Saturday, 18 April 2020

WWF Wrestlemania VII Review

Wrestlemania VII Hulk Hogan | Wwf poster, Wwe ppv

Hello and welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the internet that is ready for Asuka! It’s WWF Wrestlemania VII, considered a great mis-step in WWF history as poor ticket sales led to the changing of venues for the biggest show of the year and well, the WWF just was not firing on all cylinders as it had in the years gone by. Sgt. Slaughter defends his WWF Championship against Mr America himself Hulk Hogan, we also have Ultimate Warrior vs Randy Macho Man Savage in a Career vs Career Match, another big matches include Virgil challenging Ted Dibiase. Sweet mother of God, there are 15 matches on this card and Jim Duggan is on commentary? I think I have lucked out, I do not think 1991 is going to be a banner year for the WWF but the show must go on, let’s do this!

The Rockers vs Haku & Barbarian W/ Bobby The Brain Heenan

Haku catches Michaels, Michaels is caught in the bearhug and thrown to the corner. Michaels slips out of a powerslam, leapfrogs all over before a massive shoulder block for two. Arm-wringer with Haku going to the throat, elbows and chops. Haku misses a clothesline, tag to Jannetty. Double hip-toss and elbow drop before Barbarian clotheslines both Rockers. Barbarian tries whipping Haku into The Rockers but they dodge and they superkick Barbarian. Regroup time, Barbarian vs Jannetty now. Barbarian knees and chops Jannetty, massive headbutt knocks Jannetty to his knees.

Stomps from Barbarian, Jannetty is dazed on the apron. Jannetty slides under the ropes, sunset flip attempt but Barbarian misses the right hand. Jannetty tries the hurricanrana, Michaels aids Jannetty with a dropkick as Jannetty nails the hurricanrana. Jannetty wants to maintain control but Barbarian rakes the eyes, tag to Haku. Double headbutt, chop by Haku. Jannetty tries for the hurricanrana again but the referee catches Michaels, Barbarian comes in for the stun-gun on Jannetty. Back elbow by Haku, tag to Barbarian. Whip by Barbarian, military press slam from Barbarian. Michaels is nailed on the apron, the referee is with Michaels as Haku & Barbarian choke Jannetty.

Whip by Haku, Jannetty ducks the clothesline and lands the crossbody for two. Haku is up first, whip to the buckle sends Jannetty down. Back-breakers by Haku, tag to Barbarian. Cover for two, bearhug from Barbarian. Jannetty battles back before being whipped to the buckle once more, Barbarian whips Jannetty again before Jannetty kicks back Barbarian. Jannetty goes to the middle rope, Barbarian counters the crossbody for the powerslam. Barbarian climbs to the top, falling headbutt misses as Jannetty rolls out of the way. Jannetty crawls and crawls, reaching Michaels. Right hands to Haku, flying reverse elbow.

More right hands, ten punches in the corner. Michaels dives onto Barbarian with a crossbody, Haku eats a neck-breaker for two. Eye poke by Haku, whip with Michaels looking for a sunset flip counter, Jannetty helps with a clothesline. Barbarian eats a double dropkick to the floor, Haku eats a double clothesline. Missile dropkick by Jannetty, diving crossbody by Michaels and this match is over, The Rockers are your winners.

Well, the crowd is loud for sure. I appreciate the fans in the arena for this one, they react huge to the powerful moves of Haku and Barbarian and they get behind The Rockers big time in this match. A fun opening match made better by the crowd, The Rockers have to be near the top tag team in the WWF. Kudos to all four involved, you have given me a great start.

Winners: The Rockers over Haku & Barbarian via Diving Crossbody!

The Texas Tornado vs Dino Bravo W/ Jimmy Hart

Bravo jumps Tornado, Tornado starts throwing bombs back before Tornado is clotheslined to the floor. Rights by Bravo, Tornado tastes the apron. Tornado ducks a right hand, atomic drop with a clothesline. Whip to the buckle, claw attempt from Tornado but Bravo blocks, big chops in the corner. Whip to the buckle reversed by Tornado, Bravo stops Tornado with a boot. Inverted atomic drop and leg drops from Bravo for two, whip by Bravo. Tornado ducks the clotheslines before running into the Sidewalk Slam but Tornado kicks out. Bravo is on the middle rope, diving chop by Bravo.

