Sunday, 24 December 2023

WWE Wrestlemania 25 Review!


Hello and welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the internet that is more boring than a Road Dogg singles match! It’s time after another long hiatus to watch some WWE and today I will be checking out WWE Wrestlemania 25! The show of shows, the showcase of the immortals! The big matches on the card tonight include Big Show vs Edge vs John Cena for the World Heavyweight Championship, Randy Orton challenges Triple H for the WWE Championship, Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker, two huge stars who always bring their A game for Wrestlemania and Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy. We have other matches that are attractive, it’s a massive card but will it be a home-run? Let’s see!


(Money In The Bank Ladder Match) CM Punk vs Christian vs Mark Henry vs MVP vs Finlay vs Shelton Benjamin vs Kofi Kingston vs Kane

Big names in this match, ECW gets some good representation in this one too. A lot of eyes on Christian who is making his first appearance on PPV since rejoining the WWE. It starts off hot with two monsters Kane and Henry clearing the ring, Benjamin and Christian use the ladder to take down the giants before Kofi leapfrogs the ladder, dropkicks the duo and lands a Boom Drop. Kane & Henry begin climbing the ladder before being knocked down by a dogpile of bodies. Two ladders in the ring, five men climbing all the ladders. Kane and Henry shove the ladders apart and everyone falls to the mat. Kane uppercuts and boots Henry, Henry is back up and throws Kane off who hits his face off the ropes.


Henry decides it is time to climb but no, Henry throws the ladder towards Finlay but Finlay manages to dodge, Finlay lands a suicide dive onto Kane & Benjamin. Christian lands a leapfrog to the floor, MVP decides to land a senton from the apron. Kofi & Punk are in the ring, they do not fight as they prefer to land stereo suicide dives onto everyone on the floor. Shelton Benjamin has climbed a ladder and lands a diving senton to the floor from a twenty foot ladder. Henry begins climbing the ropes but Finlay smashes Henry with his weapon. Hornswoggle appears with a mini-ladder and dives onto everyone using Henry’s back.


Finlay is alone at the moment, Finlay sets-up a ladder. Finlay has Kofi in the ring, Kofi is whipped to the corner. Kofi kicks Finlay through the rungs of the ladder, Finlay tosses the mini-ladder at Kofi. Finlay takes down Punk and Kane, Kofi knocks Finlay off the ladder with a Trouble In Paradise. Kofi begins climbing but Henry shoves down the ladder onto Kofi, headbutt from Henry. Henry is holding the ladder directly straight and Kofi runs up it in a great spot before Henry drops Kofi with a World’s Strongest Slam on the ladder. MVP stabs Henry with a ladder in the spine, Benjamin and MVP are brawling now. MVP eats a dropkick from Benjamin, Benjamin looks for a hurricanrana but MVP counters with a powerbomb.


MVP is climbing for the briefcase, Punk kicks and chops at MVP. Christian clotheslines MVP down, Punk kicks away Christian. Christian is in pursuit, shots to the back. Punk grabs Christian for a GTS, Christian escapes and drills Punk with The Unprettier! Benjamin nails Kane with a Dragon Whip, MVP begins climbing again, Benjamin climbs up the ladders with great speed, sunset flip powerbomb goes wrong as both men slip. MVP is powerbombed onto Henry and Kofi at ringside, Benjmain and Finlay are climbing for the briefcase. Finlay is smashed off with a huge right, Christian and Benjamin are brawling. Benjamin knees down Christian, we have two ladders in the ring. Christian and Benjamin are on top of the two ladders, Benjamin falls to the floor but Christian uses the top rope to remain on the ladder. Christian almost wins it, Punk and Christian are so close to the briefcase.


Punk is upside down caught on the ladder, Kane is here and Kane chokeslams Christian off the ladder and all the way to hell. Punk kicks down Kane, both men are brawling for the briefcase. Kane wants a chokeslam, Punk kicks Kane over and over before Punk grabs the briefcase and takes it for the second year in a row.


