Hello and welcome to another edition
of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the
internet that always says it’s survey time! God bless Scott Hall! It’s time for
WCW Wrestle War 1992, featuring WarGames main event of Sting and his allies
taking on The Dangerous Alliance. I am not going to be gushing about my love
for The Alliance on this night because the whole of The Dangerous Alliance is
tied up in that main event so what makes up the rest of the card? A whole lot
of squash by the looks of it, there is one match buried in there of The
Steiners and more NJPW representatives in Fujinami & Iizuka which could be
a stiff and hard-hitting contest but the rest of this card looks really weak
and I was so high on the company following Superbrawl II, let’s get it on.
(WCW United
States Tag Team Championship Match) Greg The Hammer Valetine & The
Taylor-Made Man © vs The Fabulous Freebirds
The fuck is this match? Greg Valentine
is here in WCW? Freebirds as babyfaces? Terry Taylor holding a championship?
These championships still existing in 1992? So many odd things going on here,
Taylor and Hayes to start after some trademark strutting. This is also the
second PPV with Jesse Ventura on commentary so let’s see if this relationship
between JR and Ventura is as bad as they made it out to be, also poor Tony.
Shoulder block by Hayes, Taylor and
Valentine clash heads after a lot of drop-downs, schoolboy by Hayes for two.
Large calls for a DDT, side headlock from Hayes. Hip-toss from Hayes, Valentine
is not a happy camper. Clothesline from Valentine, elbows to the head. Chops
from Valentine, Hayes blocks a boot and atomic drops Valentine before landing
two clotheslines. Two for Hayes, right hand from Valentine but Hayes fights
back with chops and tags in Garvin. Valentine whips Garvin to the buckle,
Garvin dodges and Valentine smashes his shoulder off the ring-post. Garvin
applies the wristlock, tries an O’Connor roll and fails but Valentine misses an
elbow drop and Garvin works the arm again before tagging in Hayes who lands a
diving axe handle to the arm.
More DDT chants, Valentine shoves
Hayes before landing a big knee to the ribs. Snap-mare and tag to Taylor,
Taylor misses his elbow drop and in comes Garvin. Wrist-locks galore, Taylor is
getting battered by The Freebirds. Flying crossbody from Garvin and a leg-drop
to the arm before a tag to Hayes. Taylor headbutts Hayes twice, Hayes pulls the
hair to land the arm-bar. Taylor survives but eats an elbow to the face and an
elbow drop for two, tag to Garvin. Garvin works the arm, more DDT chants.
Taylor pulls Garvin to the floor, Valentine comes off the apron and chops
Garvin. Taylor drags Garvin back in and lands a jaw-breaker, tag to Valentine.
Valentine lands big chops, Garvin
fights back with big rights before Valentine lands a forearm. Garvin is whipped
to the opposite buckle, boot counter from Garvin. Valentine clubs down Hayes to
prevent the tag, Garvin blocks a suplex and lands one of his own. Valentine
tries a splash and Garvin blocks with the knees, tag to Taylor. Fist to the
head, whip to the buckle and a corner clothesline by Taylor. Reverse chin-lock
from Taylor, Garvin manages to break free and clothesline Taylor. In come Hayes
who lands big right hands all around, back body-drop on Valentine.
Noggin-knocker, we have a breakdown with Hayes wanting a DDT on Valentine,
Five-Arm from Taylor and Valentine covers for a close two.
Big body slam from Valentine on Hayes,
back-breaker from Valentine for two. Headbutt to the groin from Valentine for
two, Hayes will not stay down despite the attacks from Valentine. Valentine
tastes knees down low as Hayes blocks, tag to Taylor. Taylor rakes the eyes of
Hayes, Hayes reverses an Irish whip but lowers his head off the Irish whip. Dr.
Bomb for two, tag to Valentine who wrenches at the leg but Hayes is fighting,
Valentine cannot be stopped though and applies the hold before Garvin makes the
save. Valentine whips Hayes hard and Hayes collapses to the mat, tag to Taylor.
