Hello and welcome to another edition
of Seanomaniac Wrestling Reviews, the only wrestling review series with worse
comebacks than The Ultimate Warrior in WCW! The Great American Bash of 2008,
the beginning of the PG Era that every fan wines about and claims killed off
their interests in wrestling. But all the big stars are here, could it really
be as bad as they say from the get-go? Of course not, bad booking and
management decisions contributed to the decline of popularity of wrestling not
a TV rating, a discussion for another time. We have had a few brand changes,
Edge finds himself with a new adversary in The Game Triple H, the two have not
fought since the days of Rated RKO vs DX while new World Heavyweight Champion
CM Punk who cashed in on Edge finds himself across the ring from The Animal
Batista who simply cannot bring home the gold in recent times. However, the
most personal match comes in the form of student turning on mentor as Chris
Jericho, the man who idolized Shawn Michaels comes to end his career inside of
the ring. It’s a stacked card and I am invested 100%, let’ see what The Great
American Bash has to offer!
Edge’s wonderful wedding ruined by
Triple H, Edge had an affair with Alicia Fox. With Vicky hating on Edge, the
leverage that Edge possessed is well and truly gone. Cena and JBL will meet in
a New York City brawl while CM Punk looks to rise to the challenge of The
Animal. The Great American Bash set looks very different from the usual
American-themed set that they use, keep this in mind as WWE goes HD and the
sets begin to look just a little similar.
Tag Team Championship Match) John Morrison & The Miz © vs Curt Hawkins
& Zack Ryder vs Jesse & Festus vs Finlay & Hornswoggle
Ok, it was cute the first time
Hornswoggle and Finlay attempted to win the championships but a second attempt?
They are legitimate contenders for the championships? Come on, the bell rings
and Festus is in the ring with Hornswoggle. Hornswoggle dives onto the
champions, Miz squares off with Festus. Massive leg drop for two, headbutt from
Festus. Toss to the corner, rights and lefts from Festus. Corner splash and tag
to Jesse, monkey flip out of the corner. Arm-wringer and Paige-turner for two.
Big right hand from Festus, Finlay blind tags into the match. Festus boots
Finlay, Miz tags Morrison. Morrison mounts Finlay and takes control, front
chancery and uppercut from Morrison.
Double beatdown from champion, elbows
and reverse chinlock from Miz. Russian legsweep for two from Miz, tag to
Morrison. Forearm and splash onto the knees of Miz, two for the champions.
Knees and neckbreaker from Morrison, tag to Miz. Finlay takes down Miz, knee
from Miz. Miz tags Morrison, Finlay takes down Morrison. Headbutt from Finlay,
Ryder tags in off Morrison. Ryder barely gets a one count, neck crank from
Ryder. Tag to Hawkins, Finlay fights out of the corner. More takedowns and
right hands before Hawkins ains control. Finlay meets the knee of Ryder, Irish
whip by Ryder. Ryder misses a corner splash, rolling firemen’s carry for two.
Shillelagh shot from Finlay, the
champions save Ryder. Hawkins gains control on Finlay, reverse chinlock. Irish
whip by Hawkins, Hornswoggle tags in off Finlay. Headscissors takedown, Jesse
tags in off Hornswoggle. Facebuster and Lou Thesz Press, snap fisherman suplex
for two. Jawbreaker from Hawkins, Hawkins decks Hornswoggle. In comes Festus,
flapjack on Hawkins. Pump kick on Ryder, shoulder block to Hawkins. Flying
splash, Festus hurls Morrison into Miz. Ryder drags Festus out of the ring,
Hawkins yanks Jesse off the top rope neck first, we have new tag team
Certainly a hot opening match, the
crowd responding big time to Finlay and Hornswoggle, is it me who is wrong?
Possibly, for Finlay works the majority of this match against the two heel teams
before brief flurries from Hornswoggle attain the loudest cheers from the
audience. Sadly, it was over before it began as an abrupt finish leaves me
wanting more from this match, Hawkins and Ryder are also not Edgeheads as far
as I can tell, they have less heat than when the did and the time to put the
championships on them was when Edge was running on all cylinders, not now.
However, that is just my thoughts and while it was fun to see Finlay and
Hornswoggle be the stars of this match, can we get some real teams into the mix
for the championships?
