Hello and welcome to
another hard-hitting edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only
wrestling review series on the internet that places itself in matches on pay
per view more than Shane Mcmahon! Continue to slog my way through WCW, we are
looking at WCW's Mayhem 2000! The big matches on this card include Goldberg vs
Lex Luger, Booker T vs Scott Steiner and DDP returns to pay per view with Kevin
Nash to take on The Perfect Event. DDP is a welcome boost to the roster, Lex Luger
not so much and of course, we have the likes of MIA and The Natural Born
Thrillers spread out all over the crowd to fill the cracks. Shall this be a
mess? Maybe but let's get down to it!
Opening Promo
Booker T arrived and is swamped by a tonne of plants to sign
autographs, we also see Steiner arrive in the building with his leather pipe.
Steiner smashes up two laptops and flips a table, they are building towards a
big match anyways. It is a straight-jacket cage match, the pay per view hype package
is about unstable Scott Steiner, it is awesome. While we see the returns of DDP
and Lew Luger, Nash is back as a babyface which makes another turn in a short
amount of time. Ric Flair is back as a commissioner, this is crazy, this a
whole lot of returns.
(WCW Cruiserweight
Championship Match) Kwee Wee W/ Paisley vs Mike Sanders (C)
Sanders has the music from Backstage Assault as his entrance
theme, Sanders has a beautifully punchable face, the only one of The Natural
Born Thrillers with a bit of personality. Sanders slaps Kwee Wee, Lou Thesz
press from Kwee Wee. Kwee Wee hiptosses, dropkicks and clotheslines Sanders to
the outside, The Natural Born Thrillers come out to backup Sanders. Springboard
clothesline by Jindrak right beside the referee,a re you telling me the referee
missed that? O Haire clotheslines Kwee Wee, powerslam by Sanders with help from
O Haire and Jindrak. Here comes Meng to kick ass, where did Meng come from?
Meng beats up everyone like his reputation would have you believe, this is like
six on one and Meng is winning.
Flair is here with security, they are presumbly here to save the
six vanilla wrestlers from Meng. Sanders chokes Kwee Wee, huge boot by Sanders.
Knee drop by Sanders, reverse chinlock by Sanders. Sunset flip by Kwee Wee for
two, clothesline by Sanders for two. Cobra clutch by Sanders, Kwee Wee fires up
for a back suplex. Right hands and a knee lift by Kwee Wee, clothesline and
back drop. Ten punches, hotshot by Kwee Wee. Sanders hurricanranas Kwee Wee on the
floor, countering a sunset flip powerbomb. Paisley slaps Sanders, handspring
elbow by Paisley. The 3.0 for the win out of nowhere.
That was entertaining even though that finish was flat as fuck,
Sanders' finish was Orton's backbreaker? Crazy that Sanders used that finish,
it really is not an imapctful move, Sanders and Kwee Wee had a nice little
match though, I loved that Meng part. I could watch Meng destroy nobodies in
wrestling all day long.
Mike Sanders over Kwee Wee via The 3.0!
Three Count vs Jamie Noble & Evan Karagias
vs The Jung Dragons
Evan Karagias was made a babyface leaving the group, I am not sure
what WCW saw in Karagias when he was clearly the weakest of the group. Anyways,
Jamie Noble left The Jung Dragons and Karagias left Three Count, everyone has
had problems and we have this match to settle the score. Everyone brawls on the
floor, Three Count take control of the match. Yang and Kaz atomic drop The
Three Count, The Jung Dragons dance to mock Three Count before backdropping
Three Count over the top rope. Noble planchas onto Yang, Karagias slams Kaz
into the mat. Powerslam by Karagias for two, flapjack on Kaz. In comes Helms,
Lou Thesz press by Karagias. Shot to Shannon and a tag to Noble, double back
elbow by Noble & Karagias.
Noble works the arm of Helms, Shannon blind tags into the match.
German suplex by Helms, Shannon covers but The Jung Dragons break up the
pin-fall. Noble counters the rocker dropper for a powerbomb, in comes Yang. Kaz
nails a springboard enzuigiri, tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, Shannon rebounds with
a rocker dropper. Helms beats down Kaz for two, Helms suplexes Kaz but eats a
massive kick off a sunset flip. Tag to Yang who comically Bruce Lee punches
Shannon. Shannon covers Yang after a reverse DDT, Karagias drops Shannon with a
Michinoku Driver. Brainbuster by Kaz on Karagias, Noble nails a tombstone
piledriver but Helms nails The Eye of The Hurricane before everything goes
Dives galore, too many
to name with planchas, moonsaults etc. The Jung Dragon's manager dives onto
everyone, Yang has Shannon in the ring. Noble pulls out a ladder, the ladder
lands on top of Karagias after a baseball slide. Yang DDTs Shannon, Noble
crotches Yang on the top rope, Helms throws Noble off the top rope. Splash by
Helms onto Noble for two, Yang dives onto Shannon for a two count. Samoan drop
neckbreaker combination by Three Count on Yang for the win.
