers with a flying clothesline. Whip to the
buckle, shoulder thrust from Rhino. Whip with a spinebuster by Rhino, two for
Rhino. Rhino climbs and bring down the nightstick. Styles kicks Rhino low and
yanks the chain through Rhino’s private parts. Styles has the nightstick and
cracks Rhino repeatedly. Styles wants the key, Styles drags Rhino closer to the
pole. Nightstick choke from Styles, Styles has the key.
Freedom for Styles, massive splash
from Styles. Styles decides to leave the arena, Styles is free but Styles
decides that Rhino deserves an ass-whipping. Styles ties Rhino to the ring
ropes, Styles dangles the key in front of Rhino. Pele Kick from Styles, Styles
walks too close to Rhino and Rhino nails a massive Gore! Rhino asks Hebnar for
the key, Hebnar obliges and Rhino is about to free himself. Rhino nails a
spineuster, Rhino wants a table. Rhino places the table in the corner,
spinebuster through the table but no, Styles rolls through. Belly to belly
suplex, Styles ducks the gore! Cover and Styles beats Rhino.
So, after I complained about Rhino
being made to look like a dipshit, you have him knock himself out off a Gore?
Well, congratulations! Rhino is now the dumbest wrestler in this promotion, no
reason to cheer for this guy who constantly screws himself over at every turn.
Hopefully, that is it as Styles has beaten Rhino at every turn, the chain
hardly factored in when everything was said and done. Bit of choking here and
there but it was rather boring.
Winner: AJ Styles
over Rhino via Gore!
(TNA X-Division
Championship Match) Chris Sabin © vs Jerry Lynn
43 Years Old Jerry Lynn! Jerry Lynn is
43 Years Old did you know that? I get it guys, we are questioning whether Lynn
has what it takes anymore but must we hammer home the age at every turn? Also,
how does that make Sabin look y comparison? Sabin can barely beat a 43 year old
man, what a champion right? Like could you bury yourself anymore? Anyways,
Sabin stole the championship from Daniels and Lynn in their triple threat.
Sabin has shown some great charisma with this heel turn but this angle is muck.
Side headlock and shoulder from Lynn, forearm
and shoulder blocks by Lynn. Piledriver attempt and Sabin scrambles out of the
ring, we eventually reset with Lynn chasing Sabin out of the ring. Sabin
stretches on the floor, side headlock by Lynn. Sabin nails a hip-toss, but Lynn
has the headlock again. Foot stomp from Sabin, side headlock from the champion.
Lynn wriggles free and throws down the champion, statement made from Lynn.
Sabin claims the hair was pulled, boot and side headlock from Sabin. Lynn has
the top wristlock, Sabin grabs the hair and brings down Lynn. Referee is focusing
a lot on the hair pull and the stalling from Sabin is giving me a house show
Sabin misses a plancha as Lynn fakes
out Sabin. Lynn is re-entering the ring, Sabin boots the ropes into the nether
regions of the challenger. Big stomps from Sabin, modified back-breaker by
Sabin for two. Knee to the back from Sabin, Lynn breaks free but Sabin works
the back. Back rake by Sabin, hesitation dropkick from Sabin as Lynn is hanging
from the buckle. Sabin steps on the back of Lynn, more stomps on the back. Lynn
reveres a whip to the counter, Sabin flapjacks Lynn into the buckle. Shoulder
thrusts in the spine and a modified back-breaker for two. Slaps by Sabin to a
downed Lynn, knee to the spine. Lynn is taking a beating here as Sabin chokes
Lynn using the ropes for leverage.
Sabin is in Lynn’s face, shouting and berating
Lynn. Jabs to the face, whip to the opposite buckle. Flying elbow by Sabin,
Sabin spits in his hands and rubs it in Lynn’s face. Lynn begins to fire up
from the right hands, rights and dropkick by Lynn. The crowd is mild, back drop
from Lynn. Lynn rubs spit in Sabin’s face, spinning sole butt counter from
Sabin. Sabin is on the top rope, Lynn comes back with a super hurricanrana.
