Welcome boys
and girls to another pun-tastic edition to the only wrestling review series on
the internet that prefers Samoa Joe’s first NXT theme: Seanomaniac Wrestling
Reviews! I am a bit low on the zingers on this occasion but I plan to more than
make up for it with this WWF No Way Out 2002 Review! As I mentioned last time,
the WWF was in a bit of a strange period coming into 2002. Chris Jericho was Undisputed
Champion and kind of Mcmahon’s chosen champion but it soon became apparent that
Vince was pushing himself away from any confrontations with The Rock and Stone
Cold as Mcmahon introduced a poison to the WWF, a poison known as The NWO. Jericho
finds himself tonight against none other than The Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve
Austin. Triple H had won The Royal Rumble but was having marital problems,
problems which threatened The Game’s quest for the championship. Couple that
with the fact that Kurt Angle is out for The Game’s blood and it is obvious
Triple H is not a happy camper. We also have the fresh, heel Undertaker taking
on The People’s Champion The Rock so there are a lot of big matches on this card
so let’s see where the night takes us.
Opening Promo
The first
thing I notice is that the opening promo is nowhere to be seen on The Network
so I cannot hype up the WWF production theme or even laugh at the terrible
stock music which replaces the licensed themes. Damn you Network!
NWO Promo
We open with
The New World Order and it is surreal ladies and gentlemen. Knowing the
history, the war with WCW and the way in which these men left the WWF, it is
truly surreal to see Hall, Nash and Hogan back in a WWF ring. Big Sexy is on
the mic and Nash is not happy with the wrestlers in the back giving The NWO
dirty stares. Hall is up next who says The New World Order are not bad guys,
they just want to work with the big WWF superstars. Hogan has the microphone
and people are ready to explode, their hero, the man who made wrestling what it
is today begins speaking. Hogan thanks Vince for the opportunity and our heroes
leave the ring. Looking back on this, I see potential and tonnes of it.
However, nothing has gone wrong yet, this could be fun.
(Tag Team Turmoil Match) Scotty Too Hotty & Albert vs
Lance Storm & Christian vs The APA vs Billy & Chuck vs The Hardy Boyz
vs The Dudley Boyz
Two teams
kick us off and the match continues until all teams have been eliminated.
Scotty kicks us off against Storm. Scotty outwrestles Storm before tagging in
Albert, Albert giant swings Christian before Storm tackles Albert from behind.
Albert shakes off Storm with a huge axe kick, Christian distracts Albert and
Storm knocks down Albert with a calf kick. Storm drags Christian to the corner,
the two put the boots to Albert before Albert fires back with a huge
clothesline. Tag to Scotty, Scotty elevates Storm to the floor. Scotty
superkicks Christian for a two count, Storm throws Scotty to the floor. Albert
misses a splash and is clotheslined to the floor. Scotty nails Christian with a
facebuster but Storm stops The Worm. Unprettier by Christian on Scotty and we
have a first elimination.
& Albert have been eliminated via Unprettier!
Hardys enter
the match, scoop slam to Christian by Matt. Matt goes for a leg drop but Storm smacks
Matt from the apron. Tag to Storm, dropkick by Storm for a two count. Quick tag
to Christian, right hands by Christian. Matt battles back and hotshots Christian
into the top rope. Jeff gets the tag, forearms and legsweeps to Storm and
Christian. Christian saves Storm while Matt and Christian battle to the floor.
Single leg Boston Crab by Storm on Jeff, Matt saves his brother. Storm kicks
Christian by mistake, Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb by The Hardy Boyz for the
Storm &
Christian have been eliminated via Swanton Bomb!
The Dudleys
are in, Bubba yanks Jeff’s hair to avoid a Poetry in Motion. D-Von nails a
powerslam on Jeff, tag to Bubba. Spinning toe hold by Bubba is broken up by
Matt, tag to D-Von. D-Von pummels Jeff in the corner, reverse elbow by D-Von.
Quick tag to Bubba, Bubba looks for a senton form the second rope but Jeff
blocks the senton. Tag to Matt, right hands and clotheslines to D-Von, DDT on
Bubba. Leg drop on D-Von, Bubba saves D-Von. Jeff wipes out Bubba, neckbreaker
combination. D-Von is clotheslined to the floor, Stacy stops a Twist of Fate on
Bubba and we have a catfight. Bubba Bomb on Matt, Lita nails her hurricanrana.