Throat thrust by Bravo, stomps from Bravo. Another diving chop goes wrong as Tornado clamps on The Texas Claw. Bravo fades and goes down to one knee, Bravo is back up on his feet though. Tornado lands his massive Spinning Tornado Punch and this match is over.

Nothing special but thankfully short, that finishing stretch was odd. It felt like Tornado was supposed to block the first chop and then the Claw went on and on, the crowd were just reacting to it like a sleeper rest hold. Odd one for sure but another win for Tornado, The Modern Day Warrior Kerry Von Erich has some steam coming into the new year.

Winner: Texas Tornado over Dino Bravo via Spinning Tornado Punch!

The British Bulldog W/ Matilda vs The Warlord W/ Slick

The Full-Nelson vs The Powerslam, both big men who can throw down. Warlord scores with a knee and a clubbing blow, shoulder tackles with neither man going down before Bulldog brushes down Warlord. Slick talks strategy with Warlord, it is back on. Gut-kick and elbows by Warlord, whip with Bulldog dodging the clothesline. Crucifix does not work, Samoan drop by Warlord. Elbow drops by Warlord, three in quick succession. In the corner, gut punches and a bearhug by Warlord. Bulldog breaks free and ducks a clothesline but a stun-gun ends Bulldog’s comeback. Two for Warlord, clubbing blow to the back of the head. Bulldog blocks the forearm, the two trade shots before an eye rake from Warlord. Belly to belly suplex from Warlord, reverse chin-lock from Warlord.

Bulldog escapes and rams Warlord into the buckle, diving fist drop and flying crossbody for two. Warlord goes low, whip and ducks the head. Bulldog boots Warlord, piledriver attempt from Bulldog. Bulldog looking for the sunset flip, Warlord sits down for a pin, two with Bulldog countering for two. Bulldog whips Warlord to the buckle, boot counter by Warlord. Warlord calls for his full-nelson, Warlord clamps on The Full-Nelson! Bulldog uses the cheers of the crowd to break free of the hold, Bulldog slips out of a slam. Running Powerslam from Bulldog connects, Bulldog walk away with the win.

I am always partial to a big hoss fight, these are two big meaty bastards clubbing the life out of one another and I am all for it. Could have it been tighter and prettier? Of course but that’s not it is about and it was glorious cheese when Bulldog escaped and Warlord looked at his hands in utter shock as his inescapable hold was broken before our very eyes. Very fun, shocked by how fun this Mania has been so far.

Winner: The British Bulldog over The Warlord via Running Powerslam!

(WWF World Tag Team Championship Match) The Hart Foundation © vs The Nasty Boys W/ Jimmy Hart

To think that we had that amazing two out of three falls match between The Hart Foundation and Demolition only months prior and now, we have The Nasty Boys challenging for the tag team championships. Knobbs did well being one of the final competitors in the rumble though, I must give him that. Sags and Bret to start, lock-up with Bret pushing Sags to the corner. Cheap shot by Sags, right hands to the head. Sags kicks Bret in the ribs, whip by Sags. Bret ducks the clothesline, thesz press by Bret who pummels Sags. Inverted atomic drop for Knobbs, Sags is on the apron. Bret pulls him in over the top, arm-wringer from Bret.

Sags tries a big boot, Bret catches it. Trip from Bret and stomp to the mid-section, Sags tags in Knobbs. Knobbs wants a piece of Neidhart, Bret tags in The Anvil. Lock-up, Knobbs has Neidhart in the corner. Neidhart turns the tide, massive right hands and a hip-toss before a shoulder block sends Knobbs to the floor. Arm-wringer by Neidhart, Knobbs backs Neidhart to the corner. Sags grabs the singlet of Neidhart, Knobbs nails big right hands. Sags tags in, whip and Sags lowers his head. Neidhart slams Sags’ head to the mat, tag to Bret. Russian legsweep and Bret’s rope elbow from Bret, Knobbs interferes and eats right hands before Knobbs clubs Bret from behind.

