![Image result for wwe no mercy 2003](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/d8/No_mercy_2003.jpg)
Hello and
welcome to another family feud edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews! What
is more precious than a father’s love for his daughter? Choking her with a
pipe, yeah that’s right as I am reviewing WWE’s No Mercy 2003! Brock Lesnar had
regained the WWE Championship after defeating Kurt Angle on Smackdown in a
fantastic Iron Man Match, Lesnar defends against The Undertaker in a Biker
Chain Match. Kurt Angle faces off with rising superstar John Cena and the
uncomfortable Stephanie vs Vince I Quit Match. Yeah, Smackdown might have been
more enjoyable than Raw at the time but it did not mean it had its low points.
So, will Smackdown bring their A game once more or will this show be a
disaster? Let’s rock!
Opening Promo
and Vince are the focus, we see pictures from Stephanie’s childhood while Vince
narrates, Vince is disgusted with his daughter and is going to teach her a
lesson while Stephanie is fighting for her brand, her Smackdown. We get a
little montage of Lesnar vs Taker but as always, The Mcmahons are front and
(WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match) Tajiri © vs Rey
Tajiri is
the heel under the orders of Mr. Mcmahon, Tajiri blinded Nidia, the girlfriend
of Jamie Noble while Mysterio lost the championship to The Japanese Buzzsaw.
Lock-up, both men tumble to the floor. Both men shove, huge kicks by both men.
Tajiri is not happy with Mysterio kicking back, another lock-up with Mysterio
shoving back Tajiri. Tajiri forearms Mysterio but Mysterio armdrags Tajiri and
applies a leg lock to Tajiri. Tajiri rolls through for a Fujiwara armbar,
Tajiri kicks Mysterio in the ribs over and over.
elbows Tajiri, Tajiri clubs down Mysterio. Mysterio flips out of a back suplex,
wheelbarrow into an armdrag by Mysterio and a huge dropkick to the knees.
Mysterio blocks the handspring elbow with a dropkick, plancha by Mysterio.
Mysterio is flung off the top rope by Tajiri arm first, Tajiri rams Mysterio’s
shoulder into the ringpost for a two count. Tajiri stomps on Mysterio, kick to
the face by the champion. Variation of The Fujiwara armbar by Tajiri, Mysterio
battles back for a springboard armdrag. Tajiri regains control with two
shoulder kicks and a huge crescent kick for two. Standing armbar by Tajiri,
more kicks to the shoulder by Tajiri for two.
first, Mysterio meets the turnbuckle. Mysterio kicks back Tajiri, Mysterio
climbs the top rope but Tajiri kicks Mysterio in the head. Both men are on the
top rope, Mysterio headbutts off Tajiri. Diving tornado DDT by Mysterio for
two, springboard crossbody for two. Crucifix into a sunset flip but Tajiri
rolls through for a catapult, Mysterio lands on the apron, slingshot
headscissors leaves Tajiri on the floor. Apron hurricanrana by Mysterio, Tajiri
avoids The West Coast Pop. Tajiri tries throwing Mysterio to the floor,
Mysterio counters for a 619 to the ribs. Mysterio sets up for The West Coast
Pop, Tajiri counters for a powerbomb, two count for Tajiri.
elevates Mysterio over his head, Mysterio lands on the top rope, Mysterio
connects with a moonsault for two. Mysterio runs into The Tarantula, Tajiri
calls for The Buzzsaw Kick, Mysterio ducks and dropkicks Tajiri. Catapult by
Mysterio, Tajiri is in position. 619 by Mysterio, West Coast Pop but a “fan”
interrupts the action and Tajiri knocks Mysterio’s head off with a huge kick.
That was a
solid opening match that picked up in the last few minutes. Tajiri worked the
arm in the early goings and Mysterio was grounded, Mysterio kicked it into gear
in the latter half with some great high-flying moves in the way Mysterio can
only do. Finish was different with the fans running in, it has been some time
that I had seen something like that in WWE so I will give them praise for that,
could have worked a little better if Mysterio’s arm had played into the finish
but good stuff nonetheless.