Jeff dives onto Bubba with a somersault plancha, D-Von looks for Saving Grace
but Matt slides out and rolls-up D-Von for the elimination.
The Dudley
Boyz have been eliminated via roll-up!
The Dudleys
nail a 3D on Jeff and out comes Billy & Chuck. Matt is all alone as Jeff is
reeling from the 3D. Neckbreaker on Chuck but Matt runs into a Superkick from Chuck
and Billy nails The FameAsser for the elimination.
The Hardy
Boyz have been eliminated via FameAsser!
The final
team have arrived and it is The APA. Brawl ensues on the floor before it is
Chuck and Bradshaw in the ring, fallaway slam by Bradshaw. Tag to Faarooq, Bradshaw
cheap shots Billy. It backfires for Bradshaw as Billy cheap shots Faarooq.
Faarooq is taken to the floor and roughed up by Chuck as Billy smacks Bradshaw
on the apron. Faarooq fires up on Billy, massive spinebuster by Faarooq.
Bradshaw receives the tag and starts breaking backs and cracking skulls, big
boot to Chuck. Corner clotheslines to Chuck, seconds later the match is over
after a Bradshaw Clothesline From Hell to Billy!
Billy &
Chuck have been eliminated via Clothesline From Hell!
Good opening
match with everyone hitting their signature spots, I find it funny that The APA
are the winners of the match. They always seem to wonder into the title picture
but I not going to complain because I would like to see these two kick a lot
more ass.
Goldust vs Rob Van Dam
The Bizarre
One Goldust had returned to the WWF at last month’s Royal Rumble. RVD had been
targeted by the veteran of the WWF and these two are set to battle it out on
pay per view. Goldust jumps RVD to start the match with a huge scoop slam,
snake eyes by Goldust onto the ring apron. RVD suckers in Goldust and kicks
Goldust square in the face, shoulder thrusts by Van Dam. Spinning leg drop and
a handspring moonsault by RVD. Forearms to the face by RVD before Goldust bails
to the floor. Goldust thought about walking away but Goldust thinks better of
it and decides to continue the match. Goldust drags RVD to the floor and RVD
sends Goldust over the barricade. RVD sets up Goldust for his leg drop across
the barricade, RVD nails The Bizarre One. RVD tries to re-enter the ring but
Goldust nails a knee to the face and drills Van Dam with an elbow from the
second rope. Huge clubbing blows by Goldust, big butt bump by Goldust, cover
and a two count.
props RVD on the top rope and stretches Van Dam over the ringpost. Goldust
catapults RVD into the ropes and Van Dam falls onto Goldust’s knees. Modified
camel clutch by Goldust, Goldust tries sitting on the back of RVD but Van Dam
gets the knees up to alleviate the pressure. RVD tries a backslide, two count
but RVD scores with a superkick. RVD fires up, spinning heel kick and a monkey
flip. Diving thrustkick by RVD, cover and a two count for RVD. Scoop slam into
Rolling Thunder, cover and Goldust powers out of the pin attempt. RVD looks for
The Five Star Frog Splash, Goldust moves out of the way and drills RVD with a
DDT. Goldust looks for The Curtain Call, RVD slides out and nails a spinning
heel kick. Another two count, Goldust misses a bulldog. Step through spinning
heel kick and RVD goes high for The Frog Splash. RVD nails it and this match is
I thought it
was an ok match, fans were not into the match and there was not a whole lot
going on in this match. Goldust did well for his first pay per view match back
in the WWF and RVD was entertaining with his unique offence. Crowd popped huge
for the finish and Van Dam is ridiculously over since the day he stepped foot
in the WWF.
RVD over
Goldust via Five Star Frog Splash!
NWO/Austin Encounter
The New
World Order try to give Austin a gift of beer but The Rattlesnake does not
trust The New World Order and decides that he does not want the beer. The New
World Order let Austin pass while judging The Rattlesnake for his behaviour.