Elbow by Lynn, Sabin reverses an Irish whip to the buckle. Lynn elevates Sabin
to the apron, Sabin hot-shots Lynn. Springboard knee drop, enzuigiri and
sit-out powerbomb for two. Cradle Shock is countered for a sunset flip, two for
Lynn. TKO by Lynn for a close two! Sabin backs Lynn to the corner, no
piledriver as the back gives out and Sabin rolls up Lynn for the win.
After all of that, Lynn does not push
Sabin to his limits. The old man was not able to turn back time for one night
only, not even close to it. That’s the story they wanted to tell and besides
the TKO, Lynn never looked like he had a chance against Sabin. Piss poor
booking if I am honest, you have got one story to tell, that Lynn can match
Sabin but what we got was nothing close. What was the point of bringing back Lynn?
I do not understand it at all.
Winner: Chris
Sabin over Jerry Lynn via Roll-Up!
Robert Roode
& Ms Brooks
Throughout the night, we saw clips of
Ms. Brooks seducing Eric Young in a hotel room. Eric Young has signed a
contract, signing himself over to Eric Young. Don West basically calls Eric Young
a virgin on commentary so we have that, Roode mocks Young for thinking that
Young could have had sex with Brooks. Roode insults everyone and Young over and
over, Young is pissed. Young grabs the microphone but Roode allows no speaking,
Roode owns Young’s ass. That just killed time, nothing memorable.
Jackie Moore
& James Storm vs Gail Kim & Petey Williams
As I said, it is nuts that we are
having a proper women’s match on the same show where Christy Hemme was stripped
and considered a heel for asking for women to be respected. Williams has been
lost in the shuffle since Team Canada split, his unique finish is not going to
work on anyone bigger than him, which is everyone at the current time. Storm
and Williams begin, Storm has a side headlock but Williams nails a dropkick,
bulldog and hurricanrana. Storm tags in Jackie, Jackie talks mad trash.
Williams nails Jackie with an atomic drop, tag to Gail. Hair-throws by Gail,
stiff kick to the spine.
Spear by Gail, right hands on Jackie.
Jackie tags Storm, Gail rams Jackie’s head into Storm’s nuts. Tag to Williams,
chops on the floor. Jackie nails Williams from the apron with a knee, massive
clothesline by Storm. Clubbing blows, tag to Jackie. Kicks by Jackie, tag to
Storm. Double underhook slam by Storm for two, knee across the throat by Storm.
Tag to Jackie who boots Williams in the head. Jabs from Jackie, tag to Storm.
Snap-mare into a kick to the spine, reverse chin-lock from Storm. Storm uses
the ropes for leverage, Williams breaks free but Storm regains control with a big
knee. Two for Storm, Eye of The Storm.
Tag to Jackie, big elbow drop for two.
Side headlock with a flurry of punches, back suplex from Williams. Storm comes
in and misses a corner attack, Williams rams Storm into the buckle. Slingshot
code-breaker, dropkick to the spine. Tilt-a-whirl Russian legsweep, destroyer time.
Jackie rakes the eyes of Williams, Gail tags into the match. Headscissors by
Gail, scoop slam and knee drop. Gail is on the top rope, missile dropkick for
two. Storm pulls off Gail, Williams sends Storm to the apron. O Connor roll
from Gail on Jackie, Jackie pushes off Gail into Storm, Storm cracks Gail and
knocks her out, Jackie pins for the win. Storm and Jackie decide to get a
little heat with a beer bottle but Williams counters with a neck-breaker. Jackie
saves Storm as Storm nails a superkick. Jackie DDTs the referee? Ok? Death
Sentence is stopped as Wildcat Chris Harris is here for Storm, Storm escapes.
Guess we will see the two partners go
at it as Chris Harris returns, might be the most interesting part of this
match. Storm uses a lot of chinlocks throughout this match while Jackie is
mostly in there with Williams, very little of Gail and that finish, could have
benefited from Storm cracking Gail but it looks like Gail ran into Storm’s
chest and died, very odd.
Winners: James Storm
& Jackie Moore over Gail Kim & Petey Williams via Collision!
