Hello and welcome to another edition
of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the
internet that is heel because it speaks a foreign language! Dia Duit! Here we
are for TNA Final Resolution 2007, the first TNA pay per view of 2007. Angle
and Joe, Abyss and Sting intertwined with quotes from Muhammad Ali, Christian
is also involved with a hell of a lot of focus on Abyss. So, we have hyping for
the biggest two matches of the night and it is not bad, I hope they can knock
this one out of the park but it’s TNA and you never know what is around that
corner ladies and gentlemen! Not going to look up the card beforehand, hoping
for a rundown at some point before we begin, let’s get it on!
(Last Man
Standing Match) AJ Styles vs Rhino
AJ’s heel
turn began with his feud with Rhino, Styles is wearing long pants too this is
the beginning of that look, that’s a crazy thing to see for the first time. I
for some reason see that change as the beginning of the end of the TNA that so
many and I held dear. Notably, I do not believe Styles is affiliated with
Christian and Tomko just yet, no Christian Coalition for now. Rhino charges to
the ring and chases Styles who runs for his life, big clothesline in the ring
from the War Machine. Make it two, Irish whip and back body drop from Rhino,
“Who’s The Man?” asks Rhino to the Impact Zone.
Crowd seems
split, Irish whip is reversed by Styles, Rhino lands in the corner and elevates
Styles to the apron. Styles is rammed into the turnbuckle and falls to the
floor, plancha from Rhino. Rhino talks trash before brining Styles into the
ring, two for Rhino. Irish whip, Styles slides through the legs and sets up his
beautiful dropkick. Rhino is rammed into the turnbuckle, right hand from
Styles. Rhino is shaking off Styles’ offence, right hands from Rhino. Styles
cuts off Rhino with a kick to the ribs, Irish whip from Styles. Drop toehold
from Styles, Styles uses his wrist-tape to choke Rhino, nice little heel work
there. Rhino fires back with right hands, Styles throws his tape to distract
the referee, Styles low blows Rhino and nails a springboard dive for the pin.
Now, we need a ten count to see if Styles can win.
Rhino makes
it to his feet, stiff kicks and chops from Styles. Rhino alley oops Styles into
the top turnbuckle. Styles throws Rhino to the floor, Styles nails a massive
tope con hilo. Styles crashes into the mat hard though, very little space
between ring and guard-rail. Two for Styles, right hands from The Phenomenal
One. Elbows by Styles, forearms to the face. Rhino reverses the Irish whip,
Styles attempts a middle rope crossbody but eats a spinebuster from Rhino.
Rhino pins Styles, will Styles make it to his feet? Styles is on his feet we
have a nice stare-down before the two begin trading right hands.
clothesline and Polish Hammer from Rhino for two, Styles is placed on the top
rope. Styles fights back looking for a sunset flip powerbomb, Styles connects
and gets two. Irish whip from Styles is countered into a TKO, cover for two.
Rhino pulls out a table, Styles atomic drops Rhino onto the edge of the table.
Springboard Flying Forearm by Styles for two, Rhino crotches Styles this time
and plants Styles with a snap powerbomb pin for two. Rhino eats a Pele kick,
discuss clothesline misses for Styles, we have a massive Gore from Rhino! No
pin for Rhino, Rhino wants to deliver another Gore. Second Gore, Rhino pins
Styles but can Styles answer the ten count?
Rhino looks
to grab his table, Styles is moving very slowly. Rhino is signalling for a
piledriver, Rhino is looking at Styles preparing himself for that piledriver
but Styles looks Rhino in the eyes and says “Screw You”. Styles slides down to
his feet and Rhino wins this match by Styles losing on purpose. Rhino brings
Styles back to the ramp, Rhino Driver on the ramp but Styles dodges the Gore
which leads to Rhino crashing through his own table.