(WWF Tag Team Championship Match) Spike Dudley & Tazz ©
vs Test & Booker T
Test and
Booker T jump the champions in the rampway, Test chokes and clubs Tazz in the
ring. Tazz elbow Test and nails a huge clothesline, Spike gets the tag. Missile
dropkick on Test and dropkick to the knee of Booker T. Spike fights out of a
military press slam for a roll-up. Booker distracts the referee and Test clotheslines
Spike. Tag to Booker, Harlem sidekick to the face of Spike. Cover and Tazz
makes the save, chops by Booker T to Spike. Test chokes Spike over the middle
rope, corner clothesline by Test. Test misses an elbow, Spike tries fighting
back, Dudley Dog is countered with Spike being thrown to the floor. Booker puts
the boots to Spike, Booker receives the tag and nails The Scissors Kick. We see
The Spinaroonie and Tazz saves Spike once again.
postures for too long and it is Spike drilling Booker with a tornado DDT. Tazz
gets the tag, clotheslines by Tazz. Test attacks Tazz illegally, Tazz ducks The
Big Boot, Booker is elevated to the floor and Tazz looks for The Tazzmission on
Test. Spike drills Test with a Dudley Dog, Booker T is sent into the ringpost.
Test tries rolling-up Tazz, referee catches Test and Tazz takes advantage to
lock in The Tazzmission for the win. Another ok match, Test and Booker are not
great bullies so the sympathy is lacking for the tags and beat-downs on Spike.
I also cannot believe going into Wrestlemania, it appeared that Spike and Tazz
against The APA would be the tag team championship match at Wrestlemania. At
least Tazz had a championship run in the WWF before moving to the commentary
Spike &
Tazz over Booker T & Test via Tazzmission!
(WWF Intercontinental Championship Brass Knuckles on a Pole
Match) Edge vs William Regal ©
Vince Russo
must be touching himself as we have a brass knuckles on a pole match. Climb the
pole and you can use the knuckles, the referee checks Regal for knuckles but
Edge jumps Regal so the search cannot be concluded. Clothesline by Edge, snap
suplex and Edge goes for the pole. Regal yanks off Edge, Edge pummels Regal on
the ground. Dropkick by Edge on Regal, Regal is hotshot into the top rope and
dragged to the floor. Edge throws Regal into the crowd, Edge climbs towards the
knuckles. Edge nails Regal with a missile dropkick, Regal counters a
full-nelson by Edge and throws the challenger into the top rope. Abdominal
stretch by Regal who uses the ropes for leverage, Edge powers out of the hold
and throws the champion to the floor. Edge is inches away from winning but
Regal hurls Edge to the floor and Edge slams into the barricade
Tigerbomb on
the floor by Regal, Regal applies The Regal Stretch in the middle of the ring.
Edge is bleeding from the mouth which JR mentions that Edge has suffered from
internal bleeding. Another tigerbomb by Regal, cover and a two count for the
champion. Regal climbs to the top rope and lands gingerly on the top rope.
Regal looks for a tigerbomb to the floor but Edge counters for a hurricanrana
to the floor. Edge is close to gaining the knuckles, Regal appears and both men
brawl. Regal knocks down Edge and pulls down the knuckles. Edge catches Regal
with a back suplex, the knuckles fall into the middle of the mat.
Both men
crawl towards the knuckles, Regal kicks the knuckles out of the ring, Edge O
Matic for a two count, Spear by Edge. Edge searches for the knuckles for
revenge but Regal has his own pair of knuckles. Edge eats a shot to the ribs
and a shot to the face and Regal retains the championship. Enjoyable match, I
liked the chemistry between these two, Regal is such an arrogant snob that you
love to see get killed while Edge is standing out among the bunch. The more I
watch, the more I realize why Edge climbed to the very top of the company.
Regal using his own knuckles was clever too, it was well worked pole match
which you cannot say about a lot of this kind of gimmick match.
Regal over Edge via Brass Knuckles Shot!
The Rock vs The Undertaker
The Rock had
disrespected The Undertaker by laughing at The Deadman for being eliminated by
Maven in the Royal Rumble. Rock and Undertaker would cost one another important
matches such as Rock losing his number one contender’s opportunity thanks to
Taker’s interference and The Rock costing Undertaker the Hardcore Championship
by helping Maven win the championship. Undertaker also Tombstoned Rock on top
of a car which is a cool spot in my opinion.
The Rock
sprints to the ring and nails Taker with a leaping clothesline, Rock is caught
off-guard by a massive big boot from Taker. Taker chokes Rock with his elbow
and the rope. Straight right by Undertaker, Taker lowers his head and Rock
drills Taker with a swinging neckbreaker. Taker comes back strong with huge
right hands in the corner. Headbutt to The Rock, Undertaker shuts off The Rock’s
momentum with a sidewalk slam. Cover and it is a two count for Big Evil.
