Hello and welcome to another
scintillating edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling
review series on the internet that causes as much controversy as AEW Dynamite
every Wednesday Night! It’s time for the WWF 1989 Royal Rumble, featuring every
one of your favourite WWF Superstars competing in the over the top rope battle
royal. A simple concept created by Pat Patterson but this time, it’s on pay per
view and that means the standard of the card is going to be huge improvement
over the prior year! Will this be a home-run? Let’s find out!
(Two Out Of Three
Falls Six-Man Tag Match) The Fabulous Rougeau Brothers & Dino Bravo W/Frenchy
Martin & Jimmy Hart vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan & The Hart Foundation
Two out of
three falls and some big names, this is what you call an opening match for pay
per view. Bravo and Neidhart start the match, lock-up with both men ending
even. Stalemate once more, Bravo is not happy. Side headlock by Bravo, shoulder
block does not move Neidhart. Neidhart ducks a shoulder block and nails a
clothesline, both men take turns missing elbow drops. In comes Duggan, Raymond
is in the ring with Duggan. Side headlock by Duggan, Raymond grabs the arm but
Duggan shoves off Raymond. Raymond ducks twice but eats a scoop slam and knee
drop, tag to The Hitman.
Bret grabs
the arm, Raymond whips Bret. Leapfrog and small package from Bret for two,
sunset flip for two. Crossbody for two, Raymond is in all sorts of bother. Tag
to Jacque, Jacque and Raymond huge before Jacque foes after Bret. Jacque is
whipped off the ropes, hangman’s neckbreaker from Bret. Jacque eats punches in
the corner, Raymond gets caught too. Duggan and Neidhart batter the heels in
the corner, Jimmy Hart is losing his mind as the babyfaces pose for the fans.
Jacque eats a kick to the ribs, Raymond low bridges Bret. Bret is on the floor,
Bravo is now the legal man. Massive Sidewalk Slam from Bravo, The Rougeau
Brothers nail their beautiful tag finish and Team Bravo are the winners of the
first fall.
Bret is in
bad shape, we reset with Raymond planting Bret with a gut-wrench suplex. Tag to
Jacque, flying reverse elbow for two. Irish whip to the corner, trademark Bret
stomach-first bump. Bravo comes in, inverted atomic drop for two. Tag to
Raymond, stomps and quick tag to Jacque. Assisted gut-buster for two, Irish
whip and bearhug from a legal Bravo. Bret battles out of the bearhug, Bravo
grapevines the leg to tag Jacque. Jacque ducks off an Irish whip, Bret lands a
sunset flip for two. Camel clutch from Jacque, Neidhart attacks Jacque for
pulling Bret’s hair. Raymond is legal and clamps on the same hold, tag to Bravo.
Irish whip, forearm from Bravo for two.
Jacque is
legal, Boston crab from Jacque. Bret begins crawling to his corner, Jacque asks
for help as Raymond distracts the referee. Neidhart’s tag does not count,
Raymond and Jacque trade places as Raymond smashes Bret in the back. The
Rougeaus use one another for leverage as Bret is in the abdominal stretch,
Bravo distracts the referee. Raymond nails a huge thrust-kick to the ribs for
two, scoop slam is countered by Bret who falls on Raymond for two. Tag to Jacque,
monkey flip does not work for Jacque. Inverted atomic drop from The Hitman,
Jacque sells fantastically. Bret talks Duggan, crowd goes absolutely bananas!
Duggan smashes Bravo and Raymond, slam and Neidhart nails an assisted splash,
Bret nails an assisted splash and Duggan nails an elbow drop on Raymond, we are
tied up as Duggan pins Raymond.
Duggan is
the legal man with Raymond, Raymond is begging off from Duggan. Duggan nails
ten punches in the corner, Irish whip to the corner. Raymond reverses as Duggan
explodes out with a clothesline. Duggan is grabbed by the heels in the corner,
in comes Bravo. Bravo pounds on Duggan, knee-lift from Bravo. Jacque and
Raymond double team Duggan in the ropes, Bravo chokes Duggan with his foot.
Duggan is rammed into the turnbuckle but shakes it off, Jacque grabs Duggan’s
hair to slow the big man down. Tag to Jacque, tremendous dropkick from Jacque.
The Hart Foundation save Duggan from Team Bravo’s corner but Bravo smashes
Duggan down with the right hand.
