Hello and welcome to another edition
of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series on the
internet that regularly gets things wrong as much as The Dirtsheets! It’s
Saturday Night’s Main Event, April of 1988. The aftermath of Wrestlemania IV,
Macho Madness has taken over! With The Hulkster and Miss Elizabeth, Randy
Savage accomplished his dream, standing atop the WWF mountain as WWF World
Heavyweight Champion. Naturally, the likes of Ted Dibiase and Andre The Giant
are furious due to the way Savage won the championship. Some big matches tonight
with One Man Gang taking on Randy Savage, Ted Dibiase taking on The Magnificent
Muraco and Koko B Ware battles Ravishing Rick Rude, should be a tonne of fun!
Hernandez W/ Bobby Heenan vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Andre The Giant is here to accompany
Hercules too, good promos before the match. Nice bit of continuity as these
matches have been born out of the Wrestlemania IV tournament. Lock-up, clean
break between the two. Boot by Hercules, clubbing blows and Hercules meets the
turnbuckle. Irish whip to the corner by Hercules, Duggan explodes out of the
corner. Andre advises Hercules, big atomic drop and elbow by Duggan. Duggan
eyes up Andre as Hercules talks with Heenan. Duggan brings Hercules into the
ring, back-body drop but Duggan misses a knee drop. Hercules goes right after
the knee, Duggan fights back before Hercules rakes the eyes.
Duggan misses a corner shoulder block,
Hercules nails right hands. Choke against the ropes, Duggan fights back once
more. Hercules pulls Duggan to the floor, Irish whip by Hercules. Elbow brings
down Duggan, Heenan hits Duggan which leads to Duggan grabbing the 2X4. Duggan
is controlling the ring with the heels cowering on the outside, Hercules jumps
Duggan as the 2X4 is disposed of for now. Forearms to the back, Duggan and
Hercules trade blows.
We are in the corner, eye rake from
Hercules. Bearhug, Duggan is knocked down. Knee across the throat, Duggan
avoids the back-body drop with a massive boot, right hands and to the
turnbuckle we go. Ten punches in the corner, Irish whip to the opposite corner.
Massive hiptoss, Duggan calls for The Three-Point Stance. Heenan saves Hercules
but here comes Andre, massive headbutt from Andre. Ultimate Warrior makes the
save, the place is coming unglued!
Duggan is over big time, Heenan is
fantastic and Andre is so hated, it is hard to think that Andre was once one of
the biggest babyfaces in the WWF. Would love to see Duggan square off against
Andre at some point, I know it would be a fun brawl.
Winner: Jim Duggan over Hercules
Hernandez Via DQ!
The Barber Beefcake vs Dangerous Danny Davis W/ Jimmy Hart
Beefcake clipped the hair of Jimmy
Hart at Wrestlemania, Hart wants revenge carrying his own set of shearers to
cut the hair of The Barber. Beefcake pushes off Davis, lock-up. Davis uses the
hair to gain control of Beefcake, right hand does not shake Beefcake. Beefcake
slams Davis off the turnbuckle, hiptoss for Davis. Davis begs off, cheap shot
from Davis. Clubbing blows by Davis, choke using the bottom rope. Foot choke
from Davis, Jimmy Hart almost cuts Beefcake.
Big knee from Beefcake, elbow to the
head. Scoop slam, struttin’ and cuttin’ from Beefcake. Davis slides out of the
ring for a breather, Davis is brought in from the apron. Irish whip, Sleeper!
Jimmy Hart is on the apron, distracting the referee. Davis is gone to sleep,
Brutus The Barber Beefcake wins the match and wants to cut the hair of Davis.
Davis has his hair cut while Beefcake celebrates his victory.
Short match but it packs a tonne of
punch, Beefcake and Hart is going to continue and I want to see it because they
two are very entertaining characters, it is crazy to compare to nowadays where
WWE are trying to use managers once more, hard to believe they have went so
long without memorable managers, Jimmy Hart and Bobby Heenan manage have the
roster and it is not stale in the slightest.
Winner: Brutus The Barber Beefcake
over Danny Davis Via Sleeper!
World Heavyweight Championship Match) Randy Savage © W/ Miss Elizabeth vs One
Man Gang W/ Slick
Gang foolishly was disqualified at
Wrestlemania but Gang will not make the same mistake twice, the massive One Man
Gang is planning on crushing Macho Madness. Slick tries hitting on Elizabeth,
Savage chases away The Slickster. Gang shoves Savage to the corner, Savage
elbows and punches Gang. Irish whip reversed, powerslam for Gang does not work
as Savage drops Gang, Gang kicks out, Savage nails a diving crossbody for two.