Undertaker continues punishing Rock by kneeing Rock in the ribs and stomping
all over The Rock’s face. Rock dodges a big boot and is hung up in the ropes,
Rock clotheslines Taker to the floor. Rock rams Taker into the Spanish announce
table before Taker turns the tide with a knee. Taker crotches Rock on the
barricade by The People’s Jewels. Undertaker knocks The Rock into the crowd and
we have a brawl on our hands. Taker smashes Rock with a hard elbow to the face.
Over and over, The Rock takes the elbow to the face.
Leg drop over the back of the head by Taker,
Taker tries pinning Rock but Rock will not stay down for the pin-fall. Rock
battles back to his feet but lowers his head after an Irish whip, Rock pays for
it as Taker nails his DDT like only Taker can. Bearhug by Big Evil, Taker
squeezes but Rock will not stay down. Leaping clothesline by Rock and both men
are feeling the effects of the match. DDT by The Rock, kip-up and spinebuster.
Rock was looking for The People’s Elbow but Undertaker gets up and snatches at
Rock’s throat. Rock blocks the first time but Taker nails The Chokeslam on the
second try. Undertaker covers but Rock kicks out of the Chokeslam. Undertaker
is bewildered so Taker goes to his motorcycle and pulls out a lead pipe to beat
The Rock. Undertaker bumps the referee into the steel steps and pulls out the
lead pipe. Flair comes to ringside to stop Taker using the lead pipe. The chops
by Flair have no effect and Taker boots Flair to the ground.
Taker aims for Rock’s head but Rock nails a
spinebuster and locks in the sharpshooter, Vince Mcmahon is down at ringside.
Rock grabs Vince and hurls Vince into the ring. Undertaker looks for a
Tombstone on Rock but Flair nails Taker with the lead pipe, Rock scores with
The Rock Bottom! Game, set and match, your winner is The Rock!
I liked this match a lot, it was a breath of fresh air to see an intimidating
heel like Taker battle Rock as opposed to the chickenshit Jericho. Undertaker
was so good in his role and was allowed to be nasty and kick ass. Undertaker
came out looking good too as it took a lead pipe and a Rock Bottom to put The
Deadman away. It was fresh and exciting and I wish there was more to be honest.
One thing that bothers me though is they never used the announce table after
teasing the spot and looking like it was going to be used.
The Rock
over Undertaker via Rock Bottom!
Triple H vs Kurt Angle (Winner Goes to Wrestlemania/Stephanie
is Special Referee)
Triple H had
won The Royal Rumble but Kurt Angle was not happy about this so Vince announced
there would be a match between the two to decide the number one contender for
the undisputed championship. Stephanie and Triple H had problems, big problems.
Stephanie wanted to renew their vows and told the world that she was pregnant.
Stephanie lied and lied big time, Triple H will be divorcing Triple H but that
was not a good idea because Vince, Stephanie’s father owns the company. So,
Triple H had divorced Stephanie, has to fight Kurt Angle for his Wrestlemania
opportunity and Stephanie is the referee for this match so Triple H’s chances
are slim to none. My one big complaint about all of this is that Kurt Angle and
Chris Jericho will be secondary to the big story which is taking place and to
be honest, Triple H’s road to recovery story did not need the extra drama just
like Austin vs The Rock at Wrestlemania did not need The Rock being managed by
Debra who was Austin’s wife for the few weeks before the match, it adds
begins the match by trying to fast-count Triple H after multiple pin attempts
by Angle, Angle smashes Triple H in the face. Triple H fires out of the corner
with a clothesline, Triple H stomps Angle in the corner. Short-arm clothesline
by The Game, another one by The Cerebral Assassin. Angle counters the third with
a nice back suplex, Angle goes to clothesline Triple H and nails Stephanie by
mistake. Stephanie is knocked unconscious and taken to the back while Triple H
cannot help himself but smile as the odds are a little more even in this match.
Angle hotshots Triple H before eating a swinging neckbreaker. Triple H pummels
Angle in the corner, Angle fights out with a German suplex. Triple H eats three
German suplexes, Angle stomps all over Triple H. Triple H runs into an overhead
belly to belly suplex, cover and a two count for Kurt Angle, another suplex by
Kurt. Third belly to belly suplex by Angle, Angle continues smacking around
Triple H. Sleeper hold in the middle of the ring by Angle.
