Sunday, 29 September 2019

WWF Survivor Series 1988 Review

Image result for wwf survivor series 1988

Hello and welcome to another edition of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the internet that is more dead in the water than the WWE’s Women’s Tag Team Division! It’s WWF Survivor Series 1988! The Mega-Powers, The Ultimate Warrior, Rick Rude, Jake Roberts and many, many more. All the matches tonight are Survivor Series Elimination matches which means long-ass matches which might just wipe me out when I think about it but all your favourite WWF Superstars will be in action trying to survive! Will Survivor Series 1988 match Summerslam? Let’s find out!

Team Ultimate Warrior & Brutus Beefcake (Ultimate Warrior/Brutus Beefcake/Blue Blazer/Sam Heuston/Jumpin Jeff Brunzell) vs Team Honky Tonk & Greg Valentine (Honky Tonk Man/Greg Valentine/Dangerous Danny Davis/Bad News Brown/Outlaw Ron Bass)

What’s nice about this match is everyone has issues with one another coming into the match, Bass assaulting Beefcake on Main Event and Warrior beating Honky Tonk at Summerslam for example. Valentine and Beefcake begin the match, former tag team partners swinging at one another. Valentine whips Beefcake to the ropes, Davis nails a boot from the apron. Tag to Davis, Irish whip reversal, leapfrog and a Sleeper, Davis is in trouble. Davis is out-cold and we have an elimination!

Danny Davis Has Been Eliminated Via Sleeper!

Valentine takes out Beefcake, softening up the legs of Beefcake. Figure four is blocked, tag to The Blue Blazer. Blazer nails a nice headscissors, arm-wrench and tag to Brunzell. No Brian Blair, Valentine pummels his way out of the arm-wrench. Side headlock from Valentine, tag to Brown. Brunzell dropkicks Valentine, not seeing Brown coming into the match. Double team clothesline by the heels, Brown rakes the eyes. Headbutt and boot from Brown, scoop slam and fist drop from Brown. Brunzell rakes the eyes but Brown maintains control, Brown rams Brunzell into the corner.

The two trade blows, eye rake from Brown. Irish whip to the corner, counter by Brunzell, Brunzell misses a running splash which leaves Brunzell opn to The Ghetto Blaster, Brown connects and evens up the match for his team.

Jim Brunzell Has Been Eliminated!

Sam Heuston comes into the match, a house of fire before Brown cuts off Heuston with a boot. Massive right hands from Brown, whip to the corner and  a clothesline floors Heuston. Tag to Valentine, right hand floors Heuston. Brown is tagged into the match, Valentine nails Brown by mistake which pisses off Brown big time. Bass and Honky try to stop the two brawling but Brown says he has had enough, screw team Honky Tonk Man.

Bad News Brown Has Been Eliminated Via Count-Out!

Valentine is almost rolled up by Heuston before a tag to Bass leads to a beatdown for the youngster. O Connor roll from Heuston but Bass powers out, boot out of the corner from Bass. Lariat from Bass, two for Bass. Bass slams Heuston into the mat for two, Irish whip to the corner. High crossbody counter from Heuston for two, Irish whip and forearm shot by Bass. Elbow drop for two, Heuston avoids a back drop, nailing right hands. A monkey flip is countered by Bass for  a Powerslam, Heuston is out of this match.

Sam Heuston Has Been Eliminated!

Warrior comes in, running wild, shoulder blocks all around and a choke to Honky. Warrior slams Bass, in comes Blazer with a splash for two. Bass tags Honky, crossbody and dropkicks from Blazer leads to Honky tagging Valentine. Leapfrogs and gutwrench suplex on Valentine, Blazer nails a big scoop slam. Blazer is shoved off the top rope by Honky, Blazer clutches his knees which leads to a Figure Four from Valentine, Blazer is out of the match.

Blue Blazer Has Been Eliminated!

