Hello and
welcome to another riveting edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only
wrestling review series that has had more stop-start pushes than Ryback!
Tonight, we look back at the return of Saturday Night’s Main Event, mere weeks
before Wrestlemania 22. It makes a triumphant return with Shawn Michaels facing
Shane Mcmahon in a street fight and the team of Triple H and John Cena taking
on Kurt Angle, Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio, It’s an odd one with some fun
segments thrown in, it clocks in at an hour and a half so do not expect too
much, sit back and let’s have some fun!
Opening Promo
Vince opens up
the show with Shane, Vince wants to make Michaels’ life hell. Michaels also
cuts a promo on Vince, Cena interrupts a Triple H promo which turns out to be very
funny. JBL and Austin will be having a beer-drinking contest, Boogeyman eats
some worms.
John Cena/Triple H vs Rey Mysterio/Randy Orton/Kurt Angle
This is just
odd with two main events for Wrestlemania going at it but it’s a handicap
match. Cena and Orton begin the match, eye poke by Orton. Hiptoss by Cena,
Angle blind tags in and German suplexes Cena. Angle nails Cena with a belly to
belly suplex, Triple H is knocked off the apron. Cena spinebusters Angle,
Triple H tags into the match. Right hands by The Game, foot choke by The Game.
Angle nails a German suplex, make it two. Make it three, tag to Mysterio. Springboard
senton, victory roll for two. Backslide for two, eye poke by The Game. Tag to
Cena, shoulder block by Cena. Mysterio dropkicks Cena and headscissor takedowns
Triple H.
Drop toehold,
Mysterio misses the 619 as Triple H saves Cena. Clothesline by Triple H,
Mysterio eats a knee from The Game. Mysterio splats on the floor, Triple H
hurls Mysterio into the barricade. Two for Triple H, whip to the corner.
Mysterio blocks, spinebuster by Triple H for two. Mysterio fights back, sleeper
by Triple H. Hard Irish whip by Triple H, Triple H places Mysterio on the top
rope. Mysterio knocks off Triple H, moonsault wipes out The Game. Mysterio
makes the tag to Orton, Cena clotheslines and shoulder blocks Orton. FU is
blocked, Cena is rammed into Angle. Spinning side slam by Cena, Five Knuckle
Shuffle by Cena. FU by Cena, Triple H pulls off Cena. Pedigree by Triple H,
Triple H walks off on Cena. Triple H pulls Orton on Cena, Mysterio pulls off
Triple H
enters the ring, Pedigree on Mysterio. Triple H is clearing the path for Orton,
Angle clotheslines Triple H. Orton RKOs Angle, Orton measures Cena. Cena
counters The RKO for a roll-up, 1….2….3! John Cen and Triple H walk away with
the win much to the dismay of The King of Kings.
That was
fun, everyone seemed to be having a good time in the ring and it is infectious,
it rubs off on you. Nothing revolutionary, nothing too serious. Just five guys
having fun with a finisher fest in the end with the top star of the company
coming out on top. No complaints from me.
John Cena & Triple H over Orton/Mysterio/Angle via Roll-Up!
Booker T cannot compete
Booker has a
sore groin or so it may seem, a doctor confirms that Booker cannot compete
tonight and therefore, Theodore Long cancels the match between Boogeyman and
Booker T.
Cutting Edge with Mick Foley
Edge talks
shit about Foley, Foley comes out with a bag of thumbtacks. Lita saves Edge
from meeting the thumbtacks, Foley falls face first into the thumbtacks. Of
course, Foley is not fazed by this in the slightest, Foley chases Edge up the
ramp and drops Edge with a conchairto. Fun segment with Foley bringing the pain
to Edge, showing Edge what he is in store for at Wrestlemania.
Sharmell and
Booker are in their underwear, Boogeyman appears and scares the shit out of the
couple, fun stuff.
Beer Drinking Contest
challenged Austin to a beer drinking contest, the two begin drinking with
Austin drinking the beer while JBL pours the beer down his shirt. Austin
catches JBL cheating which does not go down too well with Austin. JBL tosses the
beer in Austin’s face and runs, Benoit appears and throws JBL back to Austin.