Elbow drop by
Bravo for two, inverted atomic drop but Duggan tags Bret. Bret potatoes Bravo,
inverted atomic drop for an incoming Raymond. Back-breaker from Bret, middle
rope elbow is stopped for Bret as Raymond shoves off Bret. Bravo blocks an O
Connor roll but Duggan waffles Bravo with his 2X4 behind the referee’s back as
Bret covers Bravo for the win.
opening match, The Hart Foundation and The Rougeau Brothers is a match I want
to see following this. Love their finish, love their infuriating gimmick but
they can work when they want to, Bret is a star in this match. We are a while
away from Bret’s singles run but damn, Bret looked great in this match. Never
stopped selling, great timing and instincts inside of the ring and just the
perfect babyface in peril. Duggan is over like rover, cannot believe that the
man never got a championship run but I guess it’s to do with what happened with
The Iron Sheik that derailed Hacksaw from being a badass babyface and more into
the Duggan that we all remember, great reaction for his hot-tag, even better
for the 2X4 to the back of the head. Quite possibly my favourite opening match
from The Golden Era. Number one spot for now, tough to beat that’s for certain!
Team Duggan over Team Bravo via 2X4 To The Head!
Women’s Championship Match) Rockin Robin © vs Judy Martin
Sherri cuts a promo challenging the winner of this match, Martin and Robin
begin trading blows. Irish whip to the corner by Martin, Robin dodges the
splash. Dropkicks by Robin, Martin lands a kick to the ribs to stop Robin.
Robin is slammed into the mat, Robin comes back with a clothesline. Elbow by
Robin, flying crossbody goes wrong for Robin as Martin slams Robin to the mat.
Knee drop by Martin, sunset flip by Robin does not work as Martin counters.
Robin takes down Martin, Boston crab from Robin. Martin counters for a pin,
Robin counters back for her own pin. Knees to the ribs, Martin kicks away
Martin small
packages Robin for two, Robin nails a massive knee-lift. Elbow drop from Robin,
Irish whip by Robin. Martin holds onto the ropes as Robin slams into the mat
hard off a missed dropkick. Robin blocks the suplex, Martin blocks the O Connor
roll. Martin nails a clothesline and gets two on Robin, scoop slam for two.
Irish whip and Robin counters for a DDT, two for the champion. Robin misses an
elbow, Martin misses a big running elbow. Robin tries for a scoop slam, Martin
reverses for her own slam. Two for the challenger, Martin tries the backslide
and gets two. Irish whip and Martin ducks her head, boot to the head from Robin
for two. Small package for two, Robin has an Irish whip reversed from the
corner, Robin fakes a middle rope crossbody, Martin takes the bait and Robin
nails the crossbody for the win.
Sherri was
brutal on commentary, absolutely brutal with Jesse saving her on multiple
occasions as she tried to tussle with Gorilla. As for the match, it was decent,
the last two minutes were nothing more than pin attempts which killed an
already disappointed crowd, thankful when it was all said and done.
Rockin’ Robin over Judy Martin via Middle Rope Diving Crossbody!
Super Pose-down Segment
Mean Gene is
our host for the battle between Rick Rude and The Ultimate Warrior. The fans
will decide the winner between these two amazing athletes by voicing their
approval and/or disapproval. Heenan riles up the fans before the match begins
as Mean Gene asks about the poses for this evening’s contest. First, it is the
double bicep pose with Rude kicking us off in this contest, the fans are not
happy with Rude but here goes The Warrior. Heenan buries the crowd for cheering
Warrior, Rude calls for the next pose with Heenan rubbing oil over Rude’s body.
Rude wiggles and poses for all in attendance, the crowd cheer Warrior over Rude
for the second time, Rude is visibly flustered by the fans’ reaction to his
We have the
most muscular pose with Rude and Warrior going toe-to-toe one final time.
Warrior wins the crowd’s approval once more, Heenan is losing his mind inside
of the ring. The final pose-off begins, Rude stalls which angers the crowd and
The Warrior. Heenan squirts oil in Warrior’s eyes and Rude waffles Warrior with
his iron-bar, Rude chokes Warrior with the workout bar and Warrior is left
lying in the ring before waking up, Warrior wants Rude and these two will clash
someday soon.
A classic
segment that was build around Rude’s narcissistic gimmick of loving himself,
perfect segment with Heenan playing the brilliant heel that he was,
antagonizing the crowd after each pose while Rude stalled which added another
layer to the fans’ anger. Would have preferred Warrior to sell the eyes to the
oil but Rude was great, Heenan was great and it built heat to the feud, people
cannot wait for Warrior vs Rude.