Angle tries
ten punches in the corner but Triple H counters with a powerbomb, high knee by
Triple H, spinebuster for good measure. Cover and a two count, Triple H nails a
facebuster for a two count, Angle begs for mercy and rolls to the floor. Angle
runs around the ring before blatantly, smacking the referee in the back of the
head. Low blow by Angle, Angle Slam and Angle looks for the win but here comes
Stephanie. Triple H kicks out of The Angle Slam, Angle looks for The Angle
Lock, Triple H kicks off Angle into Stephanie. Angle runs into a DDT, no
referee for Triple H. Angle plants Triple H with a German suplex, Angle has a
chair, Triple H ducks the chair shot. Pedigree in the middle of the ring, the
referee looks to make the pin and gets to two before Stephanie attacks the
referee. Triple H looks for The Pedigree but Angle wears out Triple H with the
chair, Angle Slam and Angle picks up the win.
Hold on a
second here, Angle wins? How does Angle lose his championship match? Good match
though, I have said it before but Angle does know what a bad match is, Angle comes
in, Angle is entertaining, throws great suplexes and sells to make his opponent
look great. Triple H does great too in his face role although, The Game is so
much more of a natural heel. I always find it hard to buy into a face Triple H
because of how unlikeable he is in that role. Even when he is walking through
the curtain and JR is trying to sell the story of how this is heart-breaking, I
struggle to buy into the guy. I am curious how Triple H won back his
opportunity though, perhaps WWF was thinking of doing a triple threat?
Kurt Angle over
Triple H via Shenanigans!
Rock/NWO Promo
Hogan takes
a picture with The Rock and makes fun of the current fans’ tastes. Rock does
not like Hogan’s tone and proceeds to verbally run-down all members of The New
World Order which does not make the trio very happy.
(WWF Undisputed Championship Match) Stone Cold Steve Austin
vs Chris Jericho ©
egomaniac Chris Jericho had beaten The Rock at Royal Rumble but now, Jericho
had to contend with The Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin. Jericho had mocked
Austin, poured beer on Austin and thought he was better than Austin. This is
Austin’s last championship match on pay per view and I shall do my best to
avoid that clouding my judgment on this match.
Austin and
Jericho talk trash, Jericho flips off Austin and Austin flips off Jericho. Lock
up, Jericho shoves Austin back and we have a clean break. Second lock up,
stalemate and we have a third lock up. Jericho hits Austin with a right hand,
boot to the ribs by Y2J but Austin sends Jericho to the floor.
Back elbow by Austin, chops in the corner by Austin. Austin rams Jericho into the turnbuckle at least thirty times. Clothesline by Austin, suplex by Austin. More chops by Austin, Jericho quickens the pace with a neckbreaker. Elbow by Jericho, Jericho comes off the top rope and lands into a fist from Austin. Austin clotheslines Jericho to the floor. More chops by Austin, shoulder thrusts in the corner by Austin. Austin misses a shoulder thrust and runs into the ringpost, Jericho goes after that shoulder. The two are now fighting by the entranceway.
Back elbow by Austin, chops in the corner by Austin. Austin rams Jericho into the turnbuckle at least thirty times. Clothesline by Austin, suplex by Austin. More chops by Austin, Jericho quickens the pace with a neckbreaker. Elbow by Jericho, Jericho comes off the top rope and lands into a fist from Austin. Austin clotheslines Jericho to the floor. More chops by Austin, shoulder thrusts in the corner by Austin. Austin misses a shoulder thrust and runs into the ringpost, Jericho goes after that shoulder. The two are now fighting by the entranceway.
gains the upper hand and proceed to light up Austin’s chests with multiple chops.
Jericho was looking for a dropkick but Austin crotched the champion, superplex
by Austin. Austin goes to the opposite rope and nails another superplex. Third
superplex by Austin, cover and a two count for Austin. Austin Irish whips
Jericho into all the turnbuckles before Jericho uses the referee for leverage,
low blow by Jericho without the referee’s knowledge.
Chops by Y2J, Walls of Jericho is countered by Austin. Jericho knees Austin in the corner, Austin fires back with a Stungun and an elbow to the face. Jericho hurls Austin to the floor and the two begin brawling by the barricade. Jericho tried using the chair but Austin stopped the chair attack. Jericho looks to put Austin through the announce table, the two fight into the ring. Back elbow by Jericho, Lionsault misses. Sleeper by Y2J.
