dudes and dudettes to another radical, new edition of the only wrestling review
series on the internet that is more dated than your mother’s leather jacket and
your father’s love of Status Quo: Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews. Times change
and with time, people change. Vince Mcmahon is many things, a wrestling
promoter, an entrepreneur, a workaholic, a freak of nature, I could go on and
on about the many things that the man is but I am focusing on one in particular
today and that is his intelligence. Now, I know what you are thinking but trust
me, I am not here to rag on about Vince Mcmahon and whether he is a genius or
not, I am talking about his intelligence and changing idea towards what
Wrestlemania should be for business. You see, I am reviewing Wrestlemania 18
tonight and Wrestlemania 18 marks a change for Wrestlemanias as nostalgia plays
a major role in the show as Hulk Hogan is back for his first Wrestlemania in
nine years. Vince was using nostalgia as a vehicle for the fans’ interest and
it is a trend which would continue with the return of Shawn Michaels at
Summerslam in the same year but think of the countless others who were brought
out to sell major pay per views. The Rock, Batista, Brock Lesnar and more
recently, Goldberg returned to boost ratings and increase pay per views buys.
In my opinion, you can see Wrestlemania 18 as the starting point of Vince’s new
trend and what a show it was for Hogan.
So, I am
here to take you through Wrestlemania 18, the big stories on this night of
professional wrestling are as follows: The NWO were brought into the WWF by
Vince to destroy his own creation as Mcmahon was dissatisfied with Ric Flair as
co-owner of the WWF. The New World Order targeted Austin and Rock so we have
Scott Hall vs Austin and Rock vs Hogan on tonight’s card. The Undisputed
Championship will also be defended in the main event as Chris Jericho defends
against Triple H who returned and won The Royal Rumble. You will remember last
time, Angle won the right to face Jericho at Mania but as you can see, that has
somehow changed and I hope to find out the reason when it comes to the main
event. Regardless, Triple H’s divorced wife Stephanie has vowed revenge on
Triple H and aligned herself with Jericho in a bid to thwart Triple H’s
ambitions. It is Wrestlemania baby, our superbowl, our Wimbledon and our
Champions League Final, this is going to be great or is it? Read on!
Opening Promo
The show
opens with Saliva performing the theme for Wrestlemania, the vocalist seems to
be struggling hitting any of the low notes but he gets through it in the end, I
am not big on this type of performances. I like when themes of the wrestlers
are performed live but the show theme, I think I can pass on hearing the likes
of Saliva and Limp Bizkit (My angst-filled youth is far behind me thanks very
much!). The real promo package begins with everyone talking about the legacy of
Wrestlemania and how important the event is and it gets to me. WWF/WWE know how
to do it when they need to and it is a tremendous promo.
(WWF Intercontinental Championship Match) RVD vs William
Regal ©
I cannot
think of a better person to open up Wrestlemania that Rob Van Dam, the man has
been such a fresh addition to the roster and everyone loves the guy. Regal was
enjoying a great run being Intercontinental Champion and engaging in a very
entertaining feud with Edge. The feud with Edge had ended and now Regal moves
onto Van Dam. RVD kicks the head off Regal and pummels the southpaw Regal.
Irish whip by RVD, Regal reaches for the knucks early in the match, the referee
pulls back RVD. Regal winds up for a punch but RVD kicks away the knucks,
thrust kick by RVD. RVD misses The Five Star Frog Splash early, high knee by
Regal. Two count for Regal, uppercut by the champion, crossbody by RVD, backslide
for a two count. Regal regains control with a legsweep and punches to the back
of the head of RVD. Suplex by Regal for a two count, RVD unloads on Regal until
Regal reverses an Irish whip into The Regal Cutter.
Two count
for Regal, RVD powers out of a submission hold, thrust kick by RVD, RVD looks
for The Rolling Thunder but Regal counters with his knees. Beautiful tigerbomb
by Regal, two count for the champion. Regal attempts The Regal Stretch but RVD
counters into a small package and it is two for RVD. RVD blocks a tigerbomb,
dropkick in the corner. Monkey flip by RVD, Regal catches the leg of RVD and
Regal drops RVD on his head with a half-nelson plex. RVD rolls to the floor and
looks hurt, Regal finds his knuckles from the ringside area. The referee takes
the knuckles but Regal has another pair, RVD nails a spinning heel kick and
nails The Five Star Frog Splash and we have a winner and new champion. Fun
opening match, RVD did all his signature spots while Regal was the heel
everyone hated and RVD gets the win in a fun little match.