Fun stuff from these
cruiserweight teams, a lot of chemistry between the three. I'd like to see the
teams breakup and face other teams, it seems they have feuding since the dawn
of time. Good stuff though, they have been winning me over with each pay per
Winners: Three Count over Everyone Else via Samoan
Drop/Neckbreaker Combination!
ManCow vs Jimmy Hart
ManCow is a radio
personality that is feuding with Jimmy Hart, ManCow brings his freaks while
Three Count represent Jimmy Hart at ringside, Jimmy attacks ManCow with his
crutch. ManCow attacks Hart with the other crutch, cast to the head and this
trash is over. DUD!
Winner: ManCow over Jimmy Hart via Cast!
(WCW Hardcore Championship Match) Big Vito vs Reno vs Crowbar (C)
Vito and Reno have
some history, the feud goes back to Vito's sister. Anyways, they have been
feuding on and off since Reno debuts, Crowbar won the championship off Reno
thanks to Vito. The champion comes running down and smacks the shit out of
Reno, Vito boots Crowbar. Vito throws Crowbar onto Reno, Vito whacks both men
with kendo sticks. Stomps by Vito, Crowbar and Reno are being taken down. Vito
has a trafic cone, Reno gets the cone whacked into his manhood, white Russian
legsweep by Vito.
Lots of weapon shots
and punching, Crowbar and Reno double team Vito. Flapjack onto a trash can by
the heels, Reno turns on Crowbar with a bat. Reno and Vito fight on the floor,
Vito wears Crowbar and Reno out with kendo stick shots. We are backstage, Reno
is smacked with a trash can. Reno slams Vito through the table, Vito's sister
Marie is here. Crowbar whacks a chair into Reno's face with another chair to
win the match.
Trash match with
nothing going for it and an angle that will never be followed up on more than
likely, Crowbar is a pimp now though. That's epic, this pay per view is off to
a typical WCW start that makes me want to switch off.
Winner: Crowbar over Everyone Else via Chair Shot!
The Filthy Animals vs Alex Wright & Kronik
Disco paid for the
services of Kronik for seven minutes and thirty seconds, Wright looks hilarious
as a bald man dancing in all black. Still not happy with Kronik turning heel,
they should be destroying heel tag teams all the time. Adams and Kidman begin,
Kidman grabs a side headlock with Adams throwing off the smaller Kidman. Huge
chop, hurricanrana by Kidman. Kidman throws forearms, Adams shoves off Kidman.
Military press and we have a botch, sleeper by Kidman. Full-nelson, I love this
love from Adams. Pin by Wright for two, Wright chops and dropkicks Kidman.
Wright misses a clothesline, slingshot headscissors by Kidman.
Mysterio and Clark,
Clark stomps Mysterio. Bulldog by Mysterio and a springboard leg drop, two for
Mysterio. Huge slam by Clark, Clark misses a splash. Mysterio tries a senton
but Clark delivers a powerbomb. Wright tags in, vertical suplex for two. Tag to
Adams, big boot by Adams. Wright tags in for two, clothesline by Wright to slow
down Mysterio. Spinning sole butt by Wright for two, Kronik say time is up for
their services. Wright is left alone, low dropkick and bronco buster by
Mysterio. Wright fires up with a belly to belly suplex, Kidman nails a sky
high. Leg drop to the nuts, this match is over.
Love that Kidman has
just replaced Juvi in the group. The match was fine, the Kronik stuff was
funny, Disco is such a good it makes sense for Disco to be overconfident and
lose track of time, Mysterio and Kidman continue to prove that they are the
hope of the tag division that WCW is seemingly ignoring for some reason.