Chops by Y2J, Walls of Jericho is countered by Austin. Jericho knees Austin in the corner, Austin fires back with a Stungun and an elbow to the face. Jericho hurls Austin to the floor and the two begin brawling by the barricade. Jericho tried using the chair but Austin stopped the chair attack. Jericho looks to put Austin through the announce table, the two fight into the ring. Back elbow by Jericho, Lionsault misses. Sleeper by Y2J.
fights out and catapults Y2J into the turnbuckle, Stunner is blocked.
Spinebuster by Austin, knees and right hands combined with a powerslam. Two
count for Austin, Jericho reverses an Irish whip and scores with a modified
bulldog and a Lionsault. Two in a row, cover and two count for Y2J. Jericho
chops Austin, Jericho runs into the ringpost. Austin was looking for The Lou
Thesz Press, Jericho counters with the Walls of Jericho. Austin crawls
successfully to the ropes, Jericho decides it is time to cheat. Jericho has a
belt, Austin nails the referee by accident. Spinebuster on the belt by Austin,
Jericho kicks out at two.
Jericho counters The Stunner into The Breakdown on the championship. Two count for Austin, corner clothesline by Y2J. Jericho clotheslines referee Earl Hebnar and Austin makes Jericho to tap to the Walls. Stunner by Austin but here comes The New World Order. Austin fights but it is three-on-one. Hall Stunners Austin, Jericho drags the referee into the ring and Jericho pins Austin thanks to The New World Order. The New World Order rough up Austin after the match, Stunner by Hall on Austin again. Hogan and Hal spray paint Austin after the match.
Jericho counters The Stunner into The Breakdown on the championship. Two count for Austin, corner clothesline by Y2J. Jericho clotheslines referee Earl Hebnar and Austin makes Jericho to tap to the Walls. Stunner by Austin but here comes The New World Order. Austin fights but it is three-on-one. Hall Stunners Austin, Jericho drags the referee into the ring and Jericho pins Austin thanks to The New World Order. The New World Order rough up Austin after the match, Stunner by Hall on Austin again. Hogan and Hal spray paint Austin after the match.
Another good
match, Austin and Jericho work hard to keep the fans entertained in this main
event. The ref bumps were annoying by this point though, we had seen
shenanigans and screwy finishes for the last four matches in a row, there is
only so much a reviewer can take damn it! Seriously, the match was good,
Jericho plays the chickenshit heel well, I think his best years are in front of
him but this initial heel run was not a complete failure. Poor Jericho would
just be a victim of anything involving The Mcmahons: Jericho would become
secondary to what was happening as all the focus went on The Mcmahons. However,
on this night, Jericho was saved by The NWO and this had the fans buzzing.
Yes, The Invasion had been an utter failure but this was The New World Order vs Austin and The Rock. This cannot be anything but awesome. On a sidenote, after watching Austin through his heel run and subsequent babyface turn, I do feel Austin was slowing down a lot in the ring. Austin was still the man and could still go but the same fire or intensity was not there anymore. The man himself said his match with The Rock reinvigorated him but the heel turn which he wanted to do had left him flat and it shows by this point. It seems like an end of an era but there is still a few more battles left for The Rattlesnake so I am going to enjoy them while I still can. Overall, a good match with a big angle for Wrestlemania and Raw the next night.
Yes, The Invasion had been an utter failure but this was The New World Order vs Austin and The Rock. This cannot be anything but awesome. On a sidenote, after watching Austin through his heel run and subsequent babyface turn, I do feel Austin was slowing down a lot in the ring. Austin was still the man and could still go but the same fire or intensity was not there anymore. The man himself said his match with The Rock reinvigorated him but the heel turn which he wanted to do had left him flat and it shows by this point. It seems like an end of an era but there is still a few more battles left for The Rattlesnake so I am going to enjoy them while I still can. Overall, a good match with a big angle for Wrestlemania and Raw the next night.
over Austin thanks to The New World Order!
WWF’s No Way
Out of 2002 was a good show, you had three main event calibre matches which
were entertaining for various reasons and an undercard that did not have low points.
The tag team matches on the card were quick, fast-paced and fun, the
Intercontinental Championship was a very good match for a gimmick match. Rock
and Undertaker felt fresh as Undertaker was heel and Rock was working against a
larger opponent, Angle vs Triple H felt fresh as it was Triple H’s first
singles match back on pay per view and Austin vs Jericho was fun as those two
did not square off often and you had The NWO to top it all off. The WWF was in
Wrestlemania mode and the card reflects that feeling with enough good matches
on the card to make this worth-watching.
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