Hello and welcome to another edition
of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the
internet that shames people for their appearances more than Dave Meltzer! It is
time for WWF’s Wrestlemania 3, the one that changed everything, it is hard to
put into words how important this pay per view was, it was not all or nothing
like the first Wrestlemania but this kicked wrestling into everyone’s home,
there is not one fan of WWF who does not fondly recall this show, to discredit
this show will be a tough task but as this reviewer has often found, our
fondest memories not will always be so beautiful. So what are the big matches
on this supershow that changed the professional wrestling business? In the mid-card,
we have Jake The Snake Roberts chasing down The Honky Tonk Man, Honky Tonk Man
smashed a guitar over the back of Roberts, setting this feud in motion. Rowdy
Roddy Piper returns to the WWF to batter Adrian Adonis who had beaten Piper on
Saturday Night’s Main Event by count-out, Piper looks for revenge on this
night. Now, the big two that everyone talks about, Randy Macho Man Savage tried
to crush the larynx of Ricky Steamboat with a ring-bell, Savage continued to
feud with George Steele before Steamboat returned and now for the
Intercontinental Championship, the two will battle at Wrestlemania. Finally,
it’s Hulk Hogan vs Andre The Giant, two former friends. The undefeated Giant
who turned on his friend out of jealousy, Hogan was heartbroken but most rally
to try to defeat the undefeated in fifteen years, Andre The Giant. This is
Wrestlemania 3, let’s get it on!
Opening Promo
This arena
is absolutely massive, the Pontiac Silverdome brother. Vince welcomes everyone
to the event, Miss Aretha Franklin sings America The Beautiful, she has just
passed at the time of writing this review. WWE did a nice tribute to The Queen
Of Soul and she kills it as only she can, may her soul rest in piece. Lots of
imagery of Americans in action, serving their great country. I was never one
for the patriotism pageantry but it could be effective in certain situations,
the September 9/11 episode of Smackdown being a highlight or the tribute to the
troops production packages. Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura along with our celebrity
guests talk about the card.
The Can-Am Connection vs Don Muraco & Cowboy Bob Orton W/
Mr. Fuji
Tom Zenk and
Rick Martel take on Bob Orton and Magnificent Muraco in the opening match, not
my idea of a hot opening match. Muraco and Zenk are in the ring, Muraco shakes
off Zenk. Side headlock by Zenk, shoulder block by Zenk. Muraco is not happy,
Muraco brings Zenk to the corner. Zenk is whipped to the corner, leapfrog and
hiptosses by Zenk. Side headlock by Muraco, Martel blind tags in, double monkey
flip on Muraco. Double hiptoss on Orton, Orton is begging for mercy, side
headlock and shoulder block by Orton. Scoop slam by Zenk, hiptoss and arm-bar
by Zenk. Knee by Orton, full-nelson.
Orton is
popped in the mouth from Muraco by mistake, two for Zenk. Tag to Martel, axe
handle and leg drop on the arm. Arm-bar by Martel, tag to Zenk. Muraco tags in
and eats a scoop slam, Orton nails Zenk from the apron. Neckbreaker by Muraco,
fist drop by Orton for two. Both men bang heads off an Irish whip, Martel gets
the hot-tag. Muraco Flair flips to the apron, Zenk pairs off with Muraco,
Martel with Orton. Orton and Muraco run into one another, dropkicks to Muraco. Crossbody
for the win, The Can-Am Connection win the match.
It was fine,
Muraco and Orton had been two of my favourite performers in the WWF in the
reviews that I have done this far, seems they were just whipping boys in this
match, Martel and Zenk seem to be the new team on the block but it was average
at best.
The Can-Am Conncetion Over Muraco & Orton via Crossbody!
Billy Jack Haynes vs Hercules Hernandez W/ Bobby Heenan
These two do
not like one another at all, Haynes had been attacked by Hercules to set up
this match. They start with lock-ups, Haynes has Hercules in the corner. Knees
by Hercules, knee lift downs Haynes. Hercules eats a clothesline and scrambles
to survive a full-nelson attempt. Hercules eats chops and right hands, Irish
whip to the corner and Hercules comes flying out with a clothesline. Stomps by
Hercules, back drop by Hercules. Hard Irish whip to the corner, multiple times.