Sags nails a clothesline to the floor, Bret is really hurting at this time. Neidhart is distracted by Jimmy Hart, back-breaker in the ring by Sags. Knee to the back, camel clutch from Sags. Sags drops his weight on the back of Bret and applies the hold once more, in comes Knobbs. More attacks to the spine, camel clutch from Knobbs. Tag to Sags, neck-breaker from Sags. Camel clutch clamped on again, this is a lot of rest-holds in quick succession. Bret manages to wriggle to his feet, jaw-breaker from Bret. Knobbs is tagged in and levels Neidhart, elbows to the spine of Bret. Sweet fuck, another clutch. Bret stands up and drops back, crushing Knobbs. Sags attacks Neidhart again, Bret dodges a corner splash on Knobbs and tags in Neidhart but the referee was with Knobbs.

Knobbs has the megaphone, Bret ducks and Knobbs nails Sags. Neidhart receives the tag, scoop slams and The Nasty Boys eat a clothesline. Elbow smash and clothesline for Knobbs, two for Neidhart. Anvil Flattener with Sags making the save, in comes Bret. Bret and Sags run around the ring, Knobbs is whipped into Sags in the ring. Jimmy hart eats a right hand, Hart Attack on Knobbs. Referee is getting Bret out of the ring, Sags nails Neidhart with the megaphone and Knobbs covers for the win.

So, at times this was very exciting with the fans going nuts and continuing to be the stars of this show but once those camel clutches began, we were in trouble. It just dragged on, 4 or 5 in a row. The hot-tag would have been great had Neidhart really going but that finish was hot for sure. The Hart Foundation’s reign was definitely not what I expected after that great match at Summerslam but they will recover for sure. I do like the idea of The Legion Of Doom destroying The Nasty Boys though!

Winners: The Nasty Boys over The Hart Foundation via Megaphone!

(Blindfold Match) Jake The Snake Roberts vs Rick The Model Martel

To say I would be disappointed about how this feud will end is an understatement, this was a really violent feud for WWF considering the nature of the angle. The grotesque looking eye of Roberts, Martel blinding him it seemed far more intense than anything else on WWF at the time. So, we have a blindfold match which would make sense that Roberts would want Martel to experience what he went through but still, it’s such a silly gimmick match. Plus, Martel was getting over strong as an annoying prick that everybody wanted to see murdered, the rumble was a showcase of what sort of heat that Martel could generate.

Roberts stumbles into Martel’s foot, Martel squirms away before choking Roberts. Irish whip, Martel looks for the back-drop. Roberts runs away, they bang asses before missing one another once again. More comical dodges and the crowd screaming to tell Roberts where to go, scoop slam from Martel. Martel misses an elbow drop, more swimming through the air looking for one another. Martel is on his knees, Roberts edges closer and misses him again. Roberts claps to alert Martel, Roberts fools Martel. Roberts grabs Martel, Martel is in the ropes.

They are separated once more, loud DDT chants. Martel is freaking out, Martel touches the snake by mistake, Roberts is in pursuit again. More trying to find one another, Roberts and Martel collide with a shoulder block. Roberts is on the floor, Martel is on the floor now too. Martel has a chair, Martel stabs at the air over and over. Martel feels the ring-post, smashing it by mistake. Roberts pulls in Martel, Martel counters with a back-breaker. Boston Crab from Martel, Roberts shoves off Martel. Martel stumbles backwards in Roberts, DDT and this match is over.

While it was not the murderfest I would have preferred, I have to give it to the two for selling the shit out of the gimmick. They never gave up on it, Martel was comedic and his timing was perfect for the match. Roberts kept the fans interested in this match, good interaction with the fans. A success for sure, not my choice for a match type to a feud that was very serious in tone but they worked it and it was enjoyable.

Winner: Jake The Snake Roberts over Rick Martel via DDT!

The Undertaker W/ Paul Bearer vs Jimmy  Superfly Snuka

The man! The Undertaker took out a lot of The Dream Team at Survivor Series in his debut, Undertaker was a force to be reckoned with in the rumble before LOD had to combine to get him out, The Undertaker is a big deal and Snuka is in big trouble. Snuka locks eyes with Taker, Taker is unmoved. Paul Bearer is here as Brother Love has been discarded as the manager, Snuka turns his back on Taker and Taker smashes Snuka. Into the buckle, throat thrust from Taker. Choke against the top rope, whip and flying clothesline from The Deadman. Taker rips at the face of Snuka, corner choke from Taker.