Winner: RVD
over Regal via Five Star Frog Splash!
Christian Promo
had been taken under the wing of DDP in a bid to improve Christian’s potential
in the ring, DDP was so happy with Christian but Christian would turn on DDP
and lay out his mentor. Christian’s imitation of DDP’s smile is beautiful and
you people deserve to see it!

(WWF European Championship Match) Christian vs DDP ©
DDP’s only
Wrestlemania match and it comes in the form of a European Championship defence
against his former protégé Christian. Page’s WWF run was awful but I would like
to consider this a bright spot in a dark time for DDP. Christian jumps DDP as
the match starts, DDP begins hammering Christian, huge gutwrench gutbuster by
Page. Cactus Jack clothesline to the floor by DDP, DDP smacks Christian all
around the ring before Christian drops DDP with a low blow to gain control in
the match. Rope-hung suplex by Christian and Christian follows it up by shoving
Page to the floor and into the barricade. Christian stomps DDP in the corner,
DDP tees off on Christian and tries to send Christian groin first into the
ringpost but DDP was posturing a little too long and Christian uses his legs to
pull DDP into the post. Huge abdominal stretch by Christian on DDP, backbreaker
by Christian brings a two.
climbs to the top rope, DDP crotches Christian and throws Christian to the
canvas, discuss clothesline by DDP. Spiral Bomb by DDP, cover and a two count!
Christian counters a back drop, Unprettier is blocked. Running Diamond Cutter
is blocked and Christian nails a reverse falling DDT. Two count for the
challenger, small package by DDP. Two count, Christian misses a punch and DDP
drops Christian with The Diamond Cutter! Average match, nothing really special
about this contest. Afterwards, DDP mocks Christian for losing in front of his
fellow Canadians. Christian has a temper tantrum while DDP leaves triumphantly.
Winner: DDP
over Christian via Diamond Cutter!
Rock/Coach Promo
In a moment
I will never forget, you can hear boos for The Rock at the start of this promo.
The People’s Champion booed due to Toronto’s love of Hulk Hogan. The Rock being
booed as a face was unheard of for me at the time so this was bizarre. Rock
verbally abuses Coach and tells Coach to say his prayers, Coach talks to God
and hilarity ensues as always when these two come in contact with one another.
Rock kills it with this promo by putting over the match and Hogan.
(WWF Hardcore Championship Match) Goldust vs Maven ©
Enough’s Maven makes it on to Wrestlemania as The Rock helped Maven win the
championship from Undertaker and Maven has held on to Wrestlemania. Goldust
begins the match by ramming Maven into the barricade and dropping an elbow on
the rookie. Trash can to the back of the head by Goldust, Goldust looked to
catapult Maven into a trash can but Maven missed the can completely so Maven
throws a can at Goldust and smacks Goldust with a dropkick. Match gets back on
track after a neckbreaker and a suplex by Goldust, Goldust now has a golden
shovel to add to his collection of gold weaponry. Maven survives another trash
can shot, Maven and Goldust smack one another at the same time with a trash can
lid. Spike Dudley runs down to the ring and pins Maven. Crash Holly appears to
chase Spike!
In the
middle of this, Drowning Pool are on stage telling me the story of Triple H vs
Jericho & Stephanie. Drowning Pool had been used over and over by the WWF
since Summerslam. For the second time in the night, the vocalist of a major
group is struggling to hit his notes. This feel uncomfortable and awkward, I
might finally see some sense in why The Superbowl has pop acts to play at
half-time as opposed to Metallica or Megadeth. They might be two edgy for the
audience (I joke, I joke but trust me watch this back and you will feel awkward
at the very least). Give me my three minutes back!
Crash and Spike are murdering on another by a pile of boxes before Al Snow
tries to win the title by crashing through the pile of boxes. Spike thwarts
Crash before The Hurricane flies in off a rope and kicks Spike in the face to
win the championship. Snow emerges from the boxes and asks where is the
champion. That was trash but it made me laugh,hmmmm…. Trash is still trash.
Hurricane over Spike via Flying Kick!