A chaotic match as always, one that fires up the crowd and never fails to amaze. The standout star of this one was Kofi Kingston, every time this young man came near a ladder, he stole the show. Kofi is a fantastic babyface for the company and one to watch for the future here, it is so clear. Hindsight is a terrible thing really because in this match, Kofi looked like future world champion material. A subdued performance from the likes of Christian, Kane and Henry. I suppose Christian didn’t want to mess himself up so early into his run in the company while the other two big men aren’t well suited to a match such as this but I expected a little more, Finlay impressed me considering his age and what he was willing to do to his body in this one and Benjamin took every opportunity to show why he shouldn’t be slept on when it comes to himself. Punk winning two in a row when the crowd was dying for a Christian win is an interesting choice, Punk never lost the World Championship the first time around but I would be lying if I said Punk was an important piece of the puzzle at any time following his return. Tag team title and Intercontinental championship reigns are good signs but I wouldn’t have thought Punk was winning on this night. All in all, a great spotfest to get the crowd cooking.


Miss Wrestlemania Divas Battle Royal

Some great returns in this match but blink and you would miss it, Sunny is in there as well as Torrie Wilson, Joy Giovanni too. Santina is in there too,  Candice Michelle is watching on at ringside. Molly Holly is here too, I didn’t even see her the first time around. Lots of kicking and pairing off in the corner, Jackie Gayda is in there, I thought it was Katie Lea Burchill. Torrie Wilson is thrown out, very sad there is no reaction for anyone or anything. More and more Divas are thrown out before we have just five. We have Santina, Mickie James, Michelle McCool, Melina and Beth Phoenix. Michelle and Mickie are on the top rope, they are both wrapped up in one another. Santina is watching on, not sure to do, Mickie & Michelle eliminate one another. Melina is on Beth’s back, Beth wants a Glam Slam but Melina counters before Santina Marella eliminates both.


Shite match, shite way to celebrate such a great moment for women who had worked hard for WWE. Horrific and a slap in the face to anyone who trained and got in shape for this match.


Winner: Santina Marella!


Chris Jericho vs Legends & Mickey Rourke

Chris Jericho wanted a big money match for Wrestlemania, Jericho had the run of his life in 2008 so Jericho wanted to continue this momentum in 2009. By all accounts, this match was meant to be absolute garbage and you can tell by the caliber of opponent in the beginning because we have Snuka and Piper who couldn’t work a lick anymore. Wow look at Flair getting a paid day, not that much of a shock I suppose, Flair would have been a great special referee had he not gone to TNA for the next couple of years. Mickey Rourke looks horrific, man is super old. Piper spits on Jericho and tackles him, kind of shocked that Piper would agree to do a job. Piper tries a sunset flip but Jericho kicks out, a horrific dropkick from Piper.


Piper slaps Jericho over and over, Piper punches in the corner. Jericho is rammed into the corner. Snuka is in the ring now, headbutt for Jericho. Snuka lands a rush, Steamboat gets the tag. Diving chop and two arm-drags, knees to the spine. Crowd comes alive because Steamboat can actually move and not look like a grandad. Snuka gets the tag, chop by Snuka. Headbutt by Snuka, Jericho counters Snuka and applies The Walls of Jericho. Snuka taps, Snuka has been eliminated. Jericho smashes Steamboat to the floor, Piper kicks Jericho in the ribs hard. Jericho is in the corner, big boot by Piper. Eye-poke by Piper, Sleeper by Piper. Piper is sent into the top rope, Jericho lands an enzuigiri for the elimination. Steamboat lands his Diving Crossbody for a close two, clothesline by Jericho.


Jericho kicks Steamboat but Steamboat chops back, boot by Jericho. Snap-mare and a kick to the spine, reverse chin-lock by Jericho. Steamboat escapes the hold and skins the cat, Steamboat sends Jericho to the floor. Plancha by Steamboat, Steamboat lands another diving chop. More chops by Steamboat, O’Connor roll for a close two. Jericho boots Steamboat, running bulldog and it’s Lionsault time. Steamboat dodges, Jericho gets caught with a powerslam for two. Walls of Jericho is locked in on Steamboat, Steamboat rolls through with a small package for a close two, Steamboat had the fans on that one. Steamboat flips out of the back suplex but a Code-Breaker puts down Steamboat.


Had no right to be anywhere near as good as that, credit to Ricky Steamboat who came in there and kicked all sorts of ass here. The dives and the near-falls were tremendous, so good that we would get a rematch the next month. Flair comes into the ring after, Jericho gets chopped to shit before a Code-breaker wipes out The Nature Boy. Jericho smiles in the ring and asks for the microphone, Frank Shamrock is beside Mickey Rourke. Mickey Rourke is called out and decides to come into the ring, after a lot of posing Rourke decks Jericho and it is not Tyson knocking out Michaels sadly. Best part was Jericho vs Steamboat, everything else was dogshite.