Beefcake is in the ring, Valentine elbows Beefcake before tagging Bass. Tag to Honky, Honky tees off on Beefcake. Tag to Valentine, Team Honky beatdown Beefcake behind the referee’s back. Honky looks for his finish but Beefcake back drops Honky. In comes Bass, stun-gun from Bass for two. Honky is tagged in, a double axe handle does not work for Honky, right hands by Beefcake. Clothesline from Beefcake, Irish whip into The Sleeper! Honky rolls to the floor avoiding being pinned, the two begin brawling on the floor and both men have been counted out of this match.

Brutus Beefcake & Honky Tonk Man Have Been Eliminated Via Count-Out!

Warrior is all alone against Bass & Valentine, Bass elbows and chokes Warrior. Tag to Valentine, elbow to the face of Warrior. Warrior comes back against Valentine before an Irish whip to the corner. Bass nails a cheap shot but Warrior ducks the clothesline attempt, double clothesline by Warrior. Axe handle on Bass for the elimination. Valentine misses a clothesline and eats an axe handle of his own, The Ultimate Warrior has defeated both his opponents!

That was a fun opening match, I enjoyed the little feuds and spots featured in the match. Davis being over-confident and being the first eliminated was great stuff, Blazer injuring his knee which led to the Figure Four was also good stuff! Owen Hart was so ahead of his time here, his matches with the likes of Liger and others in NJPW and Stampede Wrestling gave him such a unique style in the WWF at this time, shame the character was given more because Owen was awesome in this match. Warrior stands tall and does not pin Honky, Honky and Bad News Brown are protected by count-out finishes which is great for building potential angles down the road, we could always have that rematch for the championship between Honky and Warrior and just how bad of a man is Bad News Brown? The match has left me wanting more, mission accomplished!

Winner: The Ultimate Warrior Over Honky Tonk Man Via Survival!

Team Demolition (Demolition/The Bolsheviks/The Brainbusters/Los Conquistadores/ The Rougeau Brothers) vs Team Power Of Pain (Powers Of Pain/The Rockers/The Wild Stallions/The Hart Foundation/The British Bulldogs)

That’s an awful lot of tag teams, God help me with documenting this match. Interestingly, we get to see Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard on WWF pay per view while this would be our WWF pay per view introduction to one Shawn Michaels. Davey Boy and Uno shall begin the match, scoop slam by Davey Boy. Uno tags Jacque, military press slam by Davey Boy, slamming Jacque into Raymond. Next, we have Michaels and Volkoff, Volkoff tags Zhukov. Zhukov misses a corner splash, Jannetty and Michaels chop down Zhukov. Ax and Jannetty brawl, Ax wins that war. Anderson comes in, Jannetty dropkicks and back drops Anderson which leads to Blanchard coming into the match.

Jannetty and the babyfaces pummel Blanchard which leads to Jacque coming into the match. Irish whip into the corner, Jacque tries a crossbody but Jannetty dodges, tag to Dynamite. Snap suplex and tag to Powers, Jacque tags in Raymond. Dynamite and Raymond battle, shoulder block from Dynamite. Raymond sends Dynamite into the corner, Dynamite avoids the shoulder thrust for a sunset flip, two count for Dynamite. Powers and Zhukov brawl briefly before Smash smacks down Powers before a dropkick from Jacque. Bret and Jacque are in the ring now, flying elbow from Jacque for two. Jacque tags Raymond, Irish whip and Bret small packages Raymond for the elimination.

The Rougeau Brothers Have Been Eliminated Via Small Package!

Volkoff enters the ring, Bret applies an arm-wrench before tagging in Roma, Roma nails a diving double axe handle and grabs the arm of Volkoff. Eye poke from Volkoff, Volkoff rams Roma off the turnbuckle before Roma blocks Vokoff and nails a top rope crossbody. Roma tags Neidhart, dropkick to Volkoff. Volkoff tags in Smash, Neidhart tags in Barbarian, Dos eats a big boot from Barbarian. Tag to Warlord, Warlord stomps Dos, tag to The Hitman. Dos takes a punch and tags Smash, Smash applies an arm-wrench. Tag to Ax, Demolition beat down Bret. Bret fires back at Ax, Irish whip to the corner but Ax cuts off Bret with a knee. In comes Blanchard, Irish whip but Bret fires out of the corner with a clothesline. Bret tags Michaels, Blanchard tags Smash.