Gang eats a hotshot from Savage, Gang shoves off Savage. Clubbing blows from
Gang, massive throat toss from the challenger. Savage ducks a clothesline and
chases after Slick but Gang protects his manager.
Savage is backed into the corner, more
blows rain down from Gang. Elbow drop from two, Gang misses a corner splash.
Elbows from Savage, clothesline knocks Gang to the floor. Slick cheers on Gang,
Savage is on the top rope. Massive Double Axe Handle from Savage, Savage tries
for another but Gang nails a massive right to the ribs. Scoop slam, Gang climbs
to the middle rope. 747 misses, Slick is chasing down Elizabeth. Savage
threatens Slick, Gang cheapshots Savage. Throat Toss from Gang, Slick has his
cane. Slick nails Gang by mistake, Savage scales the turnbuckle, Diving Elbow
Drop and Savage retains his championship.
Electric crowd for this match, good
stuff from Savage and Slick. Slick was a constant annoyance at ringside, pursuing
Elizabeth, making it difficult for Savage to concentrate on the Gang. Macho Madness
is taking over Oh Yeah! Strong championship defence for Savage, things are looking
good in the WWF.
Winner: Randy
Savage over One Man Gang Via Diving Elbow Drop!
The British
Bulldogs W/ Matilda vs Demolition W/ Mr Fuji
The newly-crowned tag team champions
take on The British Bulldogs, Fuji and Demolition plan to do horrible unspeakable
things to Matilda, The Bulldogs plan on whipping Demolition ass. Smash and
Davey Boy begin, rights and lefts from Smash. Irish whip, Davey tags Dynamite.
Clothesline from Dynamite, headbutt. Armwrench, Smash dodges the O Connor Roll
but misses an elbow. Smash tags Ax, Ax pummels Dynamite. Reversal armwrench
from Dynamite, tag to Davey who axe handles on the arm. Quick tag to Dynamite,
Demolition combine to stop the suplex. Ax tags Smash, big bearhug.
Dynamite fights his way out, Smash
tags Ax. Ax lays out Davey and pulls Dynamite to the corner. Tag back to Smash,
Irish whip to the corner. Dynamite blocks an incoming Smash with a boot,
hot-tag to Davey. Pair of scoop slams, dropkick to Ax. Dynamite comes back in,
massive shoulder block from Smash. Dynamite is tossed to the floor, boots from
Fuji. Matilda scares off Fuji, Davey Boy smacks Smash with Fuji’s cane when we
come back from commercial, we have a DQ as The Bulldogs have snapped!
Disappointing end to a match that
could have had the fans jumping out of their seats, the crowd is incredibly hot
on this night and it seems like such a shame at the end of the day. Champs are
protected though, will The Bulldogs be potential challengers? Only time will
tell, good enough match but could have been something so much more.
Demolition over The British Bulldogs Via DQ!
Don “The Rock”
Muraco W/ Billy Graham vs Ted Dibiase W/ Virgil
Dibiase starts hot before Muraco
backdrops Dibiase. Dibiase is bounced off the turnbuckle, Dibiase powders
before Graham threatens Dibiase. After a breather, Dibiase re-enters the ring.
Lock-up, shoulder block by Muraco. Hiptoss from Dibiase, clothesline from
Muraco. Powerslam by Muraco, Virgil places Dibiase’s foot on the ropes. Dibiase
nails a clothesline in the ring, suplex for two. Dibiase looks for the
backdrop, Russian legsweep reversal from Muraco. Elbow by Muraco, running
powerslam by Muraco for two. Dibiase begs off before big right hands from
Dibiase, scoop slam by Dibiase. Muraco’s foot was on the ropes but the referee
failed to see the foot on the ropes, a controversial finish for sure!
Keeping the heat on Dibiase, the potential
next challenger for Savage’s WWF Championship. Did Dibiase need a more
convincing win? I think so if we are going down that route, what I will say
though is Dibiase’s selling is fantastic. Looking forward to more matches from
Winner: Ted Dibiase
over Don Muraco Via Shenanigans!
Ravishing Rick
Rude W/ Bobby Heenan vs Koko B Ware
Rude jumps Koko on the apron, Koko
fights back. They trade blows, Rude eats a dropkick. Koko grinds at Rude, Bird
dance. Lock-up, Koko eats a right hand from Rude. Shots to the back from Rude,
fun and games are over. Elbows to the spine, snap suplex and diving fist drop
from Rude. Dropkick from Rude, Rude poses for the fans some more. Rude misses a
dropkick, rights and lefts from Koko. Backdrop, Koko misses a splash and hurts
his neck. Rude Awakening and this is over. Squash, Rude is charismatic as hell,
that is all.
Winner: Rick Rude
over Koko B Ware Via Rude Awakening!
Thanks for reading and supporting and
remember: There’s always another night!
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