Tajiri over Rey Mysterio via Shenanigans!
Mr. Mcmahon Promo
Matthews interviews Vince about the match with his daughter, Vince threatens
and intimidates Josh while also proclaiming that if anyone tries to help
Stephanie, they will be fired on the spot.
A-Train vs Chris Benoit
It’s a
little bizarre to me how this year has panned out for Chris Benoit. From the
match with Angle at Royal Rumble, it seems Benoit has lost a tonne of momentum
and there is no real direction for The Rabid Wolverine despite his excellent
performances when it comes to pay per views. Anyways, A-Train says Benoit cannot
beat him and Benoit is not happy about the trash that A-Train is talking.
Match begins
with A-Train throwing around Benoit, Benoit recuperates on the outside before
attacking the arm, A-Train shoves off Benoit but Benoit comes back with huge
chops. A-Train stops Benoit with a huge forearm shot, A-Train misses an elbow.
More brawling by both men, A-Train starts throwing bombs before missing a
splash. Benoit pummels A-Train, A-Train shoves off Benoit and slams The Rabid
Wolverine. Splash by A-Train for two, uppercut by A-Train. Benoit drop toeholds
A-Train into the turnbuckle and runs off the ropes into a bicycle kick from
Chops by
Benoit but A-Train clubs the neck of Benoit. Rope-hung guillotine by A-Train,
A-Train shoves Benoit before scoring with a butterfly facebreaker for two as
Benoit reaches the ropes. Headbutt by A-Train, A-Train jawjacks with the
referee before Benoit comes back with a tonne of kicks and chops, A-Train ends
Benoit’s momentum with a huge Polish hammer. Submission hold from A-Train,
Benoit stops the assault with a huge DDT. German suplex by A-Train, Benoit is
tossed to the floor. A-Train decides he wants a steel chair, Benoit kicks
A-Train. A-Train lifts up Benoit for a military press slam and A-Train drops
Benoit head first on the chair, that was a nasty botch.
wedges a chair into the middle turnbuckle, Benoit rolls-up A-Train, A-Train
rolls through but Benoit applies The Crippler Crossface. A-Train bridges up,
Benoit says fine, eat these three German suplexes. Benoit climbs for The Diving
Headbutt but A-Train springs up and hurls Benoit off the top rope. A-Train
mocks Benoit, Baldo Bomb for two. A-Train bicycle kicks the chair and Benoit
applies a Sharpshooter for the win.
Tazz says it
best “How good is Benoit?” Benoit made A-Train look unstoppable, I loved the
back and forth in the beginning with Benoit fighting from underneath against
the big behemoth. As the match went on, Benoit showed more heart and was able
to control larger portions of the match. Loved the finish with the chair playing
into it and the commentators talking about Stu Hart passing away, it was a
great nod to Stu when Benoit applies The Sharpshooter. A-Train had never looked so good and Benoit
continues to bring you some powerhouse performances in the mid-card. The booking
may not show it yet but Benoit is earning that World Heavyweight Championship.
Chris Benoit over A-Train via Sharpshooter!
Heidenreich Promo
Matt Hardy
is looking for Shannon Moore, Matt Hardy finds Heidenreich choking the life out
of Shannon Moore. Hardy smooth talks Heidenreich into releasing Moore and the
two leave for their match.
Matt Hardy W/ Shannon Moore vs Zach Gowan
Matt Hardy
has a victory over Gowan as Brock Lesnar destroyed poor Gowan, Gowan had
previously defeated Hardy so, they are tied in terms of wins and this is the
blow-off to their feud. Hardy slaps Gowan, Gowan slaps back and bulldogs Hardy.
Gowan tried a springboard but Moore trips up Gowan, chops by Hardy. Hardy
chokes the life out of Gowan, corner clothesline and snake eyes before a huge
clothesline by The Sensei of Mattitude.