Demolition beat down Michaels, Irish whip and Smash brings Michaels to the corner, the heels batter Michaels. Volkoff is the legal man, military press into the backbreaker. Irish whip, knee lift from Volkoff. Blanchard is the legal man, tag to Anderson and Spinebuster for two. Uno tags in, right hands to Michaels. Scoop slam for two, Michaels tags Jannetty. Irish whip into a powerslam, right hand and Uno tags Dos. Knees to the ribs by Dos, hiptoss is countered and Jannetty lands a scoop slam for two. Tag to Volkoff, Irish whip but Jannetty dives through the legs and nails a dropkick for two. Roma is in the ring now, arm-wrench and tag to Davey Boy.

Scoop slam for two, Volkoff nails a heel kick, smashing Davey Boy into the heel corner. Blanchard is legal, back body drop and a series of elbows, Davey Boy avoids the third elbow. Both teams make tags, Warlord and Uno are legal. Warlord military presses Uno, we have Ax and Warlord. They trade blows, Ax loses the war, tagging Smash. Smash is caught by the boot by Warlord, Warlord tags Barbarian. Irish whip, flying enzuigiri by Barbarian. The two trade bombs, knees from Smash. Tag to Blanchard, military press slam from Barbarian. Tag to Neidhart, running powerslam for two.

Neidhart tags Dynamite, Blanchard pulls Dynamite to the floor. Anderson is legal now, kicks to Dynamite’s head. Tag to Dos, Dos stomps Dynamite which leads to a tag to Zhukov. Zhukov misses a knee drop, Dynamite tags Powers. Powers nails a back body drop, Irish whip to a corner. Diving crossbody from Powers goes wrong as Zhukov rolls through to eliminate The Wild Stallions.

The Wild Stallions Have Been Eliminated!

Michaels comes in, diving fist drop on Zhukov. Tag to Barbarian, flying shoulder tackle. Zhukov tags Blanchard, Blanchard tags Volkoff. Lock-up, Barbarian shoves down Volkoff. Volkoff knees Barbarian allowing for a tag to Ax, Ax beats down Barbarian. Uno and Volkoff make quick tags, headbutts by Volkoff. Barbarian fights back, big boot knocks down Volkoff. Michaels comes in attacking Zhukov who tagged in on Volkoff. Jannetty blinds tag in off Michaels, diving sunset flip for the elimination, The Bolsheviks are out of here!

The Bolsheviks Have Been Eliminated!

Uno and Jannetty are now in the ring, Uno attempts a back-body drop but Jannetty counters for a sunset flip, two for Jannetty as Uno scratches the eyes. Tag to Dos, big back-body drop by Dos. Tag to Ax, Ax pummels Jannetty before  a tag to Anderson. Irish whip looking for the spinebuster but Jannetty rams Anderson’s head into the ring-mat. Davey Boy tags in as does Blanchard, Blanchard whips Davey Boy into the turnbuckle. Knee to the face, tag to Smash. Smash with the snap-mare, front chancery into the heel corner.

Uno and Davey Boy square off, Irish whip to the corner. Davey Boy kicks away Uno, tag to Neidhart who combines with Bret for a backbreaker and elbow combination. Tag to Michaels, dropkick from Michaels. Tag to Jannetty, flying reverse elbow, Jannetty tags Dynamite. Snap suplex, Dynamite climbs the middle rope for a knee drop. Two for Dynamite, backbreaker for two. Tag to Barbarian, clothesline from Barbarian. Blanchard tags in from Uno, Blanchard asks Heenan for advice, Blanchard lures in Barbarian. Knees and right hands before Demolition beat down Barbarian. Reverse chin-lock from Smash, Barbarian powers out of the hold. Smash maintains control, tagging in Anderson.

