Hello and welcome to another edition
of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the
internet that believes in conspiracies more than an anti-AEW fan! It’s time for
Saturday Night’s Main Event of January 1989, days away from the 1989 Royal
Rumble. Deceit, deception and lust in your eyes brother! Randy Savage is
starting to suspect all is not well with his alliance with The Hulkster, The
Ultimate Warrior looks to wipe out The Honky Tonk Man once more! Rambling
promos, bright colours and neon lights, you do not want to miss this! Let’s get
it on!
Ron Bass vs Brutus The Barber Beefcake
The loser of
this match will lose some of their precious locks, this feud began with The
Barber attacking Bass who was having his way with a jobber. Bass would have his
revenge, busting open Beefcake with the spurs of his boots. Quite the intense
and bloody angle for the mid-card but I dig it, Bass jumps Beefcake to start
the match. Bass uses his whip before Beefcake backs Bass into the corner,
Beefcake has the whip now with Bass running out of the ring. There is this
comic-like sound effect for the whip, so strange and unnecessary.
Beefcake and
Bass reset, Bass nails knees to the ribs. High knee by Beefcake off an Irish
whip reversal, Bass is knocked off the apron multiple times by Beefcake.
Beefcake begins strutting which leads to Bass slowly re-entering the ring.
Lock-up, the two trade blows with Beefcake gaining control with massive right
hands. Fist drop and mounted right hands from Beefcake, Bass is being hammered
by The Barber. Beefcake rams Bass into the turnbuckle, Bass counters Beefcake’s
punches with an inverted atomic drop. Gutbuster from Bass, Bass kicks Beefcake
in the ribs as The Barber is laying across the top rope. Beefcake is out on the
floor, Bass scores with a forearm to the ribs. Massive kick to the mid-section from Bass, Beefcake is taking a
beating at this stage of the match.
Another knee
to the ribs, right hands from Bass to the ribs of Beefcake. Devastating
piledriver from Bass, Bass gets a two-count as Bass stops the referee’s count.
Beefcake is dropped throat-first on the top rope, Bass toys with Beefcake some
more. Bass nails a clothesline, Beefcake kicks out at two and a half. Bass is
frustrated with the referee, Bass misses a clothesline and runs right into The
Sleeper. Bass begins to fade as Beefcake clamps on the hold in the middle of
the ring, Beefcake is victorious and it looks like The Outlaw will be losing
some hair.
That was
enjoyable, I like The Outlaw’s work. The way he moves, the way he attacks and
backs up from his opponent, everything seems to be perfect for The Outlaw
character. One mean looking son of a gun too, the over-confident heel is always
a fun thing to see, Beefcake is growing in popularity with each and every show,
not much of a worker but popular with the fans. A note on this shaving,
Beefcake cuts the absolute life out of Bass’ hair. Bass gets one of the most
complete hair shavings I have ever seen in a wrestling ring. Bass resembles
Buzz Sawyer by the end, maybe he just wanted a free haircut.
Brutus The Barber Beefcake over Outlaw Ron Bass via Sleeper!
W/Slick & The Big Bossman vs Hulk Hogan W/ Miss Elizabeth & Randy Macho
Man Savage
The Twin
Towers vs The Mega-Powers, Hogan throws Slick at Akeem to start this match,
right hands from Hogan to Akeem. Hogan goes after Slick and Bossman, Slick is
thrown onto Bossman. Crowd is going nuts, this is quality. Big right hands,
Akeem blocks the slam, too early for The Hulkster. Akeem struts, getting funky
like a monkey in public if you will! Hogan rams Akeem off opposing turnbuckles,
right hands and a clothesline staggers Akeem. Clothesline to Bossman on the
apron and a clothesline floors Akeem.
Akeem drags
Hogan down by the hair, the referee does not see Akeem breaking the rules.