Well, that
was not fun at all. I wondered why they had to include pin-falls in a Last Man
Standing Match. Rhino is a wrestler I am unsure how to feel about, Rhino seems
awkward at times as a babyface, things just clicked in ECW and Rhino was never
able to regain that momentum but then again, those were clipped matches, maybe
Paul E made Rhino look amazing. Anyways, I am not feeling the feud, an
anti-climatic ending with a big match stipulation which means this feud
probably is not over which makes me feel sad.
Rhino over AJ Styles via Last Man Standing!
X-Division Championship Match) Jerry Lynn vs Chris Sabin vs Christopher Daniels
The past,
the present and the future of the TNA X-Division. While Styles has moved onto a
heel feud with Rhino, Daniels is back in the X-Division as the top babyface.
Chris Sabin is a newly minted-heel after finding an actual persona and some
charisma which is good for Sabin after watching him do Jackass stunts with
Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal. Jerry Lynn is an icon, from ECW to TNA To ROH,
Jerry Lynn has wrestled anyone and everyone who was worth a damn in high-flying
reason. Similar to Jushin Liger in Japan, I would argue though that Lynn does
not get enough credit, just my two cents.
Sabin hides
from Daniels and Lynn to begin the match, Daniels wants Lynn. Sabin tries to
jump both, inverted atomic drops and arm-drags for Sabin who rolls to the floor
embarrassed by Lynn and Daniels. Daniels rolls up Lynn for two, Lynn sweeps the
legs. Big dropkick by Lynn, Sabin grabs a side headlock by Lynn, we have all
three men running the ropes. Daniels stands tall with a neck-breaker and STO
combination. Irish whip and a tilt-a-whirl back-breaker from Daniels to Sabin,
Sabin is tossed to the floor. Enzuigiri for Lynn, Daniels chokes Lynn with a
head-scissors before Sabin boots off Daniels’ head. Sabin chokes Lynn in the
ring, reverse elbow by Sabin.
Daniels is
kept out of the ring by Sabin with an elbow, Daniels recovers and takes down
Lynn with a Koji Clutch. Not for long as Sabin breaks the hold, Lynn is tossed
to the floor. Sabin clamps on a submission on Daniels as Lynn is kept out of
the ring, Sabin starts slapping Daniels’ head and gives him a wet willie.
Daniels begins to fight back, spinning sole butt and dropkick to the face from
Sabin. Daniels is placed in the tree of woe, hesitation dropkick by Sabin but
Lynn saves the match. Lynn nails a missile dropkick to Daniels and Sabin, right
hands and clotheslines by Lynn.
Lynn nails a
middle rope hurricanrana on Sabin, flying head-scissors by Lynn on Daniels.
Cradle Piledriver is blocked by Daniels, massive STO. Sabin clotheslines
Daniels down, Lynn clotheslines Sabin down, everyone is down. BME on Sabin with
Lynn making the save, Lynn tries to steal the pin but Sabin kicks out at two.
Sabin rakes the eyes to avoid a powerbomb, Lynn blocks the boot and nails a
sit-out powerbomb for two. Lynn and Daniels trade shots, Lynn blocks the blue
thunder bomb, air-raid siren from Lynn for two as Sabin dives in for the save.
Daniels and Lynn trade counters, Lynn nails Daniels with a Cradle Piledriver
but Sabin rolls up Lynn with a handful of tights, we have a new champion.
A good
championship match, I thought the constant Lynn is old, he’s 43 look at him by
God he’s doing this at 43 was very annoying and overdone. We get it, Lynn might
be a step lower, there are more clever ways to tell us and tell that story.
Like for example, the finish! Lynn had Daniels beat but Sabin was a little
quicker, Sabin stole it from Lynn. That builds to a match between those two, an
entertaining story for sure and a solid match.
Chris Sabin over Everyone Else via Handful of Tights!