Taylor has his head bounced off the buckle, then the opposite buckle. Left hand
from Hayes, can Hayes make the tag now?
Tag to Garvin, right hands and a back
body-drop. Clotheslines by Garvin, atomic drop and a clash of heads. O’Connor
roll for two, Garvin lands a double clothesline. Valentine trips up Garvin from
the outside, knee-drop to the head by Taylor. In comes Hayes, Garvin back-drops
Valentine and drills Taylor with the DDT while Hayes holds off Valentine.
Freebirds are over anyways, you cannot
doubt that but I think the usefulness of this team is long gone unfortunately,
I was happy that Taylor was able to hold a championship in WCW for some length
of time considering his work was solid in the mid-card but having Valentine in
92? It is incredible how bizarre one company can be.
Winners: The
Fabulous Freebirds over Valentine & Taylor via DDT!
Young Pistol
Tracy Smothers vs Johnny B. Badd
Since turning babyface, Badd is not
doing too badly for himself with his push while Smothers is more solo now
without any real direction since becoming a heel, I cannot imagine this going
well for Smothers. They trade hammerlocks before Badd schoolboys Smothers,
Smothers is irate and says that was some sort of cheating. Elbow by Smothers
and a shoulder block, Badd leapfrogs and drop-downs before landing arm-drags.
Badd lands a flying crossbody for two, dropkick and another arm-drag from Badd.
Transition into the arm-bar, Smothers uses the hair for an advantage and drills
Badd with right hands before Badd works the ribs with body punches.
Smothers is whipped to the opposite
buckle, boot to the face of Badd and Smothers lands a massive calf-kick to the
back of the head. Smothers kicks Badd while he is down, back-rake from
Smothers. Smothers climbs high, diving reverse elbow from Smothers for two.
Smothers climbs high again, twisting diving crossbody from Smothers but Badd
rolls through for two. Another calf-kick to the head for two, reverse chin-lock
from Smothers. Badd survives and tries a small package for two, Smothers
applies a reverse chin-lock again but gets decked with a high knee. Rights and
lefts, face-buster and an Irish whip into a powerslam. Badd is climbing high,
Badd nails that diving sunset flip for two. Smothers misses a massive leaping
leg lariat and Badd lands his left for the win.
Not bad to be honest, I have seen
worse from the young Johnny B. Badd, Smothers is very solid inside of that
ring, I really enjoy his work and I am definitely curious to see how Smothers
did in Smokey Mountain Wrestling because he definitely does it for me inside of
that ring. Badd is a bit away from putting it all together but there is a lot
of time and if Badd continues to work with the right wrestlers inside of that
ring, Badd could go very far in the company.
Winner: Johnny B.
Badd over Tracy Smothers via Left Hook!
Marcus Alexander
Bagwell vs Scotty Flamingo
Scott Levy pre-Raven gimmick should be
an interesting watch, they lock-up and refuse to budge with this being very
even. Slap from Flamingo and slap form Bagwell, this is fun. Flamingo spears
Bagwell and dumps him to the floor, Bagwell comes back in and tackles Flamingo.
These two are slapping the taste out of one another, Bagwell avoids a scoop
slam and lands a right hand. Whip to the buckle, belly to back suplex for two.
Flamingo is planted with a suplex for two, Flamingo dumps Bagwell to the floor.
Schoolboy from Bagwell for two before Flamingo lands a belly to back suplex,
elbow to the head and right hands to the ribs. Snap-mare and a middle rope fist
from Flamingo for two, reverse chin-lock from Flamingo.
Both men end up on the floor after a tumble,
they both make it into the ring and Bagwell rams Flamingo’s head into the mat.
Elbow by Flamingo, hip-toss by Bagwell. Clothesline and Bagwell fires up, right
hands by Bagwell that rock Flamingo. Elbow by Bagwell and middle rope Bagwell
lands a diving axe handle. Bagwell calls for the end, Flamingo places his foot
on the ropes to survive the fisherman suplex. Flamingo whips Bagwell to the
buckle, Bagwell ducks the clothesline and grabs an O’Connor roll for two but
Flamingo rolls over and grabs the rights for the win.