Suplex from
Hercules, two count with Hercules picking up Haynes to stop the count. Haynes
battles from underneath, suplex fails as Haynes’ back is too damaged to lift
Hercules. Hercules nails a backbreaker, military press slam as Hercules calls
for the finish. Hercules applies a Full-Nelson, Haynes is fading and is down to
a knee. Haynes survives, Haynes breaks free. Hercules pummels Haynes but both
men clothesline one another. Inverted atomic drop by Haynes, clothesline by
Haynes. Make it another, leg drop. Middle rope fist drop and Haynes applies a
Full-Nelson. They fight on the floor and both men are counted out.
Not the
memorable start to the show you would expect, not sure why Haynes did not get
the win, Haynes broke the hold and it would have made sense for Haynes to have
his redemption but apparently, it was not meant to be, the work was ok, the
crowd came alive for Haynes when he escaped the hold but this was
disappointing. Hercules smashes Haynes after the match with his chain, Haynes
is bleeding everywhere.
Hillbilly Jim/Little Beaver/The Haiti Kid vs King Kong Bundy/Little
Tokyo/Lord Littlebrook
Well, it is
different. Bundy and Jim surrounded by midgets three matches into the card of
the most important pay per view at the time. We have a criss-cross, Haiti Kid
and Beaver take down Littlebrook and Tokyo. Beaver has Tokyo, side headlock by
Tokyo. Tokyo tags Littlebrook, they tie-up with a clean break. They stumble
along before Bundy comes into the ring, Beaver stands his ground. Tag to Jim,
Jim clotheslines Bundy. Elbow drop but Bundy kicks out, Bundy is slapped by
Beaver. Bundy smacks Jim around, Avalanche by Bundy. Beaver is caught by Bundy,
slam by Bundy. Elbow drop and I think Beaver is dead, Bundy cannot attack
midgets, we have a DQ.
Well, this
is absurd now. Not even fun comedy, three matches into Wrestlemania 3 and this
show is awful what is going on here? Surely, this pay per view has been greatly
embellished because this is madness!
Team Jim over Team Bundy via DQ!
King Harley Race W/ Bobby Heenan vs The Junkyard Dog (Loser
Must Bow Match)
Race and Dog
had their issues, Heenan constantly annoying JYD. Heenan grabs the foot of JYD,
JYD gives chase but Race cuts off JYD. Headbutt by JYD, Race headbutts JYD and
throws him to the floor. Race misses an apron headbutt, Dog clotheslines Race
into the ring. Race tumbles to the floor, scoop slam by Junkyard Dog. Abdominal
stretch is reversed by Race, headbutt has no effect. JYD throws Race to the
floor, Headbutts by Junkyard Dog. Heenan is on the apron, Belly to Belly Suplex
by Race for the win.
Hardly a
match, Race was sent to the floor at least seven times, no real story with JYD
getting distracted by Heenan for the finish, it went about four minutes and I
think I am already sick of this show. Afterwards, JYD bows to the king and
smacks Race with a chair.
Winner: Harley
Race over Junkyard Dog via Belly To Belly Suplex!
The Rougeau Brothers vs The Dream Team W/ Dino Bravo &
Johnny Valiant
and Beefcake lost their tag team championships to The British Bulldogs and have
been on the decline since, this is a chance to bounce back though. Raymond and
Beefcake start, Jacques and Raymond take out Beefcake who tags Valentine.
Crossbody by Raymond for two, tag to Jacques. Elbow drop for two, Jacques is
whipped to the corner and a middle rope crossbody attempt goes wrong. Valentine
takes control, slam and tag to Beefcake who stomps Jacques. Tag to Valentine,
axe handle and backbreaker combination. Figure Four, Jacques survives. Jacques
reverses a piledriver, Raymond is in the match. Sleeper, Beefcake smacks
Valentine by mistake. The Rougeau Brothers hit their finish but Dino Bravo
smacks Jacques which leads to The Dream Team winning. DUD!
The Dream Team over The Rougeau Brothers via Sneak Attack!
Adorable Adrian Adonis W/ Jimmy Hart vs Rowdy Roddy Piper
Roddy Piper
was thinking of retiring after this match so what better thing to do for Piper
than turn him babyface and put him against one of the most obnoxious heels on
the roster. Adonis stole everything from Piper which leads us to this match,
Piper whips Adonis to start the match. Jimmy Hart is choked too, Adonis has the
belt. Piper is whipped now, Piper reverses and throws Hart onto Adonis.
Side headlock,
Piper is tripped by Jimmy Hart. Adonis catches his breath, back rake from
Adonis. Clothesline by Adonis, elbow by Adonis. Jimmy Hart attacks Piper on the
floor, Piper is asking for more from Adonis. They slug it out, Hart sprays
Piper with perfume. Sleeper from Adonis, Piper is down on the mat in trouble.