Kurt Angle vs Kane
As I
mentioned previously, Kurt Angle had defeated Triple H at No Way Out to become
the number one contender to Jericho’s Undisputed Championship. However, it is
Wrestlemania and Angle is facing Kane? Moving on, Angle smacks Kane with a
ringbell to start us off, right hands by The Olympian. Kane starts swinging for
Angle, Angle dodges a punch and German suplexes Kane. Angle stomped on the head
of Kane before Kane decided it was time to decimate Angle. Huge back elbow and
a throat toss by The Big Red Machine, Kane attempts The Chokeslam but Angle
grabs the ropes. Kane breaks the hold and clotheslines Angle, Kane misses a
corner clothesline and Angle nails a belly to belly suplex by Angle.
Clothesline by The Olympic Hero, Angle drops Kane with a massive back suplex.
Cover and a two count for Angle, Angle grabs a front chancery and wrenches the
neck of the massive Kane.
Kane shoves
off Angle, sidewalk slam by Kane. Angle slips out of a suplex and German
suplexes Kane three times. Kane kicks out at two, Angle climbs to the top rope
and nails Kane’s own diving clothesline. Angle is so happy with himself, Angle
tries the move again. Kane clotheslines Angle as Angle falls to the mat,
slugfest begins with Kane being the victor. Angle drops a knee on Kane but Kane
drills Angle with a big boot, back body drop and a corner clothesline.
Powerslam by Kane for a two count, Kane Chokeslams Angle and Angle avoids being
pinned by putting his hand on the ropes. Kane signals for the end of the match.
Kane lifts
up Angle but Angle rips at the mask and nails The Angle Slam but Kane kicks out,
Angle pulls down the straps for an Ankle Lock. Kane pushes off Angle, Angle
locks in back in, Kane crawls and makes it to the ropes and drills Angle with
an enzuigiri. Kane climbs to the top rope but Angle runs up to the top rope and
belly to belly suplexes Kane to the canvas. Great stuff so far, Angle looks for
The Angle Slam but Kane counters for A Chokeslam. Angle rolls through the
Chokeslam for a victory roll and Angle steals the win with his hands on the
The ending
is heavily edited on The Network but it was a good match between the two, the
ending does hurt the overall package though. Angle was a machine, have I said
that before? Of course, I say it every time that Kurt Angle is in the ring,
why? Well, Angle keeps coming for you and Angle is never blown up, Angle
produces good to great matches and bad matches do not happen to him, he must
think that bad matches are an illness bestowed on the less fortunate. This
match is hard-hitting and entertaining, the best match on the card so far.
Kurt Angle over Kane via Victory Roll!
Undertaker vs Ric Flair
The feud
between these two began with Ric Flair screwing Undertaker in his match against
The Rock at No Way Out, Ric Flair would distract Undertaker long enough to
allow The Rock to recover and drop The Deadman with a huge Rock Bottom.
Undertaker would coax Flair into the match by assaulting Arn Anderson and Flair’s
son David. Flair decided enough is enough and the match was set for
Wrestlemania. Vince was given all the power in the WWF due to Flair’s actions
as a co-owner and the match is set to be a no disqualification match. The feud
was short, spanning over a month but it sucks you in with its simple story.
Flair comes
to the ring with a look that would kill a weaker man, Flair runs in and starts
slapping around The Deadman. Taker takes over on the floor but Flair dives on
Taker and they are over the announce table. Over and over, Flair wallops Big
Evil, straight rights from The Nature Boy. Taker rolls into the ring but Flair
will not stop punishing The American Badass. Flair attempts a double axe handle
from the apron but Taker catches Flair and slams The Nature Boy into the
ringpost. Flair is bounced into the steel steps, Taker takes over with a thumb
to the eyes, big punches and elbows by Taker. Flair turnbuckle flip and huge
boot by Taker which sends Flair tumbling. Taker places Flair on the chair and
starts destroying The Nature Boy. Flair is a bloody mess, getting colour the
way only Flair can.