A little rough in patches, neither man
exactly a veteran by this point but Bagwell looked a lot rougher around the
edges in this one than in previous matches, Flamingo has a decent gimmick, not
the one that would make him famous but still has a good thing going, I imagine
Flamingo and Pillman could put on some fun matches together, we will see though.
Winner: Scotty
Flamingo over Marcus Bagwell via Handful of Tights!
Ron Simmons vs
Mr. Hughes
It is meant to be a tag team match but
Cactus Jack lands his Cactus Jack Elbow off the ramp onto JYD on the concrete,
JYD cannot continue so I am not sure how Simmons is meant to be getting the rub
from teaming with JYD but Simmons shows great guts and says I will fight both
men because I am one bad motherfucker. Simmons is clubbed before landing a
massive clothesline, Hughes and Cactus roll to the floor. Simmons punches
Hughes who goes to the eyes, Hughes is drilled with a massive clothesline.
Hip-toss from Simmons, Hughes powders and comes back in the ring and clubs down
Simmons. Clothesline and elbow drop from Hughes, two for Hughes.
Scoop slam by Hughes, knee-drop from
Hughes. Two for Hughes, Hughes punches Simmons in the corner. Simmons is
whipped to the opposite buckle, elbow counter from Simmons. Hughes goes low
with a fist to the ribs, Hughes chokes Simmons with the top rope. Simmons comes
back with a sunset flip for two, Hughes continues to drill Simmons with right
hands. Middle rope choke by Hughes, Cactus attacks Simmons behind the referee’s
back. Hughes chokes Simmons with the bottom rope, Simmons whips Hughes and
lands a hip-toss. Hughes misses a middle rope attack, Simmons lands a
clothesline and a back body-drop.
Eye-rake from Hughes, Simmons reverses
the Irish whip and drills Hughes with the Spinebuster. Cactus tries coming in
but gets taken out with a brutal shoulder block and Simmons chop-blocks Hughes
for the win before knocking down Cactus Jack one more time for good measure.
Hughes has a decent look but he is the
shits inside of that ring, Simmons has been dominating the feud but I am not
too sure that it is doing him any favours, hopefully Simmons and Cactus can
move onto better things.
Winner: Ron
Simmons over Mr. Hughes via Chop-Block!
Todd Champion vs
The Super Invader W/ Harley Race
Harley Race is with this ridiculous
gimmick? It is Hercules Hernandez, more ex-WWF talent on this card. Big
clothesline and elbow drop, whip to the buckle and a test of strength. I am
looking at the mask of Invader and there are no eye-holes or mouth hole, how is
this man breathing? Sidewalk slams after massive thrusts from Super Invader.
Reverse chin-lock from Super Invader, Todd Champion begins to fire back, Invader
lands a clothesline. Champion is tossed to the floor, apron axe handle from
Invader. Scoop slam on the floor, in the ring Invader climbs to the top rope
and Champion lands a foot to the head. Right hands by Champion, flying forearm.
Spinning reverse elbow, Invader stun-guns Champion. Massive powerbomb and its
That was bad, the mask is terrible and
I do not think I want to see more passed over WWF talent in WCW in prominent
spots on the card, I want to see Steamboat and Rude, people who could
contribute and still had a lot to give to WCW, not Valentine and Hercules.
Winner: Super
Invader over Todd Champion via Powerbomb!
Big Josh vs
Richard Morton
How is Ricky Morton still in this
company? How is he still a heel? Big Josh is obviously bigger so Morton cowers
away from Big Josh. Shoulder blocks for two, hip-toss and massive scoop slam
from Big Josh. Log-Roll, lock-up and Morton cheap-shots Big Josh. Knee-lift and
Big Josh has his shirt ripped before Big Josh ties off with left hands. Morton
cannot escape the blows of Big Josh, massive running fist to the face. Chops in
the corner, Morton dodges a corner clothesline and belly to back suplexes Big
Josh. Inverted atomic drop from Morton, Morton takes control with foot chokes
and arm-bars. Big Josh is down on his knees as Morton squeezes the arm and
lands a single arm DDT. Big Josh comes up and ducks Morton and stomps Morton in
the head. Scoop slam, elbow drop from Big Josh for two.