Anderson scores with a few cheap shots before a tag to Dos, Dos is caught for an inverted atomic drop before Ax blind tags in, saving Dos. The Brainbusters make quick tags, an Anderson spinebuster goes wrong as Barbarian counters with a kick, Jannetty and Neidhart make quick tags assaulting Anderson before Anderson takes down Neidhart, tagging in Blanchard. Blanchard nails a diving crossbody for two before The Hart Foundation take turns battering Blanchard. Right hands by Bret, Blanchard whips Bret to the corner, Bret leapfrogs Blanchard nailing a German suplex but Bret’s shoulders were down while Blanchard got one shoulder up, The Hart Foundation are gone!

The Hart Foundation Have Been Eliminated!

The Brainbusters and The Rockers lose control and begin to destroy one another, the referees have been knocked down multiple times by both teams which means The Brainbusters and The Rockers are gone from this match for their behaviour inside of that ring, they continue brawling to the back.

The Brainbusters & The Rockers Have Been Eliminated!

In the ring, Smash and Dynamite go to war. Flying crossbody by Dynamite, two for Dynamite. Smash tags Uno, Uno misses a top rope senton. In comes Warlord, quick slam before a tag to Barbarian. Boot by Barbarian, Uno tags Dos while Davey Boy is tagged in by Barbarian. Davey Boy suplexes Dos, Dos tags Smash. Davey Boy arm-drags Smash, tag to Dynamite. Davey Boy comes in and Uno comes in for the heels, military press slam by Davey Boy. Running Powerslam by Davey Boy, tag to Barbarian. Double headbutt, Uno tags Ax. Ax stomps all over Barbarian after a pin attempt, tag to Smash. Barbarian is on the floor, tag to Dos. Dos stomps Barbarian and tags Uno, right hands and a dropkick by Uno.

Barbarian fires back at Uno, tag to Davey Boy. Double elbow for two, tag to Dynamite. Gutwrench suplex for two, falling headbutt by Dynamite for two. Tag to Warlord, knee drop. Tag to Dynamite, Dynamite eats a massive boot to the head. Dynamite battles back but misses a diving headbutt allowing Ax to nails a Lariat for the elimination.

The British Bulldogs Have Been Eliminated!

Ax and Warlord are in the ring, Ax smacks down Warlord. Smash beats down Warlord, Uno & Dos trade tags smacking Warlord. Ax comes in, snap-mare and an arm-wrench. Smash comes in, Fuji is on the apron. Arm-wrench from Smash, Warlord battles out and shoulder blocks Smash. Smash fires back with a clothesline, Smash is tripped over the rope by Fuji, was it an accident? Smash falls down hard and is counted out by the referee. Ax has words with Fuji, Fuji smacks Ax, Fuji is no longer with Demolition as Ax slams Fuji on the canvas.

Demolition Have Been Eliminated!

The Powers of Pain help Fuji to his feet, what is going on in this match? Warlord and Barbarian are helping Fuji over to their corner. Uno and Dos are beating down Barbarian, Irish whip is reversed with Fuji tripping Dos. Barbarian nails a falling headbutt for the win. Demolition and Powers of Pain brawl after the match has ended!

Mercifully, it comes to an end. I am all for a classic tag team Survivor Series Style elimination match but this was ridiculous. This went for what seemed like forever and the feuds that were intertwined with the match never raised this match for me, it just seemed like a rinse and repeat. Irish whip, bump, tag and on and on and on and on and God Damn On! The only thing notable about this match as the turn of Mr Fuji on Demolition and it was done in such an awkward manner that the camera missed it and that the fans had no idea who to cheer or boo when it came to The Powers Of Pain and Demolition, the finish and brawl after the match made nothing clearer!

Winners: The Powers Of Pain Via Survival!

Team Andre The Giant (Andre The Giant/Dino Bravo/Rick Rude/Harley Race/Mr. Perfect) vs Team Jake Roberts (Jake Roberts/Jim Duggan/Tito Santana/Ken Patera/Tito Santana/Scott Casey)

Patera and Rude start, Patera pushes down Rude. Rude says Patera grabbed the hair, Rude tags in Bravo. Bravo and Patera fight briefly, Perfect comes in for Team Andre. Patera lifts Perfect to the babyface corner, Roberts comes in wrenching the arm. Tag to Santana, Perfect shoulder blocks Santana. Arm-drag and scoop slam from Santana. Santana eats an elbow from Perfect, Bravo comes in for a beatdown of Santana. Casey comes in but eats an inverted atomic drop from Bravo, belly to belly suplex from Race.