Winners: Hawkins & Ryder Over
Everyone Else!
United States Championship Match) Matt Hardy © vs Shelton Benjamin
While the feud between Matt Hardy and MVP
was fun, let’s see what can be done with the championship moving forward,
Benjamin has a non-title victory over Hardy. We begin and Benjamin out-wrestles
Hardy, side headlock from Benjamin. Hardy nails a hiptoss, arm-drag from Hardy.
Push back to the corner, early Pay-Dirt attempt from Benjamin, Benjamin
counters a Twist of Fate. Elbows by Hardy, Hardy is sent over the top rope.
Hardy wants to skin the cat but Benjamin dropkicks Hardy to the floor. Hardy is
drilled into the ringpost from the apron, back suplex from Benjamin for two.
Benjamin is wrenching the face and neck of Hardy, Hardy escapes but Benjamin
stomps away at Hardy.
Back-breaker from Benjamin,
seated-abdominal stretch from Benjamin. Hardy reverses with a Samoan drop like
manoeuvre, Hardy counters with a suplex with a crossbody. Two for Hardy, mean
right hand from Hardy. In the corner, Benjamin boots Hardy and Benjamin
counters a Side Effect for an STO. Another back-breaker with a stretch hold,
Dragon Whip from Benjamin. Hardy avoids another kick, clotheslines and bulldog
for good measure. Two for Hardy, scoop slam and middle rope leg drop for two.
Hardy goes high again, Benjamin counters a hurricanrana for a buckle bomb of
epic proportions. The two men trade roll-ups, Side Effect from Hardy for two.
Twist of Fate is avoided, forearm to the back from Benjamin.
Benjamin places Hardy on the top rope,
super back suplex in mind for the challenger. Hardy battles out of the hold,
moonsault is on the menu but Hardy misses the moonsault as Benjamin sticks up
his knees. Hardy clutches his head, Benjamin measures the champion. Pay-Dirt
and we have a new United States Champion, Shelton Benjamin is back where he
belongs, with gold around his waist.
This was a tasty United States
Championship match, the two had a great back and forth match with Hardy being
solid as always inside of the ring when called upon, Benjamin has his mojo
back, the promos might not be there but in terms of natural talent, Benjamin is
a freak of nature. Wish the back work played into the finish, maybe Hardy did
just overshoot the moonsault and was supposed to hold his ribs or something,
maybe but that’s not important now. What is important is that these two had a
kick-ass match and I would love to see them given a lot more time.
Winner: Shelton Benjamin over Matt
Hardy Via Pay-Dirt!
World Heavyweight Championship Match) Mark Henry © vs Tommy Dreamer
The champion comes out first, what is
this madness? Dreamer comes to the ring with Colin Delaney while Henry has Tony
Atlas in his corner. Loud ECW chants, Henry punks out Dreamer to begin the
match. Lock-up, Henry shoves down Dreamer with ease, Dreamer tries to tackle
Henry but to no avail. Dreamer ducks Henry’s clothesline before a massive
clubbing blow takes down Dreamer. Kicks to the ribs from Henry, Henry steps all
over Dreamer. Henry chokes and rakes at Dreamer’s face, headbutt from Henry.
Neck crank from Henry, Dreamer attempts to fight out but Henry continues to
wear down Dreamer. Arm-wringer from Henry, Dreamer battles before a massive axe
handle takes down Dreamer.
Dreamer fights back again but Henry
brings down Dreamer. Dreamer avoids a splash though, low dropkick from Dreamer.
Rights and lefts, Irish whip by Henry. Dreamer elbows Henry, clothesline does
not take down Henry. Henry shoves Dreamer to the corner, splash is avoided.
Neckbreaker by Dreamer for two, Dreamer DDT. Atlas is on the apron, Delaney
chases off Atlas. Dreamer is on the middle rope, Delaney hangs up Dreamer on
the top rope, World’s Strongest Slam and Dreamer has been defeated.
I liked this match an awful lot,
Dreamer wastes no time in showing Henry is as strong as they come, Dreamer
knows he is up against it, Dreamer knows that Henry can kill him in one go and
Dreamer’s plan is about surviving the onslaught in the hopes of one shot at
Henry. Henry dominates, looks good doing so and Henry’s trash talk is
tremendous too with Henry saying “The fans can’t save you”. Brilliant from
Henry, Dreamer shows that Henry is the man and you have a feud readymade for
Dreamer vs Colin Delaney.