Irish whip and Big Josh lowers his
head, Morton kicks Big Josh hard in the face and continues working the arm, the
crowd try to rally Big Josh. Big Josh lands a belly to belly suplex for two,
Morton rakes the eyes. Big Josh stops Morton flying off the top rope with an
inverted atomic drop, massive chop and The Northern Exposure for the win.
I just want Morton to be a babyface
with Robert Gibson and go to Smokey Mountain Wrestling, The York Foundation
turn didn’t work, the big match with Robert did not work. It was simply a bad
choice, they need to move on badly from it while Big Josh is a horrific gimmick
and hardly lighting the world on fire in WCW.
Winner: Big Josh
over Richard Morton via Northern Exposure!
(WCW Light
Heavyweight Championship Match) Flyin’ Brian Pillman © vs The Z-Man
Originally I thought they had turned
Z-Man heel with the black trunks but watching back the footage, this is simply
a heated contest between two babyfaces and more importantly, two friends. Zenk
has been someone I have not cared for in WCW, they talk about the duo being
former tag team partners but Pillman moved onto bigger things pretty quickly
while Zenk was stuck with other lower-card babyfaces.
Pillman wants to shake hands and Zenk
is not too happy with that, Pillman works the wrist. Zenk transitions into a
hammerlock and then a side headlock, shoulder block and lots of drop-downs and
leapfrogs before both try a dropkick and we have a stand-off. Pillman scores
with the drop toehold, Fujiwara arm-bar from Pillman. Both men run the ropes
and both men try arm-drags, they build up the duo knowing one another so well
so that’s why we continue to have neither man gaining control. Pillman lands a
snap-mare followed by a knee-drop, Zenk is caught in a side headlock. Zenk
shoves off Pillman and manages to land an arm-drag which leads to a hammerlock.
Pillman is in the ropes, Zenk whips off Pillman.
More counters, head-scissors from
Pillman into the arm-drag and Fujiwara arm-bar. Snap-mare into a head-scissors,
Zenk escapes and tries multiple pins that all end in two. Pillman chops Zenk
and applies the toehold into an Indian Death-lock. Elbow to the knee, Pillman
stretches the leg with a fantastic stretch. Pillman tried a somersault senton
attack but Pillman misses as Zenk dodges, the lower-back of Pillman was
apparently injured heading into this contest. Suplex from Zenk for two, slingshot
splash from Zenk misses as Pillman blocks with his knees. Pillman kicks out the
leg of Zenk, Pillman stretches the foot. Single leg Boston crab from the
champion, Zenk sends Pillman to the buckle. Zenk misses a knee, Pillman applies
the figure-four leg-lock in the middle of the ring. They take turns slapping
one another, Zenk eventually counters the hold.
They end up in the ropes, the referee
breaks the hold. Chops and Irish whip by Pillman, Zenk elevates Pillman to the
buckle. Pillman tries a slingshot crossbody but Zenk counters with a powerslam
for two. Zenk whips Pillman off the ropes, crucifix pin from Pillman for two.
Pillman slaps Zenk and sets him up on the top rope, Pillman is shoved to the
mat. Diving crossbody from Zenk for two, both men bang heads off a leapfrog.
Zenk flapjacks Pillman for two, Zenk plays possum and boots Pillman who tried a
diving crossbody, two for Zenk. Zenk kicks over Pillman, Zenk is kicking the
lower back of Pillman. Zenk wants his missile dropkick but Pillman swats away
the missile dropkick and jacknife rolls-up Zenk and this match is over, Pillman
Very good championship match, this had
a bit more to it than the Liger vs Pillman match in terms of heat here with the
fans being more familiar with both men’s work. I have been a critic of Zenk’s
work but he pulled it off here, lots of interesting spots mixed in with both
men showing a vicious streak by targeting body parts to capture that
championship while the spots where they showed they knew one another inside
out, I thought it was great stuff too. Two great light heavyweight championships
matches back to back, shocking considering the tournament to crown the first
champion had Mike Graham!