Whip to the buckle reversed by Snuka, Taker knees Snuka to the floor. Bearer is very happy, Snuka is on the apron. Suplex into the ring from Taker, Taker misses an elbow drop, Snuka rallies. Headbutt and chops, whip with Taker reversing. Snuka ducks the clothesline but misses the crossbody with Taker dodging at the last second. Snuka headbutts Taker on the apron, Snuka tries a springboard but Taker lands a big right hand and it’s Tombstone Piledriver time.

Impressive showing from Taker, an extended squash with Snuka trying to stagger The Undertaker but Undertaker has a presence and charismas that simply sucks you in, it’s great to see how the character develops.

Winner: The Undertaker over Jimmy Snuka via Tombstone Piledriver!

(Career vs Career Match) The Ultimate Warrior vs Macho King Randy Savage W/ Queen Sherri

Savage wanted a title match, Warrior refused. An enraged Savage attacked Warrior on Saturday Night’s Main Event before costing Warrior his WWF Championship against Sgt Slaughter due to a sceptre strike to the head. Both men risk their career and what makes this even more crazy for Savage is who is in the crowd tonight but the lovely Miss Elizabeth. Savage’s descent into Madness started with Savage turning his back on Elizabeth, Elizabeth could never replace her but he tried with Sherri, anytime Elizabeth was there, Savage failed. At Summerslam 89, at Wrestlemania VI, Elizabeth was there and even though, Savage goes into a rage anytime he spots her, Elizabeth is here for Savage. Why am I saying all this? Because this is so crucial to this match and what I consider one of the best long-term angles in wrestling. Another nice touch is Warrior walks to the ring, Warrior knows how much is on the line here.

Both men cautious before a lock-up, clean break from Savage. Warrior shoves down Savage, knee by Savage. Elbows and clubbing blows, side headlock but Warrior knocks down Savage. Savage is on the floor, regrouping as Sherri distracts Warrior. Warrior counters though with a clothesline, two-handed throat toss from Warrior. Inverted atomic drop for Savage, atomic drop from Warrior. Two-handed throat toss with Sherri entering the ring only to be knocked down by Savage, Warrior has Savage tied up in the ropes. Shot to the ribs by Warrior, whip off the ropes. Warrior lowers his head, Savage nails a kick. Running clothesline by Savage, Savage climbs high. Diving crossbody but Warrior catches Savage, Warrior slaps Savage.

Savage is on the floor, regrouping once more. Sherri is on the apron, Savage flings a chair in the ring and attacks a distracted Warrior but Warrior responds with big right hands. Corner kicks from Warrior, Elizabeth is watching the action at ringside. Savage is knocked down again by Warrior, whip to the buckle with Savage dodging Warrior’s splash. Sherri slaps Warrior, Savage dives off the top rope with an axe handle. Knee from Sherri, eye rake from Sherri. Back rake before Warrior shoves down Sherri, Savage makes the save with an axe handle. Warrior is rammed into the ring-post, scoop slam and knee drop from Savage. Neck-breaker is countered for a backslide, two for Warrior.

Savage spits on Warrior and bails to the floor, Sherri is on the apron again. Warrior catches Savage, clothesline. Warrior misses a flying tackle, Savage slams Warrior’s face into the mat, reverse chinlock from Macho King. Warrior is rallying, elbows to escape. Shoulder blocks before both men knock one another down with a clothesline, Sherri wakes Savage. Sherri is arguing with the referee, Warrior clamps on a small package but the referee is distracted. Only two, Warrior is rammed into the referee. Savage has Warrior, Sherri has her high heel. Sherri dives, nailing Savage by mistake. Warrior corners Sherri, Sherri rolls into the ring but Warrior has her, Savage rolls up Warrior for two.

Warrior knocks down Savage with right hands, Savage pulls Warrior into the buckle. Top rope guillotine from Savage, Savage runs Warrior into the rope. Clothesline to the back of the head, scoop slam from Savage. Two for Savage, Savage climbs high. Diving Elbow Drop, Savage scores with five elbow drops into the heart of Warrior. 1…2.. Warrior kicks out! Axe handle to the head, Warrior is shaking it all off. Warrior lands a right hand, make it three. Clotheslines, Military Press Slam into The Ultimate Splash. Savage manages to kick out of the splash, Warrior looks to the heavens confused by this turn of events. Warrior is conflicted for sure, Warrior is on the apron. Warrior asks for guidance, Sherri is cheering on Savage.