Winner: Mark Henry over Tommy Dreamer
Via World’s Strongest Slam!
Michaels vs Chris Jericho
wants to end the career of Michaels, Michaels cost Jericho his championship
while Jericho may have cost HBK his career due to his eye injury, Jericho threw
Michaels into The Jeritron 3000. Michaels’ words ring out through the arena,
“No matter what you accomplish, you will never be me” Chills ladies and
gentlemen, Jericho has been rocked to his core with these words, the defiant
heel shaken to his foundations, can Jericho cement his legacy?
The two
stare one another down, Michaels is unfazed by Jericho but Jericho looks a
little tense and a little nervous. Lock-up, right hands and forearms by both
men. Shots to the eye, knees to the ribs. Chop from HBK, Irish whip to the
corner. Forearms to the side of the head, HBK is holding his ribs constantly. Jericho
sends HBK to the corner, boot by Michaels. Chop block, takedown and an attempt
and a successful one with a figure four. Stomp in the corner, all directed at
the leg. Forearms in the corner from HBK, Jericho is begging for a break, using
the referee as a shield. Irish whip to the opposite corner, HBK is reversed and
flips over to the apron. Triangle dropkick from Jericho, Michaels crashes to
the floor while Jericho sells the leg.
Axe handle
from the steps by Y2J, HBK is tossed back in the ring. Big kick to the ribs,
Jericho steps on the head of Michaels. Back suplex, slaps from Jericho.
Shoulder thrusts in the corner, snapmare into a stretch, focusing on the back
of Michaels. Michaels breaks free, elbows from both men. Enzuigiri from Jericho
stops HBK’s offence, two for Jericho. Scoop slam by Jericho, Jericho measures
Michaels. Middle rope axe handle fails Jericho, inverted atomic drop by
Michaels. Flying forearm, kip-up but Michaels holds his ribs. Jericho rolls
through on Michaels, Walls of Jericho. Michaels crawls and makes the ropes,
Jericho has to break the hold. Massive forearm from Jericho, Jericho whips HBK
to the opposite corner. Looking for a bulldog, Michaels counters with a massive
clothesline for two.
climbs to the top rope, Michaels is too slow. Jericho crotches Michaels,
Jericho meets Michaels on the top rope. Superplex is blocked, Michaels shoves
off Jericho. Massive Elbow Drop from Michaels, Michaels is all fired up looking
to end this match. Lance Cade is here, distracting Michaels. Jericho attempts
The Codebreaker but Michaels blocks and jacknife covers Jericho for two,
roll-up from Jericho for two. They trade forearms once more, HBK hiptosses
Jericho onto Cade at ringside. Cade and Jericho stagger to their feet, The
Show-Stopper is on the top rope. Top rope moonsault from HBK, Michaels, Jericho
elbows Michaels as Michaels re-enters the ring. HBK’s injured eye has been
opened up, Michaels blades fantastically as always.
kicks HBK to stop a back body drop, Jericho’s face says it all. The eye is the
target, straight right hands to the eye of Michaels. Closed fists over and
over, Michaels is bleeding everywhere, the crimson mask has been donned.
Jericho is ruthless in his assault on the eye, Michaels sells the beating like
death. Cade gets a boot in too for good measure, Michaels acts like a wounded
animal, trying to cover up from the damage. Jericho adds to the punishment with
headbutts to the eye, great little touch. Out of nowhere, crossface from
Michaels. Jericho sends HBK into the middle rope, the eye is the target once
more. Again, a sickening boot to the eye. Michaels tries to pull himself up,
forearms to the face from Jericho, Jericho ties up Michaels in a crucifix-like
hold with repeated shots to the eye. The referee calls off the match, Jericho
is your winner as Michaels can no longer continue.
That was a
tremendous angle with a match that lived up to the hype that the story-line
commanded, a lot of little things to like about this match. Little selling
details, facial expressions such as Jericho realizing the target on Michaels,
the crucifix and headbutts were a nice addition and the blade job Michaels did
was so accurate for being hit with a stray elbow, Michaels scratching and
clawing throughout the beaten was great, Michaels is going to be sorely missed
when he retires for I enjoy every match he has given me since his return at
Summerslam 02, I cannot think of a bad Shawn Michaels match. Thought the
assault may have gone on too long at the end, could have been shortened for
more dramatic affect but it does not take away of how good this was and
infamously, this is the match that got blood banned in PG-WWE.