Winners: The Filthy Animals over The Boogie Knights via Nutcracker
Shane Douglas & Torrie Wilson vs The Cat & Ms. Jones
Nice continuity from
WCW as Douglas cost The Cat his commissioner's position at last month's
Halloween Havoc. Douglas cuts a good promo before the match as always,
hopefully the women's action in the ring is brief. The Cat and Douglas brawl,
The Cat attacks Madden for a huge pop. Torrie attacks The Cat, Douglas suplexes
The Cat into the ring. Low blow by Douglas, Torrie chokes The Cat. The Cat
fights back, eye poke by Douglas. Polish hammer by Douglas, neck vice by
Douglas. The Cat fires up before a knee to the gut, illegal choke by Douglas.
The Cat fires back at Douglas, ten punches in the corner. Inverted atomic drop
by Douglas stops The Cat in his tracks.
Butterfly suplex by
Douglas, two for The Franchise. Neck vice by Douglas, Douglas tries a sunset
flip but The Cat nails two punches and an elbow for two. Eye poke by Douglas,
Cat reverses for The Feliner. Ms. Jones pushes The Cat on Douglas for two,
Torrie attacks Ms. Jones but Ms. Jones takes down Torrie. Ms. Jones chokes
Torrie. Douglas has pulled brass knuckles out of his tights, no it is a chain.
Huge shot to the head and Douglas covers but The Cat places his foot on the
ropes. Clothesline by Douglas, The Cat avoids a DDT but Ms. Jones gives The Cat
his red shoe of death. The Cat nails his roundhouse kick and wins the match.
The best part was Madden
being attacked, this match was a total shit-show like everything that WCW would
do at the time. Ms. Jones and Torrie look fantastic though as they dance post
match. The commentary was so not into this match though, it was hilarious.
Everyone taken the piss out of Madden and this match, they could not give a
shit about this company anymore and Stevie Ray might be my favourite
commentator of all time.
Winner: The Cat over Shane Douglas via Kung-Fu Kick!
Bam Bam Bigelow vs Sgt. Awol
Another return,
Bigelow comes back after assaulting Mike Awesome, Awesome is unable to compete
and the replacement is Awol. Kill me now, quickly and as painful as possible.
Another thing is this show is littered with backstage segments, there are far
too many to count and these are the reasons I refuse to take down each promo
for these pay per view reviews, Awol and Bigelow brawl all around the ring.
Middle rope clothesline for two, right hands and chops by Awol. Bigelow
counters a back suplex for a crossbody, DDT by Bigelow. Bigelow misses a diving
headbutt, big boot by Awol.
Bigelow clubs Awol in
the corner, hard Irish whip. Awol misses a splash, Awol counters greetings for
a huge clubbing blow to the heart. Awol goes to his table, right hands by Awol.
Spinebuster by Awol, Awol does not nail the chokeslam as Bigelow counters for
Greetings From Asbury Park for the win.
Slow, plodding and a
disgrace in many ways. Bigelow looks to be very out of shape, the action
reflects that and Stevie Ray jumps from the commentary table to see what is
wrong with Bigelow. I think Bigelow really did collapse, that is awful.
Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow over Sgt. Awol via Greetings From Asbury
(WCW United States Championship Match) Lance Storm (C) W/ Major
Gunns vs General Rection
I thought this series
was over, how could they stretch this out for another month. Major Gunns looks
incredible despite how fake her body is, Storm won back the championship as
Gunns turned on Rection. MIA are falling apart which is a good thing because I
do not want to see them scattered all over the card. Ok, Bigelow is still by
the entrance way, Bigelow leaps off the stretcher and pummels Rection. I had
legitimate concern for Bigelow based on his performance. That was in poor
taste, I thought the man collapsed from being out of shape. At the same time though,
they got me good. Rection has been attacked by Bigelow, Storm picks up the
Storm goes for the
leg, Storm cripples the leg of Rection. Storm is shoved off by Rection, Storm
meets the guard rail before Storm goes to the leg once more. Variation of the
maple leaf, Rection reaches the ropes. Major Gunns distracts Rection, Storm
continues to slap and attack Rection. Rection fires up, Storm rocks Rection
with a Superkick but Rection nails a powerslam. No Laughing Matter is stopped
by Major Gunns, Storm climbs up and gets knocked down only to eat a No Laughing
Matter for the win.
That's it?..... Where
was the struggle? Why is General Rection a two-time champion? I thought they
realized their mistake but no, they have done it again. Rection, GENERAL
FUCKING RECTION how can I take this crap seriously? This program was an
embarassment to that title, MIA were opening card comedy relief, there had no
business near the likes of that championship. All momentum of Storm is gone,
how dare they lose that for General Rection. For the love of christ they refer
to Rection winning as Fly Fat Ass Fly! I just cannot take this, there are so
many crimes committed by this company but this blowoff to the big story sucked
on so many levels.