Crowning Match) King Haku vs King Harley Race
Haku and
Race are both referred to as kings but only one can become king of the world
wrestling federation. Harley Race would have been injured in a Saturday Night’s
Main Event match against Hogan but Race is back looking for that crown. Race
tips Haku over off his stand to begin, knee-lifts from Race. Suplex from Race,
Haku is clotheslined to the floor. Haku sends Race into the ringpost, gaining
the advantage. Mongolian chop, thrust-kick and chops from Haku, Race headbutts
Haku in the ring. Inverted atomic drop and elbow drop, make it two elbow drops.
Two for Race, thrust-kick from Haku. Chops and shoulder thrusts from Haku, big
twirling bump from the corner from Race.
Haku poses
in the ring, Race is on the apron. Haku clothesline Race back into the ring,
throat thrusts from Haku. Headbutt backs Race into the corner, clubbing blows
to the back of Race. Race elbows and headbutts Haku, Haku and Race trade blows.
Irish whip and clothesline from Race, piledriver from Race. Two for Race, Race
grabs a side headlock with Haku pushing off Race. They bang heads, Race falls
to the floor. Haku looks to suplex Race into the ring, Haku executes it
perfectly for two.
Haku misses
an elbow drop, big left hand from Race. Race nails a perfect suplex on Haku,
Race crawls into a cover for two. Race hurls Haku to the floor, Race attempts a
piledriver on the floor but Haku reverses Race and Race lands hard on the
floor. Haku sends Race back first into the ring apron, headbutt from Race to
stop Haku. Piledriver on the floor, Haku is not out of this match though.
Neck-breaker for two, clothesline from Race. Left knocks Haku, knee drop for
two. Haku fights back, nailing a scoop slam and missing a top rope splash. Race
climbs to the middle rope, diving headbutt misses. Irish whip from Race, Race
misses a clothesline which leads to a Thrust-kick from Haku for the win.
That was a
largely boring affair, the crowd did not seem to care for who was to become
king between the two. I suppose I cannot blame them when Race does not come
across as a babyface and Heenan is cheering both men. Why would you be making
noise in a heel vs heel match? Simple: you would not so this was really a
disappointing match that could have been better done on a Saturday Night’s Main
Event and not on The Royal Rumble.
King Haku over Harley Race via Thrust-kick!
Rumble Match
Thirty men,
two men start with the other participants entering at timed-intervals. The
prize is not going to Wrestlemania on this occasion but having the honour of
being The Royal Rumble winner. Starting out at number one is Ax and number two
is Smash, the two tag team champions are going to fight to win the royal
rumble. Both men try moving one another, neither man budges. Ax boots Smash in
the face, clothesline from Ax. Ax clubs down Smash, Smash battles back with a
scoop slam. Clothesline from Smash, Smash clubs down Ax. Smash wrenches the
neck of Ax, Ax rakes the eyes of Smash to escape.
Smash tries
to eliminate Ax but Ax holds on, Andre The Giant comes in at number three.
Heenan comes down with Andre, Ax and Smash back off from fighting one another,
going after Andre. Double axe handles on Andre, double punches with Andre being
packed into the corner. Double noggin knocker from Andre, Mr. Perfect comes out
at number four. Smash eats a boot from Andre, Perfect and Smash square off with
Andre tossing Smash out of the ring.
Smash Has
Been Eliminated By Andre The Giant!
Ax clubs
Perfect, hard Irish whip into the turnbuckle. Andre chokes Ax with both
shoulders, Andre headbutts Perfect hard. Number five is Rugged Ronnie Garvin,
Andre gets tied up in the ropes. Perfect, Garvin and Ax try to throw out Andre,
Andre kicks all the men away. Andre crushes Ax with his ass, Andre swats down
Perfect and Garvin. Garvin is caught by Andre, number six is Greg Valentine.
Andre throws out Garvin with ease, Andre is dominating.
Garvin Has Been Eliminated By Andre The Giant!
Andre chokes
out Valentine, Ax clothesline Perfect. Ax is choked in the corner by Andre,
Perfect attempts to wear down Andre. Andre chokes Perfect, number seven is Jake
Roberts. Roberts goes for Andre, Andre chokes Roberts against the ropes.
Valentine clotheslines Andre in the back twice, Andre focuses on Roberts.