Two count
for Hardy, leg drop for two. Gowan drags Hardy into the middle turnbuckle,
Hardy clubs Gowan. Falling mat slam, Gowan dodges a moonsault from Hardy.
Dropkick by Gowan, Hardy powders to the floor. Springboard hilo by Gowan,
crossbody for two. Side Effect by Hardy, two for Hardy. Gowan tries for a
moonsault but Hardy crotches Gowan, Hardy is knocked off the top rope.
Moonsault by Gowan, Gowan picks up the win over Matt Hardy.
That was
alright, I mean I do not know what I can expect from Zach Gowan. The kid has
one leg and I feel this is as good as it is going to get so damn it, it was
alright. No better and no less, Matt Hardy has a very entertaining gimmick but
he was in a much better position at Wrestlemania and it seems to have lost
steam, do not worry Matt, better things are around the corner.
Zach Gowan over Matt Hardy via Moonsault!
The Basham Brothers vs The APA
clotheslined Shaniqua, the manager of The Basham Brothers and The Basham
Brothers assaulted The APA with chairs. That’s about it in terms of a build-up
for this match, Bradshaw clubs Doug before Faarooq beats the piss out of Doug.
Danny blind tags in but Faarooq sees it coming. Tag to Bradshaw, double
spinebuster for two. Tag to Faarooq, double shoulder block for two. Jawbreaker
by Danny, tag to Doug.
Scoop slam
by Doug, Faarooq blocks the splash. Bradshaw drags at Doug and slams Doug off
the steel steps. Danny backs Faarooq into the corner, Bradshaw comes in and
clubs The Bashams, The Bashams regain control for a double suplex. Danny bumps
Bradshaw off the barricade, double beatdown by The Bashams. Reverse chinlock by
Doug, Faarooq fights back but Doub pulls the hair of Faarooq. Tag to Danny,
reverse chinlock by Danny. Danny gets too cocky, spinebuster by Faarooq which
leads to Bradshaw receiving the tag.
clotheslines, powerbombs but Doug kicks out, Danny & Doug take more of an
ass-kicking. Doug is thrown to the floor, Danny eats a last call. Doug is kept
at bay by Faarooq, middle rope last call by Bradshaw but Danny saves Doug.
Referee is wiped out by Faarooq, Clothesline From Hell by Bradshaw to Danny,
Shaniqua clubs Bradshaw with a huge lead pipe, rough ryder by Doug and The
Bashams pick up the victory.
Sorry did
not get into this match at all, it looks more like Bradshaw wanting to just
rough up the new guys which is interesting with the whole Mauro Renallo situation.
And what the hell is The Bashams gimmick? They are into whips, chains and ball
and gags? That’s what seems to be implied and that might be one of the worst
gimmicks I have ever seen. Doug & Danny are salivating over Shaniqua, their
dominatrix. This is so weird but WWE has always been weird.
The Bashams Brothers over The APA via Rough Ryder!
Vince Mcmahon vs Stephanie Mcmahon W/ Linda Mcmahon (I Quit
loves this business, she is the general manager of Smackdown. Stephanie was the
face manager of Smackdown when many expected her to be a big heel, it was a
nice change of pace. Vince was not happy, Vince wanted Stephanie to quit as
manager but it did not happen. Vince had A-Train fuck up Stephanie while Sable
made out with Vince. Uncomfortable? Oh yeah, this was weird.
Vince jumps
Stephanie from behind, tremendous heel work. Stephanie applies a chokehold,
Vince shakes off Stephanie. Vince corners Stephanie, Stephanie kicks off Vince
before Vince shoulders Stephanie. Hair-pull toss by Vince, Vince looks at Linda
every time, asking “Do you like that Linda?” Vince chokes Stephanie in the
corner, shoulder thrusts by Vince. Knees to the ribs by Vince, Sable slaps Stephanie
and Linda gives chase. Vince stops Linda, Stephanie kicks Vince in the ribs.