Championship Match) Austin Starr vs Alex Shelley
A long
running angle with Nash initially aligning with Alex Shelley and Johnny Devine
to go after The X-Division before Nash becoming a supporter of X-Division
wrestlers due to his status as a pioneer of the division. Shelley felt the
pressure though as Nash began to favour Austin Starr, the two fighting for
Nash’s affection. The two collide tonight to be crowned champion, we have
special judges for this match. Big Oily Guy, Samolian Joe and Bob Backlund,
Two heels
going at it is always an awkward choice, Nash is fantastic on commentary though
and I suppose Shelley is a face as Nash favours Starr but we do not have
ourselves a fully-fledged babyface. The two trade arm-wringers and front
chanceries, stale-mate between the two. Kick from Starr and side headlock,
Shelley reverses the side headlock. Shoulder blocks between the two,
clothesline by Shelley. They trade holds again with Starr nailing a dropkick
before Shelley answers with a leaping calf kick. Shiranui is blocked by Starr,
that close from Shelley before Starr eye rakes Shelley.
Dragon screw
from Shelley, Starr low-bridges Shelley who lands on the floor. Slingshot
tornillo from Starr, Starr is in the faces of the judges. Shelley kicks Starr
in the chest who is across the middle rope. Diving top rope knee drop from
Shelley, Starr is rocked. Suicide dive from Shelley, springboard moonsault in
the ring from Shelley for two. Starr spits water in Shelley’s face, brainbuster
is blocked though. Enzuigiri by Shelley, running corner forearm. Drop toehold
into the middle turnbuckle, Shelley dropkicks Starr in the ass. Schoolboy for
two, Shiranui is blocked as Starr clotheslines Shelley.
running corner dropkick, jacknife cover from Starr for two. Starr climbs to the
top rope, Starr wants the 450 Splash. Shelley crotches Starr, Shelley blocks a
boot, kick to the hamstring. Rope assisted lung-blower from Shelley, slingshot
DDT from Shelley for two. Kick to the ribs, one more time. Shiranui is blocked
for a facebuster from Starr, Starr drops his weight on the back of Shelley,
camel clutch from Starr. We shall go to the judges for the winner, JB will read
out the winner. We have a tie before Backlund decides who his winner will be,
Backlund talks trash for what seems like forever. Backlund calls it a draw,
what a drawn out piece of garbage and Nash calls for five minute sudden death.
Shelley catches Starr looking for his brainbuster and with a rolling cradle,
Shelley is your winner.
with Backlund aside, this was a good match between the two. Shelley’s work and
Starr’s credibility as Aries in ROH lead us to a match that the fans never gave
up on, the whole thing is pretty bizarre. I mean I am happy that the x Division
guys had something to do because they always seemed to be a revolving door of
challengers for the championship with no real character development. With this,
they showed personality but I wonder what is next?
Alex Shelley over Austin Starr via Cradle!
Storm W/ Gail Kim vs Petey Williams
Gail Kim
chose James Storm so she is with a douchebag who treats her as such because
nobody would take her in possibly? Like Petey Williams would not be a total
hero and take her by his side? Suppose Petey is nota super babyface then, poor
Petey is just a sacrificial lamb for Storm’s push. Williams uses his speed to
take down Storm with ease, hurricanrana and dropkick from Williams. Williams
tries a slingshot but Storm has it scouted, double underhook slam from Storm
for two. Reverse chin-lock by Storm, Williams fights out. Roll-up for two
before Storm turns Williams inside out with a clothesline.
Storm nails
a massive powerbomb, Eye of The Storm. Two as Williams stays alive in this
match, big kick to the face from Storm. Camel clutch from Storm, Storm uses the
ropes to choke Williams, Storm distracts the referee so Gail can attack, Gail
does not attack. What was Storm expecting? Forearm and spinning heel kick by
Williams, tornado DDT is changed into a hot-shot. Diving crossbody and a
tilt-a-whirl into a Russian legsweep. Williams wants the destroyer, Storm
shoves Williams into the corner. Falling reverse DDT for two, Storm throws
Williams to the apron.
block by Storm, Williams tries an apron sunset flip. Storm blocks but Williams
nails a dropkick and a slingshot double knee facebuster. Storms sends Williams
into the middle rope, Storm wants his superkick. Williams ducks but Storms
tries for catatonic. Storm blocks the destroyer and trips Williams using the
ropes for leverage for the win. Storm handcuffs Williams, Gail saves Williams.