Adonis believes he has won but Piper is not done, Beefcake revives Piper. Piper
knocks down Hart, Adonis smacks himself in the face with the clippers, Sleeper
from Piper and Piper wins his final match. Adonis is shaved, all is well with
the world.
Finally, a
match you can sink your teeth into, this is brilliant. Piper is attacked by
Adonis and Hart throughout the match, they tease count-outs and Adonis beating
Piper masterfully. Crowd is molten lava for anything that Piper does, it would
be a fitting farewell for one of the most hated heels of all-time transitioning
into the realm of Hollywood, thank you Piper for doing wonderful things in that
ring and saving this show in my eyes.
Roddy Piper over Adrian Adonis via Sleeper!
The Hart Foundation & Dangerous Danny Davis W/Jimmy Hart
vs The British Bulldogs & Tito Santana
Davis had
been a screwy referee throughout his WWF tenure which led to The Hart
Foundation stealing the championships from The British Bulldogs, Davis is going
to get what has been coming for a long time, Santana and Bret start off. Bret
eats a boot, Bret tags in Neidhart and Davey Boy comes into the match. Neidhart
eats a clothesline, tag to Santana who is choked in the corner by the heels.
Clubbing blows by Neidhart, Davey Boy back drops Neidhart. Bret distracts Davey
Boy, Neidhart clotheslines Davey Boy. Tag to Bret, Bret misses his elbow.
takes down Bret with an Irish whip and clothesline, headbutt by Dynamite. Bret
backs Dynamite in the corner, Neidhart helps Bret beat down Dynamite. Tag to
Neidhart, camel clutch by Neidhart. Tag to Bret, double team on Dynamite, tag
to Davis. A few stomps and a tag to Bret, right hands by Bret. Tag to Neidhart,
stomps before a tag to Bret. Tag to Davis, boots by Davis. Tag to Bret, Bret
tags in Davis. Davis misses a slingshot splash, Santana brutalizes Davis. Right
hands, Flying Forearm by Santana. Neidhart stops the figure four, Davey Boy
clotheslines Davis. Tombstone Piledriver on Davis, suplex and Running
Powerslam. Neidhart saves Davis, the match breaks down but in the madness,
Davis smashes Davey Boy with a megaphone for the win.
This was a
lot of fun, you had some great selling from Dynamite Kid, The Hart Foundation
were great when they isolated Dynamite Kid. Davis was fantastic, a slimy
overconfident fool who would nail a kick or two before ultimately, taking the
ass-kicking of a lifetime from one fiery red-hot Tito Santana, the card has
picked up, some really good things coming from this show now.
Team Davis over Team Santana Via Megaphone Attack!
Butch Reed W/ Slick vs Koko B Ware
The Natural
Butch Reed and Koko B Ware, they lock-up. Clean break from Koko, Reed says that
Koko pulled his hair. Lock-up, Reed smashes the ribs of Koko, pummelling blows
by Reed. Koko ducks an elbow, O Connor roll does not work. Dropkick by Koko, low
right to the stomach. Reed is whipped, huge right hand by Reed. Reed smashes
Koko into the turnbuckles, Reed eats a hiptoss. Rights and lefts by Koko,
dropkick for two. Small package by Koko for two, crossbody but Reed rolls through
with a handful of tights for the win.
Reed gets
the win in a match that is nothing special, Reed does not look great coming out
of the match and Koko does not comes out looking any worse. The match was just
there but at least it had a finish compared to the earlier portions of the
card. I just wonder what they really wanted to accomplish with this match.
Butch Reed over Koko B Ware Via Handful Of Tights!
(WWF Intercontinental Championship Match) Randy Macho Man
Savage © W/ Miss Elizabeth vs Ricky The Dragon Steamboat W/ George The Animal
The match
that has a tonne of heat going into it, Ricky Steamboat is the epitome of a
babyface, every quality that you wish you had, Steamboat has it in bucketloads.
Savage tried to crush the windpipe of Steamboat, Steamboat came back better
than ever and now Savage has his grand prize up for grabs. Lock-up, Savage is
shaken off by Steamboat. Savage is out on the floor, leading Elizabeth away
from Steele. Knee by Savage, Steamboat ducks the elbow. Deep arm-drags and a
throat toss, Savage rolls to the floor for a breather.
chases Savage, Savage comes down with an elbow. Clothesline, elbow drops on
Steamboat. Savage misses a splash, Steamboat drives Savage into the ground
using the arm. Savage is in pain, Steamboat attacks the arm like crazy. Savage
uses the hair of Steamboat to push him off, big reverse elbow. Steamboat is on
the floor, elbow by Savage. Savage wants to reinjure the larynx of Steamboat,
Savage stomps Steamboat to the floor. Back in the ring, Savage nails elbows for
two. Knee drop to the larynx for two, Steamboat sends Savage into the turnbuckle.
