Monday, 25 December 2023

WWE Backlash 2009 Review!


Hello and welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the internet that continues to decline in popularity more than your favourite Youtuber from 2006! It is time for WWE’s Backlash 2009! We have a six man-tag match for the WWE Championship? Legacy will be taking on Triple H, Batista & Shane Mcmahon. We also have Edge vs John Cena for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in a Last Man Standing Match. Jeff Hardy will take on Matt Hardy in an I Quit Match and Chris Jericho will take on Ricky Steamboat! That’s not all of the card but the big matches, I have mentioned before but this was the time where I started to fall off the WWE so a lot of this era will be new to me which is both terrifying and exciting considering how many categorize this era as horrific. Let’s get it on!


(ECW World Haevyweight Championship) Jack Swagger © vs Christian

So what is striking me at the moment is that each show does not have their commentators for their respective brand matches, We have JR, Jerry The King Lawler and Michael Cole which is quite the team for sure, I am guessing JR would have been with Mick Foley on Smackdown? Maybe Foley is in TNA by this point. Anyways, Christian is here and everyone loves Captain Charisma, they mention a contract signing which is just wonderful to hear.


Swagger shoots for the legs and takes the front chancery, some nice wrestling rolls from the champion. Christian is back in the corner, clean break from Swagger but a slap rocks the champion. Christian nails a very nice spinning heel kick and a middle rope elbow for two. Side headlock from Christian, Swagger answers with a shoulder block. Make it two, military press to the floor by Swagger. Back in the ring, Swagger lands a knee and clamps on a body-scissors. More rolls with a gut-wrench like hold, Swagger does not want to let go of the waist-lock. Christian tries his corner dodge into the kick but Swagger catches the legs and smashes Christian into the mat.


Swagger has a great bearhug, Swagger tries pinning off the bearhug which looks cool. Swagger continues squeezing, crowd fires up for babyface Christian who lands haymakers. Swagger goes for the military press, Christian slips out but Swagger counters with a beautiful gut-buster. Another waist-lock on the mat, would like to see some variety from the big man but it fits his amateur wrestling background. Swagger whips Christian to the buckle, the dodge works for Christian this time. A knee to the ribs cuts off Christian, Swagger’s running splash misses as Christian puts up his knees. Christian cannot nail the tornado DDT but a diving sunset flip gets two, Swagger goes low and scoops up Christian for a slam.


Both men are feeling it now, both men are down. Gut-wrench is blocked by Christian who holds onto the legs, Swagger is persistent but has to change plan. Christian is lifted to the corner, Christian kicks away Swagger and nails his tornado DDT. Two count for Christian, Swagger lands a great belly to belly out of nowhere. Swagger gets caught and sent to the floor off an arm-drag, Christian is almost suplexed into the barricade. Elbows by Christian, Swagger is dumped into the ring. Christian is slowly climbing the top rope, back-drop by Swagger and Swagger Bomb connects for a close two. Christian slaps Swagger, Swagger looks for an Oklahoma Slam but Christian slides out for an O’Connor roll, two for Christian. Oklahoma Stampede connects for a close two.


Swagger is frustrated now, Swagger needs to stay composed. Swagger is exposing the turnbuckle, Christian exposes the turnbuckle on his side. Swagger runs right into the exposed turnbuckle, Killswitch and Christian is your new ECW World Heavyweight Champion!


Christian is often considered underrated and that is on full display here as Christian puts together a match that plays to Swagger’s strengths. Swagger gets to toss around Christian, great work on the ribs of Christian and the way they got to the big moves in the match was great, some really nice creativity from Christian. Christian never looked dominant, always playing to Swagger’s power, building all his crowd reactions from close pin-falls before a very satisfying finish with Swagger getting caught for his attempts of cheating, really great opening match.


Winner: Christian over Jack Swagger via Kill-Switch!