Chris Jericho over Shawn Michaels Via TKO!
(WWE Divas Championship Match) Michelle McCool vs Natalya
This match
will crown the inaugural Divas champion, too good female wrestlers competing
for a new championship, I welcome the addition of a second championship as the
brand-split allows two rosters so why not? Mccool takes down Natalya,
waist-lock counter from Natalya but McCool dropkicks Natalya. Two, arm-wringer
and uppercuts. Irish whip, McCool flips over Natalya and nails a big boot.
McCool attempts a Mysterio-style bulldog but Natalya counters and sends McCool
into the ropes. Natalya slams McCool into the mat, Natalya looks for a Romero
special. Beautifully executed, McCool counters and applies a heel-hook with
Natalya reaching the ropes. From the apron, Natalya nails a forearm and
stretches McCool across the ringpost.
stomps the leg and gets two, forearms to the face. McCool battles back from her
knees, Natalya trips McCool, looking for The Sharpshooter, Natalya locks the
hold in the middle of the ring. McCool reaches the ropes, Natalya is shocked
and lays into McCool with right hands. Second sharpshooter attempt is countered
for a heel-hook in the middle of the ring. Natalya cannot reach the ropes,
Natalya kicks and claws but is forced to tap.
This was
good, I enjoyed the match despite the lack of time given to the two wrestlers,
McCool and Natalya could have a good match given the time. Natalya is
technically sound in the ring, loved how she worked the legs and back of
McCool, like McCool’s finish too. Looking forward to seeing what they do with
McCool as the babyface of the division. My hopes are dashed within seconds for
a legitimate Divas division as McCool is our inaugural champion who does not
get a proper celebration as Jericho cuts a promo on HBK which tells you all you
need to know.
Michelle McCool over Natalya Via Heel-Hook!
(WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match) CM Punk © vs
So, Batista
and Punk have been jerked around for months, Punk won Money In The Bank which
meant losing his ECW Championship clean to Chavo Guerrero and suffering losses
on pay per view and Raw until cashing in on Edge. Due to stale booking in the
WWE, Batista had been in and out of the world championship picture suffering
loss after loss to Edge. Here we go again with Batista looking to win the world
championship but a new and younger foe is staring back at Batista, that being
CM Punk.
Punk comes
out first, that’s a pet peeve of mine hit right away. Punk is viewed as an
underdog heading into this match, can Punk topple The Animal? Lock-up, obvious
power advantage for Batista, Batista smiles at Punk. Lock-up again, Batista is
in control. Hammerlock from Punk, massive elbow from Batista. Batista is
laughing at Punk so far, Punk kicks the legs of The Animal. Quickness from Punk,
forearms from the champion. Off the ropes, no powerslam for Batista. O Connor
roll does not pay off for Punk, elbow from Batista for two. Batista misses a
corner clothesline, no schoolboy for Punk. Massive enzugiri drives Batista to
the floor, baseball slide from Punk.
Suicide dive
from Punk, two for Punk. Stiff kick to the back, more kicks from Punk. Irish
whip but Batista reverses Punk, hard Irish whip from the challenger. Punk hits
the turnbuckle hard again, suplex for two. Camel clutch from The Animal, Punk
escapes and Batista pummels Punk in the spine. Over and over, Punk’s back is
targeted with massive forearms. Punk fires back with a leaping calf-kick,
Batista is on the apron. Kicks from Punk, whip to the corner from Batista. Punk
elbows Batista, high-flying crossbody from Punk for two. Kick into the corner,
Punk’s high knee is blocked for a powerbomb attempt. Punk escapes but does not
dodge the running powerslam. Batista Bomb is blocked as Punk holds onto the
ropes, Punk kicks Batista from the apron. High knee in the corner, no bulldog
but a massive right roundhouse for two.
GTS is
countered, more spine shots. Corner clothesline from Batista, make it two.
Batista gets caught in a triangle choke using the ropes, springboard forearm
from Punk for two. Anaconda Vice attempt from Punk, Batista rolls over for two.