Hogan is fighting out of the arm-wrench, right hands by Hogan and a shoulder
tackle. Axe handle to the head, Akeem is sent crashing into Bossman who bumps
to the floor. Hogan pummels Akeem in the corner, Bossman is on the apron once
more. Hogan whips Akeem to the corner, Akeem pulls the referee in the way,
Bossman clubs Hogan with the nightstick. Akeem holds Hogan while Bossman
attacks, Savage is not rushing out to help Hogan. Akeem nails his splash,
Bossman lands a follow-up splash. Elizabeth runs backstage to get Savage, Akeem
lands another splash.
Elizabeth is
looking for The Macho Man as Hogan lays in the middle of the ring after a
series of splashes, Akeem is on the middle rope. Hogan dodges Akeem’s splash,
Elizabeth is unable to move Savage. Hogan begins Hulking Up, right hands and
chops. Clothesline floors Akeem, punches to Bosman & Slick. Slick is tossed
into Bossman again, Hogan nails the big boot. Scoop slam from Hogan, Bossman
nails Hogan from ringside with his nightstick. Elizabeth is looking for Savage
who is nowhere to be seen. The Twin Towers are decimating Hogan, Elizabeth is
pleading for mercy for Hogan. Bossman has his handcuffs, Elizabeth is in big
trouble now.
Bossman is
cuffing Elizabeth, here comes The Macho Man Randy Savage with a chair. Savage
has saved Elizabeth and Hulk Hogan, Ventura plants the seeds of doubt in the
minds of everyone, stating that Savage only moved to save Elizabeth and not
Hulk Hogan. Savage puts his hands on Elizabeth, Savage is not a happy WWF
Champion. Savage looks pissed as Elizabeth helps Hogan to the back, The
Mega-Powers are victorious in this battle but is there trouble in paradise?
Super fun match,
nothing better than classic Hogan. Punches, slams and the heels bumping like
absolute Gods for The Hulkster. And, something of substance here as Savage does
not help Hogan, Savage trusts Hogan to stay alive in the match. Why? Why would
Savage act in such fashion? The Macho Man seems to be changing before our very
eyes and I am all in on this feud.
Hulk Hogan over Akeem via DQ!
Intercontinental Championship Match) The Ultimate Warrior © vs Honky Tonk Man
W/ Jimmy Hart
The Warrior
snorts, growls and shouts his way into this match, Honky is as cool as a
cucumber as Warrior does his thing, Honky is so unlikeable a tremendous heel in
his day. The match starts on the floor, Warrior pummels Honky. Honky is pressed
into the ring with ease, leapfrog and boot from Warrior. Hart is on the apron,
noggin-knocker from Warrior. Irish whip and elbow from Warrior, throat toss
from Warrior. Warrior pummels Honky with right hands in the corner, Irish whip
to the opposite corner and we have a shoulder thrust from the champion.
Irish whip but Honky dodges a turnbuckle splash, Jimmy Hart distracts the
referee as Honky nails Warrior repeatedly with a megaphone. Axe handles to the
spine as Honky dances a little, confident in his handy work. Warrior is stomped
in the corner, Jimmy Hart chokes Warrior behind the referee’s back. Honky
continues to stomp Warrior, right hands to the skull of Warrior. However, Warrior
is shaking it all off. One massive slam from the champion but Honky dodges an
elbow drop. Honky is in control, Honky wants to send Warrior into the
turnbuckle but Warrior reverses and Honky meets the turnbuckle about eight
times. Clothesline from Warrior, splash is blocked though by Honky.
Honky raises
a smile before covering Warrior for two, a big powerful kick-out from Warrior.
Clothesline misses from Honky, flying shoulder tackle from Warrior after
ducking the clothesline, it finds the mark and Honky has been defeated,
Ultimate Warrior is still your WWF Intercontinental Champion.
That was a
lot of fun too, liked the touch of Honky having to use The Megaphone to keep
down Warrior, Warrior was shown as so strong you had to find alternative
methods of taking down The Ultimate Warrior. Honky also seemed to have scouted
the offense of Warrior which added to the drama of the match, Honky seemed to
have it all together but one shoulder tackle later, all the hard work was
undone, good stuff and a competitive match from Warrior for what feels like is
the first time.