Storm grabs Gail, Gail slaps Storm. Storm has Gail by the throat, Gail low
blows Storm and beats up The Cowboy. Gail has the beer bottle, Jacqueline comes
out and attacks Gail. DUI by Jackie and Storm on Gail.
It was
alright, baby steps for Storm finding his feet as a heel and a singles star.
Kind of confused by Storm’s logic of trying to cheat with Gail’s help, she
clearly was forced into staying with him, Storm treats her like shit before the
match even starts and then, is surprised she does not want to help him? Silly
logic! Having Jackie come in as a credible wrestler is great for Gail as the
company will have a women’s division in the near future, a great addition and a
feud for Gail. A sign of exciting things to come, let’s see where things go
from here.
James Storm over Petey Williams via Roll-Up!
Hemme & VKM Segment
VKM shoot on
WWE, Michaels and Triple H, even Vince and on and on and on. It’s never going
to lead to anything, it never did. Hemme comes out and starts talking about
Lita and Chyna, women not getting enough respect in wrestling. Hemme in any
correct world, would be the babyface but Hemme is the heel here. No real reason
for her to attack VKM, no real reason to voice this to these two shitheads. It
comes out of nowhere, she gets boring chants. Kip James calls Hemme a slut and
says she used to work in a strip club. Kip gets slapped by Hemme, I love the
visual of Kip James wanting to murder Hemme. This was bizarre!
Tag Team Championship Match) Team 3D vs LAX ©
No Konnan at
ringside, Team 3D took out the mouthpiece. Also, seems to be an angle going
with Brother Runt becoming an alcoholic. Side headlock from Devon, shoulder
block but Hernandez does not go down. Devon stands and takes Hernandez’s
shoulder block. Leapfrogs and Devon comes out on top, shoulder block, arm-drags
and a dropkick for two. Arm-wringer and a tag to Brother Ray, Hernandez backs
off away from Ray. Ray spits gum at Homicide, Homicide take the bait and jumps
into the ring. Lock-up, side headlock from Homicide and Ray shoves off
Right hands
by Homicide, monkey flip is blocked by Ray. Clothesline from Ray, Homicide
ducks a clothesline but eats a massive uranage for two. Front chancery and a
tag to Devon, double Irish whip and a sidewalk slam/leg drop combination for
two. Homicide goes low and tags Hernandez, assisted stun-gun from LAX. Two for
Hernandez, chops traded between the two. Knee from Hernandez, tag to Homicide.
Reverse chin-lock, Devon breaks free and nails his spinning elbow. Tag to Ray,
big chest slap in the corner. Rights and lefts from Ray, Homicide is thrown to
the floor. The two are smashing one another on the floor, Devon is tagged into
the match but Homicide gains control, Hernandez tags in and we have shoulder thrusts.
Ray is
knocked off the apron, splashes in the corner by LAX. Two for legal man Homicide
who quickly tags out to Hernandez. Chin-lock from Hernandez, Hernandez drags
Devon to his corner. Tag to Homicide, Irish whip but Devon comes flying out
with a clothesline. Spinebuster for Homicide, neckbreaker for Hernandez.
Clothesline for Homicide, Hernandez eats a flying clothesline for two. Devon
gets caught with a knee from Homicide, sidewalk slam by Hernandez and a middle rope
diving elbow drop from Homicide. Hernandez covers for two but Devon reverses an
Irish whip and clotheslines Hernandez. Wassup Headbutt on Hernandez, 3D on
Homicide. Hernandez is hurled to the floor, here comes Brother Runt! Brother
Runt attacks Homicide and we have a DQ.
What in the
name of God was that about? Brother Runt as an alcoholic? Had nobody learned
from Scott Hall or Hawk’s angle? We are really doing this again? What in the
name of God is going on? I just… no this is not funny or interesting. Fuck this
LAX over Team 3D via DQ!