Knee drop and suplex from Race, tag to Rude. Scoop slam and elbow to the throat, two for Rude. Rude tags Perfect, massive clothesline. Casey escapes to tag Santana, Santana tags Patera. Double Elbow to Perfect, tag to Duggan. Axe handle from Duggan, Irish whip to the corner is reversed but Duggan explodes out with a clothesline. Perfect fires back at Duggan, Duggan shakes off the right hands. Perfect is smacked to the outside, arm-wrench from Duggan. Tag to Casey, hammer-lock scoop slam. Casey misses a leg drop, being dragged to the heels’ corner. In comes Rude, clothesline and pose from Rude.

Rude misses a corner clothesline, Casey tags in Santana. Irish whip and Flying Forearm from Santana for two. Irish whip to the babyface corner, tag to Duggan. Irish whip, Rude ducks the clothesline but eats a scoop slam, Duggan misses an elbow though. Rude rakes the eyes, both men shoulder block one another. Patera tags in, snap-mare and elbow to the nose. Irish whip to the corner, Patera comes crashing into Rude’s knees. Rude Awakening and it’s all over for Patera.

Ken Patera Has Been Eliminated!

Casey attempts to take control but Rude drags Casey to the corner and tags in Race. Irish whip by Race and a huge dropkick, elbow drop too. Tag to Bravo, Bravo stomps and chops Casey. Casey backslide pins Bravo for two off an Irish whip, another Irish whip. O Connor roll does not go well for Casey, Sidewalk Slam from Dino Bravo and it’s all over for Casey.

Scott Casey Has Been Eliminated!

In comes Santana, looking to start a comeback for Team Duggan. Bravo tags in Perfect, Perfect takes the back but Santana elbows his way out and tries a small package for two. Santana grabs a front chancery, in comes Duggan. Irish whip by Duggan, Duggan lowers the head and boot by Perfect. Duggan mounts a comeback but Andre grabs Duggan from the apron. Headbutt floors Duggan, Perfect nails Duggan with right hands. Rick Rude receives the tag, Rude eats a massive clothesline. Race comes in but so does Santana, shoulder thrusts by Race. Race drags Santana to the heel corner, in comes Bravo. Bravo misses clotheslines before a crossbody from Santana for two.

Bravo misses a corner spear, sunset flip from Santana for two. Bravo stops the tag, Race is the legal man. Piledriver for two, massive clothesline from Race for two. Race misses a clothesline as Santana ducks, Flying Forearm from Santana and The Former King Harley Race is gone!

Harley Race Has Been Eliminated!

Andre comes in, choking the life out of Santana. Massive chops and Santana is down, Andre drops all his weight on Santana’s chest twice. Bravely, Santana is fighting back but Andre clubs down Santana, Irish whip and Andre sits down on Santana after a failed sunset flip.

Tito Santana Has Been Eliminated!

Duggan charges in at Andre, Andre is tied up in the ropes from a clothesline. Duggan tags in Roberts, Roberts pummels all the heels. Roberts chokes Andre, everyone on Team Andre are trying to save Andre. Andre breaks free, headbutt and tag to Rude. Rude whips Roberts to the corner, Rude poses for everyone. Another Irish whip, Rude tags in Perfect. Perfect stomps all over The Snake, choke using the bottom rope by Perfect. Rope hung guillotine by Perfect, Andre stomps on Roberts’ head from the apron.

Perfect slaps Roberts over and over, Roberts is battling back and trying to reach Duggan. Perfect tags Bravo, Roberts pummels Bravo. Short-arm clothesline, Bravo avoids the DDT thanks to Rude who clotheslines Roberts from the apron. Rude tags into the match, Roberts takes a beatdown from The Ravishing One. A huge right hand floors Roberts, two for Rude as Roberts reaches the ropes with his foot. Rude tags in Bravo, Bravo piledrivers Roberts but the ropes save Roberts again. Scoop slam from Bravo, Bravo misses two elbow drops as Roberts tags Duggan.