Winner: Chris Jericho over The Legends via Code-breaker!


(Extreme Rules Match) Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy

The impossible dream but it happened, Jeff Hardy became WWE Champion. Nobody expected, nobody could be happier than Jeff but Matt Hardy was not happy for his brother, Matt was jealous of his brother’s success and it ate away at Matt Hardy. Matt would cost his brother his WWE Championship, Jeff has revenge on his mind and this will be one hell of a match. I forgot about the minor detail that they did imply that Matt burned down Jeff’s house with his dog inside, pretty brutal stuff.


Jeff slaps the taste out of Matt’s mouth and they spill to the floor, Jeff breaks a framed Wrestlemania poster across Matt’s face. Jeff keeps looking for weapons, Matt blocks the trash can. Jeff smacks Matt off the steel steps, poetry in motion lands by Jeff. Jeff has a chair, poetry in motion in the ring misses for Jeff. Jeff wants a Whisper in The Wind but Matt blocks with a chairshot to the spine, Matt gets two. Matt chokes Jeff using the middle rope, Matt pulls out a vacuum and wallops Jeff in the head for a close two. Side Effect on the chair by Matt for a close two, Matt chokes Jeff with his boot. Matt stretches Jeff across the ring-post, Matt pulls out a table. Matt wants a suplex through the table but Jeff batters Matt away. Diving apron clothesline and spinning mule kick by Jeff, Matt has a cut on his head from the steel steps that doctors clean up quick.


Jeff smashes two crutches over the back of Matt, a trash-can is placed on Matt’s head. A crutch to the head and a slingshot drop-kick from Jeff, two count for Jeff. Sit-out suplex by Jeff, Jeff wants a Swanton Bomb but Matt dodges the move. Twist of Fate by Matt Hardy for two, Matt mocks Jeff. Jeff stops Matt on the top rope, Jeff waffles Matt in the face with the chair. Jeff places Matt on the table. Jeff places a chair on top of Matt, Jeff pulls out another table and places on top of Matt so there are now two tables stacked with Matt Hardy sandwiched between the two. Jeff climbs to the top rope and lands a diving splash through the two tables. In the ring, Jeff pins Matt but Matt places a foot on the ropes, always curious why they have rope breaks in hardcore matches.


Naturally, Jeff brings out the ladders. The weapon is associated with both brothers, it is natural that they will play a part in this match. Jeff uses a chair for a little springboard leg-drop on Matt, it seems Jeff has a twenty-foot ladder, I think Jeff wants his leapfrog leg-drop, Jeff crashes and burns as Matt dodges at the last second, Matt is using the ropes to pull himself up, that is one hell of a bump. Matt Hardy places Jeff’s head in between the seat of the chair and lands a vicious Twist of Fate for the win.


A brutal affair, brief and very violent, not a dull moment to be found in this one which is good because I cannot buy Matt as a top-level heel. Those tights look cool but Matt’s gut spilling out of the tights is not so great. Regardless, Jeff and Matt bring the violence, they batter one another with the table spot and the finish both great visuals and great depictions of the hatred the two have for one another, that Twist of Fate for the finish should have been something they get over as it’s a great looking bump. Speaking of bumps, that Jeff Hardy leg drop looked horrific, I have no idea how he survived that without shattering everything he has below. Really good stuff here though, they didn’t waste time they just went from spot to spot filled with violence.


Winner: Matt Hardy over Jeff Hardy via Twist of Fate!


(WWE Intercontinental Championship Match) JBL © vs Rey Mysterio

Speaking earlier about Punk, Punk would win the Intercontinental Championship but here we are at Wrestlemania with JBL as Intercontinental Champion, perhaps a reward for how good the Rumble angle with HBK was? Maybe but JBL cuts a great heel promo before Mysterio comes down to the ring. The match starts with a big boot by JBL, clubbing blows in the corner by JBL. JBL asks for the referee to start the match officially, Mysterio slowly recovers. JBL gets caught with an enzuigiri and a dropkick, 619 and a Tadpole Splash and we have a new champion!


JBL away for the world championship is one of my favourite wrestlers because he’s a bully and works stiff and then gets embarrassed like that, fun stuff for the fans who probably wouldn’t have enjoyed a match between these two.


Winner: Rey Mysterio over JBL via Splash!


Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker

After Shawn Michaels freed himself from the clutches of JBL, there was only one goal in mind for Shawn Michaels and that was facing Undertaker at Wrestlemania. The undefeated streak against Mr. Wrestlemania, two men who have been kept separate for years on different brands. Forgot about the religious side to this with Michaels quoting bible passages, bold of Michaels to mock Taker. However, Michaels did tag with God one time so God is definitely down with HBK. What’s great about this too is Michaels is going to play up that heelish side of him that we see far too rarely during his second run in the company.


Great promo package and I am hyped, two of the greatest entrances I have ever seen here for this match. I rarely make mention of entrances but these are spectacular, Michaels descending from heaven dressed in white. Undertaker rises from hell to confront the man who says he does not fear The Deadman. Taker looks irate, Michaels is calm. Bell rings and neither man moves, both men showing immense respect to the other and not rushing in. Michaels has to use his speed, Michaels ducks the blows and lands chops. Michaels backs away again, Michaels is giving up ground constantly but right hands find their mark. Elbows and chops find the mark, Taker reverses and Irish whip but blocks the right hand. Taker grabs HBK by the throat, Michaels fires back and tells Taker to suck it before leapfrogging Taker. HBK feigns a knee injury before landing a Thesz Press and right hands, Taker decides to fire up and nail right hands.


Measured right hands and elbows by The Phenom, HBK blocks the whip. Michaels chops and chops Taker, Taker reverses the Irish whip. HBK bump into a back body-drop, military press slam and an elbow drop for two. Shoulder thrusts by Taker, Old School is the plan. It connects, Taker misses a big boot in the corner. Michaels goes after the knee, shin-breaker and a chop-block. Enzuigiri to the head by HBK, Michaels fights and fights before landing the figure-four leg-lock. Taker lands right hands to break the hold, low dropkick by Michaels. Taker catches Michaels and sends Michaels into the corner, right hands by Taker. Corner clotheslines by Taker, snake-eyes and a big boot connects. Leg drop for two, Taker calls for a Chokeslam. Michaels counters for a crossface. Michaels pulls and pulls, Taker struggles to wriggle free. Taker gets to his feet and lands a side-walk slam, both men exchange blows. HBK kicks Taker in the face but it has no effect, Michaels continues to chop Taker. Irish whip, Taker reverses but eats a flying forearm. Michaels kips up, Taker is knocked loopy. Inverted atomic drop, chop and another inverted atomic drop. HBK lands a big flying clothesline. HBK climbs to the top rope, Taker sets-up and Michaels dives into a choke-hold. Chokeslam is blocked, Sweet Chin Music is blocked, Michaels’ figure four is blocked while Taker succeeds with Hell’s Gate. Michaels scrambles and scrambles before reaching the ropes, both men are now on the floor.


Taker has Michaels on the apron, boot to the head by Taker. Apron leg-drop misses, Taker is down with a sore backside. Michaels lands a baseball slide, Michaels wants a moonsault to the floor and Taker swats away Michaels like a fly. Michaels teases being unable to continue, Taker sits up and decides it is time for something big. Taker runs the ropes and goes for his suicide dive and lands directly on the cameraman but as we see replays, Taker dives right onto his head in one of the most sickening dives we have ever seen in a wrestling ring. Michaels looks on at the damage, Michaels pulls up the referee. Michaels wants the count-out victory, Taker comes in at nine in a great dramatic spot considering how horrific that bump was to the floor.


Michaels looks distraught but also has sick grin on his face, Michaels wants to put down The Deadman. Taker cannot stand on his own, Michaels is caught though and a Chokeslam by Taker. 1….2….. Michaels kicks out! Taker looks at Michaels as if to say: “You want more”? Tombstone is blocked, Sweet Chin Music is blocked, Chokeslam is blocked and Sweet Chin Music connects! 1…..2… Taker kicks out! Michaels kips-up, Michaels is pissed off. Michaels looks down at Taker, Taker was playing possum. Chokeslam? No Taker kicks Michaels and wants The Last Ride, Michaels slips out for a sunset flip but Taker does not go down, The Last Ride. 1…..2… Michaels kicks out! Taker is climbing top rope?