Huge clothesline by Vince, single leg Boston crab by Vince. Stephanie is
screaming while squeezing her mother’s hand.
chinlock by Vince, Stephanie rakes the eyes. Sable has a lead pipe, Linda beats
the piss out of Sable. Vince has Linda, slap by Linda and a low blow by
Stephanie. Stephanie has the lead pipe, roll-up and Vince kicks out at two.
Vince begs for mercy, playing on Stephanie’s emotions. Stephanie does not buy
it and wallops Vince with the pipe. Middle rope pipe shot to the head, Vince
places his foot on the ropes. Sable is on the apron, Vince is pushed into
Sable. Bulldog by Stephanie, Vince kicks out at two. Vince stops Stephanie by
grabbing her by the throat, Vince has the pipe and Stephanie is waffled with
the pipe before being choked out. Linda throws in the towel as Stephanie passes
out, Stephanie is no longer Smackdown General Manager.
As a
wrestling match, do not bother it is laughable. As a drama, as a performance,
The Mcmahons do what they do best and turn it a very entertaining show.
Pantomine was written for Mr. Mcmahon, his facials and body language are
fantastic. Mcmahon is such a dickhead, Stephanie shows a lot of heart and it
was entertaining, I can’t say I hated it. They may not have any athleticism but
they can put on a great show.
Vince Mcmahon over Stephanie Mcmahon via Linda throwing in the towel!
Kurt Angle vs John Cena
John Cena’
stock continues to rise as Cena works against the main event talent on
Smackdown. Cena was exposed in his match at Lesnar as green and not having the
skills just yet to reach the top but put him in there with someone who can work
and you can have magic. Cena vs Undertaker was a treat at Vengeance and now,
Angle vs Cena could be the show-stealer.
Cena is backed into the corner. Lock-up, side headlock takedown by Angle,
shoulder block by Angle. Armdrag by Angle, Cena is not happy with how the match
is going, we have duelling chants in the arena. Side headlock by Cena, shoulder
block by Cena. Hiptoss by Angle, more armdrags into an armbar by Angle. Cena
breaks free, frustrated by Angle who flips off Cena. Right hands by Angle,
elbow by Angle for two. Right hands by Angle, Cena drills Angle with a
clothesline, huge right hands by Cena. Back drop by Angle for two, spear by
Angle. Chops by Angle, right hands by Angle.
Cena dodges
Angle who spears the ringpost, Cena is on the attack. Corner clothesline and
neckbreaker by Cena for two, Cena stomps all over Angle. Polish hammer by Cena
for two, submission hold by Cena. Angle fires up but Cena nails a huge knee to
the ribs, side suplex by Cena for two. Cena has a front chancery, right hands
by Angle. Spinebuster by Cena for two, Cena is on the top rope, Angle looks for
a belly to belly but Cena kicks off Angle. Cena dives into a dropkick to the
knee. Right hands by Angle, Irish whip and flying forearm by Angle, huge
clotheslines by Angle.
legsweep by Angle for two, drop toehold into The Ankle Lock but Cena leaps to
the ropes. Baseball slide by Angle, Cena and Angle are on the apron, Angle
wants to German suplex Cena to the floor but Cena counters for a DDT.
Guillotine leg drop by Cena as Angle is entering the ring for two, Angle answers
back with a German suplex. Cena dropkicks Angle, snapover neckbreaker for two.
Headbutt by Cena, Irish whip. Angle dodges Cena’s clothesline for a roll-up,
German suplexes by Angle. Two for Angle after the suplexes, Cena stomps all
over Angle on the canvas. Corner clothesline by Cena, turnbuckle powerbomb by
Two for
Cena, FU by Cena and Angle kicks out at two and a half. Another attempt at FU
goes wrong as Angle drills Cena with an Angle Slam, Cena kicks out of The Angle
Slam. Cena crawls for the chain, referee stops Cena. Cena pulls out Angle’s
medals, wham to the head of Angle. Angle kicks out at two and a half again, two
close calls in the last seconds. Cena motions for another FU, Angle counters
for a backslide, Cena dodges an Angle Slam. Angle slips out of a FU into a
victory roll into an Ankle Lock, Angle grapevines the leg and this match is
over as Cena taps out to The Ankle Lock.