More kicks to the shoulder, Batista blocks the kick. Slaps and backfists from
Punk, lariat from Batista. Spinebuster into the corner, shoulder thrusts.
Batista misses a corner spear, hitting the ring-post hard. Punk attempts a
crossbody from the apron, spinebuster onto the concrete from The Animal. Punk
is lifeless, here is Kane! Why? Not sure but here’s Kane, we have a DQ!
So, that
came off as interesting in the beginning, two babyfaces with Batista healing it
up against his younger adversary. Punk earns the respect of Batista through
heart and determination, causing Batista to get serious against Punk. Some nice
spots mixed in but that finish leaves it all very flat, what need for Kane was
there? Why would Punk celebrate like he’s the better man considering it was a
DQ that ended the match? Also, the chemistry between Lawler and Cole simply is
not there just yet, it feels awkward and lifeless at times, it annoyed me
during Michaels vs Jericho but it really got to me in this match. Batista comes
off as a sore loser again, coming up short like an amazing choke artist while
Punk is destroyed and left laying, not very champion like.
Double DQ!
(New York City Parking Lot Brawl) John Cena vs JBL
JBL has been
fantastic since his return to the WWE, very few would play the bully character
better than JBL. I guess a case of art imitating life but JBL is completely
unlikeable in his role and believable which is tremendous. This feud goes back
to Wrestlemania 21, the two have had first blood and brawls which have kicked a
whole lot of ass, looking forward to the end of the feud in this match. JBL
also tried to kill Cena with his Limo, very nice! Not really, it is ridiculous.
They talk
about Cena’s mental state to begin which is baffling considering the one with
the deranged mental state is obviously I don’t know maybe the guy who nearly
killed him? JBL enters the circle of cars first with a crowbar, JBL is understandably
nervous. A clanging of bars freaks JBL out, where could Cena be? Cena was
hiding in another car, Cena tried to run over JBL. Cena exits the car and
batters JBL with jumper cables. JBL is slammed off the hood of a car, the hood
is closed on JBL’s head. JBL has his balls electrocuted because why not Cena
picks up a keg. JBL just dodges the keg, trying to escape in a car. JBL has his
head rammed into the steering wheel, fist fight with JBL winning that war.
JBL whips
Cena into a car door which flies off the car, JBL pummels Cena with boots to
the head. Cena is slammed off a car roof, clubbing blows from JBL. Hangman’s
neckbreaker on the hood of the car, two for JBL. JBL continues to dish out
punishment to Cena with a devastating DDT on the roof of a car. JBL misses a
crowbar shot but floors Cena with a massive knee to the ribs, Cena is coughing
pretty bad. JBL sends Cena through a car window head-first, JBL tosses Cena
into the back of said vehicle. JBL walks over to his limo, revealing JBL’s
plan. JBL has a petrol tank and plans to light Cena on fire, but Cena’s mental
state should be questioned. JBL attempts murder, walking away like a man who
knows that victory is assured, that and a possible death sentence.
survives, battering JBL off another car. JBL is tossed inside of a car, Cena
enters a forklift and spears the shit out of JBL who is in the car. Cena
proceeds to lift the car with the forklift, bringing the action to the stage in
front of the fans. Cena has JBL down on the ramp, right hands from both men.
Series of rights from JBL before Cena hits his spinning back suplex, a Five
Knuckle Shuffle on the ramp? Wham, it connects for Cena who hurts himself in
the process. Cena measures, FU but wait, Cena wants to do it on the car. JBL
was playing possum though, Cena is thrown and hurled through the windshield of
the car. JBL steals the win!
Happy to see
JBL get a win in the series, JBL had been dominated so to walk away with a win
was nice, the match itself was nice in parts. Very physical, hatred coming out
of both men throughout, noticeably silly in parts. JBL and Cena both tried to
murder one another like it was nothing, absolutely ridiculous. However, the
action itself was solid and Cena’s lust for vengeance is what cost him the
match and ultimately, that told a good story in a solid match from two good
Winner: JBL
over John Cena Via Windshield Horror!