Match) Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle
What happens
when you take the biggest babyface in your company’s history and turn him heel
within a month of his debut? You make me angry, Kurt Angle defeated Samoa Joe
in their first encounter, refusing to shake Joe’s hand but leaving with pride
intact. Joe came back and defeated Angle, scoring the win over Angle that if it
happened a month earlier would have made Joe a mega-star but the execution has
been sloppy. Regardless, Angle is your heel as Angle could not beat Joe the
second time around and has sacrificed everything in his pursuit of showing
Samoa Joe that Kurt Angle is the greatest wrestler in the world today.
from Angle, Joe is in the corner. Clean break, lock-up with Joe backing up
Angle. Clean break once more, arm-wringer from Angle. Side control with a
headlock from Angle, Joe wriggles his hips and is on his feet. Off the ropes
and a shoulder block from Joe, Angle powders as Joe wants Angle back into the
ring. The two trade holds with a clean break, Joe gets the upper hand with
Angle powdering again. Side headlock from Angle, massive shoulder block from
Angle. European uppercut from Angle, make it two. Joe is sent to the mat with a
third, foot choke from Angle.
Irish whip
from Joe, clothesline takes down Angle. Joe stuns Angle with lefts, whip to the
opposite corner. Forearm and enzugiri by Joe, two for The Samoan Submission Machine.
Angle escapes a submission and backs Joe into the corner, Angle chokes Joe with
his foot. Angle jaw-jacks with the referee before delivering a back suplex for
one, Angle clamps on a choke. Joe breaks free but Angle drives a knee into the
ribs, down goes Joe. Snap-mare into a body-scissors with a head choke. Uppercuts
from Angle as Joe manages an escape, Joe is stomped into the ground.
Angle looks
for a suplex, Joe blocks and delivers his own suplex. Joe side-steps Angle who
tumbles to the floor, suicide elbow from Joe. Two for Joe, Angle lures in Joe for
an uppercut. Joe reverses an Irish whip, powerslam by Joe for two. Irish whip
to the corner, Joe misses a corner elbow. German suplex release throw from
Angle for two, Joe reverses an Irish whip and has Angle for The Muscle Buster.
Angle rolls through for an Ankle Lock but Joe counters for The Coquina Clutch.
Angle taps quickly, deciding it would be better to lose the fall and not suffer
a lot of damage. 1:0 to Joe with 16 minutes left on the clock.
Joe kicks
Angle down in the corner, Angle rakes the eyes. European uppercuts from Angle,
Joe is staggering around the ring. Angle clamps on a choke, Joe escapes. Angle
Slam is countered with an arm-drag by Joe, Joe nails a massive flying knee.
Coquina Clutch but Joe was over-eager, Ankle Lock in the middle of the ring and
we have a tie! 1:1 with 13 minutes left on the clock. Angle stomps all over the
left leg of Joe, European Uppercut takes down Joe. Rear-naked choke with a body-scissors,
Joe escapes but Angle catches Joe again in The Ankle Lock. Angle has caught Joe
twice in The Ankle Lock, Angle is winning 2:1.
Ten minutes
left on the clock, Angle and Joe are trading blows before an eye rake from
Angle. Right hands from Angle, Joe digs down deep for a clothesline off an
Irish whip in the corner. Strikes and a high knee in the corner, Joe wants
muscle buster. Angle rolls through for two, Angle Slam for two and a half!
Angle pulls down the straps, Ankle Lock is on but Joe uses his leg strength to
shrug off Angle. Joe delivers The Muscle Buster and we have a tie again, 2:2.
7 minutes
remaining, Joe strikes Angle in the corner. Irish whip but Angle ducks and chop
blocks Joe hard, Angle uses a heel hook to free up Joe’s ankle, Ankle Lock from
Angle. Middle of the ring, Joe shoves off Angle to the apron. Angle climbs the
top rope, Joe catches Angle looking for a German suplex but Angle rolls through
into a victory roll and Angle gets the fall. 3:2 to The Olympic Gold Medalist,
Kurt Angle is on the verge of victory.