Ricky The Dragon Steamboat vs Chris Jericho

At Wrestlemania, Steamboat was unbelievably good. Too good for his age so WWE said fuck it let’s have him in there with Jericho again. Steamboat being Jericho’s idol adds so much to the match.


They lock-up and Steamboat trips Jericho, Jericho scrambles to the ropes. Jericho shoves Steamboat, Steamboat shows his speed and frustrates Jericho, baseball slide and a plancha from The Dragon. Chop by Steamboat and deep motherfucking arm-drags boy, Jericho screams out in pain. Steamboat works the arm but Jericho elbows his way out, shoulder block by Jericho. Deep arm-drag into an arm-bar from The Dragon, some joint manipulation from Steamboat. Forearms from Jericho, chop by Steamboat. Shoulder block, Steamboat skins the cat but Jericho clotheslines Steamboat to the floor. Springboard dropkick by Jericho, belly to back suplex and stiff kicks to the spine. Jericho calls Steamboat washed up, Jericho applies a modified cobra clutch.


Steamboat escapes but Jericho clotheslines him down, Jericho has a side headlock. Belly to back by Steamboat but Jericho holds onto the headlock, Steamboat throws forearms but Jericho sends Steamboat to the buckle. Steamboat avoids the bulldog and Jericho is caught on the top rope, Steamboat works the lower back of Jericho. Belly to back from the middle rope seems like the plan for Steamboat, Jericho fights hard but Steamboat is persistent and super belly to back suplex. Jericho is selling it like death, 1…2… Jericho kicks out at the last second. We have a slug-fest, Irish whip by Steamboat and chops for two. Steamboat runs into a corner elbow, Steamboat counters for a powerslam, two for Steamboat.


Chops again, Irish whip but Steamboat ducks the head. Kick to the head and an enzuigiri for two, modified bulldog. Jericho went for the lionsault but Steamboat has Jericho on his shoulders, Steamboat gets caught though as Jericho rolls through for the Walls of Jericho. Steamboat escapes the hold and applies the figure four in the ugliest manner possible. Steamboat back-drops Jericho into the ring as both men were on the apron, Jericho tries a splash and headbutts the ring-post, Diving Crossbody by Steamboat for a very close two. Irish whip to the buckle by Jericho, Steamboat kicks away Jericho. Steamboat dives into the Code-breaker, 1…2… Steamboat places his foot on the bottom rope.


Jericho is irate with this call, Jericho argues with the official. Jericho slaps Steamboat, back-breaker is countered for a small package for two. Jericho trips up Steamboat in the middle of the ring and Steamboat has to tap this time around, Jericho refuses to break the hold to add emphasis to his point.


Considering Steamboat’s age, this is a very good match. Jericho is obviously a huge fan of Steamboat so you know Jericho is going to bump like crazy but this is not a one-sided affair, Steamboat uses all his expertise in this one and the near-falls are tremendous throughout the match. Love the crossbody and the small packages, fantastic send-off for The Dragon. Jericho was able to take a terrible angle and have a fantastic match with Steamboat.


Winner: Chris Jericho over Ricky Steamboat via Walls of Jericho!


Kane vs CM Punk

Kane holds grudges, Kane does not like CM Punk. Punk uses his speed to pepper Kane with kicks, Kane shakes that off. Punk cannot escape this time, knees and throat thrusts by Kane. Irish whip to the buckle, Punk attacks Kane with his knees. Minoro Suzuki style arm-bar spot by Punk, Punk drops his knees on the arm. Forearms by Punk, Kane shoves away Punk. Punk lands a dropkick, Punk tries a plancha but Kane grabs Punk by the neck. Punk uses the ropes to avoid being slammed and lands an apron diving clothesline, key-lock from Punk. Kane sends Punk into the ring-post, Kane dropkicks Punk into the ring-post. Punk is shoved into the ring-post, Kane slaps on a body-scissors. Punk uses elbows to escape the hold but Kane drills Punk with a clothesline, Kane lands a kick and a throat thrust before a back-breaker stretch. Punk escapes the hold again, Punk is looking to take away Kane’s chokeslam arm. Punk does his variation of the tarantula spot, Punk lands a springboard clothesline. Kane avoids the running knee/bulldog combo with a massive boot to the face.