Taker misses a diving elbow, both men are up to their feet. Taker side-steps Michaels, Michaels wants to skin the cat. Taker catches Michaels for the Tombstone Piledriver, 1…2… Michaels kicks out! Undertaker is in shock, how can this be? It is impossible! How can Michaels still be alive after all of that punishment? Is it Michaels’ night? Taker has a determined look on his face, Taker is calling for the end. Taker looks down at the broken body of HBK, Taker wanted a tombstone but HBK nails one hell of a DDT. Michaels crawls to the ropes, pulling himself up for an elbow. HBK fakes almost falling off before delivering a diving elbow drop into the heart of The Deadman. HBK has one more shot in him, one more tune to play. Sweet Chin Music to the point of the jaw, 1….2… Taker kicks out!


Crowd has been losing their mind for about ten minutes now, this is insanity. Both men are on their knees, chop by Michaels. Right hand by Taker, chop again by Michaels. Taker answers, HBK throws a bomb of his own. Taker wins that war of right hands, HBK chops back at Taker. Big boot by Taker, tombstone is escaped by Michaels. Taker reverses an Irish whip to the corner, Michaels boots Taker away. Both men collapse to the mat, Michaels climbs high and looks for a moonsault but Taker catches Michaels and Tombstones him for the win. 1…2…3!


What can you say about a match that is considered one of the greatest of all-time? I can’t really add much but I will let you know how incredible it is to see Taker blossom into someone who puts on fantastic matches because haven’t watched Taker from beginning to the end, it is shocking watching Taker go from some of the most boring matches I had to sit through to Mania classics, it’s almost like it is too different people while Michaels has been a pillar of excellence since about 1994, being a top-tier seller and dramatic moment making machine. Up there with Survivor Series 2003 and Summerslam 2002, this might be my favourite HBK performance. I am so sad knowing I won’t have much longer watching HBK as I go back through these years in WWE. If you haven’t seen this match, go out of your way to see it. It is incredible, one of the most edge of your seat matches of all-time.


Winner: Undertaker over Shawn Michaels via Tombstone Piledriver!


(WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match) Edge © vs John Cena vs The Big Show

Ah I do love triple threats involving Big Show because the man always delivers when it comes to triple threat matches. Why is The Big Show challenging for the championship? What gave Big Show the right to do so? Is it purely because Big Show was having an affair with Vickie? Anyways, John Cena blackmailed his way into this match because that’s what good guys do? It is so weird to me because I mean I really feel like Big Show is a non-factor for the last few months too but it is what it is at this point, they changed around the champions and not for the better as we will soon see as the night ends.


Hmm I wonder who could be winning? Could it be the two shlubs with no special entrances or the challenger with his own special entrance? Hmm decisions, decisions. We start with Cena going after Show & Edge, Cena shows his speed and nails a bulldog. Show smacks Cena away with a shoulder block, Edge wants to work with Show. Show drops Edge onto the top rope and damages his special parts, massive chest chop from Show. Cena wants an FU but Show boots down Cena with Edge falling to the floor. Show clubs Cena and steps all over Cena, Vickie is in a wheelchair with Chavo at ringside. Well done Chavo on that payday, Show continues stepping all over Cena. Cena fights back but Show sends Cena into the air. Show misses a boot and crotches himself on the top rope. Edge dropkicks the steel steps into the knees of Show, Cena lands his Kobashi-style leg-drop on Show to the floor.


Cena wants the AA but Edge counters for an Impaler DDT for two, Edge decides to climb high. Cena is too quick, Edge is knocked to the floor. Show lands a sidewalk slam on Cena for two, Cena fights back against Show before Chavo pulls Cena. Cena lands an AA on Chavo, shoulder block on Show. Show is caught in the ropes, Cena lands shoulder blocks to Edge. Spinning side slam, Five Knuckle Shuffle by Cena. Vickie is on her feet, a miracle. Edge Spears Vickie into Chavo, Cena rolls-up Edge for two. Cena & Edge land clotheslines on one another, Show is freed from the ropes by the referee. Show lands a double shoulder block, headbutt on Cena. Headbutts to Edge, corner chest slaps. Hip splash in the corner, Show wants a double chokeslam. Edge gets planted, Cena countered but Show lands his Knock-out Punch. Cena rolls to the floor wisely, Edge counters a chokeslam with a DDT. Edge is pulling steel steps closer to Show, Edge takes a massive run-up and Spears Show through the barricade. Edge tries dragging Show but that doesn’t work at all, Edge rolls Cena into the ring for two.