(Prison Yard
Match) Abyss vs Sting
Abyss was in prison, Abyss shot his
father and put him in a coma. Abyss is torn between listening to Mitchell and Sting,
Sting believes there is good in Abyss. Think Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader,
here we have a prison yard match. I am all gimmicked out at this stage, it is
ridiculous. Not looking forward to Lockdown, these idiots come out to the ring
and then walk to the back. What is the point?
Sting throws a trash can at Abyss,
Sting proceeds to send Abyss into multiple objects. Abyss fights back, Sting is
on a table. Sting is sent into the side of a dumpster. Abyss presses Sting into
the dumpster, Sting cracks Abyss with plywood from the dumpster. Abyss falls
onto a table, sweet Jesus! Sting dives on the dumpster through the table
through Abyss. Not expecting that I will be honest, pleasantly surprised! Sting
batters Abyss back to the ring, guess that backstage segment is done.
Sting sends Abyss into the ring-post, Sting
has a barbed-wire bat. Abyss tastes the bat twice, make it four times. Sting calls
for the cage, you can win this match by placing your opponent in a cage. Abyss
blocks going into the cage, Sting waffles Mitchell off the apron. Sting steals
the belt of Mitchell, decking the manager with the belt. Sting whips Mitchell
over and over, Mitchell blades for the belt shot to the face. Abyss saves Mitchell
and goes for the table, Abyss and Sting are in the ring. Abyss elbows Sting and
tanks off a ring light. Sting is walloped with the light which shatters in the
process. Sting is in the cage, Abyss tries closing the cage and Sting manages
to prevent Abyss from closing the cage.
Abyss brings out a barbed-wire board because
of course Abyss brings in barbed-wire boards. Sting stops the Irish whip,
punches but Abyss nails a Black Hole Slam. Sting is in the cage, Sting is still
fighting. Sting kicks the door into Abyss’ head, Stinger Splashes from Sting.
Scorpion Death Drop, Abyss is in the cage. Mitchell interferes, Sting locks in
The Scorpion Death Lock and Mitchell taps like a mad man. Abyss saves Mitchell
again, table is set up in the ring. Sting is on the table, Abyss climbs the
cage. Sting gets up as Abyss is slow, Sting places the barbed-wire board on the
table and powerbombs Abyss through the table. Sting puts Abyss into the cage
and locks the door, Sting wins the match.
You know this might have not been that
bad if I was not immune to Abyss’ matches as this stage of my life. They are
all the same, I have seen them over and over, it always ends with Abyss going
through barbed-wire or thumbtacks. Nothing new here then, starting the match
out in the back for one spot is pretty dumb though. What was the point? Always with
TNA, I am left with more questions than answers!
Winner: Sting
over Abyss!
(NWA/TNA World
Heavyweight Championship Match) Kurt Angle vs Christian Cage © W/ Tomko
So, Angle is babyface again? Why would
you make him out to be a dick against Joe so? What was the last two months for
then? Christian just won the championship, do not tell me we are switching
champions this early? But how can they have Angle lose again? To me, this is a
loss for TNA either way. Tomko is not at ringside, Christian can lose the
championship by DQ. No Scott Steiner or Samoa Joe, two of these athletes one on
Lock-up, Angle backs Christian to the
corner. Clean break, takedown from Angle. Angle mounts Christian who dives for
the ropes, slaps from Angle. Joe’s music hits as we start the main event, the
fuck is this? I get that he is enforcer but Joe gets an entrance in the middle
of the main event. We have stopped for Joe to sit down, tremendous. Angle takes
Christian to the corner, stomps from Angle. Referee backs up Angle, boot and
chops by Christian with a quick reversal. Angle turns the tide with a slam and
ankle lock attempt. Christian is on the floor, Angle blocks being dragged out
and kicks away Angle. Angle sends Christian into the steel steps. Axe handle
off the apron, eye rake from Christian who sends Angle into the steel steps.
Christian runs into Joe, Angle nails
an Angle Slam into the ring-post. Back-drop by Angle, rib-breaker for two.
Uppercut by Angle, Christian elbows Angle and tries for a middle rope crossbody
but Angle catches the champion and drops Christian to the floor. Christian is
sent to the buckle and lures in Angle, Angle charges and rams his shoulder into
the ring-post. Christian nails a massive hangman’s neckbreaker. Snap-mare and
stiff kick by the champion, reverse chin-lock from Christian. Angle escapes but
the champion side-steps the challenger with Angle ending up on the floor.