Valentine chops Ax who is tied up by Perfect, Andre is stepping on Roberts.
Andre chokes Roberts in the corner, number eight is Ron Bass. Andre tosses out
Roberts with ease as Bass enters the ring.
Roberts Has Been Eliminated By Andre The Giant!
Bass boots
Ax in the head, Andre is working Valentine in the corner. Perfect is trying to
help Valentine, Andre is dealing with both competitors. Andre piles up
Valentine and Perfect, everyone is battling in the one corner. Number nine is
Shawn Michaels, Michaels goes after Bass with right hands. Bass meets the
turnbuckle, Ax attempts a clothesline on Perfect but Perfect ducks and lifts Ax
over the top rope.
Ax Has
Been Eliminated By Mr. Perfect!
almost dropkicks Perfect over but Perfect hangs on, Andre continues to dominate
everyone in the match. Number ten is Butch but Butch is overshadowed as Jake
The Snake Roberts comes to the ring with Damien, Andre runs scared out of the
ring, The Snake has had his revenge.
Andre The
Giant Has Eliminated Himself!
Butch and
Valentine are in the corner battling, Michaels nails Perfect with a middle rope
axe handle. Number Eleven is Honky Tonk Man, Perfect and Honky battle in the
corner while Bass interjects himself into that fight. Honky pummels Michaels in
the head, we have Perfect and Michaels hitting heads in the middle of the ring.
Michaels saves his own skin, fighting off Valentine. Perfect goes after Honky
again, here comes number twelve. It’s Tito Santana, Santana tries to eliminate
Perfect, back body-drop and clothesline from Santana. Bass knocks Santana down,
Honky and Butch are grappling in the corner.
back-drops Michaels, Valentine and Santana tussle by the ropes, Santana
survives and stays alive in the rumble. Number thirteen is Bad News Brown, the
crowd reacts loudly to Brown, only can be a good sign. Butch and Santana
combine to pummel Honky and Honky Tonk man is thrown out by the duo.
Tonk Man Has Been Eliminated By Butch & Tito Santana!
Brown chokes
Michaels in the corner, Valentine and Perfect are working over Butch and
Santana. Michaels nails a top rope axe handle on Brown & Bass. Valentine
almost atomic drops Michaels out of the ring. Number fourteen is Marty
Jannetty, The Rockers are in the ring together. Bass and Jannetty are squaring
off, Michaels rescues Jannetty. Double reverse elbow and double dropkick ends
Bass’ time in the rumble.
Ron Bass
Has Been Eliminated By The Rockers!
Butch and
Santana try to eliminate Valentine, Valentine holds onto the ropes. Number
fifteen is Macho Man, crowd goes bonkers. Brown and Macho Man are throwing down,
reverse elbow on Brown. Valentine goes after Savage, big chop from Valentine.
Perfect and Jannetty attempt to thrown Brown out of the ring but Brown holds
on, Perfect and Savage battle briefly before Brown goes after Savage. Hard
Irish whip to the corner from Brown, Savage dodges as Brown crashes into the
turnbuckle. Savage throws over Valentine while our next entrant comes to the
Valentine Has Been Eliminated By Randy Savage!
sixteen is Arn Anderson, Anderson squares off with Michaels. Superkick from
Michaels, Savage attacks Michaels from behind, combining with Anderson for a double
reverse elbow. Michaels is sent crashing over the top rope to the floor.
Michaels Has Been Eliminated By Savage & Anderson!
Number seventeen
is Tully Blanchard, The Brainbusters begin to double-team the competition.
Savage and Brown are stuck to one another, constantly trying to throw the other
over. Perfect sets his sights on Savage, Perfect is taking it to the champion.
Spinebuster from Anderson on Jannetty, Brainbusters grab Jannetty looking for
the elimination. Jannetty is shoved out by Blanchard.
Jannetty Has Been Eliminated By Tully Blanchard!
eighteen is Hulk Hogan! Within seconds, we have a first elimination for The
Hulkster as Perfect picks the wrong man to mess with as Hogan dashes to the aid
of his Mega-Powers partner Savage and tosses Perfect sailing over the top rope!
Perfect Has Been Eliminated By Hulk Hogan!
Brainbusters eat right hands from Hogan, Hogan uses his bandana to choke Brown.
Hogan wants the elimination but Brown grabs on tight, Hogan chokes Brown with
his knee. Tito Santana is eliminated off-screen, cameras missed it.
Santana Has Been Eliminated By ????