Winner: Flyin’
Brian Pillman over The Z-Man via Roll-Up!
The Steiner
Brothers vs Tatsumi Fujinami & Takayuki Iizuka
The Steiners want the IWGP Tag Team
Championships so we should get a fun match here with Fujinami returning to WCW
after his Superbrawl match with Flair, Tatsumi seems to have aged a lot in that
year but I think it is just the beard. Scott Steiner and Fujinami to start,
clean breaks from both men. Arm-drag from Fujinami, Scott Steiner takes the leg
of Fujinami who scrambles to the ropes. Scott fireman carries Fujinami for two,
front chancery from Scott Steiner. Shoulder block by Scott Steiner, flipping
powerslams from Scott Steiner. Steiner-line and Fujinami is reeling, tag to
Scott backs Iizuka to the corner, knee
strikes in the corner. Shoulder thrust, scoop slam and elbow drop. Iizuka
climbs high once more, somersault attack from Iizuka for two. Boston crab,
Scott Steiner powers out and Tiger-Bombs Iizuka to the mat. Scott tags in Rick,
diving elbow drop combination from The Steiners for two. In comes Fujinami and
a side headlock from The Dragon, German suplex from Rick. Two for Rick, Rick
slaps on the reverse chin-lock. Tag to Scott, Irish whip and elbow by Scott
Steiner. Single leg Boston crab from Scott Steiner, in comes Rick. Fujinami
batters Rick and tags in Iizuka, Iizuka tries a crossbody but Rick turns in
mid-air with a belly to belly suplex for two.
Iizuka is saved by Fujinami, chops
from Iizuka. Rick runs into Iizuka with a shoulder block, tag to Fujinami who
kicks the legs of Rick. Fujinami wrenches the leg of Rick before Rick rolls up
Fujinami for a close two. In comes Iizuka to work the leg, Rick is in a bad way.
Rick escapes and in comes Scott Steiner, tilt-a-whirl side-slam from Scott and
Scott applies a double chickenwing hold. In comes Rick who works the leg of
Iizuka, Rick picks up Iizuka and sends Iizuka into the buckle upside down. Tag
to Scott, pump-handle slam from Scott. Elbow drop for two, Scott works the head
of Iizuka. Iizuka manages to tag in Fujinami, Fujinami and Rick get into it too
so this match breaks down big time.
Iizuka attacks Scott Steiner before
Fujinami locks on the abdominal stretch, transition into the cradle for two.
Front chancery from Fujinami, Fujinami lands big right hands. Scott muscles
down Fujinami and tags in Rick, Rick wants a fair-fight. Right hands by Rick,
Fujinami brings Rick to his corner and in comes Iizuka who gets tackled
half-way across the ring, belly to belly suplex with Fujinami saving Iizuka
from a three-count. In comes Scott, Fujinami comes in also. Iizuka and Fujinami
are arm-dragged by Scott, Rick lands a diving clothesline on Team NJPW. Scott
Steiner is caught on the top rope, Fujinami lands a belly to back suplex.
German suplex from Iizuka for two, tag to Fujinami.
Spike Piledriver from Team NJPW, Scott
Steiner is down bad. Missile dropkick from Iizuka, Irish whip into the sleeper
and a transition into The Dragon Sleeper. Scott Steiner is in the ropes, sleeper
again but Scott kicks out of the sleeper. Clothesline and shoulder block with
both men banging heads, tag to Rick. Steiner-line and elbow on Iizuka, belly to
belly suplex on Iizuka. Pier-Six Brawl time, Rick lands a middle rope Belly To
Belly Suplex for the win.
Good wrestling match here, Fujinami
and Iizuka are definitely not the flashy type or the type to get those big
reactions from the WCW audience but they are willing to hit hard and be hit
hard and that’s what works in this one because The Steiners have tonnes of fun
moves in their arsenal, really fun tag team stuff here.