(WWE Championship Match) Triple H © vs Edge
Edge had
vanquished The Undertaker and Batista but a cash-in from CM Punk robbed Edge of
his cultivated top-spot in the company. Edge finds himself across the ring from
WWE Champion Triple H who just so happened to ruin the one thing that Edge
thought could never go wrong and that was Edge’s relationship with Smackdown
General Manager Vickie Guerrero. Triple H uncovered footage of Edge cheating
with his wedding planner, burning that bridge to the ground between Edge and
Edge jumps
on Triple H, Edge is all fired up. Edge nails right hands, Irish whip reversal
with Edge being sent to the floor. The Game whips Edge into a barricade at
ringside, elbows across the throat from Triple H. Slingshot across the top rope
from Triple H, Triple H does it again with the neck being the target this time.
Knee drops across the neck from the champion, right hand from The Game. Irish
whip to the corner and clothesline to the back of the neck, Triple H dominating
this match. Edge gains the upper-hand when Triple H makes a costly mistake, the
ribs are the intended target. Corner Spear from Edge, Triple H battles back but
Edge nails knees to the ribs and clubbing blows to the back.
Hard Irish whip, The Game is sent into the
steel steps hard. Edge gloats in the ring, Edge spears Triple H into the apron
and flapjacks the champion onto the announce table. Two for Edge, body-scissors
from The Rated R Superstar. Triple H escapes and boots Edge, right hands from
The Game. Irish whip, boot to dodge the back body drop from Edge but Triple H
nails a huge clothesline. Irish whip with Edge reversing, knee face-buster from
The Game. Edge spills to the floor, Edge hits the ring-post hard. Edge kicks
away Triple H who was trying to re-enter the ring. Baseball slide misses for
Edge but Edge nails The Impaler on the floor.
Two for Edge
in the ring, Edge climbs to the middle rope. Dropkick does not work, catapult
into the corner by the champion. Massive DDT from Triple H, two for the
champion. Pedigree is countered for an Edge O Matic, two for Edge. Edge misses
the spear, hitting the turnbuckle hard. Roll-up for two, Edge boots The Game in
the face. Triple H nails a spinebuster to stop the spear, Pedigree is blocked
again. Edge backs Triple H into the corner, Edge sets up The Game for a
superplex. Edge headbutts Triple H, superplex with both men laying flat in the
middle of the ring.
Here comes
Edge’s wedding planner, Alicia Fox. Alicia has the championship, Alicia slides
the championship to Edge. Vickie comes out and takes the championship, Vickie
is in the ring. She pie-faces the referee, we have a catfight in the middle of
the ring. The referee is all caught up, Edge Spears Vickie. Edge looks on like
Fuck, Triple H is up. Pedigree and Triple H retains the championship.
Not overly
impressive, I liked where the match was going with the rib work but it is all
over before we can get a satisfying climax. Interference in the second world championship
match of the night, third if you think of the ECW match so that’s frustrating.
Loved Edge’s initial rage with The Game taking advantage but it just never
kicked into that second gear, I much preferred Randy Orton as champion, so sad
his reign was cut short but onwards and upwards, let’s see what The Game gives
us on Smackdown.
Triple H over Edge Via Pedigree!
That was WWE’s
Great American Bash 2008, a solid show from the WWE. I would not praise the
card too highly for the championship matches were disappointing for reasons I
will list below and a good angle could have been so much more. To kick off, the
tag team championship match was fun although it was on the short side, I an
only predict putting the championships on Ryder & Hawkins must be due to
Morrison and Miz splitting up because they were money together and do not deserve
to be wasted. Benjamin capturing the gold was good too, a solid match with Matt
Hardy and the chance to bring out his natural talent in championship matches is
something I look forward to. The ECW Championship match went five minutes, at
least it can build to a feud for Dreamer and Delaney but that’s all there is
about that match.
Michaels and
Jericho had a great build and the selling of Michaels carries this match into
the awesome territory but that awesomeness comes crashing down as the end was
far too long. It was dramatic but the match should have been stopped before, it
brought down what was a touching and emotional moment. Facials and selling were
great, story-telling was great but just too long in the end. CM Punk’s
questionable booking continues with a DQ finish to his first world championship
defence on pay per view and being destroyed by both Kane and Batista once the
match had ended, I thought the booking would improve but I am not sure how
determined WWE is to make Punk a top guy during this time, lord knows they need
more top people in the company. Triple H and Edge begins in a fun manner before
never reaching that next level needed for a main event, solid but nothing to
write home about. Thanks for reading and remember: There’s always another
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