Duggan whips Bravo to the corner, big back body-drop and ten punches in the corner. Irish whip to the opposite corner, clothesline by Duggan. Duggan wants his three-point stance tackle but Frenchy drags Duggan out of the ring, Bravo scoop slams Duggan on the floor so Duggan snaps and grabs his 2x4 and wallops Bravo for the DQ.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan Has Been Eliminated!

Roberts is all alone, Roberts wants a piece of Perfect. Rude and Heenan talk strategy with Perfect, lock-up with Perfect eating right hands from a cornered Roberts. Clothesline from Roberts, Roberts stands his ground. Perfect and Roberts trade right hands, Roberts wins the war. Knee lift from Roberts, the chants for DDT continue to grow louder throughout the arena. Here comes Bravo, Bravo corners Roberts. The two lock-up, Bravo out-powers Roberts. Roberts is back to his feet, kick to the ribs and a DDT attempt but Bravo back-drops Roberts.

Rude is now the legal man, Roberts stays in his corner suckering in Rude. Rude rakes the eyes and slams Roberts into the turnbuckle. Roberts sells his disorientation as Rude continues to smack around Roberts. Gut-buster from Rude, Rude stamps on the face of Roberts. Slaps and taunting from Rude, Roberts is battling back from his knees. Rude gouges the eyes to maintain control, Irish whip to the corner. Roberts hits the corner hard, Rude whips Roberts hard once more. Scoop slam and a bearhug, all the work targeting the back of The Snake.

Snap-mare from Rude and a diving fist drop to Roberts, Rude poses on top of Roberts. Roberts pulls down Rude’s pants, exposing his bottom to the world which embarrasses Rude who tries to fix his pants which leads to a beautiful DDT for the elimination.

Ravishing Rick Rude Has Been Eliminated!

In comes Andre, Andre chokes Roberts in the corner. Andre bites and chokes Roberts in the corner. Andre chokes the life out of Roberts in the corner, Andre was humiliated at the hands of Roberts on Saturday Night’s Main Event. Andre may have been disqualified but there is no life left in Jake Roberts as Perfect enters the ring and pins The Snake, Perfect and Dino Bravo are your survivors in this match!

For me, this match begins when Jake is all alone against four members of Team Andre. Roberts is a master of psychology inside of that squared circle, you can see that on full-display in this scenario. Roberts is reluctant to engage with any wrestler in that ring outside of his territory which is that corner where his teammates once stood, The Snake measures the risk against the reward when battling any heel that entered that ring, struggling to keep the fight in that neutral corner to avoid being battered by the heels. Roberts leaves the ring at one point for a breather, a normally heelish manoeuvre but it makes so much sense here, Roberts needs to catch his breath if he is to have any hope in this match. Love Rude’s elimination, Rude’s over-confidence leads to a DDT which Rude sells to perfection and then, the finish with Andre getting his hands on Jake for Jake scaring Andre with the snake. Andre’s rage over being embarrassed culminating in a DQ for Andre but Andre’s team wins and Jake knows that Andre is nowhere done with him. This had so much story-telling and psychology compared to the first two matches that it is simply unfair to compare as this was great.

Winners: Mr. Perfect & Dino Bravo over Everyone Else via Survival!

Team Akeem (Akeem/Big Bossman/Ted Dibiase/King Haku/Red Rooster) vs Team Mega-Powers (Hulk Hogan/Randy Savage/Hercules Hernandez/Koko B Ware/Hillbilly Jim)

Hogan getting a separate entrance to his team? Well, this might be an issue down the line! Anyways Savage and Hogan want Akeem and Bossman, the teams settle down and it looks like we are ready to start. Savage and Dibiase begin the match, shoulder block by Savage. Clothesline by Dibiase, rights and lefts by Dibiase. Savage dodges a corner clothesline, jabs from Savage and hangman’s neckbreaker. Hercules is tagged in, Dibiase runs far away as The Rooster comes into the match.