Punk stops Kane from flying with a massive kick, Punk uses the ropes to pick up Kane. Kane fights out of the GTS, Punk lands his running knee/bulldog combination for a close two. Punk’s springboard goes wrong as Kane lands a massive uppercut, two for Kane. Punk avoids the sidewalk slam and goes for a tilt-a-whirl Fujiwara arm-bar but Kane lands a massive sidewalk slam counter. Punk avoids a chokeslam with big kicks, muay thai like strikes but Kane counters it and drills Punk with a Chokeslam for the win.


Interesting to see the crowd be indifferent to Punk, Punk had a similar reaction at Wrestlemania so the heel turn that we all know is coming is definitely a welcome one. Having Kane win on the other hand I am not sure it helps at all, Punk as a delusional babyface might have been better than having the Money In The Bank winner lose right after Mania but you know Vince loves beating the champion like a drum after winning the big one. Anyways, I don’t think they have any sort of plan for Kane so it just strikes me as an odd choice. Their chemistry is not great either, some cool moments but the fans are sitting on their hands for most of it, I felt much the same way.


Winner: Kane over CM Punk via Chokeslam!


(I Quit Match) Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy

Matt defeated Jeff, Matt wants to erase Jeff from the WWE. Considering it has been implied that Matt tried to burn down Jeff’s house with Jeff inside of it, you can only go down from there.


The bell rings and both men are tentative, Jeff goes to work with massive right hands and stomps the life out of Matt. Jeff brings Matt to the corner, more stomps with Matt trying to get away. Jeff drops the leg-drop low and hits a low dropkick to his face. Matt scrambles to the floor, slingshot dropkick and plancha. Poetry in Motion against the barricade by Jeff, hot-shot by Jeff. Corner clothesline by Jeff, Hardy’s corner dropkick by The Charismatic Enigma. Leg-drop after leg-drop by Jeff but Matt refuses to quit, sleeper from Jeff. Matt has had no offence in this one at all, Matt is carrying all the weight of Jeff on his back but Matt manages to bounce Jeff’s head off the turnbuckle. Matt drops an elbow, forearms to the head.


Jeff wants a whisper in the wind but Matt manages to shove Jeff to the floor, Jeff sells his ankle from the fall. Fans are chanting for tables, this is not good. Matt begins working the ankle, Jeff’s right leg is sent into the ring-post again and again. Matt is looking for a figure four, Matt applies the figure four in the middle of the ring. Jeff does not give up but Matt continues kicking the leg of Jeff, another figure four from Matt. Jeff pushes and pushes, reversing the pressure. Matt rolls back and breaks the hold, some guy is wiped out by security or something as the fans do not care about the action in the ring at all. Jeff misses his mule kick and Matt applies a single leg Boston crab. Jeff refuses to submit, Matt places Jeff on the top rope. Jeff is placed in the tree of woe but refuses to submit so Matt wants a belly to back superplex, Jeff elbows away Matt and nails a Whisper In The Wind.


Both men are swinging wildly, Jeff lands his mule kick. Texas Cloverleaf from Jeff, shocking to see such a move from Jeff. Matt’s tapping but Matt will not say I Quit, Matt uses the ropes to shove off Jeff. Matt avoids the Twist of Fate but gets a leg-drop to the back of the head, Twist of Fate by Jeff. Jeff begins climbing high, Swanton Bomb connects. Jeff climbs high again, second Swanton Bomb. Jeff decides to pull out a table, the crowd are happy to see mister table. Matt is rolling around the ring, Matt rolls to the floor to avoid his fate of being put through the table. Matt almost landed a Twist of Fate but Jeff counters and drills Matt with his own Twist of Fate.