Winners: The
Steiner Brothers over Tatsumi Fujinami & Takayuki Iizuka via Belly to Belly
(WarGames Match)
The Dangerous Alliance (Rick Rude/Stunning Steve Austin/Bobby Eaton/Arn
Anderson/Larry Zbyszko) vs Sting’s Squadron (Sting/Ricky Steamboat/Barry
Windham/Dustin Rhodes/Nikita Koloff)
Only a contest like this could settle
the feud between all these men, think of what we have heading into this match.
We have a stable created with the sole purpose of destroying Sting, we have
Rick Rude’s attempts to break the neck of Ricky The Dragon Steamboat. We have
Barry Windham wanting to kill Larry Zbyszko for breaking his hand and the wild
card that is Nikita Koloff. That is a hell of a build and we have had a lot of
WarGames matches but this feels like the most heated of the lot.
So how does it work? Two men start, a
coin-toss will decide which team has the man advantage and it can only end when
all 10 men have entered and you can only win by surrender or submission. Who
will start this match for each team? Stunning Steve Austin vs Barry Windham to
begin this match, Austin has trimmed his thinning long hair, these two start
brawling really good to kick us off. Right hands from Windham, shoulder blocks
but Austin tries sending Windham into the cage. Windham blocks and peppers
Austin over and over, scoop slam but the elbow drop misses as Austin lands
massive right hands. Windham’s head meets the buckle, shoulder thrusts from
Austin blocks the piledriver and
back-drops Windham, Windham tosses Austin into the other ring. Massive DDT from
Windham plants Austin, Austin manages to avoid having his face touch the cage,
Windham is tossed between the rings. Flying clothesline by Austin, Austin is
dropped off the top rope and down to the mat. Austin is the first man to taste
the cage, Windham rakes the face of Austin off the cage wall. Austin is now
bleeding, these two are setting the tone for this match. Right hand by Windham
decks Austin, Windham bites the head of Austin. Windham lands a knee-lift but
The Dangerous Alliance win the toss. In comes Ravishing Rick Rude, massive
knees and elbows from Rude.
Windham fights back but Rude rakes the
eyes, right hands by Windham. Shoulder thrusts from Rude, Windham blocks the
cage. Austin comes back and lands a diving clothesline. Windham meets the cage
thanks to Austin and Rude, who will be next in? It’s Ricky Steamboat who wants
Rude and chops all around, Austin meets the cage wall. DDT on Rude, DDT on
Austin. Crowd is going fucking bananas by this point, hell yeah WCW! Austin
saves Rude from an assault, Steamboat dodges Austin and kicks him down. Rude
eats a hurricanrana and a flurry of fists from Steamboat. The next man is Arn
Anderson, knees and DDT by Anderson on Windham. Spinebuster on Steamboat,
Anderson has turned the tide in this one.
Steamboat is caught in a double crab,
Steamboat’s back may be broken. Windham saves the day with massive rights, Windham
is bleeding now. Steamboat is tossed to the other ring, who will be next for
Sting’s Squadron? The Natural Dustin Rhodes is next! Rhodes brawls with Anderson,
boots to the face and a Bionic Elbow. Irish whip and an inverted atomic drop
and clothesline on Austin, Anderson is down too after a clothesline. Electric
chair drop on Austin, Anderson is being crushed between the rings by Windham.
This is fantastic fun here, number four will be The Cruncher Larry Zbyszko.
Rhodes meets Zbyszko and Zbyszko is
being waffled, Medusa is climbing the cage what is going on here? She drops
down the telephone for The Dangerous Alliance but Sting scares away Medusa from
the top of the cage. Rude rakes the eyes and nose of Steamboat, Steamboat
screams out in pain. Austin is pummelling Windham. Zbyszko is taking it to
Rhodes who is bleeding now, Sting is coming in for his team! Stinger running
wild baby, face-busters and jaw-breakers for Anderson and Rude. Anderson meets
the steel cage, Austin is back-dropped into the steel cage. Anderson is
bleeding all over the place, Eaton is having his fists taped. Nice touch as
that right-hand is well documented as deadly, Rude is being tortured by Steamboat
and Sting before the final man comes in for The Dangerous Alliance.