Big right hands, Savage is tied in the ropes.
Savage takes
shot after shot, Savage kicks away Steamboat. Crossbody by Steamboat for two,
arm-drag for two. Shoulder blocks for two, Savage shoves off Steamboat, high
knee by Savage. Steamboat skins the cat, Savage clotheslines Steamboat to the
floor. Savage knees Steamboat into the crowd, Steele saves Steamboat by
carrying back to the ring. Savage sends Steamboat to the floor, Savage nails a
top rope axe handle on Steamboat. Savage puts Steamboat into the ring, tope
rope axe handle by Savage. Running elbow for two, Savage hangs up Steamboat for
Savage nails
a suplex for two, Steamboat begins to fight back but Savage rakes the eyes.
Gutwrench suplex for two, Steamboat is fighting back from his knees. Back
suplex does not work for Savage, right hands but Savage kicks Steamboat.
Steamboat is in the ropes, The Dragon back drops Savage over the top rope.
Steamboat is going to the top, top rope chop with Savage placing his foot on
the rope. Chops by Steamboat for two, more chops by the challenger. Sunset flip
from the apron, two count. Steamboat does a schoolboy for two, jacknife cover
for two.
Small package
by Steamboat for two, scoop slam by Steamboat. Catapult into the turnbuckle,
Savage is dazed. Roll-up for two, O Connor roll for two. Savage does the same
for two, right hands by Steamboat. Savage pulls Steamboat into the ringpost,
the referee is knocked out as Steamboat and Hebnar bang heads. Savage nails his
Elbow Drop, no referee. Savage has the ring-bell, Steele shoves Savage off the
top rope. Savage tries a scoop slam but Steamboat counters for a roll-up,
Steamboat is your new champion.
Hard to say
anything new about this match, it was seen as ushering in a new style in the
States for wrestling, it was such a fast-paced match, Steamboat sold his ass
off like only Steamboat could, Steele pays off a year of story-telling by
giving the final fuck you to Savage after a year of abuse, Savage and Steamboat
stole the show at this Wrestlemania by putting on a type of match that would be
the golden standard for many Wrestlemania matches, they were lightyears ahead
of everyone, great stuff from these two.
Ricky Steamboat over Randy Savage via Small Package!
Jake The Snake Roberts W/ Alice Cooper vs Honky Tonk Man W/
Jimmy Hart
begins laying into Honky, knee lift by Roberts. Honky is trying to get out of
his suit, Roberts rips off the suit. Honky is running from Roberts, scoop slam
on the floor. Roberts misses as Honky boots down Roberts, Honky stomps the arm
and ribs. Roberts eats right hands, Roberts dodges a right hand. Short-arm
clothesline, Honky dodges the DDT by slithering out of the ring. Roberts and
Honky fight on the floor, Honky sends Roberts into the ringpost. Honky dances
in the ring, prematurely I might add. Knees by Honky, scoop slam by Honky.
Kicks to the
ribs, Honky chokes Roberts in the middle of the ring. Elbows and knee drops by
Honky, Shake Rattle and Roll is dodged by Roberts. Back drop, ten punches by
Honky. Inverted atomic drop, Roberts smacks Honky. Lefts and rights by Roberts,
Honky is begging for mercy. Back drop by Roberts, Honky is smacked to the
apron. Hart stomps the DDT, Honky rolls-up Roberts with the ropes for leverage.
Not bad, not
great either. Honky is a heat magnet though, quickly ascending up the card and
beating Jake Roberts, that is a big win for Honky. Roberts and his DDT are over
like rover, guaranteed to get a reaction on any given night but I would have
loved to seen the two have a longer match but it was fine on this night.
Honky Tonk Man over Jake Roberts Via Roll-Up!
Nikolai Volkoff & Iron Sheik vs The Killer Bees
Volkoff and
Sheik jump The Killer Bees, Hacksaw Jim Duggan is in the corner of The Bees.
Sheik eats slaps and right hands, Sheik is whipped off the ropes. Double elbow,
tag to Blair. Axe handle, tag to Brunzell. More axe handles, double hiptoss.