Taker drags
Flair to the apron and drops Flair with a hard right, boot to the face by
Undertaker. Flair chops Taker but Taker fires back reversing an Irish whip and
scoring with a corner clothesline. Another Irish whip and a clothesline by
Taker, Flair is propped on the top turnbuckle. Taker headbutts Flair and
measures for a suplex. Top rope superplex, Flair is dragged off the mat by
Taker, Taker wants to make Flair suffer. Taker drops forearms to the face of
Flair, cover and Flair is pulled up by Taker for a second time. Flair eats more
rights from the evil, sadistic Deadman. Flair fights from underneath, chops but
Taker unloads a combination which would make Mike Tyson jealous. Taker signals
for Old School, Taker took too long though. Flair yanks Taker off the top rope,
chops by Flair but Taker counters with a sidewalk slam. Flair manages to chop
Taker to the floor. Flair rakes the face of Taker and Flair has the lead pipe.
Wham! Flair
brutalizes Taker with a barrage of lead pipe shots, Taker tackles Flair to stop
the beating, Flair is rammed into the guard rail. Flair has Taker on his knees
and Flair hammers Taker with right hands. Flair walks into the grip of Taker,
Taker looking for The Chokeslam but Flair low blows The Deadman. Figure four by
Flair, Undertaker sits up out of the hold and grabs the throat of Flair.
Chokeslam by Taker who cannot capitalize right away, Taker crawls for the cover
and gets a two count. Taker knocks down the referee and goes for his lead pipe.
Flair stomps the leg and chops Undertaker before Irish whipping Taker and Arn
Anderson runs in and drops Taker with a spinebuster. Flair goes for the cover
but Taker kicks out of the spinebuster. Taker destroys Anderson, busting open
the legend and applying his dragon like sleeper hold. Flair saves Arn with several
chair shots but Taker is too strong for Flair and kicks the chair into Flair’s
face. Taker signals for The Last Ride, Flair cannot get up for the move so
Taker drops Flair with The Tombstone for the win.
Great match,
the story was plain and simple, Flair was no match for Taker but Flair give
everything in that match, Flair had to fight for his family and his friend
Anderson but it was not enough as Taker was too strong for the veteran Flair. A
dominating performance from Undertaker who with his heel turn, seemed like a
real threat for the first time in quite a while. Taker looked like an absolute
menace in this match, brutal and sadistic, a true heel. Flair is Flair,
tremendous when it is time to perform and very believable in his role on this
Undertaker over Flair via Tombstone!
Booker T vs Edge
A match over
a Japanese Shampoo commercial, I could stop the review of this match there but
that would not be fulfilling my journalistic duties and that, I cannot allow.
Lock up and Booker pushes back Edge, slugfest with Edge beating Booker to the
punch. Shoulder block by Booker, dropkick by Edge. Edge nails his facebuster
and looks for the cover, two count for Edge. Hotshot by Booker T and a spinkick
for good measure, two count for Booker. Clothesline to the floor by Booker,
missile dropkick by Booker. Booker tees off on Edge in the corner, Edge fires
up but Booker nails a nasty spinebuster for a two count. Booker goes to the top
rope and Edge crotches Booker, botched hurricanrana from Edge. Spinning heel
kick by Edge, series of clotheslines before Booker knees Edge.
attempts The Scissors Kick but Edge turns the move into an Edge O Matic, two
count for Edge, Edge Irish whips Booker who counters into a roll-up, Edge
reverses for a catapult. Edge misses a Spear and Booker scores with a thrust
kick and Booker Spinaroonies at Wrestlemania. Scissors Kick and a two for
Booker T, Edge blocks The Book-End, Spear by Edge and Booker T kicks out of The
Spear. Edge scores with an Edgearoonie, Edgecution on Booker and it is all
over. Quick match with not much to it, was find and it was just there, can’t
say a whole lot more.
Edge over Booker T via Edgecution!
The Hurricane/Mighty Molly Promo
had won The Hardcore Championship earlier in the night and fell victim to a
frying pan attack from his sidekick Molly which leads to Molly winning the
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Scott Hall
would cost Austin the Undisputed Championship at No Way Out, the match was set
for Scott Hall to face Austin at Wrestlemania. The NWO had come into the WWF
which a lot of buzz but to have Austin not face Hogan was a disappointment for
a lot of fans. That being said, to see Austin face off against Scott Hall was
exciting and had potential to be a memorable match. Austin jumps right on Hall,
Hall has brought Nash with him to ringside. Austin chops Hall before Hall rakes
the eyes. Hall tees off before Austin nails The Lou Thesz Press. Austin rams
Hall into the turnbuckle multiple times, Hall powders to the floor and Austin
rams into Nash. Austin eats a boot from Hall and a nasty clothesline. Nash
exposes the top turnbuckle while Hall chops Austin, Austin reverses Hall until
Hall sends Austin flying into the exposed turnbuckle.