Matt is thrown in the ring and placed on the table, Matt is lying prone on the table not moving. Jeff decides to pull out some duct-tape, Jeff is tying Matt to the table. Matt has now been tied to the table, unable to move. Jeff has pulled out a ladder, it is not a twenty-foot ladder but a regular ladder. However, it is a nice callback to the missed leg-drop at Wrestlemania 25. Matt is begging but not saying I Quit, Matt tries appealing to Jeff’s emotions but Jeff does not want to hear that shit. Matt brings their mother into it, scumbag move from Matt. Matt quits, Jeff Hardy wins but Jeff decides to Leg-Drop Matt through the table.


I think the fans never wanted to see The Hardys fight one another, I think that is the fundamental problem of this feud, fans just wanted to see The Hardys together and Jeff get the bigger push. As for this match itself, the fans reaction throughout reflect this sentiment, it’s hard to believe they could be this quiet for a Jeff Hardy match considering Jeff was one of the most over people on the roster mere months ago. The leg-work was interesting from Jeff but this was just Jeff killing Matt for the last couple of minutes and Jeff is just not that great on offence, Jeff does not have killer moves in his arsenal. It’s the high-risk spots, the hope-spots that make Jeff Hardy so great. Jeff Hardy being in control and pulling off submissions is just not the Jeff Hardy people want to see. A Jeff Hardy I Quit match sounds like a dream match where Jeff would be putting his body through all sorts of shit to get the win but this really was a tame effort.


Winner: Jeff Hardy over Matt Hardy via I Quit!


(WWE Championship Six-Man Tag Match) Triple H ©/Batista/Shane Mcmahon vs Legacy

Batista is back! Batista had beaten Orton at Armageddon 2008 which was a huge match as it was the first time they had fought on PPV since both men’s dominant runs on their respective brands. The deck is stacked against Triple H and I have no idea how considering Randy Orton has zero leverage against The Mcmahons. The big problem on the babyface team is that they all want to kill Orton so can they co-exist and not get disqualified.


A strength of the match is that Batista, Shane and Triple H all have valid reasons for wanting to destroy Orton, another part that I should mention considering it kind of has flown under the radar is that Ted Dibiase Jr. and Cody Rhodes at their young ages have been a huge part of storylines on RAW. This is the first time we will see them in a big match on PPV together though, they worked well in a Rumble but that match was one of the worst rumbles I watched so who knows.


Triple H dives on Orton to begin, Shane & Batista hold off Dibiase & Rhodes. Triple H chases away Orton, Legacy are not happy with this change. Maybe they want to win the championship? Why are they risking being counted out? Batista and Rhodes start, Batista clotheslines and sends Rhodes into the corner, Cole states that if Rhodes or Dibiase win, Orton is champion? Excuse me? Whatever, Batista boots down Rhodes. Tag to Shane, Demolition Decapitation by Shane & Batista. Continued elbow drops by Shane, Shane works the arm and tag to Triple H. Triple H stomps the life out of Rhodes, hard Irish whip to the opposite buckle. Suck it by Triple H and another stomp, Rhodes manages to kick Triple H and tag Dibiase.


Dibiase eats a clothesline by Triple H, Shane & Triple H nail a Hart Attack. Shane throws elbows to the spine, tag to Batista. Batista ducks and lands a massive suplex, Batista gets caught though. Not for long, Batista lands a flying shoulder block. Spine-buster on Dibiase, Dibiase avoids the bomb. Dibiase and Batista are up the ramp, Rhodes distracts the referee. Here comes Orton and Batista is sent into the ring-post, Orton gets the hot-tag sort of I guess. Orton stomps the life out of Batista, Batista is isolated in Legacy’s corner. Orton & Dibiase choke the life out of Batista, Rhodes tags in Orton. Orton lands that rope-hung DDT with Triple H showing worry on his face, Triple H has been in this situation before with The Mcmahons at King of The Ring 2000. Tag to Dibiase, elbow drops from Dibiase. Batista fights in the corner but a drop toehold from Dibiase stops that attack, side headlock by Dibiase. Belly to back suplex counter by Batista, Orton gets the tag. Orton stands over Batista and begins stomping the ribs of The Animal. Knee across the face by Orton, reverse chin-lock by Orton. Elbows by Batista, Orton is whipped across the ropes and eats a Spear.