Number twenty
is Bushwhacker Luke, three tag teams in the ring at this point. Bad News Brown
tosses out Bushwhacker Butch with ease!
Butch Has Been Eliminated By Bad News Brown!
military press slams Blanchard, Brown is dishing out the punishment to Savage.
Anderson holds Savage as Brown pummels the WWF Champion. Hogan fights off The Brainbusters,
boot to Anderson. Hogan looks to save Savage from Brown, Blanchard slaps on a
sleeper. Koko B Ware is number twenty-one, Blanchard tees off on Hogan in the
corner. Counter inverted atomic drop from Hogan, Anderson is on the top rope
and Hogan slams down Anderson. Luke attacks Hogan as does Koko B Ware. Hogan
rakes the eyes and dumps out Koko! Hogan dumps out Luke too!
Koko B
Ware & Bushwhacker Luke Have Been Eliminated By Hulk Hogan!
twenty-two is The Warlord of The Powers of Pain, Warlord poses on the apron and
Hogan dumps Warlord right out after eliminating both Brainbusters, Hogan
continues his dominance by dumping out Brown and Savage. Miss Elizabeth is
stopping the two from fighting as Savage no longer trusts Hogan for his
Bad News
Brown/Randy Savage/Arn Anderson/ Tully Blanchard/Warlord Have Been Eliminated
By Hulk Hogan!
twenty-three is Big Bossman as Savage and Hogan have seemingly calmed down and
become friends once more. Bossman rakes the eyes but Hogan retaliates with a
clothesline, elbow drops and pounding Bossman’s head into the mat. Scoop slam, Irish
whip from the corner is reversed as Bossman splashes Hogan. Piledriver from
Bossman, slap from Bossman. Scoop slam from Bossman, Bossman misses a big
splash as Hogan dodges. Number twenty-four is Akeem, Hogan is alone against The
Twin Towers. Scoop slam on Akeem, Bossman rakes the eyes.
attempts to dump out Hogan, double noggin-knocker from Hogan, Back suplex on
Bossman from Hogan, Akeem stomps on Hogan. Bossman and Akeem splash Hogan in
the corner and Hogan has been dumped out by The Twin Towers.
Hulk Hogan
Has Been Eliminated By The Twin Towers!
Twenty-four is Brutus Beefcake, Akeem and Bossman begin to dominate Beefcake.
Bossman looks for a clothesline on Beefcake but Hogan pulls the rope down and
Bossman has been eliminated.
Bossman Has Been Eliminated By Hulk Hogan!
twenty-five is The Red Rooster, Akeem is attacked by Rooster. Rooster has his
eyes raked by the behemoth and a scoop slam follows. Beefcake nails a middle
rope axe handle on Akeem, Akeem survives the elimination attempt. Beefcake and
Rooster shoulder thrust Akeem, Akeem does not budge. Running high knee from
Beefcake, Akeem is stuck in the ropes. Beefcake & Rooster continue to
double team Akeem, number twenty-six is Barbarian.
attacks Rooster and Beefcake but also goes for Akeem. Beefcake and Barbarian
square off now, Rooster goes after Akeem. Barbarian almost tosses out Beefcake
but Beefcake holds onto the top rope tightly. Akeem squashes Rooster’s
elimination attempts, Barbarian staggers Beefcake with multiple right hands. Akeem
lands his 187 Splash on Rooster, posing for his adoring fans after decimating
Rooster. Number twenty-seven is Big John Studd, slowly walking down to the
Studd wants
Akeem, Studd clubs and smashes Akeem. Akeem rakes the eyes, Studd and Akeem
continue to battle it out in the ring, Studd chokes Akeem in the corner.
Barbarian tries tossing out Rooster, Beefcake helps Rooster. Studd and Akeem
trade control in their battle, neither man backing down from the other. Number
twenty-eight is Hercules, Studd and Akeem continue to battle one another.
Hercules and Rooster are squaring off while Beefcake and Barbarian are doing
twenty-nine is Rick Martel, Martel goes after Akeem but Studd wants Akeem.
Studd is biting Akeem, Martel nails Rooster with a dropkick. Rooster hangs onto
Martel to avoid elimination, Beefcake is trying hard to dump out Barbarian but
Barbarian refuses to be removed from this rumble. Number thirty, the final
entrant is Ted Dibiase. The Million Dollar Man has bought the final place in
the rumble. Dibiase squares off with Rooster, chops in the corner. Taylor does
his Flair flip out of the match courtesy of The Million Dollar Man.