The Ultimate Warrior over Honky Tonk Man via Flying Shoulder Tackle!
Santana vs The Red Rooster W/ Bobby Heenan
If you are a
fan of Mid-South Wrestling or The UWF, you will know Terry Taylor as quite the
talent and commodity. Memorable matches with Chris Adams if you want to see the
best of Taylor. However, in the WWF Taylor was called The Red Rooster and had an
irate Bobby Heenan as his manager who often berated his client. People say Taylor
fancied himself as Ric Flair, it’s super apparent in the start of this match.
Santana smashes Rooster in the face to begin, nice leapfrog sequence from both
which leads to a dropkick from Santana. Foot on the rope from Rooster, Santana
tries a splash but Rooster blocks with his knees. Double foot stomp and a
beautiful jaw-breaker from Rooster, choke from Rooster.
Santana is
firing up, right hands to the ribs and face. Double leg take-down from Santana,
Rooster is caught on an Irish whip. Sunset flip countered by Santana, right
hands from Santana. Rooster is rammed into the turnbuckle, Irish whip and
polish hammer to the ribs. Santana drives Rooster into the mat, big back
body-drop from Santana. Figure four is countered by Rooster, Heenan and Rooster
have words on the floor. Rooster shoves back at Heenan, the crowd comes up big
for that. Suplex back into the ring by Santana, Irish whip by Santana. Santana
lowers the head, boot to the head from Rooster. Knee drop from Rooster, two for
from Rooster for two, suplex from Rooster is countered for a small package.
Close two for Santana, neckbreaker is turned into a backslide pin from Santana
for two. Knees by Santana, Irish whip to the corner. Santana comes running in,
boot from Rooster. Massive piledriver from Rooster, two for Rooster. Rooster
and Heenan continue to have words, Rooster is hot now. Santana has his eyes
raked, Irish whip and stun-gun by Rooster. Rooster looks for a sharpshooter,
Santana escapes. Santana ducks a clothesline and clotheslines Rooster to the
floor. Heenan throws Rooster into the ring, Santana takes advantage and rolls
up Rooster from behind, the unbeaten streak is over! Heenan and Rooster
continue to have words, Heenan slaps Rooster in the face. Rooster snaps, huge right
hands from Rooster to Heenan. Irish whip and Heenan is down, the crowd comes
alive for Rooster.
It goes on a
bit long for my liking, the original crowd reaction is long gone by the time it
ends but it looks like Rooster had every chance of being a big star in the WWF.
It will be interesting to see exactly where it goes wrong in the WWF.
Winner: Tito
Santana over The Red Rooster via Schoolboy!
Perfect vs Koko B. Ware
oh yes! Mr. Perfect has a perfect record in the WWF and Koko is in the perfect
one’s way. Quick start with Koko dropkicking Perfect to the floor, lock-up and
Perfect brings Koko to the corner. Knees and knee-lift brings down Koko, chops
from Perfect. Irish whip reversal from Koko, arm-drag from Koko. Side headlock
from Perfect, leapfrogs from Koko. Arm-drag, knee from Perfect. Clubbing blows
to the back of the head, Koko blocks having his head rammed into the turnbuckle
but Perfect elbows Koko down. Standing dropkick sends Koko to the apron.
Koko battles
back, massive headbutt on Perfect. Clubbing blow to the back, clothesline from
Koko. Koko’s corner attack misses as Perfect dodges, Perfect Plex in the middle
of the ring and this match is over with a perfect finish. Quick squash
showcasing the hot new star in Mr. Perfect. DUD!
Mr. Perfect over Koko B Ware via Perfect Plex!
A meaningful
edition of Saturday Night’s Main Event as it is a big tease of dissent in The
Mega-Powers, it seems Savage only came down when Elizabeth was in danger,
Savage might not care for Hogan after all. A small little addition to the angle
but it is all building and my God, it is going to explode and it will be
tremendous! Thanks for reading and remember: There’s always another night!

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