Sheik’s arm is destroyed as elbow after elbow come down on Sheik. Dropkick,
Volkoff saves Sheik. Brunzell is beaten down by Volkoff and Sheik, knee to the
ribs by Volkoff. Tag to Sheik, Sheik roughs up Brunzell. Volkoff applies a
bearhug, Brunzell eats a gutwrench suplex for two. Make it two, Brunzell is in
the ring with Sheik. Duggan waffles Sheik with 2x4.
What a waste
of a match, Duggan just cost The Killer Bees the match because he could not
pass up using that 2x4, the match was not really going anywhere before that
point mind you but another DQ on this card just sucks me out of the hold thing.
Sheik & Volkoff over The Killer Bees via DQ!
(WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match) Hulk Hogan © vs
Andre The Giant
This is thee
match, the match of all matches. Andre was undefeated for fifteen years, untouchable
and the WWF congratulated Andre with a trophy. Hogan was also congratulated by
the WWF for a four-year reign as WWF Champion. Andre was bitter and Heenan manipulated
Andre which leads us to this match, Hogan was broken by the betrayal of his best
friend Andre The Giant, Hogan was the man in the WWF but could he defeat Andre
The Giant? This was massive, it feels massive. It has the atmosphere, this is the
money match.
between the two, Hogan is shaking with rage as Andre remains motionless, no
emotion from Andre as he stares a whole through Hogan. Hogan is seething, Hogan
is beyond fired up. The two shove one another, right hands by Hogan, a slam
does not work as Andre falls on Hogan, it was almost over. Hogan is clutching
his back, Andre goes after the back. Clubbing blows, Hogan is being battered. Coconut
crushes from Andre, massive scoop slam by Andre.
scoop slam by Andre, Hogan is rolling around in pain. Andre steps all over
Hogan, Andre taunts Hogan asking him to get to his feet. Irish whip to the
corner, shoulder blocks by Andre. Butt splashes, headbutts by Andre. Hogan
escapes the corner and begins smashing Andre, big right hand. Chops by Hogan,
Andre is rammed off the turnbuckle. Hogan eats a boot from Andre, chops by
Andre. Bearhug by Andre, Hogan rallies and punches Andre. Shoulder block by Hogan,
chop by Andre. Boot by Andre, Hogan lays against the ringpost.
Andre tries
a headbutt, Andre misses the headbutt as Hogan ducks the headbutt. Hogan rips
up the floor to show the concrete, Hogan wants a piledriver but Andre back
drops Hogan on the concrete. Andre misses a boot, Hogan clotheslines Andre
down. Hogan is Hulking Up! Andre staggers to his feet, Hogan slams Andre, and
nails The Atomic Leg Drop for the win!
Such an
important match, I thought they told a very entertaining story with Andre being
undefeated, Andre being damn near unstoppable and Hogan not being able to do a
thing to Andre. Through grit determination and courage, Hogan manages to thwart
Andre, time after time Hogan comes back and then, the slam. A moment that lives
in history, sure Andre had been slammed by the likes of Stan Hansen and Hogan himself
but not in the WWF, Andre was seldom knocked off his feet but here Hogan does
the unthinkable and saves the WWF from Andre’s dominance, it is a fantastic
piece of story-telling and wrestling history, can you really shit all over it?
Possibly but I will not be the man to do it, a great end to Wrestlemania.
Hulk Hogan over Andre The Giant Via Atomic Leg Drop!
That was WWF’s
Wrestlemania 3, arguably the most important and biggest Wrestlemania of all-time.
Is the card up to that billing? No, much of this card could not help this show
in the slightest, the first four matches could be removed as we had midgets,
DQs and count-outs, the short matches did not have an impact on me and did not
suck me into the show. Things change big time with Piper’s match, Piper vs
Adonis has a tremendous atmosphere made sweeter by Piper being a babyface and
it being his farewell match, it just works so God damn well, it is a great
moment. Team Santana vs Team Davis is a great tag team match with Davis being
the star in the match, the Intercontinental Championship was fantastic, so
fresh and different to the rest of the card, Steamboat as the essential babyface
and Savage being as unlikeable as possible it was perfect. Hogan vs Andre was
electric, one of the best matches in terms of pure atmosphere alone. So,
Wrestlemania 3 when it was bad, was very bad but when it was good, it was
amazing, you have so many memorable moments and matches that it is no wonder
this is the Wrestlemania that cemented the WWF. Thanks for reading and
remember: There’s always another night!

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