Austin drowns JBL and Stunners JBL for another fun segment.
Candice Michelle/Victoria vs Mickie James/Trish Stratus
Candice got
on the cover of Playboy, this led to a little friction between Torrie and the
other Vince’s Devils. We also have Mickie James and Trish Stratus competing as
a team despite their match at Wrestlemania. Trish asked for time apart from
Mickie which leads us here, Mickie holds the ropes for Trish despite their
rocky relationship, Candice and Trish begin. Candice dances which leads to
Trish forearming Candice, Victoria holds Trish’s hair from the apron. Candice
chokes Trish using the ropes. Victoria kicks Trish in the face, two for
Slingshot leg drop by Victoria for two, front
chancery from Victoria. Candice distracts the referee so Mickie’s tag is
missed. Double suplex is countered by Trish for a DDT, Victoria knocks Mickie
to the floor. Trish nails Victoria with Stratusfaction, no help from Mickie
Well, it was
a match to kill time, I am surprised Mickie did not even get to do anything in
the ring. However, this match was clearly about the angle afterwards for
Wrestlemania. Mickie extends her hand and Trish shakes, Mickie kisses Trish on
the cheek and hugs her idol before nailing Trish with a Chick Mick. Trish is
wiped out by a Stratusfaction.
Trish Stratus/Mickie James over Vince’s Devils via Stratusfaction!
Mark Henry and Undertaker Brawl
Henry talks
trash about finishing The Deadman and breaking the streak, Taker comes out and
beats up Henry before Chokeslamming and Tombstoning Daivari on the casket,
lucky Daivari was marking out for the whole thing.
(Street Fight) Shawn Michaels vs Shane Mcmahon W/ Vince
Michaels and
The Mcmahons had issues going back to the end of 2005 with Michaels being a
thorn in Vince’s side. The Mcmahons would screw Michaels out of the royal
rumble and make Michaels join the Kiss my Ass club. Michaels has his match with
Vince at Wrestlemania but tonight, the boy wonder Shane steps up to fight
jumps Shane on the stage, Michaels whacks Shane with a steel chair. Michaels
grabs a table too, Michaels pummels Shane before Shane sends HBK into the
ringpost. Vince comes down to gloat, Vince helps with the table while Shane
grabs a ladder. Shane works the ribs and head of HBK, Michaels is sent back
first into the ringpost. Shane sets up the ladder in the ring, Vince has
Michaels on the table. Michaels is on the ladder with Shane, Michaels suplexes
Shane to the floor. Vince looks on in shock, Vince screams for a doctor. Right
hand by Michaels, scoop slam by HBK. Michaels climbs the ladder, Vince whacks
Michaels down with a kendo stick.
Shane droops
the ladder on Michaels’ back. Shane does it again, two-count for Shane. Shane
drives a ladder into Michaels’ face, two for Shane. Elbow and surfboard hold
from Shane, Micheals fights out but Shane DDTs Michaels for two. Shane waffles
Michaels with a chair, Shane wants Coast to Coast using a trash can. Michaels
moves and Shane nails Vince in the face, HBK fires back. Flying forearm,
kip-up. Inverted atomic drop, right hands and a huge scoop slam followed by an
elbow drop. Sweet Chin Music, Vince pulls out the referee. Low blow,
sharpshooter from Shane and Vince tells the timekeeper to ring the bell because
Montreal is still funny.
The match
was ass backwards with a big spot opening the match, they fell through two
tables off a ladder yet they were up from the break. Crazy stuff, Montreal
rip-off ending which was old in 1998. It was fun yet a shambles of a match.
Shane Mcmahon over Shawn Michaels via Sharpshooter!
That was WWE’s
Saturday Night’s Main Event of March 2006, a show held together by fun segments
and matches that were more filler than anything else. I thoroughly enjoyed the
backstage skits with Boogeyman, Austin’s drinking segment and the opening
match. More filler than thriller in the ring but take it as it was meant to be,
a hype show for Wrestlemania. Thanks for reading and remember: There’s always
another night!

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