Rhodes comes in but Shane gets the tag, right hands from Mcmahon. Shane elbows Dibiase down, neck-breaker on Rhodes for two. Dibiase is with Shane, Shane takes down Rhodes & Dibiase. Shane is on the top rope, Diving Elbow Drop by Shane. Dibiase pulls out Shane, Orton is here and sends Shane over the steel steps. Orton gets the tag and pulls Shane onto the apron, suplex into the ring for two. Shane scrambles for a tag but Orton cuts that off, kicks to the ribs. Orton drags Shane to the corner, Dibiase comes in and nails a boot to the ribs. Shane is kicked to the floor, Dibiase comes to the floor and slams Shane off the ring apron. Two in the ring, Dibiase tags in Rhodes.


Rhodes gets a two, more kicks to the ribs. Shane fights back from his ribs, Rhodes holds Shane in a full-nelson. Orton measures and lands a boot to the ribs, standing dropkick by Orton. Two for Orton, tag to Dibiase. The ring has been cut in half well here by Legacy, really good tag team strategy. Diving foot stomp on Shane for two, reverse chin-lock. Shane fights back but Dibiase cuts off Shane again, tag to Rhodes. Rhodes kicks the head of Shane, nice knee-drop. Two for Rhodes, front chancery. Shane manages to back-drop Rhodes, Dibiase cuts off Shane again with an elbow drop. Fist Drop by Dibiase, Million Dollar Dream is countered with a DDT.


Crowd can feel it is time for that hot-tag! Triple H gets the tag, right hands to Orton. Shot after shot in the corner, Irish whip but the champion fires back with a clothesline. Face-buster, Dibiase and Rhodes tossed to the floor. Orton boots Triple H, spine-buster for two as Dibiase makes the save. In comes Batista who decks Dibiase, Batista is sent into the barricade. Triple H wants a Pedigree, Rhodes spikes Triple H with a DDT. Shane crossbodies Rhodes to the floor, Shane clotheslines Rhodes into the timekeeper’s area. Rhodes has a chair though damn it, Shane does not see it. Shane is waffled into the crowd, Batista is smacked with the chair too. Batista kicks Rhodes low, Orton’s RKO is blocked. Batista has the chair, Triple H stops his Pedigree to stop Batista using the chair. Triple H walks into an RKO, 1…2.. Triple H kicks out but one Punt Kick later, it’s over!


Well they botched the finish but that is not Orton’s fault, timekeeper messed up on this one. An interesting finish with Triple H trying to stop Batista making a mistake and Batista costing Triple H. I don’t have any memory of this time so the idea of Batista vs Triple H occurring is not something I think would happen at this time. Perhaps Triple H will be taking time off with The Punt Kick being the reason for that? The finish also reminds me that we could have just don’t this for Wrestlemania, why would Triple H need to hang on for one extra month? They do the stretcher gimmick so I am guessing Batista will want to avenge Triple H and be the big dumb babyface that keeps coming up short which is what Batista was to Edge and Booker T on Smackdown. Such a shame for Batista, the match here itself was not that great. The tag team work from Legacy was solid but it didn’t live up to the hype and when the crowd is cheering Orton and singing nah nah nah hey hey goodbye when a babyface is injured, we have made a mistake somewhere along the line.


Winners: Legacy over Team Triple H via Punt Kick!