Beautiful Bobby starts using that
beautiful right hand, Rhodes is bleeding like crazy. Lots of babyfaces meeting
the cage wall, Zbyszko is trying to unhook a buckle, Rude wants to rip it
apart, there must be a plan here. Anderson is stomping Sting, here comes the
final man: Nikita Koloff! Nikita drills Anderson to start, Nikita shows that he
can be trusted and they will work together. Russian Sickle and clothesline from
The Stinger, Nikita is an ally. Rude is working on the buckle again, Zbyszko is
drilled in the head with a boot. Sting has The Scorpion Death-lock on Anderson,
Eaton makes the save and takes the rod from the buckle. Figure Four from Rhodes
on Zbyszko, Nikita smashes Austin into the buckle over and over. Steamboat has
the sleeper on Rude, Eaton has the steel rod. Zbyszko has the hook now, aiming
for Sting. Eaton is drilled with the steel, Sting applies the arm-bar and
wrenches the arm, Eaton surrenders!
What a fantastic match, this has
action and heat throughout the contest, props to every man involved, there was
a lot of bad blood heading into this match. We have Zbyszko vs Windham, Rude vs
Steamboat and the overall package of The Dangerous Alliance having beef with
all members of Sting’s Squadron. It is setup in fantastic fashion as Austin and
Windham just hammer one another from the get-go and it’s on, not a second of
wasted motion from that point, everyone comes in and gets their shit in and
there are buckets of blood here, Austin is fantastic here with every babyface
coming in, they just torture the guy and its brilliant. Loved every minute of
this and the only knock I have on this is that it will speel the decline of The
Dangerous Alliance which personally sucks in my eyes because I loved the
faction and I really didn’t get to see them kill it as much as I wanted to when
it comes to rounding out the card. This is one of the matches that you hear a
lot of hype for and it delivers, this may not save the terrible card but by God
does it come close in that regard, excellent match recommended viewing!
Winner: Sting’s
Squadron over The Dangerous Alliance via Surrender!
That was WCW’s WrestleWar 1992, a WCW
PPV that has an absolutely amazing main event and possibly a hidden gem in
there but still has some good old WCW stink on there. We kick things off with
Freebirds vs Valentine/Taylor, I like Taylor who has grown on me but everyone
else in this match has to go, Freebirds whether they are heels or faces have
been around for so long in that United States Tag Team Championship scene, I
just cannot get excited for them as I have seen everything they have to offer,
they truly have nothing more to give. Bagwell vs Flamingo is awkward from these
two up and comers, rough around the edges for sure but Flamingo has a charisma
to him that makes him much more interesting than generic Bagwell. Simmons vs
Hughes does no favours for Simmons who after the Reed feud and split of Doom
has had the ball dropped on him in my eyes. The rub from JYD could have helped
but I am not sure how Ron Simmons will go from this to capturing the WCW
Heavyweight Championship.
Todd Champion vs Super Invader was as
bad as you think it might be, enough said there. Richard Morton vs Big Josh is
just so poor, Ricky Morton needs to leave this company because he’s been
irrelevant for well over 2 years at this point and Big Josh is not doing much
for me, the gimmick is just horrific as is his work inside the squared circle.
Z-Man has probably the match of his career against Brian Pillman here, two
babyfaces tearing it up for the richest prize in their division, both Pillman
and Zenk showcase a side of themselves that would be new to us, showing more
fire than ever before and Pillman wins thematch as he should while we shall see
what is next for The Z-Man. Steiners vs Iizuka & Fujinami is hard-hitting
and flies by in terms of action, big hits and the crowd pops huge for the
action in the ring, very happy with this match. Finally, the main event is just
top-tier stuff with everyone on their A game and there is drama and excitement
throughout, loved every minute of it and kept me guessing where it was going
next, cannot say enough about this. Check it out for the main event, it is well
worth your time! Thanks for reading and remember: there’s always another night!
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