Savage clotheslines Warrior, Warrior is on the floor. Sherri holds Warrior on the guard-rail, Savage climbs to the top rope. Savage wants to break the neck of Warrior, Warrior shakes off Sherri. Savage slams into the guardrail, Warrior drags Savage to the ring. Warrior has his second wind and his confidence back, flying shoulder tackle leaves Savage on the floor. Another flying shoulder tackle, Savage is on the floor. Another shoulder tackle on Savage, Warrior places a boot on Savage and wins the match. Sherri is heartbroken and begins attacking Savage which leads to Elizabeth making the save, saving the very man who cursed her since the day she let him. They embrace and it’s fucking beautiful!

What a match, this one was packed full of drama. Warrior walking to the ring, that’s never happened before, you feel the weight of the match on his shoulders. Then, this was not Savage being pinned by Warrior but Warrior destroying Savage. For every trick that Savage had, every move in his arsenal, Warrior had a counter. Warrior battered Savage and completely annihilated The Macho King, Savage was broken by the end of the match. It was just pure emotion backed into the match, the five elbow drops was a lot but it worked in an odd way, it adds to the narrative of Warrior being better than Savage in every way due to Savage losing his way and going down that dark path. The only person who could save Randy Savage was Miss Elizabeth, the heart and soul of Savage had been ripped from him. Seeing her saving him from Sherri made Savage realize what he had been missing, Savage may have lost his career but by God, he can proudly call himself a man once more. The icing on the cake, Savage carries Elizabeth just like he did when he won the championship and opens the ropes for her. 10/10

Winner: The Ultimate Warrior over Randy Macho Man Savage via Flying Shoulder Tackle!

Demolition W/ Mr. Fuji vs Genichiro Tenryu & Koji Kitao

Bit of an odd match for Mania, this is a case of a partnership as the WWF is partnering with SWS, Tenryu is considered Mr. Puroresu and was one of Giant Baba’s big stars in AJPW before leaving abruptly to start SWS and later start Wrestle and Romance. Kitao is considered a shithead and famously gets knocked out by Nobuhiko Takada via brutal head kick. It seems Demolition are working heel, no Ax in sight. Kitao is battered by Crush before Smash tags in, Fuji lands a cane shot. Back suplex by Smash, axe handles before a tag to Crush.

Diving axe handle from Crush, scoop slam too. Tag to Smash, choke using the first rope. Tag to Crush, headbutt before a tag to Smash. Kitao is whipped to the corner, explosive clothesline out of the corner. Tag to Tenryu, chops and dropkicks. Scoop slam and diving elbow drop misses, lariat from Smash. Tag to Crush, back-breaker from Crush. Tag to Smash, belly to back suplex. Demolition Decapitator is blocked as Crush and Kitao brawl briefly, Crush throws Kitao out of the ring but Kitao shoves Crush to the floor. Tenryu nails his enzuigiri, Powerbomb Pin from Tenryu for the win.

Well that did not work at all, Kitao was battered very boringly I might add before Tenryu comes in for a sloppy hot-tag. We get to the end but it was not the most exciting, the perfect comedown from the last match. But boring to watch as a reviewer, wish I could have went to the bathroom.

Winners: Team SWS over Demolition via Powerbomb!

(WWF Intercontinental Championship Match) Mr. Perfect © W/ Bobby Heenan vs The Big Bossman

Perfect throws his towel at Bossman, Bossman wipes his ass with the towel. Bossman spits on Perfect, Perfect slaps back. Bossman slaps Perfect on the floor, Bossman has gone through most of the Heenan Family. This would be sweet for Bossman to win the championship, Perfect is pummelled in the ring. Bossman outsmarts Perfect, boot and a clothesline. Bossman tosses Perfect to the floor, right hands in the ring from Bossman before Perfect dodges a corner splash. Bossman reverses an Irish whip with Perfect flying across the ring, Bossman smashes Perfect with his legs before taking off his belt.

Bossman whips Perfect before glaring at Heenan, Perfect grabs some sort of tape and whacks Bossman in the ribs. They are trading rights, Perfect wins the war. Hard Irish whip from Perfect to the corner, reverse chin-lock with the ropes for leverage. Stomps to the spine, Bossman is caught in the abdominal stretch. Perfect releases the hold, beautiful standing dropkick for two. Hard chops from Perfect, Bossman retaliates but snap-mare and neck-snap from Perfect. Perfect-Plex but Bossman blocks for a small package, two for Bossman. Another neck-snap from Perfect, two for the champion.