Nash pummels
Austin on the floor, Hall catches Austin with a series of corner clotheslines.
Fallaway slam by Hall for a two count, Hall chokes Austin using his leg with
Nash nailing Austin with a cheap shot. Spinebuster by Austin, Hall is the
quicker of the two though. Hall executes some vicious rights before Austin
nails a Stunner out of nowhere, Nash drags out and lays out the referee. Nash
is in the ring and knocks down Austin. Hall goes to the floor for a chair,
Austin fights off Nash and Hall, Stunners for both men. Austin covers but there
is no referee, a new referee slides down and counts to two before Nash kills
that referee with an elbow. Hall looks for The Outsider’s Edge but Austin
elevates Hall to the floor. Nash is escorted to the back by a league of
referees, Austin goes after Hall. Austin is rammed into the exposed turnbuckle,
Stunner by Hall and the referee slides into the ring. 1…2.. Austin kicks out,
Hall is sent into the exposed turnbuckle.
Two Stunners
by Austin and the match is over! That was an average match from these two big
stars, I and a lot of people would have expected more for Wrestlemania but
knowing the backstory of this match and the struggles that both men were having
at the time such as Austin’s career winding down and Hall’s alcohol issues, I
feel they did the best they could under the circumstances. Not a great or memorable
affair but it is what it is.
Austin over Hall via Stunner!
(WWF Tag Team Championship Match Four Corner Elimination
Match) The APA vs The Dudley Boyz vs The Hardu Boyz vs Billy & Chuck ©
The amount
of times I have seen a variation of this match involving the likes of The
Dudley Boyz and The Hardys Boyz is staggering, it seems every three pay per
views or so, these teams end up in an elimination type match but I guess I will
not be seeing anymore as the brand split is on the horizon. Saliva perform The
Dudley Boyz Theme as I am reminded of playing Forceable Entry on my father’s Walkman.
Times have certainly changed since 2002.
The match
begins with Bradshaw roughing up Chuck, Chuck is saved from a fallaway away
slam by Billy but Billy is killed with a fallaway slam. Bradshaw chops and
chops Chuck until delivering a nasty back suplex. Tag to Faarooq, Irish whip
and a clothesline from Chuck. Tag to Billy who pisses off Bradshaw, Faarooq is
double teamed by the champions. Billy looks for The FameAsser but Faarooq
counters with a powerslam. Tag to Bradshaw, DDT to Chuck. Billy tags D-Von and
D-Von is drilled by Bradshaw, the APA are dominating both heels teams. Faarooq
spinebusters Chuck on the floor, Bradshaw kills Billy with a Clothesline From
Hell but The Dudleys are legal which results in a 3D and Bradshaw’s elimination.
APA have
been eliminated via 3D!
The Hardys
come in and annihilate The Dudleys and Billy & Chuck, Jeff has Bubba in the
ring, Whisper in The Wind. Jeff strips and Stacy is on the apron, Stacy shows
her fabulous ass and is smacked and kissed by Jeff. Jeff is on Bubba’s
shoulders, doomsday device by Billy and Bubba. Bubba nails The Bubba Bomb on
Billy, Bubba chokes Jeff with the remnants of his shirt. Bubba chops poor Jeff
and it looks like it sucks, clubbing blows by Bubba. Jeff blocks Bubba with his
feet but D-Von takes down Jeff. D-Von receives the tag and begins smacking Jeff
like a red-headed stepchild. Suplex by D-Von, tag to Bubba. Jeff is in the tree
of woe, Bubba stomps on Jeff’s babymakers and Matt saves his brother by
bundling Bubba to the floor.
D-Von stops
Matt from receiving the tag with a cheap shot, back elbow by D-Von. Jeff
counters Saving Grace into a neckbreaker, Matt gets the tag. Clotheslines and
DDT by Matt, Matt nails Billy & Chuck too. Bubba drops Matt with a back
suplex but Bubba misses a senton from the second rope. Matt drops Bubba with a
leg drop, Bubba and D-Von look for What’s Up but Billy shoves D-Von through a
table and Matt Twist of Fates Bubba while Jeff nails a Swanton, The Dudleys are
The Dudley
Boyz have been eliminated via Swanton Bomb!