Winner: General Rection over Lance Storm via No Laughing Matter!
Jeff Jarrett vs Buff Bagwell
This must be the Buff
Bagwell that believes he was a big star when coming to the WWF because fighting
in DNA matches and forklift matches are not exactly show-stealers, Bagwell has
a shot at a big match as he is facing Jeff Jarrett, former WCW champion who is
being phased down the card (Thank God!). Bagwell nails a neckbreaker on Jarrett
and huge right hands, Jarrett is on the defensive. Slingshot splash for two,
Bagwell hiptosses Jarrett to the floor. Jarrett meets the guard rail and is
choked with the camera cable, low blow from Jarrett. Jarrett has a chair, chair
to the back by Double J.
No DQ as is every
match apparently, Jarrett continues to use the chair. Diving fist drop by
Jarrett, elbow across the throat by Jarrett. Sleeper by Jarrett, Bagwell hangs
on and fights Jarrett. Flying forearm and clotheslines, Jarrett avoids the
blockbuster. Jarrett runs into a boot, tornado DDT by Bagwell for two. Referee
bump, Jarrett has a chair but here comes David Flair, DDT by David Flair.
Jarrett kicks out of course, Jarrett almost wins off rolling through a
crossbody. Reverse DDT by Bagwell for two, eye poke by Jarrett. Jarrett misses
a crossbody, Jarrett has a guitar. Bagwell is cracked and Jarrett wins the
Of course, it never
fails to impress me how Jarrett can suck the life out of a match, Flair's
run-in was utterly pointless as there is nobody who can beat Jarrett unless
they are a big star like Sting or Goldberg. Stupid match, stupid booking and
stupid waste of time. DUD!
Winner: Jeff Jarrett over Buff Bagwell via Guitar Shot!
(WCW Tag Team Championship Match) The Perfect Event (C) vs Kevin
Nash & DDP
The Natural Born
Thrillers turned on Nash, Nash was saved by a returning DDP. The two dubbed The
Insiders are feuding with these bunch of nobodies which will be fun considering
Nash's political power. Giving credit where credit is due, Nash gets a lot of
shit for his involvement with WCW but Nash was in the company far longer than
Hogan and Hall, Nash almost stuck it out until the very end of the company.
Palumbo powders after a powerbomb attempt from Nash, cheap shot from Palumbo.
Nash fires back with knees and elbows, corner clothesline by Nash. Snake eyes
and a leg across the back, Stasiak cheap shots Nash. DDP comes in and
clotheslines Palumbo, The Insiders are ruling the ring.
Flair escorts The
Thrillers out of the arena, Sanders stays as Sanders has a manager's licence.
DDP and Stasiak square off, clothesline by DDP. Palumbo cheap shots DDP, DDT on
DDP for two. Neckbreaker by Stasiak, double slingshot suplex by the champions.
Right hands by Palumbo, clothesline by DDP for two. Nash saves DDP after a
superkick from Palumbo, Stasiak puts the boots to DDP. Sunset flip attempt by
DDP, Stasiak kicks out at two. Clothesline by Stasiak, two for Stasiak. Tag to
Palumbo, reverse elbow for two. Palumbo punches DDP in his corner, DDP begins
to fire back at the two. Palumbo drop toeholds DDP to cut off DDP, tag to
Wishbone split by the
champions, elbow for two. Front chancery by Stasiak, DDP makes the tag but
Palumbo distracted the referee so there is no tag. Sleeper by Palumbo, DDP
escapes and nails a neckbreaker for two. Nash gets the hot-tag, sidewalk slams
and big boots. Diamond Cutter on Palumbo, Jacknife Powerbomb on Palumbo. Diamond
Cutter on Sanders and this match is over.
Surprisingly fun from
these four, DDP and Nash were huge over unlike their opponents, this made for a
fun dynamic where the fans were simply waiting for The Jacknife and The Diamond
Cutter, the built up to the tag and it was perfect. The fans got everything
that they wanted, they were able to send the fans home happy.
Winners: The Insiders over The Perfect Event via Jacknife
Goldberg vs Lex Luger
Luger came back as a
heel picking up where he left off in the latter part of 1999, Goldberg is on a
streak again. If Goldberg loses, Goldberg must retire. Goldberg works the arm,
Luger goes to the ropes. Lock-up; Goldberg takes the arm. Knee by Luger, clubbing
blows by Luger, back suplex with no effect. Luger freaks out, eye poke by
Luger. Clothesline, right hands by Luger. Luger poses, Goldberg is on his feet.