Rooster whips Hercules, Hercules avoids a hip-toss and scores with a clothesline. Tag to Koko, Irish whip to the corner. Rooster blocks with a boot, Akeem is now the legal man. Akeem beats down Koko, tag to King Haku. Throat thrust, scoop slam by Haku. Haku misses a leg drop, Koko tags in Hercules. Rights and lefts by Hercules, tag to Hogan. Hogan nails right hands, axe-bomber from Hogan. Multiple elbow drops and a rake with the foot, Hogan tags in Hillbilly Jim. Double big boot by Hillbilly Jim, headbutt against Haku does not work.

Haku tags Akeem who quickly tags in Rooster. Scoop slam does not work as Jim slams Rooster. Stomp to the ribs by Jim, tag to Koko. Irish whip and powerslam by Koko for two, Rooster lures in Koko to the corner. Koko fights back, fake diving crossbody but Koko connects with the missile dropkick. Hogan receives the tag, right hands and big boot by Hogan. Tag to Savage, scoop slam and Flying Elbow Drop ends the night for The Red Rooster.

The Red Rooster Has Been Eliminated!

The babyfaces celebrate with the heels talking strategy, how will Heenan deal with his protégé becoming the first elimination from this high-profile main event. Savage and Haku lock-up, Haku sends Savage to the ropes which allows a Hogan tag. Hogan stands toe to toe with Haku, Irish whip and dropkick by Haku. Chops to the back of the head from Haku, Irish whip reversal from Hogan. Clothesline by Hogan, tag to Hercules. Elbow drops by Hercules, Hercules applies a side headlock which leads to a back suplex from Haku. Haku tags Akeem, Akeem nails a huge scoop slam but Hercules avoids an elbow drop. Hercules tags Jim, Irish whip by Jim to the corner but Akeem counters. Akeem eats a big boot, Jim is backed into the corner by Akeem. Another Irish whip reversal leads to a clothesline from Akeem, Akeem splashes Jim and it’s over for the country boy!

Hillbilly Jim Has Been Eliminated!

Koko dropkicks Akeem from behind, rights and lefts to Akeem. Tag to Hogan, Hogan rams Akeem into the turnbuckle, tag to Savage. Savage nails a top rope diving axe handle. Elbow to the head, make it two. Hercules enters the match, rights and lefts from Hercules stagger Akeem but Akeem stands tall. Irish whip and a reverse elbow, tag to Koko. Jabs from Koko, massive dropkick to the corner. Koko misses a corner splash, allowing Akeem to tag The Bossman. Bossman Slam on Koko, bye by to The Birdman.

Koko B Ware Has Been Eliminated!

Hogan enters the ring, wanting a piece of Bossman. Lock-up, eye-rake from Bossman. Hogan battles back with right hands, Irish whip and an axe-bomber. Atomic drop to Bossman, Bossman is pummelled by all the babyfaces. Corner clothesline, Hogan bites the head of Bossman. Big boot from Hogan, Hogan calls for a slam. Scoop slam on Bossman, a shoulder block does not budge Bossman as Bossman counters with a spinebuster. Bossman tags Akeem, double reverse elbow by the duo. Akeem tags Haku, slam from Haku before a quick tag to Bossman. Bossman nails a knee across the back, Bossman stands on Hogan’s throat before a tag to Dibiase.

Dibiase tags in, big clothesline to Hogan. Fist Drops from Dibiase, Dibiase stands proudly over Hogan, cover and a two for Dibiase. Hogan is Hulking Up, atomic drop for Dibiase. Hercules comes in for retribution on Dibiase, back-drop from Hercules. Dibiase is rocked, lefts from Hercules. Knee lift from Hercules, multiple clotheslines. Virgil trips Hercules which leads to Dibiase rolling up Hercules.

Hercules Has Been Eliminated!

Dibiase gloats about his victory allowing for Savage to sneak up on The Million Dollar Man, eliminating Dibiase from this match, it’s 3 vs 2!

Ted Dibiase Has Been Eliminated!