Matt drops
an incoming Billy with a side effect, poetry in motion connects on Billy and
Chuck. Twist of Fate on Chuck, Jeff nails a Swanton but Billy nails a FameAsser.
Matt takes out Billy but Chuck crawls for the cover and Jeff kicks out of The
FameAsser. Billy grabs the tag team championship and smacks Jeff, Chuck
distracts the referee and Chuck pins Jeff after the belt shot.
Not a great
match, crowd was dead throughout. I did like the time between the eliminations,
nothing annoys me more than an elimination match that goes about ten minutes
without any eliminations and everything happens within the space of a minute.
Action was fine, everyone played their part but it was nothing to write home
about. Oh and here is what you all came for.....

Billy & Chuck over The Hardys via Shenanigans!
Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs The Rock
past against wrestling future, Hogan vs The Rock. The promo says it all, Hogan
came back to the WWF and The Rock wanted that dream match with Hogan. It was
on, Hogan roughed up what he saw as a disrespectful punk in The Rock and The
Rock was the hero showing that Hogan was nothing more than a punk like everyone
in The NWO. Hogan ran over Rock with an 18-wheeler when The Rock was in an
ambulance, looking back on it, it looks so over the top but damn it, it was the
match we thought we would never see, Hogan vs The Rock.
music hits and it is magical, Hulk Hogan is back in the WWF brother and it is
not a chorus of boos, oh no it is 1987 all over again and every person in that
audience is taking their vitamins and saying their prayers. As someone who did
not grow up on Hogan, it does not have the spine-tinkling effect that it may
have on many fans looking back on this moment but I can appreciate how much of
a big deal this and enjoy the moment nonetheless. Hogan rips his shirt and the
crowd goes mental. Hogan seems genuinely touched by the reaction and it warms
my heart.
The bell
rings and we have a lot of Rock chants but there are more Hogan chants than
anyone could have anticipated. They talk trash and stare a whole through one
another while looking at the fans and the place is going bananas by this point,
they have not even touched and the crowd wants to explode. The lock up and
Hogan shoves down The Rock and poses, crowd creams itself. Just Bring It from
Hogan, second lock up and a side headlock by Hogan, shoulder block and more
posing by Hogan, crowd creams itself for the second time. Third lock up and a
knee by Hogan, clubbing blows by Hogan. Hogan tees off on Rock, axe bomber by
Hogan. Leaping clothesline from Rock and Hogan is told to bring it, Hogan looks
at Rock as if he saw a ghost. Shoving contest between the two, right hands by
The Rock. Hogan powders to the floor, the crowd is not happy with Rock. Rock
clubs Hogan on the floor and we reset in the ring.
by Rock who measures for a Rock Bottom, Hogan blocks and starts pummelling Rock.
Elbow to the head of Rock, elbow drop, make it two before Hogan steps on Rock’s
face. Corner clothesline by Hogan, Hogan attempts an Irish whip but Rock
tackles Hogan. Rock has control before Hogan drills Rock with a back suplex,
two count for Hogan. Abdominal stretch by Hogan, roll-up for a two count. Back
rake by Hogan, right hands and chops by Hogan. Ten punches in the corner by
Hogan, Hogan bites the head of The Rock for good measure. Rock turns the tables
and begins chopping Hogan, Chokeslam by Hogan out of nowhere. Hogan chokes The
Rock with his wrist tape. Rock fires up but Hogan sidesteps Rock to the floor.
Rock and Hogan trade blows by the announce table. Rock tried using the chair
but it is Hogan knocking down Rock with a clothesline.
The referee
is down, Rock spinebusters Hogan in desperation but Hogan is on his feet first,
Rock takes down Hogan and applies the sharpshooter. Hogan taps out in the
middle of the ring but there is no referee. Rock tries reviving the referee,
Hogan low blows Rock and drops Rock with a Rock Bottom. Cover and the referee crawls
over, 1…2.. ROCK KICKS OUT! Hogan takes off the belt and decides its whipping
time, Rock is lashed over and over with the belt. Rock DDTs Hogan when Hogan
gets cocky, Rock grabs the belt and decides to whip Hogan like a dog. Rock
Bottom and 1..2… Hogan is hulking up and the crowd creams itself for the third
time. Hogan lays in the punches, the big boot and the leg drop. Cover, 1…2..