The Red
Rooster Has Been Eliminated By Ted Dibiase!
clotheslines and hammers away at Dibiase, Martel and Akeem are battling in the
corner while Studd collides with Barbarian. Hercules has Beefcake in a bearhug,
Beefcake fights out and locks in the sleeper. Dibiase and Barbarian combine to
dump out both.
& Brutus Beefcake Have Been Eliminated By Dibiase & Barbarian!
nails a running powerslam on Martel and a super Diving Headbutt from the top
rope, Barbarian misses a flying shoulder block on Martel. Martel lands a
dropkick and Barbarian goes flying over the top rope.
Has Been Eliminated By Rick Martel!
catches Dibiase in the corner, Martel ducks the clothesline of Akeem. Multiple
dropkicks from Martel, they stagger Akeem but Akeem stops the flying crossbody
of Martel and Akeem dumps Martel over the top rope to the floor.
Martel Has Been Eliminated By Akeem!
directs Akeem to destroy Studd, Akeem splashes Studd. Dibiase says do it one
more time, Akeem goes for the splash. Studd pulls Dibiase in the way, Dibiase
is squished and Akeem is clotheslined to the floor by Studd.
Akeem Has
Been Eliminated By Big John Studd!
Dibiase is
in panic mode, Studd is in control. Two-handed chokeslam into the corner from
Studd, Studd double arm suplexes Dibiase. Gut-wrench suplex from Studd, massive
clothesline by Studd. Studd throws out Dibiase with ease and Virgil gets his
ass kicked for his interference, Big John Studd is your Royal Rumble winner.
thoughts on this to be honest, it was the first Royal Rumble on pay per view
and it had some good moments. Hogan running wild and Jake scaring Andre with
Damien were both memorable moments. Hogan eliminating Savage adds more fuel to
the fire, Savage being irate with Hogan and teasing that this could be the end,
you know its coming and you know its simply a matter of time and its perfect, I
want to see the end and these two brawl so bad! I thought Jake’s rumble performance
was questionable, Jake was able to get his heat back with Damien but Jake was
essentially mauled by Andre before being tossed out like garbage, not a good
look for the cunning Jake The Snake Roberts. Finally, the last competitors in
this rumble were less than stellar in the fans’ eyes. All great workers and
memorable wrestlers but beyond The Million Dollar Man, did any of them stand a
chance of winning? Akeem? Yes but The Red Rooster? Rick Martel of Strikeforce?
Brutus Beefcake? Hercules? It needed more star-power at the end but Studd throwing
around Dibiase is great fun, Dibiase sells like a boss so it was alright, I
have seen better Rumbles.
Big John Studd!
That was WWF’s
Royal Rumble 1989, a good pay per view from the WWF. A sign of a good pay per
view is a pay per view that you can breeze through easily without nit-picking it
to death and taking multiple pauses to sit through it and I didn’t have to do
either of those things when it came to this show. It had my favourite opening
match to a WWF pay per view from this era, it was fast and the fans were all
over it, Hart Foundation and Duggan were so beloved by the fans while the
foreign heels of Bravo and The Rougeau Brothers were in full-force on this
night and Duggan’s 2X4 shot was one of the loudest pops of the night. We move
next to the women’s match, it was fine with Sherri being the only real knock on
the match, she was dreadful on commentary but the match was solid.
pose-down is a legendary segment, it makes sense for the wrestlers involved and
an easy way to build a feud in a logical manner. Rude is absolutely antagonizing
in his role while Heenan is the master of crowd manipulation. The angle is well
thought out and I cannot wait for these two to battle at Wrestlemania. Race and
Haku suffered from being given too much time, the right person went over and
Haku would receive the biggest push of his career over the coming months.
Finally, the rumble had its moments as I said, I did not think much of the
final 6 participants but Dibiase carries the ending showing how fearsome Big
John Studd was, Savage and Hogan continue to have troubles and Jake got his
heat back on Andre. Good but not great is what I think of this pay per view,
thanks for reading and remember: There’s always another night!

Regarding the finish to the Rumble match, they could've easily had the last six guys be Macho, Hogan, Bossman, Akeem, Studd, and DiBiase. Then you do the same proceedings, only it happens rapid-fire at the end to keep the crowd hot right through, and then you can end the PPV with the confrontation between Macho and Hogan instead of a meaningless Studd the Dud celebration.