Perfect climbs to the top rope, Bossman blocks with his foot. Heenan is in shock, Bossman rams Perfect into the buckle. Biel across the ring before Bossman pulls Perfect groin-first into the ring-post. Rights and lefts with a huge uppercut sends Perfect to the floor, Bossman threatens Heenan before Perfect sends Bossman crashing into the steel steps. Heenan gets in some cheap shots behind the referee’s back, Andre The Giant is here. Heenan says Andre, Perfect exposes the buckle. Andre has the championship, Perfect is not happy. Stalking Heenan, Andre is in pursuit. Perfect tells the referee about Andre, Perfect is not happy.

Heenan is edging closer to Andre, Perfect tries taking the championship. Andre waffles Perfect with the championship, both men down. Heenan is still running from Andre, Bossman is stirring. 1…2… Perfect kicks out at the last second. Here comes Barbarian and Haku for the disqualification, Andre knocks down Perfect.

How nice to see Andre The Giant again thwarting Heenan who treated him poorly, this was an entertaining match with Perfect and Bossman really going after one another in this match. Bossman proving to be a very valuable asset to the WWF during his babyface run, Andre puts over Bossman and I suppose the finish was the correct one because I did not see Bossman as an Intercontinental Champion and Perfect is so damn good, it is simply not fair. Heenan selling shock throughout the match was tremendous, nobody could touch Heenan at ringside, I am going to miss him when his run is over.

Winner: Big Bossman over Mr. Perfect via DQ!

Earthquake W/ Jimmy Hart vs Greg The Hammer Valentine

Babyface Valentine, how brave you are WWF. Earthquake brings Valentine to the corner, shoulder thrusts and a running powerslam. Earthquake poses, two for Earthquake. Whip to the buckle, Valentine dodges the splash. Rights and chops from Valentine, elbow to the head. Multiple elbows, whip attempt from Valentine but Earthquake reverses, another whip but Earthquake lowers the head. Elbow from Valentine, rights and chops from The Hammer. Earthquake is shaking, middle rope for Valentine. Elbow knocks down Earthquake, elbow drop and now, headbutt to the groin. Jimmy Hart distracts Valentine, Valentine is clubbed in the back, Valentine is down on the mat. Massive elbow drop and Earthquake Splash ends this one. Seems like the end for a lot of the older stars in the WWF, Snuka, Bravo and Valentine all eating losses on the show. It’s been a long time coming and it makes sense.

Winner: Earthquake over Greg Valentine via Splash!

Legion Of Doom vs Power & Glory W/ Slick

You could not pay me to be Power & Glory on this night, LOD are out for blood. Roma & Hercules jump LOD, Hawk is whipped off the ropes but ducks both clothesline attempts. Clothesline by Hawk, Hercules dumps Hawk to the floor. Roma is with Animal in the ring, Roma tries a diving crossbody but Animal nails a powerslam. Doomsday Device and this match is over, right call and LOD do what made the special.

Winners: LOD over Power & Glory via Doomsday Device!

Virgil W/ Roddy Piper vs Ted Dibiase

Dibiase had always abused his loyal servant Virgil but Virgil had enough at the Royal Rumble, Virgil struck Dibiase with his own Million Dollar Championship which leads us to this match. Piper in Virgil’s corner adds another dynamic to this match. I do love The Hot Rod and super happy that he is not on commentary because I believe Piper is too much on commentary. Loud Virgil chants in the arena, Dibiase is mocking Virgil. Big slap to the face, Dibiase is jabbed over and over again. Dibiase is throwing big kicks and missing, Virgil continues to strike and bamboozle The Million Dollar Man.

Virgil continues to block everything Dibiase throws, Dibiase is knocked to the floor in frustration. Dibiase and Piper lock eyes, Dibiase is talking trash. Virgil pulls Dibiase into the ring, clothesline and Dibiase is on the floor once more. Dibiase is tossed back into the ring, Dibiase lands a boot and a clothesline. Virgil recovers for a back elbow for two, Dibiase is on the floor again. Virgil takes down Dibiase with ease, Dibiase is livid. Drop toehold by Dibiase, Virgil is rammed head first into the canvas. Chops by Dibiase, whip into a back elbow. Dibiase talks trash to Piper, another whip with a clothesline. Loud Virgil chants again, piledriver from Dibiase.