Rock powers out at two and Hogan is dumbstruck! Incredible, Rock blocks a
second leg drop!
Rock coils
and nails The Rock Bottom, Rock is not satisfied and delivers another Rock
Bottom. Kip-up and People’s Elbow. 1..2…3 Rock had beaten Hogan. An all-time
classic and you cannot say it does not deserve it, Rock worked this match to
perfection. Rock sold great for Hogan, Rock reacted with his facials and body
language to the crowd who were responding more to Hogan. The cut-offs were
great, the spots, Hogan’s hulk up and the series of Rock Bottoms. It was
incredible and it overshadowed everything on this show. If you take only one
thing from this review, let it be that you must see this match. The story was
great and it is capped off with Hogan saying Rock was the better man and the
two huge stars shaking hands. I cannot heap enough praise on this match, it
over-achieved, it was phenomenal and I would gladly watching again and again. A classis, grade A match!
After the
match, Hall and Nash beta up Hogan for his failure to beat The Rock, The Rock
comes to save Hogan and everyone in the world is as happy as a child on
Christmas as it looks like The Old Hogan was back, cue more posing and the fans
creaming themselves for the fourth time alone for this match.
Winner: The
Rock over Hulk Hogan via Rock Bottom and People’s Elbow!
(WWF Women’s Championship Match) Trish Stratus vs Lita vs
Jazz ©
The last
time we saw Jazz and Trish was at The Rumble where Trish beat Jazz in a clean
win which I thought was a foolish decision and it seems the WWF realized their
mistake by having the title on Jazz at this pay per view and portraying the
former ECW star as a monster in the division. Lita comes to the ring as popular
as ever, shame injuries messed up the number of reigns she could have had with
the championship. Trish comes to the ring wearing Canadian colours and Lita
jumps Jazz without Trish. Trish and Lita decide to take down Jazz, chops and
right hands to the monster Jazz. Jazz beats down both women like Raditz vs Goku
and Piccolo in DBZ.
chickenwings Lita and nails a massive leg drop, two count for the champion. Double
underhook suplex by Jazz on Lita, Trish is knocked to the floor with a thrust
kick by Jazz. Lita nails a headscissors on Jazz, back suplex and pin by Lita
for a two count. Jazz rakes the eyes of Lita and hotshots Lita, Jazz measures
for a superplex, we have a Trish and Jazz brawling. Trish rolls-ups Jazz for
two, Lita nails a crossbody on Trish for a two count. Running bulldog by Trish
on Lita, Jazz splashes Lita for a two count. Jazz drops Trish with a Fisherman
suplex, Lita saves Trish. Jazz continues wiping the floor with both women.
Trish reverses a suplex from Jazz into a reverse DDT, Lita and Trish slug it
out. Lita wins the war, back drop by Lita and a Twist of Fate is hit on Jazz.
Lita wipes out both women and attempts a Litasault, Trish blocks with her
Trish chops
Lita in the corner, head collision between the two women, Jazz mows down Trish
and Lita elevates Jazz to the floor. Trish is shoved into the ringpost by Lita
and falls to the floor, Lita is on the top rope. Jazz takes advantage, massive
Fisherman Suplex by Jazz from the second rope and Jazz is your winner. It may
not have been fantastic but as far as women matches went in the WWF at the
time, this was great. Trish was slowly finding her feet as the top babyface of
the division, Jazz is such a great heel in the sense that she is a bit beefier
than the other women, looks like she will kill you and bullies the likes of
Lita and Trish. It was fun, quick-paced, some bits were sloppy but things were
looking good for women’s wrestling in the WWF.
Jazz over Everyone Else via Fisherman Buster!
Christian Promo
had won the hardcore championship by defeating Mighty Molly after slamming a
door in her face, Christian was celebrating and preparing to enter a taxi
before Maven sneaks up and rolls-up Christian to reclaim his championship. That
was pretty funny, Christian as a whiny bitch always makes me smile.