great performance for Cena with a top-tier talent. Crowd were cheering for
Cena, the kid had built a lot of momentum and it looks like Cena’s star and
stock were only going to continue to improve. Angle is a great talent, we all
know this and Angle brings the pain to Cena in this match. That finishing
sequence was great fun, the counters and the finisher kick-outs were really
good. Highlight of the night so far, fun to see Cena rise through the WWE
roster and see Kurt Angle at his best tearing it up in the ring.
Kurt Angle over John Cena via Ankle Lock!
(WWE United States Championship Match) Eddie Guerrero © vs
The Big Show
Speaking of
a popular heel being turned babyface, we have Latino Heat. Eddie Guerrero with
his lying, cheating and stealing had stolen the hearts of every Smackdown fan.
Eddie had made fun of the giant, the giant got serious and attacked Eddie, it’s
the usual stuff for Show feuds. Eddie has his back taped up due to being thrown
through his lowrider by Show on Smackdown. Match starts with Eddie throwing the
belt at Show, dropkicks and hotshots by Eddie. Right hands stagger Show before
Show clotheslines Eddie. Huge chest slap by Show, Show steps all over Eddie’s
More chest
slaps by Show, Eddie lowbridges Show and Eddie knocks Show to the floor. Eddie
looks under the ring for a chair, Eddie distracts the referee with the chair
while hitting Eddie with a trashcan lid. Chops by Eddie, Show shakes it all off
so Eddie powders to the floor before hammering the giant until Show hurls Eddie
into the ringpost twice. Show drops his weight on Eddie before applying a
stretchhold to Latino Heat. Clubbing blows to the back by Show, Eddie fights
back but Show is too strong. Show exposes a top turnbuckle, Eddie is whipped
hard into the top turnbuckle. Eddie pulls himself up using Show, Eddie is
placed on the top rope.
Eddie sends
Show’s head into the top rope, crossbody by Eddie on Show. Show kicks out at
two, Eddie squashes the referee. Show misses a leg drop on Eddie and hits the
referee, Eddie has brass knuckles. Right hand to Show by Eddie, Eddie revives
the referee but Show kicks out at two. Eddie grabs his championship, belt to
the face by Eddie. Frog Splash by Eddie, 1…..2…. Show kicks out again! Eddie
runs into a spinebuster and a huge Chokeslam. 1…2.. Eddie places his foot on
the ropes. Show pulls down the strap, Eddie low blows and DDTs Show. Eddie covers
for two, Eddie walks into a Chokeslam and Show wins The United States
Not a good
match, Eddie gives it all he has with his charisma and body language to make
this match fun but not even Latino Heat’s character work cannot save this match.
Show plods around and does not exactly work over the back of the injured Eddie
Guerrero, if you are going to go for that kind of angle with such a simple
story, you should have lots of back work from the huge monster.
Winner: Big
Show over Eddie Guerrero via Chokeslam!
Big Show Promo
Big Show
says I told you so, Big Show says nobody is going to take away his championship
before screaming he is the champ down a hallway.
(WWE Championship Match) Brock Lesnar © vs The Undertaker
(Biker Chain Match)
From monster
heel to monster babyface and here comes Lesnar back as a heel aligning himself
with Mr. Mcmahon. Lesnar is sadistic in his role as a monster heel, it fits the
man perfectly. Undertaker had been helping Stephanie which pissed off Mr.
Mcmahon so the match was set with Undertaker standing up to Vince’s champion.
The hype package kicks all sorts of ass with the two badasses beating one
another to a pulp. The match type is meh, items on a pole match come off as
corny for me. They always struggle to climb the pole in the corner and I do not
think it should be the stipulation for a WWE Championship match.