Two for Dibiase, Dibiase delivers a beautiful suplex for two. Gutwrench suplex from Dibiase for two, Virgil is dumped to the floor near Piper. Dibiase talks trash, Dibiase shoves down Piper who has a crutch and cannot defend himself. Powerslam on Virgil, Piper pulls himself up using the steps and apron. Dibiase tries to run the ropes but Piper lowers the rope, Piper eats a right hand to the face. Dibiase is counted out as he attacked Piper, Dibiase is irate. Dibiase attacks Virgil, applying The Million Dollar Dream before Piper makes it to the ring with his crutch in hand and Dibiase is walloped from behind. Sherri is here, saving Dibiase. Dibiase whacks Piper in that injured knee over and over, Virgil makes the save but the damage has been done.

Not much of a match, a lot of stalling from Dibiase but the angle afterwards was some great stuff. Could we be seeing Dibiase vs Piper, that could be quite the fun match. Sherri is an interesting dynamic too, I like where this is going.

Winner: Virgil over Ted Dibiase via Count-Out!

Tito Santana vs The Mountie W/ Jimmy Hart

Oh no Tito is going to have to put another person over? This actually breaks my heart considering when given the chance, Tito absolutely smashes it. Mountie and Santana lock-up, side headlock from Santana. Leapfrogs before Mountie eats a Flying Forearm. Mountie rolls to the floor to Jimmy Hart, their heads are banged together by Santana. Atomic drop and a massive right, Hart hands Mountie his prod. Santana is stabbed in the ribs and Mountie steals the win, another new star going over an established star.

Winner: The Mountie over Tito Santana via Cattle Prod!

(WWF World Heavyweight Championship Match) Sgt. Slaughter © W/ General Adnan vs Hulk Hogan

Exploiting the very real war taking place at the time, Slaughter came to the WWF adopting an Iraqi Sympathizer gimmick with General Adnan at his side. Slaughter has been booked questionable despite the heat generated by the gimmick, Slaughter would win the championship from The Ultimate Warrior thanks to Macho King Randy Savage before Jack Tunney announced Hogan would be the new number one contender to Slaughter’s championship.

Loud USA Chants, we have a stand-off as Hebnar gets rid of Adnan from the ring. Looks like we have stalling, lots of finger-pointing which is bizarre considering how deep we are into this show. Come on, start killing one another already! Finally, a lock-up. They jockey around the ring, Slaughter is in control. Hogan and Slaughter trade control again, the referee is being knocked around these two. Hogan pushes down Slaughter, Slaughter complains about a hair-pull. Side headlock from Hogan, shoulder block with neither man going down before Hogan shoulder blocks Slaughter down hard. On the floor, Slaughter eats an axe handle as Adnan looks on before attacking Hogan from behind.

Hogan grabs Adnan, Slaughter cracks a chair over Hogan’s back but it has no effect! Hogan brings Slaughter back into the ring, Slaughter is begging for mercy. Eye rake by Slaughter, massive rights by Slaughter. Whip off the ropes and a massive back elbow by Slaughter, headlock into a right from the champion. Knee drop to the face, make it two. Elbow drop misses for Slaughter, Hogan rallies with right hands. Axe Bomber from the challenger, Adnan is on the apron. Right hand for Adnan, Hogan has Slaughter in the corner.

Corner clothesline from Hogan, atomic drop from the challenger for two. Back rake from Hogan, whip and clothesline from Hogan for two. Slaughter bounces off the buckle multiple times, off the ring-post at the end. Whip to the buckle, back body drop from Hogan. Another hard whip into the buckle, running knee to the spine and a catapult into the buckle. Mounted right hands to Slaughter, Slaughter cannot defend himself. Whip to the buckle and a corner clothesline from Hogan, ten punches in the corner. Slaughter is rammed into the buckle again for two, Hogan climbs to the middle rope. Adnan grabs Hogan’s foot, a momentary distraction before Hogan lands a scoop slam and elbow drops to Slaughter.