In comes Haku, Haku nails a clothesline. Diving headbutt misses, Haku eats a clothesline as Savage tags in Hogan. Hogan comes in and eats a thrust kick, Bossman is now legal. Headbutts to the spine of Hogan, big right hand from Bossman. Scoop slam, two for Bossman. Throat thrust from Bossman, tag to Akeem. Akeem clobbers Hogan, tag to Haku. Suplex from Haku for two, Haku stays in control with a shoulder claw. Hogan fades under the pressure from Haku, Hogan survives the hold but Bossman tags not the match, scoring huge with The Bossman Slam.

Bossman positions Hogan for a top rope diving attack, Hogan lays prone in the middle of the ring. Bossman launches himself, missing a massive splash. Hogan is dazed but Savage receives the tag, Savage batters every heel in sight with axe handles. Savage runs off the ropes but Slick nails Savage with his stick, Bossman clubs down Savage. Slick intimidates Elizabeth, grabbing Elizabeth. Hogan gives chase, knocking out Slick. Akeem and Bossman double team Hogan. Bossman has handcuffs, Hogan is stuck to the bottom rope. Bossman is counted out of the match but Bossman uses his nightstick to decimate The Hulkster.

Big Bossman Has Been Eliminated!

Hogan is hunched over by the steel steps, feeling the effects of Bossman’s attacks. Haku and Akeem double team Savage while Bossman chokes Hogan with the nightstick. Bossman nails Savage in the back with the nightstick, Bossman chokes Savage while Akeem nails a splash on Savage. The tide has turned as Haku remains against Savage and Hogan.

Akeem Has Been Eliminated!

Haku continues where Akeem left off, reverse elbow to Savage. Haku gets two, Hogan is barely moving at this stage. Savage avoids an elbow drop from Haku, Irish whip by Haku but Savage avoids the dropkick attempt of Haku. Savage is reaching out for Hogan but Hogan cannot break free, Slick has Savage but Savage ducks, Haku superkicks Slick by mistake. Hogan clotheslines Heenan, Elizabeth searches Slick’s pockets and Hogan is now free from the handcuffs. Hogan climbs to his corner, Haku slams Savage. Haku climbs high, top rope splash by Haku for two. Haku thrust kicks Savage into Hogan, Hogan is in the ring. Big boot, scoop slam and Atomic Leg Drop! Savage and Hogan win the match, The Mega-Powers survive!

Not as an enjoyable struggle like the last match with Jake Roberts but a good main event for this pay per view, the heels dominated for the majority of the match, I like how Bossman and Akeem have been portrayed to be absolute monsters inside of the ring, the sinister side of The Bossman callously attacking Hogan with the nightstick is great, it stands out as there has not been such a despicable heel in the WWF since Roberts. Hogan and Savage bring a level of excitement and electricity to the match, the match is great on star-power alone but I love the little hints that something is turning inside of The Macho Man. Hogan lifting up Elizabeth and Savage reaching for a tag with no Hogan in sight, these are the things that do not sit well with The Macho Man. Good story-telling, enough action and fire added to the feuds taking place at the time leave this main event as a good end to what could be a mixed night!

Winners: The Mega-Powers over Everyone Else via Survival!

That was WWF’s Survivor Series 1988, a mixed bag of a pay per view from the WWF. You can split this show into two parts, the first two matches which are the lower card guys and tag teams battling it out in matches that seem to drag on for too long and leave you not wanting more despite the angle of Fuji turning on Demolition. I think this could have been executed far better as everyone is confused who to cheer when The Powers of Pain take in Fuji and win the match, if everyone is confused, that is not a good sign. The second half of the night which has Team Roberts vs Team Andre and Mega-Powers vs The Twin Towers is awesome. Great story-telling in both matches, Jake The Snake knocks it out of the park in the psychology department and feuds are intensified and interest is build in anticipation of the rematches, you could not ask for hotter or better wrestling coming out of these matches, you want Andre The Giant vs Jake Roberts, you want The Mega-Powers vs The Twin Towers so based on the last two matches, this show is worth seeing. Thanks for reading and remember: there’s always another night!

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