(WWE World Heavyweight Championship Last Man Standing Match) John Cena © vs Edge

The idea of Cena on Smackdown is insane, it did not last very long but still the fact there was a period in 2009 where Cena was on the blue brand is pure madness. Video package does a great job of showcasing how much Edge hates John Cena. Cena is coming in hurt as Edge played a little con-chair-to on his head on Monday Night Raw, the bell rings with both men staring one another down. Intense lock-up which is good to see, Edge swings and misses. Cena whips Edge to the buckle, Edge avoids the bulldog. Edge is on the floor, Cena gives chase. Edge wanted a spear, Cena teased an AA. Both men are feeling one another out.


Side headlock by Edge, Cena shoves him off. Shoulder block by Edge who clubs down Cena. Irish whip reversed to the buckle, Cena lands a massive fisherman suplex on Edge. AA tease with Edge nailing an Edge-O-Matic. Cena sells his head, Edge is watching on and lands a vicious clothesline. Make it two, Edge seems surprised that Cena is popping up. The referee starts counting, Cena makes it up around the count of six. Cena fights back, Irish whip reversed by Edge and a beautiful spinning heel kick. Cena is up, flapjack by Edge. Sleeper by Edge, Cena scrambles to the ropes but Edge does not have to break the hold. Cena begins fading before backing Edge into the corner, Cena lets go briefly and clamps the hold back on with tenacity.


Cena fires back, shoulder blocks and a five knuckle shuffle is on the menu. Edge kicks Cena square in the head, sharpshooter from the challenger. Cena does not tap but struggles to get on his feet, Edge knocks Cena off the apron and onto the announce table. Cena makes it up at the count of seven, Edge starts messing with the steel steps. Edge takes a run-up, Cena dodges and Edge Spears the steel steps. Edge survives the ten count and sends Cena into the steel steps. Cena has enough in him again to rise before the ten count, Cena whips Edge into the steel steps this time. Edge makes the count, Cena decides to bring the steel steps into the ring. Cena manages to lift the steel steps into the ring but eats a big boot to the face.


Edge smashes the steel steps into Cena’s head, running dropkick with the steel steps kicked right into John Cena. Cena clutches his shoulder, I think the intent was his neck due to the con-chair-to but I am not sure Edge is really playing into that gameplan. Cena is against the ropes, Edge runs at Cena and is elevated to the floor. Cena picks up the steel steps, Edge is on the floor. Cena lawn-darts the steel steps at the head of Edge, Edge is wiped out at ringside. Back into the ring, Cena looks worn out already. Edge and Cena are trading bombs, both men are using the other to standup before both men collapse in the middle of the ring. Both men make the count around eight, Cena has Edge but both men counter one another. Third time is the charm? No it’s Edge who drills Cena with a belly to back suplex, Edge hates Cena so much that Edge is going to do a five-knuckle-shuffle. Edge tries it and Cena responds with a vicious STF. Edge survives the count, AA is blocked as Edge holds onto the ropes and Edge delivers a sickening Spear onto Cena. Edge is climbing to the top rope, Cena pulls himself up and looks for something big here. Cena has Edge on his shoulders, Super AA from Cena in the middle of the ring. Edge is moving, unbelievable from Edge. Motivated by pure hatred? Cena cannot believe it as Edge crawls towards Cena. Cena goes high, his top rope leg drop does not work as Edge Spears Cena in mid-air!


Edge clears the announce table, Edge wants to do something bad here. Cena avoids an impaler DDT and Cena AAs Edge into the crowd. Great spot that nobody would have predicted, all the plants did a great job of catching Edge’s body. Edge makes it up at nine, Edge will not be denied on this night. Edge and Cena are in the crowd among the fans, the cameras do their best to keep up with the madness. Edge & Cena go from one part of the arena to the next, Cena continues punching Edge. Bulldog onto the equipment by the stage, Edge is crushed at the moment, Cena has a tired look on his face. Edge survives and cracks Cena with a hard-hat, Edge nails Cena with an Impaler DDT on the stage. Edge is in shock, Edge looks backstage for something. Edge waffles Cena in the back, con-chair-to from Edge. Cena is up at the count of nine, Cena lifts up Edge for an AA but Big Show interferes and grabs Cena. Chokeslam through a stage light! It exploded and Edge makes the ten count while Cena does not move!