(WWF Undisputed Championship Match) Triple H vs Chris Jericho
© W/ Stephanie Mcmahon
Triple H ‘s
redemption was almost complete, standing in his way was his former wife and
Chris Jericho. Drowning Pool play The Game to the ring and it is clear they are
no Motorhead. Anyways, Triple H returned and won the Royal Rumble, Jericho
teamed up with Stephanie after Triple H’s divorce to the billion-dollar
princess. In the lead up to the match, Jericho attacked Triple H’s repaired
quad. Jericho and Stephanie look so unnatural with one another, it’s as if you
mixed your favourite takeaway with a glass of monkey piss, it is wrong on so
many levels and you do not want that!
Triple H
looks like he was chiselled by the gods, lock up and Jericho shoots for the
leg, Triple H looks concerned at his leg and tries to warn off Jericho. Back
body drop by Triple H, short-arm clothesline by The Game. Jericho chops Triple
H but Triple H drills Jericho with a high knee. Triple H feels his knee and
Jericho elevates Triple H to the floor. Triple H suplexes Jericho on the floor,
Jericho goes after the leg of Triple H. Chop block by Jericho but Triple H
shoots up and goes after Jericho’s leg. Shin breaker by Triple H, figure four
by Triple H but Stephanie digs her finger nails into the challenger’s eyes.
Triple H pulls Stephanie to the apron, Jericho spears Stephanie by mistake.
Triple H looks to Pedigree Stephanie but Jericho makes the save with a missile
dropkick. Jericho goes to work on the knee of The Game, Stephanie picks her
spots and kicks the leg of the challenger. More elbows to the knee by Jericho.
slaps Triple H while Jericho applies a ringpost figure four, Triple H fights
from his knees but Jericho goes to the knee and applies a muta lock. Triple H
battles back with a big knockdown, Jericho kicks out at two. Facebuster by
Triple H, one-armed spinebuster by The Game. Another spinebuster for good
measure, two count for the challenger. Jericho reverses and Irish whip and The
Game sails over the top rope. Jericho has Triple H on the announce table and
attempts a Walls of Jericho, the same move that was done to Triple H when he
tore his quad. Triple H battles back and looks for a Pedigree but Jericho
elevates Triple H through the Spanish announce table. Lionsault by Y2J, cover
and a two count. In the ring, Triple H looks for a Pedigree but Jericho hammers
the knee and applies The Walls of Jericho.
Triple H
powers his way to the ropes, Jericho breaks the hold. Stephanie is on the apron
and Jericho has the steel chair, Triple H blocks with a boot. DDT on the chair
by Triple H, Jericho survives by escaping at two and a half. Stephanie is in
the ring, referee Earl Hebnar takes the chair from Stephanie and Triple H
decides to Pedigree that ungrateful jezebel. Jericho uses the chair to clock
Triple H, cover and it is two! Jericho goes for The Pedigree, Triple H blocks
for a catapult. Jericho lands on the
second rope and dives but Triple H catches Jericho with the boot and Pedigrees
Jericho into oblivion for the win.
Poor Triple
H as his main event as Wrestlemania is overshadowed by Rock and Hogan, the
crowd had peaked during that match but they did their best to rally the fans
for this match. Not a fan of the storyline with Jericho being a sidepiece to
the bigger picture of Triple H and Stephanie. Match had a good story, Jericho
worked the leg throughout the match and Triple H sold well clutching and
holding the leg after every move. It was good but certainly not Rock vs Hogan
and that hurt the match on this night.
Triple H over Jericho via Pedigree!
X8 is a tough rate, it is sandwiched between two great Wrestlemanis in
Wrestlemania 17 and 19 and there are no bad matches on this card but the
matches did not feel as breath-taking or as exciting as they should have been.
Rock vs Hogan and Undertaker vs Flair are two great matches with a lot of heat
and reaction from the crowd. There were a lot of matches that were very short
so you did not have much time to get invested in and truly appreciate, you also
had matches that were just not what you expected like Austin making Hall and
Nash look like geeks and Jericho being demoted as opposed to elevated by his
feud with Triple H. On a sidenote, I think Angle deserved a bigger match due to
his work throughout 2001! Honestly, it is a good show and might be in the
conversation for underrated shows but Wrestlemania X8 was just not exactly what
the doctor ordered, it was good in small doses and had moments and they made up
for the moments which were not as special.

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