Hogan climbs to the top rope, Adnan grabs the foot again. Slaughter throws Hogan off the top rope, Slaughter clotheslines Hogan to the floor. Slaughter chokes Hogan with a camera cable, axe handles to the spine from Slaughter. Back-breaker from Slaughter for two, Slaughter stomps on the back of Hogan. Boston Crab from Slaughter, Adnan adds extra pressure with Hogan struggling to break the hold. Hogan has the ropes, Slaughter holds onto the hold for as long as possible. Knees to the spine from Slaughter, Slaughter climbs to the top rope. Diving Foot Stomp from Slaughter, Adnan is distracting the referee at the wrong time.

Two for Slaughter, Slaughter slides to the floor for a chair while Adnan distracts the referee. Chair to the head for two, Hogan is bleeding everywhere as Slaughter continues to keep down The Hulkster. Short-arm clothesline, Camel Clutch from Slaughter in the middle of the ring! Slaughter breaks the hold to stomp the back more, another Camel Clutch. Hogan is on his feet, Slaughter shoves Hogan into the buckle.

Slaughter spits on Hogan and covers Hogan in the flag for a two count, Hogan powers out and rips up the flag. Slaughter’s right hands are having no effect on Hogan, Hogan is Hulking Up. Right hands from Hogan, whip off the ropes. Big boot and An Atomic Leg Drop and we have a new WWF Champion and it is Hulk Hogan!

Credit to Hogan and Slaughter for an entertaining main event, I believe we were spoiled with Hogan vs Savage and Hogan vs Warrior at the two years before this but Hogan manages to keep the fans invested in this one despite a few hiccups here and there. I think Adnan blew his spots a few times, appearing on the apron several times before his cue to do so, we also had a rather odd part of the match where Hogan decimated Slaughter which seemed to stretch on and on, Slaughter must have hit that turnbuckle at least 8 times during that beatdown but we get what you came for as Slaughter takes control and cheats every way he can, with camera cables and a chair. Hogan a bloody mess but That Immortal Hulk Hogan comes back and everyone goes home happy, a job well done.

Winner: Hulk Hogan over Sgt. Slaughter via Atomic Leg Drop!

That was WWF Wrestlemania VII, arguably my favourite Mania up to this point. It is the most memorable? Certainly not but there are some good decisions made on this show and some very memorable moments. One of the things this show absolutely nails is the killing off of a lot of established acts that was needed, you had the likes of Valentine, Snuka, Dino Bravo and Santana all putting over newer stars which is important for the continued growth of the business. Granted, all the names I named could still have a good match and especially with Santana, I think it was a wrong call to use him in such a role but we need to keep the ball rolling with new acts like Undertaker, Texas Tornado, The Mountie and Earthquake. With such a long card, it was nice to see such matches take place at a quick pace and not overstay their welcome, very much appreciated when reviewing this pay per view.

Onto the big matches, The Nasty Boys vs Hart Foundation was a great tag team match, the fans were very into The Hart Foundation and the shenanigans leading to the finish led to great heat for The Nasty Boys and you just know LOD are coming to destroy them which will be so entertaining to watch when that day comes. Roberts vs Martel delivers also, not a fan of the light-hearted stipulation compared to the serious nature of the angle but Martel and Roberts play their part working the gimmick which leads to the always satisfying DDT in the middle of the ring. Savage vs Warrior is hard to come up for words with, they make you feel like this is truly the end of everything. Savage throws everything at Warrior and Warrior weathers the storm and destroys Savage, leaving Savage a broken man, his career over and Sherri kicking salt in the wounds. Until Elizabeth, the woman who Savage feels caused his downfall makes the save for him despite his hatred and all his horrible acts towards her. Understanding what he was missing all along, Savage embraces Elizabeth and can ride off into the sun knowing he’s made the right choice, perfect stuff.

Virgil vs Dibiase, tough one to judge. I can see why they would assume it’s too early for Virgil to defeat Dibiase but this angle made me want to see Piper murder Dibiase as opposed to what I should be originally invested in, I hope they can win me back to being interested into the original angle. Hogan vs Slaughter has some faults but ultimately, Slaughter cheats and infuriates the fans until they are crying out for Hogan to comeback and overcome the Iraqi Sympathizer and it’s great, we were definitely spoiled by the prior two main events. So it might be my favourite Wrestlemania up to this point due to the booking decisions made throughout the show and matches like Savage vs Warrior. Thanks for reading and remember: there’s always another night!

10 Emotional WWE Moments That Made Fans Cry – Page 7

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