Joe rushes
Angle, Angle is out on the floor. Back in the ring, Joe catches Angle with a
uranage out of the corner. Joe places Angle on the top rope, Angle fights off
Joe, wrapping Joe’s ankle around the ring-post. Angle decides to brawl on the
floor, wasting more precious time on the clock. Rights by Joe, Angle rakes the
eyes. Irish whip to the corner, Joe chest slaps Angle. Angle eats an enzuigiri,
Muscle Buster but Angle’s foot is on the ropes. No pin-fall for Joe, Joe looks
at the clock simply a minute left.
Angle is
blocking his neck like a mad man, Joe rains down with punches. Anything to
avoid giving up his back and neck, massive elbows from Joe. Joe has an ankle
lock on Angle, Joe grapevines the leg. Angle is trying to survive the hold, the
seconds are ticking down and Joe cannot believe it as Angle has survived, Angle
is your winner after this war.
After seeing
three of these, I do not know if this carried the big match feel. The work was
excellent from both men, Joe’s work is always very believable while Angle
carries the same vibe. The submission work and the spirit both men show is good
stuff but I did not feel the struggle at the end or the weight of this match.
That could be the commentators not doing their jobs, it seems to always be the knock
on TNA. West and Tenay kick and scream their way through their matches but were
they selling the story? I do not know, I do not think they even mentioned that
Angle is challenging the winner of the next match, they cut away so fast to a
Sting promo. I still think Joe should have gone over in their first match, I
think both should be babyfaces who would meet 6 months down the road but that
is not what they did and we will see where Joe goes from here.
Kurt Angle over Samoa Joe via 3:2!
World Heavyweight Championship Match) Abyss © W/ James Mitchell vs Sting vs
Christian Cage (Three-Way Elimination Match)
Abyss has a
dark secret that Christian & Tomko wish to reveal, this has caused great
fear in Abyss. Also, James Mitchell is losing control of his monster Abyss as
Sting looks to set Abyss free from the manipulation of his abusive father.
Tomko will be placed in a cage at ringside for the duration of the match. Now,
I could talk about the similarities between Angle and Christian turning heel when
there is no real point for it but I am over it now, Christian is on his way to
recapturing the steam he lost from his turn. Abyss’ matches are as formulaic as
a Hogan match, tacks are coming out and they have no meaning at this stage, I
am expecting Abyss to have tacks stomped into this face. Another thing these
men have in common is criminally short title reigns due to poor booking.
Sting clotheslines Abyss to the floor, Christian chops and punches Sting but Sting
shakes it off and pummels Christian with right hands. Abyss pulls down Sting,
Sting’s groin is sent into the ring-post. Abyss rams Sting off of Tomko’s cage.
Christian tries a plancha but Abyss catches Christian and dumps him on the guard-rail.
Christian lays against the ring-post, Abyss charges while Christian ducks,
bulldog on the ramp by Christian. Christian scoop slams Sting on the floor,
Abyss flapjacks Christian in the ring. Shock Treatment is avoided, Unprettier
is avoided before Abyss nails Shock Treatment!
Irish whip, Christian ducks the clothesline
and dropkicks the knee of Abyss. Frog Splash is countered by Abyss with a
Chokeslam. Two for Abyss, Sting is knocked off the apron. Tomko is choking
Sting through the cage, Black Hole Slam on Christian in the ring. Tomko has
saved the match for Christian, Christian is dragged back into the ring. Massive
low blow by Christian, Sting shoves Abyss into Christian and Sting nails The
Scorpion Death Drop on Abyss for the elimination. We will have a new champion
tonight in this match, either Sting or Christian.