A brutal brawl between two men who hate one another, they waste no time in throwing out massive spots, Edge trying to choke out Cena was a great little moment because you could see how much Edge utterly hates Cena. Some big bumps here, the mid-air Spear and Super AA were huge spots, also the AA into the crowd came off great. They brawled everywhere and you could feel the hatred that the two had for one another, fantastic stuff here really. The finish is a shock and a perfect way to protect your golden goose with Edge not being able to put down Cena. A readymade feud with Big Show for Cena to continue with when he’s good and healthy again which is great. Sadly, the hot potato of the championship continues and it really hurts me here because Edge has done this throughout the years at this point. Edge took down Taker’s reign, Triple H’s reign as WWE Champion, Jeff Hardy’s reign and Cena’s previous reign. That’s three or four reigns with diminishing returns as things would just end up back with Edge. How am I meant to buy into Edge losing the championship and it meaning something when it continuously makes it way back to him before I even get to appreciate it leaving him?


Winner: Edge over John Cena via Survival of Ten-Count!


That was WWE’s Backlash 2009, a very solid PPV coming out of Wrestlemania. Could things be better? Of course they could but there are some positive developments here when we take a step back from this PPV, also some bad ones of course so let’s break it down. We kick things off with Christian vs Swagger, Christian leads Swagger to his best match on PPV and best match by this point. Night and day between this and the rumble match with Matt Hardy, Christian lets Swagger dominate throughout with various power moves and cool looking throws, Christian has flickers of hope and it all builds to a satisfying finish. Considering Christian was TNA World Champion, ECW was a disappointment for many but having someone like Christian as the top babyface is great for those on the roster because Christian will continue to make them shine throughout the year. Very good opening match, things take a turn with Punk vs Kane. Chemistry is just not great between the two, Punk’s offence is hit and miss while the crowd don’t seem too heavily invested in Mr. Money in The Bank. Kane is over like always but the good matches have been gone for a long time by this point, nothing to keep me invested here and like I mentioned, the trope of the money in the bank winner instantly becoming the biggest loser on the roster was never a good one in my book.


Steamboat vs Jericho is fun, Steamboat rolls back the years and gives a performance that shouldn’t be possible at his age. Jericho puts in the work too to make this a very exciting match, it is an extended version of their Wrestlemania match and we all wanted Steamboat to squeeze out the victory here. The Hardys I Quit Match is a step-down from The Mania match, the fans just do not want to see them fight and Jeff’s offence has always been one of his weaknesses so long sections of Jeff torturing Matt seem to just drag on and while the emotional manipulation from Matt is cool towards the end, it’s not going to save this match for me. Jeff actually seemed to be quite lenient for a guy who lost his dog and almost his life thanks to his brother. Not a great feud for someone who seemed to be on par with John Cena in terms of reaction from the audience only a few months ago. The six man tag for the WWE Championship corrects the wrong of Wrestlemania and adds an interesting element into the mix with Batista being the reason Triple H lost the championship. I don’t think it will be played into too much as Triple H was basically a babyface for the next two years but it adds to the probably Batista vs Orton feud. As for the action, Orton was getting a very strong response from the crowd and Legacy as a unit are a great watch because they just hammer everyone in their way. Again sympathy for the all-destroying and conquering Game is a difficult task especially when the crowd feels the wrong man won last year so the injury angle is not coming off great here, hoping Big Dave can get some good reactions. The main event is a good brawl between two men with very good chemistry, some awesome spots mixed in with some pretty great facials. Not a fan of the championship moving around so much but we have a good feud for Cena ready with Big Show and hopefully, we can have Jeff Hardy back on track against Edge. Another easy pay per view to watch, would love to have the tag team championships and other mid-card championships be featured but we are fresh off Mania so only the biggest matches will be getting time. Thanks for reading and remember: there’s always another night!

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