Lesnar goes
after Taker with shoulder thrusts and clubbing blows, Taker fires back with
bombs of his own. Lesnar knees Taker in the corner, Lesnar misses a corner
spear. Taker drives his shoulder into Lesnar, big boot and leg drop by Taker
for two. Old School by Taker, La magistral by Taker for two. Right hand decks
Lesnar, Taker elbows Lesnar in the face hard. Lesnar pounds Taker before
hurling Taker into the steps. Right hands by Lesnar, Taker is being stomped in
the corner. Hard Irish whip by Lesnar, fisherman suplex by Lesnar for two.
Hard Irish
whip by Lesnar, Taker no-sells it and throws bombs at Lesnar. Taker misses a
corner big boot, Lesnar has Taker on the apron. Hotshot by Taker, Lesnar
regains control though. Leaping clothesline from Taker to stop the offence of
Lesnar, stungun by Taker. Taker eyes the chain and begins climbing, the lights
go out as Taker climbs. It buys Lesnar time to stop Taker, powerslam by Lesnar
for two. Lesnar throws steel steps in the ring, headbutts by Taker. Taker knees
Lesnar but Lesnar drop toeholds Taker into the steel steps. Taker powers out
and clothesline Lesnar to the floor. Taker piledrivers Lesnar on the steel
steps. Taker climbs for the chain, Lesnar cuts off The Deadman.
Taker has a
triangle choke on Lesnar, Lesnar flops to the apron. Low blow by the champion
to cut off Taker, steel steps to the head of Taker for two. Taker big boots the
steps into Lesnar’s head, steel steps miss and Lesnar kicks Taker hard. Lesnar
backs Taker into the corner, shoulder thrusts and stomps by the champion. Lesnar
begins climbing, Taker bridges up for a Last Ride but Lesnar wriggles free and
both men collapse to the mat after a double clothesline. Slugfest with Taker
winning, corner clotheslines by the challenger. Snake eyes and big boot by
Taker, Lesnar dodges the Chokeslam and spinebusters Taker.
catches Lesnar in a triangle choke, Lesnar lifts up Taker and powerbombs Taker
to the canvas. Lesnar tries a powerslam but Taker applies the dragon sleeper,
Lesnar breaks out for an F-5. Cover and Lesnar is in shock as Taker makes it to
the ropes, top rope Chokeslam by Taker to stop Lesnar reaching the chain. Here
come The FBI, Taker starts beating bitches, Lesnar walks into a Last Ride.
Taker dives over the top rope onto Palumbo & Stamboli. Nunzio is trying to
grab the chain, Taker pulls down Nunzio and Nunzio is knocked to the floor.
Taker yanks
down the chain, Vince crotches Taker on the top rope. Lesnar has the chain,
huge chain shot by Lesnar and one chain shot to the face is enough to put down
Big Evil as Lesnar walks away with the win and the WWE Championship.
As I said
above, this type of gimmick match comes off as corny to me and not worthy of a
main event championship match. It comes off as silly when Taker and Lesnar are
competing for the chain when moments earlier, they were waffling one another
with steel steps, a much heavier and more damaging weapon. A lot of
interference too with FBI and Mr. Mcmahon coming out to screw Big Evil, I get
why they were there to protect Taker but when your next feud is Mr. Mcmahon,
you ain’t going to be looking too good when you have to make The Boss look
credible as an opponent. Still, I would have had Lesnar go over like a Beast,
Lesnar has always came off as a monster, it has worked and I see no need to
change. For what is was worth, it was ok.
Brock Lesnar over The Undertaker via Chain to The Skull!
That was WWE’s
No Mercy 2003, a mixed show from The Smackdown brand. As always, they are
certain aspects I like such as Angle vs Cena, Tajiri vs Mysterio and Benoit
making A-Train look dominant and convincing for the first time in his run. Other
parts like the insanity of Vince vs Stephanie, the dull Big Show vs Eddie and a
main event of Taker vs Lesnar built around a terrible gimmick match. It could
be better but it could be much worse, check this out if you want to see some
good and some bad. Thanks for reading and remember: There’s always another
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