Edge measures for a Spear, Cena counters with an STF. Edge is in the middle of the ring, Edge is dragged into the middle of the ring. Show is on his feet, Show saves Edge and headbutts Cena. Show wants a Vader Splash but Edge dodges, Cena is back up and wants a suplex. Edge & Cena work together and suplex Show, Edge & Cena are shocked that they worked together. Double clothesline, Show is on the floor. Edge lands a big boot on Cena for two, Edge O Matic is blocked by Cena. Throwback, Show shoves Cena into a Spear by Edge. Show pulls out Edge, chop to Edge. Whip to the buckle, Edge boots Show and applies a sleeper. Show has Edge on his back, Cena lifts up the two briefly before AAing Show. Cena AAs Edge onto Show and pins Show for the win.


Little anti-climatic considering what I saw especially when the announcers act like Cena carried both for ages when it was simply not the case. Not sure about the hot potato of the championship either. It’s great for Cena and a moment for the fans but I can’t help but feel Jeff Hardy could have had his moment in the sun. I think they were in a difficult spot anyways, nobody could follow that Taker vs HBK match but I just felt it never kicked into high gear for me. Great for Cena who came back so fast from a serious injury and continues to be the man in WWE.


Winner: John Cena over Everyone Else via AA!


(WWE Championship Match) Triple H © vs Randy Orton

Randy Orton won the Royal Rumble, Orton had taken out Vince Mcmahon. Orton was as hot as anyone could have been in WWE at that time, Orton took out Shane Mcmahon too. Orton reached another level when Orton would wipe out Stephanie Mcmahon, Triple H would attack Dibiase & Rhodes and things would hit another level when Stephanie put herself in Orton’s path a second time. Orton would kiss the unconscious wife of Triple H too. Orton had hit ungodly levels of bastard in this era.


There is no way Orton can lose right? Jokes aside, it was great to feel something for babyface Triple H because it is a rare time where The King of Kings actually looked vulnerable. Mr. Sledgehammer was never really a fan of appearing weak, the WWE Championship of Cena’s design looks so weird in other wrestlers’ hands. Both men stare one another down, Triple H starts with a tackle. Right hands but the fans seem silent in a way, Triple H punches down Orton. Triple H pushes the referee and stomps Orton in the corner, an RKO drops Triple H. The fans aren’t so sure how to react seeing a finisher this early into the match. Orton misses a punt and Triple H lands a Pedigree and both men are down.


Orton has such a funny way of selling during this time, fans really do not know how to react to finishers five seconds into a match. Fans seem a little confused sadly, Triple H has Orton on the announce table. Triple H uses water at ringside to wake himself up, nice logical part there. We are back to Triple H pummeling Orton, Orton is on the floor. Orton is on his knees asking for mercy, Orton is stomped. Why would Triple H wait anyways? Triple H knees Orton in the head over and over, clothesline to the back of the head. Neck-breaker, Orton manages to turn the tide and beats the crap out of Triple H with right hands. Kicks to the ribs and right hands by Orton, reverse chin-lock but Triple H counters with a belly to back suplex.


Orton counters with a powerslam for two, reverse chin-lock. Orton continues to nail right hands in the corner, Triple H fights back from the right hands. High knee from Triple H, corner clothesline. Face-buster by Triple H, Orton counters with a catapult. Triple H answers with a clothesline, Orton manages to flapjack Triple H. Pedigree is countered with a jackknife cover for two, RKO is blocked and Triple H goes for a schoolboy for two. Orton kicks Triple H in the face, Triple H answers with a spine-buster. Pedigree is blocked again as Orton lands an inverted back-breaker, two for Orton. Dropkick floors Triple H, Orton measures for the punt. Triple H counters, Orton is caught. Triple H walks forward through punches and flips Orton to the floor.


Triple H has a monitor an thinks about it but decides ultimately not to do so, Triple H boots Orton in the head. Triple H wants a Pedigree, Orton back-drops Triple H onto the second announce table. Orton looks on, devious look in his eyes. Orton DDT on the floor, Triple H looks unconscious. Triple H makes it in at nine but does not have the same effect as Taker coming in at nine earlier in the night. Orton does his best Garvin stomp, Triple H is barely conscious at this point. Measured right hands from Orton, Orton sends Triple H into the referee. RKO but there is no referee now, Orton wants to do something dastardly. Orton grabs the sledgehammer, Orton was slow entering the ring so Triple H Punts Orton’s head.


Triple H has the sledgehammer, Orton is waffled in the face with the sledgehammer. Fans are reacting to something, maybe they thought there would be a run-in but nope, nothing is coming here. Triple H throws massive right hands at a prone Orton who cannot defend himself at this point. Orton cannot defend himself, a Pedigree ends the match.