Abyss chokes
Sting before leaving the ring, Christian stun-guns Sting. Missile dropkick from
Christian for two. Right hands from Christian, snap-mare and a stiff kick to
the spine. Reverse chin-lock from Christian, Sting escapes from the hold but
Christian regains control with a massive elbow to the face. Christian begins
slapping Sting in the corner, Sting shakes it off. Sting takes the right hands,
Christian is floored. Back body drop, Christian is hoisted into the air.
Stinger Splash connects, Christian dodges the second splash.
Sting nails
a superplex on Christian, James Mitchell reappears on the ramp distracting
Sting. Christian misses a dropkick, Scorpion Death Lock from Sting. Mitchell
opens the cage for Tomko, Tomko slides into the ring with Mitchell distracting
the referee. Spinning neck-breaker from Tomko, Christian covers Sting. Two,
Tomko is clotheslined to the floor behind the referee’s back. Abyss attacks
Tomko, Christian has the championship. Sting ducks and drops Christian with The
Unprettier but Christian manages to kick out! Christian clotheslines the
referee, Mitchell attacks Sting.
Sting has Mitchell
for the Scorpion Death Lock, Abyss clocks Sting in the back of the head with a
chain. Christian watches on in shock, Christian has a massive grin on his face.
Frog Splash on the back of the head, Sting is motionless. 1…2….3! Christian is
your new world heavyweight champion!
Wow, not even the absence of Jeff Jarrett will
allow the main event not to be filled with over the top ridiculous bullshit. I
am all for Abyss attacking Sting because protecting his secret is more important
to him than breaking free from Mitchell, I am fine with that and happy to see
where it goes. I did not however need 3 referee distractions, a championship shot
to the head attempt, a referee bump and a chain shot to get there, it’s like a
kid on Christmas morning that cannot decide what toy to play with, it’s simply
too much. Too many false finishes that when the actual finish comes along, there
is no drama. Abyss’ title reign was trash, pointless. The monster Abyss winning
the championship by DQ and proceeding to lose it by being pinned first in a three-way
dance, total trash.
Christian Cage over Sting via Frog Splash!
That was TNA’s
Final Resolution 2007, TNA’s first effort of 2007 and what an effort it was.
This was a tough watch at times, I have to be honest and the booking makes me
question what the goal of TNA is, let’s dissect a lot of this. Styles vs Rhino,
Heel Styles is a tough sell. Arguably one of the best babyfaces of the last number
of years, Styles is TNA’s golden child. Athletic, charismatic it is hard to boo
the man and when you are asking Rhino who works a very different style to be the
babyface against Styles, you are going to have issues. I think more could have
be done, the finish did nothing for me as Rhino won but still failed to get his
heat back or revenge as Styles dodged his Gore, leaving him laying in the
process. The three-way for the X-Division championship built upon the last pay
per view but the commentary sucked me out of this match, 43 is not ancient and
Jerry Lynn does not look like your average 43 year old. I do not need to be
reminded of Lynn’s age every 5 seconds, Lynn is a superb athlete and hung in
there with Daniels and Sabin. Sabin stealing it from Lynn was a great touch but
this leaves Daniels, the former champion as out of the picture as Lynn will
face Sabin.
Christy Hemme
and VKM was atrocious, how Hemme can be considered the heel is ridiculous.
Being called a slut and told to work back at the strip club really shows how far
we have come since those days, terrible segment. Shelly and Starr was good and
the angle made more people care about the X Division guys who were doing
nothing, good on them and Nash is too funny on commentary. James Storm is
establishing himself as a heel and we will have a women’s match in TNA for the
first time in a while, all positive here. Brother Runt being an alcoholic I
have no time for, it is in poor taste, does nothing for the feud. The argument
for who is the best tag team is overshadowed by Runt being a drunk mess? No
thanks! Joe and Angle was a solid wrestling match, one of two on this show with
an outcome that like their first match hurts Joe in the long run, cannot
understand why Joe did not come out on top, makes TNA look second rate to WWE.
The main event was bleh, over-booked nonsense. The main event scene is very WCW
like at the moment, I’d rather avoid it. Thanks for reading and remember: There’s
always another night!

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