Slaps from Christian, scoop slam.
Falling headbutt misses for Christian, Angle and Christian trade blows on their
knees. Uppercut and guillotine from Angle, multiple clotheslines from Angle.
Huge toss from Angle for two, Christian walks into a back suplex. Christian blocks
suplexes and an angle slam. Unprettier is turned into The Ankle Lock, Christian
uses the referee to reach the ropes. Low blow behind the referee’s back,
Unprettier for a close two. Christian steps on Angle’s neck, using the ropes to
drop his weight on Angle. Christian nails a scoop slam and a Steiner like elbow
with push-ups. Choke from the champion, Angle escapes a scoop slam and trips
the legs out of Christian. Catapult to the corner, Christian elbows back.
Angle runs up the buckle and nails a
super belly to belly suplex. German suplexes from Angle, seven German suplexes
for a two count. AJ Styles is here on the top rope, Joe confronts Styles.
Christian waffles Angle with a chair, the camera misses it which is fantastic.
Christian nails a Frog Splash for two, Christian is in shock as Angle hangs on
somehow. Unprettier connects in the middle of the ring for another close two,
Angle trips Christian but Christian shoves Angle into the referee. Christian clotheslines
Angle down, Christian tries jumping Joe. Joe chases Christian into the ring,
Angle is behind Christian.
Angle Slam in the middle of the ring,
Joe wakes up the referee. Christian survives due to the referee being late, eye
rake by Christian. Christian clotheslines the referee by mistake, second
referee bump. Tomko sends Joe to the steel steps, Angle German Suplexes Tomko
with ease. Angle batters Steiner too. Joe knocks Tomko to the floor, Angle and
Joe are having words but why? Joe wipes out Tomko and Steiner, Christian
clotheslines Angle. Joe fights to the back with Steiner and Tomko. Angle has
Christian in The Ankle Lock as Christian taps out repeatedly. Christian has the
lead pipe Steiner dropped, wham to the head of Angle. Unprettier by Christian
and Angle is beaten by Christian.
Wow. Two referee bumps, interference for
days and The Unprettier was hit three times. But sure it is TNA, what did I
expect? Watching Angle work is fun, everything looks crisp and feels like a contest.
The way Angle moves is just awesome, that with Christian’s heel work makes for
a good match. However, typical TNA bullshit comes in with far too much being thrown
at me and what happens? Your hottest babyface is beaten again for the second
time in four months, your hottest babyface which you have flipped twice in the
past four months, your hottest and biggest star who seems like nothing special
anymore after four freaking months. How I hate the way this company was ran,
Angle should have been nowhere near that championship, Christian has beaten the
top guy, where do you go from here? I just do not know what to say sometimes, I
knew this was a no win situation and after the main event finished, I knew I
was right.
Winner: Christian
Cage over Kurt Angle via Unprettier!
That was TNA’s Against All Odds 2007,
your typical TNA train-wreck of a show. You start off positive with a brawling
fun opener that gets the fans in the modd for a good night. You have an ok
match between Starr and Senshi, Senshi was always an awkward babyface to me but
it can work, just let him kick people and we are golden. We divulge into the
awkward Hemme storyline, she looked amazing but this angle is a mess. We do not
get any better as the gimmick matches come thick and fast, a chain match where
I am convinced Rhino is the biggest loser in the history of wrestling, a prison
yard match that acts as every other match Abyss has competed in due to the fact
that Abyss gets fucked up like every single time. We had a heatless X Division
Championship match which is sad because the division looks lost without Joe,
Styles and Daniels and we top it off with a main event that feels like TNA
backed themselves into a corner and have no real idea how to get out of, my
money is on the next pay per view being main evented by a three-way between
Angle, Joe and Christian which will be another no-win scenario as neither of
those two should be losing. All in all, it was a mess that was easy to sit
through, short on logic but entertaining enough at times, I would avoid this
one. Thanks for reading and remember: There’s always another night!

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