Yeah not a big fan of this match at all, Taker vs Michaels should have ended the night for sure, it was an incredible affair but this match is just so disappointing. Orton was white-hot, it was time for Orton to triumph over everyone, let Orton continue the dominance he began before his injury and allow Orton to carve out just what he spoke about: his Legacy. Triple H could have lost the championship if he was disqualified, it’s talked about in the beginning and never really brought up again after that. Why would Orton not try to get Triple H disqualified? Orton’s pride? But we know Orton has no pride so why not go there? The sledgehammer to the face should have been the exclamation point on this feud, Triple H avenging Stephanie by striking Orton with the very weapon that Orton had tortured Triple H but Triple H just keeps punching him after, I get the intention of him wanting to pulverize Orton but the crowd just are not responding. A happy ending to Mania is always appealing but could you have had Orton win here and Taker vs HBK be the match that steals the show and main events? Yes you could have and it’s hard to look at this match as nothing more than getting a decision completely and utterly wrong.


Winner: Triple H over Randy Orton via Pedigree!


That was WWE’s Wrestlemania 25, a very watchable Wrestlemania that you can fly through with minimal suffering, the Money In The Bank has a few subdued performances but the big and bright spots shine through when needed, Benjamin doing his insane dives and Kofi Kingston stealing the show with some crazy athleticism come to mind, Punk wins which is a good way to rehab him after never officially losing his world championship and never having the chance to recapture said championship. Fans wanted Christian but Captain Charisma is being left on ECW for now. The Divas battle royal is insulting to every female who participates it, you don’t get full entrances for anyone so nobody gets a good pop, some people are dumped out in seconds and the match is won by a man in drag. Trish was right to not come back for it, very smart woman. From a match quality standpoint, things do not improve as Jericho takes on three WWE legends with two of the legends Piper and Snuka barely able to move. Very sad to watch really, Steamboat comes in and rolls back the clock with some beautiful highlights, it was good when Steamboat was in there but everything else was horrific.


We move onto Hardy vs Hardy, it is a spotfest and brutal. I love the intensity considering Matt tried to burn down Jeff’s house in story-line, they beat the piss out of one another and as usual, Jeff takes some insane risks. That missed leg-drop looked horrific for the spine and the finish is brutal looking, really worthy of the feud. I am not sure how much they can get out of heel Matt Hardy though, something magical happened with that ECW championship run where the fans just went all in on Matt but as a heel, I don’t think he’s capable of getting the same type of reaction. I still think Jeff got shafted on his way to Mania and didn’t have a standout recovery moment like Edge who was in a similar situation but had the win over Mick Foley and the table spot to ease the pain, interesting to see where Jeff continues to go following Mania. Mysterio vs JBL is too brief to rate but having watched JBL outside of the title picture for many years now, I do find his work fun to watch and the way he retired was perfect for him. Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels is one of the greatest matches of all-time, I cannot do it justice it is the blueprint for excellent WWE matches. Two titans of the sport, two men who steal the show at Mania, multiple kick-outs, timing is perfect. Nobody could follow it and it eats the two championship matches alive. The World Heavyweight Championship triple threat doesn’t find the mark for me, Big Show in triple threats is my thing but it never gets going. I don’t think Edge or Cena went out with the mindset of making something amazing, the biggest reaction is for a spot that doesn’t even take place. It just seemed like your average PPV match and wasn’t fitting at Mania, could have had time issues considering the monster length of HBK vs Taker but I would still prefer Wrestlemania 22’s triple threat over this one. The WWE Championship match is just odd, Orton was super over and was pushed as the guy, tremendous heat on the guy for what he did to The Mcmahons. Triple H is the champion, Orton should be winning this match and carrying it at least to Summerslam with revenge taking place there but no, Orton loses the match that he needs to win. Did it destroy Orton’s career? No of course not it is not that dramatic but how could Triple H not learn from 5 years previous? Why is Orton’s momentum being cut again? Stupidly long match with two men who love the word methodical and it’s just the wrong winner end of the day. All in all, a very easily digestible Wrestlemania with plenty of good and plenty of bad, the quality of the shows is quite good and I would say apart from the weird world championship swapping and hot-shotting, I think WWE is looking healthy entering 2009, a lot of young talent and new talent coming to the front in WWE. Thanks for taking the time to read like always and remember: there’s always another night!

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