Knees and right hands by Goldberg, forearm by Luger. Goldberg is clotheslined
to the floor.
Luger follows
Goldberg, Goldberg is thrown into the guard rail. Axe handle by Luger, kicks to
the ribs by Luger. Powerslam and mounted punches by Goldberg, Goldberg Spears
the referee as well as Luger, Jackhammer and a second referee calls for the
So, the referee bump
was pointless then right? I mean Luger did not survive the spear and Goldberg
did not get disqualified. I am guessing Luger will say Goldberg should have
been disqualified and had to retire in order to continue the feud? I do not know
but that was a short match, hardly pay per view worthy.
Winner: Goldberg over Lex Luger via Jackhammer!
(WCW World
Championship Match) Scott Steiner W/ Midajah vs Booker T (C) (Straight-Jacket
Steel Cage Match)
Big Poppa Pump foolishly got himself disqualified as the last pay
per view and did not become champion, this time there are no disqualifications,
there are no count-outs. Steiner has everything on his side, Booker has to
fight the odds and go up against the seemingly unstoppable monster. The match
is essentially a hell in a cell, there are possibilities for violence, drama
and excitement. Steiner jumps Booker on the floor, Booker whips Steiner into
the cage. This fight is on, Booker clubs Steiner and sends Steiner into the
steel steps. Booker chases Midajah, Steiner is slammed into the ring apron.
Steiner knees Booker, stomps in the corner. Steiner hammers Booker, Booker
boots Steiner off an Irish whip. Harlem Sidekick by Booker for two, Steiner
blocks a suplex and drops Booker across the top rope.
Steiner does push-ups while mocking Booker, backbreaker by
Steiner. Belly to belly suplex for two, surfboard stretch by Steiner but Booker
escapes before a clothesline ends that. Steiner poses, Steiner nails a middle
rope Samoan drop. Two for Steiner, bearhug from the challenger. Booker eats a
massive clothesline, Booker answers with a flying forearm. Missile dropkick for
two, Booker wants the jacket but Steiner nails a huge Samoan drop before
reaching for the jacket. Steiner has the jacket but Booker nails an electric
chair drop, huge spinning sidekick by Booker. Booker wants to place Steiner in
the jacket, Booker goes against the jacket before deciding to use it again.
Booker has a steel chair, Steiner is cracked with the chair.
Steiner takes some insane punishment, Steiner rips off the jacket like a
monster. Booker is shocked, Steiner rocks Booker with a clothesline. Steiner
Recliner but Booker escapes for a hotshot, Steiner nails a northern lights
suplex. Steiner is on the middle rope, Booker nails The Book-End. Cover with
one arm for two, Steiner is alive! Clotheslines by Booker, neckbreaker with
Steiner back on his feet. Another clothesline for two, Scissors Kick finds the
mark. Steiner grabs the chair, Booker is cracked in the head. Full-nelson slam
into The Steiner Recliner, Steiner is your new champion.
A moment that was months in the making, Steiner had been over with
the audience for months, the gimmick was top notch and it almost seemed like
Steiner would be overlooked when it came to the championship. However, on this
night Steiner was champion, Steiner overcame Booker T and all the roadblocks in
his way. Steiner fought through Booker's offense and wanted it more at the end
of it all. Steiner was not going to be denied and with that, Steiner had become
WCW's top heel, hell bent on destorying everything in his path. Happy for
Steiner, he worked his ass off for that moment.
Winner: Scott Steiner over Booker T via Steiner Recliner!
That was WCW's Mayhem
2000, a card filled with the same nonsense that makes you want to question why
you are a wrestling fan. The undercard was garbage with the same nonsense you
expect, somehow it feels worse. Maybe it is the payoff to Lance Storm vs
General Rection, maybe it is Jarrett vs Bagwell and all the shit that comes
with a Jarrett match. However, he last two matches were good, I did enjoy DDP
and Nash joining forces to beat The Natural Born Thrillers, Steiner's crowning
moment may have come to late but the fans still reacted, Steiner was booked
like a monster and there was no question who the top man was in WCW. It was an
awful pay per view but those two matches at the end had bright spots and good
moments, it is not what I expected from one of these WCW shows. Thanks for
reading and remember: There's always another night!

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